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Martinez Jader.

Abstract: Polymers are finding new opportunities in the controls that are required to ensure consistency of supply
packaging every day. The inventiveness of the polymer is achieved. To convert polymers into useful packaging
producer and the converting machinery manufacturer has seen requires specialized equipment and an understanding of their
plastics become the most used packaging material on a value chemistry and properties. Polymers are converted into films.
basis. Plastic packaging is replacing metal retort cans, glass coatings. trays, bottles, jars, cans. closures and blister
bottles, paperboard cartons and even corrugated cases. It packs. They are combined together through extrusion.
provides barrier, ensuring food is kept safer for longer, coinfection and lamination processes; combined with paper
reduces the weight of packaging, provides convenience, and aluminum foils; coated with other polymers and
transparency where required, and still undergo many chemical and physical treatment processes;
only uses less than 4% of oil resources. This chapter will
all with the aim of changing their properties to suit the needs
provide the understanding of how polymers can be used on
their O\l.'11, or combined together to form packaging for all of the marketplace. [1]

Key words: plastics packaging market, tensile strength,

elongation, tear strength, impact strength, surface friction, II. PHISICAL PROPERTIES
viscoelasticity, transparency, chemical stability, Plastic is most rapidly expanding sector of packaging
environmental stress cracking, barrier properties, glass materials, despite being the newcomer when one reviews
transition temperature, melting temperature, heat historical development [1]
sealabiliry, density, polyethylene family, ethene, low
density polyethylene, linear low density polyethylene, high
density polyethylene, metallocene, collation shrink film,
pallet shrink film, pallet stretch film, stretch hooding,
ethylene vinyl acetate, plastic sacks, ethylene vinyl
alcohol, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl, moulding, extrusion,
thermoforming, coextrusion, laminating.

Plastics are an essential part of modern life. Major
industries depend on them and products as varied as cars,
aero planes, electronic equipment, textiles. furniture,
household goods. jeweler, shoes and clothing all use
increasing quantities of plastics in their construction. Plastics
used in packaging are just as widespread, from the commonly
used plastic bottles and caps for milk and soft drinks, to the
films used to pack a range of goods such as bacon,
confectionery, nuts and bolts and textiles. and the rigid
boxes/cases used for CDs and computer games. Polymers, are
highly versatile. A major advantage of plastics is that they
can be combined together to provide packaging which is
lightweight yet provides the barriers required. is tough and
strong yet can be made easy to open. Most plastics used today
are copolymers rather than photopolymers and are
increasingly supplied in multiple layers rather than as
monolayer. Using special techniques, plastic components
can be produced to closely rival the absolute barriers
available from metal and glass. This scientific article will
examine the processes required to make flexible, semi-rigid
and rigid packaging formats for a variety of applications and

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Compared with other packaging material, plastic is generally material available from 1 kg of resin. For any given
lighter in weight, more easily formed into different shapes, and thickness of film. this area can be calculated from the data
extremely versatile. This versatility is largely responsible for in Table 13.5. It can be seen that material densities vary
their growth in usage: the ability to carefully tailor the considerably and this must be taken into account, along with
performance of a plastic container to the needs of the product, the price per ton of resin, when comparing alternatives for a
the market and the demands of the supply chain means that given end use. [1]
there a ‘plastic’ solution to almost all packaging problem. [1]

When considering the performance of plastic materials, the III. THE COMMON PACKAGING PLASTICS
properties of most interest in packaging applications, and their
relevance in use, are summarized as follows [1] The ability to tailor material performance to requirements has
already been emphasized as one of the most significant
 Tensile strength and elongation contributors to the growth in use of plastics in packaging and
 Tear strength it is the case that most solutions are to be found
 Impact strength amongst polyethylene’s, polypropylene. polyvinyl
 Surface friction chloride. polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate Even
 Viscoelasticity allowing for inaccuracies in data collection, it is clear that
 Optical properties these materials dominate the packaging market. [1]
 Chemical stability
 Environmental stress cracking The polyethylene family of plastics
 Moisture and gas barrier
 Temperature Ethane (H2C=CH2) is a gaseous by-product of the process
 Heat seal ability of cracking of long chain hydrocarbons to produce much
 Density sought-after products such as petrol and aviation fuels. The
development of polyethylene (original trade name Polythene)
and its commercialization in the 1940s/1950s have already
been mentioned as an important milestone in the
development of plastics for packaging. [1]

