Easy Kanole Recipe

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Easy Kanole recipe



sooji (very fine) : 3/4 cup

Maida ( All-purpose flour) 1/4 cup
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup water
Mix water and milk to make 1/2 cup
Ghee 6 Tablespoon

For filling ( we call choba)

Grated sweetened coconut 3/4 cup

Poppy seeds (khash khash) 2 Tablespoon
Finely chopped dry fruits 3 Tablespoon
( i used almonds , cashews and raisins)
Cardamom powder : 1/2 teaspoon

1. Knead dough adding the milk+water in semolina and flour mix little by little to make a soft dough like roti
2. Add ghee and knead again. Cover with plastic wrap and Set aside for 20 minutes.
3. Meanwhile mix all ingredients of choba and keep ready.
4. Make small balls of dough and roll into a chapati .
5. Fill in the choba and fold . Use water as glue to paste the edges.
6. Use cookie cutter to cut into shape or simpky make a design of your own.
Make more kanole out of remaining dough and filling.
7. Heat oil in kadai and deep fry kanole.
Tastes best with kheer and phirni.
A popular Diwali sweet/dessert, Karanji
Maida (Plain Flour) – 2 cups
Ghee – 1 tblsp
Salt as per taste
Warm Milk as required
Oil as required for frying

For the filling:

Coconut – 2 cups, grated
Sugar – 2 cups, powdered
Nutmeg Powder – 1/4 tsp
Ginger Powder – 1/4 tsp
Cardamoms – 6 to 8
Ghee – little
Maida (Plain Flour) – 1 tblsp
Khus Khus (Poppy Seeds) – 1 tblsp
Mixed Dry Fruits – 1/4 cup, chopped

1. Combine the maida, ghee and salt in a large bowl.
2. Add enough milk and mix well to a thick dough.
3. Keep aside.
4. Dry roast the coconut and remove.
5. Heat little ghee in a pan.
6. Fry the maida and poppy seeds for a minute.
7. Remove and mix all the filling ingredients.
8. Grind them together and keep aside.
9. Make small balls of the dough.
10. Roll them into small puris.
11. Place some of the filling inside and fold to form a half-moon shape.
12. Using some water or milk, seal the edges.
13. Heat oil in a deep frying pan over medium flame.
14. Fry the prepared karanjis until light golden brown.
15. Remove and drain excess oil.
16. Store in an airtight container.


For the Shell

2 cups flour

1-teaspoon onion seeds

a pinch of salt
4 tbsp oil

2 cups grated coconut
1-cup khoya (thickened milk)

1-cup sugar
1/2-teaspoon cardamom powder
Raisins and dry fruits (optional; I generally do not add)

For the sugar syrup

1 and ½ cup sugar

½ cup water

Mix all the ingredients for the dough and by adding water as required knead it to
soft dough. Keep covered.

In a deep frying pan put the coconut and sugar and cook till the sugar dissolves.
Add the khoya and cook till the mixture leaves the sides of the pan. Mix in the
cardamom powder and let it cool.
Make small balls almost the size of a lemon. Roll them thinly in circular disk. Put
some filling in the center. Moisten the edges with a little water and fold into a
semicircle, pressing the edges together. Make designs as shown in the picture.
Prepare all the parakis and keep them covered.

Heat oil in a deep pan or kadhai. Deep-fry the parakis till light brown on a slow
heat. Using a sieve type ladle take them out and drain the excess oil on kitchen
towel. Let them cool completely before proceeding to the next step.

For the sugar coating, Boil the sugar and water in a big heavy bottomed pan until
you have syrup of 3 wires. To check this, take a drop of syrup between your
forefinger and thumb. Press and try to separate slowly. You should see 3 wires
stretching between the finger and thumb. Be careful so as not to burn your finger.
Another test is to boil the syrup till it becomes bubbly. At this point put a drop in
a bowl of water. If the drop immediately comes to the surface that means the
syrup is ready.
Lower the heat and put all the parakis in the syrup and give it a stir to coat them
evenly. You need to be very quick at this stage as the syrup solidifies once comes
in touch with the parakis.

Take them out on big plates. Let them cool completely and store in airtight

This stays good for 2-3 weeks if kept properly. no need to refridgerate.
A homemaker's Notes:(added on August'12)
Now I do not roll out small pieces of dough for individual skins. Rather I clean my
counter top and roll out a big piece of dough. Do not bother about the shape of
that rather concentrate on rolling it out as thin as possible.

once you use a small cookies cutter to cut small circles the skins will spring back
and will be little thicker. fill as much as you think will be enough for this circle.
you can always pull the dough to contain the filling.

moisten the edges with wet finger and bring the edges together. press with your
finger to secure it. Do not be delicate rather press it hard or it will open up while

use a fork to press the edges. This will secure the edges as well will make pretty

fry and sugar coat as mentioned above.

the sugar coating could be syrupy also. i prefer a hard coating because it does
not make the fried pastry soggy and that way could be stored for a longer period
of time.
With Diwali - the festival of lights coming near, lets start off with the sweet delicacies to make the
festivities and celebrations even sweeter .... Kanavle ... Layered Karanji




Maida / refined flour 1 cup

Salt A pinch

Hot ghee / clarified butter 1 tsp

red / pink food colour 1 drop


Cornflour powder 2 tbsp

Vanaspati ghee / hydrogenated Vegetable oil 2 – 3 tbsp


Maida / refined flour (heaped) 2 cups

Fine rawa / fine semolina (flat) 1 cup

Powdered sugar 3 cups

Ghee / clarified butter ¾ - 1 cup

Khopra / dry coconut (grated, dry roasted and 2 cups


Velchi pdr / Elaichi pdr / cardamom pdr 1 ½ tsp

Almonds powdered ½ cup

Cashewnuts powdered ½ cup



1. To the maida add salt and hot ghee. Rub it all together.
2. Add water little at a time as required and knead to a smooth medium soft dough.

