Uli-Final Report Savannah Civic CTR Redevelopment

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Savannah Civic Center

An Urban Land Institute

Technical Assistance Panel
October 29-30, 2018
Tourism is about more than marketing. It is also about protecting and
enhancing the product communities are trying to promote. Citizens,
elected officials, and developers alike can take a leadership role in
creating a sustainable tourism agenda that will strengthen the American
economy and at the same time preserve the natural and cultural assets
that make the United States unique.

– from “Ten Principles for Responsible Tourism,” by Edward T. McMahon
in Urban Land magazine, published online Aug. 10, 2015.
Table of
6 Introduction: The Panel’s Assignment

8 The TAP Process

15 SWOT Analysis

17 Historical Context of the Oglethorpe Plan

Existing Conditions

22 TAP Recommendations

27 The Economic Forecast

Implementation and Phasing

32 Case Study: Atlanta Civic Center Site

As the preeminent, multidisciplinary real estate forum, The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is a non-
profit education and research group supported by its diverse, expert membership base. Our
mission is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining
thriving communities worldwide.

With over 1,300 members throughout the Atlanta region (Georgia, Alabama & Eastern Ten-
nessee), ULI Atlanta is one of the largest and most active ULI District Councils worldwide. We
bring together leaders from across the fields of real estate and land use policy to exchange
best practices and serve community needs. We share knowledge through education, applied
research, publishing, electronic media, events and programs.


Since 1947, the Urban Land Institute has harnessed the technical expertise of its members
to help communities solve difficult land use, development, and redevelopment challenges.
Technical Assistance Panels (TAPs) provide expert, multidisciplinary, unbiased advice to lo-
cal governments, public agencies and nonprofit organizations facing complex land use and
real estate issues in the Atlanta Region. Drawing from our seasoned professional membership
base, ULI Atlanta offers objective and responsible guidance on a variety of land use and real
estate issues ranging from site-specific projects to public policy questions.

The sponsoring organization is responsible for gathering the background information neces-
sary to understand the project and presenting it to the panel. TAP members typically spend
two days developing an understanding of the problem, coming up with recommendations, and
presenting those findings and recommendations to the sponsoring organization.
Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

ULI Panel and Project Staff

Panel Members:
Joe Alcock Jonathan Gelber
Atlanta Office Director Vice President
McMillan Pazdan Smith Bleakly Advisory Group
Jennifer Ball Bob Hughes
Vice President, Planning and Economic Development President
Central Atlanta Progress HGOR
George Banks David Scott
Partner Senior Principal
Revel Da Vinci Development Collaborative
Jennifer Fine Jay Silverman (moderator)
Vice President, Planning and Strategic Initiatives Chairman, TAPs Committee
Invest Atlanta Managing Principal, Dwell Design Studio

ULI Project Staff:

Daphne Bond-Godfrey Sarah Kirsch
Director, ULI Atlanta Executive Director, ULI Atlanta


Associate, Morris, Manning & Martin Lisa Rubenson

TAP Panelists

Introduction: The Panel's Assignment
Scope of Project Elbert and Jackson, while also claiming a large part of Elbert
Square. This disrupted original street patterns and closed off
The City of Savannah asked ULI Atlanta to convene a
traffic to the rest of the Historic District to the east.
Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) to consider the highest
and best uses of the City of Savannah’s Civic Center Site A secondary focus of the TAP included two proposed
[hereafter, “the site”]. The site “ represents a unique and sites west of MLK Jr. Blvd: the new Arena site and the area
significant redevelopment opportunity within Savannah’s west of West Boundary Street, slated to be developed as
National Landmark Historic District [hereafter, Historic the Canal District. These sites are relevant to any long-term
District]. The City’s goal is to realize the highest and best use plans for the original Civic Center, in that they represent
[of this site] within the context of respecting the Oglethorpe potential for economic development. However, suggestions
Plan, reconnecting neighborhoods, and determining for their use and composition were not part of the TAP’s
compatible mixed-use redevelopment opportunities. The original mandate. The panel was simply charged with taking
TAP’s recommendations on future plans and redevelopment these projects into consideration as they explored the
strategies should recognize the historic aspects of the highest and best use for the Civic Center site.
site and consider the new catalytic developments in close The panel was also asked to consider the steady growth
proximity to the site.” (From advanced briefing materials.) of one of the area’s biggest landowners and population
centers, the Savannah College of Art and Design, at the edge
of the Historic District. The projected 2019 opening of the
The Study Area Savannah Cultural Arts Center was also a subject of review
for the TAP, as this 39,000-square-foot facility sits directly
The primary focus of the TAP study was the site of the
across from Montgomery Street from the Civic Center,
publicly-owned City of Savannah Civic Center, which was
fronting Montgomery Street. This facility will have a 464-
built in 1972 and houses the 9,700-seat Martin Luther King,
seat theatre with a fixed stage, a smaller performance space
Jr. (MLK) Arena, the 2,500-seat Johnny Mercer Theatre, a
for 100 seats, five studio classrooms and a gallery space.
ballroom, several multi-purpose rooms used for a number
of municipal and community purposes, and
two levels of expansive lobby space. The
property also includes a 275-space surface
parking lot.
The site encompasses approximately
7.0 acres, or the equivalent of 10 city
blocks, and is situated on the far west edge
of Savannah’s downtown and within the
Historic District between West Oglethorpe
Avenue to the north, Montgomery Street
to the west, West Liberty Street to the
south and Barnard Street to the east. The
construction of the site was an integral part
of an urban renewal initiative in the 1970s,
wherein exceptions were made to the
Oglethorpe Plan. Additionally, the Historic
District Ordinance was not yet in place,
allowing the Civic Center complex to claim
parts of two of the City’s original wards,

Boundaries for the Savannah Historic District

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

Questions for the Panel

The City engaged the ULI TAP to address the following questions:
1. What is the best use of this property that respects the integrity of Savannah’s National Landmark Historic District, as
well as celebrates and promotes our cultural assets including the Oglethorpe Plan, the urban forest, the architectural
landscape, and a diverse community?
2. How can the City best leverage this property to have a catalytic economic impact on downtown while respecting the
character of the surrounding neighborhood(s) and serving as a partner in community building?
3. What type of partnership structures (public/private, joint venture, sale/lease, City as developer, etc.) would best support
the successful redevelopment of the site?
4. What opportunities are possible for the site to serve as a gateway to the National Landmark Historic District and to
connect to the developing Canal District?

A Google Earth satellite image showing the Civic Center site in the context of the Historic District and the many squares.

The TAP Process
Prior to the TAP, the TAP Committee worked with the thinking it’s “important” (24.31%) and “somewhat
City of Savannah in September 2018 to give advice on a important” (18.24%).
community engagement survey that was an important part • Nearly one-half of respondents (47.84%) said these
of the stakeholder engagement process. services could be offered elsewhere, as long as they are
The survey was released by the City of Savannah on kept downtown.
September 28, 2018 and remained open until October 12, • Roughly three-quarters of respondents (75.29%) live
2018. In total, the City received over 500 responses to this within the City of Savannah limits.
online, seven-question survey, designed to solicit feedback
from the public about the highest and best use of the Civic At a pre-panel working session held on Friday, October
Center site. Below is a brief summary of the results: 19, the panelists reviewed the survey results, as well as
additional reports and opinions on the Civic Center site.
• A majority of respondents (53.92%) said preserving
Those included:
Savannah’s National Landmark Historic District and the
Oglethorpe Plan was their “highest priority.” • City of Savannah Arena Advisory Committee
• Respondents cited their “top three preferences” for use ▫▫ Majority recommendations: Johnny Mercer
of the Civic Center site would be: Theatre, ballroom and meeting rooms should be
1. more greenspace/park/civic space (81.18%);
▫▫ Minority position: Civic Center building removed;
2. more arts/cultural/entertainment spaces (73.73%); and
City sells land for residential and commercial use;
3. a mixed-use – residential, office, commercial and
use proceeds to preserve Johnny Mercer Theatre.
retail – space (51.76%).
• Downtown Savannah 2033, June 2018
• Less than half of respondents (39.80%) think it’s “very
• Savannah Civic Center Site: A Brief History (presentation
important” for the City to maintain a civic space, or
by staff of City of Savannah Municipal Archives on Day
some kind of venue, for these community uses.
One of the TAP)
• Two-thirds of respondents (66.67%) use the Civic Center
• Downtown Savannah Master Plan, 2011
site for “entertainment” purposes.
• Downtown MLK Arena Tech Package, August 2018
• Respondents have mixed feelings about whether the
• Barrett Report, Proposed Arena Feasibility Study
City should continue to offer a venue for these kinds
(Volumes I & II), 2016
of services: 29.41% think it’s “not important”; 28.04%
think it’s “very important”; others are split between • Savannah National Historic Landmark District
Assessment, 2018


Savannah 2033
Savannah National Historic Landmark District, 2018

Barrett Sports Group, LLC
S AVA N N A H D E V E LO P M E N T & Gensler
R E N E WA L AU T H O R I T Y JE Dunn Construction
Thomas and Hutton

