Blueprint 7 SB AK
Blueprint 7 SB AK
Blueprint 7 SB AK
Answer Key
Module 1 - Preview 5. d
6. f
Grammar (pg. 7)
1. b
2. admired Module 1 - Lesson 2 The future is now!
3. Answers will vary. B Authentic Text (pg. 10)
you will have a successful career.
4. have loved Elon Musk is a noted philanthropist and inventor
who is working to secure a better future for earth
and all of humanity. He has invested millions of
Module 1 - Lesson 1 Who do you dollars in companies that are working on futuristic
endeavors. He is perhaps best known for
believe in? founding Tesla, a company that produces electric
B Authentic Text (pg. 8) cars. This aligns with his goal of improving
Part 2 sustainability of our natural resources. If
Answers may vary. everyone drove electric cars, we would greatly
1. My parents are my role models. The adjectives reduce greenhouse gas emissions, slowing
that describe them are dedicated, hard-working, down global warming. His other work with
and loving. sustainability involves solar energy. Among other
2. I think that people who have at least one role ventures, he has developed solar panels that also
model have a distinct advantage over people who function as roof tiles!
do not have a role model.
It is very important to see a proper example of Musk’s vision is not limited to Earth. He sees
important behaviors. great potential in the development of economical
3. I’m a very kind person. I think people admire space travel, and his company, SpaceX, is the
my kindness. vehicle for this dream. Musk’s goal is to establish
4. I don’t think that politicians and celebrities a colony on Mars by 2040, with the first manned
should be held to a higher standard. Just because flight to the red planet scheduled to depart in
you’re in the public eye doesn’t automatically 2024. The first step for SpaceX was to build a
make you a role model. reusable spacecraft. In 2015, they successfully
5. I think the most important thing I can do while launched and then recovered the Falcon rocket.
being a role model for others is to be honest. I With further development, this reusable
make mistakes, and other people need to know spacecraft could reduce the cost of space flight
that I’m fallible. by a factor of ten!
1. He is writing a letter because he wants to tell Action: I can defend those who are weak.
her how much she means to him as a journalist. How it helps: I can show others that bravery is
2. When Chenelle spoke to the men at the march, needed to protect everyone.
she was showing her dedication to open dialogue.
She didn’t agree with them, but she spoke with Action: I can make my opinions known.
them anyway. Her approach served as an How it helps: When others see and understand
example of open dialogue. my beliefs, they’ll know that their thoughts are
valid as well.
E Vocabulary (pg. 16)
Part 1 C Now Speak (pg. 19)
1. march Answers will vary.
2. poverty It is important to be the best person you can be.
3. scholarship You never know when you might become a role
4. channel model for someone else. If I work hard and
5. anchor always try my best, I can inspire others as they
see how my hard work results in success. I must
Part 2 be brave as well. If I’m not afraid to share my
Answers will vary. thoughts and opinions, others might see and
1. After being found guilty of a crime, the senator understand my beliefs. Then they’ll know that
was asked to step down from his position.
their thoughts are valid as well. And it’s important
2. I always stand up for my little brother.
3. The townspeople voiced concern about the to stand up for people who are weaker than you.
new taxation laws. This will show others that bravery is needed to
4. It’s safe to say that no one wants children to be protect everyone.
5. Parents should not be too critical of their Module 2 – Preview
children’s behavior when they are young.
Grammar (pg. 21)
Module 1 - Active Review 1. b
2. supporting
A Listening (pg. 18)
3. Answers will vary.
Part 1 When I learned of the tragedy, I donated to help
1. false those affected.
2. true 4. that I participate
3. true
4. false
5. true Module 2 - Lesson 1 A Language at
Part 2
Answers will vary. B Authentic Text (pg. 22)
1. I find it inspiring that the boy decided to race Part 2
even though he had lost his legs. Answers may vary.
