DLL ENG DEC 3-7 2018 Propaganda Fact Opinion

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TEACHING DATES Dec.3-7, 2018 12:30-1:20 G8 Bonifacio
LEARNING AREAS English 3:20-4:10 G8 Malvar
GRADE LEVEL 8 4:10-5:00 G8 Gomez
QUARTER 3rd 5:50-6:40 G8 Lapu-Lapu


The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired and influenced by nature; relationship of visual, sensory, and
verbal signals in both literary and expository texts; strategies in listening to long descriptive and narrative texts; value
A. Content Standards
of literal and figurative language; and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns of idea development.
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs,
B. Performance Standards appropriate grammatical signals or expressions in topic development, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
EN8OL-Ih-3.12: Highlight EN8RC-IIIc-2.13: EN8RC-IIIb-10: EN8V-IIIa-15.3: EN8OL-IIIg-1.14:
important points in an informative Differentiate facts from Share ideas using opinion- Explain the meaning of a word Use appropriate persuasive
talk using appropriate opinions marking signals through structural analysis devices
C. Learning Competencies
presentation aids (prefixes, roots, suffixes)
/ Objectives (LC code)
Differentiate various propaganda Identify factual information Dismantle the words to reveal
devices and opinionated ideas its parts
II. CONTENT Propaganda Devices Fact or Opinion Fact or Opinion Affixes Commercial Making
A. References
1. Learner's Material Afro-Asian Literature and Afro-Asian Literature and Afro-Asian Literature and Afro-Asian Literature and
pages Communication Arts Communication Arts Communication Arts Communication Arts
2. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning

A. Reviewing previous 1. Word of the Day Sharing Word of the Day Sharing 1. Word of the Day Sharing 1. Word of the Day Sharing 1. Word of the Day Sharing
lesson or presenting the 2. Recall the types of 2. Recall the difference of 2. Recall fact and opinion 2. Recall affixes
new lesson propaganda through a short fact from opinion thru a by giving 1 fact and 1
board work board work. opinion about your family
Present various commercials Present a picture of a tree. Present sample
to the class. Ask them if the Ask the class to label the commercials made by
B. Establishing a purpose
information in the given parts. Ask what happens if students
for the lesson
propaganda is true or not. the trunk or the branches
Explain. are cut or connected.
Show again the ppt discussing What makes them true? Present again the info Constructing words are like Show the criteria for the
propaganda types False? Cite the lines that about fact and opinion this picture of a tree. commercial.
make the info true. Emphasize the root part of
C. Presenting examples/
Present the words Fact and the tree and explain that in
instances of the new
Opinion on the board. Ask grammar, root words are
them for the difference then the basic elements
show the class a table
showing info from a source.
Practice: Show different Show a powerpoint Emphasize that this will be
D. Discussing new commercials and the class presentation of Affixes. the final output for the 3rd
concepts and practicing will identify if the Discuss a table showing the quarter in English
new skill #1 information is a fact or parts of a word – root
opinion. word, prefixes, suffixes
E. Discussing new Seatwork: Identify if the Practice: Identify the parts Teacher will go from group
concepts and practicing given info is a fact or of a word on the board to group to assist the
new skill #2 opinion members what to do
Group 1: Illustrators Give 3 facts and 3 opinions
The group will show a poster on the following:
for the given product 1. Yourself
2. English
F. Developing Mastery ( Group 2: Singers 3. CAYSMNHS
Leads to Formative The group will create a song or
Assessment) jingle for the given product

Group 3: Actors/Actresses
The group will present a short
skit for the given product
G. Finding practical What is the importance of What is the importance of Why do we need to identify How can knowledge of
applications of concepts properly persuading other knowing if the info is fact or if the info is fact or correct affixes help you as
and skills in daily living people to believe in you? only an opinion? opinion? a student?
Is it right to stretch the truth
just for people to believe you?
H. Making generalizations Reiterate the meaning of Reiterate the difference of Reiterate the difference of Reiterate the parts of a
and abstractions about propaganda devices and its fact from opinion fact from opinion word.
the lesson types.
Identify what propaganda Group A each will give an Quiz: Write F if the given is Divide the word into three
I. Evaluating Learning device is being described or information and Group B will fact and O if opinion parts then label each part
used. identify if it is fact or opinion. of the word
J. Additional activities for
application or


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of
learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did
I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Checked by: _______________________ Date Checked: ____________________

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