SHell 141185244 Blasting and Painting Procedure

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Document No : SK316/NC3/P/JSD/0003


(39275-U) TMJV No : 5940-0000-JSD-2300-0003
Revision No : 0
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CONTRACT NUMBER : CHO/2012/D316/1000






Approved For
0 24-Oct-14 KV Chew Shafiq CH Hew
C 15-May-14 Approved For Design 1 KV Chew Shafiq CH Hew
B 10-Jan-14 Approved For Design KV Chew Shafiq CH Hew
A 6-Dec-13 Issued For Review KV Chew Shafiq CH Hew
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Revision No : 0
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The revisions listed below have been incorporated in this copy of the document.


Additional clause “User’s respective functional specification shall be at least

0 5.1 7
suitable for site corrosivity rated C5M according to ISO 12944-5.”
Philosophy for the application of TSA/CSA coating.
0 10.3.6 18 “TSA coating is preferable. However, in case of TSA application is not feasible,
CSA coating can be considered.”
TSA sealer requirement.

0 10.3.6 19 “The sealer shall have sufficiently low viscosity to penetrate into the pores and
seal the surface of the thermal spray coating. The dry-film thickness (DFT) of
the sealer should not exceed 40 µm.”
DFT and WFT measurement shall be comply with SSPC-PA 2 and ASTM
0 13.1.5 33
D4414 respectively.

Attachment Include the color code for ladder (yellow 10 E 53).

0 36
A Remove the color code for PCV. PCV should follow fail-close or fail-open valve.
The specific painting systems are not provided in this specification due to the
0 11.0 20
approved PCLTC coating system is not for disclosed outside PETRONAS.
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1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.0 OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3.0 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................... 6
4.0 TECHNICAL DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................... 6
5.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................ 7
5.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................ 7
5.2 EXCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 8
6.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................... 8
6.1 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) ................................................. 8
6.2 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CORROSION ENGINEERS (NACE) ............................................. 8
6.3 STEEL STRUCTURE PAINTING COUNCIL (SSPC) ...................................................................... 9
6.4 SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION .......................................................................................... 9
6.5 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION (ISO) ........................................... 9
6.6 PETRONAS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (PTS) - 2011 ............................................................ 11
6.7 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................................... 11
7.0 DESIGN BASIS DATA .................................................................................................................. 11
7.1 CLIMATIC PARAMETERS AND SITE CORROSIVITY ................................................................. 11
7.2 EXTENT OF PAINTING ................................................................................................................. 12
8.0 PAINTING CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILY ............................................................................... 12
8.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................... 12
8.2 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................................... 12
8.3 HAZARDOUS COATING COMPONENTS..................................................................................... 13
8.4 PERSONNEL ................................................................................................................................. 13
8.5 PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURAL MEMBERS .............................................. 14
8.6 BLASTING AND SPRAYING EQUIPMENT ................................................................................... 14
9.0 SURFACE PREPARATION AND CLEANING .............................................................................. 14
9.1 PRE-CLEANING ............................................................................................................................. 14
9.2 SURFACE PREPARATION BY BLAST CLEANING ...................................................................... 15
10.0 PAINTING APPLICATION ............................................................................................................. 16
10.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................... 16
10.2 MIXING AND THINNING ................................................................................................................ 17
10.3 APPLICATION METHODS ............................................................................................................. 17
10.4 REPAIR OF COATING DEFECTS ................................................................................................. 19
11.0 EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL COATING SYSTEM SELECTION ................................................ 20
11.2 INTERNAL COATING SYSTEM SELECTION ............................................................................... 28
12.0 SPECIFICATION FOR BOLTS AND NUTS COATING ................................................................ 31
13.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING ........................................................................................................ 31
13.1 REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................................................. 31
13.2 PAINTING INSPECTION................................................................................................................ 33
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14.0 COLOR SCHEME .......................................................................................................................... 34

15.0 WARRANTY .................................................................................................................................. 34
ATTACHMENT A ........................................................................................................................................ 36
ATTACHMENT B ........................................................................................................................................ 42
ATTACHMENT C ........................................................................................................................................ 43
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PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. (hereinafter referred as COMPANY) has undertaken the
development of the NC3 gas field located in SK316 Block, approximately 200km North of
Bintulu, Sarawak. The water depth in NC3 field is around 104m-107m. The development of NC3
field is envisaged to be in complex-type configuration.

NC3 will be made the hub for the SK316 gas development which includes future NC8 Wellhead
platform. NC3 Complex comprise of a Central Processing Platform with Living Quarters and
bridge linked Drilling Platform. There will be a future Compressor Platform bridge linked to the
Central Processing Platform. Subsea Pipeline connects NC3 Drilling Platform to Existing Riser
Platform E11R-C.

The processed gas will be evacuated to shore via the existing trunkline through E11R-C or
dedicated newly-to-be-installed trunkline to shore. The dehydrated condensate will be spiked
into the same trunkline. The processed gas and dehydrated condensate will be separated again
onshore prior to be fed into a new LNG Plant's Train 9. The gross volume of the processed gas
is 660MMSCFD including 20% CO 2 .

Figure 1: Layout of NC3, NC8 and E11-RC location

The platform facilities inclusive of piping, mechanical, electrical, instrument system, flowlines
and interfield pipeline shall be designed for 25 years. Design life for structural and Trunkline
shall be designed for 30 years.
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The objective of this procedure is to defines the Painting and Coating Specification, for “Provision of
Front End engineering design (FEED) and Engineering, Procurement, Installation & Commissioning
(EPCIC) of SK316 GAS Development Project” for the topside facilities - NC3CP-A and NC3DP-A.



[The party who initiates the project and is ultimately responsible for the
funding of the Project]


[The party who carries out EPCIC for the Project]

VENDOR : Party who supplies and manufactures equipment/ materials or services

specified and ordered by CONTRACTOR

SUBCONTRACTOR : Party who providing subcontracting packages or services specified and

ordered by CONTRACTOR


The following abbreviations and definitions shall be used in this report.
Description Definition
Abrasive blast The impingement of a high-kinetic-energy stream of blast cleaning
cleaning abrasive onto the surface to be prepared.
Contour of a blast-cleaned surface on a plane perpendicular to the
Anchor profile
Application Application, drying and/or curing of a coating layer.
Atmospheric Zone That part of an offshore facility structure 6 m above HAT.
CSA Cold-Spray Aluminium
The temperature of a given air/water-vapour mixture at which, under
Dew point
atmospheric pressure, condensation starts.
Dry Film Thickness; the thickness of the dried or cured paint or coating
HAT Highest Astronomical Tide level
Formation of a coating of zinc and/or zinc-iron alloys produced by
Hot dip galvanizing
dipping prepared steel in molten metallic zinc.
HSE Health, Safety and Environment.
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide level
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet.
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Description Definition
NDFT Nominal (specified) Dry Film Thickness
Pinhole or very small size defect in a coating system, penetrating the
entire thickness of the coating.
The time interval, after mixing of paint or coating materials, during which
Pot life the mixture can be applied without difficulty or loss of final coating
Splash Zone Zone from 3m below LAT up to 2m above HAT
Submerged zone: Zone below the splash zone (i.e. permanently submerged).
Volatile liquid added to lower the viscosity of the paint to ease
TSA Thermally Sprayed Aluminum
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
Wetted and Parts in the tidal and splash zone and parts that are intermittently wetted
intermittently-wetted by wave and spray action up to 6 m above HAT.
Wet Film Thickness; the thickness of the uncured or wet paint or coating


