Design Problems For Rule 7 and 8

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The document provides information about the author Ruddy D. Ramilo and his qualifications. It also lists the table of contents of the book which covers design problems and questions from architecture licensing examinations between 2013-2014.

The author Ruddy D. Ramilo has a Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture from University of Technology Malaysia, a Master of Science in Construction Management from University of the East, and a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from National University. He has extensive experience as an architect, lecturer, and consultant both in the Philippines and other countries.

The book covers design problems and questions from past architecture licensing examinations in the Philippines between 2013-2014. It discusses topics such as residential, commercial, institutional and other building types.

Philippine National Building Code:

Rule 7 & 8 Design Problems


BSc (Architecture), MSc (Const. Mgt.) Phils.
PhD (Architecture) Msia/ Aus.

Published by:




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Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture, UTM
Master of Science in Construction Management, UE
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, (Scholar) NU
Registered and Licensed Architect (Phils)
International Hospitality Design Consultant
Review Director, ArcStudio Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture
Review Specialist, Architecture Licensure Examination
Review Specialist, Interior Design Licensure Examination
Doctorate Researcher, National University of Singapore (2008-2009)
Doctorate Researcher, Deakin University Australia (2009-2011)
Professorial Lecturer for Master of Architecture, U of San Carlos
Former Lecturer, Adamson University
Former Lecturer, Far Eastern University
Former Lecturer, National University
Managing Director, International Design Associates
Former Associate, AEDAS Singapore
Convention Speaker, UAP National Convention (2010)
Congress Speaker, UAPSA Congress (2013)
Convention Speaker, UAP Area C1 National Architecture Week (2009)
Chartered President, United Architects of the Philippines-Singapore
Member, American Institute of Architects
International Member, Singapore Institute of Architects
Member, Interior Design Confederation of Singapore

International Referred Journal And Scientific Papers Published:

International Journal of Architectural Computing
Computer Aided Design, Elsevier
Arab Society of Computer Aided Architecture Design
Frontiers of Architectural Research, Elsevier
International Journal of Informational Technology and Business Management
International Journal Engineering Research of Science and Technology

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Table of Contents
Definitions of Terms ...………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Full Development Potentials ………………………………………………………………………... 6

Design Problems given on ALE June 2014 ……………………………………………………….. 8

Design Problems and Questions

(ALE 2013 – 2014)

 2-STorey Duplex Residential Project …….………………………………………............. 9

 Four (4) Storey Apartment Building ……………………………………………………….. 14

 20-Storey Residential Condominium ……………………………………………………… 20

 One Storey Resto Plaza ……………………………………………………………………. 26

 Commercial Building ………………………………………………………………………... 32

 Government Office building ………………………………………………………………… 38

 4 Classroom Nursery School ………………………………………………………………. 44

 Car Repair Shop …………………………………………………………………………….. 50

 Computer Factory ………………………………………………………………………….... 56

 3-Storey Barangay Hall …………………………………………………………………….. 62

 23-STorey Mix-Used Condominium Building ……………………………………………. 69

 2-Storey Mortuary Chapel …………………………………………………………………. 75

 Exhibition Hall ………………………………………………………………………………. 81

 One-Storey Wet and Dry Market …………………………………………………………. 87

 Bus Terminal ………………………………………………………………………………... 92

 Multi-Level Parking Building ………………………………………………………………. 97

 2-Storey Residential Project ………………………………………………………………. 102

 Garment & Undergarment Factory ………………………………………………………. 107

 Medium-Rise Apartment Building ………………………………………………………… 112

 Thermal Power Plant Project ……………………………………………………………… 119

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Definition of Terms
2011 AAIF Proposed Repeal Bill of the NBCP

1. AMBF (Allowable Maximum Building Footprint) – the resultant area established at grade level
upon which the proposed building/ structure may be erected.

2. BHL (Building Height Limit) – means the maximum height to be allowed for a building/structure
based on their proposed use/ occupancy. The BHL is generally measured from the established
grade line to the topmost portion of such a building/ structure, inclusive of a non-mobile billboard
mounted on top of such a building/ structure. The BHL is generally determined after the application
of other development controls (DC) and certain other parameters i.e. considerations of site
conditions, view, etc. If applicable, the BHL must be subject to clearance requirements of the Civil
Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) or of the concerned military/ security authorities. The
BHL excludes the height of permitted/ allowed projections above the roof of the building/structure
e.g. signage, mast, antenna, telecom tower, beacons and the like.

3. FLAR (Floor to Lot Area Ration) – a development control (DC) that limits the designated right
over the Gross Floor Area (GFA) that can be lawfully generated/developed for a given total lot area
(TLA). Same as FAR (Floor Area Ration).

4. GFA (Gross Floor Area) – the total floor space within the perimeter of the permanent external
building walls (inclusive of the main and auxiliary buildings) such as office areas, residential areas,
corridors, lobbies and mezzanine level/s. The GFA shall also include building projections which
may serve as floors or platforms that area directly connected to/ integrated with areas within the
building/structure e.g. balconies. The GFA specially excludes the following:

a) Covered area used for parking and driveways, services and utilities;

b) Vertical penetrations in parking floors where no residential or office units area present; and

c) Uncovered areas for helipads, air-conditioning cooling towers or air-conditioning condensing

unit (ACCU) balconies, overhead water tanks, roof decks, laundry areas and cages, wading or
swimming pools, whirlpools or Jacuzzis, terraces, gardens, courts or plazas, balconies
exceeding ten (10.0) sq.m., fire escape structures and the like.

5. Development Controls (DCs) – the body of State and local laws and the pertinent executive
issuances that altogether limit the building bulk for any building/structure on a given project site.
These include this Act, planning and environmental laws, development and construction laws, and
their respective IRRs and DRs.

6. Development Potential – the physical properties of a lot/property or building/structure allowing the

same to fully evolve into a viable facility/setting for human habitation and related activities, as
generally determined by the iterative interaction of applicable Development Controls (CDs). The

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Development Potential must be tempered by the carrying of the setting (natural and built
environments, including communities) to host a development (generally a building/structure).

7. FDP (Full Development Potential) of a Lot (or the Maximum Development Potential of a Lot)
– the physical property of a lot/property allowing the same to host a fully evolved building/structure
at maximum permitted development, and that is intended to act as viable facility/setting for human
habitation and related activities, as specially determined by the iterative interactive application of
Development Controls (DCs) on the Total Lot Area (TLA). The key DCs are the FLAR-GFA-TGFA
combine, the PSO/AMBF combine, the BHL in relation to RROW/street width and the intended
building use/occupancy, the OFB-AMVB combine in relation to the Angles/Slopes from RROW
Centerlines (and the Angular Plane Along RROW), and the like. (Reference the pertinent
definitions of acronyms used). The Maximum Development Potential of a Lot must be tempered by
the carrying capacity of the setting (natural and built environments, including communities),
particularly the RROW/street and its utility systems, to host a development (generally a

8. TGFA (Total Gross Floor Area) – the total floor space within a building (inclusive of
extensions/additions to such a building/enclosed area) and its auxiliary buildings; the TGFA
consists of the GFA and all other enclosed/partially enclosed support areas that are built up and/or
paved (with an impervious surface) together with all other usable horizontal areas/surfaces above
and below the finished grade line (FGL) that are all physically attached to such a building; areas
such as open/ semi-covered parking’s, walks/ covered walks, courts, pools, ponds/ grotto,
generator shed/ pump room/s and elevated platforms/view decks all form part of the TGFA; the
TGFA also defined as the total floor space within the main and auxiliary buildings primarily
consisting of the GFA and all other enclosed support areas together with all other usable horizontal
areas/ surfaces above and below established grade level that are all physically attached to the
building/s which shall consists of the following:

a) Covered areas used for parking and driveways, services and utilities. The TGFA specially
excludes provisions for courts above grade level;

b) Vertical penetrations in parking floors where no residential or office units are present;

c) Uncovered areas for helipads, air-conditioning cooling towers or ACCU balconies, overhead
water tanks, roof decks, laundry areas and cages, wading or swimming pools, whirlpool or
Jacuzzis, terraces, gardens, courts or plazas, balconies exceeding ten (10.00) sq.m., fire
escape structures and the like; and

d) Other building projections which may additionally function as floors or platforms if properly
reinforced e.g. the top surfaces of roof extensions/eaves, sun-breakers, large roofed or
cantilevered areas such as porte cocheres, canopies and the like.

9. TLA (Total Lot Area) – the total surface area of a lot/ property as generally determined by the
lengths of its frontage (usually along a RROW/street), sides and rear, with the area measurement
taken at a common right angle and not parallel to the surface of the lot/property, particularly if the
same is sloping (at an incline).

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The applicable TLA, FLAR (FAR), GFA/TGFA, setbacks and yards/courts, AMBF, BHL, for each
building/structures shall be as per the latest IRR of the NBCP i.e. Rules VII and VII of the 2004 Revised
IRR of P.D. No. 1096, and may be sequentially applied as follows to determine the full development
potential (FDP) of a site or lot for a proposed building/structure, viz:

a) TLA x FLAR (FAR) = GFA;

b) GFA x multiplier (conversion factor) = TGFA

Note: For clarity, GFAs or TGFAs generated below grade (or sidewalk surface) level i.e. basement or lower
ground levels, are not to be counted as part of either the GFA or TGFA, which are essentially floor areas
generated above grade (or sidewalk surface) level.

c) Apply prescribed setbacks and yards/courts to determine AMBF;

d) TGFA/AMBF = provisional building height or PBH (for direct comparison with the applicable
BHL); whichever shall result in the lower number of floors/levels applies i.e. the most
stringent rule always applies;

i. A low-rise building/structure shall be from one (1) to four (4) storeys i.e. from 3.0 meters (m)
to 12.0 m plus 1.0 m for a parapet wall (if provided with deck roof), collectively reckoned
from grade (or sidewalk surface) level, including mezzanine level, in the case of non-
residential buildings/structures; and from one (1) to five (5) storeys i.e. from 3.0 meters (m)
to 15.0 m plus 1.0 m for a parapet wall (if provided with deck roof), collectively reckoned
from grade (or sidewalk surface) level, including mezzanine level, in the case of residential
buildings/structures; low-rise buildings may or may not be provided with an elevator but
must satisfy the basic accessibility requirements;

ii. A medium-rise building/structure shall be from five (5) to fifteen (15) storeys i.e. from 15.0
meters (m) to 45.0 m plus 1.0 m for a parapet wall (if provided with deck roof), collectively
reckoned from grade (or sidewalk surface) level, including mezzanine level, in the case of
non-residential buildings/structures; and from six (6) to fifteen (15) storeys i.e. from 18.0
meters (m) to 45.0 m plus 1.0 m for a parapet wall (if provided with deck roof), collectively
reckoned from grade (or sidewalk surface) level, including mezzanine level, in the case of
residential buildings/structures; medium-rise buildings must be provided with an elevator
and must satisfy the basic accessibility requirements; and

iii. A high-rise building/structure shall be sixteen (16) storeys or higher i.e. 48.0 meters (m) or
higher plus 1.0 m for a parapet wall (if provided with deck roof), collectively reckoned from
grade (or sidewalk surface) level, including mezzanine level, as applicable to all
buildings/structures; high-rise buildings must be provided with multiple elevators and must
satisfy the basic accessibility requirements.

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e) Apply the prescribed incremental setbacks to the TGFA to further lower the TGFA i.e. the
final result represents the full development potential (FDP), including the AMVB of the site
based on local and national development controls (LGU zoning ordinance and the NBCP).

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ALE 2013 – 2014

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Statement of the Problem:

A client commissioned you to plan a duplex residential structure located in Cavite, Philippines. The
project is situated in a residential zone.

A residential building is to be built in a two hundred seventy (270) square meter rectangular lot.
The project will have an area of one hundred thirty five (135) square meters each unit. A 6.5 meters high,
13.5 meters in length common wall is provided between the units. Each unit will have a building footprint of
ninety-five (95) square meters.

Project Site Features:

The property is a regular inside lot with a 20-meter length lot line that is adjacent to a 6-meter
RROW. The lot slopes uniformly at 2% towards the RROW facing north. A 2-meters front setback and 1-
meter side and rear setbacks are provided. A 3-storey residential building is constructed east side of the
property. West side of the site has a 2-storey apartment building.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design the project on a R-2 zoned property

b. To design and maximize space as accordance to the client’s needs

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PROJECT 1: Questions 1-20

1. What is the minimum setback for the project given the type of residential use/occupancy, based on
table VIII.2, section 804 on Rule 7 and 8?
a. 4.50m front, 2m sides, 2m rear c. 3m front, 2m sides, 2m rear
b. 8m front, 2m sides, 2m rear d. 3m front, 2m sides, 2m rear

2. Referring on Table VIII.2, Section 804 of Rule 7 and 8, how much is the AMBF of the project?
a. 112 square meters c. 136 square meters
b. 56 square meters d. 119 square meters

3. Based on the given data of the project, how much is the AMBF per unit?
a. 190 square meters c. 120 square meters
b. 95 square meters d. 80 square meters

4. Based on the given data of the project, how much is the percentage of site occupancy?
a. 67.34% c. 50.37%
b. 78.45% d. 70.37%

5. Based on the given setback on Table VIII.2 of Rule 7 and 8, how much is the percentage of the
project’s site occupancy?
a. 67.34% c. 50.37%
b. 78.45% d. 70.37%

6. Based on the given data, given that the ground floor area has a 150 mm thick concrete slab and
requires 20 kilogram of rebars per cubic meter of concrete, how much in range is the actual
kilograms of rebars needed for the whole ground floor area per unit?
a. 285 – 290 kilograms c. 550 – 570 kilograms
b. 280 – 286 kilograms d. 408 – 415 kilograms

7. Referring on Table VIII.2, Section 804 of Rule 7 and 8, a 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board is to be
installed to the whole ceiling area. How many pieces are needed in range?
a. 45 – 50 pieces c. 100 - 105 pieces
b. 50 – 55 pieces d. 110 – 115 pieces
8. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given setback of the project, if the drainage
is aligned to the exterior walls of the structure, how much in range is the approximate length of
open drain canal of the house?
a. 55 – 58 meters c. 50 – 60 meters
b. 60 – 63 meters d. 63 – 65 meters
9. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.2, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how many 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board is
to be used if the 1.20-meter roof eaves on all sides will have ceiling?
a. 22 – 24 pieces c. 25 – 28 pieces
b. 25 – 27 pieces d. 20 – 25 pieces

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10. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.2, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how much in range is the length of the gutter if
the roof on the second floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure?
a. 57 – 59 meters c. 65 – 66 meters
b. 60 – 62meters d. 69 – 70 meters

11. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given setback of the project, if the walls of the
structure are aligned on all its sides, what is the range of the length of the gutter if the roof on the
second floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure?
a. 59 – 63 meters c. 67 – 70 meters
b. 64 – 66 meters d. 71 – 75 meters

12. Based on the given data. Given if the dining and kitchen area is about 35% of the AMBF of the
house requires tiles that have darker shades than of the other tiles for accent purposes, what is the
range of how many 600 x 600 millimeter ceramic tiles are needed to cover the space?
a. 150 – 165 pieces c. 185 – 190 pieces
b. 170 – 180 pieces d. 191 – 205 pieces

13. Based on the given setback on Table VIII.2 of Rule 7 and 8, what is the gross floor area (GFA) of
the project?
a. 405 sq.m. c. 567 sq.m.
b. 351 sq.m. d. 810 sq.m.

