Sufi Movement Order and Impact

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Concept, Order and Impact of Sufi Movement

The spread of Islam in the Sub-continent is the story of untiring efforts

of numerous saints and Sufis who dedicated their lives to the cause of
service to humanity. By the time the Muslim Empire was established at
Delhi, Sufi fraternities had come into being and the Sufi influence was
far more powerful than it was in earlier days under the Arabs in Sindh.
The two great fraternities that established themselves very early in
Muslim India were the Suhrawardiyah and the Chishtiyah.

Sufism: Concept, Order and Impact of Sufi Movement!

The most remarkable feature of medieval period in Indian History was

the emergence of an intellectual current leading to the rise and growth
of various religious orders, sects and schools of thought in Islam and

The objective parameters which underlie these movements had stirred

the souls of Indians across the country with a reforming zeal who made
an attempt to introduce philosophical, spiritual content into the
religious practices followed by the
Accordingly, Islam witnessed the intellectual reformation process in the
form of Sufism, which influenced Hinduism also. One common cause of
both Hindu and Muslim movements and interpretations was the
reaction against the priestly domination and obsession with rituals in
both the religions.

Sufism: Concept and Orders:

Some described Sufism as a complex phenomenon; it is like a stream,
which gathers volume by the joining of tributaries from many lands. Its
original source is the Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad. It is
essentially a religion of love without a creed or dogma. There is a
controversy amongst scholars regarding the origin of Sufism.

The extraordinary success of the Chisti order was due to the fact that it
knew better how to adapt itself to the usages and customs of the
country in which it had copie to settle and it was also due to the
personality of its early leaders. Some of the practices of the Chisti saints
come close to those of Hinduism: control on breathing, meditation, and
ascetic exercises performed with the head on the ground while the legs
are tied to the roof or the branch of a tre

The credit for organizing this order on a sound basis goes to Sheikh
Bahauddin Zakariya. The main centers of the Suhrawardi were Uchch
and Multan. They had large jagirs and had close contacts with the state,
and some of them adopted a rigid and uncompromising attitude on
many matters of religious and social significance.


Qadiri was probably the first notable saint of this order to enter India,
but it was Syed Gilani who in late fifteenth century organized it in an
effective manner. Some of the saints of this order were inclined
towards orthodoxy and exotic aspects of religion, and others leaned
towards its liberal and esoteric aspects.


During the later years of Akbar’s reign, the Naqshbandi order was
introduced in India by Khwajaha Billah. It was the most cherished
spiritual order of the Turks, particularly the descendants of Timur and
Babur. It attained a position of importance in the sixteenth century. He
propounded the unity of phenomenal world. Besides, he did not believe
in the Chisti attitude of keeping aloof from politics.


This fifth religious order emerged during the fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries. The saints of this order sought to synthesize Indian and
Muslim mystical thoughts and practices. Some of them learnt Sanskrit
to be familiar with the Hindu religious thought.

This was founded by Ansari, a native of Jalandhar, during the sixteenth

century. He inspired his followers with the idea of ascetic self-denial. As
their activities disturbed peace in the Kabul-Indus region, they often
came into conflict with the Mughal emperors.

Famous Sufis and saints:


the Greatest and Famous Sufi saint. Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA).
Belongs to the 4th generation of Hazrat Amir ul Momineen Hazrat Ali
Karam Allahu Wajhu. Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA) migrated from
Arab to Karachi area and took wisal here.

Abdullah Shah Ghazi was the great grandson of the Prophet

Muhammad from the linage of Hasan Ibne Ali Ibne Abu Talib[citation
needed], making him a member of the Ahl al-Bayt.

His shrine in Karachi is dated back to 1400 years ago, his brother, Misry
Shah, who is also buried along the coastline in Karachi, is also
remembered as a saint.


Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti is known as the Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz as

well. He was one of the pious and renowned saints of history. He is the
founder of Chisht chain in India. He was born in the Sinjer town of
Sesaan. His father, Khwaja Ghiyasuddin was a pious person and a rich
trader. He was a Syed by caste and his blood line reaches up to Hazrat
Ali (R.A). His father died when he was at the age of 20 years.

He acquired the religious knowledge from the expert religious scholars

of the world. Afterward he started his way of preaching Islam in the
several parts of the world. For biography of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti,
consider the content below in Urdu.


