Test 4: Listening

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Key B: The one under the light.

A: Oh yes, I see him!

Test 4
Part 2
Listening 1 Swan
Please note: when using the MP3 files for 2 brown
the Listening paper teachers will have to 3 bus stop
replay the tracks for Parts 1–5. In the actual 4 house key, letters
test, students would hear each part twice. 5 06235 453010

Part 1 Transcript
Alex boy playing drums, hands in air Example
Vicky girls dancing very well, with glasses A: Er, excuse me!
Anna singer, curly hair B: How can I help you?
Emma girl doesn’t like group, straight hair A: Oh, you see, I’ve lost my handbag.
Jack boy with guitar, under the light I had it in town this morning and
then I …
Transcript B: Just a minute, just a minute. I’ll
Example get a pen, now then, could I have
A: The group’s very good, isn’t it? your name please, your full name?
B: It’s OK. That’s my father over there. A: Bethany Phillips.
A: Which one’s he? B: Can you spell the surname please?
B: Well, can you see the two men taking A: Yes. OK. P-H-I-double L-I-P-S.
A: Yes. B: Now then, could you give me your
B: Well, he’s the taller one. His name’s address please?
Harry. He thinks he’s a photographer! A: Oh that’s 27, Swan Street, Brighton. You
know the fire station? Well, I live very
A: Those boys playing the drums are noisy, near there and not far from that big
aren’t they? supermarket.
B: Yes. One of them’s my brother, Alex! B: Now then, sorry, what have you lost?
A: Oh, which one? A: My handbag. I’ve lost my handbag.
B: The one with his hands in the air. It’s brown.
A: Oh, I see. B: Right, how did you lose this bag?
A: And those two girls can dance very well! A: Well, you see the bus didn’t come
B: Do you think so? for ages, so I put my bag down at
A: Yes. the bus stop and then it came and
B: Well, I don’t like Vicky. She’s the one I got on.
with the glasses. B: OK. So what was inside the bag then?
A: Why not? Just tell me slowly.
B: She isn’t very kind to me. A: Oh, well, there was all my money,
A: I think I like the singers. What about and, oh dear, there was my house
you? key and, oh yes, there were two
B: They’re OK, but Anna, you know, the letters. I wanted to post them you see.
one with the curly hair, she’s the best. B: And nothing else then?
A: Is she? A: Er, no, no, I don’t think so
B: Oh yes! because I’ve got this other bag for
A: Well, she looks happy! my shopping you see and I bought
B: Yes, she does! some jeans and a nice jacket and
A: I don’t think that girl likes the group! they’re in here so …
B: Which one? The one with the straight B: Right, good. And could you give me
hair? your phone number, please?
A: Yes, that’s right. A: Oh yes, it’s 06235 453010, but
B: She’s my sister. She’s called Emma we’re all out in the mornings
and she’s horrible. But look at because Dad’s at work and …
those boys with the guitars. Do B: Thank you. Now, if I have any
you like them? news about your bag, I’ll phone
A: Well, they’re a bit loud! you of course – in the afternoon.
B: Oh, I know. That one there’s called
Jack. He’s great!
A: Which one?

Cambridge Young Learners Flyers Practice Test 4 1

A: Oh, thank you very much. That’s A: Well yes, there’s my torch.
very kind of … B: What did you need that for?
B: Goodbye now. A: Oh, well, Anna and I went outside into
A: Bye then. the garden on Saturday night and played
games in the dark with it. It was very
Part 3 exciting! Didn’t you see us?
key H B: No, I didn’t. So where did you put that
umbrella G then?
belt B A: Well, I left it downstairs in the
torch D kitchen, on that shelf just above
comb F the fridge.
B: Oh yes, I can see it! So, is that
Transcript everything then?
Example A: Just one more thing, my umbrella,
Where are the things that Jill has left sorry.
at her Aunt’s house? B: OK, where is it?
A: Hello? Aunt May? Is that you? A: Well, I didn’t need it, the weather was so
B: Hello dear! nice, wasn’t it? So I left it on the table
A: I’m just ringing to thank you for a by the telephone, you know, near the
lovely weekend. I had a great time. front door.
B: Oh, that’s good. And did you get home B: Oh yes, it’s right here! And that must be
OK, dear? everything surely!
A: Oh, yes thanks. But Aunt May, I’m A: Yes, Aunt May.
afraid I left one or two things at your B: And who’s going to pay for all the
house. Could you post them to me stamps? That’s what I’d like to know.
please? A: Sorry Aunt May!
B: OK dear. What was it you left?
A: Well, there’s my brush. I used it in the Part 4
bathroom, it’s on the shelf under the 1 A
mirror. I don’t know how I forgot it but I 2 B
do need it. 3 C
B: All right dear. Anything else? 4 B
5 A
A: Oh yes, a few other things. Sorry.
B: Never mind! Where are they then? Transcript
A: Well, there’s my comb, er, it isn’t with Example
my brush. It’s next to the television in Where’s William going to go with his
Anna’s bedroom. No, I had it after that. school friends?
No, on the table by the bed. Yes, I A: So, William, are you excited about going
remember, I put it there. away with your school friends?
B: Are you sure dear? B: Oh yes! It’ll be better than last time.
A: Yes, yes. And then there’s my house key. A: I thought you liked all that climbing in
B: Oh, you must be more careful dear. the mountains?
A: Yes, when I got home everyone was out B: Yes, but the sea will be so much more
and I couldn’t get in the house for two fun! It’s a long way from a town though.
hours. It was terrible. But the thing is, A: That doesn’t matter. You’re not going to
you know I went shopping and bought do any shopping!
some dresses? Well, it’s in that plastic
shopping bag on the kitchen floor. You 1 What has William forgotten to put in his
haven’t thrown it away, have you? rucksack?
B: No, I’m sure I haven’t. A: So, you’ve got everything you
A: OK good. Well, one of the dresses had a need? You’ve got a towel and your
really nice belt with it. And Anna wore it toothbrush?
when we went out last night and she B: Yes Dad. It’s all in my rucksack. And
didn’t give it back to me. It’s under her I haven’t forgotten my phone or my
bed I think, no, on her bookcase by the money!
door. That’s right, she picked it up, I A: And you’ve got some stamps and
remember envelopes, so you can write to us?
B: OK. I’ll ask her about that then. B: No, I haven’t. Oh, do I have to
A: And also … write, Dad?
B: Something else? A: Yes, you do.

