Strategic Management TB Chap009
Strategic Management TB Chap009
Strategic Management TB Chap009
2. Which one of the following is not one of the elements of crafting corporate strategy for a
diversified company?
A) Picking new industries to enter and deciding on the means of entry
B) Choosing the appropriate value chain for each business the company has entered
C) Pursuing opportunities to leverage cross-business value chain relationships and strategic fits
into competitive advantage
D) Establishing investment priorities and steering corporate resources into the most attractive
business units
E) Initiating actions to boost the combined performance of the businesses the firm has entered
When to Diversify
6. Diversification becomes a relevant strategic option in all but which one of the following
A) When a company spots opportunities to expand into industries whose technologies and
products complement its present business.
B) When a company is only earning a low profit margin in its principal business
C) When a company has a powerful and well-known brand name that can be transferred to the
products of other businesses and thereby used as a lever for driving up the sales and profits of
such businesses.
D) When a company can open up new avenues for reducing costs by diversifying into closely
related businesses.
E) When a company can leverage existing competencies and capabilities by expanding into
industries where these same resource strengths are key success factors and valuable
competitive assets.
9. The three tests for judging whether a particular diversification move can create value for
shareholders are
A) the attractiveness test, the profitability test, and the shareholder value test.
B) the strategic fit test, the competitive advantage test, and the return on investment test.
C) the resource fit test, the profitability test, and the shareholder value test.
D) the attractiveness test, the cost-of-entry test, and the better-off test.
E) the shareholder value test, the cost-of-entry test, and the profitability test.
10. To test whether a particular diversification move has good prospects for creating added
shareholder value, corporate strategists should use
A) the profit test, the competitive strength test, the industry attractiveness test, and the capital
gains test.
B) the better-off test, the competitive advantage test, the profit expectations test, and the
shareholder value test.
C) the barrier to entry test, the competitive advantage test, the growth test, and the stock price
effect test.
D) the strategic fit test, the industry attractiveness test, the growth test, the dividend effect test,
and the capital gains test.
E) the attractiveness test, the cost of entry test, and the better-off test.
11. The attractiveness test for evaluating whether diversification into a particular industry is likely to
build shareholder value involves determining whether
A) conditions in the target industry are sufficiently attractive to permit earning consistently good
profits and returns on investment.
B) the potential diversification move will boost the company’s competitive advantage in its
existing business.
C) shareholders will viewed the contemplated diversification move as attractive.
D) key success factors in the target industry are attractive.
E) there are attractive strategic fits between the value chains of the company's present businesses
and the value chain of the new business it is considering entering.
12. The cost-of-entry test for evaluating whether diversification into a particular industry is likely to
build shareholder value involves
A) determining whether a newly entered business presents opportunities to cost-efficiently
transfer competitively valuable skills or technology from one business to another.
B) determining whether the cost to enter the target industry will strain the company’s credit
C) considering whether a company’s costs to enter the target industry are low enough to preserve
attractive profitability or so high that the potentials for good profitability and return on
investment are eroded.
D) determining whether the cost to enter the target industry will raise or lower the company’s
total profits.
E) determining whether the cost a company incurs to enter the target industry will raise or lower
production costs.
13. The better-off test for evaluating whether a particular diversification move is likely to generate
added value for shareholders involves
A) assessing whether the diversification move will make the company better off because it will
produce a greater number of core competencies.
B) assessing whether the diversification move will make the company better off by improving its
balance sheet strength and credit rating.
C) assessing whether the diversification move will make the company better off by spreading
shareholder risks across a greater number of businesses and industries.
D) evaluating whether the diversification move will produce a 1 + 1 =3 outcome such that the
company’s different businesses perform better together than apart and the whole ends up
being greater than the sum of the parts.
E) assessing whether the diversification move will benefit shareholders due to gains in earnings
per share and faster stock price appreciation.
14. Acquisition of an existing business is an attractive strategy option for entering a promising new
industry because it
A) is an effective way to hurdle entry barriers, is usually quicker than trying to launch a brand-
new start-up operation, and allows the acquirer to move directly to the task of building a
strong position in the target industry.
B) is less expensive than launching a new start-up operation, thus passing the cost-of-entry test.
C) is a less risky way of passing the attractiveness test.
D) is more likely to result in passing the shareholder value test, the profitability test, and the
better-off test.
E) offers the prospect of gaining an immediate competitive advantage in the new industry and
thus helps ensure that the diversification move will pass the competitive advantage test for
building shareholder value.
15. Internal start-up of a new business subsidiary can be a more attractive means of entering a
desirable new business than is acquiring an existing firm already in the targeted industry when
A) the costs associated with internal startup are less than the costs of buying an existing
company and the company has ample time and adequate resources to launch the new internal
start-up business from the ground up.
B) there is a small pool of desirable acquisition candidates.
C) the target industry is growing rapidly and no good joint venture partners are available.
D) all of the potential acquisition candidates are losing money.
E) the target industry is comprised of several relatively large and well-established firms.
16. The most popular strategy for entering new businesses and accomplishing diversification is
A) forming a joint venture with another company to enter the target industry.
B) internal startup.
C) acquisition of an existing business already in the chosen industry.
D) forming a strategic alliance with another company to enter the target industry.
E) None of the above—strategic alliances and joint ventures are equally popular and rank well
ahead of acquisition and internal start-up in terms of frequency of use.
18. Which one of the following is not a factor that makes it appealing to diversify into a new industry
by forming an internal start-up subsidiary to enter and compete in the target industry?
A) When internal entry is cheaper than entry via acquisition.
