5991-8176EN Demystifying Software Validation Whitepaper
5991-8176EN Demystifying Software Validation Whitepaper
5991-8176EN Demystifying Software Validation Whitepaper
The term “software validation” can trigger many responses, including confusion
and even anxiety. This article provides a foundation for thinking about software
validation based on expert articles and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
resources and consultants. The following validation-related topics are covered:
Software Validation: Regulatory Requirements Many labs delay changes to their computerized systems, for
example software updates, to avoid the need for revalidation.
In April 2016, the FDA released its latest and long-awaited
At some point however, system fixes and improvements will
guidance on data integrity in computerized systems as it relates
become important enough to warrant an update and any
to cGMP regulations, Data: Integrity and Compliance with
subsequent required revalidation effort. The longer a lab waits
CGMP Guidance for Industry. 3 To develop the guidance, the
to update a system, the wider the scope of changes and hence
FDA evaluated their regulatory requirements in light of their
the greater the validation effort required. For this reason, it is
experiences with inspections and regulatory enforcement, and
important to keep systems current. If a system has been in use
developed relevant questions and answers covering several
for a year and updates are implemented, the validation effort
important topics. For example, one question asks, ““Does each
will probably not be as great as if five years’ worth of updates
workflow on our computer system need to be validated?” The
were to be installed all at once.
answer is yes. The FDA guidance explains that if a computer
system is not validated for its intended use, it is impossible to
know if the workflow runs correctly. This underscores the idea System Validation: Needs and Risks
that system validation is important to, but not the same as, Many labs want to know how much validation work is
process validation. sufficient and whether they can use vendors’ IQ/OQ packages
to sufficiently validate their own system or process. Most
The FDA regulations that support its 2016 guidance include: vendors, including Agilent, offer such packages to help
customers qualify their systems by ensuring they are installed
• 21 CFR Part 211.63, which discusses the concept of and configured correctly, and operate as intended.
intended use of systems
Monica Cahilly, an FDA consultant and trainer who has worked
• 21 CFR Part 211.68, which states that the degree of extensively with the agency on data integrity, has unequivocally
validation needed is based on system complexity stated that labs cannot abdicate to their vendors their own
responsibility for validation.5 IQ/OQ activities are limited to
• 21 CFR Part 211.110, which discusses evaluating qualifying installation, configuration, and function as designed.
processes based on the degree to which they can impact As shown in Figure 1, IQ/OQ is necessary, but alone not
a drug product sufficient to establish validation of the system or the process.
The FDA also recommends controls to manage risks to The next question labs often ask is: “How can the validated
computerized systems. The agency’s top three priorities for risk state of current laboratory software and associated processes
management are risks to patient safety, product quality, and be evaluated?” Considering FDA assertions that computerized
data integrity. 3 system validation should occur in the context of process
validation, labs should start by making an inventory of their
In terms of the controls or processes that are appropriate for processes. Standard operating procedures are useful in
system validation, the FDA concludes that a system is more reviewing the various types of testing, chemical analyses,
than just software and hardware. A system also includes the instrumental analyses, and methodologies that occur in the lab.
people, processes, and documentation associated with it. 3
Thus, when the FDA uses the term “system” and discusses Once the processes are inventoried, the systems used in those
system validation, labs must consider the much larger context processes can be likewise identified. The process inventory
of validating their entire process. will provide the lab with a list of instruments, software, data
management systems, and laboratory information management
System Revalidation: Timing systems (LIMS). Multiple processes may share certain systems,
such that it may be possible to conduct a core validation of the
Often the thought of revalidation causes anxiety, because the
shared systems, for example a LIMS. Then the validation can be
revalidation process can be complex, long, expensive, and labor-
expanded to address any details unique to a particular process.
intensive. The FDA’s General Principles of Software Validation
discusses revalidation, suggesting that when systems are After the inventory of process and systems is completed, labs
altered, those changes must be studied not just regarding the can plan and prioritize the validation work needed based on
individual change, but also regarding any potential impacts and risk to patient safety, product quality, and data integrity. Not
unintended consequences the change may introduce to the all systems will present the same degree of risk. For example,
entire system.4 In a validated environment, such an evaluation a system for administering staff training is likely of lower risk
normally includes regression testing. than a manufacturing execution system that directly influences
product quality. Clearly, higher-risk processes merit more
thorough validation work than lower-risk processes.