3. Divide the dough into 5 portions.

4. To the 2 portions add the food colour and knead it in. leave the other 3 portions white.

5. Even if the food colour does not mix in well and gives a streaky colour to the dough its ok.

6. Cover the 5 portions and allow them to rest for around 2 hours.

7. To the cornflour add warm vegetable oil and mix it in to form a thick but spreadable paste.


8. Heat ghee in a pan.

9. Add in the maida and rawa.

10. Dry roast the rawa and maida in ghee on a slow flame till it changes colour and turns a light pink.

11. Remove and allow to cool.

12. Now to it add the khopra, powdered sugar, almond powder, cashewnut powder and elaichi pdr. Mix all

13. Take 1 portion of the dough ball and roll it out into a chapatti as thinly as possible. Use fry flour for it if
14. Repeat the same for all the 5 balls, roll them out into 5 chapattis, all of the same size. Keep them aside.

15. Keep a white chapatti at the base. Apply a generous but thin layer of the prepared sata on to the chapatti.
Make sure you take it till the edges.
16. On this keep the coloured chapatti and apply sata liberally on it.
17. In this way continue with all the 5 chapatis one on top of the other, keeping a white chapatti between 2
coloured layers and applying sata in between all the layers.

18. Once you have arranges all the chapatis one on top of the other, apply sata on the top side of the
19. Now roll all the layers together as tightly as possible to resemble a pipe. (I cut the pipe in two portions as
it was too long to handle)
20. Using a sharp knife cut the pipe length wise into 2 equal halves. Again cut the halves into 2 inch thick
pieces. So you will have pieces that look like semi circles.
21. Take a portion of the dough, keep the cut side at the bottom and press it down.
22. Carefully roll it with a rolling pin to form into a circular puri. Make sure you do not press too hard while
rolling or you will disturb the layers.
23. Fold it into half to form a semi circular shape. Stick the edges together till around ¾ the edge. Use a little
moisture if required.

24. From the gap that remains spoon the filling in. press the filling in as you fill. The kanavle should be tightly
packed. Stick the remaining corner too.
25. Using a karanji cutting wheel or a pizza cutter cut out the excess dough at the edges.
26. Make all the kanavle ready. Allow them to dry a little in the shade. you may have to flip them over after 1
hour to air dry a little of the other side too.
27. Deep fry them in vanaspati oil on medium to low heat till they are fried and crisp. The layers will start
opening up as you fry.
28. Store in an air tight container.
Thank you for visiting www.paripoornapaksiddhi.blogspot.in Your comments, suggestions and
feedback are extremely valuable. Do leave a note on your queries, questions, suggestions and feedback,
it will be highly valued and appreciated. Please visit again.

Posted by Ketaki Ponde at 08:38:00

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Diwali is the most important and widely celebrated festival in the Hindu Calender. Preparations for Diwali
start almost a month ahead. Different foods are prepared specially for this time. Some are sweet, some
are savoury. “Kanole (कानोले ), Laddoo (लाडू ), Chakli (चकली ), Shankarpali (शं करपाळी ), Anarse
(अनारसे ), Chivda (चचवडा )” usually are made at home. Nowadays these are also available in stores.
Nothing is better than home-made. This holds true especially for Kanole.
Of these sweets “Kanole” is considered not only special for this festival but is also auspicious.
Making these is a labour of love and skill. They have to be light and the shell has to separate out in
In the old days they used to say that if you dropped a silver rupee ( in the olden days
there used to be a rupee made of actual silver) in a “dabba” (steel container) filled with
Kanole…you should be able to hear the rupee ring as it hits the bottom. For the younger
generation, what it means is that the kanole are so delicate that the rupee literally cuts
through them unimpeded as it hits the bottom.
Here’s the recipe for this delicious treat.


1 vaati = ¾ cup= 200cc (approx)

For Dough
Semolina - fine (Rava - रवा) 3/4 cup , (1 vaati - वाटी, about 200cc volume)
Milk and water mixed about 100 cc (1/2 vaati)
Ghee 4-6 tbs

For "Saaran" ( cannot come up with English equivalent)


For Filling
Dried shredded powdered coconut - 1 vaati
Sugar- Fine powdered, sifted.
2 tbs White Poppy seeds
¼ tsp Cardamom powder
¼ tsp Nutmeg powder
Chapati (whole wheat) flour 2 tbs

For filling
In a little ghee saute the chapati ( wheat)flour till the colour changes to a pinkish hue. Do not
brown. As it cooks it gives off a very pleasant aroma.
In a pan roast the coconut till golden brown. Set aside.
Roast the poppy seeds. Again , they should be a little pinkish. Not brown. Watch carefully.
In a grinder dry grind the coconut and poppy seeds. (after cooling and each separately). Set
Combine poppy seeds, coconut, add the sauteed wheat flour. Add equal quantity of sugar (or
according to taste). It is OK to make it a little extra sweet since the sweetness reduces a bit after
frying. Add nutmeg and cardamom powder.
Can store in an airtight container.

For the dough

Make a dough with the Semolina, and the milk and water. Can add a pinch of salt to taste. (If
you cannot find fine semolina, grind the semolina finer before using it). Cover with a moist
kitchen cloth and set this aside for 4-6 hours.
Rub this dough with ghee..generously. For the next step you need a strong base and something
heavy like a stone pestle ( Varvanta - paata - Traditionally an implement made of stone ).
On the base keep the dough and pound it with the pestle. If it tears, add more ghee, roll it into a
ball and pound flat. Keep doing this till the dough is soft and pliable. Takes about 30 minutes or
so. Roll it back into a ball and keep aside under a moist kitchen cloth.