5.1 General
This specification is based on COMPANY document PTS “Protective Coatings and
Lining”, dated September 2012.
All paints and coating material shall be qualified by Company as per paragraph 6.5 of PTS “Coating System Product Approval Requirements” when appropriate. Paint Manufacturer
can propose alternative paint systems. Alternative paint systems shall be approved and tested as per
ISO 20340. In case of any conflict with this document or any referenced standard/code with any PTS,
this specification shall prevail. However, if deemed necessary, a Technical Query can be generated to
COMPANY for resolution.
This specification covers the minimum requirements for the design, materials, application and
inspection of coating systems to be applied for the Topside Scope of SK316 Development Project.
This specification is applicable to topsides structure, equipment and piping for protection against
external and internal corrosion.
To achieve a long term service life of the protective coating system, full attention shall be given to the
quality of surface preparation and application of the coating system. Quality assurance, quality control
and the professional skill of the painters are essential for this process.
Specialised equipment supplied by vendors such as valves, pumps, compressors, etc. will be coated
in compliance with either the User's respective functional specification or project painting specification.
Vendors shall submit the respective painting procedure for COMPANY’s and CONTRACTOR’s
approval. User’s respective functional specification shall be at least suitable for site corrosivity rated
C5M according to ISO 12944-5.
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5.2 Exclusion
This specification is not applicable to:
Subsea pipelines;
Risers of offshore pipelines being coated with a special coating, except those parts of risers
above the special riser coating shall be painted in accordance with this specification;
Temporary construction items to which only a zinc rich primer should be applied;
Internal coatings of tubing or drill pipes;
Fusion bonded powder coatings;
Buried and submerged structures below the splash zone except for caisson.


6.1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron

ASTM A 123
and Steel Products
Standard practice for cleaning, descaling, and passivation of stainless
ASTM A 380
steel parts, equipment, and systems.
ASTM A 385 Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip)
Standard Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Protective Linings
ASTM C 868

Evaluating Coatings for High Temperature Service

ASTM D 2485

ASTM D 4285 Standard test method for indicating oil or water in compressed air.
Standard test method for pull-off strength of coatings using portable
ASTM D 4541
adhesion testers
Standard test method for measuring MEK resistance of ethyl silicate
ASTM D 4752
(inorganic) zinc-rich primers by solvent rub.
Standard method for measuring humidity with a psychrometer (the
ASTM E 337
measurement of wet- and dry-bulb temperatures).

6.2 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)

NACE No. 1 Joint surface preparation standard white metal blast cleaning
NACE No 2 Joint surface preparation standard near-white metal blast cleaning
NACE No. 4 Brush-off blast cleaning.
Surface preparation and cleaning of metals by water-jetting prior to
NACE No. 5
NACE 6G198 Wet abrasive blast cleaning
Discontinuity (holiday) testing of new protective coatings on conductive
Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining
Materials on Metallic Substrates in Immersion Service
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6.3 Steel Structure Painting Council (SSPC)

SSPC-PA 2 Measurement of dry coating thickness with magnetic gages

SSPC-SP 1 Solvent cleaning.
SSPC-SP 3 Power tool cleaning
SSPC-SP 5 White metal blast cleaning.
SSPC-SP 7 Brush-off blast cleaning.
SSPC-SP 10 Near-white blast cleaning
SSPC-SP 11 Power tool cleaning to bare metal.
Surface preparation and cleaning of metals by water jetting prior to
SSPC-SP TR 2 Wet abrasive blast cleaning

6.4 Swedish Standards Institution

SIS 05-59-00 Pictorial Surface Preparation Standard for Painting Steel Surfaces

6.5 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO 2409 Paints and varnishes – Cross cut test.

ISO 2808 Paints and varnishes – Determination of film thickness

ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes – Pull-off test for adhesion.

Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings

ISO 4628-3 Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform
changes in appearance – Part 3: Assessment of degree of rusting.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products – Visual assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 1: Rust
ISO 8501-1
grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel
substrates after overall removal of previous coatings.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products – Visual assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 2:
ISO 8501-2
Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized
removal of previous coatings.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products – Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 3:
ISO 8502-3
Assessment of Dust on Steel Surfaces Prepared for Painting (Pressure-
Sensitive Tape Method).
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products – Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 4:
ISO 8502-4
Guidance on the Estimation of the Probability of Condensation Prior to
Paint Application.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 8502-6 products – Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 6:
Extraction of soluble contaminants for analysis The Bresle method.
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Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related

products – Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 9:
ISO 8502-9
Field Method for the conductometric determination of water-soluble
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 8503 products – Surface roughness characteristics of blast cleaned steel
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 8504-2 products – Surface preparation methods – Part 2: Abrasive blast-

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related

ISO 8504-3 products – Surface preparation methods – Part 3: Hand- and power-tool
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 11124-2 products – Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – Part 2:
Chilled-iron grit.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 11124-3 products – Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – Part 3:
High-carbon cast steel shot and grit.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 11126
products – Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 11126-4 products – Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – Part
4: Coal Furnace Slag.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 11126-7 products – Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – Part
7: Fused Aluminium Oxide.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 11126-9 products – Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – Part
9: Staurolite
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 11126-10 products – Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives– Part
10: Almandite Garnet
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 11127
products – Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives.
Paints and Varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel structures by
ISO 12944-2
protective paint systems – Part 2: Classification of environments.
Paints and Varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel structures by
ISO 12944-7:1998 protective paint systems – Part 7: Execution and supervision of paint
Paints and Varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel structures by
ISO 12944-8:1998 protective paint systems – Part 8: Development of specifications for new
work and maintenance.
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems.
Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the adhesion/cohesion
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(fracture strength) of a coating - . Pull-off testing

Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems —
ISO16276-2 Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the adhesion/cohesion
(fracture strength) of a coating —Cross-cut testing and X-cut testing
Conformity assessment – General requirements for bodies operating
ISO 17024
certification of persons.
Paints and Varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel structures by
ISO 19840 protective paint systems – Measurement of, and acceptance criteria for,
the thickness of dry films on rough surfaces.
Paints and varnishes – Performance requirements for protective paint
ISO 20340:2009
systems for offshore and related structures.

6.6 PETRONAS Technical Specification (PTS) - 2011

PTS Protective Coatings and Linings, September 2012

PTS Metallic Materials – Selected Standard, December 2010
Thermal Spray Coatings Of Aluminium And 85/15 Zinc/Aluminium Alloy,
December 2010
Selection of Materials For Life Cycle Performance (EP) – Materials
Selection Process, December 2010
Selection of Materials For Life Cycle Performance (EP) – Upstream
Equipment, December 2010
PTS Non-metallic Materials – Selection And Application, Octorber 2009
MESC SPE 77/310 Painting and Coating of Valves
CSP-23 Coating System for Bolts and Nuts

6.7 Project Documentation

SK316-NC3-P-RPT-0004 Corrosion Design Basis Memorandum – Topside

SK316-NC3-B-RPT-0001 Piping and Utility Design Basis
SK316-NC3CP-A-B-RPT-0005 Relief and Blowdown Study
SK316/PL-382/U/SP/0003 Specification for External Corrosion Coating


7.1 Climatic Parameters and Site Corrosivity

Coating systems shall be designed based on PTS, dated September 2012. For a site corrosivity
rated C5M according to ISO 12944-Part 2, the design coating systems shall be submitted for approval by the
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7.2 Extent of painting

7.2.1 Surfaces to be Painted

Carbon steel and low alloy steel surfaces, whether insulated or not,
Stainless steel and high alloy as follow:
- Stainless steel 316, 316L when operating temperature above 50 C,
- Stainless Steel 316/316L, Duplex and Super Duplex when insulated,
- 22Cr Duplex stainless steel un-insulated with an operating temperature above 100°C,
- 25Cr Duplex stainless steel un-insulated with an operating temperature above 110°C
Non-ferrous surfaces when identification is required, inclusive valve,
Non-metallic surfaces when identification or UV protection is required.

