Studying The Costs of Crime Across Offender Trajectories: Research Article

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Research Article

C r i m e C o s t s a c r o s s
O f f e n d e r T r a j e c t o r i e s

Studying the costs of crime

across offender trajectories
Mark A. Cohen
Vanderbilt University
U n i v e r s i t y o f Yo r k

Alex R. Piquero
Florida State University

Wesley G. Jennings
University of Louisville

Research Summary
Longitudinal studies of delinquency and crime have generated an important source of de-
scriptive information regarding patterns of offending across the life course, and have helped
inform and spur theoretical and methodological contributions. One particular method that
has received considerable attention is based on offending trajectories, but applications of this
method have not extended much beyond descriptive accounts of offending. This study links
offender trajectories to monetary costs associated with criminal offending by members of the
Second Philadelphia Birth Cohort. Results indicate that chronic offenders who frequently
commit crimes when they are young turn to more serious crimes when they are adults and
impose far greater costs than low-frequency chronic offenders and those whose offending
peaks during adolescence.

Direct correspondence to Mark A. Cohen, Resouces for the Future and Owen Graduate School of Management,
Vanderbilt University, 1616 P Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036 (e-mail: [email protected] or
mark.cohen; Alex R. Piquero, Florida State University, College of Criminology and Criminal
Justice, Hecht House, 634 W. Call Street, Tallahassee, FL 32306 (e-mail: [email protected]); Wesley G. Jennings,
University of Louisville, Administration of Justice, Brigman Hall Rm. 215, Louisville, KY 40292 (e-mail:
[email protected]).

© 2010 American Society of Criminology 279

Criminology & Public Policy • Volume 9 • Issue 2
R esearch Ar ticle Cr ime Costs across O ffender Trajec tor ies

Policy Implications
Preventing individuals from becoming high-rate chronic offenders would yield significant
cost savings of more than $200 million. In terms of overall costs, offending frequency
accounts for the bulk of costs in the juvenile years, whereas the seriousness of individual
crimes drives total costs in the adult years. Moreover, because some trajectory groups impose
higher costs in their juvenile years, whereas others impose higher costs in their adult years,
policies that target particular (high-rate chronic) trajectory groups as opposed to all at-risk
youth, for example, have the potential to provide significantly greater benefits at lower costs.
These findings suggest that the allocation of prevention and intervention efforts should be
targeted differentially across the offender population, with those individuals exhibiting early,
frequent, and chronic offending deserving the most attention. Promising programs aimed
at such individuals include early childhood prevention programs, such as those based on
family–parent training, self-control improvement, and cognitive therapies.

costs of crime, offending trajectories, birth cohort, longitudinal

he collection and use of longitudinal data on criminal careers has generated an im-
portant amount of descriptive information regarding offending across the life course
(Piquero, Farrington, and Blumstein, 2003). Additionally, these descriptive accounts
have informed and spurred several theoretical and methodological contributions.
Much of the early descriptive work on criminal careers (Blumstein, Cohen, Roth, and
Visher, 1986; Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin, 1972) initiated a rigorous theoretical debate with
respect to the variation that exists across the population of offenders regarding the longitudinal
progression of criminal activity, which includes differences across demographic characteristics
and estimates for the criminal-career parameters of prevalence, frequency, onset, specialization,
seriousness, escalation, career duration, and desistance (Blumstein, Cohen, and Farrington, 1988;
Gottfredson and Hirschi, 1986). These studies generated several theories that attempted to unpack
the aggregate age–crime curve, such as parsimonious general theories that stress continuity with
little prospects for change (Gottfredson and Hirschi, 1990), to less restrictive general theories
that allow for both continuity and change (Sampson and Laub, 1993), to complex typologi-
cal theories that hypothesize the existence of distinct groups of offenders who evince distinct
age–crime profiles, distinct etiologies, as well as distinct prospects for continuity and change
(Loeber, Stouthamer-Loeber, Huizinga, and Thornberry, 1999; Moffitt, 1993). Across these
various frameworks, a strong contention exists regarding the nature, course, and life outcomes
of these offenders, with most studies assessing etiological and offending differences to the neglect
of noncrime life-course outcomes, such as offender costs on victims and society.
With respect to methodological advances, the empirical knowledge base on criminal careers
has generated several novel techniques for unpacking the aggregate age–crime curve. One of

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these techniques—the semiparametric group-based model (Nagin, 2005; Nagin and Land,
1993)—identifies unique offending trajectories that can inform important debates, such as the
debate between general and developmental theories of crime. The application of the group-based
model has yielded some findings consistent with Moffitt’s (1993) developmental taxonomy with
respect to the number of trajectory groups identified and the life-course behavioral patterns
of her hypothesized groups (e.g., nonoffenders, adolescent-limited offenders, and life-course
persistent offenders). However, a few inconsistencies also have been found (e.g., the identifica-
tion of low-level chronic offenders, late-onset offenders, desistance among life-course-persistent
offenders, etc.; Laub and Sampson, 2003; see Piquero, 2008, for a review).
These studies have illuminated how trajectories are affected by key covariates and which
risk and protective factors distinguish one particular trajectory from another. For instance, some
trajectory studies have highlighted the importance of sex (Cote, Tremblay, Nagin, Zoccolillo,
and Vitaro, 2002; Cote, Zoccolillo, Tremblay, Nagin, and Vitaro, 2001; D’Unger, Land, and
McCall, 2002; Fergusson and Horwood, 2002; Piquero, Brame, and Moffitt, 2005), race (White,
Nagin, Replogle, and Stouthamer-Loeber, 2004), and socioeconomic status differences (D’Unger,
Land, McCall, and Nagin 1998; McDermott and Nagin, 1998). Others have emphasized the
importance of contextual differences in peer, school, neighborhood, and cultural influences
(Chung, Hill, Hawkins, Gilchrist, and Nagin, 2002; Maldonado-Molina, Piquero, Jennings,
Bird, and Canino, 2009), as well as local life circumstances (Laub, Nagin, and Sampson, 1998;
Piquero, Brame, Mazerolle, and Haapanen, 2002).
Although the trajectory method has provided much information on longitudinal patterns
of crime (Piquero, 2008), few attempts have been made to link group-based offending trajec-
tories with associated life outcomes (see Nagin, Farrington, and Moffitt, 1995; Odgers et al.,
2007; Piquero, Farrington, Nagin, and Moffitt, 2010). In particular, one key question remains
unexplored: Do trajectory groups differ regarding the costs they impose on victims, the criminal
justice system, and the larger society? Several theoretical models outlined earlier—specifically, the
characterization of the life-course-persistent offender from Moffitt’s (1993) taxonomy—draw
specific attention to not only the detrimental effects high-rate offenders have on their own lives,
but also on the disproportionate costs they inflict on both victims and society.

