Breathing Exchange of Gases

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“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive
without breathing.”

“ MARTIN LUTHER (1712-1778)”


ll animals to perform function like breathing require energy which is derived from the
breakdown of nutrients molecules like glucose. Carbon dioxide which is harmful is
also released during the catabolic reactions, also energy is released in the form of
ATP. Now, this ATP is utilised by various animals to carry out their body functions
Therefore it is an evident that O2 Has to be continuosly provided to the cells, CO2
released by the cells.This process of exchange of O2 from the atmosphere with CO2
produced by the cells is known as Breathing, which is commonly called as Respiration.
Breathing includes expiration and inhalation. Inspiration means to inhale prior to
breathe in and Expiration means to exhale or to breathe out.

Respiration is the physiological catabolic process in which gaseous exchange occurs to oxidise food. The energy
generated is utilized and by products, CO2 and H2O are given out.
So, respiration is a physio-chemical process. The surface at which exchange of gases occurs is called
respiratory surface, and the compounds oxidised in respiration are called respiratory substrate.
Following are the types of respiration.
Direct and Indirect respiration
Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration

Direct and Indirect respiration

Direct respiration
(i) In this type of respiration, there is direct exchange of gases in between body cells and respiratory
(ii) Exchange of gases occurs on the principle of diffusion, through moist body surface.
(iii) Direct respiration is found in unicellular organisms like, aerobic bacteria, amoeba, ssponges, hydra,
flatworm, roundworm etc.
Indirect respiration
(i) In this type of respiration, their is no direct contact in between the body cells and respiratory medium.
(ii) Indirect respiration is found in complex and higher form of organism.
(iii) Higher organism have some specialized, structure for gaseous exchange which are called respiratory
(a) Skin - Skin is respiratory organ in annelida and amphibians.
(b) Gills - Most of crustaceans, mollusca, all fishes and some amphibians the exchange of gases in gills
is called branchial respiration.
(c) Lungs - Lungs is respiratory organ in snails, some amphibians, all reptiles, birds and mammals.
(d) Trachea - Trachea is respiratory organ in insects.


Aerobic respiration
(i) Respiration which occurs in presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration.
(ii) The oxygen completely oxidises the food to CO2 and H2O releasing large amount of energy. This process
can be shown by following way.
C6H12 O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2 O + 2880 KJ Energy
(iii) Such type of respiration (aerobic respiration) found in most animals and plants.
Phases of aerobic respiration
There are two phases of aerobic respiration.
A- External respiration
B- Internal respiration

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 The process of exchange of O2 from the atmosphere with CO2 produced by the cells is called breathing, commonly
known as respiration.

S.No. Respiratory organs Examples

1. General body surface Sponges, Coelenterates, Flat worms
2. Moist skin Earthworms, Frogs
3. Tracheal tubes Insects
4. Gills Aquatic arthropods, Molluscs, Fishes
5. Lungs Reptiles, Birds, Mammals

 Pharynx is the common passage for food and air.

 In human, path of air is :

External  Nasal  Nasopharynx  Larynx  Trachea  Primary

nostrils chamber Bronchi
Alveoli  Bronchioles  Tertiary  Secondary 
network bronchi Bronchi

 Inspiration can occur if the pressure within the lungs (intra-pulmonary pressure) is less than the atmospheric
pressure. Inspiration is initiated by the contraction of diaphragm and external inter costal muscles (EICM). Expira-
tion takes place when the intrapulmonary pressure more than the atmospheric puressure. In this diaphragm and
EICM are relaxed.

 Alveoli are the primary sites of exchange of gases. Exchange of gases also occur between blood and tissues.
 O2 and CO2 are exchanged in these sites by simple diffusion mainly based on pressure/concentration gradient.