B) When a company possesses the skills and resources to overcome entry barriers and there is
ample time to launch the business and compete effectively.
C) When adding new production capacity will not adversely impact the supply demand balance
in the industry by creating oversupply conditions
D) When the industry is growing rapidly and the target industry is comprised of several
relatively large and well-established firms
E) When incumbent firms are likely to be slow or ineffective in combating a new entrant’s
efforts to crack the market
19. Diversifying into a new industry by forming a new internal subsidiary to enter and compete in the
target industry is attractive when
A) all of the potential acquisition candidates are losing money.
B) it is impractical to outsource most of the value chain activities that have to be performed in
the target business/industry.
C) there is ample time to launch the new business from the ground up and entry barriers can be
hurdled at acceptable cost.
D) the company has built up a hoard of cash with which to finance a diversification effort.
E) none of the companies already in the industry are attractive strategic alliance partners.
20. A joint venture is an attractive way for a company to enter a new industry when
A) a firm is missing some essential skills or capabilities or resources and needs a partner to
supply the missing expertise and competencies or fill the resource gaps.
B) it needs access to economies of scope and good financial fits in order to be cost-competitive.
C) it is uneconomical for the firm to achieve economies of scope on its own initiative.
D) the firm has no prior experience with diversification.
E) it has not built up a hoard of cash with which to finance a diversification effort.
21. A joint venture is an attractive way for a company to enter a new industry when
A) the pool of attractive acquisition candidates in the target industry is relatively small.
B) it needs better access to economies of scope in order to be cost-competitive.
C) the industry is growing slowly and adding too much capacity too soon could create
oversupply conditions.
D) the firm has no prior experience with diversification and the industry is on the verge of
explosive growth.
E) the opportunity is too risky or complex for a company to pursue alone, a company lacks some
important resources or competencies and needs a partner to supply them, and/or a company
needs a local partner in order to enter a desirable business in a foreign country.
27. Which of the following is not one of the appeals of related diversification?
A) It can offer opportunities for transferring expertise, technology, and other capabilities from
one business to another.
B) It can offer opportunities for reducing costs and for leveraging use of a competitively
powerful brand name.
C) Related diversification is particularly well-suited for the use of offensive strategies and
capturing valuable financial fits.
D) It may present opportunities for cross-business collaboration to create valuable new
competencies and capabilities.
E) The relatedness among the different businesses provides sharper focus for managing
diversification and a useful degree of strategic unity across the company’s various business
29. A company pursuing a related diversification strategy would likely address the issue of what
additional industries/businesses to diversify into by
A) locating businesses with well-known brand names and large market shares.
B) identifying industries with the least competitive intensity.
C) identifying an attractive industry whose value chain has good strategic fit with one or more of
the firm's present businesses.
D) identifying businesses with the potential to diversify the number and types of different
activities in the firm's value chain make-up.
E) locating new businesses with high degrees of financial fit with its present businesses.
30. Strategic fit between two or more businesses exists when one or more activities comprising their
respective value chains present opportunities
A) to transfer expertise or technology or capabilities from one business to another.
B) for cross-business use of a common brand name.
C) to lower costs by combining the performance of the related value chain activities of different
D) for cross-business collaboration to build valuable new resource strengths and competitive
E) All of these.
34. Which of the following statements about cross-business strategic fit in a diversified enterprise is
not accurate?
A) Strategic fit between two businesses exists when the management know-how accumulated in
one business is transferable to the other.
B) Strategic fit exists when two businesses present opportunities to economize on marketing,
selling, and distribution costs.
C) Competitively valuable cross-business strategic fits are what enable related diversification to
produce a 1 + 1 = 3 performance outcome.
D) Strategic fit is primarily a byproduct of unrelated diversification and exists when the value
chain activities of unrelated businesses possess economies of scope and good financial fit.
E) Strategic fit exists when a company can transfer its brand name reputation to the products of
a newly acquired business and add to the competitive power of the new business.
39. A diversified company that leverages the strategic fits of its related businesses into competitive
A) has a distinctive competence in its related businesses.
B) has a clear path to achieving 1 + 1 = 3 gains in shareholder value.
C) has a clear path to global market leadership in the industries where it has related businesses.
D) passes the value chain test and the profit expectations test for building shareholder value.
E) achieves economies of scope and passes the reduced-costs test for crafting a diversification
strategy capable of creating added shareholder value.
45. In diversified companies with unrelated businesses, the strategic attention of top executives tends
to be focused on
A) screening acquisition candidates and evaluating the pros and cons or keeping or divesting
existing businesses.
B) identifying acquisition candidates that can pass the better-off test.
C) identifying opportunities to achieve greater economies of scope.
D) identifying opportunities to acquire businesses that can benefit from using the parent
company’s potent brand name.
E) identifying acquisition candidates that can pass the capital gains test
46. Which of the following is not likely to command much strategic attention from the top executives
of companies pursuing an unrelated diversification strategy?
A) Acquiring new businesses with attractive profit prospects
B) Whether existing businesses should be retained or divested based on their ability to meet
corporate targets for profit and returns on investment
C) Looking for new businesses that present good opportunities for achieving economies of scope
D) Identifying acquisition candidates that are financially distressed, can be acquired at a bargain
price, and whose operations can, in management’s opinion, be turned around with the aid of
the parent company’s financial resources and managerial know-how
E) Identifying opportunities to acquire new businesses in industries with bright growth prospects
47. Which of the following merits top priority attention by top executives of companies pursuing an
unrelated diversification strategy?