7.2.2 Surfaces not to be Painted

Non-ferrous metals (Cu/Ni alloy, aluminium bronze, brass, copper, Monel, Inconel, titanium,
chrome plated, nickel plate, etc.) and non-metallic surfaces (GRE, PVC, etc.), other than above
Galvanised steel gratings, stairs and associated fasteners,
Machined surfaces, such as flange gasket surfaces, valve stems, gauge glasses and guards,
gauge faces and light fixtures, friction surfaces of assemblies using friction, etc.,
Jacketing materials on insulated surfaces,
Surfaces used for identifications purposes, such as nameplates, serial number plates, valve
identification signs, etc.
Stainless steel, other than above described,
Thin Stainless Steel sheet made items such as electrical switchboards, junction boxes etc.


8.1 General
The Sub-Contractor or Vendor, in addition to his responsibilities under the general conditions of the
contract, is responsible for the quality of the work which shall be performed in strict accordance with
this specification and all other relevant documents, such as site regulations, safety rules and
requirements, product data sheets, referenced standards and codes.
The Sub-Contractor or Vendor is fully responsible for all Quality Assurance and Control activities.
The Sub-Contractor or Vendor shall schedule a pre-job meeting to ensure that job and quality
requirements are fully understood. Attendees shall include a representative of the COMPANY, the
Sub-Contractor/Vendor’s job superintendent and coating supervisor and the coating inspector, and
should also include the coating Manufacturer’s representative.
For all coatings work, the Sub-Contractor or Vendor shall submit appropriate work plans and a quality
plan for implementing the requirements of this specification for review by the COMPANY.
Copies of this specification, the work plans and the quality plan shall be made available to the
Painting Contractor’s representative at the site and she/he shall be familiar with their contents.

8.2 Health, Safety and Environment

The Sub-Contractor or Vendor, as well as its/their Painting Contractor(s) shall be responsible for all
aspects of safety and personal protection related to the painting work to be done. Environmental
regulations and rules shall be met.
Safe working is of the greatest importance particularly whilst working in confined spaces such as
tanks and vessels.
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All personnel shall be provided with approved personnel protection e.g. protective clothing, gloves,
safety glasses, safety shoes, hard hats, goggles, respirators, earplugs, fresh-air-fed hood and any
other necessary safety equipment. All safety equipment shall be maintained to a good working
Adequate warning signs shall be prominently displayed at all access points to areas where abrasive
blasting and painting is in progress.
Handling and disposal of hazardous waste resulting from the Painting Contractor's activities shall be
in accordance with regulations and specific contract requirements. Moreover, the COMPANY’s
regulations on chemical management or banned materials shall also be strictly adhered to.
Paint products, solvents, diluents, etc. shall be stored in closed dedicated room/container under
controlled temperature.
Exposure of paint products, solvents, diluents to temperature equal or above their flash point,
exposure to heat source, flame source, electrical arc or sparks, etc. shall be prohibited.
Material Safety Data Sheet of all coating products, solvent, diluents shall be available at their place of
use and shall be included in Vendor/Subcontractor Data Book.
These are minimum safety requirements that are applicable to both shop and field coating (including
surface preparation).
Fire and Explosion Prevention
Smoking and/or the use of open flames shall be permitted only in designated safe areas
Solvents and coatings shall not be applied to surfaces warmer than 80°C.
Mechanical (forced) ventilation shall be used in confined spaces whenever abrasive blasting,
solvent cleaning, and/or coating application are in progress.
Forced ventilation shall continue until the coating is fully cured.
Natural ventilation (through opened manways, etc.) shall not be substituted for forced ventilation
in confined spaces.
Respirable air-fed hoods shall be worn by all personnel inside confined spaces whenever blast
cleaning or spray coating is in progress.
If alkaline catalysts (such as used in many epoxy coatings) come in contact with the skin, they
shall be immediately washed off with water to avoid chemical burns. Follow the coating
manufacturer's materials safety data sheet and other safety documents for washing off action.
Adequate washing facilities shall be readily available so that coatings and solvents splashed on
the body or in the eyes can be immediately removed.
Materials Safety Data Sheets for all coatings, solvents, and cleaners in use shall be readily
available on-site.

8.3 Hazardous Coating Components

The Painting Contractor shall ensure that all layers of a painting system and all blasting materials
comply with any local and/or regional standards or regulations on banned materials such as:
Heavy metals, such as arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead, mercury, silver, chromium and selenium.
Substances recognized for being carcinogenic or hazardous, e.g. asbestos, chromate, free
crystalline silica, or coal tar.

8.4 Personnel
Only professional skilled blasters and painters shall be employed. Blasters and painters working on
every painting job should be certified in accordance with a scheme approved by the COMPANY. A
certified foreman should supervise the blasters and painters. Before any work is commenced, the
certificates should be submitted to the COMPANY. Certifying bodies shall comply with ISO 17024.
A skilled foreman shall supervise the blasters and painters.
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8.5 Protection of Equipment and Structural Members

The Painting Contractor shall protect all equipment, structures and any other areas from mechanical
damage, environmental damage, blockage or obstruction, damage caused by over blasting, dripping
paint, paint splashes and overspray.

8.6 Blasting and Spraying Equipment

The Painting Contractor shall demonstrate that blasting and spraying equipment to be used is in good
condition and well maintained. Blasting and painting equipment shall fully comply with any local and/or
regional regulation.
Main CONTRACTOR and/or COMPANY shall be allowed to perform periodical audit.
The compressed air shall be free of water and oil. Adequate separators and traps shall be provided,
installed in the coolest part of the system. The presence of oil and water shall be determined in
accordance with ASTM D 4285. In no case shall the temperature of the compressed air be allowed to
exceed 110°C.
Blasting nozzles shall be discarded and replaced when the nozzle diameter has increased through
wear by more than 50 % of the original diameter.
Blasting equipment, its operators and the equipment being blasted shall be properly earthed to
prevent the occurrence of electrostatic discharges.
Abrasive blast cleaning equipment shall be an intrinsically safe construction and equipped with a
remote shut-off valve triggered by the release of a dead man's handle at the blasting nozzle.
Where air-operated equipment is used, the operator's hood or headgear shall be positive pressure fed
by clean, cool air supplied through a filter, to prevent blast cleaning residues from being inhaled.
When working in confined spaces, adequate ventilation and spark-proof lighting shall be used. As a
minimum, ventilation shall ensure sufficient air changes such that the threshold limit value (TLV) of the
various coating materials in use shall not be exceeded.