For the Saran

On large plate spread 2 tbs or so of ghee solids. With your fingers flattened to the plate rub it on
the plate while spreading it from one end of the plate to another. Keep doing this till the ghee
feels smooth and you cannot feel the grainy texture. This incorporates air in to the ghee and its
texture changes. To this softened ghee ( looks like softened butter), slowly add cornflour little by
little till you get a soft paste. (Consistency of sour cream).
Keep aside under a moist kitchen towel.

Now comes the tricky part. I suggest you have a nice cup of tea, put your feet up before
embarking on the next phase.

Take the dough and divide it into 4 parts . Roll each part out to about 0.25 cm thick. With your
finger push the dough down to make little troughs in the dough( not holes) close together.
Spread enough ‘saran’ to fill these dents and a thin layer over the dough. Now lift up one side
and start rolling it to make a tight roll. Use cornflour so that your hands and the dough don't stick
to the base / board. With your hands slowly roll this “roll” on the board lengthening it as you do
so. Don't roll it back and forth. Go in one direction only. It should stretch out to almost double its
length. Do this with the remaining dough as well.
Now twist off about an inch of the roll (do not cut). Hold both the ends of the little piece and with
a twisting motion press it to form a little flattened piece of dough.
Keep doing this. Make sure you keep all the dough covered with a moist cloth at all times.
Once you are done with this step get together a few things.

A rolling pin, a base to roll on. A Ravioli or pastry cutter..’Katni’ . A bowl with equal parts of
water and milk ( about ¼ - ½ the bowl.) for sealing the rim of the Kanole.. Cornflour and moist
Roll out each small piece of dough. to form a circle. Roll from the center to the edges, not back
and forth. Place the edge of your palm along one semicircle as a guide, place about a tsp or so

of the filling on this circle.

Moisten the rim with the water/milk mixture (lightly) and fold over the bottom edge and close it to
form a crescent shaped form. Press the edges together firmly with your finger tips pointing away
from the center.
With the pastry cutter cut out the excess edge.
This is what a filled “kanola” looks like.
Keep doing this for all the dough. Again...make sure that you place all these under a moist cloth
till you are ready to fry them.

In a deep “kadai” or saucepan, heat up ghee ( be generous- if you are counting calories, this is
not the dish for you). The vessel has to be deep so that the Kanole do not touch the bottom.
Once the oil is heated fry each one separately or at the most 2 at a time ( requires patience. if
you overcrowd it the temperature drops and they don't cook as well). Flip once. They are done
when the layers start to separate.

If the filling leaks out in to the ghee strain the ghee and use it . If you leave it in the ghee it will
discolour the rest of the “Kanole”. Don’t be lazy about this step. This will yield about 18- 20
medium sized Kanole.

Place the fried Kanole on a sieve and let drain. Once cool, enjoy!!
I usually make the filling a day before. The next morning I knead the dough and keep aside. In
the 4- 6 hours it is kept aside, I make the saran and get the rest of the stuff ready. You can add
saffron to the dough when you pound it to give it a little colour. I don’t add artificial food
colouring for different colours as I don’t believe in it.

Total time: about 8 hours + (counts the time the dough rests. The + depends on how many you
make and the time it takes to fry them.)

After all this is over, it is nearly time for dinner. At our house it has always been Chinese take-
out. Don’t know how that came about but the kids loved the combination.

Ukadiche Modak/Steamed Modak

Date: September 4, 2014Author: Ankita More1 Comment



2 cup Rice Flour

2 cup of water
pinch of Salt
2 tsp Ghee
2 cup shredded Coconut(dry/fresh)
2 cup Jaggery
4 tbsp Poppy seeds
2 tsp Cardamom powder
2 tbs Roasted cashew nuts and raisins (optional)
2 tbs Khoya/Khava (Optional)

Boil water, add pinch of salt and tsp of ghee and pour rice flour and mix well.
Cover with damp cloth and keep for 10 min.

In a pan, roast the poppy seeds.set aside, then roast the coconut till get golden color.
Once they are roasted well add jaggery and Khoya. Mix everything well.
add cardamom powder and cashew nuts.


Take ukad, wet your hands with water as well as some oil and knead ukad in soft
Make 2 inch balls of the dough. Keep the remaining dough covered. Roll the dough
into nice thin disc, Pinch 5 to 7 times on the edges by keeping equal distance now
stuff the filling. Pull them together and seal edges. Keep the modaks covered with a
wet cloth as they can dry .
Boil 1 inch of water in steamer/pot,over that place small thali. Now place modak on
thali. Steam for 10 min over medium heat. Modak are ready to be served for

Date: September 4, 2014Author: Ankita More2 Comments

Outer Cover:
2 cup wheat Flour
1 cup water
4 tbsp ghee/oil
pinch of Salt
2 cup shredded Coconut(dry/fresh)
2 cup Jaggery
4 tbsp Poppy seeds
Cardamom powder
Roasted cashew nuts and raisins (optional)

In a pan, roast the poppy seeds.set aside, then roast the coconut till get golden color.
Once they are roasted well add jaggery. Mix everything well.
add cardamom powder and cashew nuts.
Outer Cover:
Mix wheat flour and salt in a bowl. Add water and knead well. Add ghee/oil at the
end and knead again. Keep it aside for 10 mins.
Divide and make 1 inch balls. Roll a dough ball to thin round disk. Pinch the
edges(Mukharya in Marathi). You will see tiny bowl has been created. Put 1 tsp
stuffing inside. pull the edges together and seal the edges with very little milk. Make
all the modak. Heat the oil.
Don’t let the modak become dry. Cover with damp cloth.
Deep fry over medium low heat.
Fried Modak is ready to be searved

Khajyache Kanavle (CKP Special)

08 ThursdayNOV 2018



Khajyache Kanavle is a special sweet made during Diwali, the most popular festival of India.
These dumplings are specific to CKP community belonging to Maharashtra and making these
is a true art, often times resulting in failure. But with persistence, I decided to take up this
challenge of making the kanavle and I’m most satisfied with my results. These can be
tedious to make, so having abundance of patience is recommended. Happy Diwali (2018) to


The dough can be prepared 2-3 hours prior to making these kanavle.