A) Acquiring new businesses that utilize much the same technology as existing businesses
B) Whether to keep or divest businesses whose competitive strategies do not match the overall
competitive strategy of the corporation
C) Looking for new businesses having attractive distribution-related and customer-related
strategic fits with existing businesses
D) Identifying acquisition candidates that are financially distressed, can be acquired at a bargain
price, and whose operations can, in management’s opinion, be turned around with the aid of
the parent company’s financial resources and managerial know-how
E) Identifying potential new acquisition candidates that are cash cows (as opposed to cash hogs)
48. With an unrelated diversification strategy, the types of companies that make particularly attractive
acquisition targets are
A) financially distressed companies with good turnaround potential, undervalued companies that
can be acquired at a bargain price, and companies that have bright growth prospects but are
short on investment capital.
B) companies offering the biggest potential to reduce labor costs.
C) cash cow businesses with excellent financial fit.
D) companies that are market leaders in their respective industries.
E) companies that are employing the same basic type of competitive strategy as the parent
corporation’s existing businesses.
51. Which of the following is not one of the appeals of an unrelated diversification strategy?
A) The ability to spread business risk over truly diverse businesses (as compared to related
diversification which is limited to spreading risk only among businesses with strategic fit)
B) An ability to employ the company’s financial resources to maximum advantage by investing
in whatever industries/businesses offer the best profit prospects
C) Superior top management ability to cope with the wide variety of problems encountered in
managing a broadly diversified group of businesses
D) A potential for achieving somewhat more stable corporate sales and profits over the course of
economic upswings and downswings (to the extent the company diversifies into businesses
whose ups and downs tend to occur at different times)
E) The potential to grow shareholder value by investing in bargain-priced or struggling
companies with big upside profit potential, turning their operations around fairly quickly with
infusions of cash and managerial know-how, and then riding the crest of higher profitability
52. Which of the following is not among the disadvantages and managerial problems encountered by
companies pursuing unrelated diversification strategies?
A) Being without the added source of competitive advantage that cross-business strategic fit
B) Spreading corporate resources too thinly over too many different lines of business
C) The strain it places on corporate-level management in trying to stay on top of fresh industry
developments and the strategic progress and plans of each business subsidiary
D) Ending up with too many cash hog businesses (as compared to related diversification
strategies where cash hog businesses are rare)
E) The potential that corporate management will not know how to bail a business subsidiary that
runs into deep trouble—because the company has diversified into businesses that corporate
management has little experience or expertise in running
56. To identify a diversified company’s strategy, one should consider such factors as
A) the extent to which the firm is broadly or narrowly diversified, whether it is pursuing related
or unrelated diversification (or a mixture of both), and the recent moves it has made to divest
businesses, acquire new businesses, and strengthen the positions of existing businesses.
B) whether the company is focusing on “milking its cash cows” or “feeding its cash hogs.”
C) the technological proficiencies, labor skill requirements, and functional area strategies
characterizing each of the firm's businesses.
D) each business's competitive approach—whether it is pursuing a low-cost leadership,
differentiation, best-cost, focused differentiation, or focused low-cost strategy.
E) whether it is emphasizing the pursuit of economies of scale or economies of scope.
57. When identifying a diversified company's present corporate strategy, which of the following
would not be something to look for?
A) Recent moves to build positions in new industries
B) The company’s approach to allocating investment capital and resources across its present
C) Recent management actions to strengthen the company’s positions in existing businesses
D) Recent moves to divest weak or unattractive business units
E) Actions over the past few years to substitute global strategies for multi-country strategies in
one or more business units
58. The procedure for evaluating the pluses and minuses of a diversified company's strategy includes
A) assessing the attractiveness of the industries the company has diversified into.
B) assessing the competitive strength of each business the company has diversified into to see
which ones are the strongest/weakest contenders in their respective industries.
C) ranking the performance prospects of the various businesses from best to worst and
determining the priorities for resource allocation.
D) checking the competitive advantage potential of cross-business strategic fits and also
checking whether the firm’s resources fit the needs of the various businesses the company has
diversified into.
E) All of the above.
59. Which of the following is not a major consideration in evaluating the pluses and minuses of a
diversified company's strategy?
A) Checking whether the company’s resources fit the requirements of its present business lineup
B) Scrutinizing each industry/business to determine where driving forces are strongest/weakest
and how many profitable strategic groups the company has diversified into
C) Ranking the performance prospects of the various businesses from best to worst and
determining what the corporate parent’s priorities should be in allocating resources to its
different businesses
D) Checking the competitive advantage potential of cross-business strategic fits
E) Assessing the competitive strength of each business the company has diversified into and
determining which ones are strong/weak contenders in their respective industries
60. A comprehensive evaluation of the group of businesses a company has diversified into involves
A) evaluating the attractiveness of industries the company has diversified into and the
competitive strength of each of its business units.
B) evaluating the strategic fits and resource fits among the various sister businesses.
C) ranking the performance prospects of the businesses from best to worst and determining what
the corporate parent’s priorities should be in allocating resources to its various businesses.
D) using the results of the prior analytical steps as a basis for crafting new strategic moves to
improve the company’s overall performance.
E) All of the above.
61. Evaluating a diversified company's corporate strategy and critiquing the pluses and minuses of its
business lineup involves
A) a SWOT analysis of each industry in which the firm has a business interest.
B) applying the cost-of-entry test, the better-off test, the profitability test, and the shareholder
value test to each business and industry represented in the company's business portfolio.
C) evaluating the strategic fits and resource fits among the various sister businesses and deciding
what priority to give each of the company's business units in allocating resources.
