Essential Elements of Clinical Trial

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The presentation discusses essential elements in clinical trial assessment, components of a good regulatory framework, good review practices, challenges and strategies, and lessons from Canada's experience with new regulations.

Sufficient evidence including acceptable quality, supporting data, protocol and informed consent, and maintaining benefit-risk ratio during the trial. The regulatory framework must also be enabling of sound benefit-risk assessment.

Regulations should aim to protect subjects and enable assessment without unduly restricting research. International guidelines should be adopted where possible and region-specific issues addressed. Guidance documents on process, format and content should be available.


13 – Essential Elements in
Clinical Trial Assessment

Presentation to APEC Preliminary Workshop

on Review of Drug Development
in Clinical Trials

Celia Lourenco, PhD,

Manager, Clinical Group I
Office of Clinical Trials
Therapeutic Products Directorate
Slide 1

L1 Lourenco; 28.01.2008
Disclaimer: the information within
this presentation is based on the
presenter's expertise and
experience, and represents the
views of the presenter for the
purposes of a training workshop

• Sufficient evidence (safety, efficacy,
and quality)
• Enabling regulatory framework
• Good review practices when
assessing a clinical trial
• Challenges & strategies
• Lessons learned from the Canadian
Sufficient Evidence
• Sufficient evidence signifies a positive benefit-
to-risk ratio based on a sum of all of the
– Acceptable Quality (CMC) for the phase of
– Acceptable supporting nonclinical and clinical data
(as applicable) for the phase of development, type of
drug and/or disease target
– Acceptable protocol and informed consent form for
the proposed trial
– Maintenance of the positive benefit/risk ratio during
the conduct of the trial through safety monitoring of
the trial as well as other ongoing trials with the drug
(‘product life-cycle’ approach) 4
2 - CTA Review
3 - Trial is information

Life Cycle Trial

of a Discontinuation
Clinical Trial:
Regulator 4 - CTA-As
1 - Pre-CTA and/or
Perspective Notifications

5 - Trial
Regulatory Framework must be Enabling of
Sound Benefit / Risk Assessment
Regulatory Framework
• Regulations must aim to protect clinical trial
subjects and enable sound benefit / risk
assessment, without unduly restricting research
and access
• Regulatory requirements should take into
consideration the global context
• Gobalization: adopt international guidelines
where possible
• Address regional-specific issues by developing
region-specific guidelines
• Guidance documents on process, format, and
content, of clinical trial applications should be
available 6
Good Review Practices Overview
• Regulatory expertise
• Scientific expertise
• Time management
• Documentation
• Systematic approach to review
• Review of subsequent
information – life cycle approach

Good Review Practices (1)
• Regulatory expertise:
– Know the applicable regulations
– Know the applicable guidelines
– Know the difference between regulations and
• Regulations are mandatory requirements
• Guidelines are supported by regulations but allow flexibility in
requirements when acceptable scientific rationales are
– Check prior decisions that were precedence-setting and
ensure consistency
– Use a case-by-case approach for infrequent scenarios
Good Review Practices (2)

• Scientific expertise (CMC):

– Know the principles of CMC and GMP for
pharmaceuticals or biologics
– Know the basic quality requirements and
considerations for the type of drug product and
clinical trial stage in question (quality is linked
to clinical application)
– Consult with colleagues and read the latest
literature related to the product area
Good Review Practices (3)
• Scientific expertise (clinical):
– Know how the disease is treated and the
clinical practice guidelines relevant to the
disease area
– Read the latest literature on the disease
– Compare the information with the background
and rationale provided by the sponsor
– Consult with internal or external experts in the
disease area as needed
– If unclear about the rationale for the study,
ask the sponsor for additional information 10
Good Review Practices (4)

• Time management:
– A good review takes time, therefore, do the
preliminary assessment as soon as possible taking
into consideration the time available
– Prioritize applications that may present problems
following initial overview / screen
– Major issues should be communicated to the sponsor
as early as possible to allow time for discussion and
– Strive for issuing requests for additional information
once the entire data package has been reviewed
Good Review Practices (5)
• Documentation:
– Documentation of the review of the clinical
trial should be accurate and concise,
including information about the drug, sponsor
and manufacturer, protocol number, title of
the study, and the regulatory tracking
number(s) assigned to the clinical trial

– Templates filled out by the sponsor can be

used in preparing the review report

Good Review Practices (6)
• Documentation (continued):
– Both the clinical and quality (CMC) review reports
should include a section where the reviewer
summarizes the essential quality and clinical
elements in the proposed clinical trial presented by
the sponsor, along with the reviewer’s comments and
thought processes in the analysis of the information

– The reviewer’s recommendation should be clearly

supported by a scientific and/or clinical assessment
of the overall benefit-to-risk ratio