9.1 Pre-Cleaning
All structures and equipment shall be designed according to ISO 12944 international standard for high
durability painting systems. All edges shall be ground to a minimum radius of 2 mm or otherwise
agreed with the COMPANY and flame cut areas should have been ground flush. Weld spatter shall
have been ground flush. The design of the item to be painted shall be such that it creates no interstice
and inaccessible area.
All welded areas and appurtenances shall be given special attention for removal of welding flux in
crevices. Welding splatter, slivers, laminations and underlying mill scale which are not removed during
fabrication shall be removed prior to painting activities by the best mechanical means and the edges
smoothed or rendered flush.

All oil or grease shall be removed by washing the item to be painted in accordance with SSPC, SP1
“Solvent Cleaning” before beginning of blast-cleaning operations. This includes bolt holes in piping
assemblies. For the treatment of stainless steels, the level of free halides in materials to be used shall
be confirmed and reviewed by COMPANY. Special attention shall be paid to avoid splashes of zinc
paint on equipment made of austenitic steels.
Before performing abrasive blast cleaning, all equipment which could be damaged by blast, dust or
particulate matter shall be suitably protected by masking, wrapping, taping or other means to prevent
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damage. Where required, the degree of contamination shall be assessed in accordance with
procedures described in ISO 8502-3.
All mating surfaces of equipment subject to outdoor exposure shall be coated with the full coating
system prior to assembly (saddles, skirts, base plates, bolted components, flanges, etc.).

9.2 Surface Preparation by Blast Cleaning

9.2.1 General
To prevent dust and abrasive contamination, blast cleaning shall not be done close to painting
operations or wet coated surfaces. Environmental restrictions shall be observed. Blast cleaned steel
surfaces shall not be touched by bare hands.
Blast cleaning shall not be carried out when the temperature of the surfaces to be blasted is less than
3 degree C above dew point and when the relative humidity of the air is greater than 85 %. For dew
point determination, refer to procedure described in ASTM E 337.
If the surface being cleaned lies adjacent to a coated surface, which is not to be repaired, the blast
cleaning shall overlap the coated surface by at least 50 mm. The edges of the existing coating system
shall be feathered. The remainder of the existing coated surface shall be properly protected with
shields or screens to prevent any over blast damage. Surface cleaning due to new weld or burn marks
shall be agreed with the Company.
If approved by the COMPANY, abrading with sandpaper or light grinding with a suitable (flexible) disc
may be used for surface preparation where sweep blasting is impossible. In addition, when aluminium
or galvanised components have to be painted, zinc or aluminium corrosion products (white rust)
and/or rust present shall be removed.
PFP and CSP preparation surface shall be done as per manufacturer recommendations.
Should Thermally Sprayed Aluminium be used to coat carbon steel, low alloy steels and stainless
steels, the surface p
The recognized surface finish grades are summarized in Table 9.1 below.
Table 9.1 Surface finish grades.
Abrasive blast cleaning SSPC ISO 8501-1 NACE
White metal blast cleaning SP5 Sa 3 No. 1
Near white clean cleaning SP10 Sa 2.5 No. 2
Commercial blast cleaning SP6 Sa 2 No. 3
Brush-off (Sweep) blast cleaning SP7 Sa 1 No. 4
Power-tool cleaning to bare metal SP11 - -
Power-tool cleaning SP3 St 3 -
Hand-tool cleaning SP2 St 2 -
Solvent cleaning SP1 - -

9.2.2 Surface Preparation of Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steel

The minimum degree of cleanliness shall be Sa 2.5 as per ISO 8501-1 at the time of coating. The
surface profile or anchor pattern for carbon steel and low alloy steels to be coated with liquid organic
coatings shall as per ISO 8503-2 or in accordance with the written recommendation of the paint
manufacturer. When not specified by the paint manufacturer or when otherwise specified in this
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9.2.3 Surface Preparation of Stainless Steel and High Alloy Surfaces

The blast cleaning of stainless steel shall be carried out by sweep blasting as per SSPC-SP7, using a
fine abrasive not containing iron (e.g. garnet, Aluminium Oxide, Aluminium Silicates), glass pearls or
stainless steel shots. To reduce the risk of unacceptably damaging the substrate while sweep blasting
stainless steel or hot dip galvanized surfaces, it is recommended that a reduced nozzle pressure be
used in combination with a small size abrasive. Su
with paint manufacturer.

9.2.4 Surface Preparation of Other Non Ferrous Surfaces

Non-ferrous surfaces to be painted shall be degreased and preferably blast-cleaned with a non-
ferrous and chloride-free abrasive.
Except otherwise specified, surfaces roughness shall be “Fine” (G) as per ISO 8503-2. Brush-off
blasting as per SSPC-SP7 is also considered as acceptable.
Other cleaning method, may be acceptable in some cases (e.g. chemical etching of galvanized
surfaces), subject to COMPANY approval.

9.3 Alternative Surface Preparation (Power Tool Cleaning SSPC-SP11)

Alternative surface cleaning is only acceptable after approval of the COMPANY. Power tool cleaning
should be confined to minor areas and preferable to bare metal. It is not acceptable for areas difficult
to access such as under cellar and helidecks, areas exposed to water, steelwork to be insulated,
steelwork to be buried and internal surfaces of equipment and tanks.
Unless otherwise specified it shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of ISO 8504-3.
Power-tool cleaning (grinding) to bare metal shall be done in accordance with SSPC SP11. Stainless
steel surfaces shall not be treated with carbon steel cleaning tools or any tools previously used on
carbon steel.
If power-tool cleaning is not feasible, the surface cleanliness shall, as a minimum, meet the visual
standard St 3 in accordance with ISO 8501-2 at the time of coating. If the surface being prepared lies
adjacent to a coated surface, the power tool cleaning shall overlap the coated surface by at least 25
mm and the coated surface shall be feathered.


10.1 General
All paint material shall be qualified by Company as per Company’s specifications. The Manufacturer’s
product data sheets and specifications for mixing, application and curing shall be considered an
integral part of this specification. The Painting Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the
product and safety data sheets of each material from the Manufacturer.
All coating systems shall be applied in accordance with this specification and the paint Manufacturer's
instructions and data sheets. Any conflicting requirements shall be brought to the attention of the

Each coat shall be applied uniformly over the entire surface. Skips, runs, sags and drips shall be
avoided. Each coat shall be free from inclusions of foreign matters, lumps, pinholes, blisters and
holidays. Contrasting color shall be used for each coat of paint so as to ensure different coats are
applied to meet the required dry film thickness.
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Surface which is inaccessible after assembly, including the surface of lap joint flanges, nozzle necks,
lap joint stub ends, lap rings, bolt holds and some welded joints, shall receive the complete painting
system before being assembled. Contact surface of bolted connection are to be primed only.
On structural steel area subject to be assembled by high tension bolts, contact surface shall be
primed only with Inorganic Zinc Ethyl Silicate. Intermediate and final coat shall not be applied.
Intercoat contamination shall be minimized by maintaining proper cleanliness and by applying the
intermediate and finish coats within the over-coating time recommended by the manufacturer. Any
contamination shall be removed. Zinc rich primers shall be applied over abrasive blast cleaned carbon
and low alloy steel surfaces only. Paints containing metallic zinc shall never be applied, over-sprayed
or dripped onto stainless steel components.