The Importance of Monetary Costs

Although research demonstrating the disproportionate amount of crime and delinquency that
chronic offenders account for is well known (Piquero et al., 2003, 2007), only a handful of
studies have addressed the issue of the monetary costs of chronic offending. Cohen (1998)
estimated that the criminal career of one high-risk (chronic) youth costs as much as $1.3 to
$1.5 million in 1997. The most serious and frequent offenders, furthermore, could accumu-
late costs ranging as high as $36 million. Comparable estimates for career offenders have been
demonstrated in other studies. Using data on 500 habitual offenders sampled from a large
urban jail in the western United States, DeLisi and Gatling (2003) estimated the lifetime costs
of a career criminal to be $1.14 million in 2002, but this figure underestimates the true cost of

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R esearch Ar ticle Cr ime Costs across O ffender Trajec tor ies

an entire criminal career because the authors based their cost estimates on the offenders’ prior
offenses to date. Assuming that their offending pattern continued, it is likely that their costs
would be greater if estimated across the entire lifetime of the offender. In a similarly designed
study, Welsh, Loeber, Stevens, Stouthamer-Loeber, Cohen, and Farrington (2008) demon-
strated that costs of chronic offenders in the Pittsburgh Youth Study ranged from $793,000
to $861,000 in 2000. Furthermore, these chronic offenders—who represented 10% of the
sample—committed an average of 142 offenses through age 17 (more than 50% of offenses
in the sample). In a more recent study exploring costs imposed by chronic offenders, Cohen
and Piquero (2009) employed more comprehensive cost estimates and determined that the
current value of saving a 14-year-old, high-risk juvenile from a life of crime is roughly between
$3 and $5 million. Finally, DeLisi, Kosloski, Sween, Hachmeister, Moore, and Drury (2010)
calculated the monetary costs for five crimes (murder, rape, armed robbery, aggravated assault,
and burglary) imposed by a sample of homicide offenders from eight states and found that
the average cost per murder exceeded $17.25 million and the average murderer in the current
sample inflicted costs approaching $24 million.
Considering the evidence regarding the monetary costs of saving one high-risk youth
(Cohen, 1998, 2005; Cohen and Piquero, 2009), saving a group of high-risk (chronic) youth
should result in substantial cost-savings for the would-be offender, the potential victim(s), the
criminal justice system, and for society as a whole. Operating under this hypothesis, the current
study presents an initial, unique exploration into the variability in monetary costs associated
with group-based offending trajectories among a large birth cohort of individuals from an urban
city followed from birth into their mid-20s.

Policy Relevance of Attaching Monetary Costs to Offending Trajectories

Estimating the costs of crime provides an important source of information for policy makers
(Anderson, 1999; Cohen, 2005). For example, suppose two programs each cost $1 million,
and only one could fit into the current budget. If the first program is expected to reduce 20
home burglaries and the other to reduce 10 armed robberies, then which would provide the
most benefit for this $1 million? Only by placing dollar values on home burglaries and armed
robberies can policy makers compare these two programs. Similarly, suppose one policy focuses
on the worst juvenile offenders, whereas the other focuses on minor delinquents. To compare
the relative benefits and costs of these programs, one would need to know not only the costs of
the programs and their effectiveness in reducing long-term offending behavior (Greenwood,
2006), but also the costs imposed by the two different offender groups across time.
Information on the monetary costs imposed by different offending trajectories could help
ensure that policy decisions are informed and grounded in research rather than in partisan poli-
tics. Consequently, costs-of-crime information should guide the allocation of scarce resources
when considering the appropriate mixture of prevention, punishment, and treatment. This
influence is no small matter because decisions about crime policy largely have been politically
charged (Beckett and Sasson, 2003)—often focusing on either justifying more punitive crime

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policies or justifying investments in early intervention and prevention methods instead of using
a more measured and balanced response that deals with individuals who already have broken
the law or those individuals who are at risk of doing so in the future (Scott and Steinberg,
2006). As Welsh et al. (2008: 18) observed, “Any response to the high costs of crime needs to
be driven by what society is (and is not) doing, how the public views the problem alongside
other competing priorities, and what the government can afford relative to current expenditures
in other areas.”

Current Focus
In light of the development of the trajectory modeling technique along with the handful of
studies demonstrating the substantial costs imposed on society by high-risk offenders, the cur-
rent study takes the unique step of attaching dollar amounts to (chronic) offending trajectories.
This study, then, provides the first combination of the trajectory method and the costs-of-crime
literature in an effort to examine how the monetary costs of crime are distributed differentially
across offender trajectories.

Data and Methods

The current study uses data on the offending of members of the Second Philadelphia Birth
Cohort (Tracy and Kempf-Leonard, 1996; Tracy, Wolfgang, and Figlio, 1990)—a replication of
an earlier Philadelphia Birth Cohort study (Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin, 1972). Cohort members
were part of a longitudinal study for which data was collected on the criminal careers of 27,160
individuals born in 1958 and residing within Philadelphia from their 10th to their 18th birthday.
These data are well suited for trajectory analysis particularly considering the length of follow-up
(ages 8–26),1 the sex (13,160 males and 14,000 females), and race distribution (12,853 Whites,
13,529 African Americans, 725 Hispanics, 42 Asians, and 11 American Indians). Another
important feature of the data is that any comparisons made regarding offending trajectories

1. Because offending information was recorded through December 1984, the Cohort was on average only
26.5 years old. In the text, we refer to age 26 even though the data do not include the entire age 26 year.
Thus, our estimates of total costs through age 26 are an underestimate. Although this truncation might
affect projections of future costs (because it implies an exaggerated level of desistance), it does not
substantially alter our findings about the time path of offending by subgroup. Although it is unlikely that
this underestimation will have a sizeable effect on the prevalence of desistance or persistence, it might
underestimate the frequency of the offenders’ police contacts, which also would underestimate the as-
sociated group-based costs. Nevertheless, the prevalence of offending at age 26 for the entire Cohort was
approximately 1%, and only a handful of these individuals accumulated more than one police contact,
and no Cohort member accumulated more than four police contacts. If we assumed that the offend-
ing frequency of these individuals for the first half of age 26 is an accurate portrayal of their offending
frequency for the second half of age 26, then the number of police contacts would not be greater than
two for nearly all offenders. In other words, the group-based mean costs at age 26 would not likely be
substantially inflated if we had police-contact information for the remainder of age 26. Most of the Cohort
are not active offenders at age 26, and for those that are, their frequency is considerably low.