14. Based on Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 and 8, how much is the unpaved surface area (USA) of the
a. 27 sq.m. c. 54 sq.m.
b. 40.5 sq.m. d. 81 sq.m.

15. Based on Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 and 8, what is the percentage of percentage of site occupancy
(PSO) of the project?
a. 55% c. 70%
b. 60% d. 80%

16. MACA stands for?

a. Maximum Allowable Construction Area c. Minimum Allowable Construction Area
b. Maximum Allowance Construction Area d. NOTA

17. Based on PD 1096 or the National Building Code of the Philippines, Rule VII section 806, what is
the minimum dimension of a kitchen?
a. 1.20 meters c. 1.85 meters
b. 1.50 meters d. 2.00 meters

18. Where would you locate the master’s bedroom?

a. North c. East
b. West d. South

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19. For medium density residential (R-2) uses or occupancies, a firewall can be erected on a maximum
of _____ % of the length of a side property line.
a. 70% c. 80%
b. 75% d. 85%

20. What is the number of allowable storeys/floors above established grade on the given project?
a. 2 c. 5
b. 3 d. 12


1. C 8. B 15. C
2. C 9. B 16. A
3. A 10. B 17. C
4. D 11. C 18. B
5. C 12. C 19. B
6. A 13. A 20. B
7. C 14. D

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Statement of the Problem:

A one thousand two hundred (1,200) square meter property has been reserved for a four storey
apartment project with approximately eight hundred (800) square meters allowable maximum building

The apartment will have 36 units where there will be 9 units per floor. Each unit will have an area of
eighty-three (83) square meters with 8-meters least dimension. A 2-meter hallway is provided in all floors of
the building. A five hundred (500) square meters roof deck is provided which accommodates 3-square
meters laundry cages with minimum dimensions of 1.20 meters provided for each condominium unit.

Project Site Features:

The property is an inside; regular lot with a 50-meters length lot line is adjacent to a 10-meters
RROW. The lot slopes at 2% towards the RROW facing south. A 5-meter setbacks on the east and west
portion of the site and a 3-meter setback on the front part of the property.

Design Objectives:
a. To design and plan a residential condominium feasible & marketable to the target users.
b. To plan/design a condominium that maximizes unit at a given space.
c. The project will serve as the landmark for the site.

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PROJECT 2: Questions 21-40

21. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the property?
a. 0.48 meters c. 4.80 meters
b. 0.50 meters d. 5 meters

22. How many 600 mm x 600 mm ceiling tiles are needed for each unit?
a. 230 pieces c. 231 pieces
b. 230.55 pieces d. 250 pieces

23. Given if the ceiling needs to be painted, what type of paint is to be applied?
a. Glossy paint so that it won’t easily get dirty
b. Semi-glossy paint so that light won’t concentrate much which can cause much glare
c. Flat paint so that it won’t be glaring
d. Lacquer to show the texture of the ceiling material

24. Given that the roof top needs to be tiled, how many 600 mm x 600 mm unglazed tiles in range will
be used, based on the given data?
a. 180 – 200 pieces c. 2,225 – 2,250 pieces
b. 1,388.88 – 1,400 pieces d. 1,400 – 1,500 pieces

25. Referring on Table VIII.2, Section 804 of Rule 7 and 8, how much is the AMBF of the project in
a. 600 – 650 sq.m. c. 645 – 650 sq.m.
b. 640 – 650 sq.m. d. 620 – 640 sq.m.

26. Based on Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 and 8, how much is the impervious surface area (ISA) of the
a. 360 sq.m. c. 240 sq.m.
b. 264 sq.m. d. 180 sq.m.

27. What is the building height limit (BHL) of the given project?
a. 9 meters c. 12 meters
b. 10 meters d. 15 meters

28. Based on Table VIII.2 of Rule 7 & 8, how many parking slots are will be able to provide for the front
portion of the lot?
a. 18 slots c. 26 slots
b. 20 slots d. 32 slots

29. Based on the given data, given that the ground floor slab thickness is 100 mm and requires 20
kilograms of 15 mm diameter rebars per cubic meters, what is the volume of the concrete slab?
How many kilograms of 10 mm diameter rebars required?
a. 1,580 – 1,630 kilograms c. 1,200 – 1,250 kilograms

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b. 1,600 – 1,650 kilograms d. 1,966 – 2,000 kilograms

30. Based on the given data, what is the total open space within lot (TOSL)?
a. 556 sq.m. c. 480 sq.m.
b. 400 sq.m. d. 520 sq.m.

31. On a narrow corridor, what is the best lighting fixture for general lighting to be installed to go with
the overall design?
a. Louvered Fluorescent Lighting Fixture c. Mercury Vapor Lamp
b. HID Lamp d. Tungsten Incandescent Lamp

32. As based on Table VIII.1, Section 803 of Rule 7 and 8, how much is the maximum allowable
construction area of the project if it has a firewall?
a. 840 sq.m. c. 660 sq.m.
b. 720 sq.m. d. 780 sq.m.
33. If each floor has a height of 3 meters and having a rise of 0.15 meters, compute for the steps.
a. 18 steps c. 22 steps
b. 20 steps d. 15 steps

34. Based on Section 805 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the minimum ceiling height of the first storey of the
project provided that is has artificial ventilation.
a. 2.10 meters c. 2.70 meters
b. 2.40 meters d. 3.00 meters

35. Based on the given data, how much length of skirting/baseboard of the walls are needed for all
sides of the room per unit?
a. 30 – 40 meters c. 35 – 40 meters
b. 32 – 35 meters d. 40 – 45 meters

36. What is the common term for the main post at the foot of a stairway or stoop?
a. Baluster c. Rail
b. Balustrade d. Newel

37. If all the walls of a unit needs to be painted, how many gallons of paint will be needed in range,
provided that 1 gallon = 23 sq.m.
a. 3 – 4 gallons c. 5 – 6 gallons
b. 4 – 5 gallons d. 6 – 7 gallons

38. The narrowest RROW in socialized housing development is called _________.

a. Walkway c. Alley
b. Pathway d. Minor Road

39. Architectural services package that includes services from SPP Doc. 201 – 205.
a. Complete Services c. Comprehensive Architectural Services
b. Full Architectural Services d. NOTA

40. For non-creative projects, the architect is compensated on the basis of

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a. Salary
b. Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses
c. % of Construction Cost
d. Fixed Fee


21. A 28. B 35. D

22. C 29. A 36. D
23. C 30. B 37. C
24. C 31. A 38. C
25. D 32. A 39. C
26. A 33. B 40. B
27. D 34. C

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Statement of the Problem:

The client’s friend referred you for a specific project located in Cebu, Philippines. The project is
located in the city surrounded with tall buildings. The client immediately approved the referral and so the
project started in no time.

A one thousand nine hundred seventy-six (1,976) square meter 20-storey residential condominium
is to be built in a four thousand (4,000) square meters rectangular lot with a one hundred (100) square
meter lot line parallel to the road. A podium will be provided for commercial & parking. The first level will be
for the commercial spaces. The next three will be for parking. The next successive levels will be for
residential condominium tower. A lobby of four hundred seventy (470) square meter will be provided
located in the ground floor. Each commercial space will have an area of six hundred (600) square meter.

The one thousand eight (1,008) square meter (56 x 18) condominium tower will have a 5-meters
front setback, 10-meters side and 3-meter rear setbacks. There will be three types of condo units that will
be provided for the tower. The first will be a studio type unit, second will be a 1-unit bedroom and the last
will be a 2-unit bedroom unit.

Project Site Features:

The project will be located in a commercial zone (C-2) fronting a 14-meter wide road located on the
south side of the property. The property is a regular inside lot. A 9-meters front setback, 12-meters east
setback, a 5-meters north setback and a 12-meters west setback. The site slopes at 1.6% towards south.
The RROW stretches to 20-meters and is located in the lowest portion of the property.

Design Objectives:
a. To design and plan a residential condominium feasible & marketable to the target users.
b. To plan/design a condominium that maximizes unit at a given space.
c. The project will serve as the landmark for the site.

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PROJECT 3: Questions 41-60

41. Under PD 957, large areas of land may be developed and sold in several phases. _________ is
the minimum area required for each phase.
a. 10 c. 8
b. 5 d. 12

42. Under RA 9514, automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in building with height over?
a. 10 meters c. 20 meters
b. 15 meters d. 25 meters

43. Based on Section 804 Table VIII.2 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the allowable maximum building footprint
(AMBF) of the project?
a. 2,880 sq.m. c. 3,168 sq.m.
b. 2,914 sq.m. d. 3,072 sq.m.

44. Based on the given data, how many commercial spaces will be accommodated on the ground
a. 2.51 spaces c. 2 spaces
b. 3 spaces d. 1 space

45. Based on Section 804 Table VIII.2 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the allowable maximum building footprint
(AMBF) of the project if the RROW has a width of 19 meters?
a. 2,880 sq.m. c. 3,168 sq.m.
b. 2,914 sq.m. d. 3,072 sq.m.

46. What is the highest elevation on the project lot?

a. South c. East
b. North d. West

47. Based on the given data, if all parking spaces on the podium are average automobiles and in
perpendicular arrangement, compute for the total parking slots.
a. 158 slots c. 322 slots
b. 258 slots d. 474 slots

48. What is the range of Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of the project?
a. 2,800 – 2,900 sq.m. c. 2,700 – 3,200 sq.m.
b. 2,400 – 2,700 sq.m. d. 3,100 – 3200 sq.m.

49. Based on table VIII.2 on rule 7 and 8, how much is the minimum required setback, in meters?
a. 6.00 front, 3.00 sides, 3.00 rear c. 5.00 front, 3.00 sides, 3.00 rear
b. 5.00 front, 2.00 sides, 2.00 rear d. 4.50 front, 2.00 sides, 2.00 rear

50. On the higher floors, what type of windows is best used in consideration for safety and rain?
a. Jalousie window

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b. Awning window
c. Casement window
d. Fixed glass

51. What is the best floor finish for the main lobby?
a. Ceramic tiles c. Granite tiles
b. Marble tiles d. NOTA

52. Based on the given data, if the studio type unit is about 3% of the AMBF of the tower. Compute in
range the number of 300 mm x 300 mm tiles for the flooring.
a. 330 – 335 pieces c. 650 – 655 pieces
b. 340 – 345 pieces d. 660 – 665 pieces

53. Compute in range the number of tiles to be provided for the lobby, if the tiles to be used are 600
mm x 600 mm granite tiles.
a. 170 – 180 pieces c. 1,350 – 1,400 pieces
b. 561 – 570 pieces d. 1,300 – 1,310 pieces

54. Based on the acquired building footprint based on Section 804 Table VIII.2 of Rule 7 & 8, if the
drainage is aligned to the exterior walls of the structure, how much is the approximate length of
open drain canal of the building in range?
a. 150 – 180 meters c. 350 – 400 meters
b. 230 – 270 meters d. 1,000 – 1,300 meters

55. What is the range for the Impervious Surface Area (ISA) for the project?
a. 800 – 1000 sq.m. c. 500 – 650 sq.m.
b. 700 – 900 sq.m. d. 350 – 450 sq.m.

56. What is the range for the Unpaved Surface Area (USA) for the project?
a. 800 – 1000 sq.m. c. 500 – 650 sq.m.
b. 700 – 900 sq.m. d. 350 – 450 sq.m.

57. What is the range of the Percentage of the Site Occupancy (PSO) of the project if it has a firewall?
a. 79 – 85 c. 65 – 70
b. 80 – 84 d. 71 – 75

58. Based on the given data, what is the range of the Allowable Maximum Volume of the Building
(AMVB) for the project considering the floor to floor height is 3 meters?
a. 117,000 – 119,000 m3
b. 100,000 – 110,000 m3
c. 120,000 – 122,000 m3
d. 100,000 – 110,000 m2

59. Based on the given data, if the 1-unit bedroom is about 5.6% of the AMBF of the tower. Compute in
range the number of 1.2 m x 2.4 m plywood for the ceiling.
a. 18 – 20 pieces c. 30 – 35 pieces
b. 20 – 60 pieces d. 15 – 20 pieces
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60. What is the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) of a C-2 zone with a firewall?
a. 75% c. 85%
b. 80% d. 90%


41. A 48. B 55. C

42. B 49. A 56. C
43. B 50. B 57. D
44. C 51. C 58. B
45. B 52. B 59. C
46. B 53. C 60. C
47. D 54. A

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Statement of the Problem:

A four thousand five hundred (4,500) square meters lot will be the site for a proposed Resto Plaza.
A business woman will be the owner of the proposed project. She wants the project to have 8 – units.

Each unit will have an area of 12.5% of the AMBF with the longest dimension stretches to 22 -
meters. A terrace will be located in the front of every unit with an area of thirty-seven (37) square meters
with least dimension of 4-meters. Each unit will be provided with a comfort room with an area of 20 square

Project Site Features:

The site is located on a commercial zone area (C-2). The property is a regular inside lot with the
shorter side of the lot stretches up to 50-meters in length and is adjacent to a 14-meters wide RROW. The
front setback of 20-meters will be provided for parking areas with a 4-meters driveway. Rear and side
setbacks of 8-meters will be enough for an easy access of the delivery trucks for each rentable units. It will
also serves as driveway. The lot uniformly slopes at 1.75% towards the road. The front portion of the lot is
facing north.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design the project on a C-2 zoned property.

b. To design and maximize space as accordance to the client’s needs.

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PROJECT 4: Questions 61-80

61. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the property?
a. 0.85 meters c. 0.90 meters
b. 0.875 meters d. 0. 935 meters

62. Based on the given data, given that the floor area of each unit needs to be tiled. Compute for the
number of 600 mm x 600 mm tiles to be installed minus the toilet and the terrace floor area.
a. 405 – 410 pieces c. 570 – 575 pieces
b. 410 – 415 pieces d. 500 – 565 pieces

63. What is the minimum setback for the project given the type of commercial use/occupancy, based
on table VIII.3, section 804 on Rule 7 and 8?
a. 5m front, 2m sides, 2m rear c. 4.5m front, 2m sides, 2m rear
b. 5m front, 3m sides, 3m rear d. 6m front, 3m sides, 3m rear

64. Referring on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, how much is the AMBF of the project?
a. 3,698 sq.m. c. 4,245 sq.m.
b. 1,628 sq.m. d. 1,887 sq.m.

65. Based on the given data of the project, how much is the AMBF?
a. 3,698 sq.m. c. 4,245 sq.m.
b. 1,628 sq.m. d. 1,887 sq.m.

66. Based on the given data of the project, how much is the percentage of site occupancy?
a. 36.17 % c. 35.00%
b. 40.00% d. 75.00%

67. Based on the given data, given that the toilets floor area needs to be tiled. Compute the range of
the number of 300 mm x 300 mm tiles to be installed.
a. 220 – 225 pieces c. 1,775 – 1,780 pieces
b. 225 – 230 pieces d. 1,780 – 1,785 pieces

68. The terrace needs to be elevated at approximately 150 mm above grade which resulted to a 150
mm thick slab on ground. How much volume of concrete is needed for each terrace? Given if it
requires 18 kilograms of rebars per cubic meters of concrete, how many kilograms of rebars are
a. 95 – 100 kilograms c. 770 – 780 kilograms
b. 100 – 105 kilograms d. 780 – 785 kilograms

69. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8
setback of the project, if the drainage is aligned to the exterior walls of the structure, how much is
the approximate length of open drain canal of the house with a drain line connecting to the front of
the lot?