2. He may have had an unfair advantage if the 1. The children of the tribe were taken and forced
artificial legs worked better than human legs.
to attend English-only schools. made the western world aware of the Americas
2. A language can be preserved through and led to the founding of the United States.
development of a written alphabet and through Many question the practice of celebrating such
audio recordings.
a controversial historical figure. Not only is his
3. Young people are important if they learn the
language. supposed discovery of America questionable at
Speaking a language is the best way to keep it best, but he also forced the native people off
alive. their
4. Every culture that has a language is worth lands.
saving. Preserving a language signifies the Many also claim that celebrating Columbus for
practice and continuation of a people’s culture. In discovering America is inaccurate. By the time
addition, some aspects of culture lose their
Columbus arrived, Native Americans had been
meanings when not expressed in the native
language. living here for many generations. Some people
have suggested that, instead, we trace our
Part 3 celebration back to the Native Americans and
4, 2, 1, 3 rename it “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” The fight for
this change has been long, but it has gained
Part 4 acceptance recently. The first Indigenous Peoples’
True statements: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Day celebration was in 1992, on the 500th
anniversary of Columbus’s 1492 voyage, in
C Vocabulary (pg. 23) Berkeley, California. Now, the rebranded holiday
Part 1 is celebrated in cities across the country.
1. abandon Other Americans have opted to view Columbus
2. elder Day as a time to celebrate Italian heritage. In fact,
3. instruct the holiday was officially recognized in 1907
4. monotonous because of the efforts of a first-generation Italian
immigrant named Angelo Noce. At the time,
Part 2 Italian Americans were seen as second-class
Answers may vary. citizens. In an effort to improve that situation,
1. to leave without explanation or intention to Noce campaigned to make Columbus Day a
provide further care
national holiday.
2. to gather a large amount of something
3. an older member of a community Whatever your feelings about the holiday, this
4. to interact with year’s parade promises some stunning displays.
5. to be able to speak quickly and naturally Dozens of floats will roll down Main Street, and
6. a group of people born within a few years of there is strong competition. Participants have
each other been trying to dethrone the reigning champion for
7. to teach
years, but Harrison’s Farm is holding strong with
8. boring because things aren’t changing
9. to inspire someone to do something their straw replicas of the Nina, the Pinta, and the
10. to keep something as is and to protect it Santa Maria.
The recent torrential rain should end tomorrow
and Sunday’s weather is predicted to be mild with
Module 2 - Lesson 2 Celebrating moderate cloud coverage. The size of the crowd
American History last year was staggering, with thousands of
A Authentic Text (pg. 24) spectators, so come out well before festivities
This weekend, thousands will wake up early to start at 10:00 a.m. if you want a front-row seat!
attend and participate in the Columbus Day
parade. Teenaged marching band members, B Vocabulary (pg. 24)
football players, and beauty pageant contestants Part 1
will all conquer their adolescent sleep cycle to put 1. true
on a spectacle for the town. 2. false
The holiday commemorates when Christopher 3. false
Columbus navigated across the Atlantic Ocean 4. true
and landed on a Caribbean island. His voyage 5. true
Part 2 4. intruder
Answers will vary. 5. flee
1. This day is an important celebration of our
heritage. Part 2
2. The university has launched a campaign to get
1. e
students to stop smoking.
3. She sang the song to commemorate the 2. f
soldiers who died in battle. 3. b
4. The discovery of new land expanded the 4. c
empire. 5. d
5. He is an immigrant working to help his new 6. a
D Grammar (pg. 27)
D Grammar (pg. 25) 1. When I came home, my dog jumped up in joy.
Part 1 2. When the teacher came into the classroom, the
1. past continuous; simple past students were chatting loudly.
2. simple past; simple past 3. By the time I finished my homework, my
3. past perfect continuous brother had eaten all the cookies.
4. past perfect; simple past 4. Before the guests arrived, we had been
5. past continuous cleaning the house for hours.
Part 2
Module 2 - Lesson 4 Food Culture
Answers will vary.
1. He was sleeping while the teacher was talking. B Authentic Text (pg. 28)
2. She cleaned the kitchen. Part 2
3. She looked at her watch and realized that she Answers will vary.
was late. 1. The family gained happiness, but they lost
4. The cat was waiting to be adopted. some of their traditions.
2. The writer imagines Nonnina’s cooking
Module 2 - Lesson 3 Living in a Bubble because it is more delicious than the takeout food.
3. The writer values Nonnina’s cooking because it
B Audio (pg. 26) reminds him of his family and their traditions.
Part 2
Part 3
The Sentinelese are an indigenous tribe off the
1. brandy, espresso, egg yolks, milk, sugar
coast of India.