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and monetary costs associated with offending can be discussed with the understanding that the
effect of the historical period and the geographical context is held constant.2

Police contacts. The main source of offending data is official police record data.3 Official police
contact data is provided for all juvenile police contacts with the Philadelphia Police Department
and its Juvenile Aid Division prior to age 18. Subsequent adult offenses during the first 8 years
after age 18 (through age 26) were recorded from standard police forms. According to Tracy
and Kempf-Leonard (1996: 65), “The Municipal and Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia
served as data sources for offenses committed by the Cohort after reaching the legislatively
imposed adult status of age 18. Court files included police reports, so data on adult crime
are comparable to that for delinquency. The exception, of course, is that no official ‘remedial’
report exists for adults who encountered police, but who were not arrested.” Thus, the measure
of offending in these data is official police contacts for the juvenile careers (age 8–17) and of-
ficial police arrests for the adult careers (age 18–26). Yet, considering the comparability of the
measures (as described earlier), we use the term “police contact” when discussing the results.
We also restricted our analysis to felony and misdemeanor contacts.4

2. Because of extremely small sample sizes, Asians and American Indians were removed prior to estimating
the trajectories and related monetary costs. Despite numerous attempts with a varying number of groups
and polynomial orders, we could not estimate a trajectory solution for the entire Cohort (N = 27,160).
D’Unger et al. (1998, 2002) also noted the difficulty of inverting the Hessian matrix with a sample this large
and with the Philadelphia data in particular. Consistent with D’Unger et al.’s research using these data in
trajectory-based analyses, we drew a random sample of Cohort members; however, our random sample
was based on 25% of the Cohort members (n = 6,750). We subsequently drew several additional random
samples of 6,750 Cohort members, and the trajectory results were all substantively similar to those pre-
sented in the text.
3. The advantages and disadvantages of official (Thornberry and Krohn, 2003) and self-report (Lauritsen,
1998; Piquero et al., 2002) records have been noted elsewhere. Both methods are limited, and the inclu-
sion of both for the same subject is the rare exception in longitudinal data sources.
4. We recognize that the two outcome measures are different and present an important limitation. Yet, we
do rely on several studies that have explored the linkages between various measures of official records,
all of which suggest that modest-to-strong positive correlations are present among police contact, arrest,
court, and conviction records, generally, and the closer they are linked to one another in time (police
contacts and arrests compared with police contacts and convictions), the stronger their correlation. Using
birth cohort data from New Zealand, Moffitt, Caspi, Rutter, and Silva (2001) investigated sex differences in
two official measures of offending, youth-aid police contact records, and conviction records and found
substantially similar conclusions regarding the relationship between sex and the two offending measures
(i.e., no differences across the two official measures). Tracy and Kempf-Leonard’s (1996: 66–67) investiga-
tion of continuity and discontinuity in offending, which used the same juvenile and adult offending
measures as used in the current study, found moderate relationships between the two measures (juvenile
police contacts and adult arrests), and although the authors similarly recognized the different offend-
ing measures across time periods, they concluded that the measure of adult crime “is comparable to the
police-based indicator of delinquency that [was] used for the juvenile period.” Finally, Brame, Bushway,
Paternoster, and Thornberry (2005) examined the association between past and future offending across
data sources (including self-reports, police contacts, and arrests) and found that the substantive conclu-
sions regarding the association did not differ across the three data sources. In short, although we treat the
juvenile and adult data as seamless, it is important to bear in mind that they are not identical indicators
across time.
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Costs of individual crimes. A variety of methods have been used to estimate the costs of
crime. Miller, Cohen, and Wiersema (1996; Cohen, 1998) have used a “bottom-up” approach
to estimate crime costs that takes into account the victim-related costs (lost productivity, pain
and suffering, lost quality of life, etc.), the criminal justice-related costs (police, courts, and
prisons), and the loss of productivity for the offenders incarcerated as a result of their offending.
Despite the multiple components of these “bottom-up” cost estimates, Nagin (2001) argued
that this approach neglects other important elements of the crime costs such as “fear of crime,”
the use of constrained behaviors taken by the public to avoid the risk of crime in the future,
and any residual costs to the surrounding community (e.g., loss of social cohesion, community
development, etc.). Cohen, Rust, Steen, and Tidd (2004) employed what has been referred to
as a “top-down” approach to estimating the costs of crime based on the public’s willingness to
pay (WTP) for crime reductions—therefore incorporating the fear of crime and loss of social
cohesion into the cost estimates.5 Other studies also have elaborated on the WTP costs (Cohen,
2005, 2009; Nagin, Piquero, Scott, and Steinberg, 2006) and have indicated that the WTP cost
estimates are more appropriate and comprehensive (Cohen and Piquero, 2009).6
The WTP approach is well accepted in the economics literature as being more appropriate
to estimate external or social costs and is used widely in the environmental, health, and safety
fields. It also has gained considerable acceptance in the economics of crime literature. The
“bottom-up” approach is mostly appropriate for those interested in the components of costs
(e.g., the cost to the criminal-justice or health-care systems). Although we believe the WTP
estimates are more comprehensive, we also provide estimates based on the “bottom-up” ap-
proach so readers can compare. Table 1 provides the WTP cost estimates of individual crimes as
estimated from figures provided by Cohen and Piquero (2009: Table 6) along with presenting
the “bottom-up” cost estimates for comparison purposes. All cost estimates in this article are
expressed in 2007 dollars.

5. Although the WTP methodology has both strengths and weaknesses that should be considered, it is a
well-established methodology in environmental and health economics and has been subject to consider-
able replication and testing (Cohen, 2009).
6. Following one of the recommendations made by both Nagin (2005) and Piquero (2008), which noted that
researchers examined consequences and outcomes across distinct trajectory groups, the current study
builds off the recent Cohen and Piquero (2009) study by specifically linking the trajectory groups to the
costs of their crimes. This method allows for a richer investigation of the monetary value of saving a high-
risk youth, for example, by distinguishing between the costs imposed by high-rate adolescent offenders
who do not become chronic adult offenders and those who persist into adulthood. Adding costs to the
equation provides some important insights. For example, although a frequency-based trajectory path is
smooth and peaks at a certain age, once costs are added to the data, our results show different patterns
of importance. This pattern highlights the fact that it is not just the frequency but also the severity of of-
fenses that helps drive the costs. More importantly, this analysis begins to raise important policy questions
about appropriate interventions for different trajectory groups.

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R esearch Ar ticle Cr ime Costs across O ffender Trajec tor ies

Ta b l e 1

Estimated Bottom-Up and WTP Costs for Crimes (2007 Dollars)

Bottom-Up Total Estimate WTP Total Estimate

Murder $5.0 million $11.8 million

Rape $150,000 $290,000
Armed robbery $50,000 $280,000
Robbery $23,000 $39,000
Aggravated assaults $55,000 $85,000
Simple assaults $11,000 $19,000
Burglary $5,000 $35,000
Motor vehicle theft $9,000 $17,000
Larceny $2,800 $4,000
Drunk driving crash $30,000 $60,000
Arson $60,000 $115,000
Vandalism $1,000 $2,000
Fraud $3,500 $5,500
Other contacts (e.g., prostitution) $500 $1,000

Analytic Strategy
The analysis proceeded in three stages. First, the group-based trajectories for the random sample
of 6,750 Cohort members (25% of the total Cohort) were estimated in SAS (SAS Institute, Inc.,
Cary, NC) using PROC TRAJ (Jones, Nagin, and Roeder, 2001). Second, information on the
WTP and “bottom-up” costs associated with the particular offenses committed (by age) were
estimated and linked to each Cohort member. On merging these data, a series of descriptive
analyses were performed to characterize the variability in the costs associated with the offend-
ing frequency of one trajectory group across time compared with the costs of the offending
frequency of another trajectory group. Ultimately, the analysis concluded with a series of group
mean difference comparison tests to explore whether the WTP and “bottom-up” cost estimates
significantly distinguished trajectory group membership.

