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Cost-benefit Analysis of Using Heuristics in ACGP

John Aleshunas Cezary Janikow

University of Missouri St. Louis University of Missouri St. Louis
St. Louis, United States St. Louis, United States
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Constrained Genetic Programming (CGP) is a evaluations. In crossover, randomly chosen sub-trees are
method of searching the Genetic Programming search space exchanged between two parents. In mutation, a randomly
non-uniformly, giving preferences to certain subspaces chosen sub-tree is regrown.
according to some heuristics. Adaptable CGP (ACGP) is a
method for discovery of the heuristics. CGP and ACGP have
previously demonstrated their capabilities using first-order
heuristics: parent-child probabilities. Recently, the same
advantage has been shown for second-order heuristics:
parent-children probabilities. A natural question to ask is
whether we can benefit from extending ACGP with deeper-
order heuristics. This paper attempts to answer this question
by performing cost-benefit analysis while simulating the
higher-order heuristics environment. We show that this
method cannot be extended beyond the current second or
possibly third-order heuristics without a new method to deal
with the sheer number of such deeper-order heuristics.

Keywords-Genetic Programming, Adaptable Constrained

Genetic Programming, Building Block Hypothesis, Heuristic. Figure 1GP solution represented as a tree for the algebraic
formula x*x+y*y+z*z
Genetic Programming (GP) is an evolutionary computation One critical issue with GP design is the choice of the labels.
method merging concepts from computer science and biology. The labels, along with limitations on explored tree sizes,
It has been shown to provide robust solutions for problems determine the search space for GP (while population, selection
such as evolving computer programs, designing logic circuits, and operators determine the means of searching the space). If
discovering mathematical equations, and solving other the label set is not sufficient, the desired solution does not exist
optimization and combinatorial problems where other solutions in the search space and therefore GP will never find it. This is
are not practical or unknown [2]. often referred to as the sufficiency principle [2]. To avoid this
problem, the label set is often greatly enlarged. Unfortunately,
Genetic Programming represents a population of candidate this increases the search space and generally reduces the GP
solutions as trees, lists or graphs, but the dominant effectiveness [2][4]. To answer this challenge, a number of
representation, and the one this paper concentrates on, is the methods have been proposed that ultimately prune, or reduce
tree representation [2]. These trees are composed of elements the effective search space, such as STGP, CFG-based GP, etc.
from a predetermined set of functions and terminals, called [2].
here labels. A given function can label any node whose number
of subtrees equals the function arity. Terminal labels, such as Constrained GP (CGP) is another such method. It allows
constants or variables from the problem environment, label the certain constraints on the formation of labeled trees –
leaves. constraints on a parent and one of its children at a time [4]
(CGP also supports restrictions based on types, along with
The search space is the space of all (up to some size limit) polymorphic functions, but this paper does not use these
trees that can be labeled with the provided labels. Somewhere extended capabilities). The constraints are processed in a
in the space, we should find the actual solution to the problem closed search space by operators with minimum overhead:
at hand or otherwise GP will not be capable of ever finding the closed search space refers to generating only valid parents from
solution. The quality of a single solution-tree, and therefore its valid children [4]. The constraints in CGP, called heuristics,
“proximity” to the sought solution, is the tree’s evaluation can be strong, that is conditions that must be satisfied, or be
through a provided black-box fitness function. expressed weakly as probabilities. Such local probabilities
After the initial sampling in the GP population, new effectively change the density or uniformity of the GP search
solutions are evolved using genetic operators such as crossover space. CGP has been proven very successful on a number of
and mutation, while guided by selection based on fitness
standard GP problems especially when using the strong block), and some tree is being mutated with ‘*’ to label a node,
constraints [4,6]. then the two children of this node would have higher chance of
being labeled ‘y’ and ‘y’ as according to this heuristic. The