10.2 Mixing and Thinning

All paint spraying equipment including mixers shall be thoroughly cleaned before the mixing of new
materials. All painting materials shall be mixed and thoroughly stirred in accordance with the
instructions of the paint Manufacturer. Sufficient agitation to maintain good mixing shall be applied
until the product is used. If air is entrapped in the product during mixing/stirring, sufficient time should
be allowed for the air bubbles to escape before application.
Inorganic zinc coating products and other heavily metal-pigmented paint such as Aluminum loaded
paint shall be continuously stirred during application by the mean of a pneumatic mixer.
Only thinners specified by the paint Manufacturer shall be used. Mixing of different brands or generic
types of paint material is not permitted unless respective manufacturer’s consent has been received.

10.3 Application Methods

In general, paints shall not be applied when:
The surface temperature is less than 3 C above dew point.
The surface temperature is below 5 C as it could adversely affect the curing of paints.
The relative humidity is more than 85%, except for Inorganic Zinc Ethyl Silicate which can go up
to 90%.
The metal surface temperature is higher than that recommended by Paint manufacturer for
Surface preparation has not been completed or oil, grease and dust are present on the substrate
to be painted.
Poor weather conditions for painting exist or are expected within two hours of application such as
blowing sand or rain.
When there is a deposition of moisture in the form of rain, condensation etc. on the surface.
Probability of condensation may be determined in accordance with procedures described in ISO
Where the available light is less than 500 lux.

10.3.1 Spray Application

Spraying (Air or Airless) is the preferred method of application.
Paint shall always be applied to surfaces that are dry, clean and degreased (substrate or previous
The spray gun shall be held no closer than 300mm or more than 600mm from the surface to be
coated. During application, the spray gun shall always be held at a right angle (90 ) to the substrate.
Each pass shall overlap the previous one by 50%.
The completed coating shall be free from defects such as runs, sags, pinholes, voids, bubbles, orange
peel, grit, dust inclusions or other deleterious anomalies and be of good visual appearance.
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Different colors shall be used for all successive coats of the paint system. The finishing coat of the
required color shall be sufficiently opaque to cover the shade of the undercoat.

10.3.2 Brush Application

Brush application is acceptable under the following conditions, subject to Company approval:
When spray application is difficult due to location of work accessibility;
For touch-up or repair of localized damaged paint or areas of incorrectly applied paint;
For painting of stripe coat e.g when applying initial coat of paint to corners, edges, cervices,
holes, welds or other irregular surface prior to spray application;
Above ground level when it is considered that loss of paint under prevailing conditions is
excessive e.g windy and progress of work has to be maintained and personnel in or neat the
work site or requirement property, may be affected by spray particles.
Coatings applied by brush shall be smooth and even.
Material applied by brush shall be smooth, uniform in thickness, without any apparent surface defect
such as brush marks, runs, sags, or curtains.

10.3.3 Roller application

Roller application shall only be used with written approval from the COMPANY. However, it is allowed
on steel floors and panels inside climate-controlled areas.

10.3.4 Stripe coat

Stripe coating of primer coats may be carried out following spray application of the full primer coat.
This will minimize the time between grit blasting and application of the primer coat.

10.3.5 Painting Under Insulation

For personal protection of equipment and piping for operating temperatures above 70°C, personal
protection like physical barriers are preferred. However, if it is not possible, like access to instruments
and pipe fittings, insulation shall be designed. Under insulation painting shall be applied per the
following painting system.

10.3.6 Thermal Spray Application (TSA) / Cold Spray Application (CSA)

TSA coating system shall fully comply with PTS, dated December 2010.
CSA coating system shall comply according to paint manufacturer recommendation.
General requirement for TSA:
Thermal spray coatings specified in this PTS shall be applied by arc or flame
spraying, using a solid metal wire. Powder consumables, high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) and
plasma techniques shall not be used.
TSA coatings only shall be used to protect stainless steel against chloride stress corrosion
TSA coating is preferable. However, in case of TSA application is not feasible, CSA coating can
be considered.
The maximum service temperature for TSA coatings shall be 590 ºC under dry conditions, and
200 ºC under wet, or immersed conditions.
Sealers are designed to fill the porosity of the thermal spray coating, and not to build film

Substrate must be cleaned completely. It shall be abrasive blast cleaned by sharp edge abrasives to a
degree of cleanliness of Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501-1). It shall be free from grease, dust and other
contaminants. The specified cleanliness shall be maintained during spraying process. The surface
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roughness shall be measured by means of replica tape, in accordance with ISO 8503-5. Other,
proprietary testing techniques may be used, as agreed by the Principal. The surface roughness for
thermal spray coatings shall be between 75 µm and 110 µm, in accordance with ISO 8503-5.

Aluminium used as TSA coating shall be in accordance with ISO 209, Grade 1350 or Grade
1100.TSA coated surfaces shall not be in direct contact with carbon steel, e.g. TSA coated pipe and
steel support. A non-metallic layer, e.g. PTFE, or elastomer strip should be used to avoid direct
contact between a TSA coated surface and its steel counterpart. Testing, inspection and qualification
shall be carried out as per PTS

Thermal spray aluminium coating shall not be sealed when applied:

To immersed components;
Under insulation (to protect against CUI); or
To buried components (e.g. buried piping).

The sealer shall have sufficiently low viscosity to penetrate into the pores and seal the surface of the
thermal spray coating. The dry-film thickness (DFT) of the sealer should not exceed 40 µm.
TSA and zinc/aluminium (85/15) alloy coatings may be sealed when used under atmospheric
conditions, e.g. to prevent fouling of the surface, or when a particular decorative finish, or safety
colors are required.
The following sealer materials shall be used:
Epoxy: to a maximum temperature of 120 °C;
Silicone: to a maximum temperature of 450 °C.

10.3.7 Hot Dip Galvanizing

Steel is coated with zinc by means of dipping into a molten zinc bath keeping at a recommended
temperature around 450 to 460 C. The recommended thickness is about 100 µm.

10.3.8 Fire Barriers / Passive Fire Protection (PFP) System

Approval of PFP System shall be the discretion of COMPANY. Fire test report or certificate shall be
submitted for validation.
The minimum standard curve temperature of PFP materials for rapid rise fires follows either the
following standards:
UL1709 standard for rapid rise fire test OR
BS 476 Parts 20 and 21 (High rise hydrocarbon type fire curve)
All hydrocardon fire PFP coating system shall be capable of preventing the passage of smoke and
flame for at least 120 minutes exposure to a hydrocarbon fire. A test report simulating this capability
shall be provided.
In SK316 project, PFP location is specified by Technical Safety discipline while PFP
system/specification will be prepared by Structural discipline in a separate document. Please refer to
Passive Fire Protection Report (SK316/NC3/X/RPT/0006) and Passive Fire Protection Specification
(SK316/NC3/S/JSD/0001) respectively for more detail.