Estimating Group-Based Trajectories
Mixture or group-based trajectory methods were employed in the current study (Nagin, 2005;
Piquero, 2008). These models recognize that meaningful subgroups might be present within
an (offending) population that follow distinct developmental trajectories and often are used to
model unobserved heterogeneity in a population. Unlike other techniques, the trajectory method
assumes that the distribution of unobserved heterogeneity is discrete rather than continuous,
and thus, the mixing distribution is viewed as multinomial (i.e., a categorical variable). Each
category within the multinomial mixture can be viewed as a point of support, or grouping,
for the distribution of individual heterogeneity. The model then estimates a separate point of
support (or grouping) for as many distinct groups as can be identified in the data, and a higher

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number of groups closely approximates what might be a true continuous distribution (Nagin
and Tremblay, 2005). The trajectory method is a useful approach to study crime across the
life course and is especially well suited for research problems whose aim is to examine distinct
developmental trajectories, to understand what factors account for their distinctiveness, and to
test whether individuals following different trajectories also respond differently to an interven-
tion (Nagin and Tremblay, 2005).7
In general, trajectory analysis assumes that distinct clusters of individuals might exist who
exhibit different longitudinal patterns of behavior and perhaps unique etiological processes. The
methodology attempts to approximate this distribution by identifying unique points of support
(e.g., distinct groups or trajectories; Nagin, 2005). These models also are based on a maximum
likelihood (ML) function—a feature that enables the qualities of ML parameter estimates (e.g.,
consistent and asymptotically normally distributed) to be applied to these models. Operating
under this assumption and recognizing these statistical properties, this method also assumes that
individual differences in trajectories can be described as polynomial functions of age or time.
Furthermore, this polynomial can be expressed with regard to its appropriate parametric (e.g.,
logit, censored normal, Poisson, or zero-inflated Poisson) and functional form (e.g., constant,
linear, quadratic, or cubic; Nagin, 2005).
Considering our use of counts of police contacts to measure offense frequency, the Pois-
son model potentially was appropriate for the initial trajectory analysis.8 However, the excess

7. The trajectory method does have some limitations. First, because the model assumes that unobserved
heterogeneity is drawn from a discrete probability distribution, model misspecification bias will be present
if heterogeneity actually is drawn from a continuous distribution. Second, classification of individuals
to distinct groups will never be perfect. Third, the number of groups extracted is variable and partly a
function of sample size—more individuals tend to equate with more groups. Fourth, concerns have been
raised regarding the assessment of model fit, including the selection of the appropriate number of groups
and whether the trajectory method provides a better model fit than other methods that assume that
heterogeneity is distributed continuously. Fifth, a risk of misinterpreting the trajectory classifications exists,
especially regarding the reification of groups that might or might not exist in the population.
8. The Poisson distribution assumes that the distribution of event arrival times follows an exponential
distribution that implies a constant hazard function and also assumes that the mean and variance of
the variable of interest are equal. It is flexible, often applied in analyzing criminal careers (Blumstein et al.,
1986), and serves as a useful starting point to analyze crime-count data with the trajectory methodology.
More specifically, Land and Nagin (1996: 170) argued that the Poisson approach “has several advantages
compared to [alternative] models, such as the negative binomial, that make a specific assumption about
the parametric distribution. First, criminological theory does not provide specific guidance on the choice.
Second, such a choice may impose restrictions that are inconsistent with the data. For example, while
negative binomial regression provides more flexibility than simple Poisson regression, the former still
imposes a restrictive functional form on the relationship of the sample mean and variance of the observed
count data—namely, that the variance is a quadratic function of the mean.”

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of zero counts led us to use the zero-inflated version of the Poisson model (ZIP).9 Following
Nagin (1999, 2005) and extant trajectory-based research (Piquero, 2008), the trajectory group
solutions were determined by examining the Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) in an effort
to maximize model fit.10 The BIC values are estimated based on the following equation, where
L is the maximum likelihood, n is the sample size, and k is the number of parameters (Nagin,
2005: 64): BIC = –2 log(L) + log(n) × k. The trajectory solutions were determined through
an iterative model selection procedure, wherein models were first estimated with a one-group
solution and then estimation continued until the BIC was maximized (i.e., two-group, three-
group, etc.). Models also were estimated for different polynomial forms including intercept
only, linear, quadratic, and cubic with attention to the ability of the model to find a relative
convergence using all available information and by the use of the groups to indicate distinct
and homogenous trajectories (Brame, Nagin, and Tremblay, 2001; Bushway, Thornberry, and
Krohn, 2003).
The quadratic ZIP model provided the best fit to the data using the BIC rule. The posterior
probabilities of group membership (which can be considered a measure of model precision) for
the trajectory solution were consistently high (Table A1, see page 304) and were well above the
standard criteria cutoff (>0.70; Nagin, 2005). In other words, the individual Cohort members
were assigned to the group to which they had the highest probability of belonging to and were
surrounded in that group with individuals whose offending behavior resembled theirs.11 Because
of our focus on the costs of crime imposed on society by trajectory groups, we provide details
of our offender trajectory solutions in the Appendix. We note here that the random-sample,
four-group model (Figure A1, see page 305) conforms to much of the extant research on group-

9. The ZIP model is not a simple post hoc response to a partial failure of the Poisson model but is instead
employed as a method to deal with an over-preponderance of zeros and often provides a better fit to
offending data than the Poisson. Furthermore, the ZIP model allows for the assumption of a dual-state-
system. A dual-state-system signifies the following two situations: one in a zero-contact state in which
the assumption is that a group of individuals exists that can be regarded as police-contact free, and the
second state, or nonzero contact state, in which the expected incidences of police contacts are assumed
to follow some known distribution, such as the Poisson (Lambert, 1992; Long, 1997). Many studies have
demonstrated the use of the ZIP model when using count data with excess zeros (King, 1989; Land, Mc-
Call, and Nagin, 1996; Zorn, 1998).
10. An anonymous reviewer commented that issues of model fit and model selection using the trajectory
method are in debate and, thus, are worthy of discussion. Trajectory modeling is an application of finite
mixture modeling. No established statistic or method is available to determine the number of compo-
nents or trajectory groups to include in the model. Indeed, considerable disagreement on this point is
present, and the comments of the anonymous reviewer are reflective of the unsettled state of affairs. BIC,
however, is the most commonly used statistic to assess model fit in the trajectory literature in criminol-
ogy. Furthermore, in several simulation studies, BIC has performed well in detecting the correct number
of groups. And most importantly, in our study, the selected model performed well according to model-fit
diagnostics outlined in Nagin (2005), which included BIC and posterior probability assignments.
11. Of course, the trajectory model does not guarantee perfect assignment, but high-posterior probabilities
are indicative of good assignments.