CGP requires the user to know the heuristics – CGP only same would happen in crossover – if the first order heuristics
provides means of adjusting the search space given the from Figure 2(a) has high probability, the tree in Figure 2 is
heuristics. Adaptable CGP (ACGP) was developed to automate chosen for crossover and the root’s left subtree is chosen as
the process of discovery of such useful heuristics, and the crossover node, CGP would favor bringing subtrees starting
method was also shown to efficiently learn and apply the with ‘+’ from the other parent.
heuristics [5,7]. Recently, the method has been extended to
more complex heuristics. The stronger heuristics, and the
method, have been validated as providing efficient speed up to
evolution in cases where second-order structures exist in the
problem at hand [1].
ACGP contrasts from other GP improvement techniques
such as Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA) for GP
[10], applying grammar-based methodologies to GP [9] and
semantic optimization methods [8]. Those methods attempt to
build probabilities on labeling specific tree nodes rather than
tree-position-independent probabilities as ACGP allows. In
addition, ACGP works within a standard GP (extends lilgp).
In ACGP, with the growing complexity of the heuristics,
come costs associated with the processing and storage of these
heuristics. Second-order heuristics do not pose significant
Figure 2a) First order and b) second order heuristics on trees
overhead; however, higher order heuristics do. The paper
analyzes the cost-benefit relationship for the heuristics. In EDA methods, some probabilities are maintained for
Because no implementation exists beyond the second order, the specific positions in the tree [10]. In ACGP, there are two kinds
benefits of higher-order heuristics are speculated, and the cost of heuristics instead. Global heuristics are position-specific as
is simulated. they provide information starting from the root node. Local
In this paper, we first introduce the basic principles of heuristics and position-independent and they can be applied in
ACGP, its heuristics and their discovery method, followed by any position in the tree.
cost analysis. Then, we perform complete cost-benefit analysis
B. Discovery of Heuristics in ACGP
for first and second order heuristics, tracing benefits and
combing them with cost. Finally, we discuss the benefits of In ACGP, the method for discovery of heuristics is
higher order heuristics, and measure their cost by using the straightforward – the heuristics are discovered by analyzing the
current implementation to simulate cases with higher demands. best performing trees. This process does not take place after
We close by suggesting some ways to alleviate the cost every generation as it has been shown that more time is needed
problem. for the emergence of such structures [5]. Instead, this happens
after a number of generations, called an iteration.
The building block hypothesis asserts that evolutionary
A. Heuristics in ACGP processes work by combining relatively fit, short schema to
Heuristics in Artificial Intelligence are considered to be form complete solutions [3]. The problem with this assertion is
chunks of information, or rules-of thumb, that can lead to some that most problems are not decomposable and it is often
improvements in knowledge or in processing. In ACGP, difficult to determine the fitness of a particular building block
heuristics are probabilities attached to certain labeled let alone determine its contribution to the individual’s fitness.
structures. First order heuristics are probabilities of certain ACGP uses the assumption that building blocks, or structures,
parent-one-child structures, such as the probability that the that occur more frequently in the fittest population members
binary function ‘+’ will have ‘+’ as its left argument, as contribute to the fitness of those solutions and are therefore fit
illustrated in Figure 2(a). Second order heuristics are building blocks.
probabilities of certain parent-all-children structures, such as In addition to using multi-generation iterations, ACGP also
the probability that the binary function ‘*’ will apply adjusts its heuristics from the observed frequencies, rather than
simultaneously to ‘y’, as illustrated in Figure 2(b). One may greedily using the frequencies as its heuristics – empirical
revert this terminology to zero order heuristics, that is just label results show that heuristics applied too greedily can lead to
probabilities (these are less useful except for the root node), premature convergence into a search subspace which is
and extend to higher order heuristics where a node is incapable of representing the sought solution [5]. This is due to
