Final Thesis
Final Thesis
Final Thesis
Presented to
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements of the Subject
Research 1
SY 2017-2018
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the subject Research I, this thesis entitled:
POLICIES UNDER THE SCHOOL MANUAL” which has been prepared and
submitted by the researchers whose names appeared on the preceding age is hereby
Research Adviser
Head Teacher III / Officer-in-Charge
The researchers would like to acknowledge the following people for being a part
of the research study. This research study is not possible without them.
First and foremost, the researchers would like to thank Mr. Virgo M. Gulan,
research adviser for being supportive and for encouraging the researchers to finish the
research study. Also for pushing to accomplished this research study on time.
To the Father Almighty for giving the researchers the strength, knowledge,
To the students that serve as a respondents who contributed a big part in the
research study. To the teachers for the consideration and patient you have given to the
researchers to accomplish this thesis. Lastly to the parents who gave moral and financial
First of all, this research study consecrated to the students, staffs and teachers of
Santiago City National High School. To the guardians and parents who supported the
researchers, without the help and support this research study will impossible to
To the researchers, themselves for the hard work. To Mr. Virgo M. Gulan who
supported and patiently taught the researchers everything. And lastly to the Father
The study aimed to find out the level of agreement of students to selected
school policies under the school manual. This research study is conducted to raise
awareness and to determine if how much the students agree to the selected school policies
and actually help the students to follow the school policies. There were 360 respondents
from grade 7, 8, 9, and 10 who took part in this research and from each grade level, 90
students were randomly selected. Profile variables such as grade level, age, sex, position
in class, and academic ranking, were used to acquire this research study.
It was revealed that the students of Santiago City National High School
are widely informed of the selected school policies under the school manual. It was
concluded that “My classmates are being guided by the school policies in every action
that they are doing in school” has the highest level of agreement while “I believe that the
sanctions given to those who disobey the school policies humane and commensurate to
Title page……………………………………………………………………………i
Approval Sheet……………………………………………………………………..ii
Definition of Terms………………………………………………………...……...6
Foreign Literature…………………………………………………………...…….10
Local Literature……………………………………………………………………12
Foreign Study………………………………………………………………….......14
Local Study………………………………………………………………………..18
Research Design……………………………………………………………….26
Research Instrument…………………………….……………………………..29
Statistical Tools………………………………….…………………………….31
Summary of Findings…………………………………………………………67
Appendix A………………………………………………………………………..73
Appendix B………………………………………………………………………..74
Appendix C………………………………………………………………………..76
Appendix D………………………………………………………………………..77
Appendix E………………………………………………………………………..79
Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………..89
Table 1. : Table for interpretation of the level of awareness of students to selected school
Table 2. : Table for interpretation of the level of agreement of students to selected school
Table 3. Frequency and percent distribution of the respondents with respect to grade
level …………………………………………………………………………..……36
Table 6. Frequency and percent distribution of the respondents with respect to position in
Table 7. Frequency and percent distribution of the respondents with respect to academic
These days, students do not pay much attention to school policies due to the
advancement in technology, education and other factors that catch attention of students.
These divert them into doing something else. Some may not even be aware of the
particularly in the school setting. But it takes some time to disseminate such policies.
From wearing complete uniform to attending classes regularly, school policies generally
School policies are school board policies that have power within the education
system that are similar to law (NSBA 2018). This statement explains that school policies
are actually not that different from the law. It also says that it has the power within the
These school policies are set to discipline the students and create a good
impression for them. The school policies are the ones that bring order to the school.
Disobeying the school policies is similar to disobeying the law but in the case of school
According to Thornberg (2008) school rules are usually associated with classroom
management and school discipline. However, rules also define ways of thinking about
oneself and the world. Rules are guidelines for actions and for the evaluation of actions in
terms of good and bad, or right and wrong, and therefore a part of moral or values
As Chavez (2007) said that students have been into different information drive
about the Institution such as the freshmen orientation and department’s general assembly
to inform their rights and duties as students. In addition, they are reminded of the things
campus rules and regulation. The study also dealt with the different means of awareness
campaign that the school had been using for many years.
