Tips Piano For Young Beginner Primer A Wp230

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BASTIEN PIANO BASICS Piano for the Young Beginner PRIMER A sr awrence St, BY JAMES BASTIEN kes xen, ee - Sitting at the Piano ... __Finger Numbers Black Keys Low and High ___Pre-staff Notation Rhythm in Music ‘Two Black Cats ___ Marching Song Rain, Rain... Jumping Frogs .. Clouds Halloween . On the Swing Whole Note Mary's Lamb Snow in Winter... Ducks on the Pond ___ Middle CPosition Old MacDonald ___At the Zoo ___On the Merry-Go-Round . Turtles .... Jack and Jill My Pet “To reinforce the feeling of achievement, the teacher or student may put a when the page has been mastered. Jhand position . LH, Bu. Jf white keys . 3 3. Mes ee _The Bell Tower 2 Seagulls 4 __At the Circus cae 6 Stepping Up and Down 8 Hide and seek : ——Hot Air Balloon ... ——Pat-a-Cake 9 10 a 4 Baseball Game __My Hobbyhorse as Jack Be Nimble __Yankee Doodle 16 “Thanksgiving Holiday ——Autumn Leaves. a7 Our Snowman Christmas Trees ....... 18 ___Jolly Old Saint Nicholas 19 Review .... 20 Staff Paper ... Certificate of Achievement 21 © 1987 Kjos West 4 a steps repeated notes skips... SSSR g 30 an 32, 33. 34 35 36 a7 we230 Sitting at the Piano If Sit up straight facing the center of the piano. Place your feet flat on the floor. If your feet do not reach the floor, it is helpful to have a footstool or books under them when you practice. I Sit high enough to reach the keys easily. Do you have a piano stool or chair at home which moves up and down? If not, cushions or books may be used to help you sit at the correct height when you practice. Hand Position IB Hold your fingers in a nice curved shape. Imagine you are holding a ball in each hand. That is the way the fingers should be curved when playing the piano. Your wrists should be level with your arms. WP230

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