Value of Vendor Audits Testing should occur all the way through product development,
and should be robust, traceable to product requirements,
The FDA’s General Principles of Software Validation suggest
and complete. Testing instructions and automated test
that manufacturers and laboratories can use vendor audit
designs should be clearly documented. Testing should also be
information as the starting point for their required validation
summarized and documented so the vendor can show release
documentation.(4) Thus, a thorough vendor audit may justify
criteria and how decisions have been made to approve the
less onsite validation. Ideally, vendor audits should occur before
software for release. The amount of validation work needed is
systems are acquired, or at least before the validation effort
influenced by how well a vendor has tested their product.
begins, to allow full understanding of the vendor’s design and
development methods. Review of the vendor quality management system—including
change control, problem tracking and analysis, corrective action
How should labs conduct vendor audits? In his 2006 article
and prevention—is also valuable. Is the vendor aware of the
Apples and Oranges: Comparing Computer Systems Audits,
reasons for their product defects? Are they making corrections
IT quality and compliance expert Jacques Mourrain, PhD,
to their processes to minimize the introduction of defects? In
introduces a vendor audit model that is more effective and time
addition to product changes, is the vendor also paying attention
efficient than checklist-based methods.(6) The model evaluates
to managing changes to the systems that support their product
and scores six areas:
development and testing activities?
• Procedures: coverage, maintenance, reviews, and Mourrain’s systematic approach allows labs to plan for and
currency execute the vendor audit in an objective and organized manner.
Vendors can be scored, and the scores used to determine
• Training and personnel: evidence of training, and vendor-related risks and additional validation work. The model
independence of quality assurance (QA) can also be used to conduct a side-by-side comparison of
vendors and to decide which vendor’s processes work best for
• Infrastructure: operation, maintenance, disaster
a given situation.
planning, and security (often irrelevant unless the vendor
is housing your GxP data)
• Software development: systems development life cycle System changes are bound to occur. When they do, labs must
(SDLC), documentation, and reviews study those changes and revalidate their systems to the extent
appropriate, based on the scope of the changes and the risk
• Testing: occurs throughout SDLC, completeness, to patient safety, product quality, and data integrity. Waiting
robustness, and traceability to complete software updates and revalidation is problematic.
The longer changes are postponed, the more complex and
• Quality management systems: configuration burdensome the revalidation process will be, and there is
management, change control, problem tracking, anomaly a greater chance of missing critical defect corrections and
analysis, and corrective and protective action (CAPA) functional software enhancements.
The vendor should be able to provide documented job and Qualification (IQ/OQ) is not validation. Qualification, while
training requirements—including training on the appropriate necessary, deals only with proper system installation and
SOPs—and records of completed training. The vendor QA operation, but not a user’s specific processes. Thus vendor
organization should also have sufficient independence from the IQ/OQ packages are helpful, but not enough. Similarly, it is
development organization. not sufficient to establish validation of the system outside the
context of the overall process. The FDA’s focus goes far beyond
Vendor IT infrastructure—the server room, how backups are system validation as a standalone activity and instead views
done, and disaster recovery—is important to audit in situations validation within the processes where the system is used.
where the vendor is holding the labs’ regulated data. However,
in cases where computerized system vendors are not holding A systematic vendor audit can provide valuable information
the lab’s regulated data, spending time auditing vendor server to inform a risk-driven validation strategy. When vendors can
rooms and backup procedures is probably of limited value. demonstrate well-managed product development process, labs
can justify doing less validation work.