In addition, Cameron (2006) states that school disciplinary policies and practices
are essential features of life in U.S. schools. Conventional approaches to school discipline
including conduct codes and security methods, suspension, corporal punishment, and
Furthermore, Danielson (2002) stated that the policies and practices affecting
students are those aspects of a school's operation that organize students' experiences
within the institution. For younger students, these policies and practices also structure the
feelings about (and success with) the curriculum, but the policies and practices in both
classrooms and in the entire school provide the context for teacher-student interactions
Danielson (2002) found out that schools have multiple policies and practices that
affect students. Some of these have been deliberately set in place, and others have
evolved with time. Educators are well advised to re-examine the accepted ways of doing
things at their schools. These practices will be familiar to both students and faculty, and if
of instruction, but also by the school's policies and practices. Students of all ages
approach school with a positive spirit, and they expect to find success and fulfilment
there, so the policies and practices affecting them must be clear, fair, and likely to
contribute to student learning. Such policies can be firm, but they should also be just, and
Policies and practices affecting students are powerful levers that help set the tone
and direct behaviour in a school. The adults involved must ensure that the policies they
put in place reinforce their goals for students, reflect their beliefs about students and their
Considering this research study is conducted to raise awareness and make them
agree to school policies and actually help the students to follow the school policies. This
study also benefits the reputation of the school and the students themselves and give
visitors an impressive view of the organized and decent students who are well aware and
educated about the school policies. Also, this study will discuss the reasons why students
b) Age
c) Sex
d) Position in class
e) Academic ranking
a) Grade level
b) Age
c) Sex
d) Position in class
e) Academic ranking
5. Is there a significant difference on the level of agreement of the students to
a) Grade level
b) Age
c) Sex
d) Position in class
e) Academic ranking
Hypotheses of the study
There were two hypotheses for this study that served as the initial assumption:
b.) Age
c.) Sex
the students of the Santiago City National High School in school policies. 6
2. Teachers. This study will lessen the efforts of the teachers who have students that
does not follow school policies and actually help those students to become more
3. Parents. This study will help the students to become more responsible in their
4. Future researchers. This study will serve as a basis for studies they will conduct
later on. Additionally, it will serve as a foundation for expansive studies that is
school policies under the school manual. In this study, the researchers identified the level
of agreement of students to selected school policies with respect to grade level, age, sex,
The research study is only limited on the selected school policies under the school
manual. This study was conducted in the Santiago City National High School campus and
90 students was randomly chosen as respondents for every grade level. A total of 360
students as a respondents.
Definition of Terms
1. Absenteeism – the tendency to be away from work or school without a good
2. Agreement – the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in which
ent). In this research study, Agreement is referred to as the scale or level of how
much students agree or disagree to the selected school policies under the school
Awareness is used in this study referring to the scale or level of how much a
student is aware of the selected the selected school policies under the school
Cheating is the act of copying others’ work, using cheat cards or codes, etc. to
5. Cutting Class – an act of not going to a lesson or school when you should be
cut). As used in the study, Haircut is a form of policy under the school manual
that restricts the hair grooming of students under certain conditions also stated on
term Littering is used in this study referring to the habit of leaving wastes or trash
inside the school campus which is a selected school policy under the school
system that are similar to the laws. It helps manage schools to reach the unified
( As
used in this study, School Policy is a set of rules created by the school to guide
uniform). In this research study, School Uniform is a set of attire assigned by the
school to be worn by students whenever they are inside the campus. It is a
selected school policy under the school manual in this research study.
In this chapter the researchers review all the related literatures and studies which
serves as a frame of references for this study. The foregoing related literature and studies
presented are similar to the present study as far as the testing effective methodology is
Related literature
A. Foreign Literature
The fact that policy makers may not be interested only in the improvement of
teaching and learning should be acknowledged. However, this should not be seen as an
obstacle in using the model to improve policy, especially it policy-makers can see the
Schools have multiple policies and practices that affect students. Some of these
have been deliberately set in place, and others have evolved with time. Educators are well
advised to re-examine the accepted ways of doing things at their schools. These practices
will be familiar to both students and faculty, and if they contribute to a school's focus on
learning, they should be retained. Practices that do not support student learning should be
Policies are the tools in hand of government to bring change. And to bring change in
education the leaders who make the educational policies for a school, state or country.
Policy makers play a very significant role in the education system as every component in
Policies are important because they help a school establish rules and procedures
and create standards of quality for learning and safety, as well as expectations and
accountability. Without these, schools would lack the structure and function necessary to
provide the educational needs of students. Ultimately, policies are necessary to the
practices of members of another group. A myriad of school and district policies have
Policies should be written and/or revised as needed. Student handbooks and such
documentation of all policies and procedures that they feel need added or revised as the
Students perceive that major aims of having school regulations and rules is to
discipline both at school and at home, they suggested that in order to nurture young
B. Local Literature
that how they think and how they act also evolve, consistent with their development a
children and adolescents. Children are not small adults. In school, their actions can easily
teachers and school administrators, for it to be in the best interest of the child, should be
positive and non-violent.” The DepEd stated that the students' discipline in school are
imposed by the teachers and school administrators. It’s safe to say that positive and non-
violent students are imposed to disciplinary actions by their former teachers for their
future teachers. These disciplinary actions include imposing students to follow the school
The student movement against UST’s hair policy is more than about students
“ranting” .It is seen as an issue of the lack of consultation with students – them being the
primary stakeholders of the institution – in the policy making of the university. More than
that, it has a clear link to the fascist or repressive character of the system of education
here in the Philippines. Students have no choice but to comply with the policies at hand,
without questioning or having a say about them. It is appalling how students are dictated
to “just follow rules,” no matter what the substance of the rule is, and “keep their
submission and blind obedience. Maria Paglinawan (2015) UST hair policy for students:
Bullying has been recognized as a major threat to the younger generation in
almost every country in the world. Despite the beauty and charm of this developing
country, the Philippines has struggled with bullying issues for years. School bullying,
workplace bullying, sibling bullying and cyberbullying all plague Filipino society.
