Canine Courier May 2018

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The publication discusses police canine organizations, training, and news related to police K9 units.

The publication is a quarterly magazine called the Canine Courier that is published by the United States Police Canine Association (USPCA).

The United States Police Canine Association (USPCA) and various regional K9 units are mentioned.




VOL. 31, NO.1

Training the
K9 Team
in Senior Dogs
Agency Spotlight
DNR K9 Unit

The National Detector Dog Field Trials and Certification

Per Night

HITS 2018
Washington DC
August 14-17, 2018
Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center

Sponsored By:

More Insturctors & Classes

Than Any Other Police K-9 Seminar
Robert (Doc) Dougherty, Flourtown, PA
2017-2018 National Officers
President: Jason Brodt, St. Paul, MN
Secretary: Melinda Ruopp, Marshaltown, IA
Treasurer: James Matarese, Falmouth, VA
5 Letters to the Editor
5 President’s Message
Brady Harrison, Woodbury, MN
6 National Secretary’s Report
John Freeman, Bryans Road, MD
7 Director’s Report
Harry Barraclough, Cantonment, FL
9 Proposed Rule Change
Alternate - Ron Bowling, Lakeland, FL
10 Region Reports
Vice Presidents 20 Events, Training, Certification
Northeast – Carlos Rolon, Alexandria, VA 64 End of Watch
Southeast – Brandon Gilmore, Waynesville, NC
Southwest – Noel Salamoni, Greenwell Features
Springs, LA
21 National Dectector Dog Field Trials
Central – Ryan Machin, Springfiled, IL
West – Bradley Bengford, Colorado Springs, CO 22 Osteoarthritis in Dogs
Northwest – Joshua Stenseth, Star Prairie, WI 24 USPCA News
USPCA Executive Director 25 Mexico
Dr. David “Lou” Ferland 26 Agency K9 Unit Spotlight
Assistant Professor Mount
38 Supporting Wellness and Cognitive Health in Senior K9s
Washington College
3 Sundial Avenue Trainer’s Corner
Manchester, NH 03103
31 What Effects a K9 Team’s Success
Published Quarterly Robert Dougherty
by the U.S.P.C.A., Inc.
44 Understanding and Training the Explosive
Business & Editorial Offices Detection Canine — Don Slavik
Robert Dougherty Jr. 52 Experience Can Teach a Dog Many Things
410 Norfolk Rd. Don Sterling
Flourtown, PA 19031
Phone: 610.316.3942
Fax: 215.948.3594
Email: [email protected]
This publication assumes no tresponsibility for Do you have a cover photo??
statements made by contributors. Please submit high resolution (300 dpi)
photos for cover consideration to
Website: Canine Courier: [email protected]


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2 2| Canine Courier
| Canine Courier October | November
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December 2017
| May 2018
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49 49
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4 | Canine Courier • Works with Hot-N-Pop® Pro orMarchK9 Heat| April
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For the first quarter of 2018 the Ca- host of others. Please refer to our sure we will be hearing more about
nine Courier continues to remain Advertisers Index and support them that trip over the next few months.
self-sufficient in funding through our as well. The USPCA Challenge Coin is for
advertisers. Without their support There are several conferences up- sale to support those who protect
the Courier would have to survive coming in 2018. HITS in Wash- and serve which can be purchased
off of members’ dues alone. So ington D.C, Working Dog Con- through the USPCA Store.
when you or your agency is consid- ference hosted by Working Dog The National Detector Trials are
ering purchases, please take into Magazine in St. Louis and K9 coming up in May at Stockton Uni-
account those within these pages Cop in Nashville. Please try to get versity in New Jersey.
who are staunch supporters of the to a conference this year to keep
police K9 community. The Couri- Finally a reminder that the Canine
up to date on the latest information
er picked up two new advertisers Courier is better when members
about our industry. In this quarters
this quarter and welcomes Eden participate in its’ success by con-
publication we are highlighting the
K9 Consulting & Training Corp tributing the successes of their K9
Minnesota Department of Nat-
and Odortrace. Two of the Cou- teams on the street, sending in sto-
ural Resources Division of En-
riers longest term advertisers Ace ries and photos of events or training
forcement K9 Unit. Please think
K9 and Boston Leather contin- experiences that can benefit the en-
about highlighting your own agen-
ue their support. Police Service tire membership. Be safe, take care
cy’s K9 unit in the Courier. A recent
Dogs (PSD) continues to support of your partner 2*.
trip by USPCA representatives to
the Courier and the USPCA with a Mexico was successful and I am Bob Dougherty - Editor

Fellow Members, Look for some new tests are ready for anything
coming soon. There is a that gets thrown at you.
I hope all is well with all whole bunch of things Now is the time to train
of you. As you read this going to the Rules for “that day”.
we are gearing up for committee in May. Reach
the National Detector out to your National VP Stay Safe and take your
Trials in Stockton, NJ. I for any questions. If you dog out of the car!
hope to see as many of have anything to bring Jason Brodt
you there as possible. I forward, reach out to National President
know Tracey Stuart and your representative. United State Police
Tom Conroy have been Canine Association
working hard to make As we prepare for the
sure we have a great busy season make sure
event. that you and your partner

March | April | May 2018 | 5

Greetings to all! ing collars that
Hope that everyone is doing are SO tight that
well. We are looking forward to they are restrict-
an exciting year for the USPCA. ing the normal
We have a LOT of things coming breathing of a
up and I think you are going to dog and we have
be impressed with some of the asked to open
changes that we have coming up the types of
in our Association. The Rules guns that can
Committee will be meeting at the be used during
National Detector Trial and we PDI testing.
have a lot of things to look out. There is also a
We have been working on a few minor change
rules changes to existing rules, asking that we
nothing big, but a minor change allow “special” Secretary Melinda Ruopp
to the measurements on the A members to do
‘frame as well as a rule concern- the Evidence Detection Testing. born explosive detection. Not
(EDD) sure what its final name is yet.
Then, we have some brand-new So, as you can see, we have a
Terry Fleck’s tests that we hope to have out big year ahead of us. We have
this year. You probably already been working hard on a vision for
heard about the FIREARMS test- this Association! What I mean by
Canine Legal Update that should be passed in the next that is that we must look toward
meeting. This would be for the the future. Law Enforcement
and Opinion detection of firearms and am- is changing so much. I have
munition. Next, we have a CON- been in LE for 30 years and it is
TRABAND test. This is mainly sometimes hard to believe how
going to be for folks that work much things have changed from
Coming in June! in correctionall environments when I was first hired to now.
The latest trends and areas in K-9 case law
to test the K9’s ability to locate Equipment, tactics, safety, you
electronic devices and tobacco name it – it’s all changed…and
Terry Fleck products. This one needs to be so have the challenges that we
read and printed, so probably face every day. And quite frankly,
won’t be up for voting until fall. the “bad guys” have changed
I’m also looking for folks that too. We MUST adapt or perish.
want to run it as a “test run”., Bad guys are getting better and
let me know. And, we are nearly better at what they do, and we
done with a HUMAN SCENT must get better at what we do
Certification. This is basically like likewise. The USPCA MUST
what the Border Patrol folks do: follow suite. If we don’t adapt
Locating people that are hidden to this changing world, we will
in cars, etc. We must do some perish as an Association. Our
beta testing on that one yet, but Founding members could hardly
its looking promising. And finally, have imagined that the use of
we have some hashing to do with Police K9’s would evolve into
it yet, but with the popularity of what we see today. But the
In order to keep you current with K-9 case law
“vapor wake” type dogs, we are wheels keep turning. We must
introducing a new test for people See Secretary on page 9

6 | Canine Courier MARCH | APRIL | MAY 2018

Director’s Report
Executive Director Dr. David “Lou” Ferland
Report from the Executive Director result in a physical K-9 bite compared
Dr. David “Lou” Ferland (divided by) to the total number of calls
for service that the K-9 Team might have.
Bite Ratios-Examining K-9 Use of A team that has 100 calls for service of teams or gun related calls) which would
Force which three (3) calls resulted in a physi- increase the likelihood of a physical ap-
cal apprehension would have a K-9 Bite prehension compared to a dog team that
There has been some talk lately about is only used for search and rescue. Gen-
K-9 Bite Ratio’s and how they need to Ratio of 3%. Comparisons are also made
of entire K-9 Units showing one cities’ erally the courts have addressed a K-9
be managed. Since 1989 when the U.S.
K-9 Unit higher than others or even a Units Bite Ratio as being inappropriate
Court of Appeals (11th Circuit) opined in
individual K-9 Team within a Department when the ratios reach 40-50%, no matter
the Kerr vs. City of West Palm Beach
Unit being higher than other K-9 Teams the deployments.
case that bite ratios should be less than
20%, there has been much made of a K-9 within the same Department K-9 Unit.
I recommend that the Department In-
Team that might have higher ratio’s. Civil ternal Affairs Division or similar internal
While it is risky to simply view K-9 bite ra-
Suit plaintiffs or adverse media reporters review investigators review all individual
try to paint a K-9 Team or Department of tios without taking into account the types
of calls which they are deployed, it does cases involving the K-9’s use of force for
fostering a culture of violence or abuse
serve as a rough barometer in evaluating policy and legal compliance. Do not rely
by presenting high bite ratios.
a K-9 Unit. For example, there may be upon general legally acceptable bite ra-
First, a K-9 Bite Ratio is a number placed a K-9 Team that is only deployed during tios, instead take it one step further by re-
upon a K-9 Team of apprehensions that high risk felony deployments (SWAT viewing ALL physical K-9 apprehensions.
See Director on page 9

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March | April | May 2018 | 7
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8 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

Director — from page 7 internal investigations were flawed and tial Deadly Force Use. This proved to be
This helps to determine if INDIVIDU- biased. an important positive mitigating factor in
AL K-9 Use of Force was appropriate Police work is sometime violent and the K-9 Units public opinion value.
and helps to protect the K-9 Team and deadly. For every K-9 Use of Force case There is more that could be explained,
Department later if someone tries to com- there are probably a number of cases that including other K-9 use of force bite ratio
ingle all the use of force cases to show avoided force because of the mere pres- cases, but space limits the depth of this
a high K-9 Bite Ratio. For example, if a ence of the K-9. These cases should also advice. Use this article to seek out your
K-9 Team has had ALL its previous Use be tracked to show how the dog has had K-9 Legal Counsel and periodically at-
of Force reviewed for policy and legal a deterrence effect upon violence. I once tend a K-9 Legal Update Seminar in your
compliance AND all were determined conducted a study of a K-9 Unit that was region. This will help to insure you are
justified, it would then be hard to show a under review for a K-9 Bite Case only to staying within legal and ethical boundaries
pattern or culture of K-9 misuse unless find dozens of historical instances where while training and deploying your police
they could also showed the individual their K-9’s deployment prevented poten- service dog.

Secretary — from page 6

need to be afraid of ANYONE… As always, I try to answer emails
turn with them and push forward
What I mean by that is that we within 2 days if possible. If you
with new ideas and training. Folks,
must start opening ourselves up need anything or have any
we have EVERYTHING to lose.
to helping with the general safety questions, please feel free to
We must start being proactive
and protection of all citizens - that contact me. I look forward to the
with our testing, training and
may even include allowing some coming year with all the exciting
ideas. I believe that the founda-
qualified civilians an opportunity recent changes and additions to
tion of our Association is the key
to certify a dog, ONLY if they meet the USPCA.
to our success. We will use that
strong foundation to start building our standards. I’m not sure why Stay safe and take great care!
upward again, changing to the we are so afraid of that, but I think Melinda Ruopp
times and offering our members we need to consider offering our USPCA National Secretary
everything they could possibly PRODUCT to the best of the best Melinda Ruopp
need. I also believe we do not with testing. National Secretary


Page 15: rule 2, C Proposed Rule Wording Change:

Current rule wording: C. All guns used in this phase must be capable of firing
38-caliber blanks. In lieu of 38-caliber, (if a 38-caliber weap-
C. All guns used in this phase must be capable of firing on or 38-caliber blanks are unavailable), a starter gun, or
38-caliber blanks. Guns will be loaded with two live blanks another caliber handgun capable of firing blanks may be
and will be checked by a judge or steward before and after used with the prior approval of the Chief Judge of the Certi-
this phase. fication. Guns will be loaded with two live blanks and will be
checked by a judge or steward before and after this phase.



March | April | May 2018 | 9


Region 3 chase, the suspect was able to discard the deeper into the wood line and came to a
handgun that he had. The suspect was chain link fence that led to the rear of a
Deputy FC Ryan Costin & K9 Jango later apprehended. DFC. Costin along with residential house.
Anne Arundel County Sherriff, MD CPL. Sanchez of the Anne Arundel County Once in the rear yard, Jango gave anoth-
Police K9 unit developed a plan and they er noticeable behavior change. Jango was
Patrol: Evidence recovery each conducted an article search for the searching in heavy vegetation behind a
On December 12, 2017 at 1133, DFC. handgun. shed and the fence. K9 Jango then went
Ryan Costin and K9 Jango responded to DFC. Costin deployed K9 Jango on a into a down position. Located in front of K9
92 Mary Lane, Glen Burnie for a report of long line to the rear of the complex. Once Jango, a loaded 9mm semi-auto handgun
a man with a gun. While responding to the K9 Jango began his search, DFC. Ryan was recovered. The handgun was later
scene, patrol officers located the suspect observed a behavior change in K9 Jango determined to be stolen out of Stafford
and a foot pursuit ensued. During the foot along a wood line. Jango continued to pull County VA.