1/4 cup Maida (APF)

1 cup fine Rava (sooji)
Dash of salt
Ghee (clarified butter) as required

Bind the flour and Rava with milk to form a stiff dough. Wrap in cling film and keep in air
tight container. Refrigerate overnight. Next day, remove from refrigerator and bring it to
room temperature.

Stuffing 1–
250g Mawa grated (dry milk solids available in Asian grocery stores)
Handful of crushed dry fruits (cashews, almonds, pistas..pulse in mixie)
2 tsp gulkand
6-8 dates (soft variety)
8-10 anjeer (soaked in hot water till softened)
2 tsp powdered sugar (optional)
1 tsp cardamom powder

Pulse anjeer, gulkand and dates in mixie.

Heat nonstick pan and roast the mawa for at least 10 mins with continuous stirring so it
doesn’t char
Remove from pan. Add powdered sugar, anjeer mix, crushed nuts, and cardamom powder
to the mawa.

Stuffing 2 (original for these kanavle)–

2 cups coconut powder
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup Khus khus (poppy seeds)
1 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)
2 tsp cardamom powder
Handful of roasted and finely crushed almonds and pistachios
2 tbsp raisins
1 cup powdered/confectioners sugar

Roast khus khus and coconut powder separately and constantly till golden (not overly
browned) in color in a wok. Cool thoroughly and grind in mixer till fine.

Wipe clean the wok and add ghee. Let ghee melt and keep flame on medium heat. Roast
whole wheat flour in the ghee till its aromatic. Stir it constantly to prevent charring. Cool

Once everything is cooled, mix all ingredients together including cardamom powder, sugar,
nuts, and raisins. Mix well and break any lumps of sugar are seen.

6 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)
4 tbsp rice flour

Whip ghee in a deep vessel with handheld blender till light and fluffy (about 2 mins).
Add the rice flour and blend it well with the ghee to form a homogeneous mixture. It should
be very smooth

Take the room temperature dough and divide in 4 balls (to get 4 different colored dough).

Make small pieces of one part of dough and put them in mixie with 1 tsp ghee. Add color of
your choice. Pulse it few times till it is well mixed and dough comes together.
Remove from mixer and knead it few times and then wrap in cling film or damp cloth.
Repeat the same for all the remaining dough.

Roll out chapati of one small ball of one color and make it as thin as possible. Apply Satta
generously (not too much else the layers may separate while frying).
Take the next ball and make chapati, place it over the first but little off, apply Satta and
repeat the same. You can make as many layers as you like.

Roll the whole bundle in to a log with no bubbles forming. Cut it vertically carefully and
separate the log into two. Cut each halved log horizontally to make small pedas (balls).

Dip in rice flour and roll it like puri taking care the pleats are facing up. Flip it and Place
stuffing and close to make a semi circle. Seal edges with milk. Trim off edges with cutter or
use a fork to seal edges thoroughly.

Heat ghee on low flame in a deep wide kadhai. Check if it’s heated with a small piece of
dough. In 2 seconds it should rise up and float. Ghee is at correct temperature.

Drop maximum 2 Kanavle at a time. If kadhai is small, fry one piece at a time. Slowly drop
the Kanavle in ghee and with a slotted spoon keep pouring the hot ghee over it for layers to
form. Fry for a minute or so. Do not flip the kanavle during frying.
Remove to a paper napkin to drain excess ghee.

Khajyache Kanavle (CKP Special)

08 ThursdayNOV 2018


Khajyache Kanavle is a special sweet made during Diwali, the most popular festival of India.
These dumplings are specific to CKP community belonging to Maharashtra and making these
is a true art, often times resulting in failure. But with persistence, I decided to take up this
challenge of making the kanavle and I’m most satisfied with my results. These can be
tedious to make, so having abundance of patience is recommended. Happy Diwali (2018) to


The dough can be prepared 2-3 hours prior to making these kanavle.

1/4 cup Maida (APF)
1 cup fine Rava (sooji)
Dash of salt
Ghee (clarified butter) as required

Bind the flour and Rava with milk to form a stiff dough. Wrap in cling film and keep in air
tight container. Refrigerate overnight. Next day, remove from refrigerator and bring it to
room temperature.

Stuffing 1–
250g Mawa grated (dry milk solids available in Asian grocery stores)
Handful of crushed dry fruits (cashews, almonds, pistas..pulse in mixie)
2 tsp gulkand
6-8 dates (soft variety)
8-10 anjeer (soaked in hot water till softened)
2 tsp powdered sugar (optional)
1 tsp cardamom powder

Pulse anjeer, gulkand and dates in mixie.

Heat nonstick pan and roast the mawa for at least 10 mins with continuous stirring so it
doesn’t char
Remove from pan. Add powdered sugar, anjeer mix, crushed nuts, and cardamom powder
to the mawa.

Stuffing 2 (original for these kanavle)–

2 cups coconut powder
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup Khus khus (poppy seeds)
1 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)
2 tsp cardamom powder
Handful of roasted and finely crushed almonds and pistachios
2 tbsp raisins
1 cup powdered/confectioners sugar

Roast khus khus and coconut powder separately and constantly till golden (not overly
browned) in color in a wok. Cool thoroughly and grind in mixer till fine.
Wipe clean the wok and add ghee. Let ghee melt and keep flame on medium heat. Roast
whole wheat flour in the ghee till its aromatic. Stir it constantly to prevent charring. Cool

Once everything is cooled, mix all ingredients together including cardamom powder, sugar,
nuts, and raisins. Mix well and break any lumps of sugar are seen.