May 6, 2016



Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

Day One - October 29, 2018 Business Opportunity, who pointed out areas of interest
adjacent to the Study Area: Elbert Square; the Savannah
Visitor’s Center; and key sites along Louisville, Stiles and
Gwinnett Streets.
The tour stopped at the site of the proposed Canal
District for an update on development plans there, before
continuing west toward the site of the new Arena complex.
The tour moved to the historic Waterworks building for a
presentation by the City’s Director of Arena Development,
Pete Shonka, on development plans that included not only
the new Arena, but also a municipal complex and other mixed
uses designed to stimulate economic activity in the area.
At the panel’s request, the tour included a drive through
some of the historic residential neighborhoods adjacent to
the proposed Arena site, including Historic Carver Village
A tour of the study area provided additional context for the TAP panelists and Kayton-Frazier. The tour then headed back toward
downtown and the Civic Center, with Mr. Dominguez and
Sponsor Presentation Ms. Spracher pointing out key historic sites and municipal
On Monday, October 29, the ULI panelists assembled development opportunities along the way via Gwinnett,
in the Simms Room on the second floor of the Savannah Montgomery, Congress, Barnard and Liberty Streets.
Civic Center at 301 W. Oglethorpe Avenue for a presentation
Stakeholder Interviews
by the City of Savannah (also referred to herein as “the
City,” and “the Client”). Leading the session was the City’s After a working lunch, wherein panelists met privately
Strategic Initiatives Manager, Liz Taschereau. She, along with to share observations, the group split into smaller groups to
Director of Municipal Archives & Records Management for meet with invited stakeholders representing a wide range of
the City and its acting Clerk of Council, Luciana Spracher, interests and perspectives. A summary of those interviews
walked the panel through the relevant research contained in follows in this report.
the advance briefing materials. Following the official stakeholder interviews, the panel
They reiterated the panel’s scope of work, gave an met with Marty Johnston, the City’s Chief Operating Officer
overview of past, present and proposed development responsible for overseeing the Civic Center operations, the
strategies, and introduced other key members of City MLK Arena and the Johnny Mercer Theatre. Ms. Johnston’s
leadership. These leaders provided background on a range observations are included in the “Key Issues” section.
of topics, including local planning initiatives, sustainability, Panel Deliberations and Working Dinner
business development, the local real estate and housing
Following the stakeholder sessions, the panel had an
market, and management of the Civic Center, MLK Arena
opportunity to regroup for more observations and to ask
and the Johnny Mercer Theatre. The Client then opened up
questions of the Client. The panelists, accompanied by
the discussion for questions from panelists.
Ms. Taschereau and Ms. Spracher, adjourned to walk to a
Tour of Study Area and Relevant Locations working dinner. The group was joined by Savannah Mayor
Acting Director of the Civic Center property Justin Eddie DeLoach and City Manager Rob Hernandez, each
Strickland led the panel on a walking tour of the site, which of whom had a chance to share his perspective on the
included the other meeting spaces, the 3rd floor ballroom, development challenges and opportunities presented for
the MLK Arena, the Johnny Mercer Theatre, and the surface the Study Area.
parking lot outside. The group then boarded a trolley for
a tour led by Manny Dominguez, the City’s Director of

Day Two - October 30, 2018 A summary of unattributed comments, derived from
three sets of concurrent sessions, are below. Please note
The following morning, Tuesday, October 30, the panel
that each session included a range of voices and opinions.
reconvened in the Simms Room of the Civic Center for a
Every effort was made to include the variety of perspectives
working session, wherein they revisited the Scope of Work
shared. A full list of participants by subject matter and
of the assignment, reported their respective findings from
session, is available by contacting the City Manager’s office.
the previous day’s stakeholder sessions, and began its
deliberations around the key questions for consideration. Onsite Interviews of Stakeholders - Summary of
While the City staff members were onsite to answer any Comments:
questions and to provide requested information, ULI Disclaimer: Please note these reflect stakeholder comments (in
panelists spent the majority of the day meeting in private to some cases verbatim) during the breakout sessions and they
prepare its preliminary report. are the opinions of people participating in those sessions.
Presentation • TOURISM – Would not like to see surface parking or
a developed site just for profit, notably a hotel. Many
At 4:15 p.m., in the Civic Center ballroom, the ULI
people live downtown, though it’s less diverse than
panelists presented an overview of its findings and
other areas. Fourteen million visitors annually come
recommendations in an open session to the Client. City
to Savannah; less than half of those are considered
staff members who had been part of the two-day TAP
"marketable." Whatever happens on this site, should
were present, as well as Mayor DeLoach, City Manager
have a civic space, some kind of node to capture
Hernandez, several City council members, many of the
people coming from downtown; must maintain
previous day’s stakeholder session participants, members of
historic character of the area. Mercer Theatre is
the media, and the public. After a 45-minute presentation,
problematic; the acoustics are bad and there’s deferred
panelists took questions and comments from the audience.
maintenance. If looking at mixed use, do something
Note: As part of the opening slides of the presentation,
that helps the community and has ROI, which is likely
the City of Savannah thanked the following Community
tourism- and parking-related. Or, something high-end
Partners for their sponsorship support:
residential, with rooftop pool, gym, etc. People don’t
• Downtown Neighborhood Association want to park far away and have to walk, due to crime
• Historic Savannah Foundation concerns and a need for easy access. This site is a
unique opportunity to see something large-scale, with
• Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce
greater capital investment from groups we haven’t seen
• Savannah Downtown Business Association before.
• Old Savannah Tours
• REALTORS & APPRAISERS – Would like to see Class A
Report Preparation and Release development here; there’s a “wall” created at MLK.
Would be in favor of the grid restoration; more balance
This TAP report was prepared under the leadership
on this side of town for the eastern Wharf project.
of ULI Atlanta and offers a summary of the activities that
Mixed-use development would be good; not in favor
took place during the program, as well as a more detailed
of using this as a shuttle space. Ideal housing spot for
exploration of key findings and panel recommendations that
young professionals, maybe short-term rentals good
were presented onsite on October 30.
here could be explored. There are concerns about
bureaucracy, political tensions like anywhere else,
Stakeholders and recent controversies related to fire fee and the
The ULI panelists would like to thank the stakeholders revisions to the short-term vacation rental (STVR).
who participated in the onsite interview sessions. Their These regulations put a 20% cap on residentially
valuable insights played an important role in the panel’s zoned parcels, thereby driving up the prices of homes.
deliberations as it worked through some of the key Churches here are very powerful. This site is A+ land,
challenges outlined in the assignment. will garner top-market prices. A 3BR townhome is in

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

the $750-900K range. Think you could get class A prices a TAD on this block. Mercer-type theatre could be built
here; there’s a lot of B-/C-class office space. Parking anywhere. If this was opened up to private investment
issue would be a factor, because every unit would groups, you’d have a lot of interest. Predict these
ideally have one internal space, one street permitted. investors would opt to keep the square, build retail,
• ARTS & CULTURE – Let’s grow the creative economy; mixed use, and a continuation of downtown. This site
there are few jobs for SCAD grads to transition into. could help some neighborhoods stimulate economic
Would like to see a flex-space, but with creative arts development. Could look at the 5th floor bonus (on
administrator to make sure it thrives; currently, there the 4-story max code), but would have to conform to
are few affordable housing options, would like to criteria: active use on ground floor; green roof; high
see that addressed. Also need to remain sensitive quality materials; and affordable housing.
to who and what events would be displaced. Makes • BUILDINGS – Subterranean parking lots have been
financial sense to tear down, replace with mixed-use a win for the City (one project lost 500 surface lots,
development to serve larger community and growing gained 1,000 underground); and these should be
student population of 4K in school year, 1.5K in summer. considered. Citizens need opportunity to build things
Would like to see grocery, but no bars or nightclubs. with character; not just the plan dictated from “above”
There’s a need for workforce and affordable housing; – it’s the street-level experience that makes it special.
re-establishing the grid would be ideal. Mercer has It’s already a catalyzed piece of property, with a steady
great history, ambiance, but it has challenges, in stream of pedestrians and traffic. The Civic Center is in
terms of acoustics, logistics (risers, load-in) and size. the way. The best part of Savannah is its “granularity,”
Philharmonic opts for the Lucas over Mercer for these where the private/public distinction is maintained.
reasons. Can sell out Mercer for youth concerts, holiday People need to be educated about parking options;
concerts or summer POPs but not many other times. need less discussion about how to accommodate
Parking, safety, accessibility, walking proximity to people from far away that come just once a year. Like
restaurants, post-concert entertainment options are all the idea of this being a cultural center with the theatre;
key issues. Would like to see City explore idea to build then again, the theatre can go anywhere downtown.
a new theatre on the east side (mid-town). Not all are Connectivity to other parts of Savannah is key; this area
enthusiastic about the proposed Canal District. Creative can serve as a kind of “connective tissue” to stimulate
class wants to live in the city; keep downtown viable by surrounding growth. Need to define and put some
recruiting talent to live here. code in place to encourage affordable housing; not
• BUSINESS – Consider Civic Center as an asset for enough focus on this. Development needs to be an
economic development. Note that there’s frustration equalizer. Downtown is losing population, need a draw
and conversation fatigue in the business community for residents. Need to break the cycle of City selling to
about state of these properties; many feel that nothing highest bidder, then developers developing (w/little
is going to be done. Ideally, bring in some private regard to aesthetics) so that they can get the highest
influences to offset city-run process. Perception is a ROI as fast as possible.
concern: why are we building the new Arena, talking • PRESERVATION & GREENSPACES – Mercer Theatre
about a new performing arts center, when we don’t outdated; surface parking not best use. Why not revert
know the future of this site? Market is too small to back to Oglethorpe Plan and start over? Getting back
bring in naming rights or sponsorships. We’ve had a to this, reinstatement of the squares, streets and
lot of interest with the TSPLOST list, though credibility lanes, would have public support and mitigate the
with the public and the huge cost overruns make concerns about our (historic) landmark status. This
things difficult. Business community favors downtown kind of preservation is what we’re here to protect.
restoration and a desire to see site back on tax rolls. The Waterfront park was a missed opportunity: we need
future of the $62M flyover has a big impact on what to get this right, it needs to be spectacular. Fears that
happens on this site; that project separated parts of this site could go by way of the French Quarter and
town and impacted the TSPLOST. Would be great to do go back to entertainment-only. Labor shortage is an