Region 5 was instructed to stand by as Officers track complicated, even though it was in
made contact with the Complainant, but a sparse area of housing with large prop-
Devon Maloney & K-9 Jax instead he jumped in his vehicle and left erties. K9 Jax was deployed on a track,
Kettering Police Department the scene. It was learned this vehicle was which led through some wooded areas,
taken without the permission of the owner. lasting almost an hour. During the track, K9
Patrol: Track, Arrest In addition, it was learned that Mr. Zale had Jax ended up in the back and side yards of
In the evening of Thursday November 2, an entered felony warrant, through Florida, 5807 Scarff Road multiple times, showing
2017, Kettering Officers were dispatched with full extradition. As a result, Officers a lot of interest and not wanting to go any-
to a location on the east side of the city began searching for Mr. Zale in regard to where else. Ptl. Maloney and Clark County
in regard to a disturbance. A subject, lat- the felony warrant and three misdemeanor SO Deputies were attempting to gain en-
er identified as William D. Zale, was on charges through the City of Kettering for try into a barn structure when one Deputy
scene causing a family problem. Mr. Zale Driving Without Consent, Obstructing Offi- observed Mr. Zale lying in a flowerbed ap-
cial Business and Fleeing and Eluding.
proximately 20 yards away.
During the early morning hours of Friday
Mr. Zale was in obvious medical need due
November 3rd, Kettering Officers learned of
to a drug overdose. In addition, he had a
Mr. Zale’s cell phone number and received
bleeding head injury as a result of the vehi-
word of possible injury to him. A call to the
cell company was initiated and the result- cle crash. Mr. Zale was taken into custody
ing ping found Mr. Zale to be in the New and transported to Miami Valley Hospital
Carlisle area. Clark County Sheriffs Office for treatment, where he fully recovered. If
was contacted, and a Deputy located Mr. Mr. Zale had not been located during this
Zale still inside the stolen vehicle. A pur- K9 track, it is likely he would have died.
suit ensued, resulting in Mr. Zale crashing
the vehicle in the area of 5803 Scarff Road
in Bethel Township. Mr. Zale was able to
elude capture on foot, so Ptl. Maloney and
K9 Jax of the Kettering Police Department
were called for a track.
At the time of the track it was raining and
had been for some time, which made the

10 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018


warrant was requested and granted for the

Region 6 vehicle. The search warrant was executed
Region 6
Officer Chad Smith & K9 Tychus and police recovered the following items K9 Handler Ron Marchese & K-9
related to narcotics trafficking. Rocky
Cheltenham Township Police Dept
30 blue wax bags stamped “Santa Glassboro Police Department, NJ
Patrol: Track – Arrest Muerte” containing heroin, 1 bag contain-
ing 6.64 grams of crystal methamphet-
Detector: Narcotics
On January 17, 2018 at 0138 hours po-
lice responded to a high rise apartment amine, 1 bottle of Sodium Oxbate, 1 plastic On Monday 01/01/2018 at approximately
complex for the report of a burglary in vile containing marijuana, 19 plastic con- 1304 hours, I, Ptl. Ron Marchese, was re-
progress. The residents called police after tainers of crack cocaine, 1 digital scale and quested to conduct an exterior K-9 sniff of
an intruder entered their apartment taking U.S currency. a vehicle (silver Honda Accord NJ bearing
the TV and fleeing. Police observed the sus- NJ Registration) that was stopped at 731
Officer Christopher Narkin & K9 Nero
pect wheeling the TV on a chair on anoth- S. Harding Hwy in Buena (WaWa parking
er floor and when confronted the suspect Norristown Police Department lot). Upon my arrival, the driver of the ve-
abandoned the stolen property, entered an- Detector: Narcotics hicle was still sitting in his vehicle. I was
other apartment and jumped out a second then briefed by Ptl. Gallo #1167 as to the
On January 22, 20018 Officer Christo- circumstances that lead to his request for
floor balcony to the ground where he fled.
pher Narkin had received information from a K-9 sniff of the vehicle. He advised me
Officer Chad Smith deployed K9 Tychus on
a track from the area the suspect was last a citizen that a male was selling Crystal that prior to my arrival the driver of the ve-
observed by officers. K9 Tychus tracked to Methamphetamine in Norristown. The cit- hicle attempted to elude him by driving his
a location where a large air-conditioning izen had also stated the suspect keeps the vehicle through a motel parking lot, Dunkin
unit was located and fenced in. The area Methamphetamine in a magnetic box un- Donuts parking lot and quickly on and off
was also surrounded by bushes which K9 der the hood of a red pickup truck that he of the roadway into a WaWa parking lot.
Tychus attempted to enter when the sus- drives. The citizen advised Narkin that the These maneuvers appeared to be made in
pect verbally surrendered to Officer Smith. suspect frequents the 600 block of Haws an attempt to prevent Ptl. Gallo from being
The suspect was placed under arrest by Ave and the Elmwood Carwash in Norris- able to perform a motor vehicle stop on the
responding support officers. town. Further investigation showed the vehicle. According to Ptl. Gallo, upon his
suspects driver’s license to be suspended. initial contact with the driver, he appeared
Officer Bryan Nawoschik & K9 Jerry At 1545 hours on January 22, 2018 Narkin to be very nervous and was visibly sweating
Norristown Police Department observed a red Chevrolet Colorado pickup
despite the extremely cold temperatures. A
being driven by the suspect and stopped
Detector: Narcotics him. During the stop the suspect refused a
check of the driver revealed that the driver
also had an extensive CDS criminal history
On January 15, 2018 at 1123 hours po- consent search of the truck and appeared
according to Ptl. Gallo. Ptl. Gallo’s investi-
lice had made a car stop where the driver very nervous to the point his hands were
gation revealed evidence of possible illegal
who was known to them fled on foot from shaking while talking to police. An exterior
drug activity and he requested my assis-
the rental car and was detained sever- sniff of the truck was conducted with Nar-
tance with a K-9 sniff of the exterior of the
al blocks away by police, the driver had kin’s K9 partner Nero. While at the front
thrown the vehicles keys away from him of the truck K9 Nero gave a positive in-
and also had a large amount of money dication in the area where the front right At this time, I removed K-9 Rocky from
in his possession. Officer Nawoschik was fender meets with the passenger door. A my patrol vehicle and placed him on a pa-
requested to conduct a narcotics sweep search warrant was applied for and grant- trol lead secured to a live choke collar. At
of the vehicle and the flight path taken by ed. Inside the vehicle officers found a met- approximately 1330 hours, I brought K-9
the driver. Officer Nawoschik deployed K9 al case with skulls imprinted on it which Rocky to the rear driver’s side bumper of
Jerry on an exterior sweep of the vehicle contained a black digital scale with white the vehicle and placed him into a sitting
where Officer Nawoschik noted behavior crystal residue on it in the backseat of the position. I then gave K-9 Rocky the start-
changes indicating that K9 Jerry was in truck. A clear bag containing 12 packages ing sequence of “Sniff it out” and con-
odor of narcotics and then observed K9 of Crystal Methamphetamine was found ducted an on-lead counter clockwise sniff
Jerry perform a final sit alert at the driver’s behind the glovebox of the Colorado tucked of the vehicle. During the second pass of
door. Based on K9 Jerry’s alert and other up behind the heater blower motor near the the vehicle, K-9 Rocky displayed distinct
information police had developed a search firewall. breathing changes as he passed the front

March | April | May 2018 | 11


driver’s side door and opened driver’s side again consisted of deep inhalations and ar- At this time another Franklin Twp Police
window. The breathing changes consisted dent sniffing. K-9 Rocky again climbed up Unit arrived on scene to provide backup.
of deep inhalations and ardent sniffing as towards the driver’s side window and again I remained in the vicinity of the suspect’s
K-9 Rocky climbed up towards the open stuck his head inside. K-9 Rocky started to vehicle with K-9 Rocky to provide cover for
window and put his head inside while he wag his tail very rapidly, stuck his head in- Ptl. Gallo during his search of the vehicle. A
started to wag his tail rapidly. I then direct- side and tilted it to the side towards the rear subsequent search of the vehicle by Frank-
ed K-9 Rocky to continue the search and of the passenger compartment. K-9 Rocky lin Twp PD revealed a small crack pipe in
he displayed another breathing change then attempted to push with his rear paws the passenger compartment of the vehi-
on the passenger’s side front door seam. and jump into the passenger compartment cle along with approximately 30 pounds
The breathing changes again consisted of of the vehicle. I pulled K-9 Rocky away of suspected high-grade marijuana which
deep inhalations, ardent sniffing and his tail from the driver’s side window and door for was double vacuum sealed and located in
started to wag rapidly. K-9 Rocky then be- his safety and concluded the K-9 sniff. K-9 the trunk. The street value of the Marijuana
gan to briefly scratch at the seam with both Rocky’s actions on both the driver’s side was estimated at $75,000.00 The driver
paws. I quickly pulled K-9 Rocky away from front door and widow area along with the was arrested and charged with numerous
the vehicle to continue the search. K-9 passenger side front door seam was consis- CDS offenses. Franklin Twp PD also recov-
Rocky again displayed a distinct breathing tent with a positive alert for the presence of ered $1,000.00 in USC and will be making
change as he approached the driver’s side narcotic odor. The narcotics sniff of the vehi- a request to seize both the USC and sus-
door and window. The breathing changes cle was ended at approximately 1333 hours. pect vehicle.


Region 9 he was breaking into. By the time we were if there was anyone else inside that was
at this location, the suspect had kicked in not involved. During this time, Mako gave
Officer Zack Finley & K9 Mako the door to one residence, a strong, loud bark. I walked
Portland Police Department entered another one through Mako into the room after not
an open door, kicked over two I gave my K9 hearing anyone respond to
Patrol: Assault on police, arrest. motorcycles, and possibly my warnings.
threatened someone with a
warning an-
On 10/08/2017 at approximately 02:36 I began checking the small
hours, I (Officer Finley) was working uni- gun. Based on these circum- nouncement room with other officers be-
formed patrol with my K-9 partner, Mako. stances we decided to enter in this first hind me. I thought the room
At this time, I overheard Officer Grass and the residence.
Sgt. King dispatched to the area of 9 Pre- I took Mako out of the cruis-
small room was clear, but wanted to
check behind a chair that was
sumpscot Street for a male breaking into er and placed him on his flat and nobody in the corner of the room. As
residences. As I was responding to the lo-
cation, I heard officers on scene saying that
collar on a 6ft leash. I walked responded. I walked towards the chair, I
him up the stairs to the resi- saw a person’s leg sticking
the male was possibly on foot in the area. dence and met Officer Grass out from behind the chair. I
The suspect was described as a white who stated that the door to the residence gave another announcement and as Idid
male, wearing jeans with a black sweat- was unlocked. I brought Mako to the door so, Sgt. Mitchell came up and pushed the
shirt with no shirt underneath. and pushed it open. I could see that the chair off to the side. After he did I saw a
Upon my arrival into the area, I overheard residence opened into a very small office male on the floor matching the earlier de-
Sgt. King say that he and Officer Grass saw area that was closed off by another door scription perfectly. He was clearly under the
the suspect run into the residence at 24 to the rest of the apartment. I gave my K9 influence of something as he immediately
Presumpscot Street. We went to this lo- warning announcement in this first small took a fighting stance while multiple offi-
cation and established a perimeter on the room and nobody responded. I gave a sec- cers and a barking police K-9 were directly
residence. We were unsure if this was the ond announcement, but did not send Mako in front of him. I told Sgt. King and the rest
residence of the suspect or another house into the residence because I was unsure of the officers on scene to attempt to go

12 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018


hands on before I utilized Mako. Officers After being checked out by MEDCU, the camouflage. The K-9 continued along a
attempted to put the male into handcuffs suspect was transported to Maine Medical small dirt road to a road and then into the
but he actively resisted the entire time. The Center. The suspect was charged with mul- woods again, coming out to the rear of a
male remained on the floor the entire time tiple crimes to include burglary, 2 counts home. The homeowner told the officers
and I saw multiple attempts by the officers of criminal trespass, criminal mischief, that two men had come out the woods just
to detain him fail. refusing to submit and assault on a police before the dog team, but they had doubled
I saw that one handcuff had been applied officer. back to the left of the house.
but officers could not get the other one Region 9 The K-9 continued tracking and crossed a
hand behind the suspect’s back. I saw the fence several times. Officer Stickney con-
suspect actively assaulting Sgt. King and
Officer Christian Stickney and K-9
cluded that the suspects were circling in
finally Sgt. King told me to utilize Mako for Blaze the area. The track proceeded to the back
an apprehension. I held Mako by his leather Portland, Maine Police Department of another house were the K-9 team’s back
flat collar and straddled him over his back up officer spotted both subjects ahead
Patrol: Track, arrest
as I walked him into the suspect. The only of the dog team. Officer Stickney verbal-
available space I had to deploy Mako on On the August 2, 2017 at 1907 hrs. Port- ly challenged the suspects, telling them
the suspect was the left hip/buttocks area. land Police Officer Christian Stickney and to stop or the dog would bite them. The
I placed Mako on that area and he secured K-9 Blaze responded to the town of Gor- suspects complied with the warning and
a strong bite. Mako pushed into the sus- ham to assist with a K9 track for leaving stopped. The backup officer placed both
pect and held. The suspect began flailing the scene of an accident. suspects in custody.
but Mako held the bite. At one point, the At the scene, Officer Stick- One male had shorts on but
suspect grabbed Mako’s harness in an at- ney was told by the Gorham no shoes shorts and no shirt
tempt to get away. Almost as instantly as officers that two males had the other was taller wearing
Mako secured the bite, I observed the male fled from the vehicle. The jeans and a long sleeve tan
place his other hand behind his back and driver was known to the of- shirt.
say “Ok, ok!” and Sgt. King told me that ficers and wanted on several
he was in handcuffs shortly thereafter. I charges. A witness at the The driver was charged
did a tactical out and Mako immediately scene pointed out where the with Driving to Endanger,
came off the bite. I pulled him back away suspects had run across a Leaving the scene of an ac-
from the suspect and other officers. Mako field and into the tree line. cident, Violation of Bail and
was on the suspect for no more than 3-4 OUI. The second male was
Blaze quickly acquired the track in the
seconds and outed instantly after the male on probation and charges were pending
field and took the route described by the
was secured in handcuffs. The apprehen- when Officer Stickney left the scene. The
witness. Inside the wood line, the K-9 lo-
sion had the desired effect on the suspect. track was about one mile in length.
cated two shirts, one green and one with


