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Ofer Zur, Ph.D., Director

321 S. Main St. #29
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Phone: (707) 935-0655 Fax: (707) 736-7045
E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.ZurInstitute.com

Julie Y. Bunnak, Psy.D.
Has completed, in its entirety, the following continuing education activity sponsored by
the Zur Institute, Inc.:

Distance Learning Course - Online Course - Self Study

Course Title: Motivational Interviewing: Introduction and

Application (3ce)
Number of CE Credits/Contact Hours: 3.0
Date of Completion: May 25, 2019 1:24 AM EST
Zur Institute, Inc. is approv ed by the American Psy chological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education f or psy chologists.
The Zur Institute maintains responsibility f or this program and its content.
Zur Institute, Inc., prov ider #1113, is approv ed as a prov ider f or social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work
Boards (ASWB), www.aswb.org, through the Approv ed Continuing Education (ACE) program. Zur Institute, Inc. maintains
responsibility f or the program. ASWB Approv al Period: 06/1/2018 – 06/01/2021. Social workers should contact their regulatory board
to determine course approv al. Social workers participating in this course will receiv e 3.0 continuing education clock hours.
Zur Institute, Inc. is approv ed by NBCC as an Approv ed Continuing Education Prov ider, ACEP No. 6036.
This course meets the qualif ications f or continuing education credits f or LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs as required by the
Calif ornia Board of Behav ioral Sciences (CA-BBS). Zur Institute, Inc. is an approv ed prov ider by APA, ASWB and NBCC, which are
all accepted by CA-BBS.
Zur Institute, Inc. is approv ed by the Calif ornia Board of Registered Nursing, Prov ider #CEP 14826, f or 3.0 Contact Hours. This
document to be retained by the licensee f or a period of f our y ears af ter the course concludes.
Prov ider approv ed by CA Board of Vocational Nursing & Psy chiatric Technicians, Prov ider #V-10846 (LVN), Prov ider #V-10797
Prov ider approv ed by CCAPP, Prov ider Number 4N-08-116-0519 f or 3.0 CEH.
Zur Institute, Inc. has been approv ed to of f er CE credit f or Certif ied Addiction Specialists (CAS) in accordance with the American
Academy of Health Care Prov iders in the Addictiv e Disorders. Approv al #19-1380.
This course has been approv ed by Zur Institute, Inc., as an NAADAC Approv ed Education Prov ider, f or educational credits.
NAADAC Prov ider # 93498, Zur Institute, Inc. is responsible f or all aspects of their programming.
Zur Institute, Inc. has been approv ed by the Canadian Prof essional Counsellors Association (CPCA) to prov ide continuing education
and prof essional dev elopment f or its members.
Zur Institute, Inc. is recognized by the New Y ork State Education Department's State Board f or Social Work as an approv ed
prov ider of continuing education f or licensed social workers #SW-0081.
Zur Institute Inc. is recognized by the New Y ork State Education Department's State Board f or Mental Health Practitioners as an
approv ed prov ider of continuing education f or Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists. #MFT-0006.
Zur Institute Inc. is recognized by the New Y ork State Education Department's State Board f or Mental Health Practitioners as an
approv ed prov ider of continuing education f or Licensed Mental Health Counselors. #MHC-0007.
Prov ider approv ed by the Florida Board of Psy chology . Prov ider #50-9450.
Prov ider approv ed by the Florida Board of Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health Counseling. Prov ider #50-9450.
Prov ider approv ed by the State of Kansas Behav ioral Sciences Regulatory Board. Prov ider #08-001.
Prov ider approv ed by the Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors. Prov ider #20190048.
Prov ider approv ed by the Texas Board of Examiners of Prof essional Counselors. Prov ider #1020.
Prov ider approv ed by the Texas Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists. Prov ider #834.

Director, Zur Institute, Inc.

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