288 Criminology & Public Policy

Fi g u r e 1

WTP Costs by Age by Trajectory Group: Random Sample (N=6,750)




Mean WTP Costs (in dollars)



Age (Years)

G1 (76.3%) G2 (18.6%) G3 (2.0%) G4 (3.1%)

Volume 9 • Issue 2
Cohen, Piquero, J ennings

Ta b l e 2

WTP Costs by Trajectory Group
Trajectory Group Juvenile Contacts Adult Contacts Total Contacts Total Group Costs % of Total Costs
Mean Dollar Amount Mean Dollar Amount Mean Dollar Amount

Random sample (N = 6,750)

R esearch Ar ticle

G1 (76.3%) — — — — —
G2 (18.6%) $75,402 ($72,916) $69,593 ($52,408) $144,996 ($125,324) $181,824,984 ($157,156,296) 34% (34%)
G3 (2.0%) $569,189 ($548,736) $315,861 ($242,300) $885,050 ($791,036) $121,251,850 ($108,371,932) 23% (24%)
G4 (3.1%) $194,519 ($186,513) $887,040 ($745,840) $1,081,559 ($932,353) $226,045,831 ($194,861,777) 43% (42%)

Criminology & Public Policy

Notes. Cost estimates have been rounded to the nearest dollar amount. 2% discounted rates are in parentheses.

Ta b l e 3

Bottom-Up Costs by Trajectory Group

Trajectory Group Juvenile Contacts Adult Contacts Total Contacts Total Group Costs % of Total Costs
Mean Dollar Amount Mean Dollar Amount Mean Dollar Amount

Random sample (N = 6,750)

G1 (76.3%) — — — —
G2 (18.6%) $41,095 ($31,559) $37,030 ($30,974) $78,125 ($62,533) $97,968,750 ($78,416,382) 37% (35%)
G3 (2.0%) $291,159 ($233,768) $138,197 ($108,816) $429,356 ($342,584) $58,821,772 ($46,934,008) 22% (21%)
G4 (3.1%) $94,240 ($80,073) $421,142 ($391,723) $515,382 ($471,796) $107,714,838 ($98,605,364) 41% (44%)

Notes. Cost estimates have been rounded to the nearest dollar amount. 2% discounted rates are in parentheses.
Cr ime Costs across O ffender Trajec tor ies
Cohen, Piquero, J ennings

based trajectories of offending with a nonoffender group (G1), a low-rate chronic group (G2),
an adolescence-peaked group (G3), and a high-rate chronic (but declining) group (G4).12

Estimating Costs Associated with Group-Based Trajectories

Tables 2 and 3 present the WTP and “bottom-up” cost estimates, respectively, of the juvenile
offending, adult offending, and total offending by trajectory group as well as the total aggregate
costs of the group’s accumulated number of offenses by group and the total aggregate group
costs. Turning toward WTP costs associated with group-based offending for the random sample,
overall calculations indicated that the total costs of the offending trajectories among our ran-
dom sample of the Second Philadelphia Birth Cohort was $529,122,665. Comparatively, the
“bottom-up” cost estimate totals, which were noticeably lower, indicated that costs associated
with group-based offending were $264,505,360. However, more interesting is the strong variation
in total costs across trajectories. The total costs of the very-low chronic offending group (G2)
were nearly $182 million, which was somewhat higher than the total costs of the adolescent-
peaked offending group (G3) and was primarily because of the relatively large size of the G2
group.13 However, the (total group) costs of the high-rate chronic offender group (G4, 3.1%
of the sample) were greater than those of G2 and nearly two times greater than G3. In fact, as
displayed in the total contacts-mean dollar amount column, the mean costs per offender in this

12. It is important to recognize that the current study builds cost estimates into a latent trajectory analysis of
the Second Philadelphia Birth Cohort similar to the trajectory analyses reported in D’Unger et al. (1998).
First, the previous study was the first of the latent trajectory studies to introduce and use BIC as a statistical
criterion for decisions on the optimal number of classes in the finite mixture of trajectories. Second, the
latent groups identified in the current study are similar to those of D’Unger et al.’s, except that our groups
seem to combine a couple of those that were decomposed more and treated separately by D’Unger et al.
Of course, if one does separately identify a subset of high-rate adolescent-peaked offenders, for example,
with a peak number of police contacts of more than 3 per year—as estimated by D’Unger et al., rather
than the 1.25 per year we estimated for the larger peaked group—then the cost estimates that follow
for this subset would be substantially higher. Additionally, our G2 low-rate chronic group had a trajectory
and properties much like the low-rate chronic offender group identified in D’Unger et al. Second, using
somewhat different criteria to identify latent groups (including a different sampling procedure), our G3
adolescent-peaked group was decomposed into high-rate adolescent-peaked and low-rate adolescent-
peaked groups by D’Unger et al. Nevertheless, the characteristics of their combined groups are much like
our G2 group. Incidentally, it was D’Unger et al. who argued that “adolescent peaked” was a better label for
this trajectory group than “adolescent limited,” because although it is true that the peak of the offending
trajectory for this group is concentrated in the adolescent-teen years, the trajectory actually extends into
the early 20s. Relatedly, our G4 high-rate chronic offender group has an offending trajectory also much like
a combination of the high-rate chronic and low-rate chronic groups identified in D’Unger et al. We would
like to thank an anonymous reviewer for making this general observation and for suggesting the appropri-
ate text.
13. In particular, the costs exerted by G2 were higher because more individuals were in this trajectory (18.6%
of 6,750 individuals ~ 1,255 individuals). If each of these offenders cost $144,996 on average, then a sum-
mation would show that they would cost more as a group than the G3 trajectory (2% of 6,750 individuals
~ 135 individuals), who each cost $885,050 on average.