2. zucchini, onions, tomatoes
When the Sentinelese encounter visitors, they
3. wine, lemon juice, chicken breast
usually attack.
4. stewed tomatoes, oregano, basil
The Sentinelese live without agriculture, fire,
5. chocolate, cookies
industrialization, and allies.
6. ground beef, carrots, orzo pasta, green veggies
Isolation allows the Sentinelese preservation of
their culture, including language, and protection
from disease. D Vocabulary (pg. 28)
Part 1
Part 3 1. hunger
1. India 2. produce
2. Africa 3. tender
3. uncontacted 4. pastry
4. spears 5. hearty
5. immunity
6. extinct 6. bland
7. illegal
8. fire Part 2
1. dice
C Vocabulary (pg. 27) 2. wheat
Part 1 3. fatty
1. primitive 4. feast
2. isolated
3. distress
E Grammar (pg. 29) Module 2 - Communication
Answers will vary.
1. that you move the pan off the burner before B Listen (pg.33)
your food catches fire. 1. true
2. that you prepare food for your little brother. 2. false
3. I were a chef 3. true
4. that I be careful when I chop those onions 4. false
5. that you use a potholder when you take the 5. true
lasagna out of the oven.
Quarter Test 1
Module 2 - Lesson 5 Cultural Conflict A Vocabulary (pg. 34)
D Analyze the Text (pg. 30) 1. c
Part 1 2. b
1. true 3. b
2. false 4. a
3. true 5. c
4. false 6. c
5. false 7. c
8. a
Part 2 9. c
1. She means that the men who united around 10. b
the statue were not protecting their heritage. They
were promoting intolerance. B Grammar (pg. 34)
2. He believes that they represent history. He 1. having
doesn’t want that history to be erased. 2. then
3. The writer believes that the monuments 3. decided
represent hate, and the speaker believes that 4. are having
they simply represent history. 5. celebrating, cancelled
6. were
E Vocabulary (pg. 31) 7. voiced
Part 1 8. united
1. f 9. that
2. c 10. had been
3. b
4. e C A Letter to a Celebrity (pg. 35)
5. a 1. false
6. d 2. false
3. true
Part 2 4. false
Answers will vary. 5. true
1. Her hatred of those who think differently is 6. true
2. At the protest, people were demonstrating for Module 3 - Preview
equal rights.
3. If we unite, we can achieve great things. Grammar (pg. 37)
4. Our teacher is very supportive of our ideas. 1. was
5. It’s OK to disagree, but we must condemn 2. My mom said that she won’t buy me a new cell
violence. phone.
6. The mafia boss’s legacy was one of crime and 3. A longer-lasting light bulb was created by
deception Thomas Edison.
4. I will be a huge fan of 3D movies until the day I
Module 2 - Active Review
A Read (pg. 32)
1. past perfect
2. Squanto instructed them on how to survive off
the land.
3. They had a hearty feast with the Wampanoag
Module 3 – Lesson 1 The Cost of 5. industries
6. personnel
7. trial
8. prosperous
B Multi-Text (pg. 38) 9. developments
Part 1 10. imaginative
Answers will vary.
1. According to Text 1, the pessimists have the Part 2
strongest feelings about gene editing. I think this 1. g
is because there are always issues with new
2. b
technology, and when this new technology is
applied to the fundamental aspects of what 3. c
makes humans who they are, errors could be 4. a
disastrous for life as we know it. 5. i
2. One specific benefit is that doctors may be able 6. e
to extend the human lifespan. 7. d
3. Next year, Organic Organs Laboratories will be 8. h
raising its first batch of “gene-perfect” babies.
9. j
Part 2 10. f
3, 2, 2, 3, 1
D Grammar (pg. 41)
Part 3 Part 1
1. untreatable diseases Checked sentences: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
2. Eighteen
3. hereditary disease treatments Part 2
4. Organic Organs Laboratories 1. would be
5. Gene therapy 2. would be
3. wouldn’t be
D Vocabulary (pg. 39)
Part 1 Module 3 - Lesson 3 Space
1. fundamentally
2. customized Exploration
3. compatible B Audio (pg. 42)
4. extend Part 1
5. genes
Speaker 1:
6. donor
7. simultaneous 1. She is a historian.