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a. 260 – 265 meters c. 192 – 195 meters
b. 250 – 260 meters d. 197 – 200 meters

70. Based on the given data, a 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board is to be installed to the ceiling of each
unit. How many pieces are needed in range?
a. 70 – 75 pieces c. 565 – 570 pieces
b. 75 – 80 pieces d. 560 – 565 pieces

71. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.2, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how many 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board is
to be used if the 1.20-meter roof eaves on all sides will have ceiling?
a. 316 – 318 pieces c. 317 – 320 pieces
b. 315 – 317 pieces d. 320 – 323 pieces

72. Based on the given data, if the front portion of the lot is considered as parking area with a 3 meter
wide driveway. Compute for the number of parking slots.
a. 115 slots c. 122 slots
b. 120 slots d. 125 slots

73. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how much in range is the length of the gutter if
the roof on the last floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure?
a. 273 – 275 meters c. 268 – 270 meters
b. 265 – 268 meters d. 270 – 272 meters

74. Based on the given data of the project, how much is the Maximum Allowable Construction Area
a. 85.97% c. 60.00%
b. 95.00% d. 59.99%

75. What is the main topic of rule VIII of Rule 7 and 8?

a. Light and Ventilation
b. Building Permit Occupancy
c. Classification & General Requirements for all Buildings by use of Occupancy
d. General Lighting & Artificial Vent

76. What is the main topic of rule VII of Rule 7 and 8?

a. Light and Ventilation
b. Building Permit Occupancy
c. Classification & General Requirements for all Buildings by use of Occupancy
d. General Lighting & Artificial Vent

77. What is the common term for shallow channel of metal or wood set immediately below and along
the eaves of a building to catch and carry off rainwater?
a. Fascia c. Plumbing Drain
b. Gutter d. Corbel

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78. What is the tree that is shallow rooted and is hazardous to plant near the structure?
a. Coconut Tree c. Traveler’s Tree
b. Palm Tree d. Mahogany

79. Given the proposed project, slope and orientation, where should ‘Excavation’ for start?
a. Rear part of the building opposite to the road
b. Side of the lot
c. Near the road side
d. Answer not among the choices

80. Given the proposed project, slope and orientation, where should ‘Excavation’ for Basement level
a. In the perimeter walls of each sides
b. After establishing the yards required
c. Right on the property line of the lot
d. Setback provisions from O.F.B.


61. B 68. B 75. A

62. B 69. B 76. C
63. A 70. B 77. B
64. B 71. C 78. A
65. A 72. C 79. A
66. A 73. D 80. B
67. D 74. D

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A proposed commercial building project and on a project site having a 1.75% slope towards the

Statement of the Problem:

A private owned company, with its committee, decided to build a 7-storey commercial building with
an area three hundred twenty (320) square meters that sits on a one thousand eighty (1080) square meters
lot and is located in a commercial zone (C-3) area. In order for the project to function the following spaces
are required: a lobby of sixty (60) square meters with the least dimension of 6.5-meters located in the
ground floor, commercial spaces with an area of seventy (70) square meters each, forty (40) square meters
is provided for hallways and maintenance room each floor.

There will be a total of 27 commercial units in the commercial building. The roof deck floor area will
be half of your total AMBF.

Project Site Features:

The project site is rectangular in shape, with a frontage of thirty-six (36) square meters facing
south. The site is having a 10-meters wide setback in the south and west side of the building. And it also
serves as parking spaces. 6-meters wide setback in east and 4-meters wide setback in the north. The
project site uniformly slopes at 1.75% towards the south and another slope of 1.35% towards the west
portion of the site. The width of the road is 12-meters.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a commercial building in accordance to its zone (C-3).

b. To plan/design a commercial building that maximizes services for the public.
c. To plan/design a commercial building that will serve as a landmark for its project location.

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PROJECT 5: Questions 81-100

81. Based on Table VIII.1, Section 803 of Rule 7 and 8, how much is the allowable PSO if the project
has a firewall?
a. 75% of TLA = 810 square meters c. 85% of TLA = 918 square meters
b. 80% of TLA = 864 square meters d. 90% of TLA = 972 square meters

82. Based on the problem, how much is the allowable PSO if the project in percentage?
a. 29.62% c. 68.14%
b. 30% d. 68%

83. Based on the given problem, which part of the project lot has the highest elevation?
a. Top right of the lot c. Center of lot
b. Top left of the lot d. Front part of the lot

84. What is the range for the Paved Open Space of the project?
a. 160 – 165 sq.m. c. 175 – 190 sq.m.
b. 120 – 130 sq.m. d. 145 – 160 sq.m.

85. Based on the given data, what is the range for the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) of the
a. 550 – 660 sq.m. c. 750 – 760 sq.m.
b. 730 – 750 sq.m. d. 760 – 780 sq.m.

86. Based on the given data, how much is the Impervious Surface Area (ISA) of the project?
a. 360 sq.m. c. 400 sq.m.
b. 410 sq.m. d. 760 sq.m.

87. On Table VIII.1, section 803 of rule 7 and 8, how much is the Allowable Minimum Total Open
Space within Lot of the project given that there is a firewall?
a. 108 sq.m. c. 156 sq.m.
b. 110 sq.m. d. 216 sq.m.

88. How much is the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of the project?
a. 9,720 sq.m. c. 16,200 sq.m.
b. 12,960 sq.m. d. 36,720 sq.m.

89. Based on the given data, how much is the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) of the project?
a. 2,240 sq.m. c. 5,152 sq.m.
b. 2,880 sq.m. d. 6,624 sq.m.

90. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8,
how much is the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB) of the project, considering that
the height of a floor is 3 meters ?
a. 22,680 sq.m. c. 6,720 sq.m.

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b. 15,546 sq.m. d. 6,624 sq.m.

91. Given that every commercial spaces are to be provided ceiling, how many 600 mm x 600 mm
ceiling tiles are used?
a. 195 – 190 pieces c. 26 – 30 pieces
b. 5,250 – 5,255 pieces d. 680 – 700 pieces

92. Based on the acquired AMBF of the project from the given data, given that the ground floor slab
thickness is 100 mm and requires 20 kilograms of 10 mm diameter rebars per cubic meters, what
is the volume of the concrete slab per unit? How many kilograms of 10 mm diameter rebars
required per unit?
a. 32 cubic meters, 640 kilograms of rebars
b. 32 cubic meters, 320 kilograms of rebars
c. 73.6 cubic meters, 1,472 kilograms of rebars
d. 73.6 cubic meters, 736 kilograms of rebars

93. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the property?
a. 5.25 meters c. 0.525 meter
b. 4.05 meters d. 0.405 meter

94. If all the walls of a commercial space needs to be painted & considering that the area is square in
plan, how many gallons of paint will be needed in range, provided that 1 gallon = 25 sq.m. The
height from floor to ceiling is 3.00 meters.
a. 4 – 5 gallons c. 6 – 10 gallons
b. 5 – 7 gallons d. 6.5 – 7 gallons

95. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8,
what is the range for the area of roof of the project considering a 1.00 meter roof eaves?
a. 600 – 736 sq.m. c. 860 – 890 sq.m.
b. 780 – 850 sq.m. d. NOTA

96. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8,
what is the area of roof eaves of the project considering a 1.20 meter roof eaves?
a. 137.76 sq.m. c. 143.56 sq.m.
b. 140.20 sq.m. d. 156.21 sq.m.

97. If each floor has a height of 3 meters and having a rise of 0.20 meters, compute for the steps.
a. 13 steps c. 16 steps
b. 15 steps d. 20 steps

98. Based on rule 7 and 8, how much is the incremental setback per story above second floor on the
rear and sides of the C-3 zoned structures?
c. 300 mm c. 450 mm
d. 350 mm d. 500 mm

99. What does FLAR means?

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a. Footprint & Lot Area Ratio c. Floor-Lot Area Ratio
b. Floor & Lot Allowable Ratio d. Floor to Lot Area Ratio

100. What does AMVB means?

a. Adjustable Minimum Volume of Building
b. Allowable Maximum Volume of Building Bulk
c. Allowable Minimum Volume of Building
d. Allowable Maximum Volume of Building


81. D 88. A 95. B

82. A 89. A 96. A
83. A 90. B 97. B
84. D 91. B 98. C
85. D 92. A 99. C
86. C 93. C 100. D
87. A 94. B

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A proposed government office building project and on a project site having a three percent (3.0%)
slope towards the RROW.

Statement of the Problem:

The National Government has decided to erect a building on its property with a Total Lot Area
(TLA) of three thousand four hundred thirty-two (3,432) square meters located in Metro Manila. The
building area will have an area of one thousand ninety-two (1,092) square meters. The building shall have a
lobby, stair, elevator & toilet with a total area of 15-20% of the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint
(AMBF) provided in the ground floor. Each level will house a different branch of government agencies.
Provide a main office or hall with an area of approximately 40% of the building area of the project. A service
area of approximately 10-15% of the AMBF for the project is to be added.

Second to the six floor of the building will only be 70% of the Allowable Maximum Building
Footprint. The roof deck of the proposed project will only be 60% of the area of the third storey.

Project Site Features:

The project site is rectangular in shape, with a frontage of eighty (80) meters facing south. Provide
parking slots that will accommodate 50 cars and put it on the western side of the building that will occupy
approximately 22% of the TLA. A setback of 8-meters will be provided in the northern part of the site. In the
west part of the site will have a setback of 25-meters and provide a 13-meters setback in the eastern part of
the lot. A uniform slope towards east with 2.3% inclination.

The RROW has a width of 22-meters and is parallel to the longer side of the lot.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a public structure that is a High-Density Institutional Building.

b. To plan/design a building that can maximized services for the general public; and
c. To plan/design a building that serve as a landmark in the Project area with a sustainable least-cost.

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PROJECT 6: Questions 101-120

101. Based on the given data, what is the range for the area of roof of the project considering a 1.00
meter roof eaves without firewall?
a. 1,092 sq.m. c. 2,804.40 sq.m.
b. 1,232 sq.m. d. 2,582.60 sq.m.

102. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the property with a 3% slope?
a. 2.40 meters c. 1.84 meters
b. 1.28 meters d. 0.98 meters

103. Based on the given data, how much is the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) of the project?
a. 849.40 sq.m. c. 2,340 sq.m.
b. 1,716 sq.m. d. 2,059.20 sq.m.

104. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8,
what is the range of the Allowable Maximum Volume of the Building (AMVB) for the project
considering the floor to floor height is 3 meters?
a. 36,849.40 sq.m. c. 19,656 sq.m.
b. 26,548 sq.m. d. 46,486.80 sq.m.

105. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8,
what is the range of the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) of the building for the project?
a. 15,849.40 sq.m. c. 6,552 sq.m.
b. 6,648 sq.m. d. 15,495.60 sq.m.

106. What is the range of the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) of the project based on the
given data?
a. 1,085 – 1,090 sq.m. c. 1,091 – 1,095 sq.m.
b. 2000 – 2050 sq.m. d. 1,100 – 1,105 sq.m.

107. What is the range of the number of acoustical ceiling tiles to be used at the ceiling of the main
office considering a 600mm x 1200 ceiling tiles?
a. 450 – 500 pieces c. 610 – 625 pieces
b. 600 – 615 pieces d. 626 – 650 pieces

108. What is the range of the total number of tiles to be used in the main lobby, stairs, elevator and toilet
using 600mm x 600mm floor tiles?
a. 400 – 450 pieces c. 455 – 610 pieces
b. 460 – 500 pieces d. 615 – 645 pieces

109. What is the range of Impervious Surface Area (ISA) of the project based on Section 803, Table
VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8?
a. 650 – 675 sq.m. c. 700 – 725 sq.m.

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b. 680 – 695 sq.m. d. 800 – 835 sq.m.

110. What is the range of Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of the project based on Section 803, Table
VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8 if it has a firewall at the rear?
a. 1,500 – 1,650 sq.m. c. 1,350 – 1,370 sq.m.
b. 1,150 – 1,250 sq.m. d. 1,375 – 1,500 sq.m.

111. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the property with a 10% slope?
a. 3.86 meters c. 5.56 meters
b. 4.29 meters d. 8.00 meters

112. Based on Section 804, Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8What is the range for the area of roof eaves of the
project considering a 1.00 meter roof eaves without firewall?
a. 221.80 sq.m. c. 235.8 sq.m.
b. 136 sq.m. d. 153 sq.m.

113. How much is the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) of the project based on the given data?
a. 2,340 sq.m. c. 1,716 sq.m.
b. 849.40 sq.m. d. 1,372.80 sq.m.

114. Compute for the area of the roof deck.

a. 458.64 sq.m. c. 655.20 sq.m.
b. 764.40 sq.m. d. 845.20 sq.m.

115. Compute for the area of the 3rd floor.

a. 458.64 sq.m. c. 655.20 sq.m.
b. 764.40 sq.m. d. 845.20 sq.m.

116. Compute for the number of parking slots in the west side of the project lot provided a 3-meter wide
driveway in two of the sides.
a. 65 slots c. 75 slots
b. 70 slots d. 60 slots

117. Based on Table VIII.3 on rule 7 and 8, how much is the required setback, in meters, for the
a. 5.00 front, 3.00 sides, 3.00 rear c. 4.50 front, 2.00 sides, 2.00 rear
b. 5.00 front, 2.00 sides, 2.00 rear d. 6.00 front, 3.00 sides, 3.00 rear

118. What is the common term for the part of a molding cornice, or wall surface that changes direction,
usually at a right angle, toward the building wall?
a. Return c. Sidestep
b. Bent turn d. Back-faced

119. What is the common term for the material used as final coating of a surface for ornamental or
protective purpose?
a. Paint c. Molding
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b. Tile d. Finishes

120. In rule 7 & and rule 8 what is the range of slope for the entry ramp of the driveway connecting the
roadway surface to the sidewalk surface?
a. 1/3 to 1/4 c. 1/4 to 3/4
b. 1/16 to 1/18 d. 1/8 to 1/2


101. A 108. C 115. A

102. B 109. A 116. A
103. C 110. D 117. A
104. D 111. B 118. A
105. D 112. A 119. A
106. A 113. A 120. A
107. C 114. A

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A proposed nursery school is to be realized in Manila, Philippines and on a project site having a flat

Statement of the Problem:

The project will be erected in a one thousand six hundred (1,600) square meters lot. A Main
Building with an AMBF of six hundred twenty (620) square meters will be located in the center of the
property. A quadrangle with the dimensions of (10 x 33) meters or 330 square meters in the northern
portion of the site. A (6 x 33) meters parking area in the west.

The main lobby in front of the main building with an area 90 – 95 square meters. An entry room
with dimensions of (9 x 44) meters or 396 square meters. Classroom having an area of sixty-three (63)
square meters with the least dimension of 7-meters. Activity room & training room will also have an area of
63 square meters. An office located in the western part with an area of sixty-seven (67) square meters.

Project Site Features:

The pilot site will be located in a government lot in Manila City. The site is relatively flat. The
property is a square regular inside lot. The RROW is 12-meters wide alongside the north direction. Front
setback of 10 meters will be provided for the quadrangle. 6-meters wide setback on west and a 10-meter
wide setback on the south part of the property.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a public structure that is a Medium-Density Institutional Building.

b. To plan/design a building that can maximized services for the general public; and
c. To plan/design a building that serve as a landmark in the Project area with a sustainable least-cost.

