Financial Management: General Ledger in Microsoft Dynamics GP

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Financial Management


General Ledger
in Microsoft Dynamics GP
Maintain precise focus with Sharply reduce time and effort spent on key accounting tasks
advanced automation. Refocus your
with comprehensive automation. Track and analyze your financial
energy on mission-critical issues by
minimizing time spent on routine information in the way that best suits your business—not someone
accounting tasks through automation else’s—with tools and accounting structures that you design
of general ledger transactions,
yourself to serve your needs. The intelligent accounting and
payment adjustments, and more.
analysis capabilities of General Ledger in Microsoft DynamicsTM
Improve your decision making. GP empower you to manage the financial heart of your business,
Get the answers you need to make
better business decisions with
giving you the vital information you need to make your finances
comprehensive reports and easy-to- work for you and improve the way you do business.
use inquiry tools that facilitate rapid,
accurate analysis of your business

Streamline your accounting.

Reduce transaction entry steps, and
increase accuracy by copying, voiding,
deleting, or correcting general ledger
transactions with full audit control.

Improve your efficiency.

Empower your employees with a
straightforward, consistent focus
for managing accounting data that
lowers administrative costs and gives
you tight control over the financial
heart of your business.
by automating the
Benefit from tight integration.
correction of posting
Expand your business potential by errors.
using General Ledger to tap into
information in other modules in
Microsoft Dynamics GP, and include
that information in accounting or
analysis tasks.


easily import the budget details
using a wizard interface.

Flexible Accounting • Quickly void or delete un-posted transactions, back out or reverse
posted transactions, and create correcting entries―all with full
Tools audit control.
• Improve advanced financial analysis capabilities by modifying existing
General Ledger financial reports or creating new reports―all with
From flexible account options to
comparative analysis and complete graphical support.
intelligent transaction processing,
the comprehensive accounting • Create customized account structures and personalized shortcut
tools in General Ledger enable navigation.
you to capture and analyze vital • Capture non-financial data and link it to accounts, without recording
financial information so you know the information in General Ledger.
where you’ve been and can chart
where you’re going. • Simplify transaction management with general, recurring, and auto-
reversing entries.
• Efficiently handle multiple currencies with full control over
transactions in either the original or functional (home) currencies.

Analytical Accounting • Focus on the financial data you need to make better business
decisions by including or restricting report content that is important
to your organization’s reporting needs.
Analyze financial data by • Achieve a detailed view of your accounting transactions, and enable
whatever criteria you require, deep analysis by organizing data hierarchically for multi-level
introduce greater reporting reporting.
flexibility and extensibility, and • Define the information that is important to your business and analyze
analyze transactions efficiently. financial data by whatever criteria you require, using user-defined
transaction dimension codes and account classes.
• Improve financial analysis and reporting accuracy with functions that
facilitate easier data entry and sharply reduce user error.
• Find and analyze transactions with precision across your entire
organization with tight integration across the following modules in
Microsoft Dynamics GP—General Ledger, Receivables Management,
Payables Management, Inventory, Sales Order Processing, Purchase
Order Processing, Grant Management, and Bank Reconciliation.

User-Defined Accounting Design an accounting structure to suit your business or create unique
Structures structures for each company in your organization. It’s easy with
extensive flexibility, structures up to 66 characters long, up to 10
segments of any length, and customizable General Ledger fields.

Flexible Account and Transaction Manage accounts and transactions with unlimited flexibility using
Management user-defined accounting structures, definable fiscal periods, prior-year
adjustments, batch posting, cross-module auditing, and more.

General Ledger Account Automatically display General Ledger account descriptions based on
Descriptions previously defined segments for increased efficiency.

Easily create default budget templates―complete with accounts,

descriptions, and default amounts―in Microsoft® Office Excel®, and
then export and import budgets to and from Office Excel through an
interactive wizard.

General Ledger Reports Improve advanced financial analysis capabilities by modifying existing
General Ledger financial reports or creating new reports with unit-
account information, comparative analysis, and complete graphical

Microsoft FRx Desktop Reports Easily create comprehensive reports consolidating information from
multiple companies or provisional transactions; or define new reporting
relationships with Microsoft FRx® Desktop.

System-wide Information Access Find and analyze the exact information you need through the tight
integration of General Ledger with other Microsoft Dynamics GP
modules such as Receivables Management, Payables Management,
Invoicing, Sales Order Processing, and Crystal Reports.

Copy General Ledger Entries Reduce data entry and increase accuracy by copying an existing
General Ledger transaction and using it as the basis for new

Void and/or Correct General Ledger Quickly void or delete unposted transactions, back out or reverse
Transactions posted transactions, and post corrected entries—all with full audit

Make General Ledger Accounts Maintain precise control with the ability to mark both posting and unit
Inactive accounts inactive at any point in time (with or without balances).

Budget Based on Start and Select a start and end date to support budgets of varying time
End Date intervals, such as quarterly, semi-annually, or multi-year, while keeping
the existing options for fiscal year intact for budgets.

Interfund Accounting Help reduce errors associated with manual reconciliation of funds.
Transfer balances between accounts accurately and efficiently. Part
of the Intercompany Transactions module, interfund accounting is
especially important to public sector and not-for-profit agencies.
Workflow Leverage the workflow provided by Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server
to route a General Ledger batch to one or more individuals
for approval.

Account Level Security Filter account views based on permissions, helping to increase
security and eliminate errors caused by entries made to incorrect
accounts. Intercompany Transactions manages single-use or recurring
transactions between companies in your organization, which sharply
increases flexibility in defining inter-company relationships and
streamlines account distributions per journal entry.

Financial Management modules (for example, Intercompany Transactions, Grant Management, Bank
Reconciliation, and others) are sold separately.

For more information about General Ledger in Microsoft Dynamics GP,

© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, the Microsoft Dynamics logo, and
SharePoint are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
countries. This document is for informational purposes only.

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