 Partial pressures (in mm Hg) of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Resiratory Gas Atmosheric Air Alveoli Deoxygenated blood Oxygenated blood Tissues
O2 159 104 40 95 40
CO2 0.3 40 45 40 45

S.No. Respiratory volumes and capacities Value

1. Tidal volume (TV) 500 ml
2. Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) 2500 - 3000 ml
3. Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) 1000 - 1100 ml
4. Residual volume (RV) 1100 - 1200 ml
5. Inspiratory capacity (TV + IRV) 3500 ml
6. Expiratory capacity (TV + ERV) 1600 ml
7. Functional residual capa city (ERV+ RV) 2300 ml
8. Vital capacity (TV + IRV + ERV) 4600 ml
9. Total lung capacity (TV + IRV + ERV + RV) 5800 ml

 Blood transport O2 in the form of oxyhaemoglobin. O2 can bind with heamoglobin in a reversible manner to form
oxyhaemoglobin. Each haemoglobin molecule can carry a maximum of four molecules of O2. Binding of oxygen with
haemoglobin is primarily related to partial pressure of O2. 289
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Ex.1 Respiratory pigment in cockroach is
(A) Haemozoin (B) Haemocyanin
(C) Haemoglobin (D) Absent
Sol. (D) : Haemolymph is found in insect blood which is

Ex.2 Carbon dioxide is transported via blood to lungs

(A) As carbaminohaemoglobin and as carbonic acid
(A) D – Lower end of lungs – diaphragm pulls it
(B) In the form of carbonic acid only down during inspiration
(C) In combination with haemoglobin only (B) A – Trachea – long tube supported by complete
cartilaginous rings for conducting inspired air
(D) Dissolved in blood plasma
(C) B – Pleural membrane – surround ribs on both
Sol. (A) sides to provide cushions against rubbing
(D) C – Alveoli – thin walled vascular bag like
Ex.3 The diagram represents the human larynx. Choose structures for exchange of gases
the correct combination of labelling from the option Sol. (D)
given : Ex.5 What is vital capacity of our lungs
(A) Inspiratory reserve volume plus expiratory
reserve volume
(B) Total lung capacity minus residual volume
(C) Inspiratory reserve volume plus tidal volume
(D) Total lung capacity minus expiratory reserve
Sol. (B)

(A) A - Larynx, B - Parathyroid, C - Tracheal cartilage, Ex.6 The largest quantity of air that can be expired after a
maximum inspiratory effort is
D - Trachea
(A) Residual volume (B) Tidal volume
(B) A - Naso Larynx, B - Thyroid, C - Tracheal (C) Vital capacity of lungs (D) Lung volume
cartilage, D - Trachea Sol. (C) : Vital capacity of lungs to expire maximum volume
(C) A - Trachea, B - Thyroid, C - Bronchiole, D - of air after a deep inspiration. The largest qunatity
of air that can be expired after a maximal inspiratory.
Tracheal cartilage Vital capacity is equal the sum of the tidal
(D) A - Epiglottis, B - Thyroid, C - Tracheal cartilage, complemental and supplemental air (500 + 3100 +
D - Trachea 1200 = 4800 ml).