D) looking at each industry/business to determine how many profitable strategic groups that the
company has diversified into.
E) determining how many of the business units are following focus strategies, differentiation
strategies, best-cost provider strategies, and low-cost leadership strategies.
62. Which one of the following is not an important aspect of evaluating the merits of a diversified
company’s strategy?
A) Assessing the competitive strength of each business the company has diversified into
B) Determining which business units are cash cows and which ones are cash hogs and then
evaluating how soon the company's cash hogs can be transformed into cash cows
C) Evaluating the strategic fits and resource fits among the various sister businesses
D) Assessing the attractiveness of the industries the company has diversified into, both
individually and as a group
E) Ranking the performance prospects of the businesses from best to worst and deciding what
priority to give each of the company's business units in allocating resources
63. In judging the attractiveness of the businesses a multi-business company has diversified into, it is
important to
A) consider whether each industry the company has diversified into represents a good business
for the company to be in.
B) calculate industry attractiveness scores for each industry into which the company has
C) use the industry attractiveness scores to rank the industries from most to least attractive.
D) use the industry attractiveness scores to evaluate the attractiveness of all the industries as a
E) All of the above
64. As a rule, all the industries represented in a diversified company's business portfolio should be
judged on such attractiveness factors as
A) market size and projected growth rate.
B) emerging opportunities and threats, the intensity of competition, and the degree of industry
uncertainty and business risk.
C) resource requirements and the presence of cross-industry strategic fits.
D) seasonal and cyclical factors, industry profitability, and whether an industry has significant
social, political, regulatory, and environmental problems.
E) All of these.
65. Which of the following is not generally something that ought to be considered in evaluating the
attractiveness of a diversified company's business makeup?
A) Market size and projected growth rate, industry profitability, and the intensity of competition
B) Industry uncertainty and business risk
C) The frequency with which strategic alliances and collaborative partnerships are used in each
industry, the extent to which firms in the industry utilize outsourcing, and whether the
industries a company has diversified into have common key success factors
D) Seasonal and cyclical factors, resource requirements, and whether an industry has significant
social, political, regulatory, and environmental problems
E) The presence of cross-industry strategic fits
67. Calculating quantitative attractiveness ratings for the industries a company has diversified into
A) determining each industry's key success factors, calculating the ability of the company to be
successful on each industry KSF, and obtaining overall measures of the firm's ability to
compete successfully in each of its industries based on the combined KSF ratings.
B) determining each industry's competitive advantage factors, calculating the ability of the
company to be successful on each competitive advantage factor, and obtaining overall
measures of the firm's ability to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in each of its
industries based on the combined competitive advantage factor ratings.
C) selecting a set of industry attractiveness measures, weighting the importance of each
measure, rating each industry on each attractiveness measure, multiplying the industry ratings
by the assigned weight to obtain a weighted rating, adding the weighted ratings for each
industry to obtain an overall industry attractiveness score, and using the overall industry
attractiveness scores to evaluate the attractiveness of all the industries, both individually and
as a group.
D) rating the attractiveness of each industry’s strategic and resource fits, summing the
attractiveness scores, and determining whether the overall scores for the industries as a group
are appealing or not.
E) identifying each industry's average profitability, rating the difficulty of achieving average
profitability in each industry, and deciding whether the company’s prospects for above-
average profitability are attractive or unattractive, industry-by-industry.
68. The chief purpose of calculating quantitative industry attractiveness scores for each industry a
company has diversified into is to
A) determine which industry is the biggest and fastest growing.
B) get in position to rank the industries from most competitive to least competitive.
C) provide a basis for drawing analysis-based conclusions about the attractiveness of the
industries a company has diversified into, both individually and as a group, and further to
provide an indication of which industries offer the best and worst long-term prospects.
D) ascertain which industries have the easiest-to-achieve key success factors.
E) rank the attractiveness of the various industry value chains from best to worst.
70. When industry attractiveness ratings are calculated for each of the industries a multi-business
company has diversified into, the results help indicate
A) which industries appear to be the best and worst ones to be in and the attractiveness of all the
industries as a group from the standpoint of the company’s long-term performance.
B) which industries have attractive key success factors and which industries have unattractive
key success factors.
C) which industries have the biggest economies of scale and which industries have the greatest
economies of scope and the overall potential for cost reduction in the industries as a group.
D) which industries are most attractive from the standpoint of long-term growth and the growth
prospects of all the industries as a group.
E) which industries are most attractive from the standpoint of industry driving forces and
competitive forces.
71. Calculating quantitative attractiveness ratings for the industries a diversified company has
invested in
A) allows a company to rank the competitive advantage opportunities in each industry from best
to worst.
B) helps identify which industries have the best/worst prospects for revenue growth.
C) identifies which industry has the best/worst value chain from the standpoint of cost reduction
D) provides a basis for deciding whether a diversified company has good prospects for growth
and profitability, given the attractiveness ratings of the industries in which it has business
E) helps identify which industry is likely to be the largest/smallest contributor to the company’s
growth and profitability.
72. Assessments of how a diversified company's subsidiaries compare in competitive strength should
be based on such factors as
A) vulnerability to seasonal and cyclical downturns, vulnerability to driving forces, and
vulnerability to fluctuating interest rates and exchange rates.
B) relative market share, ability to match or beat rivals on key product attributes, brand image
and reputation, costs relative to competitors, and ability to benefit from strategic fits with
sister businesses.