Most students, given their developmental limitation, do not yet possess the self-
control of mature individuals. This is why, the school, assuming special parental
authority, have set norms to help the students evolve into self-motivated, self-disciplined
individuals.For this reason, good order and behavior are emphasized in Ateneo. This is
why the code of discipline should not be associated with external punishment. Code of
give you a brief insight on what cutting class is. Cutting class is coined term , that
actually means intentionally not attending a required class in one’s formal education
in the Philippines where there is inefficient security and a relatively high number of
students thus making it hard to monitor each student. This issue is rampant as well in
tertiary educational institutions where there are no more limits as to when one can or
cannot go outside of the campus and a limit as to when one can or cannot leave the
classroom during a lecture. This problem affects three people: The parent, student and
teacher. I myself know dozens of students, from different schools in Metro Manila, who
cut class. After cutting class is where the real problem begins.
Related Studies
A. Foreign Study
responsible, socially skilled, healthy, caring, and contributing citizens. This mission is
programs. Yet, the current impact of these programs is limited because of insufficient
implementation and evaluation factors necessary for strong program impact and
that improve social, health, and academic outcomes; educational policies that demand
was investigated in three independent, but related studies to determine effects on grades
due to cutting class and failing to take advantage of optional reviews and study quizzes. It
was hypothesized that cutting classes harms exam scores, attending pre-exam reviews
helps exam scores, taking optional exam preparation quizzes helps exam scores, and
earlier exam scores in the semester predict later exam scores. Using an objective
measurement method of actual events and actual exam scores instead of the predominant
non-experimental survey method most often used, it was found that all hypotheses were
significant and supported in the predicted direction. Implications for professors and
students are provided, revealing that cutting class, missing pre-exam reviews, and
and Punctuality Issues among Students at Secondary School, Kedah. American Journal of
is one of the punctuality problems that occur among students in school. The study
Siong. The second objective is to identify the factors that influence time management and
punctuality problems among students in this school. The study also suggests on how
students would able to solve time management problems while they are at school.
Respondents of this study were selected students from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
Siong consists of 70 male and female randomly. The findings showed that majority of
respondents are having time management problem in terms of late entrance into class
after break. The study also shows that student’s own behaviour is the largest contributor
academic achievement. The study suggests that in order to overcome these problem,
school administration, teachers and parents would play an important role especially as
most these problems have been occurred in school and house hold settings. Overall, the
study concludes that time management and punctuality problems among students has
classroom, and to identify the most common, disruptive, and unacceptable student
problem behaviors from teachers' perspective. Twelve individual interviews with teachers
were conducted. A list of 17 student problem behaviors was generated. Results showed
that the most common and disruptive problem behavior was talking out of turn, followed
talking out of turn and verbal aggression. The findings revealed that teachers perceived
upsetting teaching and learning, which mainly required intervention from teachers.
A study by the Department of Economics and Business Economics. (2017).
Entitled “A Study of School Absenteeism”. The absenteeism percent for all pupils in the
five schools is in average 5 % of the total amount of school days. From each five days of
absenteeism three are used as legal absenteeism because of illness, one is used as legal
absenteeism because of other reasons while one day – in average among all the pupils – is
High school absenteeism is mostly seen among children, who have a low well-
being and come from homes with a poor cooperation with school. These two were the
absenteeism from school – meaning pupils who are absent more than 10 % of school
hours – are a range of specific characteristics. The children often have divorced parents,
are pupils in the lower secondary school, have a lower academic level, attend more often
special classes, have a lower well-being and have more frequently contact to the
children have a higher propensity to school absenteeism. More have emotional problems
or a problematic behaviour, have a chronic disease and have, to a greater extent, a social
phobia (according to the parents’ reporting). Finally, the parents’ cooperation with the
On the basis of the school absenteeism project a course of therapy treatment for
children with alarmingly high school absenteeism has been developed. This is being
effect evaluated by Professor Mikael Thastum in collaboration with Tryg Fonden’s
B. Local Study
regulations to institutional discipline stated that students have been into different
information drive about the Institution such as the freshmen orientation and departments
general assembly to inform their right and duties as students. In addition, they are
reminded of the things they should avoid while inside or gaining entry to the campus.
This study was undertaken to determine the relation of student awareness on the campus
factors such as school, rules and regulation, gender, age, students manual, bulletin board,
school policies, minor violation and faculty member, which directly influenced the
awareness of students on school rules and regulations to institutional discipline. The data
were collected from students who had violations from December 2006 to January 2007.