Good Review Practices (7)
• Documentation (continued):
– Any deficiencies identified during review
should be described along with the outcome
of all discussions with colleagues, managers,
experts, or communications with the sponsor
to resolve the deficiencies

– All communications with the sponsor (e.g.,

faxes, letters, emails, records of telephone
conversations) should be appended to the
review report
Good Review Practices (8)
• Documentation (continued):
– Review reports should be signed by the
reviewer and dated along with the
recommendation for disposition of the clinical
trial in line with the applicable regulations:
• The clinical trial application is considered to
comply with section C.05.006(1)(a) of the Food
and Drug Regulations, and a No-Objection-Letter
is recommended
• The clinical trial application is not considered to
comply with section C.05.006(1)(a) of the Food
and Drug Regulations, and a Not-Satisfactory-
Notice is recommended for the following reasons: 15
Good Review Practices (9)
• Electronic documents:
– Review reports should be saved
electronically on a shared drive for ease of
access and reference when subsequent
applications, such as amendments, are filed
by the sponsor
– The investigator’s brochure should also be
kept electronically for quick access if needed
(such as when a safety issue arises through
serious ADR reporting)
Good Review Practices (10)
• Approach to review is a systematic approach:
– Review of the dossier should begin with an assessment of the
prior experience with the drug, including nonclinical data

– The CMC data requirements should always be linked to the

clinical trial context in question

– Nonclinical data has greater impact on initial trials as compared

to later development confirmatory trials, but is still important with
regards to safety at later stages (e.g., results of long-term
carcinogenicity, reproduction toxicity, fetal development, fertility
studies, etc.)

– The proposed trial should be supported by the quality (CMC)

package and nonclinical program, as well as by previous human
studies as applicable
Good Review Practices (11)
• Approach to review of the Protocol:
– Study design, population, sample size, dosage regimen,
treatment duration, and the safety and efficacy variables
must be valid, supported by data, and make scientific and
clinical sense

– Close attention should be paid to the safety monitoring,

which should be appropriate for the drug, trial, and subject

– Check for measures to prevent adverse events (e.g.,

appropriate eligibility criteria and laboratory or other safety
assessments), as well as measures to manage AEs
should they arise (e.g., rescue medication, drug
discontinuation, etc.), and measures to manage potential
AEs after study termination (e.g., dose tapering to avoid
drug withdrawal symptoms)
Good Review Practices (12)
• Approach to review of the Protocol:
– The need for oversight by an independent
data safety monitoring board (DSMB)
• pivotal trials, trials with drugs that have the
potential to induce unacceptable toxicity, trials
where mortality is the primary endpoint, etc.

– The level of safety monitoring and risk mitigation

measures should be commensurate with the risk
of the drug under the conditions of the trial
Good Review Practices (13)
• Statistical considerations:
– Ensure the study design, including control
group, are acceptable
– Validated primary endpoint
– Sample size calculation takes into account:
• Multiplicity in primary endpoints
• Acceptable margins of clinical significance in non-
inferiority trials and superiority trials
• Interim efficacy analysis
– Planned statistical tests and interim analyses
should be described and justified
Good Review Practices (14)
• Informed consent review:
– Purpose of the trial, and that it involves research
– Visits, tests, and procedures
– Potential risks are explained; AEs listed
– Anticipated benefits
– Alternate available treatment options are described
– Subject’s right to withdraw at any time
– Access to medical records by regulatory authorities
– Vulnerable subjects
• Consent by a caregiver
• Consent by parent / legal guardian
• Assent
– REB also reviews the consent form from a safety and
ethical perspective
Good Review Practices (15)
• Overall approach to review:
– The review should aim to identify the major issues, which would
lead to a clinical trial rejection
“See the forest through the trees!”

• Major safety issues are paramount

• Regulatory issues can present dilemmas, but a patient-centred

benefit/risk approach should be used, when applicable

– Integrate the findings from the entire body of scientific,

nonclinical, and clinical evidence provided by the sponsor, but
check also the literature, and the serious unexpected ADRs that
have been reported to the regulator for the drug under study
(“product life-cycle”)

Good Review Practices (16)
• Review of amendments:
– The amendment should be supported by a sound
rationale from the sponsor
– Protocol text changes should be clearly identified
– Changes to CMC should be supported by the
necessary data
– Review should assess
• overall impact on safety, including monitoring
• altered statistical analyses plans, including interim
• impact on evaluation of efficacy
• impact on informed consent form
• any SUADRs that have been reported
Good Review Practices (17)
• Review of notifications:
– Changes to the protocol or CMC should be
clearly identified, and include a rationale for
the notification
– Assess impact on:
• safety of trial subjects, including monitoring
• evaluation of efficacy
• informed consent form
• A review of SUADRs may be warranted

Good Review Practices (18)
• Review of SUADRs:
– Integrate clinical trial reports with post-market

– Epidemiological approach to the review

• Baseline prevalence / predisposition of the patient
• Total number of subjects treated and duration of treatment