C) the appeal of its strategy, relative number of competitive capabilities, the number of products
in each businesses product line, which businesses have the highest/lowest market shares, and
which businesses earn the highest/lowest profits before taxes.
D) the ability to hurdle barriers to entry, value chain attractiveness, and business risk.
E) cost reduction potential, customer satisfaction potential, and comparisons of annual cash
flows from operations.
73. The basic purpose of calculating competitive strength scores for each of a diversified company's
business units is to
A) rank the business unit from best to worst in terms of potential for cost reduction and profit
margin improvement.
B) determine how strongly positioned each business unit is in its industry and the extent to
which it already is or can become a strong market contender.
C) determine which business unit has the greatest number of resource strengths, competencies,
and competitive capabilities and which one has the least.
D) determine which one has the biggest market share and is growing the fastest.
E) rank each business unit’s strategy from best to worst.
74. Calculating quantitative competitive strength ratings for each of a diversified company’s business
units involves
A) determining each industry's key success factors, rating the ability of each business to be
successful on each industry KSF, and adding the individual ratings to obtain overall measures
of each business's ability to compete successfully.
B) identifying the competitive forces facing each business, rating the strength of these
competitive forces industry-by-industry, and then ranking each business’s ability to be
profitable, given the strength of the competition it faces.
C) selecting a set of competitive strength measures, weighting the importance of each measure,
rating each business on each strength measure, multiplying the strength ratings by the
assigned weight to obtain a weighted rating, adding the weighted ratings for each business
unit to obtain an overall competitive strength score, and using the overall competitive
strength scores to evaluate the competitive strength of all the businesses, both individually
and as a group.
D) determining which businesses possess good strategic fit with other businesses, identifying the
portion of the value chain where this fit occurs, and evaluating the strength of the competitive
advantage attached to each of the strategic fits to get an overall measure of competitive
advantage potential—businesses with the highest/lowest competitive advantage potential
have the most/least competitive strength.
E) rating the caliber of each businesses strategic and resource fits, weighting the importance of
each type of strategic/resource fit, calculating weighted strategic/resource fit scores, and
adding the weighted ratings for each business to obtain an overall strength score for each
business unit that indicates whether the company has adequate strategic/resource fits to be a
strong market contender in each of the industries where it competes.
76. Using relative market share to assess a business's competitive strength is analytically superior to
straight percentage measures of market share because relative market share
A) is a better measure of a business's potential for increased sales and profitability.
B) is a better indicator of competitive strength than is a simple percentage measure of market
share—for instance, a company with a 20% share is in a much stronger competitive position
if its largest rival has a share of 10% (which means its relative market share is 2.0) than it is if
its largest rival has a 30% market share (in which case the company’s relative market share is
only 0.67).
C) is a better overall measure of a business's ability to compete on the basis of quality, service,
and product performance as well as on price.
D) is a more revealing measure of whether a business has a profitable business strategy.
E) provides a more accurate indication of the business's brand image and reputation with buyers.
78. The value of determining the relative competitive strength of each business a company has
diversified into is
A) to have a quantitative basis for identifying which businesses have large/small competitive
advantages or competitive disadvantages vis-à-vis the rivals in their respective industries.
B) to have a quantitative basis for rating them from strongest to weakest in terms of contributing
to the corporate parent’s revenue growth.
C) to compare resource strengths and weaknesses, business by business.
D) to have a quantitative basis for rating them from strongest to weakest in contending for
market leadership in their respective industries.
E) to have a quantitative basis for rating them from strongest to weakest in terms of contributing
to the corporate parent’s profitability.
Using a Nine Cell Matrix to Simultaneously Display Industry Attractiveness and Competitive
80. The most importance strategy-making guidance that comes from drawing a 9-cell industry
attractiveness-competitive strength matrix is
A) which businesses in the portfolio have the most potential for strategic fit and resource fit.
B) why cash cow businesses are more valuable than cash hog businesses.
C) that corporate resources should be concentrated on those businesses enjoying both a higher
degree of industry attractiveness and competitive strength and that businesses having low
competitive strength in relatively unattractive industries should be looked at for possible
D) which businesses have the biggest competitive advantages and which ones confront serious
competitive disadvantages.
E) which businesses are in industries with profitable value chains and which are in industries
with money-losing value chains.
81. One of the most significant contributions to strategy-making in diversified companies that the 9-
cell industry attractiveness/competitive strength matrix provides is
A) identifying which businesses have strategies that should be continued, which business have
strategies that need fine-tuning, and which businesses have strategies that need major
B) that businesses having the greatest competitive strength and positioned in the most attractive
industries should have the highest priority for corporate resource allocation and that
competitively weak businesses in relatively unattractive industries should have the lowest
priority and perhaps even be considered for divestiture.
C) pinpointing what strategies are most appropriate for businesses positioned in the four corners
of the matrix (although the matrix reveals little about the best strategies for businesses
positioned in the remainder of the matrix).
D) its ability to pinpoint what kind of competitive advantage or disadvantage each business has.
E) pinpointing which businesses to keep and which ones to divest.
82. In a diversified company, a business subsidiary has more competitive advantage potential when
A) it is a cash cow.
B) it has value chain relationships with other business subsidiaries that present competitively
valuable opportunities to transfer skills or technology or intellectual capital from one
business to another, combine the performance of related activities and reduce costs, share use
of a well-respected brand name, or collaborate to create new competitive capabilities.
C) it is the company's biggest profit producer or is capable of becoming the biggest.
D) it is in a fast-growing industry.
