Fluid Level Sensors in Oil & Gas

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Liquid level sensing plays an important role in monitoring fluids throughout the lifecycle of oil and gas wells, from drilling through production and wastewater treatment. Reliable level measurement helps ensure efficient operations and environmental protection.

Common applications include storage tank level monitoring, chemical injection systems, drilling fluid tanks, and produced water storage.

Produced water often contains toxic chemicals and needs to be carefully collected, treated and disposed of to prevent environmental contamination. Unnoticed spills from storage tanks have resulted in costly fines and cleanups. Continuous remote monitoring helps address these challenges.

Fluid Level Sensors in Oil & Gas

With the growth in unconventional drilling, the need for liquid level sensors grows

The new look of Oil & Gas

drilling. This is now a high tech
discipline dependent upon a
wide variety of sensors and
controls to extract the resource
while protecting the environment.
Fluid sensing in Oil & Gas is more important than ever. Water, oils and chemical fluids
are integral throughout the lifecycle of a well, and even more so with the increased
activity in unconventional drilling techniques such as hydraulic fracturing. New
techniques and regulations have added the need monitor a wide variety of chemicals
along with processing flow back and produced wastewater. Liquid level sensing now
goes beyond the issues of equipment performance and reliability. Today’s producers
must contend with the byproducts of their operations to provide better protection
against environmental contamination through better collection, storage and treatment.
Each of these steps is handled more efficiently, and with better assurance, when liquid
level sensing is applied.

Chemical Storage Frac Storage

Common Liquid Level Sensing Trucks Tanks
• Storage Tank Level Monitoring
• Chemical Injection

• Hydraulic and Lubricating Oil
• Drilling Fluid (“Mud”) Tank Monitoring
• Tote Level Monitoring
Frac Pumpers

Frac Blenders


Produced Water Monitoring with Reliable
Level Sensors
Although hydraulic fracturing is today exempt from the Clean
Water Act, various environmental groups are pressing drilling
companies to act in good faith and self-govern their practices of
controlling water use and contaminants.

A long list of toxins are associated with found water resulting

from unconventional drilling. Depending on the location, size,
and duration of the drilling site, treatment of produced water
may happen at the site or may be transported to other treatment
facilities. Regardless, this contaminated water is typically stored
onsite in some fashion until it is treated. Some of the most
common chemicals in found water include:

• Methanol
• Isopropanol
• Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (2-butoxyethanol)
• Ethylene glycol (1,2-ethanediol) production located throughout Pennsylvania and West Virginia
• Hydrotreated light petroleum distillates with alarms that will be triggered to alert operators immediately
• Sodium hydroxide (Caustic soda) in the event of any future spills, and implement a program to
actively monitor interconnected wastewater storage tanks.
Successful plans deal wiith the continuous collection, treatment
and disposal of these and other toxins as part of the overall Oil Similarly, and also in Pennsylvania, unnoticed malfunctions
& Gas production routine. Use of reliable liquid level sensing has released toxic collected fluids from fracking operations. In one
become a major component of executing these plans. case 9,000 gallons spilled onto an adjacent farm, in another the
spill was 227,000 gallons that caused the evacuation of many
Failures have been costly. Following an EPA action, Exxon homes.
recently agreed to pay a $100K penalty and spend an estimated
$20M to prevent spills of wastewater from gas-drilling operations Today, best practices in Oil & Gas exploration and production
in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. At issue was a spill in 2010 provide better assurances to the public about the safety of
where state inspectors came across a leak stemming from an drinking water and general environmental protection. The
open valve at a frack water recycling plant. Inspectors noted Environmental Protection Agency has suggested a solution to
that the open valve was connected to a series of tanks that held continuously monitor the level of wastewater in order to prevent
wastewater from fracking wells throughout the state. Sensing spills of wastewater generated from natural gas exploration. Key
unexpected drops in fluid level within these tanks could have to their solution is reliable, accurate level sensors.
prevented what was determined to be a release of chlorides, Sensor types used: Buoyancy (float), Optic, Capacitance, and
strontium and barium into a nearby river supplying local drinking Ultrasonic point level switches, plus Buoyancy, Ultrasonic, and
water. As part of the agreement, the company must install a Magnorestrictive Continuous Level Transmitters
continuous, remote monitoring system for all of its permanent


Accurate Level Detection in Drilling Fluid “Mud” Tanks
Base Material Storage Tanks—These tanks hold the base fluids
such as lyes and oils used to produce the Mud mixture. They
are normally located near or on the drilling platforms. Buoyancy,
Capacitance and Optical low level sensors serve this application

Mud Pits—These tanks normally include nozzles or agitators to

keep the mud mixed consistantly. The sensing technology used
in these tanks must be able to sense a variety of mixtures with a
wide range of viscosity and composition.