Region 10 the road. The caller advised she was afraid out of the vehicle and shut the vehicle off.
he may crash. At that time, I Deputy Jo- I advised the subject of the reason that I
Deputy Joseph Cain, K-9 Aurus seph Cain of LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Office stopped him and asked him if he had an
LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Office located the vehicle coming into the Jena ID, and he handed me his Mississippi Driv-
limits. I then got behind the vehicle and ob- er’s License. After identifying the subject,
Detector: Narcotics served the vehicle pass over the fog line I asked him why he was swerving and
On November 12, 2017 at approximately several times. I then initiated a traffic stop asked if he was okay. Subject advised that
1509 hrs, LPSO Dispatch received a call on the vehicle and it came to a stop at the he was fine, and he had been working for
about an RV traveling south on Hwy 127 intersection of Hwy 127 and Hwy84. Upon 5 straight days and was just extremely
towards Jena City Limits swerving all over contact with the driver, I asked him to step tired. I asked if there was anyone else in

March | April | May 2018 | 13


the vehicle in which he advised that there tainer with suspected marijuana residue inside with suspected Cocaine inside. I also
was not. At that time, I asked him if there inside. In the kitchen area in a drawer un- located in between the driver’s seat and
was anything illegal in the vehicle or open der the sink I located one jar of suspect- the arm rest a Jimenez 380 pistol with 10
containers and he paused and put his head ed marijuana, one jar top with suspected rounds in the clip with one in the chamber.
down. After asking him the same question marijuana residue, and one root beer can At that time, I advised the subject of his
again, he advised that there was nothing with suspected marijuana residue on it. In rights per Miranda and advised him that he
illegal in the RV. At that time, Deputy Lacy the bedroom area I located one baggie of was under arrest. While patting him down
Cockerham arrived on scene and stood by suspected marijuana and one glass pipe for weapons, I located in his pocket one
with the subject. with Methamphetamine residue inside the small baggie of suspected Methamphet-
At that time, I utilized my K-9 Partner Au- dresser drawer. Also in the bedroom area amine and another scale. I placed him in
rus to do a free air sniff around the exterior on the surface of the bed was a black Bose handcuffs and placed him in Deputy Damin
of the vehicle using the reverse pattern. headphones container with a plastic baggie Dozior’s patrol unit to be transported to
During the free air sniff, K-9 Aurus alerted LPSO. During a continued search of the
to the door on the passenger side of the RV, Deputies located a manila folder with
vehicle. At that time, I allowed K-9 Aurus $3,720 dollars inside and confiscated it to
to search the interior of the vehicle. K-9 be seized.
gave a positive alert to a backpack in one
All evidence was logged into LPSO Evi-
of the back seats, a drawer in the kitch-
dence locker and the subject was arrest-
en area, and the dresser drawers in the
ed for the following charges: LRS 40:966
bedroom area. After the search, K-9 was
Possession of Sch I (Marijuana) w/ Intent to
placed back inside my patrol unit. At that
Distribute, LRS 40:967 Possession of Sch
time, I began to search the interior of the
II (Meth) w/ Intent to Distribute, LRS 40:967
vehicle while Deputy Cockerham stood by
Possession of Sch II (Cocaine) w/ Intent to
with the subject. In the black backpack I
Distribute, LRS 40:1023 Possession of
located the following: 7 bags of suspected
Drug Paraphernalia, LRS 14:95.E Illegal
Methamphetamine, 1 scale, 3 glass pipes
Carrying of Weapons, LRS 32:79 Improp-
with suspected Methamphetamine residue,
er Lane Usage, LPSO Warrant: No Driver’s
one bag of several small baggies used to
hold CDS, 3 torch lighters, and One con-


Region 12 throat and assaulting her. During the inci- female claimed that Diaz had assaulted her
dent, Diaz refused to surrender and fled out earlier in the day by striking her with a hand-
Officer Brian Cameron & K9 Ramo of a second-floor window. Officer Cameron gun, that she was afraid of him, and that he
Saint Cloud Police Department and Ramo were on perimeter. Ramo appre- had “lost it.” Diaz’s criminal history showed
hended Diaz via a bite to his left thigh area. arrests for Domestic Assault, second degree
Patrol: Tracking, Arrest This apprehension resulted in Diaz’s arrest. assault involving a weapon, felon in posses-
Narrative On November 2017 Saint Cloud On October 16, 2017, at 2158 hours in- sion of a firearm, and drug convictions. At the
Police Department SWAT team conducted a vestigators from the Violent Offenders Task time of the call, Diaz had posted $200,000
high risk warrant at Lazaro Domingo Diaz’s Force (VOTF) and Stearns County Sheriff’s bail and had two confirmed felony warrants
residence. Diaz was wanted for probable Office requested the assistance from Saint for violating conditions of release from his
cause for second degree assault. He was Cloud Police Department in conducting a assault against his girlfriend. Diaz was pro-
suspected in cutting his then-girlfriend with welfare check on the same adult female hibited by DANCO from having any contact
a large knife after threatening to cut her who had been assaulted previously. The with the above female.

14 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018


Investigators located an address on the room. The male was arrested. rimeter. Ramo apprehended Diaz via a bite
7700 block of Northwoods Lane as a pos- to his left thigh area. This apprehension re-
Region 12
sible address of the two mentioned persons. sulted in Diaz’s arrest.
Based on Diaz’s prior history and a concern Deputy Michael Schei & K9 Boriz On October 16, 2017, at 2158 hours in-
for her safety, a plan was formulated to con- Nobles County Sheriff’s Office, MN vestigators from the Violent Offenders Task
duct a welfare check on the female at the Force (VOTF) and Stearns County Sheriff’s
above-mentioned address. Officers of the 4th Quarter Case Award – Detector:
Office requested the assistance from Saint
Saint Cloud Police Department, including Narcotics Cloud Police Department in conducting a
Officer Cameron with his K9 partner Ramo, On 11/19/2017 at 0050 hours Deputy welfare check on the same adult female
Deputies of the Stearns County Sheriff’s de- Schei conducted a traffic stop on Interstate who had been assaulted previously. The
partment, and VOFT responded to the loca- 90 near mile marker 30 for traffic infrac- female claimed that Diaz had assaulted
tion. Officers secured the perimeter of the tions. During the initial contact with the oc- her earlier in the day by striking her with
home as Officer Cameron and Ramo were cupants at the vehicle an odor associated a handgun, that she was afraid of him, and
positioned in the rear of the home. As Offi- with methamphetamine was smelled. After that he had “lost it.” Diaz’s criminal histo-
cers made contact with persons at the front speaking with the driver and establishing ry showed arrests for Domestic Assault,
door, Diaz broke out the rear window to the reasonable suspicion, Deputy Schei de- second degree assault involving a weap-
home in an attempt to flee. Officer Cameron ployed K9 Boriz for an exterior narcotics on, felon in possession of a firearm, and
identified himself as a K9 unit and advised sniff of the vehicle. K9 Boriz gave a positive drug convictions. At the time of the call,
Diaz he was under arrest. alert to the vehicle. A search of the vehicle Diaz had posted $200,000 bail and had
Diaz produced a handgun and fired three was conducted. Approximately 20 pounds two confirmed felony warrants for violat-
rounds in the direction of Officer Cameron of methamphetamine was located inside ing conditions of release from his assault
and Ramo. As Diaz fired the first round, Of- the trunk of the vehicle, hidden behind both against his girlfriend. Diaz was prohibited
ficer Cameron released Ramo to apprehend side panels of the trunk. The driver admit- by DANCO from having any contact with
Diaz. Diaz fled around the side of the resi- ted to smoking methamphetamine inside the above female.
dence toward other officers and thus Officer the vehicle. Both the driver and passenger
Investigators located an address on the
Cameron was unable to return fire due to were arrested for this incident.
7700 block of Northwoods Lane as a possi-
other law enforcement being in line of fire. Region 12 ble address of the two mentioned persons.
Diaz was tased and shot by other perimeter Based on Diaz’s prior history and a concern
units. Ramo began to apprehend Diaz’s leg Officer Brian Cameron & K9 Ramo
for her safety, a plan was formulated to con-
as those officers attempted to secure Diaz. Saint Cloud Police Department duct a welfare check on the female at the
Diaz continued to struggle and appeared to above-mentioned address. Officers of the
reach for a knife. Diaz was ultimately tased Patrol: Tracking, Arrest
Saint Cloud Police Department, including
again to gain compliance. Ramo released Narrative In November 2017 Saint Cloud Officer Cameron with his K9 partner Ramo,
his bite at this point as we believed he was Police Department SWAT
tangled in the taser wires. Ramo immedi- team conducted a high
ately secured his bite once again as he was risk warrant at Lazaro
untangled. Once Diaz was secured, Officer Domingo Diaz’s resi-
Cameron removed Ramo from the bite and dence. Diaz was wanted
maintained focus on Diaz. Once Diaz was for probable cause for
removed from the scene, Officer Cameron second degree assault.
and Ramo were asked to assist in conduct- He was suspected in
ing a building search to clear the residence cutting his then-girlfriend
and the garage. The female was located with a large knife after
and had injuries from being assaulted by threatening to cut her
Diaz inside the residence. The garage and throat and assaulting her.
most of the residence were cleared with no During the incident, Diaz
indications. There was one-bedroom door refused to surrender and
that was closed and Ramo indicated on that fled out of a second-floor
locked bedroom door. Officers breeched the window. Officer Cameron
door and located a male hiding in the bed- and Ramo were on pe-

March | April | May 2018 | 15


Deputies of the Stearns County Sheriff’s residence toward other officers and thus bite and maintained focus on Diaz. Once
department, and VOFT responded to the Officer Cameron was unable to return Diaz was removed from the scene, Officer
location. Officers secured the perimeter of fire due to other law enforcement being Cameron and Ramo were asked to assist
the home as Officer Cameron and Ramo in line of fire. Diaz was tased and shot in conducting a building search to clear
were positioned in the rear of the home. by other perimeter units. Ramo began the residence and the garage. The female
As Officers made contact with persons to apprehend Diaz’s leg as those officers was located and had injuries from being
at the front door, Diaz broke out the rear attempted to secure Diaz. Diaz continued assaulted by Diaz inside the residence.
window to the home in an attempt to flee. to struggle and appeared to reach for a The garage and most of the residence
Officer Cameron identified himself as a K9 knife. Diaz was ultimately tased again were cleared with no indications. There
unit and advised Diaz he was under arrest. to gain compliance. Ramo released his was one-bedroom door that was closed
Diaz produced a handgun and fired three bite at this point as we believed he was and Ramo indicated on that locked bed-
rounds in the direction of Officer Cameron tangled in the taser wires. Ramo imme- room door. Officers breeched the door and
and Ramo. As Diaz fired the first round, diately secured his bite once again as he located a male hiding in the bedroom. The
Officer Cameron released Ramo to appre- was untangled. Once Diaz was secured, male was arrested for an outstanding fel-
hend Diaz. Diaz fled around the side of the Officer Cameron removed Ramo from the ony warrant.


Region 13 ON position, the rear running observed several large bundles Both subjects refused to par-
lights came on. of marijuana lying in the trunk ticipate in a controlled deliver
Investigator Jason Ghee & (seven in total). Also, I found and both were booked into
Driver stated they were in
K9 Kailee route to Corbin Kentucky from three more large bundles lying the Sumner County Jail on a
in the back seat covered by a $500,000.00 bond.
18th JDDTF, TN Lubbock Texas to visit the pas-
blanket. The total weight was
senger’s grandfather. When
Detector: Narcotics approximately 219 pounds.
I asked the passenger about
On Tuesday December 19, their travel itinerary and he
2017 I, Inv. Ghee, was sitting stated he didn’t know where
stationary on I-65 in Sumner they were going; he was just
County watching north bound along for the ride.
traffic. This particular morn-
ing was extremely foggy and While waiting for the occupant’s
there was a “DENSE FOG AD- information to return from BLOC,
VISORY’ issued for my county. I asked the driver for consent to
I observed a white Ford Focus search the vehicle and he denied
with no rear lights operational consent. I then retrieved my K-9,
making it very hard to see in Kailee, from my patrol unit and
the foggy weather. introduced her to the vehicle.
Kailee alerted to the trunk area
I conducted a traffic stop on
of the vehicle, so I praised her
the vehicle for a light law vio-
off and placed her back into my
lation and made contact with
patrol unit.
the driver and a passenger. I
showed the driver the violation Both subjects were placed into
and he stated that he thought separate patrol units as a prob-
he had the lights on AUTO, but able cause search was con-
when I turned the lights to the ducted. I opened the trunk and

16 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018


Region 18 The suspect was arrested for disorder-

ly conduct, resisting arrest, going armed
Deputy Mike Carroll & K-9 Koda while intoxicated, felon in possession of a
Barron County Sheriff’s Department firearm and a parole violation.