8. portable 2. She values documentation of events to
9. state-of-the-art understand them.
10. eliminating 3. There are six colonists in all.
4. Answers will vary.
Part 2
I learned that many steps were taken before
1. gene
2. simultaneous going to Mars.
3. compatible
4. portable Speaker 2:
1. He is a biologist.
Module 3 - Lesson 2 No Work Left to 2. He values discovering new life.
3. He mentions the chemist.
Do 4. Answers will vary.
B Authentic Text (pg. 40) I learned that there may be life in the ice on Mars.
Part 1
1. artificial intelligence Speaker 3:
2. capable of 1. He is an engineer.
3. unforeseen 2. He values building a new human civilization.
4. employ
3. He mentions his father because he helped future of currency is the history of currency and
build the first rockets that could travel to the moon that gold-backed currency will once again reign
and back. supreme.
4. Answers will vary.
I learned that there is great opportunity for Part 3
engineers in the future. 1. false
2. true
Part 2 3. true
4. false
a. David Holmes
5. true
b. Bowie Stevens 6. false
c. David Holmes
d. Rachel Chadwick D Vocabulary (pg. 45)
e. Bowie Stevens Part 1
f. Rachel Chadwick 1. programmer
2. risk
Part 3 3. block
1. engineer 4. utilize
2. ice, cave
3. Exploration, frontiers Part 2
4. civilization 1. probability, prediction
5. risks, Wild West 2. plausible
3. viable
4. notable, stability
C Vocabulary (pg. 43)
1. historian E Grammar (pg. 45)
2. bacteria
1. Complex operations were performed by the
3. scarce
heart surgeon every day.
4. conservation
2. Toys, utensils, and even something as complex
5. evaluate
as car parts can be made by 3D printers.
3. You can be transported by virtual reality to
D Grammar (pg. 43) places you would not have the opportunity to visit.
Answers may vary. 4. The security on my self-driving car was
1. The astronaut said that it was one small step overridden by a thief.
for man but one giant leap for mankind.
2. The biologist said that he looked into his
microscope at the sample and saw organisms Module 3 - Lesson 5 Smart Homes
that didn’t look like those on Earth. D Analyze the Text (pg. 46)
3. The entrepreneur said that she wanted to go to Part 1
Mars to discover and sell resources such as
True statements: 2, 3, 5, 6
diamonds and aluminum.
Part 2
Module 3 - Lesson 4 Products That Answers will vary.
Will Change the World 1. Smart homes may be self-cleaning and very
B Authentic Text (pg. 44) secure from burglary.
Part 2 2. Smart homes may contain tables that scan and
Answers will vary. monitor the food a person eats and evaluates its
1. People can use Bitcoin for a number of nutritional value. They may also contain a bed
different purchases, from pizzas to various online that monitors a person’s vital signs while they
retailers. sleep to help people avoid health emergencies.
2. The advantages of digital currency are that
anyone can use it and that it’s free of E Vocabulary (pg. 47)
manipulation. The downside is that its only value Part 1
is in what people are willing to pay for it. 1. e
3. I think people will want a currency backed by 2. c
something of actual value. Ironically, I think the 3. f
4. b though, so I think he shouldn’t worry which side
5. a he uses.
6. d 3. I think people can easily be swept up in their
superstitions. In fact, I think beliefs such as these
can grow and begin taking over a person’s life in
Part 2 an irrational way.
Answers will vary.
1. The dishes are picked up by a drone. Part 3
2. The house is cleaned automatically.
First row: 1, 3,
3. The doors were opened by a mechanism on
Second row: 4, 2
the floor.
4. His activity is monitored by the guard.
Part 4
5. The smart watch was shown at the convention.
True statements: 1, 2, 4, 7
Part 2
Module 5 - Lesson 4 Taste True statements: 3, 6, 7, 8
B Authentic Text (pg. 74)
E Vocabulary (pg. 76)
Part 2
Part 1
1. The sculpture depicts Perseus holding the 1. boundaries
head of Medusa. 2. alarming
2. Immanuel K. thinks the sculpture is beautiful 3. legislation
because it shows physical beauty and the 4. authority
expression of great themes such as heroism. 5. censor
3. He thinks that knowing good taste requires
more education or being a part of an elite group. Part 2
Answers may vary.