For convenience. polyethylene’s are usually classified

according to density. The more branched chains in the
structure, the less these chains can be packed together (i.e.
there is more steric hindrance) and thus the lower the density
of the material. As chain packing increases, so does tensile
strength, barrier to moisture and gasses, heat resistance and
opacity. [1]

Low density polyethylene is produced by a high pressure

process, and has a mix of long and short branched chains and
around 50-65% crystallinity, making it translucent in
appearance. It is soft and flexible with good elongation
before breakage and good puncture resistance. It has a fair
moisture barrier and poor oxygen barrier and softens at
around 100°C (lower for some grades). making it an
economical polymer to process and readily heat sealable, but
of course unsuitable for cook-in packs. In common with all
the polyolefin. it is non-polar and must be surface treated
prior to printing or laminating. [1]

Linear low density polyethylene is a copolymer of ethylene

and other alkenes such as butane, hexane or octane. This
results in an essentially linear chain arrangement, with the
monomer (i.e. the butane, hexane or octane) forming short,
regular chains on the main carbon backbone. It has similar
properties to LDPE although it is tougher with slightly better
barrier properties. It requires slightly more energy to heat seal
and its operating range for sealing is narrower than LDPE,
making control of seal temperature on the packaging machine
more critical. It is also a little more transparent than LDPE.
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As already stated, it has very high elongation before break.

which accounts for its widespread use in pallet stretch film. [1]

High density polyethylene is made using a low pressman

process and Ziegler-Natta or Phillips initiators to control
the chain formation. resulting in a highly linear
(unbranched) structure. Metallocene catalyzed variants are
also available. [1]
BOPP has excellent clarity, and can also be produced in
Ethylene copolymers: The following ethylene copolymers are pearliest and opaque forms, giving a wide range of aesthetic
included here as part of the polyethylene family, although in effects. It is also produced in grades with good surface
usage they fall into the more specialized category of smoothness for subsequent metallizing, which gives a shiny
materials. [1] metallic appearance without the use of aluminum foil, and at
the same time improves the barrier properties of the base
Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) is another ethylene film. Technical performance such as barrier, heat-seal
copolymer, this time using the monomer vinyl alcohol characteristics and printability can also be improved by
(produced by the hydrolysis of vinyl acetate). It has excellent coating and extrusion, and most BOPP is multi-layer, with
barrier to oxygen (less than 2 cc/m2/day) but the -OH groups suppliers offering a number of tailored options to suit a
make it hydrophilic, i.e. it attracts water, which decreases myriad of uses. [1]
the oxygen barrier. For the oxygen barrier to be effective,
EVOH must be 'sandwiched· to protect it from moisture. PVC is made by the polymerization of vinyl chloride
This is commonly done by extrusion, examples being (chloromethane) which is itself made by the chlorination of
PET/EVOH/PET for bottles for sauces and mayonnaise ethane. The chlorine atoms on the carbon backbone chain
and/or PET/EVOH/EVA for modified atmosphere packs for account for the much higher weight per unit volume of
processed meats. [1] PVC compared to the polyolefin (see Table 13.5) and their
syndiotactic arrangement means that the polymer is largely
Ethylene acrylic acid (EAA) is, as the name amorphous. and hence has good optical clarity. It has a good
suggests, a copolymer of ethylene and acrylic acid gas barrier and although the moisture barrier is poor, this is
(AA). As the AA content increases, crystallinity improved by coating with polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC)
decreases (due to interference with chain packing) which has the added advantage of being readily heat
and heat seal temperature decreases, and the sealable, a property utilized in blister packs for
increase in polarity means that adhesive strength pharmaceutical tablets. PVC also has very good grease and oil
i n c r e a s e s . Its excellent adhesion to a resistance, and hence was the first alternative to glass bottles
range of substrates makes it a good choice as the for cooking oil, and is still used for bath oils. [1]
adhesive layer in foil laminates for composite
containers, toothpaste tubes and sachets. [1]