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PROJECT 7: Questions 121-140

121. What is the range of the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) of the project based on
Table VIII.3 on rule 7 and 8?
a. 1,180 – 1,185 sq.m. c. 1,200 – 1,215 sq.m.
b. 1,186 – 1,190 sq.m. d. 1,350 – 1,360 sq.m.

122. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the property with a 3% slope?
a. 1.18 meters c. 1.24 meters
b. 1.20 meters d. 1.36 meters

123. Given that the slab for the main lobby at ground floor is 0.15 meters thick, how many kilograms of
steel reinforcing bars are needed if it requires 15 kilograms of reinforcing bars per cubic meter of
concrete in range?
a. 190 – 205 kilograms c. 215 – 230 kilograms
b. 205 – 215 kilograms d. 235 – 250 kilograms

124. How much is the required percentage of allowable PSO for Institutional with firewall, as according
to rule 7 and 8?
a. 50% c. 60%
b. 55% d. 65%

125. What is the range of the Allowable Maximum Volume of the Building (AMVB) for the project
considering the floor to floor height is 3 meters based on the acquired building footprint in Table
VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8?
a. 620 sq.m. c. 1,188 sq.m.
b. 823 sq.m. d. 2,970 sq.m.

126. Given if the classrooms floor area requires tiles that have darker shades than of the other tiles for
accent purposes, how many 600 x 600 millimeter ceramic tiles are needed to cover the space in
a. 3,800 – 4,000 pieces c. 4,350 – 4,400 pieces
b. 1,200 – 1,500 pieces d. 700 – 750 pieces

127. Referring on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, how much is the AMBF of the project?
a. 620 sq.m. c. 1,200 sq.m.
b. 1,188 sq.m. d. 1,256 sq.m.

128. Based on the given data of the project, how much is the AMBF?
a. 620 sq.m. c. 1,200 sq.m.
b. 1,188 sq.m. d. 1,256 sq.m.

129. Based on the given data of the project, how much is the percentage of site occupancy?
a. 56.50% c. 74.25%

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b. 45% d. 38.75%

130. Given that the activity/training room area has a 150 mm thick concrete slab and requires 20
kilogram of rebars per cubic meter of concrete, how much is the actual kilograms of rebars needed
for the whole ground floor area?
a. 250 – 265 kilograms c. 201 – 205 kilograms
b. 245 – 250 kilograms d. 190 – 192 kilograms

131. Based on the given setback on table VIII.3 of Rule 7 and 8, how much is the percentage of the
project’s site occupancy?
a. 38.75% c. 75%
b. 74.25% d. 40%

132. A 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board is to be installed to the office. How many pieces are needed?
a. 23 – 26 pieces c. 26 – 28 pieces
b. 25 – 28 pieces d. 25 – 30 pieces

133. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given setback of the project, if the drainage
is aligned to the exterior walls of the structure, how much is the approximate length of open drain
a. 92 – 105 meters c. 105 – 108 meters
b. 111 – 115 meters d. 138 – 150 meters

134. Compute for the number of parking slots in range on the quadrangle.
a. 20 – 25 slots c. 35 – 40 slots
b. 15 – 20 slots d. 25 – 30 slots

135. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how many 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board in
range is to be used if the 1.20-meter roof eaves on all sides will have ceiling?
a. 50 – 53 pieces c. 55 – 58 pieces
b. 65 – 69 pieces d. 60 – 63 pieces

136. Provided that the entry room needs to be painted, compute for the number of gallons of paint is
required if the height of the wall is 2.70 meters. Provided that 1 gallon = 25 sq.m.
a. 10 – 12 gallons c. 5 – 8 gallons
b. 25 – 26 gallons d. 15 – 16 gallons

137. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof
on the last floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure?
a. 150 – 152 meters c. 150 – 155 meters
b. 148 – 150 meters d. NOTA

138. How much is the Minimum Basic Fee (MBF) for the given project.
a. 6% of the total construction cost c. 8% of the total construction cost
b. 7% of the total construction cost d. 10% of the total construction cost
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139. PRC stands for?
a. Professional Regulation Commission c. Philippines Regulatory Commission
b. Professional Regulatory Commission d. R.A. No. 8981

140. In a government building, what is usually present in the façade which would dictate that it is a
government building?
a. Signage c. Garden Square
b. National Flag d. Podium


121. A 128. A 135. D

122. B 129. D 136. B
123. B 130. D 137. A
124. C 131. B 138. B
125. C 132. B 139. A
126. D 133. C 140. B
127. B 134. A

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Statement of the Problem:

A prominent client has commissioned you to plan and design a car repair shop. The lot contains an
area of two thousand four hundred (2,400) square meters. The building bulk will be approximately one
thousand two hundred ninety-six (1,296) square meters.

The owner wants to have a repair shop in the west portion of the building with an area of one
hundred sixty-eight (168) square meters that can accommodate 4 cars for repair. A display area of cars
with a total area of one hundred sixty-eight (168) square meters that will be located in the east. A one
hundred sixty-eight (168) square meters locker & kitchen rear portion of the structure. And an equipment
room with the same area of the display area.

Project Site Features:

The property is a regular inside lot where the longer side is parallel to a 20-meter RROW. The
longer lot line of the property stretches at exactly 60-meters in length. The front portion of the project is
facing south. A 5-meter front setback, a 17-meters setback in the east and a 3-meter setback on the west
part of the property. A slope of 3% towards the RROW.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a shop that maximizes the profit thru good spatial relationships with good flows and
space planning;
b. To plan/design the project that is in-lined with sustainability; and
c. To plan/design a building that shall serve as a landmark in the host area.

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PROJECT 8: Questions 141-160

141. Based on the given data, compute in range the number of parking slots on the east portion of the
open area of the lot. Provided that it has a 3 meter wide driveway.
a. 25 – 30 slots c. 35 – 40 slots
b. 30 – 35 slots d. 40 – 45 slots

142. Based on Table VIII.1 on rule 7 and 8, how much is the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) of
the project in range?
a. 1,800 – 2,000 sq.m. c. 1,200 – 1,400 sq.m.
b. 1,500 – 1,700 sq.m. d. 1,000 – 1,250 sq.m.

143. Based on Table VIII.1 on rule 7 and 8, how much is the Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of the project
in range?
a. 125 – 170 sq.m. c. 250 – 275 sq.m.
b. 220 – 240 sq.m. d. 300 – 480 sq.m.

144. Based on the given data, how much is the Impervious Surface Area (ISA) of the project in range?
a. 750 – 800 sq.m. c. 900 – 950 sq.m.
b. 800 – 805 sq.m. d. 500 – 750 sq.m.

145. Compute for the area of the equipment room.

a. 265 sq.m. c. 336 sq.m.
b. 125 sq.m. d. 168 sq.m.

146. Based on Table VIII.3 on rule 7 and 8, compute for the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint
a. 1,265 sq.m. c. 1,296 sq.m.
b. 1,250 sq.m. d. 1,728 sq.m.

147. Based on the given data, compute for the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO).
a. 54% of the TLA c. 70% of the TLA
b. 55% of the TLA d. 80 % of the TLA

148. Based on Table VIII.3 on rule 7 and 8, compute for the Impervious Surface Area (ISA)?
a. 372 sq.m. c. 300 sq.m.
b. 672 sq.m. d. 168 sq.m.

149. Given that the display area needs to be tiled, how many 600 mm x 600 mm unglazed tiles will be
a. 450 – 500 pieces c. 400 – 465 pieces
b. 500 – 600 pieces d. 466 – 500 pieces

150. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the building?

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a. 1.25 meters c. 1.20 meters
b. 12 meters d. 1.122 meters

151. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given setback of the project, if the drainage
is aligned to the exterior walls of the structure, how much is the approximate length of open drain
canal of the structure in range.
a. 135 – 140 meters c. 145 – 150 meters
b. 140 – 145 meters d. 200 – 250 meters

152. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on Table VIII.3, Section 804 of Rule 7 and 8,
if the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how many 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board
is to be used if the 1.20-meter roof eaves on all sides will have ceiling?
a. 60 – 65 sq.m. c. 75 – 80 pieces
b. 80 – 85 pieces d. 70 – 75 pieces

153. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof
on the last floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure?
a. 181.60 – 190 meters c. 120.60 – 125 meters
b. 185 – 186 meters d. 145 – 150 meters

154. Provided that the repair shop, display area & equipment room ceiling needs to be painted, compute
for the number of gallons of paints that is needed. Provided that: 1 gallon = 23 sq.m.
a. 21 – 23 gallons c. 20 – 26 gallons
b. 18 – 20 gallons d. 25 – 27 gallons

155. Given that the building needs to be elevated by 1.50 meters. Compute for the riser if it has 10
a. 0.20 meters c. 0.18 meters
b. 0.12 meters d. 0.15 meters

156. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given data, if the walls of the structure are
aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof on the last floor has 1.20-
meter roof eaves all around the structure in range?
a. 155 – 160 meters c. 172 – 175 meters
b. 145 – 148 meters d. 181 – 185 meters

157. The locker/kitchen needs to be elevated at approximately 150 mm above grade which resulted to a
150 mm thick slab on ground. How much volume of concrete is needed for the service kitchen?
Given if it requires 18 kilograms of rebars per cubic meters of concrete, how many kilograms of
rebars are needed?
a. 25.20 cubic meters, 453.60 kilograms c. 16.80 cubic meters, 453.60 kilograms
b. 25.20 cubic meters, 504 kilograms d. 16.80 cubic meters, 504 kilograms

158. Given if the ceiling needs to be painted, what type of paint is to be applied?
a. Glossy paint so that it won’t easily get dirty
b. Semi-glossy paint so that light won’t concentrate much which can cause much glare
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c. Flat paint so that it won’t be glaring
d. Not among the choices

159. Where is the most economical location of beam connected to column?

a. At center of the column
b. At exterior face of the column
c. At interior face of the column
d. Answer not among the choices

160. Given the proposed project, slope and orientation, where should ‘Excavation’ for Basement level
a. In the perimeter walls of each sides
b. After establishing the yards required
c. Right on the property line of the lot
d. Setback provisions from O.F.B.


141. C 148. A 155. D

142. C 149. B 156. A
143. C 150. D 157. A
144. A 151. B 158. C
145. D 152. C 159. B
146. D 153. B 160. B
147. A 154. D

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A proposed computer factory project on a project site having a 4% slope.

Statement of the Problem:

A privately owned company decided to erect a building on its property with a total lot area of two
thousand two hundred forty (2,240) square meters located in an industrial zone. The structure to be erected
shall be an industrial building.

Project Site Features:

The project site is rectangular inside lot, with a 56-meter wide frontage facing west. The project site
uniformly slopes at 4% towards east. The side facing west is a road for regular access of container vans &
trucks on a 24-hours basis. The RROW is a 30-meter wide street having a slope of 2/3 of 1.0% draining
north and which has a 2.50 meters wide sidewalk at both sides. The surface of the sidewalk at the center of
the project site frontage is considered as elevation 0.0m.

A front setback of 17-meter is required for parking spaces and a 3-meter setback in all other

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a factory that maximizes the profit thru good vertical/spatial relationships with good
flows and space planning;
b. To plan/design the project that is in-lined with sustainability; and
c. To plan/design a building that shall serve as a landmark in the host area.

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PROJECT 9: Questions 161-180

161. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the building?
a. 1.60 meters c. 1.50 meters
b. 2.24 meters d. 1.45 meters

162. Based on the given data, compute in range the number of parking slots on the front portion in the
open area of the lot.
a. 55 – 60 slots c. 10 – 15 slots
b. 70 – 75 slots d. 8 – 12 slots

163. Based on Table VIII.1 on rule 7 and 8, how much is the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) of
the project in range?
a. 2,200 – 2,400 sq.m. c. 1,200 – 1,500 sq.m.
b. 1,500 – 1,700 sq.m. d. 1,300 – 1,600 sq.m.

164. Based on Table VIII.1 on rule 7 and 8, how much is the Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of the project
in range?
a. 400 – 450 sq.m. c. 330 – 360 sq.m.
b. 380 – 420 sq.m. d. 300 – 330 sq.m.

165. Based on Table VIII.1 on rule 7 and 8, how much is the Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of the project
in range if it has a firewall?
a. 400 – 450 sq.m. c. 330 – 360 sq.m.
b. 380 – 420 sq.m. d. 300 – 330 sq.m.

166. An articulated truck slot must be computed at a minimum of 3.60 meters by 18.00 meters which
should be sufficient to accommodate a _______ container van or bulk carrier and a long/hooded
prime mover.
a. 10 meters c. 12.50 meters
b. 12 meters d. 15 meters

167. Based on Section 707, Table VII.4 of Rule 7 & 8, what group/occupancy does the project belong.
a. Division G-1 c. Division H-1
b. Division C-1 d. Division A-1

168. Compute for the Gross Floor Area (GFA) in range.

a. 6,720 – 11,200 sq.m. c. 5,600 – 6,750 sq.m.
b. 3,360 – 5,600 sq.m. d. 5,600 – 6,720 sq.m.

169. When does the architect must use the provision of the RA 9514 for the project?
a. At the very start of the project setting, schematic design, site planning etc.
b. When it’s necessary
c. Sometimes at final design stage

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d. During preparation of project document.

170. When does the architect must use the provision of BP 344, BP220 & PD 957?
a. At the very start of the project setting, schematic design, site planning etc.
b. When it’s necessary
c. Sometimes at final design stage
d. During preparation of project document.

171. Where is the most economical location of beam connected to column?

a. At center of the column
b. At exterior face of the column
c. At interior face of the column
d. Answer not among the choices

172. Which of the following finishing materials is considered resilient.

a. Ceramic tile c. Vitreous tile
b. Vinyl tile d. None of the above

173. Based on the given data, what will be the Total Gross Floor Area of the project (TGFA)?
a. 800 sq.m. c. 1,242 sq.m.
b. 1,000 sq.m. d. None of the above

174. Based on Table VIII.3 on rule 7 and 8, what is the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)
of the project?
a. 800 sq.m. c. 1,242 sq.m.
b. 1,000 sq.m. d. 1,600 sq.m.

175. Based on Table VIII.1 on rule 7 and 8, what is the total open space within lot (TOSL) of the project?
a. 672 sq.m. c. 224 sq.m.
b. 448 sq.m. d. 336 sq.m.

176. What is the best paint color of the roof deck?

a. Light gray c. Black
b. Dark gray d. White

177. What is not an indoor equipment?

a. AC Window-type c. Portable generator
b. Exhaust fan d. Split-type AC

178. Under NBCP, minimum width of the sidewalk for a RROW width of 9.00 meters or more shall be
how many meters on each side of the RROW
a. 1.80 meters c. 2.00 meters
b. 2.40 meters d. 1.80 meters

179. Under PD 1096, what is the suggested minimum width of 2 lanes alley, roadway, carriageway or
the like?
a. 2.00 meters c. 6.00 meters
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b. 2.40 meters d. 8.00 meters

180. In relation to question no. 179 and NBCP (PD1096), how much will be the width of the sidewalks?
a. 2 meters up to 4 meters
b. 3 meters up to 5 meters
c. 1 meter each side
d. 2 meters each side


161. A 168. D 175. A

162. D 169. A 176. A
163. C 170. A 177. C
164. C 171. B 178. B
165. C 172. B 179. C
166. B 173. B 180. C
167. A 174. C

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A proposed 3-storey barangay hall on a project site having a slope on a 1.25% slope towards the
main RROW.