Part 3 1. As a consequence, we won’t be going to the
1. true fair this year.
2. true 2. I don’t be going to the moral thing to do.
3. false 3. Dennis decided that he would have to take
4. false drastic measures to solve the problem.
5. true 4. There seems to be less focus on family values
6. true in society these days.
7. false 5. Jules deemed him worthy of her time.
D Vocabulary (pg. 75)
Part 1 Module 5 – Active Preview
1. disgust A Listen (pg. 78)
2. upper class 1. collaboration
3. pleasurable 2. pleasurable
3. hone
Part 2 4. direct
1. taste 5. prominent
2. sensational 6. taste
3. imitate
7. composition 4. fluctuate
8. consider 5. applauded
9. availability 6. toast
10. consult
Module 6 - Lesson 5 What to Be, and
B Authentic Text (pg. 88)
Part 2
What Not to Be
Answers will vary. D Analyze the Text (pg. 90)
1. The first step to achieving a personal goal is to Part 1
set the goal. 1. b
2. Thinking about the feeling of saying l goal is to 2. c
is great motivation for me to do difficult things.
3. c
3. I set a goal to learn to play piano. It took a long
time, and I still have plenty of practice ahead of
Part 2
me, but now I’m able to play several songs.
1. The author started to play in small student
bands and learn how to make his own music.
Part 3
2. The author changed his definition of success
Cross out: “The speaker can speak for the
so he could still be happy.
audience’s goals.” and “Small goals aren’t worth
E Vocabulary (pg. 91)
Part 1
6 Your success might motivate others to achieve
1. b
goals of their own.
2. c
3 Everyone has room for improvement in their life.
3. e
4 A dream is something you desire, but that you
4. f
might never achieve.
5. a
2 If you don’t prioritize your success, you will
6. d
never reach it.
5 Most big goals are made up of several smaller
Part 2
1. c
1 Hundreds of goals are being struggled toward
2. b
right now.
3. a
4. c
C In your world (pg. 89)
Answers may vary. 2, 5, 3, 4, 1
Module 6 - Active Review
D Vocabulary (pg. 89) A Idealistic Spokesperson (pg. 92)
Part 1 Part 1
1. d 1. spokesperson
2. c 2. volunteered
3. a 3. corruption
4. e 4. leadership
5. b 5. well-being
6. significance
Part 2 7. professional
1. desire 8. idealistic
9. inequality 4. volunteer
10. charisma 5. elated
11. speak for 6. inequality
12. accomplish 7. credit
8. subjective
Part 2 9. moral
1. Even though you know this action risked the 10. medical
well-being of your job, you still stood up for us.
2. She says that Teyonda has charisma and has B Grammar (pg. 94)
risked the wellbeing of her job in order to protect 1. a
the rights of the workers. She says that Teyonda 2. c
is a true professional. 3. a
3. Answers will vary. 4. b
I wouldn’t be able to do this because I am afraid 5. a
of speaking in front of large crowds. I think it 6. d
would be scary to have to stand up to the 7. c
leadership of the company. 8. d
Part 3 Part 2
1. true Answers will vary.
2. false 1. The writer believes that changing to more
3. false efficient forms of energy can help fight climate
4. true change.
5. false 2. The author is writing the letter to urge the
senator to vote in favor of the upcoming carbon
6. true
7. false
E Vocabulary (pg. 107)
D Vocabulary (pg. 105) Part 1
Part 1 1. efficiency
1. ethics 2. the bottom line
2. rejection 3. tax
3. mindful 4. accelerate
5. imperative
4. civic
6. concrete
5. reputation
Part 2
1. c
2. a
3. b C Vocabulary (pg. 113)
4. c Part 1
1. a
2. b
Module 7 - Active Review 3. b
A A Major Announcement (pg. 108) 4. b
Part 1 5. c
1. false
2. false Part 2
3. false 1. object
4. true 2. civil
5. true 3. persist
6. true 4. sue
5. retract
Module 7 - Fluency
A Read to Write (pg. 109) Module 8 - Lesson 2 Human Rights
1. a A Authentic Text (pg. 114)
2. Answers will vary.
Underlined sentences:
People too often eat, drink, smoke, or put on
If humans had been born perfect, there would
makeup while driving. Many people also follow have been no need for rules to keep them in line.
the car ahead of them too closely. “If we had done something then, we could have
changed the course of the world.”