considered with its children and their children, etc. the fact that GP, given its large label set, searches a space of
The heuristics are very useful in guiding the GP search. For many redundant representations and early heuristics tend to
example, if the structure as labeled in Figure 2(b) has high conflict between these representations. Once the search begins
probability, that is it is a useful structure (useful building
to converge to a specific solution and thus into specific III. COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS
representation, the heuristics are more reliable as a set. Any improvement to any method should always be
C. Representation and Cost of the Heuristics in ACGP considered in the context of the cost of the method, or
otherwise the overall performance may suffer. The benefit of
ACGP computes its frequencies and represents its heuristics
using heuristics in GP is to speed up evolution, by utilizing the
in tables, eventually translated into so called mutation tables.
discovered heuristics which again more close align genotype
Table representation allows for random access indexing and
and phenotype, or adjust the search to only the optimal
thus fast retrieval of information. Moreover, ACGP separately
subspace. As a secondary benefit, the discovered heuristics
maintains its global heuristics from its local heuristics. The
themselves may be invaluable information in general or for a
minimal size for the tables is completely dependent on the size
new search, even if the cost is of obtaining them is initially
of the function set F, the terminal set T, and the arity of each
function, and it is shown in Eq. 1 for the first order heuristics.
The constant 1 is added to account for the global heuristics, The cost of heuristics is the space and time requirements
which at the root are only maintained at the zero order. In the needed to carry out the search in the modified-density space.
absence of any initial heuristics, such probability tables are With efficient implementation of the closed search [4], this cost
initialized to uniform probabilities for every building block. is made up of:
The heuristics can also be initialized to non-uniform
probabilities using CGP’s input interface. When ACGP 1. Allocating all needed counters and tables – this is done
analyzes the heuristics, it observes the frequencies which in the setup stage.
building blocks appear in the fittest population members and 2. Time to process the better trees, analyzing and
adjusts the probabilities of those building blocks on each counting various strictures, and to adjust the heuristics,
iteration. at each iteration – this happens infrequently, at each
iteration only.
∑ 1 | | | | (1)
3. Time for the operators of mutation, crossover, and
The discovered heuristics in ACGP are used in crossover, regrow to access the heuristics – this is performed
mutation, and a new operator, regrow. Each operator needs to frequently (mutation and crossover are frequent;
access the tables in order to apply as according to the regrow is only at iteration time).
heuristics. Regrow is an initialization operator used by ACGP
after each iteration. In GP, generations build on top of each First, we perform a detailed cost-benefit analysis up for first
other. However, the search also converges into better and second order heuristics because a complete implementation
subspaces. When ACGP extracts its heuristics at each iteration, exists. In this case, we show the benefits and then combine
it prefers to reinitialize the population according to the new with cost. Because no ACGP implementation beyond the
heuristics [5]. This reinitialization tends to remove bloat, second order exists, when moving to higher order analysis we
produce more compact trees from the same subspace in which extrapolate on the benefits and measure the cost by simulations.
the search converges, yet reduce premature convergence. A. Experimental Methodology
The newly discovered heuristics effectively change the To perform this analysis, we use the function shown in Eq.
space being search by GP – the space density changes, or rather 3. This controlled problem exhibits strong second order
the search space becomes non-uniform. In a way, the heuristics structure but less obvious first order structure – this will allow
become shortcuts in the space, allowing adjustments in how us to access the benefits of processing proper heuristics yet
genotype and phenotype relate to become more properly observe the difference in improvements attributed to different
aligned to solve the problem in the most efficient way. As levels of heuristics. The function and terminal sets are
proven before, this results in much more efficient search while sufficient yet not minimal as we do not want to assume that we