The logbook of the security office served as the main source of data and the
Study onPrograms and Policies Stated that As the school year started in June 2012, the
Philippines’ Education department has once again stressed the promotion of violence-free
schools, urging students, parents, school teachers and the entire community to fight and
end all forms of violence committed against school children. Children will better learn
and will be more productive under a school environment free from threats to their young
lives. Henrich, et al., emphasized effects of feeling secured at school because students
newspaper involving 117,000 nine-year olds from 25 different countries, stating that 50%
of Filipino students are being bullied in school. Also, Lai, et al. have affirmed that
students in the Philippines had led the record of different types of bullying, which include
being “made fun of or being called names,” “left out of activities by others,” and “made
the intervention and violence prevention programs revealed that there is an existence of a
phenomenon that has probably always been present in school, although it has become the
subject of increasing attention and a social alarm in recent years. School violence and
bullying issues continue to be an alarming subject of national discussion for years. The
government has consistently set up campaigns in forming schemes that would make
is why, the school, assuming special parental authority, have set norms to help the
For this reason, good order and behavior are emphasized in Ateneo. This is why
the code of discipline should not be associated with external punishment. On the
contrary, discipline is meant to be a very important tool for developing self-control and
good character .It intends to achieve the following: (a) to teach justice, moral and right
conduct (b) to develop proper habits (c) to teach respect for order, the law and to
authority; (d) to appreciate the value of rules and regulations; (e) to deter students from
committing violations in the future; (f) to strengthen character; and (g) to protect and
An article by Paglinawan M. (2015). UST hair policy for students: This is not
of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) suspended the haircut and hair color policy last
year after a campaign was launched by students. But the AB administration has recently
threat to the younger generation in almost every country in the world. Despite the
beauty and charm of this developing country, the Philippines has struggled with
bullying issues for years. School bullying, workplace bullying, sibling bullying
Manila documented over 1,700 bullying and child abuse cases, even after passing anti-
violence, public ridicule, sexual harassment and psychological abuse. When it comes
to tackling bullying issues, Luistro feels that “Bullying and other forms of violence in
schools should be viewed not just as a school problem but as a societal problem as
The hair policy is part of the University of Santo Tomas’ Good Grooming Policy
under the University’s Code of Conduct and Discipline (PPS Number 1027). It is stated
that, "Good grooming includes the wearing of the prescribed college uniform, the
authorized shoes, the ID, the male haircut and other considerations that are similar to
these.” The hair policy reads, “Unless otherwise allowed by the administrators of the
particular Faculty/College/Institute/ School for specific reasons, male students are not
allowed to sport long hair. Hair should not touch the collar of the uniform. The use of
hairpins, pony tails, headbands, etc by male students is not allowed either. There is no
Enhancing Student’s Achievement: A Framework for School Improvements
( )
Positive Discipline In Everyday Teaching A Primer for Filipino Teachers. Retrieved from
Chapter 3
This chapter discuss the framework statistical concepts such as the tools, and all the
Research Design
The researchers from Grade-9 Pasteur and Archimedes implemented a simple
determine whether the students of SCNHS agree to the selected school policies under the
school manual. Nonetheless, it does not answer the questions when, why and how in this
the research question descriptively. It characterizes the students of the SCNHS in the
present situation.
The research study used survey questionnaires which were given to the
respondents in order to collect the data that is necessary for the completion of this
research study.This is a cross-sectional study for the data needed can be obtained in one
data collection.
There were 360 Santiago City National High School (2017-2018) students who
took part in this research. The respondents are from the Basic Education Curriculum. To
obtain the sample from population, the researchers used the Sloven’s formula and attain
360 respondents which mean that 90 students are randomly selected from grades 7, 8. 9
and 10.
The criterion that was used in stratifying is the grade level. A total of 360 students
of SCNHS are randomly selected and equally divided to each grade level from grade 7 to
This research study was done within the establishments of Santiago City National
High School, particularly on the rooms of Basic Education Curriculum students. The
researchers handed them test questionnaires to be answered honestly during the time that
The Santiago City National High School was born when Southern Isabela College
of Arts and Trades was carving-out its high school department and with the consent of
the City Ordinance 4THCC-24, Santiago City National High School is here. The
education. This task manufactured the Technical Education and Skills Development
courses and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to conduct the degree courses
in college with the DepEd with holding only the elementary secondary on the other hand
known as the basic education. On November 27, 2001, the turn-over ceremony took place
along with the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The teachers and
students were transferred; 1.4 hectares at the southern portion with the building was
sculpted out of SICAT. School facilities were also turned-over. On March 06, 2002, City
High’s first batch graduated. April 2002; Director Isabel C. Taguinod of the Department
of Budget and Management wrote the Officer-in-Charge informing them that the
resolution should have been an Ordinance under rules on May 15, 2002. Today, Santiago
City National High School move forward, leaving an indelible mark on its way so that in
Santiago City, in the whole Isabela and the whole Region 02, SCNHS will be
Santiago City National High School, within that population, there are 843 Grade 7
students, 749 Grade 8 students, 704 Grade 9 students, 643 Grade 10 students,306 Grade
Santiago City National High School. Also, there are 25 buildings in SCNHS.
Research Instrument
The research instrument was made by the research adviser, Mr. Virgo M. Gulan.
The researchers used the research instrument that served as main tool to gather data from
the respondents. The research instrument was validated through the letter of validation
questionnaire is a short letter that was written for the respondents to know what the
research is about, ensuring the respondents that their answers are confidentially kept and
their consent upon answering the questions that the researchers have given to them. The
second part includes the background information of the respondents which is used to
draw important information about the respondents name, section, age, sex, position in
class and academic ranking. The third part is used to know the level of awareness on the
following selected school policies under the school manual. A table is present where a list
of selected school policies is listed and rated by the respondents from 4 to 1; 4 for very
much aware, 3 for aware, 2 for somewhat aware and 1 for not aware. The final part of the
survey questionnaire is use to know the level of agreement on the following statements as
regards selected school policies under the school manual and rated by the respondents
from 4 to 1; 4 for very much agree, 3 for agree, 2 for somewhat agree and 1 for do not
Before the research proper shall be conducted, a permission letter was made and
sent to the authorities of the school which will ensure that the research study is approved
and validated. The permission letter’s contents include allowing of the research study to
be conducted, and that the information in the research instruments to be filled by the
respondents are held in strict confidentiality and that the research studies are ethically
In selecting the sample population, the researchers used the Sloven’s formula and
came up with 360 respondents. The researchers used a probability sampling, more
specifically, stratified random sampling, to identify this sample. The criterion used in
stratifying is grade level, which resulted to 90 students or respondents per grade level and
will further be divided into sections, which results to 30 students per class.