– Recognize the limitations in the data presented in

ADRs (e.g., comorbidities, concomitant medications,
insufficient follow-up)

– But remember the “precautionary principle”: if

concerned about a potential signal, pursue further
Good Review Practices (19)
• Review of SUADRs:
– Check the potential mechanism of action
– Do other drugs in the same class display
similar ADRs?
– Is there dependence on time, dose?
– Is there evidence from de-challenge ↔ re-
– Check the investigator’s brochure, previous
protocols filed for the drug, and the literature
Good Review Practices (20)
• Review of SUADRs:
– The review should determine:
• Potential causality
• Whether the qualified investigators and the trial subjects
should be informed of new risk information
• Whether any new risk mitigation measures are required
• Whether the clinical trial documents should be revised
• Whether the study should be discontinued
– Findings are discussed with colleagues, managers,
etc., and discussed with the sponsor to determine
the acceptable course of action

Good Review Practices (21)
– Premature discontinuations should include a
sound rationale from the sponsor and indicate:
• The impact on planned or ongoing trials
• That all investigators, including those of other
ongoing trials, have been informed
• That all left-over trial drug has been retrieved
– The review is aimed at assessing:
• Impact on the safety of trial subjects from the
discontinued trial, as well as patients in ongoing or
planned trials
• Impact on informed consent forms
• Whether the sponsor fulfilled the regulatory
requirements as stated above 28
• A variety of types of clinical trials signifies that a
small group of clinical reviewers have to cover a
broad knowledge base on different disease
areas, which has the potential to lead to ill-
informed decisions: “ignorance of ignorance”
• Increased complexity in science, types of
products, and treatment of disease (e.g., gene
therapies, product combinations,
• Despite the degree of complexity, reviewers
have a short time frame to arrive at a review
recommendation 29
Strategies (1)
• Always approach a review with a perspective of
– Regulatory requirements must be met
– Alternate approaches to guidelines could be
acceptable, however, the reviewer should ask for a
rationale from sponsors if there is inconsistency
between the sponsor’s proposal and the guidelines
• Question your knowledge, and discuss issues
with colleagues and managers: do not work
• Maintain, and make use of, internal expertise or
established external expertise such as scientific
advisory committees
Strategies (2)
• Review the decisions by other regulators
• Discuss issues or concerns with sponsors
• Others will also be reviewing the trial, including,
but not limited to:
– REBs
– Qualified investigators
• Record decisions for future reference
• Keep-up with the science

New Clinical Trial Regulations:
Canadian Experience (1)
• New regulations typically go through extensive internal
and external consultations before implementation

• But once implemented, they still need to be interpreted for:

– The sponsors who have to meet the regulatory requirements
– The public servants who have to put the regulations into practice
– New stakeholder groups that may surface

• Important to:
– Develop and release guidance documents at the time of
implementation of the regulations
– Be aware and address new scope of the regulations
Canadian Experience (2)
• Division 5 of the Canadian regulations is only 6 ½ years
old; previous regulations were from the early 60’s:
– Main changes brought by new regulations were:
• Incorporating GCP into regulations
• Broader scope, encompassing off-label trials
• Inspection program

• Although the regulations appear fairly straightforward, it

can be a challenge to translate regulations into practice

• Impact of new regulations is really measured after they

are implemented and have been in effect for some time
(e.g., RIAS – 3-5 years)
Canadian Experience (3)
• Implementation of the inspection program:
– Utilized a phased-in approach starting with a
confidence-building voluntary phase (January 1,
– Mandatory phase with 2% of clinical trials inspected
and trials chosen using a risk-based approach
(started January 1, 2003)
– Interpretation of:
• Record-keeping requirement of 25 years
• Labelling of drug products
• Who can act as the importer
• Lack of clarity over the interpretation of the regulations
can lead to inconsistency, and requesting unnecessary
information or insufficient information from sponsors
Canadian Experience (4)
• Regulations impact more than just the pharmaceutical
company sponsor
– Qualified investigators / institutions and their staff
– Research ethics boards
– Subjects and patients
– Health care and access to drugs
– Investigators / Institutions as sponsors
– Other research groups (e.g., positron-emitting

• When implementing new regulations, need to ensure

that downstream effects are initially considered, and
measured by consulting with all affected stakeholders,
in order to make informed decisions on how to move
Regional / Global Impact
• When developing regulations, consider:
– What are the disease areas of interest (what can
your population offer)?
– What can your health care system offer?
– What is the status of investigator/institution-driven
research in your country?
– What frameworks are in place for ethical review of
human research and protection of clinical trial
– What are sponsors looking for in your country?
• Prepare your regulatory framework, and
scientific expertise accordingly
If not there already,
you are on a path to success!

• Consulting with other regulators

• Looking for best practices
• Looking for lessons learned

Thank You!


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