Action Plan Edited2

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1. To organize a Conduct a Barangay Before the MPH students, Discussion of the Laptop
Hypertension and meeting with council,midwife,Barangay end of the CHO Plan Multimedia
Diabetes Club the barangay Health Workers year 2019 Projector
council for chairs
the plan
2. 2.To define the services Conduct of Residents who have Quarterly CHO,Midwife,all Organize Laptop
and activities of the quarterly history of Hypertension BHW’s,BLGU meetings and Multimedia
Health Club that will meeting and Diabetes discussions Projector
ensure at least 90% chairs
continuity of care to
HPN-DM patients
according to the
To detect as many
patients as possible
in the early stages
of hypertension and
To provide
medications to all
HPN-DM patients.

3. To provide easy Lectures on Residents who have Quarterly CHO, Midwife, Lectures and Laptop
understandable Hypertension history of Hypertension DOH Human Discussions on Multimedia
lectures. and Diabetes and Diabetes and is Resources for topics related to Projector
To emphasis the for the lay currently undergoing Health Assigned HPN and DM. Chairs
importance of people medication management in the barangay
knowing the
complications of
hypertension and
diabetes and the
things that needs to
be done in case of
life threatening
4. To encourage Activities Residents who have Every after Brgy. Chairman, Discussion with Laptop
HPN clients to involve that history of Hypertension three Midwife, all the Barangay Sound system
themselves in lifestyle encourage and Diabetes and those months health workers, Chairman of the chairs
modification lifestyle recently diagnosed one. BLGU and all plan
modification volunteers
such as Fun Distribution of
Run, Zumba, flyers as a way of
Dance and encouraging
Fitness Club others to attend
the lined-up
activities such as
fun run and

announcements in
the Barangay
Bulletin Board.

Weekly House-to-
house visit and
encouragement to
patients with HPN
and DM.
5. To address gap in Quarterly Residents who have Quarterly CHO, Midwife Lectures and Laptop
HPN-DM service such consultative history of Hypertension discussions on the Sound system
as maintenance meetings and Diabetes and those presented chairs
medications and etc. with CHO recently diagnosed one outlines.
undergoing with
maintenance medications
6. To minimize Workshops Residents who have Quarterly Midwife, HRH House-to-House Laptop
complications on self- on self- history of Hypertension assigned in the visit and provide Multimedia
management and to management and Diabetes and those barangay awareness Projector
provide awareness to educating recently diagnosed one. through education Chairs
family members for family of family Bond Papers
them to support their members members on how for Written
sick member of the to be a support output
family. system in their
sick member of
the family.
7. To guide various Partnerships Stakeholders like NGO's, Monthly All stakeholders Laptop
stakeholders in with private institutions and NGO's,
healthcare in stakeholders BLGU, midwife
sustaining like NGO's,
Hypertension- private
Diabetes Clubs institutions.

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