E) it operates in an industry where competition is less intense and driving forces are relatively
83. Checking the competitive advantage potential of cross-business strategic fits in a diversified
company involves evaluating the extent to which sister businesses present
A) opportunities to combine the performance of certain cross-business activities and thereby
reduce costs.
B) opportunities to transfer skills, technology, or intellectual capital from one business to
C) opportunities for the company’s different businesses to share use of a well-respected brand
D) opportunities for sister businesses to collaborate in creating valuable new competitive
E) All of these.
84. Checking a diversified company's business portfolio for the competitive advantage potential of
cross-business strategic fits does not involve ascertaining
A) the extent to which sister business units have value chain match-ups that offer opportunities
to combine the performance of related value chain activities and reduce costs.
B) the extent to which sister business units have value chain match-ups that offer opportunities
to transfer skills or technology or intellectual capital from one business to another.
C) the extent to which sister business units have opportunities to share use of a well-respected
brand name.
D) the extent to which sister business units have value chain match-ups that offer opportunities
to create new competitive capabilities or to leverage existing resources.
E) which business units are cash cows and which ones are cash hogs.
85. Checking a diversified firm's business portfolio for the competitive advantage potential of cross-
business strategic fits entails consideration of
A) whether the parent’s company’s competitive advantages are being deployed to maximum
advantage in each of its business units.
B) whether the competitive strategies employed in each business act to reinforce the competitive
power of the strategies employed in the company’s other businesses.
C) whether the competitive strategies in each business possess good strategic fit with the parent
company’s corporate strategy.
D) the extent to which there are competitively valuable relationships between the value chains of
sister business units and what opportunities they present to reduce costs, share use of a potent
brand name, create competitively valuable new capabilities via cross-business collaboration,
or transfer skills or technology or intellectual capital from one business to another.
E) how compatible the competitive strategies of the various sister businesses are and whether
these strategies are properly aimed at achieving the same kind of competitive advantage.
86. Which of the following is not a part of checking a diversified company's business units for cross-
business competitive advantage potential?
A) Ascertaining the extent to which sister business units have value chain match-ups that offer
opportunities to combine the performance of related value chain activities and reduce costs
B) Ascertaining the extent to which sister business units have value chain match-ups that offer
opportunities to transfer skills or technology or intellectual capital from one business to
C) Ascertaining the extent to which sister business units are making maximum use of the parent
company’s competitive advantages
D) Ascertaining the extent to which sister business units have value chain match-ups that offer
opportunities to create new competitive capabilities or to leverage existing resources
E) Ascertaining the extent to which sister business units present opportunities to share use of a
well-respected brand name
87. A diversified company's business units exhibit good resource fit when
A) each business is a cash cow.
B) a company has the resources to adequately support the requirements of its businesses as a
group without spreading itself too thin and when individual businesses add to a company’s
overall strengths.
C) each business is sufficiently profitable to generate an attractive return on invested capital.
D) each business unit produces large internal cash flows over and above what is needed to build
and maintain the business.
E) the resource requirements of each business exactly match the resources the company has
88. The businesses in a diversified company's lineup exhibit good resource fit when
A) the resource requirements of each business exactly match the resources the company has
B) individual businesses add to a company's resource strengths and when a company has the
resources to adequately support the requirements of its businesses as a group without
spreading itself too thin.
C) each business is generates just enough cash flow annually to fund its own capital
requirements and thus does not require cash infusions from the corporate parent.
D) each business unit produces sufficient cash flows over and above what is needed to build and
maintain the business, thereby providing the parent company with enough cash to pay
shareholders a generous and steadily increasing dividend.
E) there are enough cash cow businesses to support the capital requirements of the cash hog
91. The difference between a “cash-cow” business and a “cash hog” business is that
A) a cash cow business is making money whereas a cash hog business is losing money.
B) a cash cow business generates enough profits to pay off long-term debt whereas a cash hog
business does not.
C) a cash cow business generates positive retained earnings whereas a cash hog business
produces negative retained earnings.
D) a cash cow business produces large internal cash flows over and above what is needed to
build and maintain the business whereas the internal cash flows of a cash hog business are
too small to fully fund its operating needs and capital requirements.
E) a cash cow business generates very large increases in sales revenues whereas a cash hog
business has declining sales revenues and chronic deficiencies of working capital.
92. The tests of whether a diversified company’s businesses exhibit resource fit do not include
A) whether the excess cash flows generated by cash cow businesses are sufficient to cover the
negative cash flows of its cash hog businesses.
B) whether a business adequately contributes to achieving the corporate parent’s performance
C) whether the company has adequate financial strength to fund its different businesses and
maintain a healthy credit rating.
D) whether the corporate parent has sufficient cash to fund the needs of its individual businesses
and pay dividends to shareholders without having to borrow money.
E) whether the corporate parent has or can develop sufficient resource strengths and competitive
capabilities to be successful in each of the businesses it has diversified into.
93. Which one of the following is not part of the task of checking a diversified company's business
line-up for adequate resource fit?
A) Determining whether the excess cash flows generated by cash cow businesses are sufficient
to cover the negative cash flows of its cash hog businesses
B) Determining whether recently acquired businesses are acting to strengthen a company’s
resource base and competitive capabilities or whether they are causing its competitive and
managerial resources to be stretched too thinly across its businesses (sometimes newly-
acquired businesses soak up a disproportionate share of management’s time and put a strain
on other company resources)
C) Determining whether some business units have value chain match-ups that offer opportunities
to transfer skills or technology or intellectual capital from one business to another
D) Determining whether the company has adequate financial strength to fund its different
businesses and maintain a healthy credit rating
E) Determining whether the corporate parent has or can develop sufficient resource strengths
and competitive capabilities to be successful in each of the businesses it has diversified into
Ranking the Performance Prospects of Business Units and Assigning a Priority for Resource
94. Conclusions about what the priorities should be for allocating resources to the various businesses
of a diversified company need to be based on such considerations as
A) each business’s profit and growth prospects.
