Court Testimony Sample MCQ

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Court Testimony M-TH 2:30-4:00 PM Second Quiz- October 5, 2018

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1. These are facts or informations which are supposed to be known only between the
communicant and the recipient.
A. secret information
B. confidential information
C. privileged information
D. perjury
2. This is a ground for disqualification which may be invoked by the opposing party to prevent a
person from being presented as a witness .
A. Irrelevancy
B. Lack of Credibility
C. Perjury
D. Incompetency
3. It is a legal excuse to prevent the witness from revealing certain data.
A. Irrelevancy
B. Lack of Credibility
C. Privileged Communication
D. Incompetency
4. Who may claim the privilege communication.
A. Adverse Party
B. Lawyer
C. Anybody
D. By the Court For the witness
5. The husband or wife, during or after the marriage, cannot be examined without the consent of the
other as to any communication received in confidence by one from the other during the marriage.
A.Martial Disqualification Rule
B.Suvivorship Disqualification Rule
C.Privileged Communication
D.Marital Privileged Communication
6. Referring to facts or information which came to the knowledge of the witness-spouse by reason of the
confidentiality of the marriage. Example: (i). a spouse cannot be made to divulge that in his presence and
observation the husband cleaned a gun, or washed bloody clothes or counted wads of money, even if the
husband did not explain his actions.
A. Martial Disqualification Rule
B. Passive Communications
C. Privileged Communication
D. Marital Privileged Communication
7. The duration of the Marital Privileged Communication is
A. Perpetual
B. Temporary
C. Only during the existence of the marriage
D. Upon the death of the Spouse
8. The pleadings prepared by the witness or his private files containing either facts and data obtained
by him or resulting from his own investigation or by any investigator hired by him; and/or his impressions
or conclusions whether reduced in writing or not, about the client or the clients cause.
A. Physician –Patient Privilege Communication
B. Marital Privilege Communication
C. Priest- Confessant Privilege Communication
D. Doctrine of Work Product
9. The following communications are covered and the lawyer may reveal them.
A. Those intended to be made public
B. Those intended to be communicated to a third person
C. Those intended for an unlawful purpose or for a future crime or act
D. Those relating to a crime that was previously committed.
10. The duration of the Lawyer- Client Privilege Communication is
A. Perpetual
B. Temporary
C. Only during the existence of the lawyer-client relationship.
D. Upon the death of the Client
11. Who may waive the Lawyer-Client Privilege Communication
A. Lawyer
B. Client
C. Anybody
D. Both the Lawyer and the Client
12. Lawyer-Client Privilege is applicable on
A. Civil Cases Only
B. Criminal Cases Only
C. Both Civil and Criminal Case
D. Administrative Cases Only
13. Physician-Patient Privileged Communication is applicable on
A. Civil Cases Only
B. Criminal Cases Only
C. Both Civil and Criminal Case
D. Administrative Cases Only
14. Physician-Patient Privileged Communication may be invoked in the following situation
A. Physician Testifying as an Expert Witness
B. Autopsy
C. X- Ray Plates
D. Court ordered examinations
15. A privilege granted to the government to withhold from disclosure, the identity of assets
A. Public Officer Privileged Communication
B. Informant’s Privilege
C. Executive Privilege
D. Judicial Deliberations
16. Privileged enjoyed by closed door cabinet meetings.
A. Public Officer Privileged Communication
B. Informant’s Privilege
C. Executive Privilege
D. Judicial Deliberations
17. No persons may be compelled to testify against his parents, other direct descendant, children or
other direct descendants.
A. Parental Privileged Communication
B. Marital Privileged Communication
C. Parental and Filial Privileged Communication
D. Filial Privileged Communication
18. Who is disqualified to become a witness
A. A child
B. Insane during lucid interval
C. Deaf-mute
D. Wife against her husband
19. It is an acknowledgement of some fact or circumstance which tends to establish the ultimate fact in
issue in a case.
A. Ultimate Facts
B. Evidentiary Facts
C. Admission
D. Confession
20. It is an express acknowledgement of guilt.
A. Ultimate Facts
B. Evidentiary Facts
C. Admission
D. Confession
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