issue because of lack of affordable housing. Bring back community. Can’t replace that feeling of excitement
residential. More about the look and feel of the space, about coming downtown to go the theatre; it was a
the character, than what actually goes there. big deal and many people’s only occasion to come to
• MUSEUM & EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – Would this part of town. While the new Arena could provide
support any plan that would make healthy choices easy a place for some of these community events, we must
for residents and visitors, e.g., not a food truck lot. acknowledge a sense of loss if the site is razed. That
Hope we don’t turn it into something that’s out of scale said, given the financial constraints and the realities
that we don’t want. Living wage considerations in the of the new Arena building costs, there are compelling
area and access to a civic space are important. Let’s reasons to raze and sell and establish new civic meeting
look at the grid patterning and be as inclusive as we can spaces. No hotels should be pursued; mixed use would
be in whatever plan we pursue. We don’t need high-end be better. Once this site is razed, developers will come
retail here, but we do need affordable housing options. to us so there shouldn’t be any worries about interest.
If this building was removed, many civic uses would be “Downtowns should be for everyone, even those who
missed – there’s good transportation access here, so don’t live downtown.”
would want to be sure that was offered elsewhere. • ARENA COMMITTEE – Despite earlier reservations
• NEIGHBORHOOD – The Association’s input has been about eliminating the MLK Arena, the consensus of
formally shared in a written position paper. Restore the committee now is that the MLK Arena should be
the grid – including lanes – to respect the historic removed due to insurmountable costs to preserve and
location and improve walkability to and around the maintain building. There is also a “missing middle”
site; streets to come back for the sale of individual problem, meaning there’s no place to live for workforce,
lots for individual homes. The downtown master plans college grads. This site may be worth $16-23 million,
should be consulted. More affordable housing could be and we should get it back on the tax rolls. There should
considered, but no hotels. The Mercer Theatre could go be a study conducted to see if it’s fiscally feasible to
away, not considered a draw. Parking not really an issue preserve theatre; if not, it should go. Would be good
at this location, although other downtown locations to re-establish some of the street grid that was lost
do need more parking. Need grocery store (only 1 and bring back elements of the Oglethorpe Plan. Also
downtown and it is on east side); need neighborhood- need shops that cater to locals; opportunities exist in
supported retail (hardware store, grocery store, etc.). new Arena district. We don’t need office, hotel space as
much as housing and retail. Not great clarity on some of
• CITY COUNCIL – Confirming that the Arena deal is done; the numbers so far.
convinced it would stimulate growth to the west. Traffic
not having to come through Historic District would be
good; send them near I-16 to new Arena. When MLK Key Issues for Savannah
Arena isn’t in use, it’s a good spot for shuttling people As noted, the City provided to panelists in advance
in. There was skepticism about people coming in last- detailed briefing materials that offered historical context
minute with plans for the site, given its history and for the development trajectory of the Study Area, while
the ongoing conversations about its fate. Stormwater outlining current challenges facing the City as it considers
mitigation coming off the bluff would be a concern, but the highest and best uses for the site.
having this much land close to the urban core is a huge
opportunity. Priority should be to engage the private After studying the advanced materials, listening to the
sector vs. pursuing govt.-led business incubators. Some Client’s onsite briefing, and considering the perspectives
feel the deferred maintenance of the Mercer Theatre shared in both the community survey and onsite stakeholder
would make it too expensive to preserve and that interviews, the panelists concluded that the key priorities for
public would agree; others say there’s a real nostalgia the TAP project are to help the City:
for this Civic Center – the performances, graduations, • Reconnect neighborhoods. The Civic Center site has
life events that people have always come to in the been a dividing line, both literally in that it serves as

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

a physical barrier between disparate socioeconomic more diverse tax base; integrate additional retail, office,
neighborhoods and development footprints in the City; civic, cultural and (a limited amount of) entertainment
and culturally, for the residents whose neighborhoods opportunities into the current mix. There is a need to
and economic vitality were negatively affected when provide more affordable housing options and living
the site was originally developed. Finding ways to wage jobs for residents. City leadership would like to
remove this barrier is a priority. explore options for these uses, while remaining true to
• Address challenges resulting from “Urban Renewal” its centuries-old commitment to the Oglethorpe Plan
efforts in mid-20th Century. Redevelopment of the site and historic preservation.
is an opportunity to restore some of what was lost in • Look critically at the operations of the Civic Center
previous redevelopment iterations. It is also a chance Complex. There are currently approximately 60-70
to connect some of the growth and investment that events a year happening at the Civic Center site,
has occurred east of MLK to the potential development but operation costs, inconsistent ticket sales, and
slated for the Canal and New Arena Districts to the west. infrastructure are big hurdles. Some key challenges are:
• Lean westward. The new Arena is slated to open late ongoing HVAC issues; skyboxes and VIP seating; deferred
2021; nearly everything that happens at the current maintenance in an aging facility; and outdated elevator
MLK Arena (Disney on Ice shows, Sesame Street Live, cabs and restrooms. The box office lacks sufficient
graduations, headliner concerts) can happen at the inventory control and an adequate point-of-sale system;
new Arena. However, smaller productions, such as and ticket sales are limited by an inability to contract with
Broadway shows, plays, local dance competitions, and concert promoters, such as Live Nation (profit margin
Philharmonic performances, will be more challenging does not meet criteria for private contractors).
to hold in the new space. The City reports that it is ▫▫ The theatre is not ADA-compliant, the décor is
working with Arena consultants to explore ways to outdated, some steps and seating are in disrepair,
customize the new Arena space to meet the needs of and there are many complaints about acoustics and
these smaller, more intimate shows. accessibility issues.
• Honor, then build on tradition. Theater history goes ▫▫ As a next step, the City should consider an
along with Civic Center history; the site was once a assessment of the facility’s operations to
source of civic pride, but now many acknowledge it understand the magnitude of the repairs and cost
is past its prime. Still, there is nostalgia for what it of continued operations.
represents and the way it serves as a unifying focal NOTE: Please see “Economic Viability of the Civic Center
point for the community. There is a need to bring this site” section under “Existing Conditions" for more of the
sense of “place” to the new Arena site and to work with panelists’ analysis on this subject.
the community to build new traditions in new spaces.
• Get back on the grid. Panelists heard a common refrain
that previous civic leaders compromised the Oglethorpe
Plan and cleared historic properties for development
purposes. There is a strong desire to restore Elbert
Square and put back the street grid. This would reclaim
the lost street patterns of Jackson and Elbert Wards;
reconnect streets to MLK, Jr. Blvd.; and help to address
current issue of “threatened status,” in terms of City’s
historic landmark designation.
• Mix it up. There is a desire to see mixed-use, mixed-
income residential and commercial development
in the Study Area. In particular, there is a need to
A rendering of restoring the grid overlaying a Google Earth image.
(strategically) increase population density; bring in a

Framework for Recommendations Shared vision and common goals identified through TAP:

ULI panelists based their work on the belief that every • Support the Historic Landmark District Designation
successful project is built upon a shared vision – in this • Restore Oglethorpe Plan
case, a vision for the site that would best serve Savannah
• Create Tax Revenue
residents and businesses; its municipal, cultural, and
faith-based institutions; its tourism industry; and its many • Revitalize Urban Forestry
first-time and repeat visitors. In this spirit, panelists worked • Bring in Mixed-use Development
collaboratively to create a unifying framework for the site
• Stimulate Positive Economic Impact
that would guide their recommendations and provide
context for each idea presented. Further consensus-building required:

Framework • Determine how success will be measured

• Establish a shared vision and set common goals that • Assess whether there is a need for civic/cultural
best serve the City’s/public’s needs facilities on site

• Capitalize on strengths and mitigate weaknesses • Is there a need for a facility the size of Mercer Theatre
elsewhere in the City?
• Reinstate pieces of the Oglethorpe Plan
• Are there additional opportunities to achieve other
• Consider highest and best uses of the site
community goals (e.g. sustainability, mixed-income
• Understand fundamentals of economics related to housing)?
• Rank priorities of various development/redevelopment

Continuum of Public Sector Support of Public FIGURE
Sector Support FIGURE 3-1
The extent
The extent and nature of public support and nature of public support can vary
can vary
greatly from project to project. At greatly
one end from Elements ofProject
Elements of a Successful
project to project. At one end of the
of the a Successful Project
continuum is heavy financial participation, is heavy
which can financial participation, which can
include direct investment of publicinclude
funds, direct
favorableinvestment of public funds, favorable
lease or conveyance of public lands,leaseandorinvestment
conveyance in of public lands, and investment in
infrastructure. At the other end ofinfrastructure.
the continuum, Atdi-
the other end of the continuum, di-
rect public
rect public investment can be minimal, but the investment
project can be minimal, but the project
Economic EconomicCommunity Community
could be facilitated through more could
liberalbeand facilitated
flexible through more liberal and flexible
Feasibility Feasibility Goals Goals
development standards, expediteddevelopment
processes, and standards,
con- expedited processes, and con-
veyance These
veyance at market rate of public property. at market rate of public property. These issues
are discussed in more detail in thearenextdiscussed
section. in more detail in the next section.
In sum, engagement among the public In sum, engagement
sector, private among the public sector, private PROJECT PROJECT
developers, and civic, community, developers,
philanthropic, andand
civic, community, philanthropic, and
business interests will help form a business
compelling interests
and will help form a compelling and
enduring shared vision that integrates shared vision that integrates community
goals, physical capacity, and economic physical capacity,
as and economic feasibility, as
illustrated in figure 3-1. This shared vision may in figure
be used 3-1. This shared vision may be used
to build support and champions for to visions
build support
emergingand champions for visions emerging
from anyofficial
one ofsanc-
those sectors. Obtaining official sanc- Site Site
from any one of those sectors. Obtaining
and establishing Capacity Capacity
tion and establishing the legal public pave the the legal public purpose pave the
way for an enduring vision for an wayarea for
or aan enduring
project thatvision for an area or a project that
can then
can then receive the support of various receive
public powersthe support of various public powers
Source: ULI's report
and fundsof
and funds as well as survive the vicissitudes asboth
well as survive the vicissitudes of both
Successful Public Private
economic cycles and political change.economic cycles and political change.
Source: SB Friedman Development Advisors.
Source: SB Friedman Development Advisors. Partnership: From
Principles to Practices

A is
shared vision that shared vision
created and that is created
embraced andstakeholders
by key embraced bywill
stakeholders will stand
the test of time and will persevere through
he test of time and will persevere through implementation. implementation.
Ten Principles, 9. Ten Principles, 9.

