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Caceres 1

Ana G. Caceres
Professor Granillo
English 103
28 May 2019

Annotated Bibliography

David, Patty, et al. “Generation X and Its Evolving Experience with the American Dream.”



This evidence explains how the foundations of the American dream come from the

Declaration of Independence and its emphasis on the pursuit of happiness. Also, the

article shows how the expectations of the American dream have changed throughout the

years. Therefore, due to the actual economy, for many people the American dream has

change its definition from accomplishing a better life than parents to living a comfortable


This article was used to support the claim that the commercial promotes the repressive

ideology American dream. With this evidence I was able to show the foundations of the

American dream and how it is based on the pursuit of happiness, something that the song

“Impossible dream” playing in the ad reflects.

Disney. “The Little Duck”. 25 Dec. 2018, Advertisement. YouTube
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The Disney’s commercial “The little duck” portrays the journey of a little duck and its

family. The little duck becomes a Donald Duck fan after finding a comic book. The

ducking admires the Disney icon and has a hard time when he needs to migrate and leave

its comic book. After long days the duckling and its family arrive at Disneyland Paris.

This ad served as the foundation for my Multimodal project. It was from its scenes that I

construct my analysis using Marxist ideologies and modes of rhetoric. The commercial

relays heavily on appealing to the audience’s emotions by portraying a little duck who

fulfill its dream of meeting his hero Donald Duck and of a glittering generality fallacy to

accomplish its purpose of promoting Disneyland Paris.

Disneyland. Disneyland Park Tickets.

This is the official website to buy Disney amusement park tickets. The website shows the

different options that guests have when visiting the park, and it shows the distinct range

of prices for one or more days as well as the price of tickets for distinct ages.

This website was used to support my argument that for big families is difficult to afford

to go to Disneyland for one day. Also, I explained the unfair that is, that the price for kids

three to ten years old does not differs much from the one for adults.
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Marx, Karl. Capital Volume I: The Process of production of capital. Progress Publishers. Volume

I. 1867. Web.

The book Capital by Karl Marx explained how capitalism promotes the consume of

commodities. It also explains how capitalism creates a widen gap among social classes

because the lower class is the one that fills the pockets of the higher class by consuming its


Marx’s Capital book is the foundation of my essay’s main argument on Marxist

ideologies and is used as a primary source. It helped me to understand ideologies such as

capitalism and commodities as well as their effects in society.

“Pathos.” Tropes of Transport: Hegel and Emotion, by Katrin Pahl, Northwestern University

Press, Evanston, Illinois, 2012, pp. 50–80. JSTOR,

This article is defining pathos and explains how it is used as a mode of persuasion. The

author Katrin Pahl explains the effect that pathos has in human mind by creating an

emotional connection and not leaving room for critical reflection.

This article was used to support my main argument about pathos. I used it to explain the

effect that pathos can have in commercials when the advertisers rely strongly on it. As the

article states when pathos is added, people tend to categorize the characters as heroes

blocking people of thinking critically. Clearly, this is true because by watching a little

duck kids and adults can have an immediate connection with it, and they are willing to

spend the money they do not have going to the park.

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Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today: User-Friendly Guide. Routledge, 2015.

This book contain many critical theories and it explains them in detail with examples and

clear definitions. The book is based in other works; however, the way it is explained it is

easier for the reader to fit the theories into actual American society.

This book was used as a reference to define Marxist ideologies capitalism, consumerism,

American Dream and for a better understanding of the repressive ideologies. I used it as a

secondary source to support my argument about how Disney is a capitalist company that

promotes the consume of commodities.

Walt Disney. Moving day. Studio Walt Disney Productions and United Artists. June 20, 1936.

Old Classic Cartoons. YouTube.

This short video was created by Walt Disney in 1936. In the video Mickey and Donald

Duck are six months overdue on their payment rents for their home and they receive a

“Notice to Dispossess”. The video is funny and entertained.

The short video was used to support the argument about Donald Duck as capitalist icon.

Because it is a cartoon created in 1936 it supports the argument that Disney characters are

known for people of all ages since they are being around for a very long time.

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