Before the start of the data gathering, the researchers first gave the permission
letter to the teacher present or in charge inside the classroom. Survey questionnaires are
then distributed to 30 random respondents and instructions were dictated to them as well.
After all the research instruments were collected, the researchers started the tabulation of
To begin the tabulation of data, the researchers numbered the questionnaires; 1 to
90 were assigned to the respondents from grade 7, 91 to 180 in grade 8, 181 to 270 in
grade 9, and 271 to 360 in grade 10. Categorical variables in the research instruments like
sex, position in class and academic ranking were transformed into numerical data. Data
such as age and the answers of the respondents in the questions or the scale will not
Statistical Tools
The researchers used variety of tools in order to gather the data needed. These are
the tools that the researchers need in order to gather the data needed to support the
research study.
1. Descriptive statistical tools were used in order to answer questions 1 to 5.
questions 1a, 1b, 2 and 3. On the other hand, only frequency count and percentage
x̅ =
x̅ – mean
N – number of elements
3. Standard Deviation is used to know how far the values are to each other in a given
∑( x − x̅ )2
s= √
s – standard deviation
∑( x − x̅)2 - sum of the squares of the difference of values in a data set and the
arithmetic mean
n – number of samples
Since the questions is trying to find out the significant difference on the level of
awareness of the students to selected school policies under the school manual
according to grade level and age that are ranging from at least three, a test for
three or more groups were chosen for the said matter. ANOVA, also known as F-
test were used to answer the following questions. F-test has a formula of:
will then proceed to a Post-hoc test (Scheffe Method) with a formula of:
̅x1− x̅2
F1 = | 1 1
√MSw (n +n )
1 2
5. To answer questions 4c, 4d, 4e, 5c, 5d and 5e a test of difference shall be implied.
These questions are trying to find out if there is a significant difference on the
Since the variable, which is sex is only two, the researchers then shall do a test of
difference for two groups, which is the T-test. Since both groups are uncorrelated,
x̅1 − x̅2
t= 1 1
√[(n1 −1)s21 (n2 −1)s22 ][n +n ]
1 2
x̅ = sample mean
n = sample size
s = sample standard deviation
This interpretation scale is used to deduce their verbal interpretation of the level
of agreement of students to selected school policies under the school manual. 1.00-1.75
range means that the respondents are not aware with the selected school policies. 1.76-
2.50 range means that the respondents are somewhat aware. 2.51-3.25 range means that
the respondents are aware and 3.26-4.00 range means that the respondents are very much
aware in it.
This chapter presents, interprets, and analyses the data collected using appropriate
statistical tools. The analytical procedures are arranged according to the sequence of
specific questions in chapter 1. The order of discussion is specifically as follows: (a)
Profile of the respondents (b) Levels of awareness and agreement of students to selected
school policies under the school manual (c) Significant difference on the levels of
Table 3. Frequency and percent distribution of the respondents with respect to grade
7 90 25.0
8 90 25.0
9 90 25.0
10 90 25.0
As can be seen from the table, the respondents are equally divided from different
grade levels because of the stratified random sampling. The number of respondents is
obtained using the Sloven’s formula. Hence, a frequency of 90 each grade level with a
percentage of 25.0%
Table 4. Frequency and percent distribution of the respondents with respect to age
It can be seen from the table, most of the respondents have the age of 14 with a
frequency of 86 and percentage of 23.9%. The least age of the respondents is 16 which
has a frequency of 50 and a percentage of 13.9%. 12 years old is the youngest among all
the respondents which has a frequency of 56 and a percentage of 15.6%. The age of the
respondents has a mean of 13.92 and a standard deviation of 1.30. The remaining 19 or
5.3% respondents didn’t answered the background information specifically the age.
Table 5. Frequency and percent distribution of the respondents with respect to sex
It can be seen from the table, most of the respondents are female with a total of
195 accounting for 54.2%. The remaining 153 are male respondents which represents the
42.5% of the totality. Female respondents are greater than male respondents because it is
randomly selected. The remaining 12 or 3.3 % respondents from the totality didn’t
Table 6. Frequency and percent distribution of the respondents with respect to position in
It is shown in the table that most of the respondents are member based on the
position in class accounting 70.3% of the totality of the respondents with a frequency of
253 followed by the officer accounting 24.4% of totality of the respondents with a
frequency of 88. The remaining 19 or 5.3% respondents from the totality didn’t answered
Looking in the table it shows that the member is higher than the officer because of
the Random Sampling. The researcher conducted, also there are few position in class in
the class
Table 7. Frequency and percent distribution of the respondents with respect to academic
It shown in the table, the respondents are most without honors with a frequency of
199 or 55.3%. While 107 or 29.7% respondents are with honors. The remaining 54 or
15% respondents didn’t answer the background information specifically the academic
ranking. The respondents without honors are greater than with honors because it is
randomly selected.