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)

The ULI panelists performed a S.W.O.T. analysis to ▫▫ Location characteristics, walking distance and access to
identify significant Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities hotels, museums, and parks
and Threats related to the study area. ▫▫ Adjacent parking, access to interstate
Strengths ▫▫ Energy, design, and street life created through SCAD
▫▫ Historic District character. One of the largest Historic ▫▫ Facility: Serves a niche for audience size, as well as
Districts in the U.S. at 0.825 square miles or 528.5 more affordable option for civic and community events.
acres; includes approximately 1,969 contributing Unique assets, such as Mercer Theatre stage
▫▫ City’s ownership – ability to influence what happens on
▫▫ 14 million visitors per year, a third of which are this site
“tourists” as defined by stakeholders in working in this
▫▫ Represents significant acreage in the Historic District
▫▫ Class A development nearby demonstrates strong Weaknesses
market fundamentals
▫▫ Not clear how to pay for improvements, value
▫▫ Downtown resident support and passion for the of current land (hard costs, such as demolition,
Oglethorpe Plan infrastructure improvements, site preparation)
▫▫ Excellent location, considered A+ for real estate values ▫▫ Constraints of Oglethorpe Plan (historic grid with lanes)
in Historic District, adjacent to other redevelopment, limits options to projects of a smaller scale, which
good visibility, access generally translates to higher-end, more exclusive
▫▫ Achievable rents and sale prices for commercial and development
retail uses in the Historic District are very strong, ▫▫ Redevelopment of this site will be complicated and
meaning that market-rate development on the site will require effort, organization, funding, and political
could be achieved with little to no subsidy

capital. As of yet, no individual, organization, or agency Threats
has emerged as a Champion for this effort. ▫▫ Potential for the “French Quarter” effect, which brings
▫▫ Current facility serves as “wall” in the community and is loss of residential in favor of entertainment district
functionally challenged with poor acoustics and dated ▫▫ Market-rate development could lead to high rents
infrastructure and prices. A lack of strong policies to encourage or
▫▫ Lack of housing affordable to young professionals, SCAD mandate affordable or mixed-income housing could
graduates, service industry make the redeveloped area out of reach for many
▫▫ Lack of robust business recruitment to downtown to potential users.
balance and diversify the economy ▫▫ The site could be developed in a generic and
purely commercial manner that does not provide
Opportunities opportunities to strengthen community.
▫▫ Mixed-use development would stimulate economic ▫▫ Potential loss of cultural experiences and exposure for
activity residents
▫▫ Consensus building on economics of options (demo, ▫▫ Losing place and a community gathering space; a
renovate, develop) is a chance to bring stakeholders disruption of current civic norms
together ▫▫ Competing priorities have the potential to cancel each
▫▫ Creating job opportunities to retain educated, creative other out, risking a slowdown of political momentum
workforce emerging from SCAD and other institutions ▫▫ What happens if Arena plan is delayed or canceled?
▫▫ Could attract a more robust incubator, flex space ▫▫ Plans to remove the I-16 flyover will have an impact –
▫▫ Tech “corridor” should be where the talent wants to be how to plan for the new traffic patterns and a restored
▫▫ This site serves as the “connective tissue” for the city; “gateway” effect?
opportunity to remove a psychological barrier with
regard to the east and west of MLK Blvd. Removing
walls may enhance public mobility, visibility, safety.
▫▫ Redevelopment of the site with non-tax-exempt uses
would return a vast tract of valuable land back to the
tax rolls, and generate public revenue through property,
sales, and payroll taxes.
▫▫ Arena site can be home to cultural and community
▫▫ The Civic Center site is emblematic of a legacy of poor
and inequitable planning and development decisions.
Restoring and redeveloping the site presents a chance
to right these historic wrongs.
▫▫ Restore Elbert and Jackson wards and honor Oglethorpe
Plan in a new way

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

Historical Context of the Oglethorpe Plan

The Savannah Magic – regardless of race, religion, or economic status – would be
Whether a resident of Savannah or one of its many free to work for the betterment of their families and for the
visitors, one cannot help but feel a connection to that community.
elusive quality that others have been talking about, writing It’s a simplified, utopian account of Oglethorpe’s dream,
about, singing about and trying to capture in nearly every the complexities of which are difficult to grasp so many
art form for centuries: Historic Savannah has a way of years later. It’s clear, however, that it would take centuries of
drawing you in and making you want to stay. setbacks and painful conflict for his ideals of a free society to
To stroll through one of the legendary squares in take root. And, as the panel observed through its review of
Savannah's Historic District is to walk in step with the City Savannah’s development timeline (from Oglethorpe’s arrival
founders. Their vision was to create an egalitarian society, in 1733 to the present), the history of that struggle is as
far away from hierarchical England, that was built on much a part of the City as its iconic landmarks.
opportunity and democratic ideals. One can almost imagine Any discussion of a return to the Oglethorpe Plan
James Oglethorpe joining one of the district's walking tours would not be complete without recognizing the underlying
to point out features of his architectural and horticultural principles of the original vision, as well as the historical
legacy, while talking about his early hopes for the city he and cultural influences that made their implementation
helped build on Yamacraw bluff. challenging for so many for so long.

Man with a Plan Sources:

Historians tell us that Oglethorpe imagined Savannah as georgiahistory.com
a blank slate, a place that could become a model of agrarian asce.org
living in the English colonies. In Oglethorpe’s view, all people

Map of the City of Savannah, by J. B. Hogg, 1876

[O]ne of the original 24 squares, referred to as Elbert Square, was lost [first] to Highway 17 in the 1930s and continued
[to be compromised] with the construction of the I-16 exit ramp in the late 1960s. In 1972, the Civic Center Complex replaced
the 1917 City’s [Municipal] Auditorium and claimed the remaining portion of Elbert and Jackson Squares.

Existing Conditions
Arriving in Savannah via the I-16 flyover is an abrupt
experience for visitors, not unlike the last few seconds of a
roller coaster ride as it returns to the station. As the roadway
tapers and merges into Montgomery Street, motorists must
decide whether to go left, right or center through a series of
intersections. There isn’t much time to grasp that they have
landed in the heart of historic downtown Savannah. (While
panelists realize this area was not designed as an official
“gateway,” they feel the potential to reimagine it as such
should be explored.) An image showing how the I-16 flyover cuts through downtown Savannah.

As Montgomery Street continues past West Liberty Street to Oglethorpe Avenue, it cuts through Elbert Square – one of
the original 24 squares in the Oglethorpe Plan. Most visitors would still never realize they were in the Historic District at this
point, much less that they were moving through one of the wards that had thrived in the early twentieth century. The only
vestige of Elbert Square that remains is the patch of green to the west of Montgomery Street called Elbert Park.

Illustration by Sottile & Sottile taken from “I-16

Map of the City of Savannah, 1902 Vincent’s Subdivision Map of the City of Exit Ramp Removal Project; Reclaiming Old West
Savannah, 1853 Broad Street”

To the east of Montgomery Street, on the other half of what had been Elbert Ward/Elbert Square, and taking L-shaped
swaths out of Jackson Ward around Orleans Square, is the 7-acre, 10-block-wide Savannah Civic Center complex at the heart
of the Study Area. Flanked by West Oglethorpe, Montgomery, West Liberty, and Barnard streets, the buildings serve as a
monolith, a concrete barrier – visually, logistically and, as noted earlier, psychologically – to the Historic District beyond.
To support operations of the new Savannah Cultural Arts Center located on the southwest corner of Montgomery Street
and Oglethorpe Avenue, the City is currently converting one-way traffic along Montgomery Street between West Liberty and
Broughton streets to two-way. This is one step in a multi-phased process to begin restoring lost elements of the Oglethorpe Plan.

Economic Viability of the Civic Center Site

Panelists spent two days using the Civic Center as a base for this project. As noted in other sections of this report,
included in the process was a tour of the facility, use of the meeting rooms, and a walk around the exterior of the site.

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

Though this review was very high-level and brief, the team explored the condition of the building, the possibility of re-use/re-
purposing, along with possible scenarios of partial re-use. We recommend a detailed assessment by a consultant.
• Structure and Materials. The Civic Center is built upon a
cast-in-place concrete joist and girder system. The benefits
of this system are that it is very durable and usually has a
high loading capacity that allows for many different uses. The
downside is that this system is particularly difficult to modify,
as reinforcement of the concrete typically is not known and
requires extensive testing to determine. An additional study
will be needed to understand the full scope of cost.