Auditing the vendor’s software development is much more
obviously useful. In this case, labs review the vendor’s software
development life cycle, the documentation created during
that development process, coding processes and standards,
the kind of reviews performed, and testing practices. Design
documentation enables vendor engineers to understand the
design of the product in case they need to make changes or
make corrections later.
Frequently Asked Questions Question: If there is an update for my software available
and I choose not to install the update because my system is
Question: How is change control used to keep software validated and I don’t want to revalidate it now, will the FDA
validated?: write me up for not updating my system?
Answer: It is normal that any system needs to be changed Answer: Not directly. However, if the FDA finds an issue that
over time because of changes in business needs and software is related to and addressed by an update that they are aware is
updates. The objective is to make sure that those changes are available, you can probably expect to hear from them. The FDA
described properly, that the impact and risk of that change is does not require keeping systems on the very latest version of
well understood, and that there’s documentation to support software.
that assessment of the impact and the risk. A determination is
then made regarding the degree of testing or revalidation work Question: How do I audit the software validation status of a
that would be required to re-establish that the system is still contract manufacturer?
behaving according to its intended use in the process where it’s Answer: Auditing the validation status of a contract
going to be used. manufacturer is no different from auditing the systems within
Question: How much validation effort is appropriate for your own organization. You would review their infrastructure
custom reports? and how they are defining and validating their computer
systems within their particular environment for their intended
Answer: According to the International Society for uses. This process includes how they do their own internal
Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) Good Automated audits for their systems and for their suppliers. It is not
Manufacturing Practices (GAMP) guidance, custom reports are generally necessary to do a second- or a third-level audit of
category 5; meaning that being unique to a particular lab they your contract manufacturers’ suppliers. That audit would be
are of the highest level of configurability or customization. Thus their job and you would expect them to have their own audit
custom reports require fairly extensive validation to ensure programs.
that any custom calculations are working properly. Negative
boundary and stress testing should be used to make sure that The level of detail needed should be based on your
the report and the reporting environment would reject values contractual relationship with the vendor and the degree to
that don’t make sense--for example characters instead of which regulatory obligations have been transferred to your
numbers. contract manufacturer. For example, the vendor may be doing
manufacturing for you but using your computer systems, which
Question: Once a vendor has been audited, is there a presumably you would have already audited. Therefore there
recommended time within which the vendor should be re- would be less need to audit their computer systems.
If the vendor is using their own systems, it is important to pay
Answer: No. The frequency of re-auditing a vendor is based on attention to data transfers from their systems to your systems
many factors such as how well the vendor performed in their because those data transfers are vulnerable to data transfer
last audit; the relative risk of that system to patient safety, failures, missing data, and other data integrity concerns.
product quality, and data integrity; and any kind of problems
that you may have had with that system. Question: Does the FDA recognize the use of electronic
validation records and electronic signatures?
If the vendor performed relatively well in their last audit, you
can justify lengthening the amount of time before the next Answer: Yes, since 1997. The FDA does establish that
audit. If the system has been relatively stable with relatively any electronic records including validation records can be
few problems, you may be able to justify going as long as three considered the equivalent of paper records, and any signatures
years before you do another audit. Two years is a common rule on those electronic documents can be considered the
of thumb, and labs can shorten or lengthen that time depending equivalent of handwritten signatures.
on the factors described here. It is common for validation work to be done at one facility,
If you plan a software update that adds a significant amount with the quality oversight of that work done at a physically
of new functionality, it would also be a good time re-audit the different facility using electronic transfer or review of validation
vendor. documentation.
Question: How would you recommend executing validation Question: Please provide an example of how process
of a software product? Does it depend on the software’s validation covers an area that systems-level validation would
intended use? not?