Volume 9 • Issue 2 291

Fi g u r e 2

“Bottom-Up” Costs by Age by Trajectory Group: Random Sample (N = 6,750)

R esearch Ar ticle



Criminology & Public Policy



Mean Bottom-Up Costs (in dollars)


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Age (Years)

G1 (76.3%) G2 (18.6%) G3 (2.0%) G4 (3.1%)

Cr ime Costs across O ffender Trajec tor ies
Cohen, Piquero, J ennings

high-rate group were more than $1 million.14 Furthermore, the costs of the high-rate chronic
offender group (G4) were higher in their adult years (ages 18–26) than the costs of their juvenile
offending career (ages 8–17). The other offending groups have lower adult costs than juvenile
costs.15 The results and interpretations were also substantively similar when estimating the costs
of group-based offending using the “bottom-up” method to calculate costs (see Table 3). Finally,
the total costs of the high-rate chronic trajectory group were estimated to be approximately
$226 million (WTP estimate) or $108 million (“bottom-up” estimate).
Tables 2 and 3 indicate the current value of costs discounted to age 14 at the 2% rate used
by Cohen and Piquero (2009), as shown in parentheses. Although the current-value calculations
reduce the impact of adult offending relative to juvenile offending, the basic findings hold. In
particular, the current value of lifetime costs through age 26 were estimated to be $157 mil-
lion for G2, $108 million for G3, and $195 million for G4 using the WTP method, and they
were $78 million for G2, $47 million for G3, and $99 million for G4 using the “bottom-up”
approach. Note also that these estimates were based on a 25% random sample of the Cohort.
Thus, the costs imposed by the entire Cohort were estimated to be four times this amount
or nearly $2 billion. This burden is spread out across approximately 15 years (from age 11
through age 26).
As another point of comparison, Figure 1 displays the WTP monetary costs, and Figure 2
displays the “bottom-up” monetary costs associated with offending by year by trajectory group.
Here, it seems that the monetary costs of offending peaked in late adolescence at approximately
age 17 for all offender trajectories (G2, G3, and G4) and again in early adulthood (~age 22).
In contrast, when comparing the year-by-year mean offending frequency by trajectory group

14. It is interesting to compare this high-rate chronic offending group and the “high risk youth” group in Co-
hen and Piquero (2009), which was defined as youth with six or more police contacts. (Note that we com-
pared police contacts only; Cohen and Piquero (2009) also reported costs using a multiple.) Our high-rate
chronic offending group, G4, imposed average discounted costs of $932,353 using the WTP approach and
$471,796 using the “bottom-up” approach. This estimate compared to $978,193 in estimated present value
WTP costs and $412,579 in “bottom-up” costs for the “high risk youth” group in Cohen and Piquero (2009:
Table 6). Thus, the costs imposed by the high-rate chronic offender (G4) group were slightly less than
the average “high risk youth” who had six or more police contacts using the WTP approach, but the costs
were slightly more using the “bottom-up” approach. Note that the “high risk youth” group in Cohen and
Piquero represented 4% of the population, whereas the high-rate chronic offending group in our article
represented 3.1% of the population. This representation illustrates the value of identifying trajectories—
because some of these “high risk youth” ultimately fall into G3, the adolescence-peaked group.
15. In Tables 2 and 3, the Total Group Costs (% of total costs) value in column 4 was determined by summing
each offender’s costs in each group to arrive at a group total. Then, the percentage was determined by
summing the total costs for all offending groups (G2 Total + G3 Total + G4 Total) and dividing each group’s
cost by the Total. For example, in Table 2, Total WTP Costs of group-based offending = $181,824,984
+ $121,251,850 + 226,045,831 = $529,122,665. G2’s percentage of Total WTP Costs = $181,824,984 /
$529,122,665 = 34%.

Volume 9 • Issue 2 293

R esearch Ar ticle Cr ime Costs across O ffender Trajec tor ies

(Figure A1) against the year-by-year mean costs (Figures 1 and 2), it seems that G3 peaked at age
15, whereas G4 peaked at age 19. Thus, not only do costs lag the peak in offending frequency,
but also they show different patterns.16
An interesting finding here is that for two offender groups (G2 and G3), their mean-
offending seriousness using the Sellin–Wolfgang seriousness score was comparable in their
juvenile career (G2 = 3.58; G3 = 6.19) to their mean-offending seriousness in their adult career
(G2 = 3.99; G3 = 6.35). In contrast, the mean seriousness of offending for the high-rate chron-
ics (G4) was significantly and substantively greater in their adult career (G4 = 9.68) compared
with their mean-offending seriousness during their juvenile career (G4 = 4.74). Thus, although
a pattern suggests an increase in seriousness into adulthood for all offender groups, especially
for the high-rate chronic group, it seems that the frequency of offending in the juvenile careers
is driving the costs and the seriousness of offending in the influence of the adulthood years of
these associated costs. Stated differently, for G2 and G3, the high costs in the juvenile years is a
frequency effect; a higher frequency (as a juvenile) equals more costs (as a juvenile) but with more
serious offending, which peaks and occurs later in the life course (as an adult) and is always of
lower frequency; this pattern might be why costs in general are not as high in adulthood. Still,
the costs of offending in adulthood remain substantial in consideration of the low frequency
and the greater seriousness for the offenses committed.17
Tables 4 and 5 provide the results of a series of mean-difference tests that examined
whether the total mean-police contacts and the total mean-WTP costs and “bottom-up” costs
associated with these police contacts significantly differ among trajectories. Not surprisingly, all
group-mean differences in the number of police contacts were significantly different across all
trajectories (see Table A2, see page 304). This finding was to be expected because the frequency
of offending was the measure used when estimating the group-based trajectories. The findings
also suggest that the mean costs incurred by the high-rate chronic group were significantly greater
than the costs of a low-rate group or the adolescent-limited offender group. Ultimately, the
costs of high-rate chronic offending were substantial, and this small group of offenders (~3%

16. Note that Welsh et al. (2008) estimated peak costs at age 17 when comparing costs imposed by an entire
group of juvenile offenders from ages 11 to 17.
17. Note that one possible explanation for the low frequency of adult offenses could be that these offenders
were incarcerated during their adult years. Although we do not know which offenders were incarcerated,
we have incorporated the “expected costs” of prison into our cost calculations based on the percentage of
arrests that result in prison by type of crime.

294 Criminology & Public Policy

Cohen, Piquero, J ennings

of the sample) was responsible for nearly half of the total costs of offending. The findings are
even more robust when looking at the “bottom-up” cost estimates, in which each trajectory
group incurred significantly different costs and again the high-rate chronic offending group
was responsible for nearly half the total costs of offending.

Ta b l e 4

Significant Group Mean Differences by Total Contacts and Total WTP Costs
Trajectory Group Total Mean Contacts Total Mean Costs

Random Sample (N = 6,750)

G1 (76.3%) — —
G2 (18.6%) <G3; <G4 <G3; <G4
G3 (2.0%) >G2; >G4 >G2
G4 (3.1%) >G2; <G3 >G2

Note. Only significant group differences are reported. P values are less than 0.05.