Cambridge Young Learners Flyers Practice Test 4 2

2 What’s the weather going to be like? B: Haven’t you? Well, can you help me to
A: Well, you should have a nice colour the picture?
time. The weather’s going to be A: OK then.
lovely. B: Can you see the two boys who are
B: Not like last year then. It rained skiing?
nearly every day! And it was A: Yes, one of them’s falling over. He looks
really windy too! funny!
A: No, it’ll be better that that. B: Yes. Well, colour his shoes red.
B: Are you sure?
A: Yes! 1 B: Good. Now then, there are two
snowmen in the picture. Do you see?
3 Where’s William going to stay? A: Yes. The one at the front’s fatter than
B: The place looks really nice too. the other one.
Have you seen this picture? B: That’s right! Well, can you colour his
A: No tents this time, then? That’s scarf purple?
good! A: Oh yes. That’s a lovely colour!
B: No. The teachers say we have to stay B: Yes, it is.
with families. I wanted to stay in a
big hotel but it was too expensive. 2 B: And can you see the two children on
A: I’m sure you’ll be fine! sledges?
A: Yes.
4 How is William going to get there? B: You see the one waving her hands in
A: Come on, we have to leave now! the air?
B: I wish I could go on a plane. It’d be A: Yes. She looks happy!
so exciting. B: She does! Well, colour her hat
A: Well, you can’t. What time does the pink.
bus leave school? A: OK then.
B: Oh, I don’t know. A train would be
quicker, wouldn’t it? 3 B: That’s very good, but now I’d like you
A: Yes, but not cheaper. to write something.
A: OK. What shall I write?
5 What doesn’t William want to eat when B: Well, can you see the writing at the
he’s away? bottom of the picture?
B: And then there’s the food! A: Yes, I can!
A: What about it? B: Well, can you write the word
B: Well, I’m not going to eat any ‘soup’ next to the word ‘hot’. Do you
vegetables! see the space?
A: You should try, you know, and A: Yes. There! I’ve done it!
some salad too.
B: Well, I don’t mind that … with fish 4 B: And can you draw something for me
and chips, of course! please?
A: You can’t eat that every day William. A: I’ll try!
B: OK. Can you see the two girls who
Part 5 are throwing snowballs?
1 fatter snowman at front: colour scarf A: On the bridge? Yes.
purple B: Well, the girl with the short hair,
2 child on sledge, waving hands: colour hat draw a snowball in her right hand.
pink A: Oh, that’s easy!
3 writing at bottom: write soup / Soup / B: Great!
4 girl throwing snowball, on bridge, short 5 B: Now then, there are two girls with
hair: draw snowball in right hand skates on.
5 girl very good at skating: colour skates A: Yes! One of them’s very good at
green skating, isn’t she?
B: Yes. Do you want to colour her
Transcript skates?
Example A: OK, what colour?
A: Oh, that’s lovely. I’ve never seen snow! B: Oh, I don’t know, green?
A: That’s a good colour.

Cambridge Young Learners Flyers Practice Test 4 3

Reading & Writing
Part 1
1 a team Part 5
1 get some money
2 traffic
3 wool 2 knew something was wrong
4 a race 3 a (big plastic) bag
4 (very) surprised
5 wood
6 hills 5 dropped the money
7 a rocket 6 (very) brave
7 famous people
8 bridges
9 glass
Part 6
10 castles
1 because
2 under
Part 2
3 have
1 yes
4 still
2 no
5 everything
3 yes
6 across
4 no
7 other
5 no
8 most
6 yes
9 During
7 yes
10 know
Part 3
Part 7
1 G
1 won
2 H
2 who
3 D
3 going
4 E
4 if
5 B
5 Are
Part 4
1 sailing
2 rock
3 dark
4 torch
5 arrived
6 An exciting adventure

Cambridge Young Learners Flyers Practice Test 4 4

Words in italics are possible answers only.

