Lean Audit Management

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Lean maturity assesment

General Results Scale

Company # Chapters Chapters Score Domains Score Score 0 Nothing
Plant Long term 2.3 Process 2.5 1 Basics
Plant mngr Short term 2.1 Tools 1.6 2 Good
CI mngr 1 Planning
Launching 1.8 People 2.0
3 Best in class
Results 2.3
Inventory #DIV/0! Process #DIV/0!
Assessor 1 Flow #DIV/0! Tools #DIV/0!
Assessor 2 2 Supply chain
Purchase #DIV/0! People #DIV/0!

Assessor 3 Quality #DIV/0! Results #DIV/0!
Assessor 4 Workplace #DIV/0! Process #DIV/0!
Cell #DIV/0! Tools #DIV/0!
Date 3 Production
Management #DIV/0! People #DIV/0!
Results #DIV/0!
Master plan #DIV/0! Process #DIV/0! Pr #DIV/0!

Workgroup #DIV/0! Tools #DIV/0! To #DIV/0!
4 Improvment
Follow up #DIV/0! People #DIV/0!
Pe #DIV/0!
Strengths Results #DIV/0! Re #DIV/0!
1. Planning - Long term
1. Planning - Short term
1. Planning - Launching
2. Supply chain - Inventory 5.0
Weaknesses 2. Supply chain - Flow 4.0
2. Supply chain - Purchase 3.0
2. Supply chain - Quality 2.0

3. Production - Workplace 1.0

3. Production - Cell 0.0

Conclusion 3. Production - Management





4. Improvment - Master plan




4. Improvment - Workgroup
4. Improvment - Follow up Process Tools
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 People Results
1.Planning Lean maturity assesment
* Scores : 0 : nothing, 1 : basics, 2 : good, 3 : best in class, NA : not applicable

Chapters # Domains Items Comments Recommendations Score*

1 Processus An S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning) is applied at least every trimester Doing by the Global S&OP Team 3
The business forecast are documented to an horizon of 1 to 3 years, including
2 Processus
new products, customers, market, changes, evolutions
lack of information (doing by the Global S&OP Team) NA
Work with an extraction of a software of the Global Use a common ERP between S&OP team and the
3 Tools An S&OP software is used, with interface link to ERP
S&OP Team plant. 1
Meeting once a month with the Global S&OP Team.
4 Tools A meeting is scheduled and realised every 3 month at least for S&OP review
This software is update once a week. 3
Long term
An action plan is controlled to anticipate the major changes identified during
5 Tools
lack of information (doing by the Global S&OP Team) NA
The S&OP review is managed with, at least, commercial, supply chain and
6 People
production managers
Know the frequency but not the team. NA
Good results in : Long term workload (sufficient regarding what the company
7 Results
could expect) 2
The objective are clearly defined and communicated ; They are update and
OTD : communicated but not reach. Improve the changeover precessus. 1
Meeting each Friday with the production manager
9 Processus The MPS (Master Production Schedule) is done every week and technical department to plan the 2 next weeks.
Updating every morning.
The MPS includes load and capacities of all processes, HR, inventories, material
10 Processus
availability 2
11 Processus The takttime is identified for every product families and controlled Realized with the cycle time. NA
Deploy SAP on the production lines in order to follow
12 Tools An adequate ERP is implemented and up to date
the production order and to facilitate the data entry. 1