Table 8. Descriptive Summary on the Level of Awareness of Students to Selected School
Policies 4 3 2 1 Interpretation
Very Aware Some- Not
Generally, most of the respondents are aware on the selected school policies
under the school manual with a mean of 2.9625 and a standard deviation of 0.74247
The respondents are very much aware on the selected school policy no. 6 which is
school uniform with a mean of 3.6061 and a standard deviation of 0.76599 which means
“very much aware”. The respondents are aware on the selected school policy no. 1 which
The respondents are least aware on the selected school policy no. 7 which is
cheating with a mean of 2.6983 and a standard deviation of 1.10692. Followed by 2nd
least aware on the selected school policy which is cutting classes with a mean of 2.7345
especially research on students' opinions about uniforms, and the use of student uniforms
is a growing conversation across the country. Two researchers from the University of
Nevada, Reno College of Education studied opinions of students in three middle schools
in the Washoe County School District in northern Nevada during the first-year
indicated they did not like wearing uniforms, various benefits to wearing uniforms were
reported, including decreases in discipline, gang involvement and bullying; and increases
They also examined data on discipline referrals and school police reports
before and after the uniform policy was put in place at one of the schools. Females
perceived or experienced more benefits than males. Based on grade level, more seventh-
graders than eighth-graders reported agreement with statements about the benefits of
wearing school uniforms. Results also revealed that Latino students perceived more
Table 9. Descriptive Summary on the Level of Agreement of Students to Selected School
Policies under the School Manual
Statements 4 3 2 1 Interpretation
Much what
Agree Agree
report violations
are guided
are humane
should report
Generally, the respondents agree to the statements regarding their agreement to the said
school policies. It is evident on the acquired mean of 3.1437, which within the range on
the agree scale. It is also acquired a standard deviation of .49327, which indicates that
there really is a significant difference on the level of agreement in the perception of the
The respondents agreed on most of the statements 6, 1, and 2 which are “My
classmates are being guided by the school policies in every action they are doing in the
school”, “It is my responsibility to obey the school policies as a student of Santiago City
respectively. The respondents believe most that their classmates are guided by the school
policy, which is evident by the computed mean of 3.8080 and a standard deviation of
.82779, which indicates the similarity of the answers of the respondents. Then it is
policy, which ranked as the third statement that the respondents agree of the most, as can
be seen by its mean of 3.2389 and a standard deviation of .77470.These results show that
most respondents are acknowledging themselves as both obedient and subjected to the
school policies, and also perceive that their classmates are acting upon or being guided by
talks about the fairness and consideration given to those who disobey the rules.
Statement 3 being the respondents’ belief on the sanctions being humane acquired a mean
classmates’ belief on the fairness of the sanctions acquired a man of 3.0333 and a
standard deviation of.80320 and in the statement 8, which is about the obedience of their
classmates because they recognize that they are responsible to do so. This statement
scored a mean of 3.0362 and a standard deviation of .83654. These 3 statements imply
that the answer of the respondents are closely similar to each other. These results show
that the respondents believe that the sanctions given to the violators are somewhat unfair
and unkind and that their classmates are not obedient to the school policies
Policies Variation
students to selected school policies under the School Manual when grouped according to
grade level, the data were subjected to F- test or one-way analysis of variance.
Looking on the table, the table shows that there is a significant difference on the
level of awareness of students to selected school policies under school manual when
grouped according to grade level. This can be seen from the computed F value of 11.627
or a P value of .000, pointing the rejection of the null hypothesis. It means that the
respondents from grade levels 7, 8, 9 and 10 have different perception on the level of
Littering ( F= 20.009; P= .000) Absenteeism (F= 5.253; P= .001) Cutting classes (F=
2.11; P= .090) Late (F= 7.309; P= .000) Haircut (F= 2.54; P= .056) School Uniform (F=
3.302; P= .000) Cheating (F= 8.675; P= .000) to see where the specific significant
difference lies the Hoc Test was used. Multiple comparisons are made in the use of
Scheffe method.
However, despite the good efforts of the many stakeholders, a number of these students
do not succeed. One major element common among many who fail is absenteeism.
While there have been attempts to remedy the problem, most have not succeeded.
One reason for this has been the lack of information sought on how students viewed their
own experience and behaviour. The study concludes that, as with all students with social
difficulties, help in developing the attitude and skills needed to engender self-esteem and
support staff and significant peers, are essential if any improvement is to be made in the
Table 11. Significant Difference on the Level of Awareness of Students to Selected
students to selected school policies grouped according to age, the one-way of variance
The F and P values obtained were 4.746 and 0. 001, that means, there really is a
significant difference among the different age group; which also means that when
grouped according to age have different level of awareness to selected school policies
the different age ( F= 5.493, P= .000) as well as for Absenteeism ( F= 4.414, P= .003),
Cutting classes ( F= 5.049, P= .001) and Cheating ( F= 5.45, P= .000) in which there is a
significant difference among the level of awareness to the said school policies when
over the last year at some of the nation’s most competitive schools, like Stuyvesant
High School in Manhattan, the Air Force Academy and, most recently, Harvard.