Statement of the Problem:

The Local Government has decided to erect a barangay hall on its property with a Total Lot Area
(TLA) of two thousand seven hundred sixty (2,760) square meters located in Mandaue, Cebu. The
barangay hall shall have a floor area of approximately one thousand four hundred forty (1,440) square
meters. The main lobby should have an area of about 13% of the AMBF that will include the toilet facility.
The main hall should have an area of 45% of the AMBF with an additional area for a gallery for 80 persons.
The barangay captain’s lounge should have an area of 12% of the AMBF that will include a toilet. Also
provide a waiting/ mini-lobby area. The committee hearing room should have a floor area of about 10% of
the AMBF of the project.

Project Site Features:

The project is a corner lot, rectangular in shape, with the shortest width of 46-meters facing south
and is parallel to a 10-meters wide RROW. The main RROW has a width of 12-meters and is facing east.
An 11-meters setbacks will be provided in the east and south part of the lot for the parking area. A 3-meter
setback at the rear portion of the lot and a 4-meter setback on the north part.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a public structure that is a Medium-Density Institutional Building.

b. To plan/design a building that can maximized services for the general public; and
c. To plan/design a building that serve as a landmark in the Project area with a sustainable least-cost.

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PROJECT 10: Questions 181-200

181. Based on the given data, compute for the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)?
a. 1,440 sq.m. c. 1,440 meters
b. 2,184 sq.m. d. 2,760 sq.m.

182. Based on the Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8, compute for the Impervious Surface Area (ISA) of the
a. 275 sq.m. c. 552 sq.m.
b. 300 sq.m. d. 828 sq.m.

183. Based on the Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8, compute for the Unpaved Surface Area (ISA) of the
a. 275 sq.m. c. 552 sq.m.
b. 300 sq.m. d. 828 sq.m.

184. Based on the given data, compute for the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)?
a. 5,460 sq.m. c. 6,552 sq.m.
b. 3,600 sq.m. d. 4,320 sq.m.

185. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the building?
a. 5.75 meters c. 0.552 meters
b. 0.75 meters d. 0.575 meters

186. OFB stands for?

a. Outermost Face of Building c. Outermost Face of Buildings
b. Outermost Faces of Building d. Outermost Face Book

187. Based on the Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8, compute for the perimeter of the project lot?
a. 212 meters c. 154 meters
b. 212 sq.m. d. 154 sq.m.

188. Standard setback for the project, based on the Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8. Compute for the setback
in the south portion of the lot.
a. 2 meters c. 5 meters
b. 3 meters d. 8 meters

189. Based on the given data, compute for the setback in the north portion of the lot.
c. 2 meters c. 4 meters
d. 3 meters d. 5 meters

190. Based on Table VII.2 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the Building Height Limit (BHL) of the said project?
a. 3 c. 15
b. 5 d. 20

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191. Based on the given data, compute for the floor area of the main hall in range.
a. 648 – 650 meters c. 980 – 985 sq.m.
b. 215 – 220 sq.m. d. 640 – 645 sq.m.

192. Given if the barangay captain lounge area of the building requires tiles that have darker shades
than of the other tiles for accent purposes, how many 600 x 600 millimeter ceramic tiles are
needed to cover the space?
a. 500 – 510 pieces c. 650 – 655 pieces
b. 475 – 485 pieces d. 350 – 360 pieces

193. Based on Table VIII.3 of the Rule 7 & 8, given that the main lobby floor area has a 150 mm thick
concrete slab and requires 20 kilogram of rebars per cubic meter of concrete, how much is the
actual kilograms of rebars needed for the whole ground floor area?
a. 648 – 650 kilograms c. 1,944 – 1,950 kilograms
b. 852 – 855 kilograms d. 2,948 – 2,950 kilograms

194. What is the minimum setback for the project given the type of residential use/occupancy, based on
Table VIII.3, Section 804 on Rule 7 and 8?
a. 5m front, 5m side, 2m side, 2m rear
b. 5m front, 2m sides, 2m rear
c. 5m front, 3m sides, 3m rear
d. 6m front, 3m sides, 3m rear

195. What is the range of the Allowable Maximum Volume of the Building (AMVB) for the project
considering the floor to floor height is 3 meters based on the acquired building footprint in Table
VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8?
a. 12,960 sq.m. c. 3,600 sq.m.
b. 19,656 sq.m. d. 5,460 sq.m.

196. Based on the given data, a 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board is to be installed to the barangay
captain lounge. How many pieces are needed in range?
a. 60 – 65 pieces c. 95 – 100 pieces
b. 75 – 80 pieces d. 125 – 130 pieces

197. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given setback of the project, if the drainage
is aligned to the exterior walls of the structure, how much is the approximate length of open drain
canal of the house?
a. 125 – 128 meters c. 150 – 152 meters
b. 100 – 108 meters d. 153 – 155 meters

198. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how many 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board in
range is to be used if the 1.20-meter roof eaves on all sides will have ceiling?
a. 50 – 55 pieces c. 80 – 85 pieces
b. 75 – 80 pieces d. 85 – 90 pieces

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199. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof
on the last floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure?
a. 163.60 – 165 meters c. 200 – 203 meters
b. 189 – 200 meters d. 190 – 198 meters

200. In a government building, what is the most economical parking layout?

a. 45 degrees parking slot
b. 90 degree / perpendicular parking
c. Saw tooth parking
d. 60 degree parking layout


181. A 188. A 195. B

182. A 189. C 196. A
183. B 190. C 197. C
184. D 191. D 198. D
185. D 192. A 199. C
186. B 193. B 200. B
187. A 194. B

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A proposed commercial & residential condominium building with basement components in a project
site having a uniform slope of 4% away from the RROW.

Statement of the Problem:

A private development company has acquired a new lot with a Total Lot Area (TLA) of four
thousand two hundred (4,200) square meters shall be developed to host a high-rise 23-storey office &
residential condominium building. The project is located in an urban area and the site has a 4% slope
towards the south. The building will have an AMBF of one thousand nine hundred four (1,904) square
meters or 28 meters x 68 meters.

The first 5 storey of the condominium will be used for the commercial offices/ rentable. Provide a
lobby on the ground floor with an area of two hundred eighty (280) square meters with a least dimension of
10-meters. The lobby will accommodate the elevators for the commercial and the residential units. A total of
4 elevators will be provided. The two elevators will be privately used for the tenants for the residential units.
The second – fifth floor for the commercial condominium will be provided with 8 units of rentable spaces.
Each unit will have an area of two hundred thirty (230) square meters.

The building footprint for the residential condominium will be one thousand one hundred (1,100)
square meters or 20 meters x 55 meters. A front setback of 9-meters and a 4-meter setback in all other
sides. 3 units will be available for the condominium. A 2-bedroom unit, 1-bedroom unit and studio type unit.
The 2-bedroom unit will have an area of 9% of the building footprint of the residential condominium.
The 1-bedroom unit will have an area of 7% of the residential footprint. And the area for the studio type unit
will be approximately 20 square meters.

There will also be a basement of 3-levels provided for parking. The area of the basement will be
the same as the AMBF.

Project Site Features:

The project is rectangular in shape, with a frontage of 40-meters facing north. The site is having an
8-meters wide driveway at the west portion towards the basement parking. The project required a 25-
meters setback at the front, 4-meter wide setback at the west side to serve as easement and 12-meter
setback at rear. The project site uniformly slopes at 4% away from the 25-meters RROW.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a high-density commercial building, marketable and attractive to small and medium-
sized buyers;
b. To plan/design the project in a way that can maximized profits for the Project Proponent; the ratio
of saleable versus non-saleable spaces based on GFA shall be 70:30; and

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PROJECT 11: Questions 01-20

1. Based on the given data, compute for the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)?
a. 1,904 sq.m. c. 3,264 sq.m.
b. 1,100 sq.m. d. 2,760 sq.m.

2. Based on Section 804, Table VIII.2 of Rule 7 & 8, compute for the Allowable Maximum Building
Footprint (AMBF)?
a. 1,904 sq.m. c. 3,264 sq.m.
b. 1,100 sq.m. d. 2,940 sq.m.

3. Based on Section 804, Table VIII.2 of Rule 7 & 8, compute for the Impervious Surface Area (ISA)?
a. 420 sq.m. c. 1,296 sq.m.
b. 696 sq.m. d. 840 sq.m.

4. Based on the given data, compute for the Unpaved Surface Area (USA)?
a. 936 sq.m. c. 420 sq.m.
b. 1,000 sq.m. d. 840 sq.m.

5. Based on the given data, compute for the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)?
a. 43,792 sq.m. c. 25,300 sq.m.
b. 29,320 sq.m. d. 75,072 sq.m.

6. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the lot?
a. 4.20 meters c. 1.60 meters
b. 4.20 sq.m. d. 1.60 sq.m.

7. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, which part of the lot has the lowest
a. North c. West
b. South d. East

8. Compute for the perimeter fence of the project lot.

a. 150 – 165 meters c. 288 – 293 meters
b. 192 – 195 meters d. 290 – 300 meters

9. What is the minimum front setback for the said project?

a. 3 meters c. 6 meters
b. 4.50 meters d. 8 meters

10. Given if the 2 bedroom unit requires tiles that have darker shades than of the other tiles for accent
purposes, how many 600 x 600 millimeter ceramic tiles in range are needed to cover the space?
a. 270 – 280 sq.m. c. 210 – 220 sq.m.
b. 280 – 290 pieces d. 220 – 230 pieces

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11. Based on the given data, a 4’ x 8’ meters ceiling board is to be installed to the studio type unit. How
many pieces are needed in range?
a. 7 – 10 pieces c. 6 – 8 pieces
b. 9 – 10 pieces d. 10 – 12 pieces

12. Based on Section 806 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the least dimension for the bath and toilet?
a. 1.20 sq.m. c. 0.90 mm
b. 1.20 meters d. 900 millimeters

13. Based on Section 805 of Rule 7 & 8, what would be the minimum ceiling height for the residential
condominium of the project?
a. 2.40 meters c. 2.10 meters
b. 2.70 meters d. 3.00 meters

14. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.2, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof
on the last floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure in range?
a. 240 – 250 meters c. 205 – 207 meters
b. 180 – 200 meters d. 200 – 205 meters

15. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given setback of the project, if the drainage
is aligned to the exterior walls of the structure, how much is the approximate length of open drain?
a. 195 – 197 meters c. 185 – 187.50 meters
b. 192 – 198 meters d. 190 – 193 meters

16. In relation with no. 13, provided that the 1 bedroom unit needs to be painted, compute for the
number of gallons of paints that is needed. If the least dimension of the unit is 5-meters. Provided
that: 1 gallon = 23 sq.m.
a. 6 – 7gallons c. 3 – 5 gallons
b. 4 – 6gallons d. 2 – 10 gallons

17. What is the range of the Allowable Maximum Volume of the Building (AMVB) for the project
considering the floor to floor height is 3 meters based on the acquired building footprint in the given
a. 225,216 sq.m. c. 87,960 sq.m.
b. 131,376 sq.m. d. 176,256 sq.m.

18. Based on Table VII.2 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the Building Height Limit (BHL) of the said project?
a. 12 c. 20
b. 18 d. 23

19. What is considered as an amenity?

a. High end Guard House
b. Swimming pool on a condominium
c. Restaurant in a mall
d. Not among the choices
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20. What is the tree that is shallow rooted and is hazardous to plant near the structure?
a. Coconut tree c. Traveler’s palm
b. Palm tree d. Mahogany


1. A 8. C 15. A
2. C 9. D 16. B
3. B 10. B 17. C
4. B 11. A 18. B
5. B 12. D 19. B
6. A 13. C 20. A
7. B 14. C

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Statement of the Problem:

A client commissioned you to plan a 2-storey, 5-unit mortuary chapel to a seven thousand two
hundred (7,200) square meter. The project will have an area of one thousand six hundred twenty (1,620)
square meters or 54-meters x 30-meters of Allowable Maximum Building Footprint where the longer side is
facing the front of the lot. An 18 meters x 22 meters main entrance lobby is provided in the front part of the
chapel. Each unit will have an area of two hundred sixteen (216) square meters or 12 meters x 18 meters.
A 4-meter wide corridor will separate each unit apart.

Project Site Features:

The project is fronting a 20-meters wide RROW located on the south side of the property. The
property is a regular inside lot. A 36-meter front setback for parking spaces. A 13-meter side setbacks and
a 24-meter setback on the north portion of the lot. The project site slopes uniformly at 1.5% towards the

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a mortuary chapel in accordance to its zone (C-2).

b. To plan/design a market that maximizes services for the public.
c. To design the project to fit the site location.

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PROJECT 12: Questions 21-40

21. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the lot in range?
a. 1.30 – 1.40 meters c. 1.15 – 1.25 meters
b. 1.20 – 1.30 meters d. 1.50 – 1.55 meters

22. What part of the lot has the highest elevation?

a. North c. East
b. South d. West

23. Based on Section 804, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8, in range, compute for the Allowable Maximum
Building Footprint (AMBF) of the project?
a. 4,500 – 4,800 sq.m. c. 5,000 – 5,100 sq.m.
b. 4,900 – 5000 sq.m. d. 5,900 – 6,000 sq.m.

24. Based on the given data, compute for the floor area of 3 units.
a. 1,080 sq.m. c. 396 sq.m.
b. 648 sq.m. d. 216 sq.m.

25. Based on Section 803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8, in range, compute for the Impervious Surface
Area (ISA) of the project in range?
a. 1,300 – 1,350 sq.m. c. 1,550 – 1,555 sq.m.
b. 1,440 – 1,445 sq.m. d. 1,600 – 1,650 sq.m.

26. Based on the given data, compute for the Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of the project in range.
a. 2,300 – 2,350 sq.m. c. 2,870 – 2,880 sq.m.
b. 2,890 – 2,900 sq.m. d. 2,600 – 2,650 sq.m.

27. Compute for the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) of the project based on Section 804, Table VIII.3
of Rule 7 & 8.
a. 3,240 sq.m. c. 12,136 sq.m.
b. 54,612 sq.m. d. 21,844.80 sq.m.

28. Compute for the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB) of the project based on Section
803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8.
a. 3,240 sq.m. c. 12,136 sq.m.
b. 54,612 sq.m. d. 21,844.80 sq.m.

29. Based on Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the minimum front setback of the project?
a. 5.00 meters c. 8.00 meters
b. 6.00 meters d. 4.50 meters

30. Compute for the perimeter fence of the project provided that is has a 6-meter gate.
a. 340 meters c. 340 sq.m.

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b. 334 meters d. 450 meters

31. Given that every unit requires tiles that have different shades than of the other tiles for accent
purposes, how many 600 x 600 millimeter ceramic tiles in range are needed to cover the space?
a. 600 – 605 pieces c. 3,000 – 3,100 pieces
b. 1,750 - 1,800 pieces d. 400 – 450 pieces

32. Compute for the width of the corridor.

a. 1.20 meters c. 6 meters
b. 3 meters d. 4 meters

33. The entrance lobby needs to be elevated at approximately 150 mm above grade which resulted to
a 150 mm thick slab on ground. How much volume of concrete is needed for the lobby? Given if it
requires 18 kilograms of rebars per cubic meters of concrete, how many kilograms of rebars are
a. 59.40 cubic meters, 1,188 kilograms
b. 59.40 cubic meters, 1,069.20 kilograms
c. 79.20 cubic meters, 1,425.60 kilograms
d. 79.20 cubic meters, 1,584 kilograms

34. Based on the given data, a 4’ x 8’ meters ceiling board is to be installed to the each unit. How
many pieces are needed in range?
a. 375 – 380 pieces c. 370 – 385 pieces
b. 80 – 85 pieces d. 135 – 140 pieces

35. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof
on the last floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure in range?
a. 312 – 315 meters c. 168 – 170 meters
b. 322 – 325 meters d. 175 – 178 meters

36. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given setback of the project, compute for the
Outermost Faces of Building (OFB)?
a. 168 meters c. 168 sq.m.
b. 312 meters d. 312 sq.m.