6 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)
4 tbsp rice flour

Whip ghee in a deep vessel with handheld blender till light and fluffy (about 2 mins).
Add the rice flour and blend it well with the ghee to form a homogeneous mixture. It should
be very smooth

Take the room temperature dough and divide in 4 balls (to get 4 different colored dough).

Make small pieces of one part of dough and put them in mixie with 1 tsp ghee. Add color of
your choice. Pulse it few times till it is well mixed and dough comes together.
Remove from mixer and knead it few times and then wrap in cling film or damp cloth.
Repeat the same for all the remaining dough.

Roll out chapati of one small ball of one color and make it as thin as possible. Apply Satta
generously (not too much else the layers may separate while frying).

Take the next ball and make chapati, place it over the first but little off, apply Satta and
repeat the same. You can make as many layers as you like.

Roll the whole bundle in to a log with no bubbles forming. Cut it vertically carefully and
separate the log into two. Cut each halved log horizontally to make small pedas (balls).

Dip in rice flour and roll it like puri taking care the pleats are facing up. Flip it and Place
stuffing and close to make a semi circle. Seal edges with milk. Trim off edges with cutter or
use a fork to seal edges thoroughly.
Heat ghee on low flame in a deep wide kadhai. Check if it’s heated with a small piece of
dough. In 2 seconds it should rise up and float. Ghee is at correct temperature.

Drop maximum 2 Kanavle at a time. If kadhai is small, fry one piece at a time. Slowly drop
the Kanavle in ghee and with a slotted spoon keep pouring the hot ghee over it for layers to
form. Fry for a minute or so. Do not flip the kanavle during frying.
Remove to a paper napkin to drain excess ghee.

Baked Modak

Date: September 14, 2015Author: Ankita More2 Comments

Ganesha/Ganapati/Vinayaka… The best known, most worshipped god in Hindus. As the
god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rituals and ceremonies first. Ganesha has
thousands of names like Vighneshvara, Vighnaharta, Ekdantay, Gajanan, GanNayaka,
Heramb, Siddhivinayaka and many more. He is the he Lord of Obstacles, both of a
material and spiritual order. He is popularly worshipped as a remover of obstacles.
Ganesha is considered to be the Lord of letters and learning. In India, If someone wants
to start anything or doing anything first time, he first worships Ganapati and then starts
his work.
Ganpati Festival is around the corner. We(me n my hubby) was so eagerly waiting for
this celebration. We celebrate this festival every year, we have only five days celebration
, but at my parent’s place we have it for 11 days. My husband was celebrating this
festival even he was not married. He has faith in Ganesha, so do I.
We worship Ganapati by making his favorite sweet ‘Modak’. There are two main types
of making Modak, First is Fried Modak and the second one is Ukadiche modak. Last year
I made both types of modak. But this year I want to make something more healthy and
easy. I was thinking of baking modaks. Today, finally I did experiment which got
successful. I made some changes in traditional recipe.. but still I like it. I hope you will

like it too

Outer cover:
2 Cups whole wheat flour
3/4-1 Cup water
4 Tbsp oil
pinch of salt

Heat oil in a small pot. mix other dry ingredients, make circles in flour and add hot oil
over the circles. Carefully mix oil with aata then add water gradually to make medium
soft dough. cover with wet cloth ans set aside for 15 minutes.

2 cup shredded Coconut(dry/fresh)
1 Cup dates(finely chopped or pureed)
2 Tbsp Dryfruits coarsely grounded
1/4 Tsp Cardamom powder
Dry roast the coconut. Mix remaining ingredients until it is well combined.
One can use traditional stuffing(for traditional stuffing, please refer my fried
modak recipe or click on link)

Modak Method:
Preheat oven for 180°C/356°F.
Divide and make 1 inch balls. Roll a dough ball to thin round disk. Pinch the
edges(Mukharya in Marathi). You will see tiny bowl has been created. Put 1 tsp stuffing,
make ball and put inside. Pull the edges together and seal the edges with very little milk.
Make all the modak. Don’t let the modak become dry. Cover with damp cloth.
Grease baking tray with butter/oil or use butter paper, place all modak in the tray and
brush them with few drops of oil. Bake them for 20-25 minutes or until they becomes

golden from outside, and the modak’s are ready

My summary…
It tastes same like fried one but less oil. It had nice khasta texture. Coconut and dates
really goes well together.

Do try and let me know how did u like it

Let’s welcome Lord Ganesha with healthy food and make this festival beautiful and Eco-


Ganapati bappa morya………….


1) One can make a big thing roti and use a round cookie cutter to make same size modak.
2)Oil wash is optional.
3)Oven temperature varies so it may take less/more time for individuals.
4)One can use dry fruit powder instead of coconut.


For the Shell

2 cups flour

1-teaspoon onion seeds

a pinch of salt

4 tbsp oil


2 cups grated coconut

1-cup khoya (thickened milk)

1-cup sugar

1/2-teaspoon cardamom powder

Raisins and dry fruits (optional; I generally do not add)

For the sugar syrup

1 and ½ cup sugar

½ cup water

Mix all the ingredients for the dough and by adding water as required knead it to
soft dough. Keep covered.
In a deep frying pan put the coconut and sugar and cook till the sugar dissolves.
Add the khoya and cook till the mixture leaves the sides of the pan. Mix in the
cardamom powder and let it cool.

Make small balls almost the size of a lemon. Roll them thinly in circular disk. Put
some filling in the center. Moisten the edges with a little water and fold into a
semicircle, pressing the edges together. Make designs as shown in the picture.
Prepare all the parakis and keep them covered.