Answer: Validation is best executed by the staff that will be Answer: A chromatography data system (CDS) provides a good
using the system regularly. They best understand the use of example. In the most basic sense, a CDS is designed to acquire,
the system in the context of the lab’s process, and will be able analyze, and report on data from an instrument such as and
to pay attention to details that an IT or validation organization LC or gas chromatography (GC) system. In a generic sense, if
might miss. It is also an effective way for lab staff (as opposed that functionality were validated, you could say that the system
to IT) to take ownership of the system. is validated. However, that does not validate the process for
analysis of a particular product, including steps such as sample
Question: How often should a system be requalified by preparation. Process validation requires confirmation that the
performing IQ/OQ? Some vendors state the qualification chromatography data system works properly within the context
should be performed yearly. of the testing of a particular drug product.
Answer: The timing of the requalification should be based on Question: Have there been any major changes in 21 CFR
when changes—such as installing new software or updates Part 11?
to the operating system—are being made. The nature of
the change and the severity of problems with the system Answer: The regulation itself has not changed since it was
since it was last qualified also determines the timing of originally issued in 1997, however, in the draft guidance
requalification. Some companies perform annual IQ/OQ to released in April of 2016, there were changes evident in the
address minor periodic system changes pushed through by IT, FDA’s thinking. The FDA had conveyed that if an activity was
such as Microsoft security patches. Requalification rationale, not documented, it never happened. The FDA is a document-
timing, and procedure should be documented so the FDA centric organization and thus when they do inspections; they
can understand how you made your decisions based on your appropriately want to look at documentation.
organization’s needs.
In the past, the FDA has explicitly stated “For computerized
Question: Is product and process specification validation systems, the record of that computerized system existed when
equal to analytical method validation plus qualification of that record was committed to durable media,” meaning when
liquid chromatograph (LC) systems and software? that record was printed or saved to disk. In the 2016 guidance,
the FDA now states; “The record exists when the data is
Answer: They are similar but not equal. Method validation generated,” an important shift. The reason why the FDA made
validates the science behind the analytical testing process for a this change is that many labs around the world use real-time
particular product. Method validation is either concerned with data previews as instruments generate data. If the operator
confirming the identity, quantity, and strength of a particular sees unexpected data generated, they may interrupt that run
compound, or looking for impurities in a sample. and thus, under the previous guideline, that data would have
never existed because it had not been captured or saved to
A computerized system will likely be used for data acquisition
disk. The FDA intent is to ensure that if “it happened,” then
and data analysis so method validation alone is not a
it must be recorded. If an injection was started—even if the
replacement for the system validation. However they are related
operator sees that the data coming off of the instrument is not
because LC system and software validation occur in the context
what they are expecting for a particular sample—that injection
of the methods used.
still happened and that injection still needs to be recorded.
Question: Is process validation relevant to industries outside
Companies may be fearful of recording data associated with
the pharmaceutical industry?
a product problem. However, finding problems is an important
Answer: Yes. The concept and practices of validation translate purpose of labs. And it could also indicate a sample preparation
across industries. Whether its pharmaceutical, food quality, or instrumentation problem that should be addressed.
food safety, forensic, or environmental testing, you want to be
sure that the results produced by your system are consistent,
repeatable, and trustworthy.
1. R.D. McDowall, “FDA’s Focus on Laboratory Data Integrity
– Part 1,” Scientific Computing (Sept 2013). http://www.
2. FDA, Glossary of Computer System Software Development
Terminology, https://www.fda.gov/iceci/inspections/
3. FDA, Data Integrity and Compliance with CGMP Guidance
for Industry, https://www.fda.gov/downloads/drugs/
4. FDA, General Principles of Software Validation; Final
Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff, https://www.fda.gov/
5. M. Cahilly, Workshop on Data Integrity and Industry
Practice, Peking University, Beijing, June 22–23, 2015.
6. J. Mourrain, “Apples and Oranges: Comparing Computer
Systems Audits,” Ther. Innov. Regul. Sci. 40 (2), 177–183
This information is subject to change without notice.