Chapter 8: Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-Commerce
Chapter 8: Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-Commerce
Chapter 8: Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-Commerce
Chapter 8
Ethics, Law, and E-commerce
Copyright © 2010
2011 Pearson
Pearson Education,
Education, Ltd.
Inc. Slide 8-1
Understanding Ethical, Social, and
Political Issues in E-commerce
Internet, like other technologies, can:
Enable new crimes
Affect environment
Threaten social values
Slide 8-2
A Model for Organizing the Issues
Slide 8-3
Basic Ethical Concepts
Study of principles used to determine right and wrong courses of
Laws permitting individuals to recover damages
Due process
Laws are known, understood
Ability to appeal to higher authorities to ensure laws applied correctly
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Analyzing Ethical Dilemmas
Golden Rule
Slippery Slope
Collective Utilitarian Principle
Risk Aversion
No Free Lunch
The New York Times Test
The Social Contract Rule
Slide 8-6
Privacy and Information Rights
Moral right of individuals to be left alone, free
from surveillance or interference from other
individuals or organizations
Information privacy
Subset of privacy
The claim that certain information should not be
collected at all
The claim of individuals to control the use of whatever
information is collected about them
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Privacy and Information Rights (cont.)
Anonymous information
Social networks
Encourage sharing personal details
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RIP: Facebook’s Beacon
Facebook's advertisement system that sent data
from external websites to Facebook,
allowing targeted advertisements and allowing users
to share their activities with their friends.
Certain activities on partner sites were published to
a user's News Feed.
Born: November 6, 2007 with 44 partner websites.
Dead: September 2009.
Slide 8-11
Profiling and Behavioral Targeting
Creation of digital images that characterize online individual and
group behavior
Anonymous profiles
Personal profiles
Advertising networks
Track consumer and browsing behavior on Web
Dynamically adjust what user sees on screen
Build and refresh profiles of consumers
Critics perspective:
Undermines expectation of anonymity and privacy
Consumers show significant opposition to unregulated
collection of personal information
Enables weblining
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The Internet and Government
Invasions of Privacy
Various laws strengthen ability of law enforcement
agencies to monitor Internet users without
knowledge and sometimes without judicial oversight
CALEA, PATRIOT Act, Cyber Security Enhancement Act,
Homeland Security Act
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Legal Protections
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Informed Consent
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The FTC’s Fair Information
Practices Principles
Federal Trade Commission:
Conducts research and recommends legislation to Congress
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