B) industry attractiveness and competitive strength of the various businesses—normally strong
businesses in attractive industries should carry a higher priority than weak businesses in
unattractive industries.
C) the degree of strategic fit and resource fit with other business units.
D) whether and how corporate resources can be used to enhance the competitiveness of
particular business units.
E) All of these.
95. Which one of the following is not a particularly relevant consideration in deciding what the
priorities should be for allocating resources to the various businesses of a diversified company?
A) Whether and how corporate resources and capabilities can be used to enhance the
competitiveness of particular business units
B) What competitive strategy the business is presently using
C) Whether a business exhibits good strategic fit and resource fit with sister businesses
D) Whether to divest marginal businesses and free up resources for redeployment to higher-
opportunity areas
E) Industry attractiveness and the competitive strength of the various businesses¾normally
strong businesses in attractive industries should be given higher priority than weak businesses
in unattractive industries
96. Which one of the following is the best guideline for deciding what the priorities should be for
allocating resources to the various businesses of a diversified company?
A) Businesses with high industry attractiveness ratings should be given top priority and those
with low industry attractiveness ratings should be given low priority.
B) Business subsidiaries with the brightest profit and growth prospects and solid strategic and
resource fits generally should head the list for corporate resource support.
C) The positions of each business in the nine-cell attractiveness-strength matrix should govern
resource allocation.
D) Businesses with the most strategic and resource fits should be given top priority and those
with the fewest strategic and resource fits should be given low priority.
E) Businesses with high competitive strength ratings should be given top priority and those with
low competitive strength ratings should be given low priority
97. The options for allocating a diversified company's financial resources include
A) making acquisitions to establish positions in new businesses or to complement existing
B) investing in ways to strengthen or grow existing businesses.
C) funding long-range R&D ventures aimed at opening market opportunities in new or existing
D) paying off existing debt, increasing dividends, building cash reserves, or repurchasing shares
of the company's stock.
E) All of these.
98. Which one of the following is not a reasonable option for deploying a diversified company's
financial resources?
A) Making acquisitions to establish positions in new businesses or to complement existing
B) Concentrating most of a company's financial resources in cash cow businesses and allocating
little or no additional resources to cash hog businesses until they show enough strength to
generate positive cash flows
C) Funding long-range R&D ventures aimed at opening market opportunities in new or existing
D) Paying down existing debt, increasing dividends, or repurchasing shares of the company's
E) Investing in ways to strengthen or grow existing businesses
100. The strategic options to improve a diversified company’s overall performance do not include
which of the following categories of actions?
A) Broadening the company’s business scope by making new acquisitions in new industries
B) Increasing dividend payments to shareholders and/or repurchasing shares of the company's
C) Restructuring the company’s business lineup and putting a whole new face on the company’s
business makeup
D) Pursuing multinational diversification and striving to globalize the operations of several of
the company’s business units
E) Divesting weak-performing businesses and retrenching to a narrower base of business
101. Once a company has diversified into a collection of related or unrelated businesses and concludes
that some strategy adjustments are needed, which one of the following is not one of the main
strategy options that a company can pursue?
A) Pursue multinational diversification
B) Restructure the company’s business lineup
C) Craft new initiatives to build/enhance the reputation of the company’s brand name
D) Divest some businesses and retrench to a narrower diversification base
E) Broaden the diversification base
102. A company that is already diversified may choose to broaden its business base by building
positions in new related or unrelated businesses because
A) it has resources or capabilities that are eminently transferable to other related or
complementary businesses.
B) the company's growth is sluggish and it needs the sales and profit boost that a new business
can provide.
C) management wants to lessen the company’s vulnerability to seasonal or recessionary
influences or to threats from emerging new technologies.
D) it wants to make new acquisitions to strengthen or complement some of its present
E) All of these.
105. In which of the following instances is retrenching to a narrower diversification base not likely to
be an attractive or advisable strategy for a diversified company?
A) When a diversified company has struggled to make certain businesses attractively profitable
B) When a diversified company has too many cash cows
C) When one or more businesses are cash hogs with questionable long-term potential
D) When businesses in once-attractive industries have badly deteriorated
E) When a diversified company has businesses that have little or no strategic or resource fits
with the "core" businesses that management wishes to concentrate on
109. Conditions that may make corporate restructuring strategies appealing include
A) ongoing declines in the market shares of one or more major business units that are falling
prey to more market-savvy competitors.
B) a business lineup that consists of too many slow-growth, declining, low-margin, or
competitively weak businesses.
C) the appointment of a new CEO with a new or different strategic vision for the company that
doesn't include many of the company's present businesses.
D) ill-chosen acquisitions that haven’t lived up to expectations.
E) All of these.
110. What sets a multinational diversification strategy apart from other diversification strategies is
A) the presence of extra degrees of strategic fit and more economies of scope.
B) the potential to have a higher degree of technological expertise.
C) a diversity of businesses and a diversity of national markets.
D) the potential for faster growth, higher rates of profitability, and more profit sanctuaries.
E) greater diversity in the types of value chain activities in its different businesses.
111. A multinational diversification strategy allows a firm to pursue maximum competitive advantage
potential by
A) fully capturing economies of scale and learning/experience curve effects and also pursuing
cross-business economy of scope opportunities.