• Mechanical / Electrical / Plumbing Systems (M/E/P)

▫▫ It was communicated to the team and noted through
panelists’ first-hand experience, that the mechanical
systems at the site posed some challenges, especially
with regard to solar orientation and measuring devices. Current Civic Center ceiling
Conditioned air was either too much or too little and
created over-cooled or under-cooled spaces, depending
on control information.
▫▫ The building also contains a Georgia Power substation
in the north basement. Follow-up questions to City staff
revealed that the electric substation serves only the Civic
Center and not the adjacent blocks. While the power
source can be shut down, dismantled and removed,
it should be noted that this would leave the property
without a power source. A replacement power source
would need to be designed as part of any redevelopment
plan. Estimates for this process should be sought by the
City as part of its decision-making process.
Basement transfer station

▫▫ It was also noted that the restroom facilities were out
of date and not set-out in a design common to more
contemporary facilities. These would require extensive
upgrading to meet newer standards, including Georgia
Energy Codes.

• Accessibility. This was a particular concern in the MLK

Arena, as many of the areas are only accessible by stairs or
circuitous routes. Accessible seating is often provided on
court level in narrow spaces and exposed to potential game
or performance hazards. The theater also did not comply
with current ADA-accessibility standards and would require
extensive updates to improve access to performances.
Restrooms, stairs, ramps and other features of the building
were not fully evaluated, but some defects were noted Ice rink surface
that would have to be addressed in the event of re-use or
renovation. A more exhaustive study would be required to
understand the full scope of cost.

• Fiberoptic Infrastructure. The site currently houses

four distinct fiberoptic cable paths that provide network
services to various municipal entities. Should the site be
redeveloped, the City asserts that this equipment could be
relocated to the main data closet of the Cultural Arts Center
at an estimated cost between $150,000 to $250,000 within
a possible timeframe of six months.
• Current Emergency Uses. Also of note are two emergency
functions currently housed in the basement of the
Civic Center site: it is used as a backup location for 911
call center operations by the County; and as the City’s
Emergency Command Center (ECC). The ECC has plans Arena seats and stairs

to move their operations to the City’s Critical Workforce

Shelter Facility in the near future; however, if it is decided
that the Civic Center structures should be removed, an
alternate location would be needed for the 911 backup
function. Until a decision is made, the City says both entities
will continue to use the space as needed.

• Grounds and Parking. The grounds and parking lot appear

to be in functional condition. It was noted that the facility
provides inexpensive parking within the City and is used
during non-event times by commuters. The panel noted
that the municipally-owned Liberty Street Parking Garage to
the south also appeared to be under-used during non-event
Civic Center parking map

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

An option to save the theater portion of the building was discussed by the panel. This approach included the demolition
of the MLK Arena south of the shared lobby; construction of a new façade for the south face (see diagram below); and
upgrades to the remaining facility. This would return only four of the original tything blocks to the urban fabric, leaving Elbert
Square unrestored and six other blocks not restored.

When this approach and the potential cost of renovation was weighed against the portion of the Historic District unable to be
returned to the original ward plan, the panel determined that this was not an ideal solution.

Sketch of façade Aerial view of Civic Center buildings

TAP Recommendations
It cannot be overstated what an important role the Civic how these steps might be accomplished follows in the
Center has played in the past four-plus decades for the City of report, beginning with four key recommendations set forth
Savannah. The MLK Arena, the Johnny Mercer Theatre, and by the panelists at the conclusion of this TAP:
the other common spaces in the complex have been the site
for important milestones for individuals and families, as well
as for visitors to Savannah since the day it opened its doors. Recommendations
I. Remove Wall
Students of all ages have walked across the Arena stage
to receive their diplomas; performers and audiences have
enjoyed shows in the facility (blockbusters like Disney on
Ice, Sesame Street Live, holiday concerts, and more intimate
concerts, as well); couples have danced their first dances
in wedding receptions in the third-floor ballroom; and the
meeting spaces have been home to countless public and
private collaborations. Citizens come to the complex to vote,
to shelter in a storm, and to talk about issues affecting all
These uses have been and should remain vitally
important priorities for the City as it seeks to both honor
the past and move forward with plans to revitalize the Study
Area. However, it is the panel’s view that it is no longer
Remove the wall
feasible for these activities to occur in this particular place
at this time in the City’s growth trajectory. The costs are As noted in the Existing Conditions section of this
deemed to be too high, based on the panel’s understanding report, the current Civic Center represents a monolithic
of the rough capital expenditures presented. A detailed presence that impinges on two historic wards and squares.
analysis would be needed to determine the actual amount Vehicular and pedestrian traffic is blocked along once viable
of capital expenditure required, in terms of renovations and east-west thoroughfares, which has curtailed economic
compliance upgrades. Furthermore, the disruption to the growth and limited residents’ and visitors’ access to the
Oglethorpe Plan that the site represents may be incurring Historic District.
another, more intangible cost: that is, whatever value the Many urban planners will note that walkable and active
City, its residents and visitors place on historic authenticity – streets are best when a block’s perimeter is less than 2,000
that hard-to-measure quality that makes Savannah unique. feet and sides are between 240 feet and 600 feet. The Civic
The panel believes that the City could work Center in its current form not only disrupts the Oglethorpe
collaboratively with stakeholders to find other venues ward pattern, it creates an oversized block that functions
for these civic uses, some of which may still take place as a barrier for the walkability of the Historic District. The
in a reimagined mixed-use scenario on the property. In Civic Center block exceeds 2,000 linear feet, coming in at
addition, community assets, such as the “urban forest” and approximately 2,600 linear feet. While this is not excessive,
Oglethorpe’s principles of architectural landscape, should it should be noted that this is well over the average block
be revisited and reprioritized at this location. The City must size of the Historic District, which averages 800 linear feet of
also continue to work with stakeholders to finalize the perimeter. It also has two sides that are more than 725 feet-
exact program of desired uses, population density, product long, creating a wall-like effect for east-west travel.
configurations, and levels of economic return it will pursue. While City leaders in the mid- to late-twentieth century
Once this is done, the City should consider a phased strategy may have felt that their urban renewal efforts would
to implement its vision for the Study Area. A timeline for stimulate growth in the area, the panel believes that the

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

[Garvin] found that the secret to urban greatness stems from management of the streets, squares, parks, and special
places that make up the ‘public realm.’ To maintain greatness, cities must not only maintain but also ‘continually alter
their public realm to meet the changing needs of their occupants.’” – from “In Print: What Makes a Great City,” a review
of Alexander Garvin’s book What Makes a Great City, by David R. Godschalk in the Urban Land magazine, published
online Dec. 2, 2016.


Existing Civic Center block Civic Center as barrier for connectivity

time has come to, as one stakeholder put it, “right some
historical wrongs,” in terms of development strategies.
It is the panel’s strong recommendation that the entire
Civic Center complex be removed and preparations for the
restoration of the Oglethorpe Plan in this area be pursued.

II. Re-establish Square and Street Patterns

The goal is to re-establish the “spirit” of the Oglethorpe
Plan, not necessarily to create a literal translation. Applying
the underlying organizational principles of the Plan as a
place-making tool and framework for new development, the
City can return to a more contextual scale and character.
This, in turn, will allow for building pads that support the
Urban forms and connectivity in context
programmatic needs of today’s development environment.
In doing so, the City will achieve its stated goal of • Recreate streets that were lost when Civic Center site
reconnecting neighborhoods that are currently separated by closed off portions of Elbert Square. Note: Adding lanes
the “wall” of the Civic Center. It will also restore a grid that would severely limit development opportunities, as
could be more conducive to the kind of “dot-to-dot-to-dot” blocks are too small for multifamily and mixed use.
development potential the panel recommends. In other
• Re-establish tything blocks and trust blocks
words, with a restored Oglethorpe Plan activating the missing
Elbert Square, the City can explore ways to enliven pedestrian Proposed redevelopment of the site must adhere to
and bicycle connectivity and encourage development that the original ward pattern for Elbert Square to re-establish
would further connect the Historic District to the proposed east-west connectivity. It should also be noted that the
Canal District and beyond to the new Arena site. more the east-west connections can be replicated in wards/

blocks to the west, the more connectivity will
be established with the new Canal District and
future Arena. This may require more bridges,
streets, and other access types.
The Historic District significance can
be prioritized into three levels. These are,
descending from the most important: 1) Urban
Street-Block pattern of the ward system; 2)
the massing of block construction; and 3)
the architecture of the historic buildings. It is
imperative that redevelopment pushes toward
these principles to preserve the Historic District
and improve its historic designation with the
National Park Service.
Re-establish the square
III. Establish Height Limits
Panelists looked closely at the Historic
Zoning Ordinance document that dictates
design standards and height limits in the Historic
District. They also heard from many stakeholders
that any restoration of the Oglethorpe
Plan would limit the kind of development
opportunities the City could pursue. The panel
thought that the impetus to restore the streets
and lost square was just as compelling as the
need to stimulate economic activity and put
the site back on the tax rolls. Therefore, if the
streets were reinstated as public rights-of-
way — or other opportunities were pursued,
such as affordable housing, multiple ground- Re-establish street patterns
floor active uses, LEED Gold Certification or
verified equivalent developments — the panel W. Oglethorpe Ave.
suggests that the City work collaboratively with
Martin Luther King Blvd.

Montgomery St.

its partners to modify height limits before any

RFP process begins. The panel recommends the
following considerations for new development
on the site while following the standards Hull St.

outlined in the Historic District Ordinance:

McDonough St.
• Four to six stories closer to Montgomery
Street, currently four stories permitted
Perry St.
on the east side of Montgomery between
Perry Lane and Oglethorpe Lane
Whitaker St.
Jefferson St.

Barnard St.