violate standards of academic integrity to some degree, and that high achievers are
just as likely to do it as others. Moreover, there is evidence that the problem has
Experts say the reasons are relatively simple: Cheating has become easier and
more widely tolerated, and both schools and parents have failed to give students
students to the selected school policies under the school manual, the data were subjected
selected school policies when grouped according to age. As shown in the table, its t-value
of -.787 and the p-value 0f .432, therefore, it can be inferred that both male and female
students have the same level of awareness on the selected school policies.
be found when the respondents are grouped according to sex. This school policy is
regarding the school uniform, which acquired a t-value of -3.242 and a p-value of
.001.Female respondents are more aware of this policy as evident by the means acquired;
Ryan (2016) Chinese students with trendy hairstyles forced to get haircuts in front
of their school. Those who are found sporting restricted ‘fashionable hairstyles’ will be
given an instant make-over.Curly or blonde hair must be proven to be natural and not
salon-styled, reported the Telegraph. Some schools have even required students to
provide a doctor’s certification to prove that their curls are authentic. The initiative is part
have “negative social influence”. It is also supposed to have been enforced “to ensure
students when grouped according to position in the class, the researchers introduced the
data to independent samples t-test. After correlating the two different groups using the
independent samples t-test it was found out that there is really a significant difference
between the level of awareness of the students when grouped according to position in the
class. With the overall means of 2.8943 for members of the class and 3.2218 with the p-
value of 0.00, it clearly shows that there is really a significant difference between the
members of the class. Though the reason on why these data are like these is not answered
in this study, the researchers tried to answer what data are needed for future research
studies. It can be inferred from the table on the previous page that the level of agreement
of the officers are actually significantly higher than the level of agreement of the ordinary
students. Therefore the class officers are more aware of the school policies than ordinary
by the negative social influence of dyed and permed hair, which affects their
environment for students, the school has ruled that boys should have crew cuts and girls
should grow hair down to the ear, to ensure they can focus on their studies.”For some
students, refusing to go to school is seen as a more viable option rather than getting their
hair cut. The Chinese social media have been flooded with angry posts and comments
criticizing the rules, with some stating they are treated as prisoners in the Chinese
schools, with reference to China’s prisons with a similar law on short haircuts.
students to selected school policies when group according to academic ranking. The
The T and P values obtained were 4.063 and 0.001 respectively which means there
is a significant difference between the academic ranking: which also means that when
grouped according to academic ranking have different have different level of awareness
and Cheating.
between the academic ranking (T= 5.061, P= .000) as well as for absenteeism (T= 2.897,
P= .004) cutting classes (T= 3.362), late (T= 3.380, P= .001) and cheating (T= 5.849, P=
.000) which shows that there is really a significant difference between the level of
awareness to the said school policies when grouped according to academic ranking.
McCabe D. (2012) “I don’t think there’s any question that students have
become more competitive, under more pressure, and, as a result, tend to excuse
more from themselves and other students, and that’s abetted by the adults around
the students when grouped according to grade level, the researchers used two statistical
tools: the F-test and the post-hoc test. The f-test is used to determine the significant
difference (if there is) among and between the groups, this test is more efficient with data
that has 2 or more groups. The post-hoc test is used to determine the order of the data
0.344 (higher than 0.05). Now that the null hypothesis is accepted, it is indicated that
grouped according to grade level. It can be inferred that the agreement of all the students
from grade 7-10 are the same in terms of level of agreement on the statements shown on
the questionnaire.
Table 16. Significant Difference on the Level of Agreement of Students to Selected
School Policies when grouped according to Age
To see the significant difference among the means of the scores when grouped
according to age, the one-way analysis of variance test was used. The mean of the F-
value is 2.618 with a p-value of 0.035 which is below the 0.05 acceptance region.
This statement now indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected and therefore
there is a significant difference among the means of the scores. As seen in the table in
among the scores of the respondents when grouped in age. It can be inferred that different
age group affects the choices of the students in terms level of agreement on statements
directly related to school policies. There is really a significant difference between the
values among the scores, the ANOVA or post-hoc test is used to determine the difference
of the scores.
Table 17. Significant Difference on the Level of Agreement of Students to Selected School Policies when grouped
according to Sex
students when grouped according to age, the researchers used the independent samples t-
ps. The t-value is 2.910 with a p-value of 0.029 which means that there is that
there is a significant difference between the scores when grouped according to sex. The
female students level of agreement are higher than the level of agreement of male
As seen on the table the level of agreement of the female students are significantly
higher than the level of agreement of males. It can be inferred that female students agrees
I am guided Officer 88 3.4773 .60605 3.384 . .001 Reject Ho
according to position in the class, the researchers used the independent samples t-test to
The mean of the scores of the 2 grouped data were compared. It was found that
there is really a significant difference between the scores when grouped according to
position in the class. With a T-value of 2.636 and a p-value of 0.009 the table indicates
that there is a significant difference between the scores of the respondents when grouped
in position in class.