37. Based on Table VII.2 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the Building Height Limit (BHL) of the said project?
a. 168 meters c. 168 sq.m.
b. 312 meters d. 312 sq.m.

38. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how many 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board in
range is to be used if the 1.00-meter roof eaves on all sides will have ceiling?
a. 170 – 175 meters c. 320 – 325 sq.m.
b. 200 – 205 meters d. 380 – 385 sq.m.

39. What occupancy does the project belong?

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a. Institutional
b. Commercial 1
c. Commercial 2
d. Commercial 3

40. What is a mortuary?

a. Morgue
b. Graveyard
c. Chapel
d. Funeral Home


21. A 28. D 35. B

22. A 29. A 36. A
23. C 30. B 37. A
24. B 31. C 38. C
25. A 32. D 39. C
26. B 33. B 40. D
27. C 34. B

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A proposed exhibition hall in a project site having a uniform slope of 1.8% parallel to the RROW.

Statement of the Problem:

A private company is planning to build an exhibition hall on a property with a Total Lot Area (TLA)
of two thousand five hundred thirty (2,530) square meters. The building bulk will have an area of one
thousand twenty (1,020) square meters or 30 meters x 34 meters. The shorter side of the AMBF is facing

The main purpose of the structure is to cater for exhibits, cultural activities, seminars and meetings.
The main lobby will be located in the north part or front middle of the exhibition hall with an area of 80
square meters with the least dimension of 8-meters. An office with a toilet in the northeast with an area of
80 square meters. A main hall will also be provided with an area of four hundred eighty (480) square
meters with the depth of 16-meters. Next to the lobby and office will be a meeting hall with an area of equal
to the area of the main hall. Another meeting hall located in the southeast with a small kitchen and toilet
with the dimensions of 10 meters x 18 meters. Also provide a storage southeast part of the building with
dimensions of 10 meters x 12 meters.

Project Site Features:

The property is a regular inside lot where the longer side is parallel to a 12-meter RROW. The
shorter lot line of the property stretches at exactly 46-meters in length. The front portion of the project is
facing north and has the shorter lot line. A 15-meter front setback, a 10-meter setback in the east. The
north and eastern setbacks of the lot is intended for parking areas. A slope of 1.8% towards the east.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a shop that maximizes the profit thru good spatial relationships with good flows and
space planning;
b. To plan/design the project that is in-lined with sustainability; and
c. To plan/design a building that shall serve as a landmark in the host area.

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PROJECT 13: Questions 41-60

41. Compute for the elevation difference from the east to the west tip of the lot in range?
c. 0.85 – 0.95 meters c. 1.10 – 1.25 meters
d. 1.20 – 1.30 meters d. 0.80 – 0.90 meters

42. What part of the lot has the highest elevation?

c. North c. East
d. South d. West

43. Based on Section 804, Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8, in range, compute for the Impervious Surface
Area (ISA) of the project in range?
a. 490 – 505 sq.m. c. 1,130 – 1,145 sq.m.
b. 1255 – 1265 sq.m. d. 1,145 – 1,160 sq.m.

44. Based on Section 803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8. Compute for the Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of
the project in range if it has a firewall on the rear.
a. 490 – 505 sq.m. c. 1,130 – 1,145 sq.m.
b. 755 - 810 sq.m. d. 1,145 – 1,160 sq.m.

45. Based on the given data, a 4’ x 8’ meters ceiling board is to be installed to the main lobby. How
many pieces are needed in range?
a. 285 – 290 pieces c. 230 – 235 pieces
b. 290 – 295 pieces d. 235 – 240 pieces

46. Provided that the main hall wall needs to be painted, compute for the number of gallons of paints
that is needed. Considering that the height of the wall is 3 meters. Provided that: 1 gallon = 23
a. 8 – 10 gallons c. 15 – 18 gallons
b. 10 – 12 gallons d. 10 – 13 gallons

47. Compute for the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) of the project based on Section 803, Table VIII.1
of Rule 7 & 8.
c. 1,152 sq.m. c. 2,880 sq.m.
d. 1,265 sq.m. d. 1,844 sq.m.

48. Compute for the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB) of the project based on Section
804, Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8.
a. 3,456 sq.m. c. 3,240 sq.m.
b. 3,795 sq.m. d. 4,554 sq.m.

49. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given setback of the project, if the drainage
is aligned to the exterior walls of the structure, how much is the approximate length of open drain
canal of the house?
a. 150 – 155 meters c. 180 – 185 meters

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b. 125 – 130 sq.m. d. 135 – 140 meters

50. Given that the meeting hall requires to be tiled, how many 600 x 600 millimeter ceramic tiles in
range are needed to cover the space?
a. 160 – 165 pieces c. 175 – 180 pieces
b. 170 – 175 pieces d. 185 – 190 pieces

51. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how many 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board is
to be used if the 1.20-meter roof eaves on all sides will have ceiling?
a. 78 – 82 pieces c. 82 – 85 pieces
b. 80 – 85 pieces d. 75 – 80 pieces

52. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on the given data, if the walls of the structure
are aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof on the last floor has
1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure in range?
a. 135 – 140 pieces c. 180 - 185 pieces
b. 140 – 145 pieces d. 170 - 175 pieces

53. Based on the given data, compute in range the number of parking slots on the front portion in the
open area of the lot.
a. 50 – 55 slots c. 75 – 80 slots
b. 55 – 60 slots d. 15 – 20 slots

54. Compute for the meeting hall floor area that is located in south east of the building.
a. 480 sq.m. c. 120 sq.m.
b. 180 sq.m. d. 80 sq.m.

55. Compute for the meeting hall floor area that is located in south east of the building.
a. 480 sq.m. c. 120 sq.m.
b. 180 sq.m. d. 80 sq.m.

56. What is best treatment for the façade of the building?

a. Double glazing
b. Louvered façade
c. Plain cement finish with steel frame for Ad materials
d. None of the above

57. Considering green building principles, which of the following will have great immediate impact on
the maintenance of the building?
a. Solar water heating system
b. Rain water harvesting
c. Waterless urinals systems
d. Impervious concrete blocks

58. According to the NBCP, what is the maximum height of the structure?
a. 9 meters c. 12 meters
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b. 10 meters d. 15 meters

59. Based on Section 707, Table VII.4 of Rule 7 & 8, what group/occupancy does the project belong.
a. Division G-1 c. Division H-2
b. Division C-2 d. Division A-1

60. What rule of the IRR of PD 1096 entails the parking requirements this building type.
a. Rule XII c. Rule VIII
b. Rule VII d. Rule IX


41. D 48. A 55. C

42. D 49. D 56. C
43. C 50. C 57. D
44. C 51. B 58. D
45. D 52. A 59. B
46. C 53. A 60. B
47. D 54. B

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Statement of the Problem:

A privately owned company, with its committee, decided to reinvent and expand their existing
commercial building that sits on a five thousand nine hundred fifty (5,950) square meter lot and make it into
a wet and dry market. In order for the market to function, the client required these spaces: stores with an
area of forty-eight (48) square meters per unit, a forty (40) square meter office, and a thirty-two (32) square
meter toilet space. Since the project needs to be sanitary, it requires a garbage pit space to accommodate
wastes and residues.

Project Site Features:

The site is located on a commercial zoned area (C-2). The property is a regular inside lot and
contains a 40 meters x 40 meters existing shed structure which will be preserved and will house other
commercial kiosks and stalls for the market. The shorter side of the property stretches up to 70-meter in
length and is adjacent and parallel to the 20-meter wide road right of way. The site has an existing 4
parking slots.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a wet and dry market in accordance to its zone (C-2).

b. To plan/design a market that maximizes services for the public.
c. To plan/design a market that will serve as a landmark for its project location.

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PROJECT 14: Questions 61-80

61. On Table VIII.1, Section 803 of Rule 7 and 8, how much, in percent, it the allowed minimum
Unpaved Open Space?
a. 5% c. 7%
b. 10% d. 12%

62. What is the area of the building footprint (PSO) if the project doesn’t have a firewall, based on
Table VIII.1, Section 803 of Rule 7 and 8?
a. 4,442.50 sq.m. c. 4,462.50 sq.m.
b. 4,564.50 sq.m. d. 4,555.40 sq.m.

63. Given that the slab for the office is 0.15 meters thick, how many kilograms of steel reinforcing bars
are needed if it requires 15 kilograms of reinforcing bars per cubic meter of concrete?
a. 90 – 92 kilograms c. 90 – 110 kilograms
b. 80 – 90 kilograms d. 90 – 95 kilograms

64. As based on Table VIII.1, Section 803 of Rule 7 and 8, how much is the Maximum Allowable
Construction Area of the project if it doesn’t have a firewall?
a. 5,772.50 sq.m. c. 5,882.50 sq.m.
b. 5,982.50 sq.m. d. 5,652.50 sq.m.

65. Given that the store unit is arranged as such so that there will be one unit per bay and is arrayed in
one line, what is the recommended wall material in between stores?
a. Dry wall system for flexibility c. CHB for added strength
b. Glass for visibility d. Not among the choices
66. Based on the required setbacks on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, what is the Maximum
Allowable Building Footprint area of the project?
a. 5,444 sq.m. c. 4,928 sq.m.
b. 5,433 sq.m. d. 4,543 sq.m.

67. Based on the acquired building footprint, if the exterior walls all throughout is aligned up to the last
floor, what would be the area for the roof if it has 1.20-meter eaves in all sides?
a. 5,334.45 sq.m. c. 4,332.34 sq.m.
b. 5,272.16 sq.m. d. 4,344.34 sq.m.

68. Based on the acquired building footprint, if the exterior walls all throughout is aligned up to the last
floor, how many 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling boards are needed to be installed in the last floor
including the 1.20-meter roof eaves on all sides?
a. 1,831 pieces 1.20 x 2.40 ceiling boards
b. 2,332 pieces 1.20 x 2.40 ceiling boards
c. 1,554 pieces 1.20 x 2.40 ceiling boards
d. 1,432 pieces 1.20 x 2.40 ceiling boards

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69. Based on the acquired building footprint, how many 600 mm x 600 mm tiles does it need to cover
the ground floor area with 10 % of total number of tiles additional for contingencies?
a. 15,200 – 15,250 pieces c. 13,690 – 13,700 pieces
b. 15,050 – 15,100 pieces d. 13,345 – 13,400 pieces

70. Based on the acquired building footprint, if the exterior walls all throughout is aligned up to the last
floor, how much is the length of the gutter of the last floor is to be roofed with 1.20-meter eaves?
a. 285 – 295 meters c. 230 – 235 meters
b. 500 – 560 meters d. 380 – 385 meters

71. Based on the acquired building footprint, if the exterior walls all throughout is aligned up to the last
floor, how much is the total area of the eaves around the building given that the roof has 1.20-
meter eaves?
a. 355 – 400 sq.m. c. 345 – 351 sq.m.
b. 322 – 325 sq.m. d. 310 – 315 sq.m.

72. Based on Section 707, Table VII.4 of Rule 7 & 8, what group/occupancy does the project belong?
a. Division G-1 c. Division E-1
b. Division C-2 d. Division E-2

73. Based on Section 707, Table VII.4 of Rule 7 & 8. Compute for the number of parking slots if the
project has a costumer area of 2,700 sq.m.
a. 75 slots c. 85 slots
b. 100 slots d. 90 slots

74. Based on Section 804, Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the minimum setback for the project
given the type of residential use/occupancy?
a. 5.00m front, 3.00m sides, 3.00m rear
b. 6.00m front, 3.00m sides, 3.00m rear
c. 8.00m front, 5.00m sides, 5.00m rear
d. 5.00m front, 2.00m sides, 2.00m rear

75. Based on Section 803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8. Compute in range for the Total Open Space
within Lot (TOSL) of the project.
a. 980 – 1,000 sq.m. c. 1,450 – 1,485 sq.m.
b. 1,200 – 1,250 sq.m. d. 1,485 – 1,500 sq.m.

76. Based on Section 803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8. How much, in percent, the Total Open Space
within Lot (TOSL) of the project considering that it has a firewall in the right portion of the lot.
a. 15% c. 25%
b. 20% d. 30%

77. Based on Section 803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8. Compute for the Paved Open Spaces of the
a. 1,200 – 1,250 sq.m. c. 1,180 – 1,195 sq.m.
b. 1150 – 1170 sq.m. d. 1,175 – 1,180 sq.m.

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78. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8, if the walls of
the structure are aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof on the last
floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure in range?
a. 240 – 250 meters c. 295 – 300 meters
b. 285 – 290 meters d. 290 – 295 meters

79. Based on Section 803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8. How much, in percent, the Allowable Maximum
Building Footprint (AMBF) of the project considering that it has a firewall.
a. 75% c. 85%
b. 80% d. 90%

80. According to NBCP, what is the maximum FLAR of this building type?
a. 3.60 c. 9
b. 5 d. 15


61. A 68. A 75. D

62. C 69. A 76. A
63. A 70. C 77. D
64. D 71. C 78. C
65. A 72. D 79. C
66. C 73. D 80. C
67. B 74. A

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A Proposed Bus terminal that will accommodate 17-25 buses on a project site that is considerably
flat in terrain.

Statement of the problem:

Metro Manila Development Authority has decided to implement the Inter-city Bus System
connecting and servicing the major cities in the metropolis. The bus terminal shall have to accommodate
17-25 buses with a Total Lot Area (TLA) of Five thousand four hundred (5,400) square meters. The waiting
area should be comfortable enough to accommodate the 150 persons waiting for the bus. Provide 20
meters x 8 meters rentable lockers next to the toilet. Other spaces like the ticket office with a dimension of
8 meters x 15 meters, a ticket lobby with a dimension of 15 meters x 15 meters at the end of the guarded
sidewalk and an office space of one hundred eighty (180) square meters at the second floor.

Project site features:

The pilot site will be located in a parcel of land in Quezon City situated along EDSA intersection
node of Cubao-Aurora Blvd. Converted land use to UTS zone. The site is relatively flat with a frontage of
60 meters and 12 meters RROW. Spaces like Bus maintenance area with a dimension of 20 meter x 25
meter is located at the rear and northwest portion of the site. Other spaces like a restaurant with a
dimension of 10 meters x 18 meters and food court with a dimension of 18 meters x 18 meters were all
positioned at the rear portion of the site. A bus turn court with a dimension of 50 meters x 60 meters. A
toilet with a dimension of 16 meters x 20 meters is positioned at the west portion of the site with firewall.

Design Objectives:

a. To maximize the Client’s profit for the Project Proponent

b. To plan/design a building that serve as a landmark in the Project area with a sustainable least-cost.