Short term Nomenclatures are up to date in case of modification

The nomenclatures and production ranges are up to date and used for
13 Tools
on the line. Quantity/production order are also up to
People are trained to use ERP with efficiency, enough ressources to maintain ERP
14 People
up to date, including backup people 2
Deploy SAP on the production lines in order to follow
Only the "operators" are trained (operator =
15 People All employees that need to work with ERP have a adequate and specific access
technicians employee and not line workers).
the production order and to facilitate the data entry.
Train more operators.
The OTD is updated every day and is reported to the
Good results in : The MPS respect rate and OTD (on time delivery) are measured
16 Results
and managed
production line every 5 of the month (OTD and client
Optimizion in order to reduce changeover. Some
17 Processus The launching of the production orders is done to maximize effeciency
orders could be regrouped. 2
Production order are printed, the data are written
All information are provided to production within a efficient process of manually, 2 differents operators open and close the Deploy barcodes to follow the production and to
18 Tools
documentation management production order (and report the data on SAP at the avoid the manual entry of data on SAP. 0
Launching end)

People in charge of launching understand needs and constraints of supply chain

19 People
and production
Meeting in case of emergency. 3
Good results in : The launching overview is long enough to anticipate the
20 Results
communication to production
Send each Friday. 2
1.Planning Lean maturity assesment
* Scores : 0 : nothing, 1 : basics, 2 : good, 3 : best in class, NA : not applicable

Chapters # Domains Items Comments Recommendations Score*

Score of chapter 2.0

2.Supply chain Lean maturity assesment
* Scores : 0 : nothing, 1 : basics, 2 : good, 3 : best in class, NA : not applicable

Chapters # Domains Items Comments Recommendations Score*

1 Processus Inventories are controlled, all containers in racks, clean and ordered

2 Processus Every container, bag, box is labelled and identified with bar codes or equivalent

Bar codes mobile trackers are used to record every inventory movements and
Inventory 3 Tools
informations are sent automatically to ERP

4 People People are trained for inventory control with backup

Good results in : stock cover, stock costs, missing parts, inventory mistakes, inventories
5 Results
management efficiency

6 Processus The inventory process allows to respect FIFO

7 Processus Flows are simple, logic and don't cross each other, a spaghetti diagram exists

8 Tools Kanban is used everywhere it's possible and efficient

Flow 9 Tools The right means of transport are used at the right places

All people in charge of flows and inventories are equiped with mobile devices with
10 Tools
barcode reader

11 People Concerned people are trained to kanban

12 Results Good results in : Kanban audit, flow mistakes

Suppliers are choosen to minimize risks (financial, industrial, securisation, quality,

13 Processus
requirement respect)
The communication process with and from the suppliers is efficient, includes complete
14 Processus
purchase data, orders, forecasts, changes
The procurement process is controlled enought to avoid missing parts, with relaunches
15 Processus
and anticipation
The ERP is up to date in terms of inventories, orders, delivery dates, scheduled and
16 Tools
effective, relaunches

17 People The communication between Supply Chain department and purchase is efficient

Good results in : Adequacy of suppliers panel, part missing rate, Suppliers On Time
18 Results
Delivery (OTD)
A Supplier Quality Insurance process is managed in order to anticipate and drasticly
19 Processus
reduce non conformtities
Suppliers provides FMEA studies, control plans, initial samples checking reports
20 Tools

Quality 21 Tools Supplier processes are audited (self or customer audit) on regular basis

The quality department for suppliers control is correctly staffed with trained people
22 People
trained to Quality Insurance and Quality tools
Good results in : Supplier On Quality Delivery (OQD) with ppm unit, arranty return rate,
23 Results
Qualiy Assurance level

Score of chapter 0.0

3.Production Lean maturity assesment
* Scores : 0 : nothing, 1 : basics, 2 : good, 3 : best in class, NA : not applicable
Chapters # Domains Items Comments Recommendations Score*
The workplaces are well documented with illustrated standards, procedures, instructions, they are clean
1 Processus
and ordered

2 Processus The autonomus maintenance (level 1) is implemented on each workplaces

3 Processus The ergonomy of the workplace is measured and at a good level

A formal system clearly outlines the limits within which employees can act on their own, an andon system
4 Processus
is implemented
A workplace audit is done at least one a week on each workplaces to check the respect of standards of
5 Tools
production, quality, safety, 5S ...