Trip Tanks—This is the name given to intermediate storage

tanks that hold mud streaming back from the borehole. This
mud is contaminated with oil, gas, seawater, rock and sand, and
must be stored until treated. Mud Shakers—Used to remove
rocks and sand, to reclaim reuseable liquid components of mud.
Containment tanks used in the process should include level

A variety of point level switches and continuous level transmitters

When drilling, operators need to lubricate the drill bit to avoid have been used for decades by a variety of tank manufacturers
excessive temperature by injecting a mixture of compounds to detect an adequate level of mud and its constituants before,
called “Mud” down into the bore hole. during, and after its primary use in the borehole. These sensors
typically interface with controllers that automate processes and
There are several tanks that may be used in the process of trigger critical alarms. The accuracy and dependability of the
producing and storing Mud, each of which should be monitored sensor gives the assurance of uptime while drilling.
for the content level to prevent any cessation of Mud delivery to
the drill. Examples of Mud tanks include the following: Sensor types used: Buoyancy (float), Optic, Capacitance, and
Ultrasonic point level switches, plus Buoyancy, Ultrasonic, and
Magnorestrictive Continuous Level Transmitters

Additional Oil & Gas Level Sensing Applications

Effluent Tanks—Offshore platforms must protect the oceans Oil Separators—Oil directly
from contaminating materials that collect on the platform. Rain from the borehole is mixed
drainage carries these contaminates off the platform where with sand, various gases
they are captured in effluent tanks. This wastewater is then and water. Water and oil LOW SPECIFIC GRAVITY LIQUID

transferred to special containers and disposed of. Reliable also form an emulsion.
level sensing is a key element in the prevention of effluent tank Knowing the boundaries of EMULSION

overflow and environmental contaminations that can lead to the oil, water and emulsion
costly fines and cleanup. is critical to the separation

level transmitters can

define these boundaries. INTERFACE #1 TRANSMITTER
Illustration 1 shows INTERFACE #2 TRANSMITTER


Ilustration 1
transmitters fitted with
floats targeted to three specific gravities that identify the water,
oil and emusions boundary layers.

Hydraulic Oil Tanks—The heavy tools, lifting platforms and

cranes used on drilling sites rely on remote hydraulic power
generation connected by a closed system of hoses and joints.
Each independent system has an a tank for the hydaulic fluid.
Over time, however, hydraulic fluid inevitably leaks. Level
sensors in the oil supply tanks provide continuous monitoring
and ensure operational integrity and safety.


Sample of Gems Level Sensors in Oil & Gas

Single Point Multi Point Tank Gauging Continuous Level

Level Switches Level Switches Level Indicators Transmitters

As the world seeks to more efficiently capitalize on its Reliability: Gems Sensors are built and certified to withstand the
hydrocarbon resources, Gems Sensors plays an integral role rugged environmental conditions that Oil & Gas equipment must
in ensuring safe and consistent operations. For over 50 years, endure.
Gems Sensors has customized solutions for the dynamic
Low Power: Gems Sensors understands that low energy
needs of Oil & Gas customers. Gems manufactures a wide
solar panel powered remote sensing is key to operational cost
array of sensors to detect pressure, level, and flow in variety savings.
of Oil & Gas applications Gems Sensors is trusted by leading
international equipment manufacturers and system integrators: Peace of Mind: Gems Sensors knows that the failure of any
component means expensive downtime for your customers.
Count on Gems Sensor to deliver a quality product on time to
keep your customers’ operations running.

Solution Variety: Gems Sensors offers an extensive range of

pressure, level, valve, and flow sensors designed to fit almost
any Oil & Gas requirement. We have models that handle
extreme temperature and pressure requirements, and offer
materials that can help you meet the stringent standards of the
Oil & Gas industry.

For More Information Please Contact:

Gems Sensors & Controls

[email protected]

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