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PROJECT 15: Questions 81-100

81. What is the range of the number of tiles to be used in the main ticket office and ticket lobby using
600mm x 600mm floor tiles?
a. 1,045 – 1,100 pieces c. 1,205 – 1,210 pieces
b. 995 – 1,000 pieces d. 1,215 – 1,220 pieces

82. What is the range of the total number of ceiling board to be used in the ticket office and ticket lobby
using 600mm x 1200mm ceiling board?
a. 420 - 450 pieces c. 500 - 520 pieces
b. 4,000 - 4,500 pieces d. 525 - 550 pieces

83. In rule 7 & and rule 8 what is the minimum standard truck or bus parking/loading slot?
a. 3.70 x 5.00m c. 3.60 x 12.00m
b. 2.50 x 5.00m d. 3.00 x 9.00m

84. In rule 7 & and rule 8 what is the range of slope for the entry ramp of the driveway connecting the
roadway surface to the sidewalk surface?
a. 1/3 to 1/4 c. 1/4 to 3/4
b. 1/16 to 1/8 d. 1/8 to 1/2

85. What is the range of the total ceiling area for the restaurant and food court?
a. 505 – 520 sq.m. c. 590 – 600 sq.m.
b. 450 – 460 sq.m. d. 500 – 510 sq.m.

86. In rule 7 & rule 8 of the national building code, what is the meaning of the abbreviation of UTS?
a. Unpaved Total Space
b. Utilitarian Terminal System
c. Utilities Transportation and Services
d. Unpaid Terminal Services

87. In accordance with the Fire Code of the Philippines, in what classification of occupancy does bus
terminal fall under?
a. Institutional c. Business
b. Assembly d. Mercantile

88. In accordance with the Fire Code of the Philippines, what is the minimum travel distance if not
protected by automatic suppression?
a. 46 meters c. 61 meters
b. 36 meters d. 41 meters

89. What is the common term for a wall designed to prevent the spread of fire, having a fire resistance
rating of not less than four (4) hours with sufficient structural stability?
a. Abutment wall c. Fire resistant wall
b. End wall d. Fire wall

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90. What is the common term for the maximum number of persons that may be allowed to occupy a
particular building, structure or facility or portions of building?
a. Live Load c. Maximum Load
b. Occupant Load d. Dead Load

91. What is the area of the building footprint (PSO) if the project doesn’t have a firewall, based on
Table VIII.1, Section 803 of Rule 7 and 8?
a. 2,160 sq.m. c. 3,240 sq.m.
b. 2,700 sq.m. d. 3,780 sq.m.

92. Given that the slab for the bus maintenance area & toilet is 0.15 meters thick, how many kilograms
of steel reinforcing bars are needed if it requires 20 kilograms of reinforcing bars per cubic meter of
a. 2,550 – 3,000 kilograms c. 2,240 kilograms
b. 2,460 – 2,475 kilograms d. 2,780 kilograms

93. If the restaurant & food court exterior walls all throughout is aligned up to the last floor, how much
is the total area of the ceiling around the building given that the roof has 1.20-meter eaves?
a. 504 – 520 sq.m. c. 500 – 550 sq.m.
b. 625 – 650 sq.m. d. 115 – 130 sq.m.

94. Based on Section 804, Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the minimum setback for the project
given the type of residential use/occupancy?
a. 5.00m front, 3.00m sides, 3.00m rear
b. 6.00m front, 3.00m sides, 3.00m rear
c. 8.00m front, 5.00m sides, 5.00m rear
d. 5.00m front, 2.00m sides, 2.00m rear

95. Based on Section 803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8, in range, compute for the Impervious Surface
Area (ISA) of the project in range if it doesn’t have a firewall?
a. 2,490 – 2,505 sq.m. c. 2,000 – 2,100 sq.m.
b. 2,255 – 2,265 sq.m. d. 2,100 – 2,175 sq.m.

96. Based on Section 803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8. Compute for the Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of
the project in range.
a. 490 – 505 sq.m. c. 600 – 700 sq.m.
b. 755 - 810 sq.m. d. 500 – 600 sq.m.

97. Based on the given data, a 4’ x 8’ meters ceiling board is to be installed to the ticket office & ticket
lobby. How many pieces are needed in range?
a. 185 – 190 pieces c. 130 – 135 pieces
b. 118 – 120 pieces d. 125 – 130 pieces

98. Provided that the food court wall needs to be painted, compute for the number of gallons of paints
that is needed. Considering that the height of the wall is 3 meters. Provided that: 1 gallon = 23
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a. 10 – 12 gallons c. 12 – 13 gallons
b. 9 -11 gallons d. 10 – 15 gallons

99. Based on the acquired building footprint on Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8, how many 600 mm x 600
mm tiles does it need to cover the ground floor area with 10 % of total number of tiles additional for
a. 9,900 – 10,000 pieces c. 8,250 – 8,500 pieces
b. 7,500 – 7,560 pieces d. 9,000 – 9,158 pieces

100. What occupancy does the project belong?

a. Institutional
b. Industrial - 1
c. UTS
d. Cultural


81. B 88. B 95. C

82. C 89. D 96. C
83. C 90. B 97. D
84. A 91. B 98. A
85. D 92. B 99. A
86. C 93. B 100. C
87. D 94. D

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A Proposed Multi-level parking building on a Project Site having a three Percent (3.0%) slope
towards the RROW.

Statement of the problem:

The client has decided that his property, with a Total Lot Area (TLA) of five thousand three hundred
fifty (5,350) square meters and located in an Urban Area, shall serve as a Parking Building. The building
should accommodate a total of 450 parking slots. Each level will serve 150 of parking slots with a building
bulk of 33 meters x 100 meters.

Project site features:

The project site is rectangular in shape, with a frontage of 140-meters facing south. It has 3% slope
towards the 12-meters RROW. The building bulk is 33 meters x 100 meters with a front setback of
approximately 5-meters and a firewall at rear portion.

Design Objectives:

a. To maximize the Client’s profit for the Project Proponent

b. To plan/design a building that serve as a landmark in the Project area with a sustainable least-cost.

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PROJECT 16: Questions 101-120

101. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the property with a 3% slope?
a. 1.80 meters c. 1.15 meters
b. 1.20 meters d. 5.35 meters

102. What is the range of the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) of the project based on the
given data?
a. 5,200 – 5,400 sq.m. c. 2,800 – 3,000 sq.m.
b. 2,600 – 2,800 sq.m. d. 4,300 – 4,500 sq.m.

103. Given that the slab for the parking building at ground floor is 0.15 meters thick, how many
kilograms of steel reinforcing bars are needed if it requires 15 kilograms of reinforcing bars per
cubic meter of concrete?
a. 7,425 – 7,430 kilograms c. 1,100 – 1,150 kilograms
b. 8,070 – 8,100 kilograms d. 8,520 – 8,535 kilograms

104. What is the range for the area of roof of the project considering a 1.00 meter roof eaves with
firewall at the back?
a. 3,775 sq.m. c. 4,800 sq.m.
b. 3,250 sq.m. d. 2,680 sq.m.

105. What is the Total Open Space of the Lot (TOSL) for the project based on the given data?
a. 3,775 sq.m. c. 4,800 sq.m.
b. 2,050 sq.m. d. 2,680 sq.m.

106. Great parking lots are safe, easy access for wheelchairs and maintaining good sight lines. What is
the most commonly used and most economical parking layout of parking spaces?
a. Parallel parking c. 90 degrees parking
b. 45 degrees parking d. 60 degrees parking

107. Compute for the Allowable Maximum Volume of the Building (AMVB) for the project considering the
floor to floor height is 3 meters.
a. 30,320 cu.m. c. 26,520 cu.m.
b. 29,700 cu.m. d. 66,170 cu.m.

108. What is the Percentage of the Site Occupancy (PSO) of the project?
a. 58% of the Total Lot Area c. 72% of the Total Lot Area
b. 70% of the Total Lot Area d. 62% of the Total Lot Area

109. What is the common term for any street, alley or other strip of land unobstructed from the ground to
the sky, deeded, dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated for public use?
a. Hallway c. Alley
b. Public way d. Highway

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110. What is the ideal slope of ramp in a parking building?
a. 1:12 ratio c. 1:10 ratio
b. 1:8 ratio d. 1:15 ratio

111. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the lot in range?
a. 1.30 – 1.40 meters c. 1.10 – 1.20 meters
b. 1.20 – 1.30 meters d. 1.50 – 1.55 meters

112. What part of the lot has the highest elevation?

a. North c. East
b. South d. West

113. Based on Section 804, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8, in range, compute for the Allowable Maximum
Building Footprint (AMBF) of the project?
a. 4,500 – 4,800 sq.m. c. 4,200 – 4,500 sq.m.
b. 4,900 – 5000 sq.m. d. 5,900 – 6,000 sq.m.

114. What occupancy does the project belong?

a. Commercial – 1
b. Industrial – 1
c. UTS
d. Commercial – 2

115. Based on Section 803, Table VIII.1 of Rule 7 & 8, in range, compute for the Impervious Surface
Area (ISA) of the project in range?
a. 300 – 350 sq.m. c. 550 – 555 sq.m.
b. 440 – 445 sq.m. d. 600 – 650 sq.m.

116. Based on the given data, compute for the Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of the project in range if
the project doesn’t have a firewall.
a. 300 – 350 sq.m. c. 870 – 880 sq.m.
b. 890 – 900 sq.m. d. 600 – 650 sq.m.

117. Compute for the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) of the project based on Section 803, Table VIII.1
of Rule 7 & 8.
a. 13,642.50 sq.m. c. 12,037.50 sq.m.
b. 9,900 sq.m. d. 21,844.80 sq.m.

118. Compute for the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB) of the project based on the given
a. 30,240 sq.m. c. 40,927.50 sq.m.
b. 36,112.50 sq.m. d. 29,700 sq.m.

119. Based on Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8, what is the minimum front setback of the project?
a. 5.00 meters c. 8.00 meters
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b. 6.00 meters d. 4.50 meters

120. Compute for the perimeter fence of the project provided that is has a 6-meter gate.
a. 356.42 meters c. 340.42 sq.m.
b. 350.42 meters d. 450.42 meters


101. C 108. D 115. B

102. C 109. C 116. A
103. A 110. A 117. A
104. B 111. C 118. D
105. B 112. A 119. A
106. C 113. C 120. B
107. B 114. D

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A proposed two-storey, single detached residential project development, R-1, on a Project Site with
ten percent 10% slope.

Statement of the Problem:

An Owner has decided that his R-1 zoned property, with a Total Lot Area (TLA) of one thousand
nine hundred thirty-four point seventy-two (1,934.72) square meters and located in an urban area, shall
serve as an open market residential cluster development. Individual lots shall have a 12-meter depth. The
project shall include six (6) exclusive, semi-upscale structures each having a Total Lot Area (TLA) of one
hundred thirty-two (132) square meters.

The seventy seven (77) square meters Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) are the enclosed areas only
and excludes all the other floor areas if being introduced in the future.

Project Site Features:

The Project Site is an inside lot, rectangular in shape, having a thirty-two (32) meters wide frontage
that is facing east. The project site uniformly slopes at one percent (1.0%) draining south. The 15-meter
RROW has 1.80-meter wide paver, block surface sidewalk on each side. The RROW is at 0.0 elevation.

An 8-meter wide cluster street bisects the site at its long axis and intersects the main RROW at a
right angle. The road is at ten percent (10%) uniform slope from west to east, which is also the direction of
the cluster street that serves as a direct access to the 10 lots, 5 on each side of the cluster street, the 2 end
lots at the western portion shall equal to 31.45% wider than the adjacent lot at the center of the

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design the project on an R-1 zoned property.

b. To plan/design a Project that is a closely-knit Residential cluster that will serve as a model
development in the area.
c. To maximize the Client’s profit for the Project Proponent; and
d. The Project shall serve as a Landmark for the area.

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PROJECT 17: Questions 121-140

121. Under NBCP what will be the minimum width of private stairway serving an occupant load of less
than 10?
a. 750mm c. 1.10mm
b. Answer not among the choices d. 900mm

122. Under NBCP, what is generally permitted range for number of storey?
a. 1 to 5 c. 5 to 6
b. 1 to 3 d. 6 to 9

123. What type of R-1 foundation should be used if the adjacent lot is sloping upward?
a. Strip footing c. Isolated footing
b. Retaining wall d. Trapezoidal footing

124. Under NBCP all inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard shall have a minimum width of.
a. 2.00 meters c. 4.50 meters
b. 1.20 meters d. 5.00 meters

125. Which is not part of architectural interior?

a. Chairs c. Lamp shade
b. Ceiling d. Walls

126. Which orientation is more ideal for the units within the development?
a. North East – South West c. North West – South East
b. West – East d. North - South

127. Which is NOT good height of door knob?

a. 1.10 meters c. 1.00 meters
b. 1.06 meters d. 0.82 meters

128. Given the density, what is the ideal number of ingress/egress of site?
a. 1 main Access c. 1 main – 1 emergency
b. 2 main Accesses d. 2 main – 1 emergency

129. For pooled parking for the above development. Which is applicable?
a. 1 slot for every 10 plots c. 1 slot for every 4 plots
b. 1 slot for every 8 plots d. 1 slot for every 2 plots

130. What is the total area of the common single size bed?
a. 2.10 sq.m. c. 1.90 sq.m.
b. 1.71 sq.m. d. 2.57 sq.m.

131. What is the total area of the common double size bed?
a. 2.106 sq.m. c. 2.905 sq.m.

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b. 2.715 sq.m. d. 2.565 sq.m.

132. What is the total area of the common king size bed?
a. 2.97 sq.m. c. 3.94 sq.m.
b. 3.42 sq.m. d. 2.83 sq.m.

133. What is the total area of the common night stand table?
a. 0.075 sq.m. c. 0.305 sq.m.
b. 0.203 sq.m. d. 0.12 sq.m.

134. Which of the following finishing materials is not considered resilient

a. Carpet tile c. Vinyl strip tile
b. Vitreous tile d. Vinyl tile

135. Which of the following is not a hardware?

a. Hinged
b. Door stop
c. Door leaf
d. Screw

136. Which of the following is not a millwork?

a. Door casing
b. Chair rail
c. Balustrade
d. Door knob

137. Which of the following finishing materials is considered resilient

a. Ceramic tile
b. Vinyl tile
c. Vitreous tile
d. None of the above

138. Which of the following is millworks item?

a. Projected window
b. Steel door
c. Door casing
d. Steel balustrade

139. In inclement weather, what amenities should be placed at the entrance to the unit?
a. Bigger corridor/hallway width to dry up umbrellas
b. Built in storage to secure umbrellas and raincoats
c. Umbrella racks for water drip near entrance
d. Metal brackets hanging of umbrellas

140. When entering the units there should be?

a. Service entrance accessing directly to kitchen
b. Connection between main entrance and kitchen should be direct as possible
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c. Connection between main entrance and living area linking to kitchen as much as possible
d. Does not matter groceries is placed in plastic bag anyways.


121. A 128. B 135. C

122. C 129. C 136. D
123. C 130. B 137. B
124. B 131. D 138. C
125. C 132. B 139. C
126. D 133. B 140. B
127. A 134. B

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A proposed garment and undergarment factory project on a project site having a 4% slope.

Statement of the Problem:

A privately owned company decided to erect a building on its property with a Total Lot Area (TLA)
of ten thousand (10,000) square meter located in an industrial zone. The structure to be erected shall be
an Industrial building.

Project Site Features:

The project site is rectangular inside lot, with an 80-meters wide frontage facing west. The project
site uniformly slopes at 4% towards a creek 6-meters at the east. The side facing west is a road for regular
access of container vans and trucks on a 24-hour basis. The RROW is a 30-meters wide street having a
slope of 2/3 of 1.0% draining north and which has 2.40-meters wide sidewalks at both sides. The surface
of the sidewalk at the center of the project site frontage is considered as elevation 0.0m.