examining smaller number of trees [5,7]. This is often a know that much about the problem at hand. Accordingly, the
significant improvement for a modest overhead storage and function set is set to F={*, /, +, -} and the terminal set is set to
processing cost. T={x, y, z, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
Recently, ACGP expanded the heuristic analysis and All experiments are repeated independently ten times, and
methods to consider second order heuristics, as shown in averages are reported. Unless otherwise noted, population size
Figure 2(b). This has also been shown to lead to more efficient was set to 500, generations to 500, and iteration to 20
search [1]. However, this also leads to more overhead both in generations.
time and space. The main reason is that the number of
heuristics grows substantially over the first order. Equation 2
shows how many second order heuristics are needed. In this B. Benefit of First and Second OrderHeuristics
case, the global heuristics are truly second order and thus we Among the possible first order building blocks, ten local
multiply the other factor rather than add. Moreover, function heuristics are highly desirable, as seen by analyzing Eq. 3. This
arity is in the exponent to account for all children set of these desired heuristics is shown below – subscript
combinations. indicates child number:
2 ∑ | | | | (2) , , , ,
, , , , ,
ACGP runs as GP for 20 generations (1 iteration). At that C. Cost of First and Second Order Heuristics in ACGP
time, it considers the best trees in the population, analyzing Since all of the functions in Eq. 3 are binary functions, the
them and counting all found first order structures (we use literal total number of possible first order heuristics is computed using
counting; however, ACGP also allows other counting methods an adjusted form of Eq. 1, shown in Eq. 4. Given the problems
which disregard unexpressed subtrees and counts more settings as above, this yields 162 possible first order heuristics.
frequently used subtrees with higher weights). Then, ACGP
adjust the initially uniform heuristics according to the observed 2 | | 1 | | | | (4)
frequencies, reinitializes the population using the modified
heuristics (using regrow), and continues its generations with Among the 162 possible building blocks, only six local first
crossover and mutation through the next iteration. However, order heuristics are highly desirable, as seen before, plus the
mutation and crossover are now non-uniform as according to global heuristic placing ‘+’ in the root.
the heuristics. After several of these analysis intervals, the
building blocks that contribute most to the best solutions begin Using second order structures, the total number of
to emerge in the heuristics set, and the evolution picks up. heuristics can be computed using an adjusted form of Eq. 2 as
presented in Eq. 5.
The benefits of using such first-order heuristics over a
traditional GP run can be seen in Figure 3, which shows the 2 | | | | | | (5)
fitness of the best individual averaged over 30 independent Given the problem settings, this yields 2592 second order
runs. However, the first order heuristics, even the most heuristics. Among those, only three local heuristics, as
desirable as shown above, clearly do not capture the true indicated above, are useful, plus some global placing {+ + *}
structure present in the problem. For example, the first order and {+ * +} in the root.
heuristics state that ‘*’ can apply to ‘x’ as its first argument and
‘x’ as its second argument but are incapable of expressing the The sizes hardly seem prohibitive, but to assess all cost we
fact that this should be simultaneous as seen in Eq. 3. In must take all cost components into account – the cost involves
particular, using the above first order heuristics, the following not only the space but also accessing and updating the
thirteen second order heuristics are all equally likely: heuristics. Rather than directly computing the cost and then
comparing it against the benefits of Figure 3, we re-plot Figure
, , , , 3 on time rather than generation scale – this way all possible
, , , cost is taken into account. The re-plotted results are shown in
, , , Figure 4, extended to 180 seconds which was the longest run
, , among the three cases. The observed dips are due to regrowing
the population at interval points – however the dips are
However, only the diagonal heuristics for multiply are truly minimal due to averaging over independent runs.
relevant and contribute new information to solving Eq. 3. The
others will not contribute to a fit solution. ACGP running with Bowl3 Learning Curve
population = 500, generations = 500
only first order heuristics can process the above heuristics 1