Ta b l e 5

Significant Group Mean Differences by Total Contacts and “Bottom-Up” Costs

Trajectory Group Total Mean Contacts Total Mean Costs

Random Sample (N = 6,750)

G1 (76.3%) — —
G2 (18.6%) <G3; <G4 <G3; <G4
G3 (2.0%) >G2; >G4 >G2; <G4
G4 (3.1%) >G2; <G3 >G2; >G3

Note. Only significant group differences are reported. P values are less than 0.05.

Before we close our investigation, we would like to highlight the costs associated with
the Cohort’s most frequent offender. This offender, who was an African American male, was
responsible for 53 crimes across the course of his criminal career, of which the bulk (>80%) was
committed as a juvenile. Furthermore, his individual Sellin–Wolfgang mean-seriousness score
was 10.8 during his juvenile career and 9.8 in his adult career, which placed his seriousness of
offending in the top 5% of the entire Cohort for juvenile and adult offending seriousness. Not
surprisingly, this offender was in the high-rate chronic trajectory. This one chronic, serious, and
most frequent offender imposed a cost of $1,696,000 on society in less than 20 years.
It is also interesting to contrast the most frequent offender with the Cohort’s most costly
offender. This offender, who was also an African American male and in the high-rate chronic
trajectory, was responsible for nine crimes during the course of his criminal career. The Sellin–
Wolfgang mean-seriousness score of this offender was only 1.3 during his juvenile career (where
he committed only one offense); yet his Sellin–Wolfgang mean-seriousness score was 20.6 in

Volume 9 • Issue 2 295

R esearch Ar ticle Cr ime Costs across O ffender Trajec tor ies

his adult career. This latter figure placed his seriousness of offending in the top 5% of the entire
Cohort for adult-offending seriousness. This one chronic, serious, and most costly offender
imposed a cost of $35,406,000 on society.

Using data from the Second Philadelphia Birth Cohort, this study presented a unique linkage
of group-based offending trajectories to the total monetary costs of crime, the results of which
indicated important differences across trajectory groups with respect to the monetary costs im-
posed on society, with the most high-rate chronic offenders exerting the highest total monetary
costs. A general pattern resulted in which the low offending group imposed roughly equal costs
in both their juvenile and their adult years; the medium offending group imposed higher costs
in their juvenile years; and the high-rate chronic offending group imposed significantly higher
costs in their adult years. Furthermore, these results were largely consistent across methods to
calculate offending costs (e.g., WTP costs and “bottom-up” costs).
Although these findings bear relevance for the extant life-course literature, the addition of
dollar amounts to the offending trajectories might be more effective in attracting the attention
of policy makers. This possibility exists because information on the monetary costs of crime
focusing on a real-life cohort covering more than 20 years of offending offers some guidance
with respect to allocating scarce resources across the spectrum of punishment, prevention, and
treatment. In this regard, it is important to focus the discussion on these monetary costs in
terms of how they compare with the actual numbers of crimes committed.
Consider the frequency of offending and the monetary costs of the high-rate chronic group
(G4). If early childhood prevention programs could be implemented that would prevent the
prevalence of high-rate chronic offending, then this program would result in the prevention of
nearly 2,000 crimes or 34% of all crimes committed by the Cohort members by the time these
“would-be” high-rate chronic offenders reached age 27. Comparatively, preventing individu-
als within this trajectory from their high-rate chronic offending would save more than $200
million dollars (WTP costs) or more than $100 million (“bottom-up” costs) in terms of costs
imposed by their criminal behavior—or nearly 50% of the total costs of any offending com-
mitted by the entire Cohort.18 Ultimately, preventing individuals from following a high-rate
chronic offending pathway would considerably reduce the frequency of crime, in general, and
its associated monetary costs, in particular.
Because policy makers make difficult decisions regarding the allocation of resources to crime
prevention and intervention programs, knowledge regarding the success of such efforts as well
as an assessment of their costs and benefits is essential (Drake, Aos, and Miller, 2009). With this

18. To be sure, the estimated $200 million figure is a high-end estimate and might be significantly lower.
Presumably, even if the implemented policies were effective, many (if not most) of the offenders in the
G4 trajectory would become part of the low-rate or adolescent-peaked groups instead of moving to the
“no offenses” cohort. Because the costs incurred by these groups were still about $181 and $112 million,
respectively, the cost savings are likely to be considerably lower than we indicated.

296 Criminology & Public Policy

Cohen, Piquero, J ennings

backdrop, what do these cost-of-crime analyses imply for policy and the prevention of juvenile
and (especially high-rate) chronic offending? To begin, one (among several) policy option would
involve the diversion of resources toward identifying and treating would-be high-rate chronic
offenders.19 Under this scenario, certain (especially ineffective) juvenile delinquency prevention
programs (e.g., DARE, Scared Straight, Juvenile Mentoring, and Juvenile Boot Camps) would
be eliminated, and the requisite resources shifted toward successful, evidence-based prevention
efforts early in the life course. For example, early family–parenting training programs (Piquero,
Farrington, Welsh, Tremblay, and Jennings, 2009), self-control modification efforts (Piquero,
Jennings, Farrington, 2010), and cognitive-based therapies (Landenberger and Lipsey, 2005)
all have been found to improve cognitive abilities and decision making among exposed youth,
which in turn have resulted in lower delinquency and antisocial behavior (Greenwood, 2005).20
In sum, this policy option would entail shifting and applying evidence-based prevention re-
sources and programs to children who display serious antisocial behavior early in the life course
(Farrington and Welsh, 2006), and although it is possible that some children who receive these
resources might not actually be or become high-rate chronic offenders, improving both parental
socialization as well as the self-control and the decision-making styles among as many children
as possible does not seem to be a counterproductive strategy, in any event.
Although the policy prescriptions described generally are applicable to high-risk youth
and high-rate chronic offenders, our analysis of offending trajectories suggests that more ben-
efits could accrue if we began to distinguish potential trajectory membership in advance. In
terms of overall costs, it seems that the frequency of offending accounts for the bulk of costs
in the juvenile years, whereas the seriousness of individual crimes drives the total costs in the
adult years. Moreover, because some trajectory groups impose higher costs in their juvenile
years, and others impose higher costs in their adult years, policies that target certain trajectory
groups as opposed to all at-risk youth, for example, have the potential to provide significantly
greater benefits at lower costs. More research on predicting the future offending behavior and
distinguishing trajectory group membership could prove fruitful.
Although our study presented an initial effort to link offending trajectories to the mon-
etary costs of crime, several limitations should be noted. First, the offending information came
from official records, and although all data sources have their strengths and weaknesses, official
records only cover the types of offending that come to the attention of the criminal-justice

19. To be sure, this shift might consequently divert resources from the low-rate and adolescent-peaked
groups, which potentially allows some of them to move subsequently into the high-rate chronic group,
who otherwise might have remained low-rate or adolescent-peaked. This possibility is mitigated by the
findings that most adolescent-limited-type offenders do not continue offending into adulthood, and
among those who do continue, they tend to engage in little serious and costly crimes (Nagin et al., 1995).
20. This theory presumes that awareness exists about the correlates of early, high-rate, and chronic offend-
ers and that these offenders can be identified early, before it is too late. Although this policy has been
disputed (Gottfredson and Hirschi, 1990; Laub and Sampson, 2003), evidence supports some of the more
important correlates of high-rate chronic offending (Loeber and Farrington, 1998; Farrington and Welsh,
2006), and two in particular surround parental socialization and self-control, decision-making strategies
(Patterson, 1982).