The primary RROW is intersected at right angles by two minor streets, each with 6-meters RROW.
The two (2) corners have 6-meters “chaflans” with legs of 4.25-meters. To the left of the site is a private
office building, to the right is a ceramic factory, across the site are two (2) videoke bars and a restobar with
live-band performances, and across the creek are 2-storey row houses.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a factory that maximizes the profit thru good vertical/spatial relationships with good
flows and space planning;
b. To plan/design the project that is in-lined with sustainability; and
c. To plan/design a building that shall serve as a landmark in the host area.

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PROJECT 18: Questions 141-160

141. Under PD 1096, how many exit should be provided if the building having an occupant load of 1000
or more?
a. 10 exits c. 2 exits
b. 4 exits d. 6 exits

142. Which of the following is not a hardware?

a. Hinge c. Door closer
b. Door stop d. None of the above

143. Which of the following is not a millwork?

a. Answer not on the choices c. Balustrade
b. Chair rail d. Cornices

144. Which of the following finishing materials is considered resilient?

a. Ceramic tile c. Vitreous tile
b. Granite tile d. None of the above

145. Which of the following is not a millworks item?

a. Yakal jamb c. Door casing
b. Steel door d. Chair rail

146. Which of the following is a good lighting device for a general production area with the ceiling
consisting of the soffit of a suspended slab
a. Industrial lighting (suspended fluorescent lamps with reflectors)
b. Pendant lighting (suspended CFL with housing)
c. Troffer lighting (fluorescent lamps with soffit-mounted light box and diffusers)
d. Pendant lighting (suspended incandescent lamps)

147. What kind of treatment should best fit the façade of the of a garment factory
a. More on steel
b. More on glass and steel with less concrete
c. More on concrete with less glass and steel
d. Combination of concrete and plastic

148. Considering the total span of column is 8.00 meters, how many parallel parking slot will be fit
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

149. In relation to question no. 58 how many perpendicular parking slot will be fit
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

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150. In the given site orientation where is the appropriate location to provide sound buffer to minimize
the noise comes from the adjoining lot.
a. Northeast to southwest perimeter
b. Northwest to northeast perimeter
c. Southeast to southwest perimeters
d. South perimeter

151. What type of sound buffer can be provide at the site to minimize noise and budget consideration
a. 3 meters firewall with sound transmission loss
b. Corrugated G.I sheet at the top of the 1 meter wall
c. Palm tree at 2 apart
d. Coconut tree at 1 meter apart
152. Maximum height of industrial wall without beam above grade
a. 4.00 meters c. 5.00 meters
b. 4.50 meters d. 6.00 meters

153. What is the zoning classification of the project as per NBCP

a. I – 1 c. G – 1
b. I – 2 d. J – 1

154. As per NBCP, what is the allowable air space per person of the project?
a. 16 sq.m. c. 13 sq.m.
b. 3 sq.m. d. 11 sq.m.

155. Under NBCP, lot abutting creek has a mandatory easement of how many meters
a. 3 c. 8
b. 5 d. 10

156. Under PD 1096, considering minimum setback what will be the Allowable Maximum Building
Footprint (AMBF) of the project
a. 7,840 sq.m. c. 7,630 sq.m.
b. 8,160 sq.m. d. 5,454 sq.m.

157. Under NBCP and considering the lowest portion of the lot, what will be the allowable Building
Height Limit (BHL) of the project in meters from sidewalk level?
a. 21 meters c. 26 meters
b. 10.50 meters d. 13 meters

158. Under NBCP, what will be the Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA) of the project?
a. 7,808 sq.m. c. 8,000 sq.m.
b. 8,500 sq.m. d. 8,296 sq.m.

159. Under NBCP, what will be the ISA of the project?

a. 1,464 sq.m. c. 3,904 sq.m.
b. 2,928 sq.m. d. 488 sq.m.

160. Under PD1096, what will be the PSO of the project?

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a. 4,880 sq.m. c. 5,856 sq.m.
b. 6,832 sq.m. d. 7,808 sq.m.


141. B 148. A 155. A

142. D 149. C 156. C
143. A 150. C 157. C
144. D 151. D 158. D
145. B 152. A 159. A
146. A 153. B 160. B
147. B 154. C

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A proposed medium-rise apartment building project i.e. a development with a basement

component and on a project site having an 8% slope towards the RROW.

Statement of the Problem:

A private development company (the developer) has decided that its newly acquired property with
Total Lot Area (TLA) of six thousand (6,000) square meters shall be developed to host a medium-rise
apartment building (the Project). The project is located in a rural area, high-gross density (Division B-1)
Maximum R-3. The dwelling units shall be 2 types: (1st) studio-type with a Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 22-
square meters: (2nd) one-bedroom apartment units with a Gross Floor Area (GFA) of fifty (50) square

Project Site Features:

The project site is rectangular in shape and is an interior lot, with width of 50-meters, the front part
of which faces north. The 2-lanes RROW for access and drainage (to be negotiated with the owner of the
adjoining lot) is 80-meters deep and with direct access to the 20-meters wide street.

The RROW slopes at 1/3 of 1%, uniformly draining west. The road has a 2.4-meters wide sidewalk
at each side. The project site uniformly slopes at 8% toward the RROW which also slopes at 8% towards
the vacant lot in front. The surface of the sidewalk shall be generally considered as elevation 0.0 meters.
To the left of the site is a vacant lot (as viewed from the RROW) and to the rear of the project site is a
proposed 3-storey single detached residence.

Design Objectives:

a. To plan/design a medium-rise apartment building, marketable and attractive to middle-income

b. To plan/design the apartment building in a way that can maximized rentals and leases for the
developer, the ratio of saleable versus non-saleable spaces based n GFA shall be 70:30 of the
leasable eighty five percent (85.0%) of the Total Gross Floor Area(TGFA); and
c. To plan/design a building that shall serve as a landmark in the project area while considering the
least cost for the development of the project.

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PROJECT 19: Questions 161-180

161. Under BP344, What is the allowable elevator door width of the project?
a. 850 millimeters c. 900 centimeters
b. 800 meters d. 800 nanometers

162. Parking areas for disabled person shall be within how many meters of the facility being served
measured from the farthest parking space along accessible path to the closest accessible distance.
a. 60 meters c. 40 meters
b. 50 meters d. 25 meters

163. What is the best paint color of the roof deck?

a. Light gray c. Black
b. Dark gray d. White

164. Which is not included in the architectural interior?

a. Bed c. Suspended ceiling
b. Kitchen counter top d. Split-type AC

165. What is not an indoor equipment?

a. AC window type c. Portable generator
b. Exhaust pan d. Split-type AC

166. For Amenities, Facilities, Services and Utilities (AFSU) introduced, what is the primary priority?
a. Utilities, Amenities, Facilities, Services
b. Amenities, Facilities, Services and Utilities
c. Facilities, Amenities, Services and Utilities
d. Utilities, Services, Facilities and Amenities

167. What is the sequence of priority for the space requirement for a studio type unit?
a. Kitchen, dining area, bedroom, living area
b. Bed area, dining area, living area and kitchen
c. Bed area, kitchen, dining, living area
d. Living area, dining area, kitchen and bed area

168. What is the sequence priority for one bedroom unit?

a. Kitchen, dining area, bedroom, living area
b. Bed area, dining area, living area, kitchen
c. Bed area, kitchen, dining, living area
d. Living area, dining area, kitchen and bed area

169. What is the most common structural system presently employed in medium-rise apartment
a. Flat-plate cast-in-place reinforced concrete with randomly framed column
b. Steel structural frame

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c. Masonry and CHB for external envelope and drywall for internal partition
d. None of the above

170. Given the proposed project, slope and orientation, where should ‘Excavation’ start?
a. In the perimeter walls of each sides
b. After establishing the yards required
c. Right on the property line of the lot
d. Setback provisions from O.F.B.

171. As per NBCP, for apartment with a ceiling height of 2.40m the air changes per hour is?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

172. Which is not an architectural interior element

a. Dry wall partition
b. Entrance screen door
c. Bathroom floor
d. Suspended ceiling

173. Under NBCP, minimum width of the sidewalk for a RROW width of 9.00 meters or more shall be
how many meters on each side of the RROW
a. 1.80 meters c. 2.00 meters
b. 2.40 meters d. 1.80 meters

174. Under PD1096, what is the suggested minimum width of 2 lanes alley, roadway, carriageway or the
a. 2.00 meters c. 6.00 meters
b. 2.40 meters d. 8.00 meters

175. In relation to question no. 69 and NBCP (PD1096) how much will be the width of the sidewalks
a. 2 meters up to 4 meters c. 1 meter each side
b. 3 meters up to 5 meters d. 2 meter each side

176. In relation to question no. 69 and NBCP (PD1096) what is the total widths of planting strips
a. 0.40 meter c. 0.90 meter
b. 0.30 meter d. Optional

177. Which of the following floor finish is slippery when dirty?

a. Plain cement finish c. Carpet tiles
b. Granite tiles d. Vinyl tiles

178. What is the allowable maximum building footprint (AMBF) of the project?
a. 4,200 sq.m. c. 4,633 sq.m.
b. 4,512 sq.m. d. 4,122 sq.m.

179. Considering the minimum setback as per NBCP, what is the allowable maximum building footprint
(AMBF) of the project without firewall?
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a. 5,100 sq.m. c. 5,160 sq.m.
b. 4,312 sq.m. d. 4,446 sq.m.

180. Under PD1096, how much is the ISA of the project with firewall provision?
a. 9,426 sq.m. c. 564 sq.m.
b. 600 sq.m. d. 900 sq.m.


161. A 168. A 175. C

162. A 169. B 176. D
163. A 170. B 177. B
164. D 171. C 178. C
165. C 172. B 179. D
166. D 173. B 180. C
167. C 174. C

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A proposed thermal power plant project on a project site having a 1.5% slope towards the RROW.

Statement of the Problem:

The client commissioned you to plan a thermal power plant on a five thousand (5,000) square
meter regular inside lot. The AMBF will have an area of one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square meters.
The building bulk will have dimensions of 30 meters x 60 meters.

Project Site Features:

The property is a regular lot located in an industrial zone. The lot slopes at 1.5% towards the road.
A 90-meter lot line of the property is facing a 20-meter wide RROW. A 20-meter wide left and front setback
is also to be provided. And a 10-meter right setback.

Design Objectives:

a. To design and maximize client’s profit for the project proponent.

b. The project will serve as the landmark for the site.
c. To design the project to fit the site location.

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PROJECT 20: Questions 181-200

181. Based on the given data, compute in range the number of parking slots on the left portion of the
open area of the lot. Provided that it has a 3 meter wide driveway.
a. 55 – 60 slots c. 45 – 50 slots
b. 60 – 65 slots d. 70 – 75 slots

182. Based on Table VIII.1 on rule 7 and 8, how much is the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) of
the project in range?
a. 3,400 – 3,600 sq.m. c. 3,200 –3,400 sq.m.
b. 3,500 – 3,700 sq.m. d. 3,000 – 3,250 sq.m.

183. Based on Table VIII.1 on rule 7 and 8, how much is the Unpaved Surface Area (USA) of the project
in range provided that it has a firewall at the right side of the lot?
a. 525 – 570 sq.m. c. 450 – 475 sq.m.
b. 520 – 540 sq.m. d. 500 – 580 sq.m.

184. Based on the given data, how much is the Impervious Surface Area (ISA) of the project in range?
a. 1,750 – 1,800 sq.m. c. 1,900 – 1,950 sq.m.
b. 800 – 1,000 sq.m. d. 500 – 750 sq.m.

185. Compute for the area of the equipment room. Provided that it is 15% of the AMBF in the given
a. 265 sq.m. c. 336 sq.m.
b. 125 sq.m. d. 275 sq.m.

186. Based on Table VIII.3 on rule 7 and 8, compute for the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint
a. 1,800 sq.m. c. 3,994.20 sq.m.
b. 1,250 sq.m. d. 3,728.50 sq.m.

187. Based on the given data, compute for the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO).
a. 54% of the TLA c. 80% of the TLA
b. 33% of the TLA d. 36 % of the TLA

188. Based on Table VIII.3 on rule 7 and 8, compute for the Impervious Surface Area (ISA)?
a. 472 sq.m. c. 737 sq.m.
b. 672 sq.m. d. 768 sq.m.

189. Given that the display area is 23% of the AMBF that is derived from Table VIII.3 of Rule 7 & 8, if it
needs to be tiled, how many 600 mm x 600 mm unglazed tiles will be used?
a. 2,650 pieces c. 2,465 pieces
b. 2,551 pieces d. 2,766 pieces

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190. Given that the sidewalk is considered as elevation 0.00 meters, how much is the elevation
difference from the sidewalk to the rear tip of the building?
a. 1.25 meters c. 0.85 meters
b. 1.35 meters d. 0.82 meters

191. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given setback of the project, if the drainage
is aligned to the exterior walls of the structure, how much is the approximate length of open drain
canal of the structure in range.
a. 135 – 140 meters c. 185 – 200 meters
b. 140 – 145 meters d. 200 – 250 meters

192. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on Table VIII.3, Section 804 of Rule 7 and 8,
if the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how many 1.20 x 2.40 meters ceiling board
is to be used if the 1.20-meter roof eaves on all sides will have ceiling?
a. 189.12 sq.m. c. 212.76 sq.m.
b. 218.87 sq.m. d. 321.48 sq.m.

193. Based on the acquired building footprint based/given on table VIII.3, section 804 of rule 7 and 8, if
the walls of the structure are aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof
on the last floor has 1.20-meter roof eaves all around the structure?
a. 354.40 meters c. 320.60 meters
b. 381.60 meters d. 326.70 meters

194. In relation with no. 189, provided that the display area ceiling needs to be painted, compute for the
number of gallons of paints that is needed. Provided that: 1 gallon = 23 sq.m.
a. 31 gallons c. 40 gallons
b. 48 gallons d. 25 gallons

195. Given that the building needs to be elevated by 1.50 meters. Compute for the riser if it has 10
a. 0.20 meters c. 0.18 meters
b. 0.12 meters d. 0.15 meters

196. Based on the acquired building footprint based on the given data, if the walls of the structure are
aligned on all its sides, how much is the length of the gutter if the roof on the last floor has 1.20-
meter roof eaves all around the structure in range?
a. 154.40 meters c. 172 meters
b. 144.80 meters d. 189.60 meters

197. Based on the given data, the whole floor area needs to be elevated at approximately 150 mm
above grade which resulted to a 150 mm thick slab on ground. How much volume of concrete is
needed? Given if it requires 18 kilograms of rebars per cubic meters of concrete, how many
kilograms of rebars are needed?
a. 270 cubic meters, 2,700 kilograms c. 600 cubic meters, 10,785 kilograms
b. 270 cubic meters, 5,400 kilograms d. 600 cubic meters, 11,982.60 kilograms

198. Given if the ceiling needs to be painted, what type of paint is to be applied?
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a. Glossy paint so that it won’t easily get dirty
b. Semi-glossy paint so that light won’t concentrate much which can cause much glare
c. Flat paint so that it won’t be glaring
d. Not among the choices

199. Where is the most economical location of beam connected to column?

a. At center of the column
b. At exterior face of the column
c. At interior face of the column
d. Answer not among the choices

200. What occupancy does the project belong?

a. Institutional
b. Industrial - 1
c. UTS
d. Cultural


181. D 188. B 195. D

182. C 189. A 196. D
183. B 190. C 197. A
184. B 191. C 198. B
185. A 192. D 199. B
186. C 193. D 200. B
187. D 194. C

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