Barron County , WI Region 18

Patrol: Deployment armed suspect Deputy Dennis Nelson & K-9 Oscar
On November 4, 2017 at 10:30 pm Sawyer County Sheriff’s Dept
Deputy Carroll responded to the Cabin Sawyer County, WI
Bar and Grill in Reeve, WI for a report of a
male subject causing a disturbance. While Detector: Narcotics
en-route Deputy Carroll was advised the On December 13th, 2017 at approx-
male suspect was attempting to physically imately 2230 Deputy Nelson was con-
fight with multiple people. with his hands in the air. The male sus- tacted by Sawyer County investigator in
A brief time later the Barron County pect failed to comply with commands to regard to a SWAT Team callout for a drug
Sheriff’s Department received another call exit but his girlfriend did exit the residence search warrant and high-risk traffic stop.
from the bar advising the male suspect and was compliant. The SWAT Team did a debrief advising
had left the bar and armed himself with that the targets vehicle would be proceed-
After multiple attempts to gain the males ing into Sawyer County and that an arrest
a firearm and was standing in the road compliance to exit the residence being
outside the bar causing more of a distur- team would be affecting a felony stop on
unsuccessful, the suspect would only the vehicle and taking the subject into
bance. open the front door and stand in the door- custody.
The suspect who was identified by bar way next to the shotgun.
patrons was a known meth user, believed Deputy Nelson’s position was the #2 car
Deputy Carroll then gave the suspect in the arrest team and was positioned on
to be intoxicated and was a convicted fel- multiple commands to comply or he would
on. The male suspect had fled from the Company Lake Road just off of STH 77.
be apprehended by a police dog. The sus- Wisconsin State Patrol was the prima-
street into his residence across from the pect failed to comply with all commands
bar. ry stop in the vehicle in front of Deputy
and would not exit the residence. Nelson. Deputy Nelson’s position would
Upon arrival to the area Deputy Carroll A Barron County Sheriff’s Deputy was able be the second vehicle in the arrest team
along with three other Barron County Dep- to sneak up to the suspect behind cover in case the subjects attempted to flee on
uties set up on the residence. Deputy Car- and deploy his taser which was partially ef- foot as Deputy Nelson and his K-9 partner
roll took up a position at the front of the fective as the suspect fell to his back then Oscar would be there to attempt and ap-
residence behind cover with his USPCA began reaching for the shotgun, at which prehension if needed.
patrol certified K9, Koda. Through a front time Deputy Carroll deployed his K9 partner
large glass window Deputies were able to At approximately 0201 information was
to apprehend the suspect to prevent him given that the target vehicle would be pass-
observe what appeared to be a shotgun from accessing the shotgun or fleeing back
next to the front door just inside the res- ing the location of the arrest team. Deputy
into the residence. The suspect was ap- Nelson observed a red Ford truck heading
idence. prehended on bother inner thighs and his eastbound on STH 77. At that time WSP
Deputies then contacted the suspect lower right leg which caused him to stop initiated the traffic stop as was Deputy Nel-
via loud speaker and advised him multi- reaching for the firearm and comply with son’s vehicle stopped a few hundred yards
ple times to exit the residence unarmed being taken into custody.

March | April | May 2018 | 17


away from the location that the Detection dog. of there was positioned inside the ve-
lights were initiated. Deputy Deputy Nelson being an hicle when he was sniffing on
Nelson positioned his vehicle began the vehi- odor. K-9 the dash. After a few minutes
to the left of WSP squad in the cle sniff start- Oscar Deputy Nelson called K-9 Os-
felony stop position and Deputy ing at the front intently car out of the cab of the ve-
Nelson deployed his K-9 part- driver’s side tire. sniffed hicle to continue the search
ner Oscar and held cover while We noted that around around the vehicle. K-9 Oscar
three subjects were taken into the driver’s side the ra- attempted to pull two times
custody. door had been dio area back into the cab of the vehi-
After clearing the vehicle left open when of the cle.
and identifying that the vehi- the occupants dash and Deputy Nelson was able to
cle had no other occupants had left the ve- above redirect his focus and contin-
inside, Deputy Nelson placed hicle. K-9 Oscar began going it and continued sniffing on ued searching around the ve-
his K-9 partner Oscar back in down the side of the vehicle, that area and around the dash hicle. Deputy Nelson searched
the squad car for a few min- when we were by the front board to the glove box. He on the side of the vehicle, the
utes before performing a K-9 driver’s door K-9 Oscar began then sniffed intently around back of the bumper and then
sniff on the vehicle. sniffing very intently with his the seat. He then continued to back up the passenger side.
mouth closed and standing sniff the dashboard and con- K-9 Oscar had gotten to the
After a few minutes Deputy up on the driver’s seat. He centrating on the area of the
Nelson deployed his K-9 Oscar passenger side door which
then started crawling up into dashboard and the radio. was closed. Deputy Nelson
who is a certified USPCA Drug the truck and showing signs K-9 Oscar did not give a fi- had him check the vertical
nal response of a sit, however seam of the door. At that time
unsure if it was impossible for K-9 Oscar jumped up on the
K-9 Oscar to do so as how he door two times. After the sec-

18 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018


ond time of jumping up on the door K-9 Deputy Nelson placed K-9 Oscar back With the alerts from K-9 Oscar a search
Oscar did a final response of a sit. into his vehicle. Deputy Nelson notified warrant was done on the vehicle the next
Deputy Nelson continued the search investigators of the body behavior change day. Deputies located 62.7 grams of meth
around the front of the vehicle and did not inside the vehicle in the dash area and also inside the dash behind the radio.
see any other signs of behavior change. the final alert of the sit on the passenger
side door.


quested the services of Sue Stejskal and decedent’s foot and ankle were seen at
Region 19
K9 Buzz. At the time of deployment, the the water’s surface. The decedent was
Deputy Susan Stejskal & K9 Buzz air temperature was about 45-55F, wind submerged face down and entangled in a
St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Office from the east at 5-10 mph, water tem- fallen tree under water. It was unlikely that
perature 53F, and the river was still over his body would have surfaced and floated
Detector: Cadaver flood stage with a very fast flow. The boat due to the degree of entanglement. It was
On April 6, 2017, a male subject was was launched a few miles downriver from also unlikely that the decedent would have
reported to have fallen into the Kalam- the point last seen. The river has many been seen because of being held under
azoo River. At the time, the bends and branches around water. It was also very unexpected that
air temperature was 35 de- several small islands along he would be found 1.2 miles down from
grees Fahrenheit with sleet …K9 Buzz the way. Search efforts con- the point last seen, especially considering
tinued over the next several the amount of twists and turns in the river
and snow and the river was
several feet over flood stage exhibited days, without success. When along with lots of downed trees, etc., in
and was moving fast at about
5 -12 mph. The victim was
his trained the team was again available
on April 24, the weather was
the water. In this case, the dog was very
instrumental in locating the decedent.
heard calling for help and response for clear, air temperature about
last seen floating down the 70F, and water temperature Region 19
river. At this point, an officer the odor of about 60F. Although the wa-
Officer Daniel Sanderson & K9 Azar
ter was still over flood stage,
threw him a floatation device,
but he was unresponsive.
decomposing it was starting to recede and Wyoming Police Department
Efforts to locate the dece- remains… slow down a bit. The boat
was launched from the same
Patrol: Track, Arrest
dent took place over the next
site and the team worked up- On December 24, 2017, Officer Sand-
several days, searching from
river in generally similar as erson of the Wyoming Police Department
the water, shoreline, and air. Extremely and K9 Azar, were dispatched to a pos-
the previous search. However, this time,
high-water levels, swift current, and riv- sible breaking and entering. K9 Azar was
K9 Buzz exhibited his trained response for
er hydrology plus numerous turns in the deployed. Officer Sanderson and K9 Azar
the odor of decomposing remains (bark).
river with deadfalls and strainers ham- walked to the fence opening and saw
With this information, focus concentrated
pered search efforts. On April 14, the 2 sets of footprints inside the fenced in
on visual searching and eventually the
Allegan County Sheriff’s Department re-

March | April | May 2018 | 19


fenced in area through the area where bag that was full of tools. The track then
the fence was cut. When they got into the continued along the railroad tracks, for an-
fenced in area, they observed red handled other 300 yards. Azar then tracked again
cutters lying right next to the fence hole. into the woods, and the team located three
They could also see the footprints leading tools lying on the ground. After locating
to a door on the side of the building. It was the tools, they continued tracking along
observed that the door was open about 6 the railroad tracks for another 100 yards.
inches. After locating the open door, Officer Azar then turned, and they jumped a metal
Sanderson made 2 announcements for the fence. The team then tracked on a service
suspects to come out with their hands up, drive. While tracking on the service drive,
and advised them they were under arrest, another officer advised that he observed 2
but heard no response. Officer Sanderson subjects walking on a nearby street but did
then deployed K9 Azar inside the building not know if they were involved. Azar con-
for a building search, but no one was locat- tinued to track northwest along the service
ed inside. After clearing the building, Offi- drive that led to the street that the possible
cer Sanderson then deployed K-9 Azar for suspects were observed on. The track led
a track. We started the track on the set of directly to the two subjects that the officer
area. The tracks were easily seen due to footprints that led from inside the fenced in was speaking to. After the track led directly
the fresh snow. The same footprints were area and headed along the railroad tracks. to the two suspects, they were both placed
observed leading out of the fenced in area K9 Azar went 100 yards along the railroad under arrest. Both suspects were later
and traveled along the railroad tracks. Of- tracks and went slightly into the woods lodged at Kent County Jail for breaking and
ficer Sanderson and K9 Azar entered the to the south and located a green Makita entering.

Events, Training & Certifications

Region 21
Upcoming Region Events Detector Dog Certification  
Upcoming National Events
Region 2 April 15 @ 5:00 pm – April 17 @ 4:00 pm May 20-23, 2018
Patrol Dog Certification Anamosa, Iowa National Detector Dog Field Trials and
April 4 @ 7:00 pm – April 7 @ 9:00 pm Sgt. Damon Van Bogart (319) 462-3504 Certification
Savannah-Chatham Metro PD, GA Email [email protected] Stockton University, NJ.
Jason Ricketson (903) 885-7602 Sept. 16-21, 2018
Region 6
Email [email protected] National PDI Field Trials and Certification
Detector Dog Certification
Region 20 April 18th and 19th Huntsville, Alabama.
Patrol & Detector Dog Certification Bensalem Police on at 3100 State Rd.
April 9 @ 7:00 am – April 13 @ 4:00 pm • Croydon, PA.
Sulphur Springs, Texas Officer Michael Moore
Ben Ferrero Email [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Region 18 Region 4
Explosive Detector Dog Certification   Detector Dog Certification  
April 13 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm April 20 @ 7:30 am – 5:00p.
Mall of America Chelmsford, Mass
Neil Trondson (952) 883-8877 Tim Frates (781) 530-7008 E-Mail k9joka@
Email [email protected]

20 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

The National Detector Dog Field Trials and Certification
Stockton University
Galloway, New Jersey
May 20-23, 2018
Schedule of Events:
Saturday, May 19th · Hospitality in the beautiful Stockton University
(optional EOD training day) student center 6pm
· Arrival & check in 10am – 5pm Monday, May 21st
· EOD dog training 12pm – 5pm · Explosives dogs: ORT, Vehicle, rooms,
· Explore local eatery on own 6pm packages 8am – completion
Sunday May 20th · HRD / accelerant dogs (TBD if registered)
· Additional arrival & check in 10am – 4pm · Hospitality on campus 7pm
· Vendor load in 10am – 5pm Tuesday, May 22nd
· National Executive Committee · Narcotics dogs: Vehicle and rooms
Meeting 9am – 1pm 8am – completion
· Lunch Break 1pm – 2pm · Hospitality at off site location 7pm
· Judges Meeting 2pm – 4pm Wednesday, May 23nd
· General membership/handler’s · Awards brunch 11am – until completion
meeting 4pm -6pm Check out of housing by 2pm

Registration Fee: $150.00

Lodging: Stockton University Campus – Housing 5, Galloway, NJ 08205

Cost: $50 per night (Registered residing participants will be housed in the newest campus
housing unit. Each will have an apartment which has multiple bedrooms, a living room
area, kitchenette and bathroom. The main level lounge area has a pool table a flat
screen tv for use. This fee includes linens and wi-fi.
Contact Person: Tracy Stuart 732-433-2302 or Email: [email protected]
Mail signed registration form and check (payable to – 2018 USPCA National Detector Trials) to:
MSC 2753
Stockton University
101 Vera King Farris Drive Galloway, NJ 08205


March | April | May 2018 | 21

Osteoarthritis in Dogs Kenton Taylor, DVM

Inflammation within the joints, osteoarthritis, is common in dogs with about 20 percent suffering the
effects. It is a slowly evolving disease with development of joint pain, stiffness and limitation of motion.
The most common cause is abnormal stresses on normal cartilage. Even tiny imperfections in the joints
can lead to mechanical breakdowns and the resultant inflammation. The progression of the disease can
be affected by body weight, amount of exercise and genetic influences.