10.4 Repair of coating defects

Damages or defects shall be corrected in order to bring the coating system back to its initial
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Before application of any subsequent coat of material, all damages from previous coats shall be
repaired. All loose paint shall be removed to a firm edge. All surface irregularities and contaminations
shall be removed. Hard, glossy surface may require abrading to obtain a suitable surface for painting.
Re-cleaning may differ depending on the type and extent of the defect or damage:
For defect with only aesthetical impact (runs, sags, etc ), corrective action shall be implemented
where visual aspect is important,
For defect or damage that leaves at least the primer coat on the metallic substrate, re-cleaning
shall include the removal of foreign matters (oil, grease, dust, debris, etc.) by solvent cleaning or
lightly brush blasted. The coating around the damaged area shall be chamfered by sanding to
ensure continuity of the patch coating. The full surface preparation and coating system shall then
be reapplied strictly in accordance with this specification (hand tool- or power tool-cleaning,
subject to COMPANY approval),
For defect or damage that leaves the metallic substrate uncoated, re-cleaning shall bring the
initial surface cleanliness and surface roughness back to the initial requirements either by blast-
cleaning or by an alternative method approved by COMPANY. The surface preparation for repair
coating shall be minimum St3 as per ISO 8501-1,
The re-cleaning shall carry over on to the secure surrounding coating for not less than 50 mm all
round and the edges shall be feathered (over a width of at least 70 mm).
After the surface cleaning the specified coating system or the required layers of the specified coating
shall be re-applied. Any additional coats shall blend in with the final coating on adjoining areas. Paint
Manufacturers shall be consulted if the existing coating requires abrading before over-coating to
obtain good bonding.

10.4.1 Inadequate coating thickness

For low and rejected coating DFT the coating system shall be repaired in accordance with this
specification. Areas with inadequate coating thickness shall be thoroughly cleaned and if necessary,
abraded, and additional compatible coats applied until meeting the specification. These additional
coats shall blend in with the final coating on adjoining areas.

Regarding maximum allowable dry film thickness, the first acceptance criteria will be the maximum
nominal dry film thickness as specified in this specification. When the dry film thickness exceeds the
specified maximum requirements, the maximum allowable dry film thickness of the paint manufacturer
may be acceptable, on a case by case basis and when approved by Company.

11.0 External and Internal Coating System Selection

(Extracted from PTS, September 2012 - Section 6.2 for external application and Section
6.3 for internal application)
Note: The approved Protective Coatings and Linings Technical Committee (PCLTC) coating system is
not for disclosed. Vendor may propose their painting system and submit for approval.
Tables below indicate the selection criteria of painting system based on specific operating condition.

11.1 External Coating System Selection (Refer to Table 11.1 and Table 11.2)
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Table 11.1 External coating systems for carbon steel and low alloy steel

Operating System Surface Coating

Item Coating System Remarks
Temperature Code Preparation Thickness

Deck (in atmospheric zone)

st Inorganic Zinc Silicate / Epoxy
1 Coat 75 µm
Zinc Rich
o 2 Coat High Solid Epoxy 150 µm
Structural Steel < 110 C 1A Sa 2.5
Top Coat Aliphatic Polyurethane 50 µm
Minimum Total DFT 275 µm
st nd For maintenance painting,
Offshore Platform 1 &2
Polyester/Epoxy Glass Flake 400 µm both Polyester Glassflake
Decks (including Coat
and Epoxy Glassflake can
helideck, escape Ambient 3A/3B Sa 2.5
Minimum Total DFT 800 µm be applied in one coat
routes of oil
application if antiskid is
producing facilities) Antiskid Aluminium Oxide 20-30 Mesh 0.85 – 0.60 mm not required.
Light sanding 1 Coat Aluminium Wood Primer 50 µm
to remove 2 &3
nd rd
Timber Decks Ambient 9A Alkyd Semi-gloss finish 50 µm Antiskid aggregate.
contaminant, Coat
sharp edges
Minimum Total DFT 150 µm
st Inorganic Zinc Silicate / Epoxy
1 Coat 75 µm
Zinc Rich
Fire Barriers /
Primer and Tie-coat shall
Passive Fire Tie Coat Epoxy 40 µm
In case of fire 12 Sa 2.5 be approved by PFP
Protection (PFP)
Passive Fire Protection system refers to Passive supplier.
Top Coat Fire Protection Specification
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Operating System Surface Coating
Item Coating System Remarks
Temperature Code Preparation Thickness
SSPC-SP1 st Surface Tolerant High Solid
and wash 1 Coat 125 µm
Epoxy Painting is applicable only
with fresh nd
Galvanized surfaces Ambient 6A 2 Coat Aliphatic Polyurethane 50 µm when galvanized surfaces
clean water
are damaged.
then SSPC-
Minimum Total DFT 175 µm
and wash st
Markings Ambient 10 1 Coat Aliphatic Polyurethane 50 µm
with clean
fresh water
Living Quarters
Pressurized st
Ambient 11 Sa 2.5 1 Coat Surface Tolerant Epoxy 150 µm
Building, Control
Room (Interior)
Splash Zone and Spray Zone
1 Coat Polyester/Epoxy Glass Flake 500 µm Generic specification for
Structural Steel Ambient 4A / 4B Sa 2.5 glass flake coating is
nd given in Attachment B.
2 Coat Polyester/Epoxy Glass Flake 500 µm
Minimum Total DFT 1000 µm
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Operating System Surface Coating

Item Coating System Remarks
Temperature Code Preparation Thickness

Pressure Vessels, Piping, Exterior of Storage Tanks (Carbon Steel)