Heat oil in a deep pan or kadhai. Deep-fry the parakis till light brown on a slow
heat. Using a sieve type ladle take them out and drain the excess oil on kitchen
towel. Let them cool completely before proceeding to the next step.
For the sugar coating, Boil the sugar and water in a big heavy bottomed pan until
you have syrup of 3 wires. To check this, take a drop of syrup between your
forefinger and thumb. Press and try to separate slowly. You should see 3 wires
stretching between the finger and thumb. Be careful so as not to burn your finger.
Another test is to boil the syrup till it becomes bubbly. At this point put a drop in
a bowl of water. If the drop immediately comes to the surface that means the
syrup is ready.
Lower the heat and put all the parakis in the syrup and give it a stir to coat them
evenly. You need to be very quick at this stage as the syrup solidifies once comes
in touch with the parakis.

Take them out on big plates. Let them cool completely and store in airtight

This stays good for 2-3 weeks if kept properly. no need to refridgerate.
A homemaker's Notes:(added on August'12)
Now I do not roll out small pieces of dough for individual skins. Rather I clean my
counter top and roll out a big piece of dough. Do not bother about the shape of
that rather concentrate on rolling it out as thin as possible.

once you use a small cookies cutter to cut small circles the skins will spring back
and will be little thicker. fill as much as you think will be enough for this circle.
you can always pull the dough to contain the filling.

moisten the edges with wet finger and bring the edges together. press with your
finger to secure it. Do not be delicate rather press it hard or it will open up while

use a fork to press the edges. This will secure the edges as well will make pretty

fry and sugar coat as mentioned above.

the sugar coating could be syrupy also. i prefer a hard coating because it does
not make the fried pastry soggy and that way could be stored for a longer period
of time.
Sandesh (Sondesh) Recipe (with Step by Step Photos)

(5 Votes and 5 Comments)

Bengali Recipes, Desserts, Sweets

Its a simple and delicious mix of fresh crumbled paneer and powdered
sugar with invigorating aroma of cardamom – this mouth watering Bengali
sweet recipe requires just 3 ingredients and takes only 20-25 minutes to

Sandesh or Sondesh is one of the most widely known and appreciated

sweet recipes of Bengali cuisine that is very easy to make and allows you to
give it your custom touch to make your occasions special. This step by step
photo recipe also includes directions for making fresh paneer (aka chhena
in Bengali) at home and uses cooked paneer technique that removes the
raw smell of milk or paneer. However, you can also prepare it without this
technique – see tips and variations section given below to find out how.
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Serves: 4 servings
Print Recipe
Cooking Measurements


1 liter Full Cream Milk (Cow milk is preferable)

2 tablespoons Lemon Juice

1/4 cup Powdered Sugar

1/4 teaspoon Green Cardamom Powder

5-6 chopped Pistachios (for garnishing), optional

Note: Follow detailed step by step photo recipe to prepare paneer

(chhena) at home (follow steps 1 to 5). If you are following the detailed
homemade paneer recipe then skip steps 1-3 given below.

Bring milk to boil over medium flame.

When it comes to rolling boil, reduce flame to low. Add lemon juice
gradually while stirring continuously. Within 1 or 2 minutes, milk solid and
whey (liquid portion) will start to separate.
When it separates completely, transfer it to a colander or a large sieve
having cheesecloth lined over it and drain the whey. Rinse paneer
(chhena) under running water to remove residual lemony taste.

Tie prepared chhena in a muslin cloth. Squeeze it gently to drain the
water and hang it for 30 minutes to drain the water (see the photo). Do
not hang it for longer than 30 minutes otherwise it will become dry. After
draining water, untie it.

Transfer solidified chhena to a large plate. It should be moist. If it is too
dry, sandesh will turn crumbly.
Knead it like dough for around 4-5 minutes or until smooth.

Add sugar and cardamom powder.

Knead again for around 3-4 minutes to mix well.
Transfer prepared mixture to a heavy bottomed non-stick pan.

Stir it continuously and cook it over low flame until mixture turns a little
dry but is still moist; it will take around 5-6 minutes. Do not cook it for
longer suggested time or over medium/high flame to prevent chhena from
turning crumbly.

Turn off the flame and let it cool for few minutes. When it is still warm,
knead well until smooth.
Divide mixture into 12-14 small portions and make round shaped balls
from it. Take each ball, press it gently between your palms and flatten it
like thick pattie. For garnishing, place few pieces of chopped pistachios in
the center and press it with your thumb. You can also use mold to give
desired shape. Place this sweet in a refrigerator and chill it for at least an
hour before serving. Consume it within two days and store in a

Tips and Variations:

 To prepare this sweet without needing to cook paneer or chhena is as

mentioned in the description section above, skip steps 9 to 11.

 You can reduce the processing time by grinding chhena, sugar and
cardamom powder together in a mixer grinder and skip kneading process
in steps 5 to 7.

 If mixture turns dry in step-10, add few drops of milk and knead until

 If mixture turns crumbly in step-10 and you are unable to make sandesh
from it, grind the mixture in a mixture grinder until smooth, transfer it to a
plate and knead until smooth. If required, add few drops of milk and
knead using your hand.