Polypropylene has the lowest density of the common

packaging plastics which gives it an economic
advantage over other materials. It is formed by the
polymerization of propene and thus differs from Polystyrene is the addition polymerization product of phenyl
polyethylene in that it has methyl groups on the carbon ethane (commonly known as styrene). It is a highly
backbone chain. The arrangement of these methyl groups transparent, glossy material, with a poor barrier to moisture
can vary, exists in three different activities. [1] and gases and limited chemical resistance. It softens at
around 75°C and is liquid at around 100°C. and is thus easy
 Isotactic: Methyl groups are all on the same side of to form. It accepts ink readily and thus is easy to print using
the chain flexographic or gravure printing for films, and dry offset
 Ataxic: Methyl groups are arranged randomly letterpress or screen printing for three-dimensional
on both sides of the chain components. General purpose styrene (GPS). sometimes
 Syndiotactic: Methyl groups alternate around the known as crystal styrene is ve1y brittle and most
chain in a regular manner polystyrene used in packaging is the high impact variant
(HIPS) which is a styrene-butadiene copolymer. The
butadiene provides flexibility and lowers the softening
temperature. [1]

PET is a condensation polymer made from a diced (e.g.

terephthalic acid) and an alcohol (e.g. ethane 1,2-diol.
commonly known as ethylene glycol). The acid and the

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alcohol first react together to form ester molecules. which

are then polymerized. [1]

IV. Styrene copolymers

In this category the main copolymers used in packaging are

styrene acrylonitrile (SAN) and acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS), along with some specialist variants. SAN is a
copolymer of styrene and acrylonitrile (CH2=CHCN) in a
ratio of around 3: 1. It is amorphous, rigid and has good
resistance to acids, alkalis, oils and greases. Its high
transparency and easy surface printability make it a good
choice for cosmetics com pacts and jars, and it is available
in a range of colors and grades. At this ratio of styrene to
acrylonitrile it has a poor gas barrier, but this can be improved
by increasing the acrylonitrile content. [1]

ABS is a random styrene acrylonitrile copolymer

grafted to butadiene (see Chapter 12). Like SAN, it has
good chemical resistance, is readily printable and has good
resistance to environmental stress cracking. Many variants The cast extrusion process can be used to produce film or
of composition are available to suit the required technical sheet as a monolayer or a multilayer extrusion. Multilayer
performance and aesthetic qualities. ABS is naturally extrusion requires one extruder for each different type of
opaque. but the variant methyl methacrylate acrylonitrile polymer used. The number of polymers required is often
butadiene styrene (MABS) is highly transparent. Both greater than the number of functional polymers used, as tie
materials are used in the cosmetics sector for mascara and layers (adhesive) are required where two incompatible
lipstick cases, compacts and closures. ABS is also suitable polymers (e.g. EVOH and PP) are adjacent to one another in
for tubs for butter, margarine and desserts such as yoghurt. the multilayer construction. The molten polymer is
where it offers improved toughness compared to polystyrene, transported by the extruder(s) into a slot die. It is here where
albeit at a higher purchase price. [1] the polymer layers combine as shown in Fig. 14.3.
The slot dies in Fig. 14.4 has a narrow opening. which is
adjustable and controls the flow rate as well as the initial
thickness of the emerging film. There is also a reservoir to
help prevent polymer surge through the die. which would
result in uneven film thickness and thus uneven performance
in use. [1]

V. processing methods

Excluding regenerated cellulose film (e.g., Cellophane™),

rotational molding and the thermosetting materials, all
thermoplastic materials are converted using one or more
plasticizing extruders (Fig. 14.1). The polymer resin,
which must be pre-dried if necessary (e.g., PET. PLA and
PA) is fed into the hopper of the plasticizing extruder.
together with any additives such as color or process and
performance. [1] Film properties can be improved by physically
orientating the film in one or two directions (see Fig. 14.6).
Mono-orientation can be achieved by pulling the film in the
machine direction (MD) at a faster rate than it is being
extruded, i.e. the take-off speed is increased. This realigns
the polymer molecules in the direction of stretch, rather than
leaving them in their 'natural' random state. Stretching can
occur immediately the melt comes into contact with the
chill roll or. more commonly. after the first chill roll. often
requiring reheating before it is stretched. Mono-orientated
film can also be produced by using the steering method. which
stretches and orientates the film in the cross direction (CD).
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Mono-oriented film is used for shrink sleeve and roll on shrink