implicitly, but when derived from first order heuristics all 0.9

thirteen of the second order heuristics will be equally likely. 0.8


Bowl3 Learning Curve 0.6

population = 500, generations = 500

1 0.5
2d OH
0.4 1st OH
0.8 0.3

0.7 0.2

0.6 0.1

0.5 0

















0.4 Seconds


0.2 2d OH
1st OH
Figure 4 Comparison of Base, 1st Order and 2d Order Heuristics
Base for Equation 3 180 seconds, 500 population

Generation As can be seen, ACGP is able to produce the best solution

while learning second order heuristics – and even the first order
Figure 3 Comparison of Base, first order and second order heuristics are a substantial improvement over the standard GP.
heuristics in ACGP In fact, both kinds of heuristics provide significant advantage to
GP even if cost is taken into account. Second order processing
When ACGP is executed with second order heuristics, it is outperforms first order – on the benefit side this was expected
capable of differentiating among the above nine heuristics, and since Equation 4 exhibits strong second order structure, but
thus it should be capable of using this to an advantage. Figure 3 showing that the benefit is sustained when taking cost into
shows that it indeed does so, clearly outperforming not only account is welcome information. Additional analysis presented
standard GP but also ACGP running with first order heuristics. in [1] shows that the advantage persists even when the second
order structure is not so dominating in the problem being
D. Benefits of Higher Order Heuristics increase table sizes. These cases are listed in Table 2. The case
ACGP implementation for higher order structures does not 1x is the previous second order case. The case 10x refers to the
exists, and therefore empirical support for the benefits of same problem with an artificially increased function and
extracting and using higher order heuristics cannot be terminal set that was produced by duplicating the original set of
performed. However, from the benefit analysis for first and labels in order to increase the number of heuristics by one order
second order heuristics it is easy to speculate that if the of magnitude, etc. However, because the 100,000x could not
problem exhibits higher order structures, processing such complete on our system, we used the 10,000x plus case giving
higher order heuristics should be beneficial. a three-fold increase over the previous case. With these
artificial cases, we will be able to simulate table sizes for up to
E. Cost of Higher Order Heuristics third order heuristics but not up to fourth.
The engine that drives the performance gains of ACGP is Table 2 EXPERIMENT COMPLEXITY LEVELS
the heuristics extracted from the problem and processed in the
operators. However, the number of higher order heuristics Functions
Level Terminals Combinations
grows very substantially, and it poses storage and processing (binary)
challenges to access and adjust the heuristics. This section 1x 4 14 2,592
analyses this issue. 10x 10 26 25,920
100x 28 40 258,944
The cost of higher order heuristics is that of processing, and 1000x 62 82 2,571,264
modifying the tables needed to maintain the heuristics. The first 10,000x 120 208 25,820,160
question is how big are those tables? Equation 6 shows the 10,000x plus 188 267 77,841,400
formula to compute the size of the tables for third order
heuristics, and Table 1 shows the actual sizes for the problem First, we measure separately the time requirements for
illustrated in this paper for order 1-6. As seen from that table, various operations of ACGP:
the sizes become prohibitive around third or fourth order. Let
us illustrate it in detail. • Setup time, which includes table allocations and
transformations of the internal structures
2 ∑ ∑ | | | | | | (6) • Fitness time, which is time to evaluate the trees
which should be independent of the heuristics
• Operator time: mutation and crossover, which will
1st OH 1.62 x 102 require access to heuristics
2nd OH 2.59 x 103
• Regrow time: reinitializing the population at each
3rd OH 1.37 x 107 interval which requires access to heuristics
4th OH 3.76 x 1014
• Weight time: analyzing best trees, computing
5th OH 2.48 x 1029 frequency tables, and recomputing the heuristics,
6th OH 1.62 x 1059 all at iteration time
• Processor time: total time
The tables in ACGP are generated during the setup, and
subsequently are randomly indexed to access the information • Other run attributes such as average tree size and
as needed in mutation, crossover, regrow, and are linearly depth, RAM and Virtual Memory (VM) used.
accessed to adjust the heuristics at each iteration time. Random
indexing is cheap as long as the language supports indexes of
needed size and the total size does not exceed possible process Seconds 1x 10x 100x 1,000x 10,000x 10,000x plus
space. The process space can be quite substantially on some Setup time
Fitness time
64-bit machines yet the real challenge comes from the limited Operator time 5.73 3.00 2.93 3.50 5.13 8.00
RAM available on a computer system even if the system is Regrow time
Weight time
capable of addressing a larger address space. Processor time 00:37.0 00:34.1 00:31.1 01:02.5 03:01.5 07:04.2