Nizamuddin Auliya was the fourth Spiritual Successor (Khalifa) of Hazrat

Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer. The Chishti order he belonged to
believed in moving close to God through renunciation of the world and
service to humanity, and Auliya, like his predecessors stressed on love
as a means of realizing God. He was spiritually inclined from a young
age. Having lost his father when he was a small child, he was raised by
his mother who was a very pious woman

When he was 20 he became a disciple of the Sufi saint Fariduddin

Ganjshakar, commonly known as Baba Farid. He grew much attached to
Baba Farid and received spiritual training along with lessons in "Awarif-
ul-Ma'Arif" (a unique publication of Hazrat Khwaja Shihabuddin
Suhrawardi on Sufism), and "Tamheed Abu Shakoor Salmi." Nizamuddin
Auliya went on to succeed Baba Farid and became the founder of the
Chisti Nizami order. Regarded an unparalleled Sufi of his time amongst
all the existing Sufi orders, he was renowned for his simplicity and
service to humanity.


Hadrat Shaykh Baha-al-Din Zakariya (Persian: ‫ ) زک ری ا ال دی ن ب ہاؤ‬was a

Sufi of the Suhrawardiyya order (tariqa). His full name was al-Shaykh al-
Kabir Baha-ud-Din Abu Muhammad Zakaria al-Qurayshi al-Asadi al

Shaykh Baha al-Din Zakariya known as ‘Bahawal Haq’ was born at Kot
Kehror, a town of the Layyah District near Multan, Punjab, Pakistan,
around 1170 Common Era.
For fifteen years he went from place to place to preach Islam and after
his wanderings ‘Bahawal Haq’ settled in Multan in 1222. One of his
famous disciples is Hadrat Lal Shah Baz Qalander Radi Allahu anhu


He was born on the 29th Sha’ban in 569 A.H. (About 1179 AD) in
Khotwal, a village near Lahore (Pakistan). His father, Maulana Kamal-
ud-din, belonged to the royal family of Kabul. Farrukh Adil shah, a
famous ruler of the dynasty, ruled over Kabul with dignity for a long

Baba Farid was indeed one of the most brilliant stars of the Chishtiyya
Silsila and is held in high esteem by one and all.


Hazrat Syed Shah Hussain a.k.a. Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was born
late in the twelfth century in 1177 in Marwand (Iran), now Afghanistan,
to a noble Makhdum, Syed Ibrahim Kabir-ud-Din Mujab, and his mother
was a high-ranking princess. He was born in the month of Sha’aban, 8th
month in Islamic calendar

Even as a young boy, Shahbaz Qalandar demonstrated powerful

religious leanings. He learnt the Holy Quran by heart only at age of 7,
and at 20 accepted the Qalandar order of Sufism.

Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in his entire life taught the nation about the true
and real concept of Islam. Mourning on Prophet’s Family and taught
persons on how to mourn. His primary lessons were not to leave
Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), Imam Ali (A.S.) and Prophet’s Family as,
as soon as 1 left prophet and his family one is bound to go on a wrong
way or path.


He was born in 400 A.H. in Ghazni (Afghanistan). He belonged to a Syed

family (descendant of the Holy Prophet). He completed his earlier
education in Ghazni by memorizing the Holy Quran. Then he studied
Arabic, Farsi, Hadith, Fiqh, Philosophy etc. At that time Ghazni was the
center of education in Central Asia, and it was the realm of the famous
Afghan ruler Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi.

He was a great Persian Sufi scholar, writer and poet who lived during
the 5th Century AH (11th Century AD). Hazrat Ali Hajveri wrote many
books. He completed his earlier education by memorizing the Holy
Quran in Ghazni. Then he studied Arabic, Farsi, Hadith, Fiqh, Philosophy
etc. After completing the wordly education, he searched for the
spiritual education. He travelled to many places for this purpose. He
travelled extensively in order to acquire knowledge from well-known
scholars as well as to pay homage to saints. He is reported to have
travelled for forty years.

One night Hazrat Ali Hujwiri (ra) saw his spiritual guide and teacher
Hazrat Sheikh Abul Fazal Al-Khuttali in a dream saying to him: "O, my
son! We have appointed you as the qutb of Lahore.

He started to preach Islam. After he had permanently settled in Lahore,

he constructed a mosque. Hazrat Ali Hujwiri also built a room adjacent
to that mosque, and used that room as Khanqa (Spiritual School).

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