Taste: Sweet with mild aromatic flavor of cardamom

ghevar recipe | how to make crispy &
porous ghewar at home

Hebbars Kitchen

January 18, 2019

ghevar recipe | how to make crispy & porous ghewar at home with
detailed photo and video recipe. a unique and crisp traditional rajasthani dessert
recipe prepared mainly from maida and sugar syrup. basically, it is a disc-
shaped sweet cake with porous texture and is mainly served by dipping it in
sugar syrup or topped with milk rabdi. this classic indian sweet recipe is mainly
prepared during a festival like teej or raksha bandhan or during the winter or
rainy season of north india.
ghevar recipe | how to make crispy & porous ghewar at home with step
by step photo and video recipe. a popular honeycomb dessert recipe which has
its roots in the rajasthani and haryanvi cuisine. generally these days most of
them prefer to buy ghevar from the local halwai or store as there is a
misconception about this recipe assuming it be laborious and tough. however, it
is the extremely simple recipe to prepare with few easy precautions.

the local halwai or the ones prepared in the store is made using a special disc-
shaped equipment on a large scale. and hence the confusion about its feasibility
to make with household utensils. however, the same quality of ghevar can be
prepared in a home with a good density and deep pan. in other words, the
ghewar batter is poured into such pans at a regular interval filled with hot oil.
note that the quantity of batter has to be approximately of 2 tbsp and has to be
poured at height of 8-10 cm. otherwise, you may miss the porous texture
to ghewar and also it may stick to the bottom. during the entire frying process
make sure it has to float and not settle at the bottom.
furthermore some tips, recommendations and serving ideas for ghevar recipe.
firstly, i would heavily recommend sieving the maida or plain flour before
proceeding with the batter preparation. secondly, make sure to rub the ghee
with ice till it reaches a thick cream like consistency. basically, this step ensures
to incorporate air bubbles with the batter and helps to attain porous texture.
lastly, the ghewar sweet can be served with myriad options. it can be served
plain with basic sugar syrup, or perhaps with mawa, rabri, malai, dry fruits,
kevra and also silver vark.

finally, i request you to visit my other indian sweet recipes collection with
this post of ghevar recipe. it includes recipes like milk cake, malpua, rava
barfi, til ki chikki, dates ladoo, pista barfi, balushahi, boondi ladoo and peanut
chikki recipe. in addition, do not forget to visit my other similar recipes
collection like,

 vrat recipes collection

 snacks recipes collection
 chaat recipes collection

ghevar video recipe:

recipe card for ghevar recipe:

ghevar recipe | how to make crispy &

porous ghewar at home
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 ½ cup ghee / clarified butter

 1 block ice
 2 cup maida / plain flour / refined flour
 ½ cup milk, chilled
 3 cup water, chilled
 1 tsp lemon juice


 1 cup sugar
 ¼ cup water


 oil / ghee for deep frying

 dry fruits, for garnishing
 ¼ tsp cardamom powder / elachi powder
 silver vrak for garnishing


1. firstly, take ½ cup ghee and rub with ice block.

2. now add 2 cup maida and crumble well.
3. further, add ½ cup chilled milk and give a rough mix.
4. additionally, add 3 cup of chilled water, 1 tsp lemon juice and make
a smooth flowing consistency
5. pour the 2 tbsp of batter keeping a good distance from hot oil.
6. the batter will splatter and later the froth subsides. repeat 10-15 times
7. pull the ghevar out once cooked, and drain off the oil completely.
8. pour the sugar syrup over ghevar, garnish with chopped nuts and sprinkle
cardamom powder.
9. finally, garnish the ghevar with silver vrak or rabri and ready to serve.
how to make ghewar recipe with step by step
1. firstly, in a large mixing bowl take ½ cup ghee.
2. also, take a large block of ice and start to rub.
3. rub the ghee in a circular motion till the ghee thickens and turns
4. keep rubbing for 5-6 minutes or till the ghee turns whitish.
5. now add 2 cup maida and crumble well.
6. do not knead the dough as we are going to make the batter.
7. further, add ½ cup chilled milk and give a rough mix.
8. additionally, add 1 cup of chilled water and make a thick batter.
9. add another cup of chilled water and start to whisk for 5 minutes.
10. furthermore, add 1 tsp lemon juice and another cup of chilled

11. continue to whisk till there are no lumps.

12. prepare a smooth flowing consistency ghevar batter. the batter is
ready to make ghevar, keep chilled till you are ready to fry.
13. heat ¾ level of ghee or oil in a saucepan (dia – 18 cm, depth – 9
cm) or large kadai placing a ring in the centre.
14. make sure the oil is very hot, then pour the 2 tbsp of batter
keeping a good distance from oil (approx 10 cm).
15. the batter will splatter and later the froth subsides.
16. pour another 2 tbsp of better in the centre in a thin stream keeping
distance from oil.
17. repeat 10-15 times depending on the size of the saucepan.
18. make sure to leave a hole in the centre.
19. fry on medium flame till the ghevar turns golden brown.
20. scrape the sides with a knife and push ghevar into the oil.
21. continue to fry till the bubbles disappear completely.
22. pull the ghevar out gently, and drain off the oil completely. keep

sugar syrup preparation:

1. now prepare the sugar syrup by taking 1 cup sugar and ¼ cup water.
2. dissolve the sugar completely and boil for 5 minutes.
3. continue to boil till 2 string consistency is attained.
4. pour the sugar syrup over ghevar or dip the ghevar in sugar syrup.
5. also, garnish with chopped nuts and sprinkle cardamom powder.
6. finally, garnish the ghevar with silver vrak or rabri and ready to serve.

 firstly, keep the batter really chilled to get honeycomb texture.
 also, adjust the consistency of batter by adding ice cold water.
 additionally, whisk well without allowing ghee or milk from curdling.
 finally, ghevar can be stored for a month in an airtight container and
dip in sugar syrup just before serving.
motichoor ladoo recipe | motichoor laddu |
motichur ladoo