• Two to four stories closer to Barnard Street,

currently four stories permitted between
Perry Lane and Oglethorpe Lane Redevelopment opportunities

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

• The option of four to six stories closer to West Liberty
The Civic Center facility is currently zoned Business
Street and West Oglethorpe Avenue, currently five
Commercial (BC). The purpose of this district is to provide
stories permitted between Montgomery Street to
community shopping facilities consisting of a wide variety
Barnard Street
of sales and service facilities at locations that will be
IV. Pursue Mixed-use Development accessible to a market area containing from 35,000 to
70,000 people. The parking lot associated with the facility
The Oglethorpe Plan, upon which Savannah’s grid of
is zoned Business Commercial-1 (BC-1) with the goal of
wards and squares is founded, could be considered an
protecting and enhancing the central business district of
early ancestor of today’s mixed-use model. Each square
the City which serves the Savannah metropolitan area
is surrounded by a strategic arrangement of residential,
population. As the City revises the zoning code, both the
municipal, and commercial buildings, interlaced by rows and
facility and parking lot will be classified as Downtown
columns of streets and lanes. As the City considers a return
Central Business District (D-CBD) to reinforce downtown
to this Plan, and based on the other recommendations in the
Savannah’s position as the commercial hub of the
TAP report, panelists suggest a modified “return” to some of
metropolitan region. [...] New construction should comply
key elements and uses that have made the Oglethorpe Plan
with the development standards of the Historic District
so compelling to urban planners all over the world.

Ordinance (Sec. 8-3030).
• Civic Space. Savannahians have been using the
land under and adjacent to the Civic Center site for
communal purposes for decades, dating back to the edifice, but rather a communal space that serves
construction of the City’s Municipal Auditorium in modern Savannah’s needs, notably nearby residents, to
1916. With the restoration of Elbert Square, the City support a more livable neighborhood.
has an opportunity to cultivate a renewed identity and Examples of this kind of use include:
character for the space – something panelists heard ▫▫ Dallas Farmers Market
stakeholders say they missed. Additionally, there is an
▫▫ Commerce Street Night Market – Dallas
opportunity to honor the “public space ethos” of the
▫▫ Eastern Market – Detroit
Oglethorpe Plan and explore different types of civic
uses on one of the restored trust lots. Recognizing this ▫▫ Findlay Market – Cincinnati
deviates from the traditional use patterns, it presents ▫▫ Asheville Grove Arcade
an opportunity that should be considered. The lot could ▫▫ Fetch Dog Park – Atlanta
be privately operated but still serve as a neighborhood ▫▫ Mutts Cantina - Dallas
amenity – a “third place” with flexible, creative uses ▫▫ Texas Truck Yard – (Dallas and) Houston
that go beyond the beauty of the restored square itself. ▫▫ Rose City Food Park - Portland, OR
The envisioned civic space does not need to be a grand ▫▫ The Wynwood Yard - Miami

Columbus Commons, image courtesy of ULI. Eastern Market, Detroit, image courtesy of ULI.

• Commercial. Economic vitality in the urban context can Workforce Housing addresses the economic side of
be thought of less in terms of 24/7 activity and more in the supply and demand coin, as cities are challenged
terms of an 18-hour cycle. Ideally, people would work, to provide residential developers ways to finance
exercise, dine, worship, seek entertainment options and such developments in light of increasing land and
civic fellowship in and around the urban core. A thriving construction costs. Typically, “workforce” is defined as
commercial hub in any new mixed-use development individuals earning around 80% of the Area Median
would help put more “eyes on the street,” to support Income (AMI), which varies with household size, but is
this goal and to promote walkability and neighborhood about $41,750 annually for a family of two. The City can
character. The panel concurs with stakeholders that pro-actively participate in the preservation of housing
additional hotel space is not needed. Furthermore, diversity by requiring a certain percentage of new
given the limitation of block sizes, this area does units be income restricted as a term of the property
not support a large-format, more regional-serving disposition and/or publicly-assisted financing of the
commercial product. Instead, the panel recommends a project.
balance of the following: “Missing Middle Housing” was first defined by David
▫▫ Ground-floor storefront space for flexible and Karen Parolek of California-based Opticos Design
uses – not just retail, but small office space for firm in an effort to address the shortage of what they
entrepreneurs and creative professionals called “diverse, affordable” housing solutions in urban
▫▫ Neighborhood-serving retail uses, e.g. a small neighborhoods across the U.S. Rather than describing
grocery/bodega, Ace Hardware, dry cleaning, etc. a segment of the population, or a particular income
bracket, the term “Missing Middle” refers more to
▫▫ Office spaces that are unique, perhaps smaller
the way developers can best integrate these forms –
spaces, not large-format Class A
multi-family, multi-dwelling units – into market-rate
• Residential. The Civic Center site, given its proximity
to several commercial corridors, is an ideal area for a With good master-planning and implementation, a
range of residential uses. Development should include a range of diverse housing options can be incorporated
mix of residential product in an effort to attract a more seamlessly into the community. The panelists urge the
diverse population of residents that could stimulate City to examine strategies for more flexible residential
economic growth in the area. Determining who wants uses, and most importantly, to do so early in the
to live in downtown Savannah but cannot under current process.
economic conditions, as well as deciding who the City Prior to issuing the RFP, the City should review the
wishes to attract to the area, in terms of potential current zoning and make any modifications to ensure
workforce and tax base, are important questions to the types of mixed-uses – civic, commercial and
consider early on. residential – will occur.
With an already growing residential community to the
south of the Study Area, putting more residential on the
Civic Center site could also balance the mix of product Neighborhoods with Missing Middle Housing can have
available in the area. average densities of 30-50 units per acre — plenty high
in most places to be considered a responsible use of our
• Workforce and “Missing Middle” Housing. Workforce land resources. Yet, because Missing Middle Housing has
Housing and the related term, “Missing Middle the look and feel of single-family homes, it provides the
Housing,” are concepts receiving increased attention in density (increasing housing supply), while retaining the
the marketplace lately, but they refer to a need that has
vexed cities for years. How do you structure residential
product in the urban neighborhood so that the working
middle class can afford to live, shop and thrive closer to
neighborhood character so many people are looking for.
– from “The ‘Missing Middle’ Housing Affordability "
Solution,” a blog post by Karen Parolek, a principal at
Opticos Design in Berkeley, Calif.
where they work?

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

The Economic Forecast A valuable asset but not without

When looking at the economic forecast associated with
inevitable costs for demolition
plans to redevelop the Civic Center site, panelists were able and site preparation
to draw on lessons learned from a similar project in their
home city of Atlanta. City leadership there recently sought
Estimated Net Value of Site
redevelopment solutions for its own aging Civic Center Est Land Value
$12-$18 Million
facility. Like the Savannah facility, the property sprawled (Cleared)
across valuable downtown land, and there were high costs
Demolition ($3-$4 Million)
to renovate and replace crumbling infrastructure (see Case
Study). In Atlanta’s case, the ability of the city’s leadership Site Prep ($4 to $5 Million)
to come to a consensus decision to move forward with the
disposition of the property was a strategic decision that Net Value $3 to $11 Million
enabled a new future for the valuable site.
In terms of the Savannah site, panelists’ preliminary,
onsite research came back with estimates of the Civic
Center site being worth $12-$18 million. They factored stakeholder section, the panelists agree that it should not be
in $3-4 million for demolition, and potentially another difficult to attract investors to any repurposed development
$4-5 million to restore or build streets, curbs, and gutters, opportunity. While certain construction materials in the
stormwater and drainage, as well as utilities. Fast forward onsite structures could be recycled, it is expected that there
to the estimated gross value of the property, and panelists will be significant – and possibly unexpected – demolition
estimated it could range anywhere from $3-$11 million. and site preparation costs for a project of this size.

Panelists strongly encourage the City to seek the best These costs are inevitably borne by the property
numbers on these costs as early as possible. This will make owner, either in sale price or pre-development costs. In
the RFP choice more efficient and will help answer one of terms of this project, the City can expect those costs to
the key unknowns: Should the City pay, and therefore keep be reflected in the gross value of any future sale. The City
control, of the demolition process or contract it out and should determine early on how it will address these costs to
experience a diminished return? include:

It’s helpful to forecast the economic implications for this • Does it make sense to establish a Tax Allocation District?
project through four different lenses: • Should bonds be issued?
• Site Development - What will it cost to redevelop the • Should costs be paid for in cash?
• Is there an opportunity for a work on a developer-
• Costs and Financing - Who will pay the costs to financed deal?
redevelop the site, and how?
• Should the sale occur in phases that uses the proceeds
• Economic and Fiscal Impact - What will be the public of phase 1 to pay for phase 2?
benefits of redevelopment?
All are viable options, and the right solution should present
• Jobs and Housing - How much, and what sort of jobs itself when all of the due diligence is completed and the
and housing could we expect to see at this site if RFPs are in.
Costs and Financing
Site Development
Another crucial part of the due diligence phase will be
The Civic Center site, given its current footprint, is to determine the economic implications of the project –
undoubtedly a valuable asset. As mentioned above in the not only in terms of demolition and site development, but

before, during and after the building phase. When solid
estimates are in hand, a strategic financing plan, along with What could city expect to see
trusted partnerships, can and should be put into place as in property tax revenue after
soon as possible. redevelopment?
There are several deal structures that can be effective
models for this type of large-scale project, presented here City $420,000

in the order recommended by panelists.