6 Tools Poka yoke are implemented whenever possible

7 People Operators working in each workplace are trained and qualified

8 Results Good results in : OEE, scrap, First Pass Yield (FPY), workplace audit

The flows are oriented and pulled, the WIP (Work in Progress) are optimized, processes implemented in
9 Processus

10 Processus A VSM analysis is done for each product family of the plant, a spaghetti diagram also

A performance board is implanted in the cell with all informations usefull for the team, indicators, action
11 Tools
plans, communication, QRQC

12 Tools QRQC level 1, 2, 3 are implemented

An improvment propositions system is implemented, managed, promoted, people are congratuled for their
13 Tools

Cell 14 Tools A communication board is implemented for the 5' meeting

The 5' meeting occurs avery day with a challenge of operators on performance, ascending and
15 People
descending informations, QRQC

16 People The QRQC board is up to date, a QRQC meeting is done every day with technicians and superviser

A skill matrix exists with backup of ressources for each relevant workplaces, versatility inducement and
17 People
anticipation of needs

18 People People are trained initially and regularely to lean, continuous improvment and tools

Good results in : Lead time, QRQC action plan achievment, OEE, scrap, First Pass Yield (FPY), rework,
19 Results
safety, improve propositions per employee per year
A general participative management permit a good communication between all levels of organization,
20 Processus
bottom ideas are operated
Visual management boards are implemented on each zones, central and local, a specific central room
21 Tools
concentrate indicators (obeya)

22 People Workgroups are promoted and people involved to participate

Manageme Personal improvment interviews are done at least once a year with every employees, actions are taken for
23 People
nt evolution of people

24 People An understanding by employees of the strategic goals and objectives and their ability to affect those goals

25 People Exemplary involvement of all the organization’s leaders in a systematic approach to eliminating waste

26 Results Good results in : Employees satisfaction, versatility level, absenteeism

Score of chapter 0.0

4.Improvment Lean maturity assesment
* Scores : 0 : nothing, 1 : basics, 2 : good, 3 : best in class, NA : not applicable

Chapters # Domains Items Comments Recommendations Score*

A global analyse of performances and improvment opportunities is done at least once a year to identify the priorities
1 Processus
and schedule it

2 Processus The ressources usefull for the CI (Continuous Improvment) project are identified and available

3 Tool The right analyse tool is used (VSM, TOC, WCM, TPM, 6 SIGMA)

4 Tool A continuous improvment planning is up to date for the next year or more
Master plan
5 People A lean or CI manager is fully trained to manage the CI project

6 People All departments and managers are involved in CI project

7 People CI targets are fixed, communicated and cascaded by the company management

8 Results Good results in : Number of pilots per tool, people involved in the CI project

9 Processus The relevant workgroups are launched and closed by the executive commitee

10 Processus A roadmap is formalized for each workgroup with goal, targets, team, ressources, empowerment, planning

11 Tools 5S relevant workgroups are done and/or in progress

12 Tools SMED relevant workgroups are done and/or in progress

13 Tools Hoshin relevant workgroups are done and/or in progress

14 Tools PSM relevant workgroups are done and/or in progress (problem solving methods with 8D, A3, 5 why)
15 Tools 6 sigma relevant workgroups are done and/or in progress

16 Tools SPC relevant workgroups are done and/or in progress

17 Tools ABC relevant workgroups are done and/or in progress

18 Tools TPM relevant workgroups are done and/or in progress

19 People Workgroup pilots are trained to manage teams and to apply tools and methods, the workforce is sufficient

20 Results Good results in : Workgroup planning respect, workgroup action plan late ratio, workgroup KPIs

21 Processus A CI comitee meeting occurs at least once a month

22 Tools Templates available and used to control and follow up the workgroups
Follow up
23 People CI comitee officially congratules the teams at the end of the workgroups

24 Results Good results in : CI planning respect, global action plan late ratio

Score of chapter 0.0

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