he first symptom is loss of nor- There is no cure for osteoarthrosis Medical therapy will vary depend-
mal performance followed by but rather the progressive condition ing on the severity and location of the
stiffness after rest that usual- is “managed.” In dogs the therapy osteoarthritis. With medical therapy
ly lasts only a few minutes. Next, goals are influenced by the sever- it is most effective as multi-modal
quality of life is affected – decreased ity of the symptoms, the intended treatment (2 or more different types)
exercise tolerance, not getting in or activity, age and size and any con- and best started prior to develop-
out of the car without help and de- current disease or drug therapy that ment of chronic pain. Once chronic
creased activity. These problems may interfere with the use of anti-in- pain is established medical therapy
are frequently blamed on the pet’s flammatory drugs. is generally not as effective. Similar-
increasing age. Progressive disease The most important treatment ly pharmaceuticals should be given
leads to lameness of a sudden or in overweight pets is weight loss. regularly and not “as needed” after
slow development. In some dogs Obese dogs can become free of the pain worsens.
there may be behavioral effects of symptoms once they have achieved In most patients unless the osteo-
joint discomfort including nervous- ideal body weight or be managed arthritis is mild the use of a non-ste-
ness, aggression, depression and with lower dosages of pain relieving roid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
loss of appetite. and anti-inflammatory medications. is indicated. These drugs while not

22 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

addressing the underlying cause for working or service dogs, and Corticosteroid injections into the af-
do control pain and inflammation check with your veterinarian before fected joint(s) reduce inflammation
allowing improved mobility. The using with anti-anxiety medications. and improve comfort with 2 injec-
most commonly used are referred Adequan® is an injectable gly- tions separated by 3 weeks lasting
to as COX enzyme inhibitors. COX cosaminoglcin which is a major weeks to months. PRP reportedly
enzymes are used by the body to component of joint cartilage. The has an anti-inflammatory and anal-
produce prostaglandins. The “bad” specific mechanism of action in dog gesic effect; has cartilage protective
prostaglandins cause inflammation joints is unknown. It is perhaps best effects and improves the viscoelas-
and the “good” prostaglandins pro- used when the osteoarthrosis is at tic properties of joint fluid. For most
tect the stomach. This is in part why an early stage and when used alone patients joint injections require se-
some patients can have stomach at this time many clients report sig- dation.
upset with the COX enzyme inhib- nificant improvement in mobility. Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids)
iting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory In regards to glucosamine, chon- does have documented effective-
drugs. A newer drug called grapip- droitin sulfate and green lipped ness and generally supplemented
rant (Galliprant®) does not inhib- mussel, there are no studies to at 600mg per day.
it the COX enzymes but works by document effectiveness other than Besides medications and supple-
blocking the inflammation and pain those conducted by the manufac- ments there are lifestyle changes
producing prostaglandin receptor. turers. Unlike an injection of Ade- that can be beneficial. Regular mod-
For those who have digestive issues quan®, since these products are erate exercise including leash walk-
with other non-steroidal anti-inflam- given orally they may be degraded
ing and swimming reduces inflam-
matory drugs they generally do well to other compounds by the stom-
mation and maintains good muscle
with grapiprant. ach and digestive enzymes prior to
strength to stabilize joints (“motion
A pain relieving drug, Gabapentin, absorption. Since these products
is the lotion”). Passive range of mo-
is generally very effective combined are not regulated as pharmaceu-
tion exercises; massage and hydro-
with an NSAID or sometimes used ticals the actual quality of these
therapy with an underwater tread-
alone in mild cases. It is particu- products varies widely. Cosequin®
mill or deep water therapy are all
larly helpful in dealing with chronic manufactured by Nutramax Labs is
or neuropathic pain. It is generally a reputable product. valuable. A warm, well padded, e.g.
started at a low dose and the dos- For those patients that are not orthopedic foam bed, area to sleep
age gradually increased to avoid the responsive to previously reviewed is also important
common side effect of sedation. It medications the injection into the For most dogs symptoms asso-
may not be helpful in patients until a joint(s) of hyaluronic acid or cortico- ciated with osteoarthrosis can be
high dosage is reached. The medi- steroids or the use of PRP (platelet relieved with weight loss if needed,
cation is safe for long-term use. rich plasma) is indicated. Hyaluronic exercise in moderation and phar-
Opiates particularly Tramadol can acid is a form of viscosupplemen- maceuticals with fish oil supple-
provide pain relief and are generally tation which restores the physical mentation. Your veterinarian can
well tolerated. There appears to be properties of the joint fluid to aid in help with catching early signs of this
individual variation in responsive- the lubrication of the joint, decrease disease and guiding you with pre-
ness to these medications and with inflammation and degradation, and ventative treatment and therapies
chronic pain full effect may not be help in cartilage repair. Used alone to delay progression of arthritis and
seen until after 2 weeks. Due to po- it is useful for mild to moderate os- if needed medications to relieve the
tential changes in alertness and be- teoarthritis but in severe cases it is debilitating pain associated with os-
havior, Tramadol may not be good used with corticosteroids or PRP. teoarthritis.

Renewal Membership Date: January 1, 2018.
YOUR Canine Courier article & photo submission deadlines:
DATES February 1st • May 1st • August 1st • November 1st.

March | April | May 2018 | 23

From Melinda Ruopp From Gary Pietropaolo Eric Joering of the Westerville, OH and
We are beta-testing certification rules for USPCA Judges Committee Chairman would like to honor her dad by wearing
NEW K-9 Detection Tests. We are in need A reminder there is no need to send a K9 shirts from across the country. PLEASE
of Regions to help run a test or two and judge's application with an envelope that let's help her out.
provide some feedback. We are asking for states “signature required”. It will not be She wears an adult small. They can be
YOUR help. Specifically looking for a Re- picked up or get processed. Instead please sent to:
gion to run a test for Cellphone Detection call or email to me to see if the application Attn: Justin Alloway
and Tobacco Detection (Jail/Prison dogs). has been received. Westerville Police Dept
Please if you have these types of detection A request for assistance 29 S State St
dogs, can you help us run a test? Please from Elena Joering Westerville, OH 43081
contact Melinda Ruopp uspcasec@ Elena is the daughter of slain K9 Officer

Membership has surpassed 2500 members for 2017. After remaining static for
the last several years with the highest point being above 3000 members in 2008 it
is encouraging that the USPCA membership could see those numbers in the near
future, but how do we do that?
We need current members help. The USPCA is looking to hear from current mem-
bers who may have creative ideas on how to push membership forward and to reach
the canine community at large. The USPCA is open to offering an introductory free
membership to get new members to boost attendance at training sessions and or
certifications. But we need to open ourselves up to that and not be afraid to invite

in folks to watch or participate. Contact anyone on the Executive Board if you have
questions or thoughts. Take care!

With US!
Robert Dougherty Jr.
Phone: 610.316.3942
Fax: 215.948.3594
[email protected]

24 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

n a first for the USPCA and Mexico, we sent helping to interdict and thwart the Cartel’s trafficking
along a team of four to help train and run the of drugs, guns, bombs, humans, terrorism, kidnap-
State of Jalisco, Mexico their first Detector and ping, and so on.
Tracking Dog Certifications. From February 18-24,
Team Leader John Binnex, Carlos Rolon, Chris In the end 13 Narcotic Dogs, 7 Explosive Detection
Gerace, and Executive Director David “Lou” Ferland Dogs, 6 Cadaver Dogs and 1 Tracking Dog were
helped to prepare 27 new members and run certifi- Certified. The trip was paid for by the Mexican State
cation testing for Narcotics, Explosive, Cadaver and Police with the team members volunteering their time
Tracking Dogs. These teams are on the front lines to begin what might be a long lasting relationship.

March | April | May 2018 | 25

Agency K9 Unit Spotlight

26 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018
he Minnesota Department of
Natural Resources Division of
Enforcement has had working
dogs since the mid-1990s. For much
of that time there have been at most
two K9 teams on for the entire state,
but during the past seven years the
number has increased to four and
then six K9 teams. With the recent
retirement of one team, we are back
to five K9 teams, which includes two
German Shepherds, two German
Shorthairs and one Labrador mix.
We train our dogs to handle a vari-
ety of tasks. The best way to begin
the explanation is to break down the
dogs into two groups: the shepherds
and the sporting breed dogs, which
include the Labs and Shorthairs.
The shepherds are dual-purpose
dogs and certified through the Unit-
ed States Police Canine Association
(USPCA) in patrol (PD1), detection
and tracking. We mostly use them for
article searches and tracking people.
The main difference between our
shepherds and the other dual-pur-
pose canines from other agencies is
that our dogs are certified in game/
fish detection instead of narcotics
or bombs. We also have introduced
firearms scent detection for these
dogs. Our job, especially in the fall,
revolves around people using guns,
so firearms detection comes in
handy. We have made several cases
in which firearms have been hidden
or thrown.
Some people wonder how we’re able
to do both. In narcotics detection, the
goal is to locate something that’s il-

ota’s DNR K9 UNIT

legal to possess. Game and fish are
not necessarily illegal to possess, so
we have to work them differently. In
Minnesota, the law requires people

March | April | May 2018 | 27

is the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” but
there actually are 11,842 bodies of
water that are at least 10 acres in
size. When it comes to zebra mus-
sels, it would be irresponsible of us
to sit back and do nothing. These
little critters pose a multi-billion
dollar threat to North America,
and they’re spreading rapidly. The
dogs we have trained for detection
are doing their part to prevent the
spread by searching boat trailers,
dock lifts, and anything else that
may come from infested waters.
All of the dogs we get are social.
As with any K9 unit, the public likes
to show us any wild game or fish in shepherds. They are trained to de- to meet with us and learn more
their possession if we request it. So tect ducks, firearms, venison and about our program. This is huge
depending on the circumstances, if zebra mussels. Some people don’t when it comes to public relations.
they say they don’t have anything know what zebra mussels are or Most people like dogs and can re-
and we have information that indi- why it’s important to prevent them late to them, but that interaction
cates otherwise, the dog can help from inhabiting our lakes. They’re really educates the public on work-
us determine that fact. Some of the about the size of a thumb nail and ing dogs and how we use them.
highlights include finding hunters, are like little clams that attach to Through demonstrations and meet
trespassers, felons who fled police, rocks and other hard surfaces. and greets, we show the general
articles thrown by armed bank rob- There really are no threats zebra public how the dogs work and the
bers, and even locating a suicidal mussels in our waters, so they are role they play in protecting our re-
person within about 10 minutes free to thrive. By clogging munic- sources.
after the individual had taken a ipal water intakes, and attaching We would love to add more K9
large amount of pills and fled into to items such as boats, motors teams in Minnesota in the future.
a wooded area. and swim rafts, they are quickly Our teams work hard and train often
We have trained our sporting becoming a nuisance and causing in order to maintain a great K9 unit.
breed dogs for article searches, de- many problems. In addition, be- With these specialized canines, we
tection and tracking. They also go cause they’re filter feeders, zebra do a lot toward protecting resourc-
through USPCA certification. The mussels compete for food with na- es and public safety. When paired
detection for which these dogs are tive species and thereby disrupt the with their dedicated handlers, we
trained is a bit different than for the food chain in our lakes. Minnesota have a K9 unit to be proud of.

28 | Canine Courier October | November | December 2017

Odor Trace Mixed Odor Delivery Device
Odor Trace Mixed Odor Delivery Device
(OT-MODD) is a revolutionary new tool
for training canines in the detection

(OT-MODD) is a revolutionary new tool

of homemade explosives (HME).
The brainchild of the Office of Naval
Research, the Odor Trace MODD
for training canines in the detection
allows users to safely replicate odors of
volatile compounds without the threat
of homemade explosives (HME).
of unintended, adverse reactions.
Furthermore, users can quickly change

The brainchild of the Office of Naval

components to replicate an unlimited
number of compounds, and disposal is
as simple as handling each separate,
Research, the Odor Trace MODD
inert element as specified by its
allows users to safely replicate odors of
For additional information and to order the

volatile compounds without the threat

product contact [email protected]

of unintended, adverse reactions.

Furthermore, users can quickly change
components to replicate an unlimited
number of compounds, and disposal is

as simple as handling each separate,

inert element as specified by its

For additional information and to order the

product contact [email protected]
© Per Vivo Labs, Inc.

March | April | May 2018 | 29

30 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018
Trainer’s Corner
What Effects a K9 Team’s Success?