Hebbars Kitchen

February 7, 2019

motichoor ladoo recipe | motichoor laddu | motichur ladoo with detailed

photo and video recipe. a popular and attractive round shaped ladoo recipe
made with fine and saffron coloured boondi pearls. it is a well known sweet
recipe and is mainly prepared for festivals and occasions to share with family
and friends. it is generally made with boondi jhaara, but in this post uses easily
available spoons in every kitchen.
motichoor ladoo recipe | motichoor laddu | motichur ladoo with step by
step photo and video recipe. laddu recipes are very common across india during
the festival seasons and can be made with several ingredients. one such popular
variation is boondi pearl based laddu which is known for it taste, texture and
appearance. it is always assumed that, it cannot be home-made but this post
clears the confusion once in for all.

as i mentioned previously, the motichoor ladoo recipe is traditionally made

with special custom made ladle or spoon specific for this laddu recipe. but it
does not make any sense to purchase it and hold it in your kitchen as it does
not have any other use case. hence i thought of sharing this recipe with easily
available spoons/ladles and then customise it according to the recipe. so i have
showcased 2 ways to prepare motichoor laddu, using the indian strainer ladle
and a metal based fine grater. both these spoons should be easily available in
any kitchen if not one. the end result may not be the same as you get it in
store, but certainly free from preservatives and according to your taste and
furthermore, i would like to add some tips and suggestions for a perfect, moist
motichoor ladoo recipe. firstly, if you have an access to boondi jhaara than i
would heavily recommend to use it instead of the above mentioned workaround.
it is hassle free and the result is much better compared to the workaround
options. secondly, the deep frying of boondi pearls are generally made with
ghee. but this can be done with combination of ghee+ oil or just oil. lastly, if
your boondi are large then, coarsely grind the deep fried boondi to reduce the
size of it. this can be totally skipped if you feel the deep fried boondi pearls are
tiny and small in shape.

finally, i request you to check my other indian sweet recipes collection with
this post of motichoor ladoo recipe. it includes recipes like, besan
laddu, boondi ladoo, gond ke ladoo, til ke ladoo, dry fruits ladoo, dates
laddo, rava ladoo and coconut ladoo recipe. in addition do visit my other similar
recipes collection like,

 desserts recipes collection

 eggless cakes recipes collection
 beverages recipes collection

motichoor ladoo video recipe:

recipe card for motichoor ladoo recipe:

motichoor ladoo recipe | motichoor

laddu | motichur ladoo
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easy motichoor ladoo recipe | motichoor laddu | motichur ladoo



 2 cup besan / gram flour

 2 tbsp rava / semolina / suji, fine
 ¼ tsp saffron food colour
 1½ cup water
 oil for frying


 1 cup sugar
 ½ tsp saffron food colour
 ½ cup water
 ¼ tsp cardamom powder
 ½ tsp lemon juice
 2 tbsp cashew / kaju, chopped
 2 tbsp pistachios, chopped


1. firstly, to the hot sugar syrup, add prepared boondi.

2. mix well and make sure to coat all the boondi with sugar syrup.
3. continue to cook for 2 -3 minutes or until sugar syrup thickens.
4. cover and keep aside for 10 minutes.
5. after 10 minutes, sugar syrup is absorbed completely by boondi.
6. add 2 tbsp cashew and 2 tbsp pistachios. mix well.
7. you can see the the mixture is dried and all the sugar syrup has
8. prepare the ladoo taking a small amount of boondi. add milk if required,
to make moist laddu.
9. finally, motichoor laddo is ready to be served or refrigerate for a week.

how to make motichoor laddu with step by step


boondi preparation recipe:

1. firstly, in a large bowl take 2 cup besan and 2 tbsp rava. if using
coarse besan avoid adding rava.

2. also, add ¼ tsp saffron food colour. alternatively, use orange food
colour (combination of red and yellow food colour gives an orange
3. mix well making sure its combined well.
4. now add 1 cup water and prepare a thick lump-free batter.
5. further, add ½ cup of more water and mix well.
6. prepare a smooth flowing consistency batter.
7. fine boondi can be prepared using a small holed vegetable grater.
8. with the help of ladle, pour prepared besan batter.
9. slowly tap, making sure the drops of besan fall into the hot oil.
10. do not overcrowd the boondis and stir.
11. once they are almost crisp, take off and drain over the kitchen
paper towel.
12. boondi can also be prepared using an oil strainer or small holes
perforated spoon.
13. pour prepared besan batter and slowly tap with the help of ladle,
making sure the drops of besan fall into the oil.
14. do not overcrowd the boondis and stir.
15. once they are almost crisp, take off and drain over the kitchen
paper towel.
16. prepare small boondi in batches and keep aside.

sugar syrup preparation:

1. in a large thick bottomed kadai, take 1 cup of sugar and ½ tsp saffron
food colour.
2. add ½ cup of water and dissolve sugar.
3. allow it to boil for 4 minutes or until syrup thickens slightly. do not
allow sugar syrup to attain string consistency.
4. further, add ¼ tsp cardamom powder and ½ tsp lemon juice to sugar
syrup. lemon juice prevents sugar syrup from crystallizing.

mothichoor laddu recipe:

1. to the hot sugar syrup, add prepared boondi.
2. mix well and make sure to coat all the boondi with sugar syrup.
3. continue to cook for 2 -3 minutes or until sugar syrup thickens.
4. cover and keep aside for 10 minutes.
5. after 10 minutes, sugar syrup is absorbed completely by boondi.
6. add 2 tbsp cashew and 2 tbsp pistachios. mix well.
7. you can see the the mixture is dried and all the sugar syrup has
8. prepare the ladoo taking a small amount of boondi. add milk if
required, to make moist laddu.
9. finally, motichoor laddo is ready to be served or refrigerate for a

 firstly, add a generous amount of food colour to get a rich colour to
 also, add milk to boondi mixture if the mixture is dry.
 additionally, blend to boondi mixture to coarse powder if the boodi are
not fine.
 finally, mootichoor ladoo recipe tastes good when prepared moist.

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