* Remember to use the student’s name throughout the test.

In Part 1, there are more differences in the pictures than are tested here. These can be used for
further testing and pairwork in class.

In Part 2, the examiner can ask the questions in any order but the student can ask them in the
order they appear on the card. The examiner’s answers are fuller as he / she needs to respond
grammatically to questions asked. Students only need a minimal response.

To do To say Response (by student) Back-up

Usher brings candidate Usher to Examiner:

in. Hello, this is (student’s
name) *.

Hello *, my name’s Hello

Maria / Ms Brown.

What’s your surname? Silva What’s your family


How old are you? 11 Are you 11?

1 Find the Differences

Show candidate both Now, here are two

Find the Differences pictures. My picture is
pictures. nearly the same as
yours, but some things
are different.

Point to the father in For example, in my

each picture. picture the father’s
wearing a hat, but in
your picture he isn’t
wearing a hat. OK?

I’m going to say 1. Point at relevant

something about my differences.
picture. You tell me how 2. Repeat statement.
your picture is different. 3. Ask back-up

Describe things without In my picture, the In my picture, the Is the swimming pool
pointing. swimming pool’s square. swimming pool’s round. square?
In my picture, the boy’s In my picture, the girl’s Is the boy taller than
taller than the girl. taller than the boy. the girl?
In my picture, there are In my picture, there are How many shells are
two shells. three shells. there?
In my picture, there’s an In my picture, there’s a Is there an octopus on
octopus on the towel. camel (on the towel). the towel?
In my picture, the bird’s In my picture, the bird’s Is the bird above the
above the bike on the above the bike on the bike on the right?
right. left.
In my picture, the boat’s In my picture, the boat’s Is the boat between the
between the island and in front of the sun. island and the sun?
the son.

Cambridge Young Learners Flyers Practice Test 4 5

2 Information Exchange

Show candidate both Katy and Michael both

the candidate copy and have favourite lessons. I
examiner copy. Then don’t know anything
point to the candidate’s about Katy’s favourite
copy. lesson, but you do. So
I’m going to ask you
some questions.

Point to the girl on the What subject does she Geography Point at the information
candidate’s copy. like? if necessary.
Ask the questions.* What day is the lesson? Wednesday
What’s the teacher’s Mr Hall
What is she studying maps
How long is the lesson? two hours

Point to the boy on the Now you don’t know

candidate’s copy. anything about Michael’s
lesson, so you ask me
some questions.

Respond using Mrs Green What’s the teacher’s name? Point at information
information on English What subject does he like? cues if necessary.
examiner’s copy. one hour How long is the lesson?
Tuesday What day is the lesson?
spelling What is he studying

3 Picture Story

Show candidate the These pictures tell a story.

Picture Story. Allow It’s called ‘The baby and
time to look at the the biscuits’. Just look at
pictures. the pictures first.

Jane and Sally are in the

kitchen. They’ve made
some biscuits and 1. Point at the pictures.
they’re putting them in 2. Ask questions about
the cooker. Their baby the pictures.
brother’s watching
them. Their mother’s
going shopping.

Now you tell the story. The girls are taking the What are the girls doing?
biscuits out of the Are they eating the
cooker. They can’t eat biscuits? Are the biscuits
the biscuits because hot?
they’re too hot.

The girls are in the Where are the girls now?

living room / their What are they doing?
bedroom. They’re And where’s the baby?
playing on the computer What’s he doing?
but the baby’s in the
kitchen. He’s eating the

Cambridge Young Learners Flyers Practice Test 4 6

The girls are in the Where are the girls
kitchen now. They’re now? Are they happy?
angry because the baby What has the baby
has eaten all the done? Is he laughing?
biscuits. The baby’s

Their mother’s come Who’s come home?

home. She’s bought a What has she bought? Is
very big cake. everyone happy now?
Everyone’s happy now.

4 Personal Questions

Put the pictures away Now let’s talk about

and turn to the your friends and family.
How many people are three Are there three people
there in your family? in your family?

Who gets up first in the (my) mother Does your mother /

mornings? father / brother / sister
get up first?

What do you do with (go to the) cinema Do you go to the

your family at the cinema?

What do you like doing play(ing) football / Do you play football /

with your friends? tennis tennis with your friends?
Tell me about your best His / Her name’s … What’s his / her name?
friend. He’s / She’s 11. How old is he / she?
He’s / She’s very kind. Is he / she kind?

OK, thank you, *.

Goodbye. Goodbye.

Cambridge Young Learners Flyers Practice Test 4 7

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