B) exploiting opportunities for both cross-business and cross-country collaboration and strategic
C) leveraging use of a well-known and competitively powerful brand name.
D) transferring competitively valuable resources both from one business to another and one
country to another.
E) All of these.
112. The sources of a competitive advantage for a diversified multinational corporation do not include
A) transferring competitively valuable resources from one business to another and one country
to another.
B) the ability to exploit opportunities for both cross-business and cross-country collaboration
and strategic coordination.
C) leveraging use of a well-known and competitively powerful brand name.
D) pursuing cross-business economy of scope opportunities and striving to fully capture scale
E) trying to maximize the number of cash cow businesses and minimize the number of cash hog
113. Which one of the following is not a way for a company to build competitive advantage by
pursuing a multinational diversification strategy?
A) Fully capturing economies of scale and experience curve effects as well as cross-business
economies of scope
B) Using cross-business or cross-country market subsidization to outcompete rivals
C) Fully capturing both cross-business financial fits and cross-country financial fits
D) Transferring competitively valuable resources from one business to another and one country
to another
E) Leveraging use of a well-known and competitively powerful brand name across two or more
of its businesses
114. A diversified company may pursue expansion of several of its businesses into the markets of
additional foreign countries in order to
A) fully capture economies of scale and learning/experience curve effects in these businesses.
B) exploit opportunities for both cross-business and cross-country coordination of value chain
activities and strategic initiatives.
C) gain the benefits of using cross-country market subsidization techniques.
D) transfer competitively valuable resources in these businesses from one country to another.
E) All of these.
115. Briefly discuss when it makes good strategic sense for a company to consider diversification.
Difficulty: Medium
116. Identify and briefly discuss each of the three options for entering new businesses. Which one is
the most popular in the sense of being used most frequently?
Difficulty: Medium
117. Identify and briefly discuss each of the three tests for determining whether diversification into a
new business is likely to build shareholder value.
Difficulty: Medium
118. The attractiveness test is the most important test for determining whether diversification into a
new business is likely to result in 1 + 1 = 3 increases in shareholder value (as opposed to simply a
1 + 1 = 2 type of increase). True or false? Justify and explain your answer.
Difficulty: Medium
119. Explain the relevance of the following as they relate to building shareholder value via
a.) the attractiveness test.
b.) the cost-of-entry test.
c.) the better-off test.
Difficulty: Medium
120. What is meant by the term strategic fit? What are the advantages of pursuing strategic fit in
choosing which industries to diversify into?
Difficulty: Medium
121. What is meant by the term resource fit as it applies to evaluating a diversified company’s business
Difficulty: Medium
Test Bank, Chapter 9
122. Carefully explain the difference between a strategy of related diversification and a strategy of
unrelated diversification.
Difficulty: Easy
123. Identify and explain the meaning and strategic significance of each of the following terms:
a.) related diversification
b.) strategic fit
c.) economies of scope
d.) unrelated diversification
e.) the attractiveness test (as it relates to a potential diversification move)
f.) divestiture
g.) corporate restructuring
h.) the better-off test (as it relates to a potential diversification move)
Difficulty: Medium
124. Which is the better approach to diversification—a strategy of related diversification or a strategy
of unrelated diversification? Explain and support your answer.
Difficulty: Hard
Difficulty: Medium
126. Shareholder interests are generally best served by concentrating corporate resources on
businesses that can contend for market leadership. True or false? Explain your answer.
Difficulty: Medium
127. What are the advantages and benefits of using an industry attractive-business strength matrix to
evaluate a diversified company's lineup of businesses?
Difficulty: Hard
128. Explain the difference between a cash cow business and a cash hog business.
Difficulty: Easy
129. What does the industry attractiveness test involve in evaluating a diversified company's business
lineup? Why is it relevant?
Difficulty: Medium
46 Test Bank, Chapter 9
Test Bank, Chapter 9
130. Identify and briefly describe the six steps involved in evaluating a diversified company's business
lineup and diversification strategy.
Difficulty: Hard
131. What is the relevance of quantitatively measuring the competitive strength of each business in a
diversified company's business portfolio and determining which business units are strongest and
Difficulty: Medium
132. Why is it pertinent in evaluating a diversified company's business lineup to rank a diversified
company’s businesses on the basis of their future performance prospects?
Difficulty: Medium
Difficulty: Medium
134. Under what circumstances might a diversified firm choose to divest one of its businesses?
Difficulty: Medium
135. Under what circumstances might an already diversified company chose to enter additional
businesses and broaden its diversification base?
Difficulty: Hard
136. Under what circumstances might an already diversified company chose to pursue corporate
Difficulty: Hard
137. Why might a diversified multinational enterprise deliberately refrain from employing cross-
business or cross-country subsidization tactics to try to out-compete its rivals in particular
businesses or in particular country markets?
Difficulty: Hard
48 Test Bank, Chapter 9
Test Bank, Chapter 9
138. Identify and briefly describe at least four types of competitive advantages that can accrue to a
multinational corporation pursuing related diversification.
Difficulty: Medium
139. A strategy of multinational diversification contains more built-in competitive advantage potential
(above and beyond what is achievable through a particular business’s own competitive strategy)
than any other diversification strategy. True or false? Explain and support your answer.
Difficulty: Medium
140. Once a company has diversified into a collection of related or unrelated businesses and concludes
that some strategy adjustments are needed, what are the four main strategic alternatives that it can
employ to improve the performance of its overall business lineup?
Difficulty: Medium