THE DOG: only advanced the goal of keep-

ing America safer and providing
Technological alternatives have a source of domestically bred
to this time proved inadequate as bomb sniffing dogs. Over several
compared to the acute ability of a years ongoing testimony before
dog’s nose. The Pentagon spent the U.S. House of Representative
$19 billion dollars to determine committees and subcommittees
that their best explosive detection on examining the use of canines
tool was a dog. Right now, good has happened. Recently HB4577
detection dogs are getting harder entitled ‘‘Domestic Explosives De-
and harder to obtain. Government tection Canine Capacity Building
agencies such as Customs and Act of 2017’’ was introduced in
Border Protection, TSA and ATF the House in December of 2017,
have multiple vendors trying to By Robert Daugherty
passed the House and is now
come up with good dogs to fill their before the Senate. This bill calls
specific requirements. Reports for the development of a working
suggest that the good dogs go to getting harder and obtaining the
best dogs most likely impossible. group to develop a decentralized
whoever has the most money and domestic canine breeding network
at last look that is most likely not The advanced countries the U.S.
is purchasing dog from also have to produce high quality explosives
the American government, which detection canines and modernize
by the way competes against itself concerns for keeping safe from ter-
rorism or drug trafficking. Common canine training standards.
in the procurement of dogs and is
also in competition with local and sense will suggest those coun- The dog’s primary sense is ol-
state law enforcement agencies tries are keeping the best dogs for faction and not every dog is or can
for the same purposes. Also, in themselves. Breeders in less se- be a very good detection dog. For
the mix are private companies who cure economic countries will sell to now, let’s accept that the selection
purchase dogs needed for a host whoever will pay the highest price process has been good, and the
of detection work, some to fill U.S. for a dog. Why are we not finding dogs chosen to have either been
contracts at home and overseas. and buying dogs domestically? genetically bred well for work and
Some U.S. Government bids even The TSA had from 1999 to 2012 raised from puppies to do detec-
spell out that the dogs MUST come a Canine Breeding and Develop- tion. If the dog came from a shelter
from Europe. The Department of ment Center which selectively bred or was a donation let’s hope the
Defense reported that most of nearly 500 puppies with a goal drive to play the hunt game is high
their transactions occur in Germa- of breeding genetically selected and the dog has a good nose. With
ny and the Netherlands however, high-performing healthy explosive continued on page 35
many Eastern European countries detection dogs raised from pup-
have become major resources for pies. The breeding program closed
purchasing working dogs. Amer- in 2012 after an efficiency review
ica is buying as many dogs as it determined that although “import-
can find and afford from Europe ant” further investment would not
and here is a shocker, America is best manage taxpayer dollars. It
not getting the best dogs. Finding is a loss of a program that if given
dogs is, depending upon breed, what it needed then would have

March | April | May 2018 | 31

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K-9 BSD, LLC is the owner of all US Patent rights and the registered
trademark K-9 BSD & Behavior Shaping Device TM.
32 | Canine Courier K-9 BSD-3
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March | April | May 2018 www.uspcak9.com17| 33
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1801 Eastwood Drive | PO Box 1213 | Sterling, IL 61081 | [email protected]

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34 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018
Trainer’s Corner

sessions trainers may be present DISTRACTIONS:

continued from page 31

all the check marks in the right box- during the searches to support the
es the process to teach the dog to teams, helping handlers to identify Teams should train as close to
find anything from explosives to an a dog’s behavior changes in odor the same circumstances as they
SD card will happen through solid and provide the approval nod so will work in and face real world.
basic detection course instruction. that the handler accurately re- Trainers know this but still some-
wards the dog on source. For most times can’t fulfil the requirement as
MAINTENANCE TRAINING: detection K9 teams they have a best as they would like. A dog that
Not to lump everyone into the very high reliability in training…but is very consistent in detecting the
same category and it is clearly that’s training. The real concern target odors of various weights,
understood that agencies differ in for handlers and trainers is what amounts or location placements
training requirements, time allot- happens in the field? Because in of explosive or narcotic training
ted, and budgets. For much of the the field, on the street, it is solely aids in a sparse training area will
law enforcement community with the handler’s call as to the accu- be faced eventually with an array
K9 units the K9 officers are as- of sights, smells, sounds and en-
rate performance of their dog. The
signed to platoons or squads run- vironmental exposures that impact
mere real world around the team
ning everything from auto crashes even the best of dogs. Dogs get a
will undoubtedly impact the per-
to neighbor disputes until they are great deal of information through
formance of the dog by countless
called out for their specialty. For smell. Just look at two dogs greet-
contextual elements: situation, en-
these teams monthly, in-service ing each other, they can’t put their
durance, and conditions.
training is their reality and twice a noses into enough places close
month if their agency is compliant Imagine the handler-dog team enough or long enough. Take your
with a national standard. For de- who have a high accuracy rate dog for a walk and they stop every
tection in service multiple training in locating source odor in train- few feet to take in some piece of
aids are placed out for detection ing who one day find themselves information about their surround-
dogs where trainers are most like- working in a large moving crowd, ings, relieve on a pole perhaps
ly doing their best to set up prob- perhaps sweeping the site of an where 50 other dogs have relieved
lems for teams to work out. As if event for hours, or a densely pop- themselves, pulling to an unknown
often the case the training sites are ulated environment full of different object to smell it, figure its purpose
familiar, or maybe if a new location odors and environmental stimuli, a out, what is the meaning of this
is used it often is an abandoned moving subject who drops a book “thing” to the dog.
building or auto pound or car lot or bag in a trashcan containing a rice
The same principle is at work
a less active part of a transporta- cooker bomb. What are the chanc- when the expectations in the real
tion center. Trainers know it can be es the team will be successful in world are that the dog will work
difficult to find places to train and their mission and what are the fac- just like in training. Dogs will get
they know how important it is to tors the team can be reliable and distracted in real world situations.
change locations. During training effective? continued on page 41

Photo with Penn Vet P- Liter Photo

Members of the P Litter puppies (Lab-
rador Retrievers) move about on their
first day of training at the center. The P
Litter (TSA/Penn Vet Working Dog Cen-
ter) was whelped by a foster family and
began their training at 8 weeks of age.
Each member of this litter is named af-
ter a victim of the 9/11 attacks. Photo
courtesy Penn Vet/John Donges

March | April | May 2018 | 35 (270) 534-0500

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March | April May 2018
March | April | May 2018 | 37

38 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

As your alert K-9 partner ages, he or she may run “Senior dogs have special dietary needs,” Dr.
a little slower, and his or her muzzle may appear Zanghi explains. “As a dog enters the senior life
a little grayer. Although the aging process cannot stage, glucose metabolism in the brain begins to
be stopped, using targeted nutritional and con- change, potentially affecting memory, learning,
ditioning strategies that focus on maintaining awareness, and decision-making. Many senior dogs
overall wellness will help to support your senior benefit from high-protein diets to help retain lean
K-9’s physical performance and cognitive health body mass, but that also are lower in fat to help
for a longer career. maintain a healthy body condition.”
“Dogs can still be physically active through Targeted nutrients that can make a difference
their senior years,” says Purina Senior Research in an older dog include omega-3 fatty acids from
Nutritionist Brian Zanghi, PhD. “However, it’s fish oil to help promote joint health and mobility.
important to match the physical lifestyle to the Enhanced botanical oils can be used as an addi-
age of your dog. Mobility, mental sharpness tional energy source for the brain and when added
and overall health become more important than to the daily diet of dogs ages 7 and older, pro-
speed and intensity.” moted memory attention and trainability.
Dr. Zanghi also says age-appropriate exercise Purina Pro Plan BRIGHT MIND Adult 7+ dry
that focuses on maintaining a dog’s skills while formulas represent a breakthrough innovation
accommodating an older dog’s physical limitations with enhanced botanical oils shown to promote
is critical. Shorter, less frequent bouts of exercise alertness and mental sharpness. Among the
are best. Avoid extremely hot or cold weather, keep benefits to senior dogs, BRIGHT MIND Adult 7+
your K-9 hydrated and take rest breaks as needed. dry formulas:
Furthermore, studies such as the groundbreaking • Are made with high-quality protein including
14-year Purina Life Span Study have shown that chicken as the first ingredient
properly feeding your dog to maintain ideal body • Contain enhanced botanical oils shown to
condition, meaning the dog’s ribs are palpable promote alertness and mental sharpness in
without excess fat covering, plays a major role dogs 7 and older within 30 days
in sustaining wellness and longevity. • Contain a blend of brain-supporting nutrients for
This is why it is important to monitor your dog’s cognitive health, including arginine, DHA and
body mass and not allow him or her to become EPA, antioxidants such as vitamins E and C, and
overweight, as extra weight puts unnecessary B vitamins such as folic acid and pyridoxine
stress on joints. Low-impact exercise, such as • Contain EPA, an omega-3 fatty acid, and gluco-
swimming, is a great way to keep a dog lean. samine to help support joint health and mobility
Daily exercise and walks also help support an • Include vitamin A and
ideal body condition. linoleic acid, an omega-6
fatty acid, for healthy
Around age 7 or when your dog nears retirement To learn more about the
age, it is a good time to consider switching from nutritional needs of senior
a high-protein/high-fat performance food to a dogs, please visit www.
senior formula to help maintain health and wellness. ■


Brawn + Brains Your senior dog may have the Less Is More Be wise in how you train and work
heart, but not the brawn to continue training and with your senior K-9. Shorter, less frequent bouts
working. Make sure your K-9 is physically and of exercise is best. Avoid extremely hot or cold
mentally fit by first having your veterinarian per- weather. Keep your dog hydrated and take rest
form a thorough exam. breaks as needed.

Fit For Life Just because a dog has entered the senior life stage doesn’t mean he or she can’t still be a
lean machine. Monitor your K-9’s body mass and avoid letting him or her become overweight to avoid
putting unnecessary stress on joints. Daily activity will help to maintain your dog’s ideal body condition.

Source: Brian Zanghi, PhD, Purina Senior Research Nutritionist

March | April | May 2018 | 39

40 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018
Trainer’s Corner
continued from page 35 source or easier to source. Time
Unlike the sometimes-sanitary con- has elapsed as to when the aid
ditions of training the real world pro- was placed out, the temperature
vides distractions; other dogs, peo- in the room changed, strong sun-
ple they don’t know, noises they are light is drawing the odor towards
not familiar with, food discarded in the window. Odor is different
the interior of a car or on a train plat- when the weather changes, warm
form and the list is endless of peo- or hot humid weather odor dis-
ple, places and things. A dog can- perses differently than in the cold.
not just detect the odor of TATP or Dogs can miss odor searching in
Crystal Meth without having to work one direction and catch it moving
through everything else in its path. in the opposite direction because
The dog that performs alerts on sta- of air moving. A narcotic dog can
tionary hides cannot be expected to miss an odor on a car stop be-
detect the person carrying an explo- cause traffic is moving by causing
sive in a backpack moving through a drafts, noise and exhaust odors. A
crowd. A narcotics dog might miss cold engine aid placement will be
a hidden compartment because the sourced differently by a dog than
car interior is full bags of partially a real odor source concealed in an
eaten fast food. An explosive dog engine compartment that has been
might miss the back pack tossed driving on the highway for 5 hours.
into a trash can because of a loud
noise that was distracting enough to
stop the dog from smelling. The human is always a factor in
the team’s success. The handler did
ENDURANCE AND TIME not read the dog correctly, missed a
CHANGES EVERYTHING: behavior change, has lots of other
The endurance ability of a dog, personal issues in their heads drift-
how long can a dog work for and ing off thinking about “stuff” when
mouth wide open taking in as much they are to be focused on the task.
under what conditions. Every trainer
air as possible to cool themselves Maybe the person on the end of the
and handler know that the ability of
down. The dog that shows signs of lead is not a good handler to begin
a dog to perform well changes over
stress (yawning, making lots of eye with, being indecisive or doubting
time. Very simply, a tired dog is less
contact with the handler, sitting to themselves or the dog or worse, be-
reliable. An overweight dog will be-
scratch or shake off stress…) is not ing indifferent to it all.
come ineffective quicker than a dog
reliable at that moment. To be more
at the correct weight, a dog that is “Trust your Dog”…“The Dog is
reliable does the dog need to take
exercised regular and correctly will Always Right”…may not really ap-
a break, lose weight, get more ben-
last longer than a dog that only exer- ply in the real world but make great
eficial exercise?
cise comes from jumping in and out mottos that hang in training facili-
of their vehicle. Watching the dog ties and passed down by trainers
work means more than just waiting ODOR DISPERSES AND to handlers through the decades.
until the dog finds the odor source CHANGES: A more accurate motto might be
and alerts. Watching the dog means When a hide is set up for training “What is your dog telling you”? Be-
considering how is the dog being af- often the first dog is the test dog. ing able to accurately “read” what
fected by time, weather and stress. Watching how the dog works, the dog is communicating is per-
When a dog is mouth breathing or where they catch odor, how they haps the single most principal fac-
panting they do not sniff odors at work it out. The next 7 dogs show tor in a team’s success.
their best, a hot or overheated dog similar or exact behavior, but dogs Bob Dougherty is a retired canine
will be forced to cool themselves and 8 thorough 10 changes are no- handler and trainer and currently
therefore has a less reliable nose. A ticed to where they now pick up holds the position of Law Enforce-
thirsty, hot, tired dog may start seek- the odor and work it out because ment Training Program Coordina-
ing shelter from the climate, an over- things changed in the room. The tor at the Penn Vet Working Dog
heating dogs tongue will often cup, placement has become harder to Center in Philadelphia.

March | April | May 2018 | 41

USPCA National Officers
Executive Committee
The National Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, National Secretary, National Treasurer,
Board of Trustees, The President of member Regions and Districts or their alternates and Past National Presidents.

President Secretary Treasurer

Jason Brodt Melinda Ruopp James Matarese
St. Paul, MN 1575 Wallace Ave. 20 Hickory Ridge Drive
(651) 592-7874 Marshalltown, IA Falmouth, VA
50158 22405-1440
(540) 226-4265

National Vice Presidents

Southeast Vice President West Vice President Southwest Vice President
Brandon Gilmore Vacant Noel Salamoni
Lakeland, FL Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Montana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Okla-
Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, homa,Texas,
Tennessee, South Carolina, The Caribbean, Arizona,Nevada, Utah, Hawaii, Asia, Aus-
Virgin Islands, Bahamas tralia Central Vice President
Ryan Machin
Northwest Vice President Northeast Vice President Canada, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, Kentucky,
Josh Stenseth Wayne Rothschild Indiana, Michigan
St. Croix, WI NYPD
North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kan- Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecti-
sas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Alaska cut, Rhode Island, New York, New Hamp-
shire, District of Columbia, Vermont, Penn-
sylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland, New
Jersey, Maine

National Trustees
Until 2020 Until 2018
Harry Barraclough Jr Brady Harrison
Contonment, FL Send Email
Until 2019 St. Paul, MN
Alternate Trustee
Until 2019
Ron Bowling Alternate Trustee
Send Email Chris Gerace
Bryans Road, MD Until 2018 Send Email
Glouchester, NJ

42 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

U SPC A Fou n dation
Help us make a difference!

