OWC8extra01 LitanySaintsSolemn PDF

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Adapted for Use
in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois
The Litany of the Saints, along with a commentary on it, is included in Roman Calendar:
Text and Commentary published in 1976 by the United States Catholic Conference, now the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops [USCCB].

The commentary on the Litany of the Saints as well as the Sacred Congregation of Rites,
Decree, Anni liturgici ordinatione, promulgating the editio typica of the General Roman
Calendar, 21 March 1969 [Notitiae 5 (1969) 163-164] notes there are various forms of this
litany in the Roman liturgy:
(a) the complete (solemn) text, used principally in the rogation processions and
public intercessions;
(b) abbreviated texts, based on the first and used in the Easter Vigil and in the
revised rites of the Roman Pontifical incorporated in a Mass; and
(c) a short form used in the rites with the dying.

The Litany for Solemn Intercessions is now included in the newer editions of the Rite of
Baptism for Children [RBC] for use in the Dioceses of the United States of America. These
editions published after 2001 also include the newer texts from the Lectionary for Mass,
second typical edition.

Emendations to some titles and responses, as well as the chant setting, have been made in
the new English translation of the Roman Missal, Third Edition and is reflected in this
edition of the Litany. The Missal strongly recommends this litany is used at the stational
gatherings on Sundays, especially in Lent, during the procession from the gathering place
to the church for the celebration of Mass.

This edition accommodates the rubric below – “names of other saints may be added in the
appropriate place in the liturgy (for example, patrons, titles of churches, founders, etc.), but
in a different kind of type” – in this manner: when the ENTER key is used, the next line
will print in red.

The complete text is reprinted below and emended in light of the above. English
translation © 1975, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. [ICEL]. All
rights reserved. A brief version for use in the assembly book is on the last page.

Litany of the Saints for Solemn Intercessions – page 1 of 8

In those sections which contain several sets of invocations marked by A and B, one
or the other may be chosen as desired. The names of other saints may be added in
the appropriate place in the Litany (for example, patrons, titles of churches,
founders, etc.), but in a different kind of type. Some petitions adapted to the place
and need may be added to the petitions for various needs.


A. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

B. God our Father in heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, our redeemer, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.


Saint Mary, the Immaculate Conception, pray for us.

Mother of God, pray for us.
Most honored of all virgins, pray for us.
Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, and Saint Raphael, pray for us.
Holy Angels of God, pray for us.

Litany of the Saints for Solemn Intercessions – page 2 of 8

Abraham, Moses, and Elijah, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Holy patriarchs and prophets, pray for us.


Saint Peter and Saint Paul, pray for us.

Saint Andrew, pray for us.
Saint John and Saint James, pray for us.
Saint Thomas, pray for us.
Saint Matthew, pray for us.
All holy apostles, pray for us.
Saint Luke, pray for us.
Saint Mark, pray for us.
Saint Barnabas, pray for us.
Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us.
All disciples of the Lord, pray for us.


Saint Stephen, pray for us.

Saint Ignatius, pray for us.
Saint Polycarp, pray for us.
Saint Justin, pray for us.
Saint Lawrence, pray for us.
Saint Cyprian, pray for us.
Saint Boniface, pray for us.
Saint Stanislaus, pray for us.
Saint Thomas Becket, pray for us.
Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More, pray for us.
Saint Paul Miki, pray for us.
Saint Isaac Jogues and Saint John de Brebeuf, pray for us.
Saint Peter Chanel, pray for us.
Saint Charles Lwanga, pray for us.
Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, pray for us.
Saint Maria Goretti, pray for us.
All holy martyrs for Christ, pray for us.

Litany of the Saints for Solemn Intercessions – page 3 of 8

Saint Leo and Saint Gregory, pray for us.

Saint Ambrose, pray for us.
Saint Jerome, pray for us.
Saint Augustine, pray for us.
Saint Athanasius, pray for us.
Saint Basil and Saint Gregory, pray for us.
Saint John Chrysostom, pray for us.
Saint Martin, pray for us.
Saint Patrick, pray for us.
Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius, pray for us.
Saint Charles Borromeo, pray for us.
Saint Francis de Sales pray for us.
Saint Pius, pray for us.


Saint Anthony, pray for us.

Saint Benedict, pray for us.
Saint Bernard, pray for us.
Saint Francis and Saint Dominic, pray for us.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
Saint Ignatius Loyola, pray for us.
Saint Francis Xavier, pray for us.
Saint Vincent de Paul, pray for us.
Saint John Vianney, pray for us.
Saint John Bosco, pray for us.
Saint Catherine, pray for us.
Saint Theresa, pray for us.
Saint Rose, pray for us.


Saint Louis, pray for us.

Saint Monica, pray for us.
Saint Elizabeth, pray for us.
Saint Isidore and Saint Maria, pray for us.
All holy men and women, pray for us.

Litany of the Saints for Solemn Intercessions – page 4 of 8

A. .

From every sin, Lord, deliver us, we pray.

From the snares of the devil, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
From anger and hatred, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
From every evil intention, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
From everlasting death, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
By your coming as man, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
By your birth, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
By your baptism and fasting, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
By your sufferings and cross, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
By your death and burial, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
By your rising to new life, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
By your return in glory to the Father, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
By your gift of the Holy Spirit, Lord, deliver us, we pray.
By your coming again in glory, Lord, deliver us, we pray.

B. Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us.

You came into this world, have mercy on us.
You suffered for us on the cross, have mercy on us.
You died to save us, have mercy on us.
You lay in the tomb, have mercy on us.
You rose from the dead, have mercy on us.
You returned in glory to the Father, have mercy on us.
You sent the Holy Spirit upon your Apostles, have mercy on us.
You are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
You will come again to judge the living and the dead, have mercy on us.

Litany of the Saints for Solemn Intercessions – page 5 of 8


Give us true repentance, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.

Strength us in your service, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Reward with eternal life all who do good to us, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Bless the fruits of the earth and of man’s labor, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.

B. Lord, show us your kindness, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Raise our thoughts and desires to you, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Save us from final damnation, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Save our friends and all who have helped us, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Grant eternal rest to all who have died in the faith, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Spare us from disease, hunger, and war, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Bring all peoples together in trust and peace, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.


Guide and protect your holy Church, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Keep the pope and all the clergy
in faithful service to your Church, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Bring all Christians together in unity, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
Lead all men to the light of the Gospel, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.



B. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.

Litany of the Saints for Solemn Intercessions – page 6 of 8

A. God of love, our strength and protection,

hear the prayers of your Church.
Grant that when we come to you in faith,
our prayers may be answered
through Christ our Lord.

B. Lord, God, you know our weakness.
In your mercy
grant that the example of your Saints
may bring us back to love and serve you
through Christ our Lord.


[ Edition for the assembly book follows on the next page. ]

Litany of the Saints for Solemn Intercessions – page 7 of 8
Assembly stands for the Litany  Asamblea se pone de pie para las Letanías

All holy men and women, Saints of God, pray for us.

By the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Lord, deliver us, we pray.


Litany of the Saints for Solemn Intercessions – page 8 of 8

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