on labels and pallet strapping. If both orientation
mechanisms (MD and CD stretch) are performed in one
process. the film becomes biaxial oriented. This method is
commonly used to manufacture polypropylene (BOPP) and
polyester films. The film is stretched in the machine
direction first; grips then take hold of the edges of the film and
gradually stretch it in the cross direction. Films can also be
stretched in both directions simultaneously. [1]

There is one other transparent film type used in packaging

which was the forerunner of BOPP. That is cast regenerated
cellulose (Cellophane'> ‘and much more recently the bio
compostable regenerated cellulose film Naturef’lex? »). As it
is not made from oil, but from cellulose fiber, it is neither
thermoplastic nor thermosetting and is not a true plastic.
However, it is a useful packaging film. Wood pulp produced
by the chemical process (see Chapter 10) is chemically
converted into a thick liquid form called viscose, which is
extruded through a fiat die into a regeneration bath
At this point the viscose converts into a solid thin film form.
Many processes incorporate two dies on the same machine,
allowing the manufacturer to double output on the same
casting machine. The web is carried down the casting
machine on rollers, through a series of baths which wash and
soften the film in order to produce a kind of 'transparent
paper'. At this stage the film is transparent and glossy but
has no heat seal and moisture barrier as one would expect
from cellulose. In most cases tailored to provide the heat
seal and barrier properties for the intended use. [1]
Blown film, for all but polypropylene photopolymer, is
routinely carried out by forming a bubble vertically upwards.
as shown in Fig. 14.8. From the plasticizing extruder, the
molten polymer enters the annular die and is formed into a
tube of material. This tube is taken up to the nip rollers where
it is sealed, then air is introduced inside the tube to inflate it.
creating a bubble. The inflation of the bubble increases
its diameter thus orientating the film in the cross or
transverse direction. The greater the ratio of the diameter of
the bubble to the diameter of the annular die, the greater
the orientation. This is known as the “blow up ratio' or
‘blow ratio’, which is determined by the melt strength of
the polymer. [1]

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overcome this, a third component has to be added, to act as a

tie or adhesive layer. [1]

Design specifications for blow moulded bottles

The standard terminology when describing bottles (and

other blow mouldings) should be understood, especially
Extrusion of cast and blown films: use of three layers is when including in specifications [1]
common but more than nine is possible to achieve a variety of
functional benefits by careful choice of each layer. Aesthetic
effects such as colored layers and layers with colored stripes
can also be achieved. The combining takes place while the
polymers are in the molten state. just before the extrusion
die in the cast process and just after the extrusion die in the
blown film process. This allows the different polymer layers
to bond together, without mixing, to form a laminar structure.
The purpose of using this technique is to maximize the
properties of polymers at optimum cost (see Fig. 14.12).
Extrusion can also be used to produce cast sheet, as explained
earlier, with colored stripes or layers as well as sheet for
thennofonning: containing barrier layers such as EVOH.
Each polymer type requires its own extruder. All the
extruders feed into an adapter, known as the feed box, before
entering: the die or directly into the multi-manifold extrusion
die (Fig. 14.13). In the cast process the individual extruders
connect with the feed box, where the polymers combine in
layers. This permits a simpler die design. However, multi-
manifold dies (as used for blown film) are used where the VI. Bibliography
flow properties of the polymers are widely different. The
multi-manifold system provides a shorter flow path before [1] Emblem, H., & Emblem, A. (2012). Packaging
the polymers solidify and therefore less chance for Technology: Fundamentals, Materials and Processes.
distortion at the interlayer interface. When some materials Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing. P.p. 287-351 Recovered
are combined together (e.g. HOPE and PA or PP copolymer fromhttp://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co:2051/login.aspx?direc
and EVOH), their adhesion to each other is very weak, t=true&db=nlebk&AN=679488&lang=es&site=eds-live
which would result in delamination during subsequent
conversion processes such as printing or bag making to

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