(E) A - Epiglottis, B - Parathyroid, C - Trachea, D - Ex.7 The volume of air which remains in the conducting
airways and is not available for gas exchange is
Tracheal cartilage
Sol. (D) (A) Vital capacity
(B) Functional residual capacity
Ex.4 The figure shows a diagrammatic view of human
(C) Forced expiratory volume
respiratory system with labels A, B, C and D. Select (D) Anatomic dead space
the option which gives correct identification and Sol. (D)
main function and/or characteristic. 291
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1. The maximum amount of air that our lung can (B) Oxyhaemoglobin
normally hold is- (C) Carbaminohaemoglobin
(A) Vital capacity (D) None
(B) Pulmonary capacity 8. The percentage of haemoglobin saturated with
(C) Tidal capacity oxygen will increase if-
(D) Total lung capacity (A) The arterial pH is decreased
(B) The arterial pO2 is increased
2. The blood leaving the lungs has all its (C) The haemoglobin concentration is increased
haemoglobin oxygenated and gives up oxygen to
the tissue, because- (D) The temperature is increased
(A) The tissue can absorb O 2 from 9. Which mammal lacks true vocal cords-
(A) Hippopotamus (B) Man
(B) O2 concentration in tissues is higher and CO2
(C) Elephant (D) Monkey
concentration lower than in lungs
(C) O2 concentration in tissues is lower and CO2 10. Expiration involves-
concentration higher than in lungs (A) Contraction of diaphragm muscles
(D) Oxyhaemoglobin undergoes reduction (B) Contraction of intercostal muscles
3. Which of the following increases the oxygen (C) Relaxation of diaphragm and intercostal
affinity of Hb- muscles
(A) High body temperature (D) Contraction of diaphragm and intercostal
(B) Low pCO2
(C) High blood pH 11. During inspiration, air passes into lungs due to-
(D) Both B and C (A) Fall in pressure inside the lungs
(B) Increased volume of thoracic cavity
4. Haemoglobin has least affinity for-
(C) Muscular expansion of lungs
(A) Carbon dioxide
(D) Increase in volume of thoracic cavity and fall
(B) Carbon monoxide
in lung pressure
(C) Oxygen
(D) Same affinity for all above 12. In human beings, CO2 concentration in the
inspired and expired air is respectively-
5. When a frog is completely submerged in water it (A) 0.04 % and 4.0 %
can respire only through-
(B) 0.03 % and 5.3 %
(A) Lungs
(C) 0.4 % and 5.0 %
(B) Skin
(D) 0.04 % to 3.0 %
(C) Branchial chamber
(D) Buccopharyngeal cavity 13. Pneumotaxic centre is associated with-
(A) Movement (B) Closure of glottis
6. Respiratory mechanism is controlled by-
(C) Respiration (D) Breathing
(A) Sympathetic nervous system
(B) Central nervous system 14. In mammals, the tracheal cartilaginous rings are-
(C) Autonomic nervous system (A) Complete rings
(D) Parasympathetic nervous system (B) Incomplete rings
(C) Incomplete dorsally
7. Carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin to
(D) Incomplete laterally
(A) Carboxyhaemoglobin 295
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9. Which type of respiration appeared first in the
1. Even when there is no air in it, human trachea primitive organism and why
does not collapse due to presence of -
(A) Aerobic respiration as no harmful waste