Schools $540,000
• Fee Development Manager for Horizontal
Development - In which the City hires a professional Transit $40,000
development firm on a fee basis to manage the
County $400,000
demolition and site preparation process, the costs of
which would be paid for by the City. Once established, Total Estimated
individual blocks or parcels can be sold through an RFP. Annual Property $1.4 Million
Tax Revenue
Conditions on use should be established as part of the
sale conditions. While the City may incur more upfront
costs in this scenario, being able to offer a clean site,
ready for vertical development, should increase the
value of the property exponentially. No matter which of these paths the City of Savannah
• Master Developer - In which the City conveys the entire chooses to follow, it is important to note that for a project
site to a master developer, who then manages the site of this size and scope, all of these options will require the
preparation and redevelopment of individual pieces. participation of experienced professional development and
• Phased Sale - In which easy-to-develop parts of the public finance experts. Ideally, this would be a hired advisor
site, such as parking lots, are sold to be redeveloped or a City staffer dedicated to this project.
early in order to generate funds to support the more
complicated phases of the redevelopment process. Economic and Fiscal Impact
In this scenario, it is assumed that private developers The redevelopment of the Civic Center site would
cover most or all of the public infrastructure costs. create significant public revenue from a variety of sources.
• Ground Lease - In which the City retains ownership Once a redevelopment vision for the site is agreed upon, the
of the land. This gives the City more leverage to City should commission a study to estimate the economic
impose conditions on public benefits, such as and fiscal impacts of both the construction process and,
workforce housing, as well as eventual ownership of more importantly, of new property value and economic
the improvements. However, this option may hamper activity that will occur on the site.
efforts to attract development partners. It can also lead For planning purposes, it is imperative that firm
to eventual structural neglect: property owners are estimates are procured for the following:
hesitant to improve properties with less than ten years • Sales tax revenues and collected revenues from permits
left on the leasehold. and fees
• Public/Private Partnership - In which the City partners • Projected tax revenue from new construction
directly with a development team to redevelop the (materials, wages, utility connection fees, sales taxes)
site. This is most useful if the City intends to retain a
• Economic activity from demolition, pre-development,
significant portion of the site for a public use, such as
site preparation and construction
a municipal government center or cultural facility. The
City could sell to a private developer but maintain some • Economic activity from new residents and jobs after
part of the site as a municipal facility for job training or redevelopment
some other civic use. • Increased public revenues from the “Halo Effect,” as

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

improvements to the site creates additional value in Jobs and Housing

adjoining and adjacent properties In addition to those outlined in the recommendations
• Revenues expected from future commercial uses and section, panelists agree that the City can expect the following
new jobs economic benefits if it pursues mixed-use development on
If the City is successful in a full build-out and restoration the site:
of the area’s missing elements of the Oglethorpe Plan, and • A chance to diversify the City’s employment base
a moderate density is achieved (consistent with neighboring • Potential partnerships for economic development and
blocks), the panel estimates that the redevelopment could job incubation
lead to an increase of $1.4 million in property taxes annually,
• Opportunities for mixed-income housing and “Missing
with following allocations:
Middle” product (see recommendations)
Additional revenue would come from sales taxes and
• A chance to attract and retain millennials who may feel
other public revenues. With higher density comes more
they need to leave the area upon graduating from SCAD
residents, business owners and workers and, therefore, more
and other area universities/colleges
local spending. Further study is needed here to properly
assess all sources of potential tax revenues.

Implementation and Phasing
Before there was an Oglethorpe Plan, there was simply a
man named James Oglethorpe who stood on a bluff overlooking
a river, wondering what the highest and best use might be for
the land he stood on. He envisioned a new kind of city in a new
land that would be part of a future he knew he’d never see.
It took hundreds of years for Savannah to become the
beloved place it is today. Change takes time, even when part of
that change means restoring something fundamental like the
Oglethorpe Plan that was lost along the way.
Heading into 2019, ULI panelists agree that the City should
continue to look for ways to stimulate economic growth on the
western edge of the Historic District and beyond. While plans
for the new Arena are put into action, the panelists suggest
that the City take a phased approach for implementation of the
ideas presented in this report.
That way, as other projects come to the foreground –
e.g., the expansion of the Arena site into a multi-purpose
municipal and commercial complex; development opportunities
connecting the new Arena site and Historic District to a future
Canal District; new civic and arts uses emerging after the
opening of the Cultural Arts Center – leadership will have the
flexibility to recalibrate plans along the way.
In terms of the four main recommendations in this TAP,
the panelists recommend the following implementation and
phasing strategy:

Recap of Recommendations:
Remove Wall 

Re-establish Square and Street Patterns
Establish Height Limits
Pursue Mixed-use Development
• Civic Space
• Commercial
• Residential
• Workforce “Missing Middle” Housing
Note: The proposed timeline spans approximately four years,
from plan approval to completion. The City should consider
these guidelines and adjust as appropriate.

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

Short-term (1 year)
• Meet with stakeholders
▫▫ Confirm intent to demolish the structures on the site
▫▫ Confirm intent to restore and implement the Oglethorpe Plan
▫▫ Assess importance of restoring streets vs. streets and lanes in Oglethorpe Plan
▫▫ Confirm the kinds of uses desired, including the height and density of each
• Define metrics for success
• Due diligence costs, property appraisal, market analysis, infrastructure and utilities; hire outside experts to
get a clear, unbiased understanding of what’s involved
• Establish financial strategy and deal structure
• Develop implementation strategy, plan/schedule/phasing

Mid-term (2-3 years)

• Develop and issue RFP (Request for Proposal); the RFP is the wireframe for all that follows
• Establish financing mechanisms
• Build, solidify and maintain partnerships and agreements
• Build/execute Arena, monitoring how the progress of this project may have an impact on plans for the Civic
Center site
• Begin Phase 1 construction for Civic Center site: start with infrastructure and utilities

Long-term (4+ years)

• Demolish Civic Center
• Manage process
• Monitor compliance; ensure RFP is properly executed
• Begin recognizing community economic benefits 

Case Study: Atlanta Civic Center Site
In the case of the Atlanta Civic Center site, there was less concern from city leadership – as well as the community –
about the need for public, community gathering space that would be lost with the site’s redevelopment. Rather, the impetus
there was to a) limit financial liability with regard to maintaining the site; b) assure the highest sales proceeds; c) seek
development that added to the urban fabric of downtown and provided needed connections among neighborhoods; and d)
accommodate significant new residential properties, including affordable, workforce and market-rate housing.
Therefore, any consideration of the Atlanta case study as it relates to the Savannah Civic Center site examined in this TAP
report, should focus on a government decision-making process that was based on financial liability and impact. The type of
analysis and criterion Atlanta used – arguably not emotional or political, but factual and financial – could be instructive as the
City of Savannah continues to address the following questions:
• Does the Savannah Civic Center support its operations – specifically, does revenue support operations and can it finance
the necessary capital costs and modernization to be competitive?
• Is there political support to subsidize city-owned venues vs. leveraging the private sector to provide the venues?
It is important to consider another difference between the two projects. Architecturally, the Savannah Civic Center is not
compatible with the period of significance of the Historic District. This is in contrast to the Atlanta Civic Center, which is more
consistent with the era of historic significance of Atlanta’s rapid growth and commercialization.

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment


conceptual SITE PLAN

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment


conceptual MODEL VIEW

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

Useful Terms (from the “Historic Zoning Ordinance”
section of the briefing book)
Oglethorpe Plan Area
The original ward pattern of streets and lanes between Bay
Street to the north, Gaston Street to the south, Martin Luther
King, Jr., Boulevard to the west, and East Broad Street to the

Oglethorpe Plan Ward

A component of Oglethorpe's Plan for Savannah consisting of
four Tything blocks (each containing ten Tything lots) and four
Trust blocks around a central square, with blocks divided by a
series of streets and lanes.

Tything Block
A component of Oglethorpe's Plan for Savannah. Tything
blocks are located on the north and south sides of a square
and usually consist of two rows of five 60- by 90-foot lots,
subdivided by a lane.

Trust Block
A component of Oglethorpe's Plan for Savannah. Trust blocks
are located on the east and west sides of a square. There
are four Trust blocks in each ward. (Added by panelists: Trust
blocks were traditionally reserved for civic functions, such as
churches, schools, meeting halls, etc.)

The service corridor subdividing a Tything block in
Oglethorpe’s original ward plan.

Trust Street
A component of Oglethorpe’s Plan for Savannah. Trust streets
are the streets that separate the Trust blocks.

Stakeholder Interview Participants

Available upon request through the City Manager’s office.

Community Survey Results

Full survey results available at http://savannahga.gov/2659/Future-of-The-Civic-Center or upon request through the City
Manager’s office.

City of Savannah Leadership


Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

Panelist Biographies

Joe Alcock
Atlanta Office Director, McMillan Pazdan Smith
Joe has over 21 years of experience in challenging adaptive reuse, historic rehabilitation and
urban infill projects across metro Atlanta. His focus on developing high-quality, environmentally
efficient designs by integrating critical objectives has presented numerous satisfied clients with
award-winning buildings. Joe consistently combines strong knowledge of planning regulations,
building codes and zoning with his natural ability to find creative solutions.

Jennifer Ball
Vice President, Planning and Economic Development, Central Atlanta Progress
Jennifer directs land use and transportation planning efforts, economic development initiatives
and implementation projects within Downtown Atlanta. Recent notable initiatives under her
direction include the development of the Atlanta Arts & Entertainment District, the Atlanta Streetcar
Development and Investment Guide; the Downtown Atlanta Master Plan; the Downtown Livability
Code and Martin Luther King, Jr. Landmark District zoning regulation updates; and the on-going
implementation of $40 million worth of public space capital improvements including streetscape
improvements, wayfinding signage and roadway upgrades. Jennifer has been named a member of
the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s “Up and Comers: 40 under 40” group of promising young leaders.
She is a founding Executive Committee member of Sweet Auburn Works, Inc. She has served on the
Georgia Tech Alumni Association Board of Trustees and is an active member of the Georgia Tech
College of Design Affinity Group. Additionally, Jennifer is also a member of the Urban Land Institute
as a founding member of the Atlanta District Council Young Leaders Group. Jennifer has been a guest
lecturer at Georgia Tech’s City and Regional Planning program and a presenter at national and local
conferences on topics ranging from downtown economic development and business improvements
districts to transportation planning and plan implementation. She has also authored an American
Planning Association Planner’s Advisory Service Report on Street Vending. Jennifer received a
Bachelor of Science degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Architecture and a
Master of City Planning degree also from Georgia Tech.