Volume 9 • Issue 2 297

R esearch Ar ticle Cr ime Costs across O ffender Trajec tor ies

system. And although police contacts are closest in terms of all official records to the criminal
act (Hindelang, Hirschi, and Weis, 1981), they do not capture all criminal events and are less
likely to include more minor offenses, especially those that go undocumented. Furthermore,
whether any findings would change depends on whether the ratio of police contacts to actual
offending is constant across time (Brame, Fagan, Piquero, Schubert, and Steinberg, 2004).
For example, if all juvenile offenses resulted in police contacts, whereas only a small fraction of
adult offenses resulted in an arrest, then adolescent age peaks might be dwarfed by subsequent
peaks in adulthood. Second, the data do not contain information on exposure time; thus, to the
extent that some offenders were incapacitated for a period of unknown time, it would influence
their opportunity to offend and, therefore, incur costs—bearing in mind that the WTP costs
are broad and potentially include the criminal-justice costs associated with offending.21 Third,
several methods are available to calculate the many types of offending costs. Replication using
other methods and costs is important. Fourth, although we used the label “chronic” for two
trajectories (G2 and G4) to characterize their offending frequency, we qualify our use of this
term and acknowledge the more general difficulty associated with providing labels to groups
at the risk of reifying them. Finally, the extent to which the nature of offending has changed
across time (especially the drug crime wave that occurred in the United States in the mid-1980s)
might produce different sets of estimates, and it would be useful to examine these specific costs.
And although the trajectory analysis yielded single-peaked curves that displayed a pattern of
increasing and then decreasing rates of offending by age, this outline weighs all crimes equally—
despite the fact that the severity of crime changes across the career of an offender (LeBlanc and
Frechette, 1989). By applying cost estimates to each crime committed by the offender, we can
discern different patterns with each trajectory group.
In sum, this study investigated whether different offender trajectories varied in the mon-
etary costs imposed on society. The key findings that emerged from this research are robust. For
instance, the results illustrated that the high-rate chronic trajectory group imposed significant
and substantively large monetary costs on society, and the consistency of the higher costs of this
trajectory in relation to the other more prevalent, but less frequent, costs of the trajectories suggests
the need to shift attention and resources to early prevention and intervention programs, which
also provide monetary benefits beyond reduced crime and victim costs (Welsh and Farrington,
2000), to prevent and reduce the escalating costs of frequent and serious offending across the

21. Like most longitudinal data in criminology, the Second Philadelphia Birth Cohort data do not contain
information on exposure time; thus, the trajectory classifications and longitudinal offending patterns
documented in this study (and many others) might have some undue and unknown consequences for
our linking of cost-of-crime estimates to offending trajectories. For example, an anonymous reviewer
noted that some individuals in G2 could perhaps be potential G3 or G4 offenders who might have gone
on to commit additional offenses in adulthood, but their careers simply were truncated by incarceration.
In effect, it is possible that the only factors that differentiate the adolescent-peaked and the steady chronic
groups are arrest and incarceration—both of which have their own costs. Unfortunately, it is not known
how many offenders were incarcerated. However, the cost of incarceration is implicitly considered in the
cost of crime based on the likelihood that an offender will be apprehended and punished with a prison

298 Criminology & Public Policy

Cohen, Piquero, J ennings

life course. Should policy makers support effective programs that target children early in the
life course (e.g., family and parent training programs; Piquero et al., 2009), then individuals
on a high-rate chronic offending trajectory might have an opportunity to move to a trajectory
with lower (or no) offending, both of which exert significantly lower monetary costs. Because
offending is costly and reaches far beyond the costs to the criminal justice system and rapidly
accumulates across time, the economic evaluation research carried out herein might help guide
decisions and policies at a time when resources for the prevention, punishment, and treatment
of offenders are scarce.

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Mark A. Cohen is Vice President for Research and Senior Fellow at Resources for the Future.
He also serves as the Justin Potter Professor of American Competitive Enterprise and Professor
of Law at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University and as Honorary
Visiting Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of York (U.K.). Previously,
he served as a staff economist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Federal
Trade Commission and the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

Volume 9 • Issue 2 303

R esearch Ar ticle Cr ime Costs across O ffender Trajec tor ies

Alex R. Piquero is a Professor in the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida
State University and Co-Editor of the Journal of Quantitative Criminology. His research inter-
ests include criminal careers, criminological theory, and quantitative research methods. He has
served as Executive Counselor with the American Society of Criminology and has received
several research, teaching, and mentoring awards.

Wesley G. Jennings is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Justice Administration

at the University of Louisville. He received his doctorate degree in Criminology from the
University of Florida in 2007. His major research interests include longitudinal data analysis,
semi-parametric group-based modeling, sex offending, gender, and race/ethnicity. In addition,
he is currently a Co-Investigator on a National Institute of Justice funded project examining
sex offender recidivism and collateral consequences.

Ta b l e A 1

Mean Posterior Probabilities of Group Assignment

Trajectory Group G1 G2 G3 G4 25th 75th
percentile percentile
Random sample (N = 6,750)
G1 (76.3%) 0.89 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.89
G2 (18.6%) 0.00 0.96 0.02 0.02 0.99 0.99
G3 (2.0%) 0.00 0.04 0.89 0.07 0.84 0.99
G4 (3.1%) 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.90 0.84 0.99

Ta b l e A 2

Frequency of Offending by Trajectory Group

Trajectory Juvenile Adult Contacts Total Contacts Total Group Contact
Group Contacts (Mean Contacts) (Mean Contacts) Frequency
(Mean Contacts) (% of Total Contact Frequency)

Random sample (N=6,750)

G1 (76.3%) — — — —
G2 (18.6%) 1.05 0.64 1.69 2,125 (40%)
G3 (2.0%) 8.58 1.45 10.02 1,373 (26%)
G4 (3.1%) 3.16 5.41 8.56 1,790 (34%)

304 Criminology & Public Policy

Fi g u r e A 1

Trajectories of Police Contacts by Age: Random Sample (N = 6,750)



Mean Police Contacts


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Age (Years)

G1 (76.3%) G2 (18.6%) G3 (2.0%) G4 (3.1%)

Volume 9 • Issue 2
Cohen, Piquero, J ennings


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