st Inorganic Zinc Silicate / Epoxy
1 Coat 75 µm
Zinc Rich
< 110 C 2A Sa 2.5 nd
2 Coat High Solid Epoxy 150 µm
Minimum Total DFT 225 µm
1 Coat Inorganic Zinc Silicate 75 µm
nd rd
Modified Silicone Acrylics
Insulated o
110 C – 250 C
5A Sa 2.5 2 &3 and Silicone Aluminum
Modified Silicone Acrylics 30 µm
Coat shall be air-drying type.
Minimum Total DFT 135 µm
1 Coat Silicone Aluminum 25 µm To ensure good adhesion
to the metal surface,
o o
251 C – 450 C 5B Sa 2.5 nd
2 Coat Silicone Aluminum 25 µm surface tolerant Aluminum
paint shall be used.
Minimum Total DFT 50 µm
st Inorganic Zinc Silicate / Epoxy
1 Coat 75 µm
Zinc Rich
o 2 Coat High Solid Epoxy 150 µm
< 110 C 1A Sa 2.5
Top Coat Aliphatic Polyurethane 50 µm
Minimum Total DFT 275 µm
1 Coat Inorganic Zinc Silicate 75 µm
Modified Silicone Acrylics
o o nd rd
110 C – 250 C 5A Sa 2.5 2 &3 and Silicone Aluminum
Modified Silicone Acrylics 30 µm
Coat shall be air-drying type.
Minimum Total DFT 135 µm
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Operating System Surface Coating
Item Coating System Remarks
Temperature Code Preparation Thickness
1 Coat Silicone Aluminum 25 µm To ensure good adhesion
o o to the metal surface,
251 C – 450 C 5B Sa 2.5 nd
2 Coat Silicone Aluminum 25 µm surface tolerant Aluminum
Minimum Total DFT 50 µm paint shall be used.
System 1A if non-insulated.
System 2A if insulated.
Shell and
Roof Plate,
Tank Ambient
The maintenance painting scheme shall follow that for CS
and Others 1A Sa 2.5 o
design temperature < 110 C.
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Table 11.2 External Painting System selection guideline for Stainless Steel
Temperature Coating Systems
Range Martensitic / Ferritic Austenitic Duplex Super Duplex
Up to 50 C 7B 7B 7B 7B Insulated
(for offshore) 7A No Painting No Painting No Painting Non-insulated
7B 7B 7B 7B Insulated
o o
50 C to 110 C No Painting
No Painting Non-insulated
(< 100 C)
7C 7C 7C 7C Insulated
o o
110 C to 600 C
TSA / CSA TSA / CSA TSA / CSA TSA / CSA Non-insulated
System 7A:
Surface preparation : Sweep blast with dry, non-iron containing grit or roughen surface with emery paper to provide an anchor profile
1 Coat High Solid Epoxy (Non-inhibitive and non-metallic pigmented) – 125 µm
2 Coat Aliphatic Polyurethane – 50 µm
Total DFT = 175 µm
System 7B:
Surface preparation : Sweep blast with dry, non-iron containing grit or roughen surface with emery paper to provide an anchor profile
1 Coat High Solid Epoxy (Non-inhibitive and non-metallic pigmented) – 125 µm
Total DFT = 175 µm
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System 7C:
Surface preparation : Sweep blast with dry, non-iron containing grit to create and anchor profile
1 Coat Silicone Aluminium – 25 µm
2 Coat Silicone Aluminium – 25 µm
Total DFT = 50 µm
TSA system (TSA coating is preferred):
Surface preparation : Sa 2.5 in accordance with ISO 8501-1
TSA Coat Aluminium – minimum 250 µm
Sealer Coat Silicone – maximum 40 µm
Total DFT = 290 µm
CSA system (CSA coating is used when TSA is not practical to apply):
Surface preparation : Light sweep with non metallic and chloride free abrasive
1 Coat Cold Spray Aluminum – 100 µm
2 Coat Cold Spray Aluminum – 100 µm
Total DFT = 200 µm
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Table 11.3 External Painting System for Valves (Insulated or Non-insulated)
Material Group Operating Temperature Paint system (PTS
110 C 1A
Carbon Steel o
> 110 C 5A
50 C No Painting
SS316 o
> 50 C 7A
100 C No Painting
Duplex Stainless Steel o
> 100 C 7C
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11.1.1 Additional Requirement

Paint manufacturer standard are accepted for motors, fans, pumps, compressors, electrical
and instrumentation equipment (except body valves), gauges within the condition that the
painting system is in accordance with a C5M as per ISO 12944 -5 Table A5. (product, layers
and DFT’s).
Bulk purchased carbon steel piping shall be supplied uncoated. Valves shall be coating as per
Table 11.3. For welded valves a cutback of 75mm shall be left uncoated and protected with a
temporary protection to avoid corrosion during shipment and storage.
Inside Package Stainless Steel items, such as cable trays – tubing < 2” – junction boxes and
small instrumentation items, are not require to be painted. Inside package no welding, cutting
tool use or abrasive blasting operation are allowed in order to avoid any damage to
surrounding painted items.

11.2 Internal Coating System Selection

(Refer to Table 11.4)
Note: Internal coating shall be read in conjunction with Corrosion Design Basis Memorandum
Topside (SK316-NC3-P-RPT-0004)
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Table 11.4 Internal Coating System for various service condition.

Operating Surface Coating Remarks
Type of Fluids System Code Coating System
Temperature Preparation Thickness
Fuel Gas o 2 x Coats Amine Adduct Epoxy 125 µm
Up to 60 C 13A Sa 2.5
(Sweet and Sour) Minimum Total DFT 250 µm
Floating roof tank
2 x Coats Amine Adduct Epoxy 125 µm plates, which are
14A (1) subjected to
Sa 2.5
Crude/Condensate Roof and Shell excessive abrasion
(Sweet and Sour),
Up to 60 C Minimum Total DFT 250 µm and wear, shall be
Emulsion/Slop uncoated.
14A (2) 3 x Coats Amine Adduct Epoxy 100 µm
Bottom Plate Sa 2.5
Vessels Minimum Total DFT 300 µm
Floating roof tank
2 x Coats Amine Adduct Epoxy 125 µm plates, which are
subjected to
Roof Shell Sa 2.5
excessive abrasion
o Minimum Total DFT 250 µm and wear, shall be
Diesel Up to 60 C
16B 3 x Coats Amine Adduct Epoxy 100 µm
Bottom Plate Sa 2.5
and Vessels Minimum Total DFT 300 µm

Potable Water, Coating System

Seawater, Produced 2 x Coats Amine Adduct Epoxy 125 µm applied for potable
Water, Brackish, Up to 60 C 17A Sa 2.5 water shall be
Demineralized Minimum Total DFT 250 µm accompanied with a
Water, Brine health certificate.
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Operating Surface Coating Remarks
Type of Fluids System Code Coating System
Temperature Preparation Thickness
2 x Coat Amine Adduct Epoxy 125 µm
Utility Air Up to 60 C 19A Sa 2.5
Minimum Total DFT 250 µm
Corrosion Inhibitors, 2 x Coats Vinyl Ester Glassflake 800 – 1500 µm
Demulsifier, Oxygen Up to 60 C 20A Sa 2.5 If required.
Scavenger Minimum Total DFT 1600 – 3000 µm
2 x Coats Epoxy Phenolic 125 µm
Up to 60 C 22B Sa 2.5
Triethylene Glycol / Minimum Total DFT 250 µm
Glycol 2 x Coats Vinyl Ester Glassflake 400 – 500 µm
More than
o 22C Sa 2.5 If required.
60 C
Minimum Total DFT 800 – 1000 µm
Generic specification
1 Coat Epoxy Glass Flake 500 µm for glass flake
Caisson Splash and coating is given in
Spray Zone o nd Attachment B.
Up to 80 C 4B Sa 2.5 2 Coat Epoxy Glass Flake 500 µm
(Internal and The type of resin
External) shall be suitable for
Minimum Total DFT 1000 µm the operating
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12.0 Specification for bolts and nuts coating

This section cover the requirement for bolt and nut coating for onshore and offshore oil and gas
facilities including subsea applications. Equivalent or better coating system may be considered
subjected to the qualification test and COMPANY approval. The procedure shall be used by all
PETRONAS Design Consultants, Purchasers, Fabricators, Hook Up and Commissioning (HUC)
Contractors, Skid Package Vendors and Manufacturers in designing, purchasing, manufacturing,
storage, handling and installing the stud bolts and nuts for all PETRONAS facilities.
The requirement for coating system of carbon steel and low alloy steel stud bolts and nuts
operating below 200 C is given in the Table 12.1. For systems operating at temperature above
200 C, only base coat is required unless otherwise specified. When stainless steel bolts and nuts
are being specified, only PTFE topcoat is required.
Table 12.1. Coating System for Stud Bolts and Nuts.

Coating System Type of Coating Thickness

Zinc Nickel Plating 10 – 18 µm
1 Coat (Base Coat) or
Ceramic Metal Coating 25-35 µm
2 Coat (Topcoat) Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene (PTFE) Coating 20-35 µm
SUBCONTRACTOR or Vendors shall fully comply with Attachment C for the coating specification
of bolts and nuts.