(A) Chitinous rings (B) Bony rings
products are formed
(C) Cartilaginous rings (D) Turgid pressure
(B) Anaerobic respiration because small
2. Speciality common in the alveoli of lungs and organism can only do it
villi of intestine in mammals is that both - (C) Anaerobic respiration as there was no O2
(A) Have rich supply of blood vessels and lymph (D) Aerobic respiration as it releases more energy
(B) Are suited for diffusion of gases 10. Oxyhaemoglobin is an unstable compound
(C) Have ciliated epithelium because -
(D) Provide a large surface area (A) One molecule of haemoglobin combines with
four molecules of oxygen
3. The structure which does not contribute to the (B) There is a chemical bonding between oxygen
breathing in mammals is - and haemoglobin
(A) Diaphragm (C) There is a physical bonding between
(B) Larynx oxygen and haemoglobin
(C) Intercostal muscles (D) Haemoglobin is a complex pigmented protein
(D) Ribs
11. Percentage of O2 present in inhaled air in man is
4. C - shaped cartilaginous rings supporting the about -
trachea are made of - (A) 43% (B) 78% (C) 21% (D) 1%
(A) Fibrous cartilage
(B) Elastic cartilage 12. Food does not normally enter the trachea because
during swallowing of food-
(C) Calcified cartilage
(A) The circular muscles at the end of trachea
(D) Hyaline cartilage contract and close its opening
5. Which of the following is the smallest structure (B) The cartilage called arytenoids lie between
in the lung of rabbit. the larynx and the glottis
(A) Tracheae (B) Alveoli (C) The nodule called cartilage of Santorini plug
(C) Broncheoles (D) Hilum the larynx
(D) The epiglottis and tongue cover the glottis
6. Rate of breathing in an adult human is -
(A) 25 - 30/min (B) 20-25/min 13. If O2 concentration in tissue was almost as high
(C) 14-18/min (D) 10-12/min as at the respiratory surface -
(A) Oxyhaemoglobin would not dissociate to
7. Glottis is opening in the floor of - supply O2 to the tissue
(A) Trachea (B) CO2 will interfere the O2 transport
(B) Diaphragm (C) Oxyhaemoglobin would dissociate to supply
(C) Bucco- pharyngeal cavity O2 to the tissue
(D) None of the above (D) Haemoglobin would combine with more O2 at
respiratory surface
8. In mammals ventilation movements of lungs are
governed by -
14. Ratio of oxyhaemoglobin and haemoglobin in the
(A) Diaphragm and intercostal muscles
blood is based upon-
(B) Diaphragm
(A) Bicarbonate tension (B) CO2 tension
(C) Intercostal muscles
(C) Carbonate tension (D) O2 tension
(D) Muscular wall of lungs 299
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1. Match Column - I with Column - II and select the correct option from the codes given below.
Column - I Column - II
(Animals) (Respiratory structures)
A. Pigeon (i) Books gills
B. Scorpion (ii) Pharyngeal wall
C. Planaria (iii) Lungs
D. Earthworm (iv) Gills
E. Spiders (v) Book lungs
F. King crab (vi) Body surface
G. Prawn (vii) Skin
H. Labeo
(A) A-(iii), B-(v), C-(vi), D-(vii), E-(v), F-(i), G-(iv), H-(iv)
(B) A-(v), B-(ii), C-(vi), D-(vii), E-(vi), F-(iv), G-(i), H-(iii)
(C) A-(vi), B-(iv), C-(vii), D-(v), E-(i), F-(ii), G-(iii), H-(vii)
(D) A-(i), B-(v), C-(vii), D-(iii), E-(vii), F-(ii), G-(iv), H-(vi)