General Donation
Your donation makes the USPCA’s work possible, and
helps local regions across the nation provide support to
law enforcement officers and their dogs to provide better
service to their communities.
Honorary Donation
Make a living gift to honor a friend, loved one or special
pet, and send a message of hope and caring to law en-
Memorial Donation
Make a personal remembrance to commemorate the life of
a friend, a loved one, a special pet and share a loving gift
with their family.
Please consider making a charitable donation in support of our goal of providing professional assis-
tance to Officers, their agencies and communities served by police service dog programs.

For More Information: It is wise to consult tax professionals if you are contemplating a gift. Please
feel free to email Executive Director Dr. “Lou” David Ferland at [email protected] with any
Make your donation to: USPCA Foundation • Jim Matarese, Treasurer
20 Hickory Ridge Dr • Falmouth, VA 22405-1440

March | April | May 2018 | 43

Trainer’s Corner

Understanding and Training

The Explosive Detection Canine

anine trainers are constantly This initial training covers imprint- In this article, I will explain why
reviewing and editing their ing of the dogs, handler training, accuracy in locating explosives de-
training curriculum based and operational exposure. The han- pends on search techniques, train-
on ideas received from a variety of dler training is usually the most dif- ing, and leadership by the handler.
sources. It should not be consid- ficult as they will become the leader I have also included a section on
ered unusual that there are many of the team. They must understand food reward for ball dogs during im-
ways to train the Explosive Detec- the effects air movement has on printing.
tion Dog Team (EDDT). Their goal is explosive odor, productive areas
Productive Searches
producing an operational team that to search, a working knowledge of
can locate explosives in a variety of explosives, canine behavior, moti- A productive search involves a
situations. The reliability of the team vation and a variety of other things. good search pattern as well as a
is tested in an operational environ- This is an enormous amount of in- thorough search. Presentations by
ment by disinterested judges or formation to learn and perform in a the handler and scans by the canine
evaluators. Passing the test is a val- short period of time. should be done in places where
idation of the training. explosive odor or devices may be

44 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

Trainer’s Corner

present, including blank walls if air of the search is critical. productive areas are searched.
is moving. Good search strategy When searching for an explo- They must understand airflow and
maximizes odor detection. sive it is always better to start your environmental issues that can affect
It is a common misunderstanding searches low and work up. The dispersing explosive odor. Heating,
that the amount of explosive itself is explosive odor is generally heavier air-conditioning, drafts and cross
the chief contributor to the amount than air, which causes it to pool in ventilation can cause air to move
of odor available to a canine. The low-lying areas. Cast your canines in a room or building. The effects
concentration of odor at the dog’s under structures, the bottom of ve- of this movement may not be no-
nose depends not only on the hicles and their seams rather than ticeable until the canine gives a fi-
amount of explosive material but on top or in the middle to locate nal response in an unlikely place.
also the explosive vapor pressure any odor. The exception to this is air Hand presentations may be needed
(the natural release of odor from an movement. Moving air can redirect to ensure all areas are completely
explosive), air movement and how the downward movement of odor to searched.
it is packaged. If the canine team coincide with the direction of the air Handlers must understand
properly searches the objects, ve- flow. changes in behavior and reactions
hicles, buildings or areas, it should the canine makes after encounter-
not matter what the quantity of odor What are the Handlers’ responsi-
bilities? ing odor. How many of you have
is. Ensure that the canine is actively been searching for explosive odor
sniffing. A miss is highly likely if the The handler must be the leader of and your dog lifts its head sniffing
dog is not actively searching and the team. They are responsible for the air (change of behavior), hesi-
going as close as possible to the ar- everything, including making sure tates and then continues its normal
eas that are productive. The quality the canine is searching properly and search? Or, while searching vehi-

March | April | May 2018 | 45

cles, the dog pauses, sniffs briefly Let’s assume it is a change of be- derstand what is productive and
under a car (change of behavior) havior and the dog has pulled you will likely wander from one place to
and then continues. When it hap- off the current search pattern. After another. This will add confusion to
pens, consider the idea that air marking your spot, go with the dog what has been searched and what
moved explosive odor across the to see if they can locate the source hasn’t. The explosive odor may not
dog’s nose. Seconds later the air of the explosive. What if the dog be available to the canine who ca-
changed direction and it’s gone. pulls to a point and stops, acting as sually walks through an area.
You should complete a detailed if the odor has disappeared? You A scan is a search strategy to
search of that area or vehicle(s) should assume the dog was sniff- cover a large area or number of
making sure nothing is missed. ing explosive odor and for whatever objects quickly while being thor-
Allow the canine to follow the reason, now the odor is unavailable ough. Every search area, vehicle or
odor after a change of behavior. to the dog. Don’t leave that spot building will have some feature the
Make sure you mark your current and go back to your marker. Search canine hasn’t been exposed to in
location, so you can restart where everything from that spot in a circle training. The handler looks for the
you left off. It is useful to know until you’re certain the area is clear. productive areas, determines the
whether it’s a change of behav- What does the dog really know search pattern and directs the ca-
ior or if the dog is just breaking about searching when the handler nine to scan. The handler guides
away to check other things. Some allows the dog to lead the way? the canine to the productive ar-
dogs eager to receive the reward eas. A well-trained canine will then
may break off the search and walk When you allow the canine to scan these areas as it moves for
around hoping they sniff odor. If become the leader and simply fol- explosive odors. If the dog misses
that’s the case, direct them back low them, success is not easy to something the handler will redirect
onto the search. achieve. The canine does not un- them to complete the search.

46 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

Trainer’s Corner

Why does my dog search so fast expressions that provide informa- first can. If you start the search too
and how can I slow them down? tion. Verbally pumping up the dog far away, your quick movements
The team’s movement is rapid before you start, your fast move- to have a presentation ready give
but thorough. Do not underesti- ment towards the cans and very the dog the idea that speed is de-
mate the importance of training in quick hand presentations are all sired. Start the search by saying in
canine skill development. Accura- forms of communication for the a calm low voice “Easy” and make
cy is the benchmark that indicates dog. a very slow presentation to the first
the team is ready to search at a can and hold it until the dog puts
A word of caution, we don’t want his head inside sniffing. You start
faster pace. to diminish the dog’s drive as you your move to the next can keep-
There are several reasons why change your body movements. ing your hand down just above the
canines search quickly. I will use Don’t use harsh leash corrections height of the cans. This is to stop
the ORT cans as an example. Often or harsh voice commands. the canine from pushing past you.
you see a canine go very quickly What I use for this training is Offer resistance if they attempt.
over the cans until they locate odor four cans in a straight line or part Say “Easy” if they are pushing your
and then sit. Unfortunately, they will of a circle. All cans have distrac- hand attempting to get by you.
have likely missed some low vapor tors except for the last one with an Keep moving. As you approach
pressure odors along the way. explosive odor. You can use any- the third can if they are still pushing
Speed can be a function of drive thing that you normally use during or going too fast, pull them off as
in the dog itself, its desire to receive maintenance training, whatever is you leave the third can before you
the reward and its understanding available to you. It is very difficult get to the fourth can with the odor
that searches can produce re- to control and teach a canine while saying “Easy”. You will repeat this
wards. This is a good thing to have on leash and searching, hand pre- exercise until the dog is moving at
in a detector canine. It is what we sentations are used to establish the pace you like. They will then be
look for during the selection pro- the behaviors you want. allowed to reach the fourth can and
cess. This discussion is on slowing Most dogs these days are the reward. Using the word “Easy”
them down to make them a more pre-tested by canine vendors and is an attempt to pair the word with
effective searching and sniffing part should come with the drive you the behavior (slower speed) that is
of the team. need. The idea of getting the dog desired. If successful with this pair-
Another consideration is the han- excited is no longer needed, with ing you may slow the dog with a
dler’s rapid body and arm move- good maintenance training they simple command.
ments which may signal the dog should be ready. In almost all situa- All dogs are different, and you
we are moving fast. Knowingly or tions of explosive detection, a calm may have to repeat this process
unknowingly we imprint our behav- dog is preferred. until the behavior is learned. All
iors (non-verbal communication) Calmly walk your dog over to commands are in a soft voice.
on our canine partners. It’s not the the point you will be starting from,
words as much as the actions in- Dogs need to understand what
which should be right next to the the rules are, and you must be con-
cluding voice inflections and facial

There are several reasons why canines search quickly. I will use the ORT
cans as an example. Often you see a canine go very quickly over the cans un-
til they locate odor and then sit. Unfortunately, they will have likely missed
some low vapor pressure odors along the way.

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Trainer’s Corner

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Trainer’s Corner

sistent in demonstrating the behaviors you want. Essentially,

we are withholding the reward (reaching the can with odor)
until they move slowly. You may have used this technique of
withholding the reward to teach the dog to sit straight or focus
on the source of odor before you reward. Show them what you
want and reward when they complete the task. Reinforcing
this behavior, if needed, can always be accomplished during
maintenance training.
What you’ve completed when you get your dog working
properly are forms of Positive and Negative Reinforcement.
Praising and rewarding (Positive) for good work done and tak-
ing away (Negative) something until it’s completed properly.
If your dog is not calm before you start and is barking or
whining, do nothing. This is usually caused when the handler
started the exercise while this was happening. They do this
because they think it starts the exercise. Wait till they are calm
and then start. They will soon realize what they need to do to
get you moving.

Food reward (for ball dogs) in beginning training, how it

works, and will it work for you.
The preferred method for most trainers when training de-
tector dogs (Narcotics and Explosive) in the United States is
play-reward. Trainers use the dog’s drive to gain a reward for
finding explosive odor. During canine selection, trainers place
rewards in different areas to check the dog’s willingness to re-
trieve. This is not a search; the toy is visible to the dog. They
simply have to get past an obstacle, confined area, dark room
or under a small area and they get the reward. The success
of this test gives the trainer an idea of what to expect during
training. Some canines won’t attempt to fetch and can be re-
jected, while others are not deterred or at least make attempts
to retrieve the reward.
Over the years vendors have paid attention to what we
asked for in a dog and are giving us dogs with high ball drive.
It’s a known fact that dogs have different levels of drive for
the reward which can be detected by the possessiveness they
show the reward. The true test of a dog’s drive is not chasing a
ball that you’ve thrown, but how long they will hold it once they
have retrieved it. When you throw the ball, you are activating
their drive which can give you an inaccurate picture of the dog’s
capability. The dog who holds the reward for a long period of

March | April | May 2018 | 49

Trainer’s Corner

time is telling you how much they For everyone who has completed When you throw the Kong, you
desire it, which translates to how training and is experiencing these escalate the level of drive in your
long they might search for the ex- issues, I have some advice. The re- dog. For the dog with a high drive
plosive odor to get it. ward is usually given to the canine who already has trouble releas-
The downside of the high drive by the handler or trainer throwing it ing, you are making it worse. Try
ball dog is their reluctance to re- towards the explosive odor where placing the reward at the source
lease the reward. All dogs desire the canine is showing a final re- and allow the dog to move in
the reward and need time pos- sponse. The canine chases the and pick it up. Their drive is high,
sessing it and satisfying them- reward catching it in their mouth so they won’t be affected. This
selves by holding it in their mouth. completing the cycle of detection. won’t make the release easier but
For the high drive dogs, the time The theory that the play-reward doesn’t drive it up either. Getting
period can be lengthy, causing must always be thrown at the area them to release can be easy. They
handlers to struggle with the where the explosive odor is hidden don’t want to releasew because
dog to retrieve the reward. This is not supported with positive re- you take it away and forcing them
is usually accomplished by mul- sults for every dog. It used to be isn’t the solution either. Using one
tiple release commands followed believed that the dog must always command to release, simply wait
by some compulsory action de- think the reward comes from the them out until they drop the re-
signed to force the dog to release. source of the odor. No matter the ward. This may take a long time,
For the high drive dog, this may reason, when the dog starts look- only use one command. When
happen everytime they get the ing at you, they’ve figured it out. they drop the reward reach down
reward. The dogs learn through
repetition when you are preparing
to force them to release the re-
ward. They may hold the reward
until they can’t possibly refuse to
let it go any longer. This is a cycle
that starts early during imprinting
which affects consistency and
repetition needed for a success-
ful imprint. It’s not recommended
to attempt to train the release
during imprinting, the prime goal
is teaching sniffing and rewarding.
An attempt at harsh corrections
for not releasing in the imprint
area may diminish the dog’s de-
sire to search for fear of punish-
ment. Using food reward during
the imprint will not affect the dog
and will give them many repeti-
tions. You simply use their daily
allotment of food during training.
Also, in a different area, you can
train the release of the reward.

50 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

Trainer’s Corner

and flip it back to them. You can Each canine is different and this
do this several times the first few may not work, but if it does, it’s
times to see how they are react- better than fighting the dog.
ing. Repetition will teach them In moments of doubt, remem-
you are going to give it back mak- ber your training and trust your
ing it more likely they will release dog.
the reward. After you’ve done
this and they consistently release, Don Slavik
change the pattern. Sometimes
you don’t give it back and some-
times you do. As long as they
think there is the possibility they
will get it back they will release.