The empirical analysis was performed using a Dell Latitude Size

6400 with Intel Duo core P 8700 2.53 GHz processor with 4
GB RAM [3.48 GB effective] under Windows XP Pro SP3. RAM (in K)
VM (in K)
This system was chosen for convenience, but it does not allow
large processes and therefore we turned the simulation to gain The data is compiled in Table 3. The Setup time grows with
the needed data. increasing number of heuristics, as expected, as larger tables
Because ACGP does not provide implementation for need to be allocated and initialized. Fitness time is not affected
heuristics above second order, we instead took the second order by increasing heuristics and is rather related to average tree
case and enlarged it at controlled intervals, generating artificial sizes. However, this would not be true with increasing
cases with controllably increasing number of heuristics – to
mismatch between RAM and total memory required as seen competing for RAM memory and thus causing page faults. The
later. more page faults per timed unit, the larger the impact. In this
experiment, we measure Regrow and Operator time, which
Operator time is stable across the cases – random access to both need to access the heuristics. The results are presented in
heuristics is not affected by table sizes. Regrow time increases, Table 4 for the 1-11 concurrent processes, and illustrated
which is in contrast to Operator time. Because both Regrow graphically in Figure 6 using log scale.
and Operator access the same heuristics, this must be caused by
memory allocation and deallocation during regrowing the trees
– this could likely be alleviated by carefully reusing the same
memory. Weight time grows most substantially with growing 10000.000

number of heuristics – this involves traversing some trees and

Seconds (logarithmic scale)

then updating all heuristics. 1000.000 Operator

ACGP Operation Time Growth 100.000

20.00 19.20

18.00 10.000

16.00 Regrow Time

14.00 Weight Time

12.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Concurrent Processes

6.00 Figure 6 Regrow and Operator time for 1-11 concurrent

4.00 3.46
executions of the 10,000x case, on a logarithmic scale
2.00 0.72 1.00
0.00 0.28 0.00 0.20 0.00
- The growth of these times captures some of the process
1x 10x 100x 1,000x 10,000x contention issues as the complexity grows. The Regrow time is
Complexity Level fairly constant through 10 executions, due to kernel policy with
would hardly ever interrupt during a single regrow – however,
Figure 5 ACGP Regrow and Weight times from Table 3 the kernel started interrupting when running 11 processes due
to more demand on the system, and the time starts growing
Regrow and Weight time, the fastest growing times from rapidly. The Operator time grows slowly when a few processes
Table 3, are better illustrated in Figure 5. Weight time is the compete for RAM, but again for the same reasons shots up for
most rapidly growing measure – it includes tree traversals and the 11 processes.
also processing of all heuristic tables, and with larger cases we
observed memory paging coming into play causing the Table 5 summarizes the average total processing time for
increases. This issue is further tested next. the runs, showing the same slow growth for 1-10 competing
processes, coming to an explosion when the demand exceed the
Table 4 REGROW AND OPERATOR TIMES system resources or kernel policies for the 11 simultaneous
Regrow Operator Table 5 TOTAL EXECUTION TIMES
2 10.500 6.000
Total time
3 12.000 5.667
1 217.000
4 15.750 6.500
2 267.000
5 14.400 9.200
3 336.000
6 12.333 28.667
4 457.250
7 10.429 116.571
5 489.000
8 10.750 302.625
6 653.500
9 11.444 371.667
7 785.714
10 10.100 454.900
8 892.625
11 767.455 26880.909
9 1,156.222
10 1,307.444
The above timing does not take into account the RAM
11 97,127.273
bottleneck – even if computer system supports large process
space and programming language supports large indexes, when
some data is flushed out of RAM to VM this will affect the
overall performance. To simulate this scenario, we selected the The results indicate that with larger heuristics, and a
10,000x case, which requires close to 700k space (see Table 3), growing mismatch between available RAM and total process
and we force a number of such processes to run concurrently, space, the cost of processing the heuristics will grow too fast to
possibly be offset by any of the possible benefits. From the terminals, which from Eq. 4 and 5 affect the space required
simulations and computation, it seems that third order very modestly for first order and second order ACGP.
heuristics, in the current format and method, will be as far as
ACGP could go and even that would require dedicated REFERENCES
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