George Banks
Partner, Revel
George is a twenty–year retail real estate veteran. With an extensive food + beverage and
entertainment background, he has been involved as a principal and consultant in the development
and operation of a number of notable destination retail projects in his career, including the Atlanta
Dairies and award–winning Krog Street Market.
He is a graduate of the University of Virginia, and lives in Atlanta with his wife and two daughters.

Jennifer Fine
Vice President, Planning and Strategic Initiatives, Invest Atlanta
Jennifer C. Fine, AICP is the Vice President of Planning and Strategic Initiatives at Invest Atlanta,
the official economic development authority for the City of Atlanta. In this position, she oversees the
City’s Tax Allocation Districts (TADs), which, to date, have provided gap financing for over $7.0 billion
in private development and investment.
Prior to serving in this role, Ms. Fine was the Economic Development Director for the City
of East Point and the Executive Director for the East Point Business and Industrial Development

Authority, where she managed and directed the city’s economic development strategies, including
existing industry expansion services and recruitment of new business. During her tenure, she was
responsible for completing projects that resulted in over $1.2 billion in private sector investment,
creating one million square feet of new development and over 1,000 new jobs to an underserved
Ms. Fine has been professionally involved in the community and economic development field
for over 20 years, working primarily with local governments and regional agencies to advance
innovative programs aimed at improving quality of life for area residents and businesses.
Ms. Fine serves on the Board of Directors of the ATL Airport Chamber of Commerce and is
President of the Board of The Main Street Academy, a Fulton County K-8 public charter school
in College Park, Georgia. She is an active member of the Urban Land Institute, the International
Economic Development Council, the Council of Development Finance Agencies, the American
Planning Association, and the Georgia Planning Association. She has been certified by the American
Institute of Certified Planners since 2002.
Originally from Encinitas, California, Ms. Fine graduated from the University of California, Santa
Cruz (go Banana Slugs!) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies. She also holds a Master
of Public Administration Degree from the University of Georgia.

Jonathan Gelber
Vice President, Bleakly Advisory Group
Jonathan Gelber has been a real estate and panning consultant with the Bleakly Advisory Group
in Sandy Springs since 2008. He specializes in consulting for public and private clients in areas where
real estate, public policy, and public finance overlap. Recently he has had the pleasure of working on
the several major urban revitalization projects, including the Doraville GM site redevelopment, the
long-term redevelopment of the Gwinnett Place area and several suburban town centers and MARTA
transit-oriented development projects.
Prior to joining Bleakly, Jonathan was a Senior Planner for the City of Atlanta’s Department
of Planning and Community Development. He was responsible for managing long-range planning
studies, economic development, and special projects. Before that he worked as an urban planning
consultant in Atlanta and Portland, and as a transportation and transit planner with the City of New
York and the State of North Carolina. He earned a Master’s Degree in Real Estate from Georgia State
University, a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from Columbia University, and a BA in Art History
from Reed College. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners.
Jonathan has also spent time working as a professional chef at restaurants in Portland, Atlanta
and South Carolina. Born in Paris and raised in Los Angeles, Jonathan has lived in Atlanta since 2001,
along with his wife, Molly, and two teenaged children.

Bob Hughes
President, HGOR
As a recognized leader in innovative and sustainable planning and design, Bob guides the
planning and design efforts for HGOR. With over 37 years of industry experience, he works
closely with clients to develop powerful ideas into resolute realities. Bob’s demonstrated ability
to understand and build consensus around a comprehensive vision has led the firm and its clients
to receive over 75 professional awards for planning and design. His work on college campuses
combines elements of planning and design to create frameworks and places, which enrich the
institutions we serve.
Bob points to the diversity of projects and their subsequent challenges as to why he is excited to
set foot in the HGOR office everyday.
“Each project brings its own set of separate challenges. It’s thrilling to see if we can achieve
what we set out to achieve for our clients,” says Bob. “I love seeing HGOR develop ideas we strongly

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

believe in, then see each piece of the project come together. And at the end of the day – the project
either is or it isn’t.”
Bob is a staunch believer in the firm’s SEE philosophy (a focus on social, economic and
environmental factors) that guides each project from idea to fruition.
“Since 1992, HGOR has approached each project through its SEE philosophy. We completely
reinvented our culture and are now doing better work than ever,” says Bob. “All parts of every
project prioritize ROI, stewardship and how we are creating a great place for people. Fundamentally,
we believe that’s what makes us different.”

David Scott
Senior Principal, Da Vinci Development Collaborative
Senior Principal of the DaVinci Development Collaborative, LLC, brings over 35 years of
experience in Program, Design and Construction Management. David, who has a successful history
leading major initiatives throughout the Southeast, was introduced to projects on a regional scale
while an architectural student at Georgia Institute of Technology.
Recognizing and respecting David’s technical knowledge, communication skills, and diplomatic
style, he has earned a reputation with colleagues, industry leaders, and decision-makers for
managing quality, containing costs, and producing results. Throughout his career, David has led
the work of development teams on regionally significant initiatives, institutional programs, and
real estate development initiatives from acquisition and planning to design and construction
Prior to joining DaVinci, David served as Senior Vice President, Director of Planning &
Development, at Integral-Gude Program Management where he led the execution of key projects in
the Southeast and downtown Atlanta. He also directed large public management projects including
the Glynn County Public Schools and the Georgia Department of Transportation MMPT. With
experience as an architect for 10 years, David is able to find the balance between brings a unique
background to his role at DaVinci leading teams in the areas form, function, schedule and budget.
David holds a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and
his roots are deeply imbedded in urban revitalization. He enjoys volunteering his time with various
local civic groups and serves on the Board of Directors for the Council for Quality Growth.

Jay Silverman (moderator)

Chairman, TAPs Committee
Managing Principal, Dwell Design Studio
Jay Silverman has more than 20 years of experience working on a wide variety of project types
including housing and mixed-use, retail, government, office, interiors, and single-family residential
design in Atlanta and the southeastern United States. He is a Managing Principal with Dwell Design
Jay has a reputation for quality design of high-rise mixed-use towers and multi-building
residential projects, as well as urban infill mixed-use developments, including new construction
and the rehabilitation and adaptive use of older buildings. He takes pride in directing all phases of a
project from master planning and schematic design through construction and completion, as well as
finding creative solutions to complex design challenges associated with mixed-use and urban-infill
Jay currently serves as President of the Atlanta Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
He is active in the Urban Land Institute, and as a graduate of the ULI Center for Regional Leadership,
has served as co-chair of the Technical Assistance Program Committee and the ULI Atlanta Housing
Jay holds licenses to practice architecture in Tennessee and Georgia. He lives in Dunwoody with
his wife and two sons. In his spare time he enjoys running and coaching his sons’ soccer teams.

Savannah Civic Center Redevelopment

Sustaining Support
ULI Atlanta gratefully acknowledges its 2019 sponsors, whose support is critical to local ULI initiatives.

Champion Sponsors

Senior Sponsors
Alston & Bird, LLP Gables Residential Smallwood, Reynolds, Stewart,
AMLI Residential Georgia Power Stewart & Associates, Inc.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Jones Lang LaSalle State Bank & Trust Company
Bennett Thrasher Kaufman Capital Partners Synovus/ Bank of North Georgia
Bleakly Advisory Group Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. The Beck Group
Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC Niles Bolton Associates Troutman Sanders, LLP
CF Real Estate Services North American Properties tvsdesign
Cooper Carry Perkins + Will, Inc. Urban Realty Partners
DPR Construction Pollack Shores VHB
Eastdil Secured, LLC Regent Partners Winter Companies
Eberly & Associates / Pruitt Eberly Stone Rule Joy Trammell+Rubio, LLC

Supporting Sponsors
Balfour Beatty Highwoods Properties, Inc. Sizemore Group
Buckhead CID Hoar Construction South City Properties
Coro Realty Advisors, LLC Holder Construction Group, LLC Stanley Martin Homes
Cumberland CID Invest Atlanta Surber Barber Choate & Hertlein Archi-
DaVinci Development Collaborative, LLC Jamestown Development & Construction tects, P.C.
Dentons US LLP Juneau Construction The Brookdale Group
Dwell Design Studio Patterson Real Estate Advisory Group, LLC The Integral Group
EDENS Robinson Weeks Partners Tribridge Residential
Fortune-Johnson Selig Enterprises, Inc. Uzun & Case Engineers
Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. Seven Oaks Company Wakefield Beasley & Associates
Greenstone Properties Shell McElroy Construction Co., LLC Weissman PC

Friends of ULI Atlanta

Ackerman & Co. HKS, Inc. Shear Structural
ASD Jacobs Stevens & Wilkinson
Brand Properties Knox Property Group, LLC The John Hardy Group, LLC
Central Atlanta Progress Marthasville Development The Macallan Group, LLC
Crescent Communities Novare Group, Inc. The University Financing Foundation
Healey Weatherholtz Properties One Street Residential The Worthing Companies
Holder Properties Peregrine Oaks Tishman Speyer
HGOR Richport Properties, Inc. Tunnell-Spangler-Walsh & Associates

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