As seen in the table the mean of scores of the ordinary students are higher than the
scores of class officers. It can be inferred that the level of agreement of officers are
significantly less than the level of agreement of the ordinary class members , Therefore
the ordinary students agree to the statements more than class officers.
groups, the researchers introduced the data to a test, specifically the independent sample
t-test. It shows in the table that the overall decision was to reject the null hypothesis with
the means of students with honor is 3.3176 while students without honor is 3.0635 and
the p-value of 0.000 which indicates that the students with honors have higher agreement
upon this study are discussed and further elaborated in the conclusion. Afterwards
Summary of Findings
(1) The profiles of the respondents are as follow, with respect to:
a) Grade level; there are 90 or 25% respondents in each grade level with the total of 360
b) Age; Most of the respondents were 14 years old with a frequency of 86 which is 23.9%
of the respondents and least of the respondents were 16 years old with a frequency of 50
c) Sex; Most of the respondents were female with the total of 195 or 54.2% of the
respondents and the remaining respondents were male with the total of 153 or 42.5% of
the respondents.
e) Academic ranking; Most of the respondents are without honor with a frequency of 199
or 55.3% of the respondents and 107 or 29.7% of the respondents are with honor
According to the results of the study. The students are most aware about the
policies school uniform with a mean score of 3.6061 and a SD of 0.76599. The students
are aware of their school uniforms and only a few students are not aware of proper school
uniform. The second policy that the students are most aware of is littering with mean
score of 2.9554 and SD of 1.04546. The two are widely informed to students and students
The bottom two are interpreted as “aware” so the cutting class and cheating part
are still considered to also be widely informed to students with a mean of 2.7345 with a
the policies under the school manual with a mean of 2.9625 and SD of 0.74247. There is
really no significant difference between the awareness of students on the policies under
the school manual. This study states the students are widely informed and are aware of
selected school manual is “ My classmates are being guided by the school policies in
every action that they are doing in the school” with a mean of 3.8080 and a SD of
0.76344 with a ranking of one. The second most chosen level of agreement is “it is my
responsibility to obey the school policies as a student of Santiago City National High
School” with a mean of 3.4652 and a SD of 0.82779. Lastly, the third most chosen level
Based on the study, the bottom three are the level of agreement is “I believe that
the sanctions given to those who disobey the school policies are humane and
commensurate to the gravity of the policy being disobeyed” with a mean of 3.0194 and
SD of 0.81570. The second to the last is the “My classmates believe that the sanctions
given to those who disobey the school policies are humane and commensurate to the
gravity of the policy being disobeyed” with a mean of 3.0333 and a SD of 0.80320. And
the third to the last is “My classmates obey the school policies because they believe that it
by the school policies in every action that they are doing in school” which rank first. And
the least chosen of level of agreement by the respondents is “I believe that the sanctions
given to those who disobey the school policies humane and commensurate to the school
being disobeyed”.
(4) Overall
Overall, the finding shows that there is a significant difference among the level of
awareness towards the selected school policies when grouped according to grade level
awareness towards the selected school policies when grouped according to age (f=4.746,
towards the selected school policies when grouped according to sex (t=-0.787, p=0.432),
specifically there is a significant difference between the level of awareness towards the
selected school policies when grouped according to position in class (t=3.635, p=0.000),
however there is a significant difference between the level of awareness towards the
towards the selected school policies when grouped according to grade level (f=1.113,
p=0.344), however there is a significant difference among the level of agreement towards
the selected school policies when grouped according to age (f=2.618, p=0.035),
specifically, there is a significant difference between the level of agreement towards the
selected school policies when grouped according to sex (t=-2.190, p=0.029), however
towards the selected school policies when grouped according to academic ranking
(t=4.57, p=0.000).
The researchers concluded that in the level of awareness, most of the students in
Santiago City National High School are aware of the school policies under the school
manual. The students are very aware in the policies about proper school uniform and
littering. These are the two top of the policies that most of the students are aware.
(2) Level of Agreement
The researchers concluded that in the study, the most chosen level of agreement
are those that shows guidance for the students in the different (selected) school policies
and make the students obey those policies. The students also agreed that this policies
should have an action in order for the students to follow and be guided by the school
(3) Overall
to selected school policies under the school manual when grouped according to sex.
age, position in class and academic ranking. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference
on the level of agreement of the students to selected school policies under the school
selected school policies under the school manual when grouped according to age, sex,
(1). Parents will be notified about the results of the study. The results will be a guide for
the parents to further inform students about the different school policies and to teach
them more regarding these school policies for discipline must also be present at homes.
(2). The researchers advise the school, especially the Prefect of Discipline for more
interesting forms of information dissemination and education that students will surely
enjoy and understand regardless of age, grade level, academic performance, and position
in class.
(3). The researchers also advice the school, especially the Prefect of Discipline to educate
the students about the sanctions given and why it is necessary, or that they change these
sanctions to the extent that the students approve of these sanctions. This is due to the low
level of agreement of students to statements that involve the humaneness of the sanctions
(4). The researchers propose that the results of the study will be a basis in advising
students regarding their agreement or dissensus towards the school policies for the
guidance councillor.
(5). The researchers also recommend the faculty and staff to give attention to the students
based on their awareness and agreement to the different school policies, especially those
who are not aware or those who do not agree on the different school policies.
(6). The researchers encourage future researchers to conduct further studies about this
topic but with wider scope and greater number of variables to test the validity and
credibility of this research study and to have better understanding of this subject.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Curriculum Vitae
Chinese Students With Trendy Hairstyles Forced to Get Haircuts in front Of Their School
How Can Policy Makers Better Understand 21st Century Education
Positive Discipline In Everyday Teaching A Primer for Filipino Teachers. Retrieved from