2. Match Column - I with Column - II and select the correct option from the codes given below.
Column - I Column - II
A. TV + ERV (i) Expiratory capacity
B. RV + ERV + TV + IRV (ii) Total lung capacity
C. ERV + RV (iii) Functional residual capacity
(A) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii) (B) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(ii)
(C) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i) (D) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(i)

3. Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct option from the codes given below.
Column - I Column - II
A. Tidal volume (i) 2500-3000 mL of air
B. Inspiratory reserve volume (ii) 1000 mL of air
C. Expiratory reserve volume (iii) 500 mL of air
D. Residual volume (iv) 3400-4800 mL of air
E. Vital capacity (v) 1200 mL of air
(A) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(i), E-(v)
(B) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(v), E-(iv)
(C) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(v), E-(ii)
(D) A-(v), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii), E-(iv)

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1. When CO2 concentration in blood increases, breath- 6. Which two of the following changes (1-4) usually
ing becomes - [CBSE AIPMT 2004]
tend to occur in the plain dwellers when they move
(A) Shallower and slow
(B) There is no effect on breathing to high altitudes (3,500 m or more) ?
(C) Slow and deep [CBSE AIPMT 2010]
(D) Faster and deeper 1. Increase in red blood cell size
2. Increase in red blood cell production
2. Blood analysis of a patient reveals an unusually
high quantity of carboxyhaemoglobin content. 3. Increased breathing rate
Which of the following conclusions is most likely 4. Increase in thrombocyte count
to be correct ? Which of the followingh conclu- Changes occurring are ?
sions are most likely to be correct ?
[CBSE AIPMT 2004] (A) (2) and (3) (B) (3) and (4)
(A) The patient has been inhaling polluted air con- (C) (1) and (4) (D) (1) and (2)
taining unusually high content of carbon
disulphide. 7. Listed below are four respiratory capacities (1-4)
(B) The patient has been inhaling polluted air con- and four jumbled respiratory volumes of a normal
taining unusually high content of chloroform. human adult: [CBSE AIPMT 2010]
(C) The patient has been inhaling polluted air con- Respiratory Respiratory
taining unusually high content of carbon diox- capacities volumes
1. Residual volume 2500 mL.
(D) The patient has been inhaling polluted air con-
taining unusually high content of carbon mon- 2. Vital capacity 3500 mL
oxide. 3. Inspiratory reserve volume1200 mL
3. People living at sea level have around 5 million RBC 4. Inspiratory capacity 4500 mL
per cubic millimeter of their blood whereas those Which one of the following is the correct matching
living at an altitude of 5400 metres have around 8 of two capacities and volumes?
million. This is because at high altitude- (A) (2) 2500 mL, (3) 4500 mL
(B) (3) 1200 mL, (4) 2500 mL
(A) Atmospheric O2 level is less and hence more
RBCs are needed to absorb the required amount (C) (4) 3500 mL, (1) 1200 mL
of O2 to survive. (D) (1) 4500 mL, (2) 3500 mL
(B) There is more UV radiation which enhances
RBC production 8. The figure given below shows a small part of human
(C) People eat more nutritive food, therefore more lung where exchange of gases takes place. In which
RBCs are formed one of the options given below, the one part A, B, C
(D) People get pollution-free air to breathe and more or D is correctly identified along with its function?
oxygen is available [CBSE AIPMT 2011]
4. What is vital capacity of our lungs?
(A) Inspiratory reserve volume plus tidal volume
(B) Total lung capacity minus expiratory reserve
(C) Inspiratory reserve volume plus expiratory re-
serve volume
(D) Total lung capacity minus residual volume (A) A – Alveolar cavity – main site of exchange
5. The haemoglobin of a human foetus: of respiratory gases
(A) has a lower affinity for oxygen than that of an (B) D – Capillary wall – exchange of gases
adult takes place here
(B) its affinity for oxygen is the same as that of an (C) B– Red blood cell – transport of mainly
adult haemoglobin
(C) has only 2 protein subunits instead of 4 (D) C– Arterial capillary – passes oxygen to
(D) has a higher affinity for oxygen than that of an
adult tissues

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1. Bowman’s glands are found in
(A) olfactory epithelium (B) external auditory canal
(C) cortical nephrons only (D) juxtamedullary nephrons

2. The entry of food into the larynx is prevented by

(A) mitral valve (B) diaphragm (C) epiglottis (D) hyoid
(E) frenulum

3. The figure shows a diagrammatic view of human respiratory system with labels A, B, C and D. Select the option
which gives correct identification and main function and / or characteristic.


Cut end of rib B


(A) C-Alveoli - Thin walled vascular bag like structures for exchange of gases
(B) D- Lower end of lungs - Diaphragm pulls it down during inspiration
(C) A- Trachea - Long tube supported by complete cartilaginous rings for conducting inspired air
(D) B - Pleural membrane - Surrounds ribs on both sides to provide cushion against rubbing

4. Lungs do not collapse between breaths and some air always remains in the lungs which can never be expelled
(A) there is a negative pressure in the lungs
(B) there is a negative intrapleural pressure pulling at the lung walls.
(C) there is a positive intrapleural pressure.
(D) pressure in the lungs is higher than the atmospheric pressure.

5. Hiccups can be best described as

(A) forceful sudden expiration
(B) forceful contraction of intercostal muscles during deep breathing
(C) vibration of the soft palate during breathing while sleeping
(D) jerky incomplete inspiration.

6. Which one of the following is a possibility for most of us in regard to breathing, by making a conscious effort?
(A) One can breathe out air totally without oxygen.
(B) One can breathe out air through Eustachian tube by closing both nose and mouth.
(C) One can consciously breathe in and breathe out by moving the diaphragm alone, without moving the rib sat all.
(D) The lungs can be made fully empty by forcefully breathing out all air from them.

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