March | April | May 2018 | 51

Experience Can Teach a Dog Many Things
Some Good And Sometimes Not So Good

will begin this arti- ences in life, like “gee,
cle with an abso- I don’t really feel like
lute and undeniable working today, I’d rath-
statement; EVERY- er look for a girlfriend”.
THING you do with, to, But the bottom line is
or for your dog TEACH- simply that experience
ES HIM SOMETHING. will always have an ef-
And sometimes he may fect upon the dog’s
learn some things you Don Sterling performance whether it
did not intend to teach be negative or positive.
him but he learned any- The problem may actually
way. All dogs but particularly a trained dog
lie with our own retraining program, for exam-
tends to use his brain in a way that will en-
ple, when a dog fails to perform properly he will
compass everything you have taught him
know it before the handler does simply because
as it relates not only to his specific tasks
the handler cannot observe nor correct a mis-
but also how he relates to his handler, his
experience as well as the environment.
take until such time as he observes that mis-
Certainly the average house pet has less take, and by that time it has been going on for
to “think about” than a police service dog, some period of time. Bad habits and negative
no matter the venue whether it be patrol behavior can happen but they always have a
or strictly scent work. One cannot stop beginning, a starting point. So the dog always
a dog from thinking and how any intelli- knows what is going on before the handler. Way
gent animal thinks will depend not only back in 1966 when I worked with my first patrol
upon what he has been taught and how dog, (yeah, I’m that old) I noticed a declining
he relates to that information but equally interest in his building searches. Now he had
as important, if not more so, is his individ- always been an enthusiastic worker but there
ual personality and experiences. One of came a time when I noticed a certain “lack of
the dogs in my unit received an electrical enthusiasm” in his searches. I attributed this to
shock while searching a building, another the fact that he had searched so many build-
fell through a false ceiling, another had a ings without locating a suspect that he had be-
cocked .38 go off when he picked it up, come bored. A bit of history here. Our canine
(we told the handler the dog was trying to unit was just being formed and we were anx-
kill him) and my own dog fell into a swim- ious to assist any sector car that had an open
ming pool one night on a track. All these door or alarm ringing and we believed that “ex-
experiences will affect how your dog will perience” searching buildings would further the
both think and work. Some dogs will work dog’s ability. That proved to be our first mistake
simply because they love the task and will as instead of improving the dogs it simply bored
continue to do so regardless of external them as there was no “real reward” for the
factors. Unfortunately some may be a search as there had been in training when EV-
bit more devious and attempt to avoid a
trained task in favor of their own prefer-
to compare canine behavior to human behavior

52 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

Trainer’s Corner

March | April | May 2018 | 53

Trainer’s Corner

54 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

Trainer’s Corner

because we can better understand human behav- motivation provided the dog is already sufficiently
ior. As such let me offer an example of the above. If trained as too much training can simply ware the
you consistently attempt to hit a baseball and after dog’s enthusiasm down, and no worry about the
numerous attempts you fail to hit the ball, sooner or dog “forgetting” what he has been taught. THEY
later you stop trying whereas if you get a base hit NEVER “FORGET”.
every time you’re up at bat you are far more likely to I have also learned to try to “think ahead of the
continue. Success breeds success and failure can dog” and recognize a problem before it manifests
ultimately lead to failure. Dogs think along the same itself in obvious ways. Consequently, I monitor how
lines. Search “x” amount of buildings and let the suc- much or how little my dog is working, both being
cess rate be too low, sooner or later the dog will lose important factors, his “real life successes” relative
interest. And the dogs know the difference between to his street calls versus rewards I would supply
a real reward, an apprehension or location that trig- in the event he was not successful on a his street
gers aggressive behavior, and a simple “good boy” tasks. Two of my three dogs were excellent track-
or play time with a tug. Few things can ever replace ing dogs and loved to do so almost without outside
the reward the dog has been trained for and an ap- motivation and we ran a ten percent apprehension
prehension or even simply the location of a suspect rate, one the highest in the unit simply because
is the primary motivator in a patrol dog. tracking apprehensions, even with good informa-
As a result of my dog’s deteriorating work, again, tion to begin with, are probably the most difficult in
the dog knowing what was happening before the which to be successful since the reality of contain-
handler, I decided to have the patrol officer hide in ing or overtaking a suspect is so difficult.
the building after I had completed my initial search To maintain my dog’s performance it was necessary
and sent my dog in for another search. This seemed to supply all three of my dogs with “real life” training
to work well for some period of time until I noticed exercises. This is where it is necessary to “become
that my dog would was more interested in returning smarter than your dog” and try not to let him know
to the car to await my “motivational training exer- that training is not training but an actual work call or
cise” than to conduct his primary search. Please un- he will work well in training but my not on an actual
derstand that I had very little experience at the time call. Hint; perpetrators lay down the best tracks. As
so my training was quite “unsophisticated” if I can such I would try to use the track from an actual crime
use that term to describe a certain lack of knowl- scene as a guide for my training exercises.
edge. So once again, the dog was “ahead of me” in
learning something I had not intended to teach him. As a result of learning from my mistakes and an
increasing understanding of the intelligence of dogs
And so it went during my earlier years as a trainer. I began a program to do a better job of thinking
One of the things I have learned over the years about and planning my exercises which continues
is never “over work” your dog. Dogs have what to this day. I have found that imagination is a key
I like to call an “enthusiasm bank” and ev- element in coming up with interesting exercises for
ery time you ask him to work and he does both my dogs and handlers. If a handler becomes
not receive an ADAQUATE reward you complacent the dog is sure to follow so it is neces-
are making a withdrawal from that sary to consider the handler as well as the dog in
bank and it can be depleted until training. A note here. When working with an expe-
there is nothing left and that’s rienced handler preplanning is important but telling
when we begin to observe a handler EXACTLY what is going to happen will
a deterioration the dog’s take the reality of the exercise out of the training
work. SOMETIMES a lack for the handler because in the real life work of law
of training can enhance enforcement the handler never knows what the re-

March | April | May 2018 | 55

Trainer’s Corner

sults will be thus allowing the handler So let me return to things that dogs or don’t do will change your dog’s be-
to work and observe the dog without learn that you may not wish them to havior, for the better or for the worse.
foreknowledge and will increase his/ learn. My first dog learned that I could EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT. Inciden-
her ability to read the dog. HOWEVER, not control his barking on a traffic stop tally, when tracking I taught my next
I NEVER embarrass a handler or al- or interrogation which made it difficult two dogs to stop on command.
low him/her to make any mistake that for headquarters to hear my transmis- Human nature is human nature and
would be detrimental to the progress sions. He also understood that when if you are a “normal” human being
of the dog. Consequently a trainer I didn’t enforce basic commands it you will most likely make mistakes
should generally accompany a han- made my control work difficult. He due to the familiarity of routine. This is
dler on any “unknown” exercise. But could “read me like a book”. He was unavoidable unless you make a con-
once again, however, there should always “ahead of me”. If I dropped scious effort never to let bad habits
come a time when a team becomes the lead on a track he would finish it influence your dog’s performance.
proficient enough that they should be alone, a bad trait as more often than Now I realize that dogs are not robots
given the parameters of an unknown I care to remember, I ended up look- and they are susceptible to variations
exercise and allowed to run it alone. ing for my dog. He would get in the in their behavior just as much as we
Such exercises build confidence in front of my car whenever I got out and are. It is in recognizing that these vari-
the handler’s ability to read the dog the list goes on and on. Dogs never ations that can be both negative and
and builds trust of their dog’s ability. stop thinking and everything you do

56 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

Trainer’s Corner

or positive and one must be alert to Training dogs is the complex appli- injury from his apprehension. The fol-
the negatives. I never correct a dog cation of common sense and com- lowing day my dog’s aggression level
for a mistake but I never let disobe- mon sense tells us that intelligent, rose dramatically. He had “learned”
dience or disinterest go uncorrected (and sometimes not so intelligent something I did not want him to learn
or your dog will learn that he can get animals) never stop learning. There is as high levels of aggressive behavior
away with such behavior. The more no “neutral” in a dog’s brain or behav- must be a concern to any handler and
consistent a handler is the less dis- ior. Everything your dog experiences I had to take measures to return him
obedient the behavior consequently on Monday will affect his behavior to a more reasonable level of aggres-
the less correction necessary to con- on Tuesday. Consequently a handler sive behavior. They, like you, never
trol the dog’s behavior and the more must remain alert to his/her dog’s be- stop learning. Sometimes it can be
rewarding the relationship. Dogs nev- havior every day and once again I use beneficial and sometimes it can be
er stop thinking and neither should a human analogy. If you have a serious counterproductive. Stay alert to your
a handler. I would like to clarify my altercation with a perpetrator on Mon- dog’s behavior, it will change every
previous statement. Disobedience day your behavior will be different on day.
must be corrected in the traditional Tuesday, more so than it was on Sun- And remember, someone out there
manner; disinterest must be correct- day. My dog apprehended a suspect may be trying to kill you and tonight
ed through better training based upon who was under the influence of drugs may be the night…ROUTINE KILLS.
positive motivation. and resulted in a particularly serious

March | April | May 2018 | 57

U SPC A Fou n dation
Help us make a difference!

General Donation
Your donation makes the USPCA’s work possible, and
helps local regions across the nation provide support to
law enforcement officers and their dogs to provide better
service to their communities.
Honorary Donation
Make a living gift to honor a friend, loved one or special
pet, and send a message of hope and caring to law en-
Memorial Donation
Make a personal remembrance to commemorate the life of
a friend, a loved one, a special pet and share a loving gift
with their family.
Please consider making a charitable donation in support of our goal of providing professional assis-
tance to Officers, their agencies and communities served by police service dog programs.

For More Information: It is wise to consult tax professionals if you are contemplating a gift. Please
feel free to email Executive Director Dr. “Lou” David Ferland at [email protected] with any
Make your donation to: USPCA Foundation • Jim Matarese, Treasurer
20 Hickory Ridge Dr • Falmouth, VA 22405-1440

58 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018


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$40.00 Back
16 oz. Travel Mug $10.00



Camo or Denim USPCA Paw Keychain

USPCA Embroiderd Patch $4.50 $7.00 & Bottle Opener $4.00

Future K-9 T-shirt $17.00
USPCA Baseball $6.00
USPCA Backpack $80.00

Get your USPCA Gear Today K-9 Life Decal $5.50

March | April | May 2018 | 59

6060| |Canine
Courier October | November
March| December
| April | May2017
Advertiser Index
Ace K9..................................................................................60 KATS K9................................................................................ 8
AceK9..................................................................................... 4 Mercy Medical....................................................................40
Avis Electric Co..................................................................24 Morrissett Funeral Home.................................................17
Battle Ridge........................................................................... 9 Odor Trace..........................................................................29
Bliley’s Funeral Home........................................................17 Pack Track...........................................................................30
Boston Leather....................................................................34 Police K9........................................................................36, 37
Direct Animal Products....................................................61 Police K9 Conference & Vendor Show..................... 58-59
Dowdy’s Well & Septic.......................................................19 PSD.......................................................................................66
East Coast Police Dogs........................................................ 7 Purina............................................................................ 38-39
Elite.....................................................................................2, 3 Richmond Machinery.......................................................17
Elliott’s..................................................................................19 Shallow Creek K9...............................................................61
Guirkin Plumbing & Heating...........................................19 Stratford Hall......................................................................24
Hillview Kennels................................................................18 True Canine International.................................................. 8
Hits............................................................Inside front cover USPCA Gear.......................................................................59
Jones Trailer Co..................................................................18 Von Galeid Haus................................................................63
K9 BSD.......................................................................... 32-33 Whites Narcotic & Detector Dogs...................................10
K9 PSD.................................................................................66 Working Dog..............................................................65

March | April | May 2018 | 61

62 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018
Show your support for the USPCA and all those that serve & protect
USPCA Challenge Coin - $12.00 • Custom challenge coin• 1.75 inch hard
enamel brass coin.
Embossed on the front is the color USPCA logo.

On reverse is all of the certifications the USPCA

offers and an engraved depiction of all certifi-
cations surrounding a black and silver US flag
dog paw with a thin blue line.

The outer edge is engraved with “In Dogs We

Trust” in Dutch, German and Czech.
Shop at:


March | April | May 2018 | 63



K9 Rony K9 Mojo K9 Brock

Houston Police Dept. Texas N. Charleston Police Dept. SC St. Mary’s County Sheriff ’s Office, MD
End of Watch End of Watch End of Watch
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 Thursday, February 15, 2018 Thursday, January 18, 2018
K9 Rony died after suffering a serious injury following K9 Mojo was killed in a vehicle crash K9 Brock died from complications of
a vehicle and foot pursuit of a subject who had been when his an injury
driving a stolen car. handler’s patrol car collided with another vehicle. sustained while training.

K9 Dino K9 Scout
Green Township Police Dept. Ohio Jefferson County Sheriff ’s Office, NY
End of Watch End of Watch
Monday, September 25, 2017 Thursday, January 18, 2018
K9 Dino died after suffering a medical emergency K9 Scout died after a ball accidentally
during an active track of several suspects involved in a became lodged in his mouth, blocking
burglary and abduction of a his airway.
15-month-old child.

64 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018


July 15-18, 2018 | Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark

March | April | May 2018 | 65

Canine Business & Editorial Offices
Courier 410 Norfolk Rd.
Flourtown, PA 19031

66 | Canine Courier March | April | May 2018

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