Module 8 – Preview B Vocabulary (pg. 114)
Grammar (pg. 111) Part 1
1. had 1. g
2. had 2. a
3. wouldn’t be 3. d
4. possessive 4. f
5. j
6. i
Module 8 - Lesson 1 Innovators 7. h
B Authentic Text (pg. 112) 8. b
Part 2 9. c
10. e
Answers may vary.
1. The cause is that Ms. Stamos made false
Part 2
claims about Ray Smith. The effect is that the
1. helpless
lawyer is demanding that the false claims stop.
2. They would make it hard for him to get another 2. inferior
job. 3. champion
3. Yes, I think newspapers have a responsibility 4. bond
to ensure that what they are reporting is accurate.
Otherwise, it’s just fake news, and fake news can D Grammar (pg. 115)
mislead people and cause trouble. Part 1
4. The law firm can show that there are no legal 1. Circle “would have hiked,” and underline “rain
proceedings against Ray Smith, so he is not in hadn’t come.”
fact guilty of forgery. 2. Circle “would have been finished,” and
underline “you had started.”
Part 3 3. Circle “would have gone,” and underline “if he
2, 1, 4, 3 had bought.”
Part 4 Part 2
True statements: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 Answers will vary.
1. If you’d really wanted to come, you would have them thrive on their own and contribute more to
signed up on time. the world economy.
2. I would have helped if I’d known you were in so
Part 3
much distress.
1. true
3. I would have been there if my car hadn’t 2. false
broken down. 3. true
4. false
5. true
Module 8 - Lesson 3 Capital
Punishment D Vocabulary (pg. 119)
B Audio (pg. 116) Part 1
1. b 1. crash
2. catastrophe
2. a
3. starvation
3. c 4. homelessness
4. a
5. b Part 2
6. c 1. brutal
2. thrive
C Vocabulary (pg. 116) 3. noble
Part 1 4. budget
1. juveniles 5. cure
2. imprison 6. consumption
3. unsolved
E Grammar (pg. 119)
Part 2 1. my, possessive
1. d 2. that, demonstrative
2. a 3. the, article
3. g
4. e
5. c Module 8 - Lesson 5 A Dilemma
6. b
D Analyze the Text (pg. 120)
7. f
Part 1
D Grammar (pg. 117) Answers may vary.
Answers will vary. 1. Norway focuses on helping prisoners change.
1. I would be a lawyer if I had gone to law school. 2. Money is an incentive for imprisoning citizens.
2. If the guard didn’t care about people, he
wouldn’t have watched out for the prisoners. Part 2
3. You would be enjoying the movie if you had True statements: 2, 3, 4, 6
brought your glasses.
4. Your friend would have made dinner if he had
known you were coming. E Vocabulary (pg. 121)
Part 1
Answers will vary.
Module 8 - Lesson 4 Nations Helping
1. He repeatedly found himself in challenging
Nations situations.
B Authentic Text (pg. 118) 2. The new business venture proved to be very
Part 2 lucrative.
Answers may vary. 3. How to spend the lottery money turned out to
1. He claims that the philanthropist focuses on be quite a dilemma for the winners.
helping other countries but doesn’t help his own 4. Jared’s grades have improved remarkably
country. since last year.
2. He thinks that we should pay for services that
everyone uses. He also believes that this
obligation should extend to the world. Part 2
3. He says that, by helping poor nations, we help 1. e
2. d 6. c
3. f 7. b
4. a 8. a
5. b 9. c
6. c 10. b
Part 2
1. Janet thinks it violates basic human rights
because it lowers taxes on the wealthy and
increases taxes on the poor.
2. Low-income citizens face starvation and a
brutal winter.
3. The man thinks the taxes will be used to
reconstruct services for low-income people.
4. She claims the taxes will be used to support
the military.
Module 8 - Communication
C Organize (pg. 123)
The right to education
1. Governments provide free education.
2. International organizations provide schooling in
conflict areas.
3. Schools should take proper measures to offer a
safe environment.
Quarter Test 4
A Vocabulary (pg. 124)
1. e
2. b
3. h
4. i
5. j
6. f
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. g