Prior to the commencement of any work, CONTRACTOR / COMPANY shall approve all coating
and inspection procedures.
Detailed procedures and plans for testing and inspection including the methods and equipment to
be used and the frequency of their application and acceptance criteria shall be provided to

13.1 Requirement
All test equipments shall be regularly and routinely recalibrated. All inspection and test results
shall be recorded and shall be maintained by SUBCONTRACTOR.
All materials, which will be used for painting, shall be properly checked upon their delivery to the
Sub-Contractor’ yard, in order to verify that their containers are well preserved and to segregate
immediately any material that does not comply with the Manufacturer Technical Data Sheet.
Inspection and testing during the coating application, and of the finished applied coating, shall
include the presenting of details of the following variables as a minimum, with all results recorded
on test reports in an approved format (an example copy of proposed daily log shall be attached in
painting procedure):
Construction quality;
Environmental conditions;
Grading and cleanliness of abrasive;
Surface profile after blasting cleaning;
Visual cleanliness, surface contamination check and residual dust test on blasted surfaces;
Coating equipment parameters and settings;
Number of coating layer, DFT of each coat and interval time between coating;
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State of curing;
Coating adhesion strength;
Coating appearance, uniformity and final color

13.1.1 Construction quality

A visual examination shall be carried out for sharp edges, corners, weld spatter slivers, rust
grade, etc.
Welds shall be free from porosity and shall have a smooth profile, without sharp edges or
recesses. All edges shall be ground to minimum 2 mm radius.
All surface defects shall be repaired. Design consideration shall be checked and approved in
accordance with ISO 12944-3.

13.1.2 Climatic conditions

Relative humidity and air temperature shall be permanently checked (as a minimum before start
of each shift and twice per shift). Substrate temperature shall also be tested in order to confirm
that it is more than 3°C above the dew point. Relative Humidity shall be less than 85%, ambient
and substrate temperatures above 10°C.

13.1.3 Surface preparation

The degree of surface cleanliness shall be checked in accordance with ISO 8501-1 and shall
not be less than Sa 2 ½.
The presence of dust before paint application shall be checked according to ISO 8502-3, in
such a way that the particle quantity and particle size shall not exceed rating 2. If
requirement is not achieved, all surfaces shall be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
Surface profile shall be assessed with Testex Press-O-Film and a calibrated micrometer
(according to ISO 8503) and be in range 40µm to 70µm (Rz) for carbon steel surfaces and
20µm to 30µm (Rz) for Stainless steel surfaces.

13.1.4 Soluble salt contamination

Testing for chloride and soluble salt concentrations shall be done after surface preparation using
a Bresle sampler according to ISO 8502-6. The maximum content of soluble impurities of the
blasted surface shall not exceed a conductivity corresponding to a NaCl content of 30mg/m² for
atmospheric exposure and 20mg/m² for immersion (measured in accordance with ISO 8502-9). If
the requirements is not achieved surface shall be cleaned with fresh water and re-prepared.

13.1.5 Dry Film Thickness

Based on PTS, the dry film thickness of the coating systems specified herein is the
minimum requirement to achieve the desired system performance.
The dry film thickness of individual paint coatings and the total system shall be checked in
accordance with ISO 19840 and shall comply with all following criteria:
The average of all measurements shall be equal or above NDFT.
Maximum dry film thickness shall not exceed the recommendations of the Coating
If the required DFT is not achieved, an additional coat of the same product and color will be
applied to meet the DFT requirement.
If the overall thickness is higher than the maximum thickness allowed by the Coating
Manufacturer, then the system shall be blasted off and re-applied.
DFT and WFT measurement shall be comply with SSPC-PA 2 and ASTM D4414 respectively.
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13.1.6 Appearance of coating

For each coat, the curing shall be checked by assessing the solvent resistance.
Test shall be performed according to ASTM D5402 for organic coatings or according to ASTM
D4752 for inorganic zinc (zinc silicate) primers.
The topcoat shall completely cover the color of the underlying layers.
Final appearance of paint film shall be approved by careful visual inspection of the fully coated
surfaces, to ensure that they are free from runs, sags, orange peeling, fish eyes, overspray, dirt
and grit entrapment, wrinkles, open joints and mechanical damage. 100% of coating surface shall
be verified. In case the defect is detrimental to anti-corrosion properties (i.e. lake of thickness, pin
holing, etc...), it shall be repaired.

13.1.7 Holiday (Pin-hole Detection)

Coating systems intended for immersion or splash zone service, shall be tested for porosity,
pinholes and holidays in accordance with ASTM D5162.
100% of surface shall be tested and in case of presence of holidays, coating systems shall be
repaired and re-tested.
Low tension equipment (wet sponge) shall be used on coating systems with thickness up to
500µm. For coating systems with thickness above 500µm, high tension testing will be performed.

13.1.8 Adhesion Testing

The tests shall be carried out only when the system is completely dry and fully cured.
The coating system (DFT less than 200 µm) shall be examined for adhesion between coats and
for adhesion of the first coat to the substrate by tape test according to ISO 2409 or ASTM D3359,
Test Method A.
For painting system with a total DFT above 200µm, the adhesion pull-off test shall be carried out,
in accordance with ISO 4624 or ASTM D4541 after 7 days cured period from the final coat. The
minimum mechanical pull-off test value shall be 500 psi for splash zone and 300 psi for
atmospheric zone.
The above destructive testing may be performed on referenced sample panels to avoid damaging
the equipment coated surface. This shall be applied at the same time and under the same
conditions as the item surface.

13.2 Painting Inspection

All painting inspection shall be carried out by certified personnel described below.

13.2.1 Painting Inspector

The painting inspector shall be certified under either one (1) of the following certification institutes:
Institute of Materials, Malaysia (IMM) Level II
NACE International Certified Coating Inspector Level III
Other reputable Institutes e.g. SSPC, FROSIO, ICorr, etc.
He shall have at least three (3) years of experience in painting inspection, and good working
knowledge on all aspects of painting: procedures, specification, paint performance, and
application as well as inspection. He shall be able to use paint inspection tools which are normally
associated with the works.
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13.2.2 Thermal Spray Coatings Inspector

Thermal Spray Coatings Inspector shall be certified to Institute of Materials, Malaysia (IMM) Level
III or equivalent.
He shall have at least three (3) years of experience in thermal spray coating inspection, and a
good working knowledge on all aspects of thermal spray application: procedures, specification,
paint performance, and application as well as inspection. He shall be able to use thermal coating
inspection tools which are normally associated with the works.

13.2.3 Responsibilities
The Painting Inspector is held responsible for ensuring that the quality of all aspects of a painting
programme is correct and according to this specification. Painting Inspector shall be responsible
for witnessing, verifying, and documenting the work at various inspection points:
Pre-surface preparation inspection.
Measurement of environmental conditions.
Evaluation of compressor (Air cleanliness) and surface preparation equipment.
Determination of surface preparation cleanliness and profile.
Inspection of application equipment.
Witnessing paint mixing.
Inspecting paint / application.
Determination of wet film thickness.
Determination of dry film thickness.
Evaluating cleanliness between coats.
Pinhole and holiday testing.
Adhesion testing.
Evaluating the curing of applied paints.
Any other coating related activities

14.0 Color Scheme

General requirements of color scheme are extracted from PTS as below:
Color scheme for Offshore Installation shall be as per Attachment A, Table A.1.
Color identification for storage tank shall be specific to the COMPANY’s requirements while
the product contents and the tank number should be worded as per Attachment A, Figure
A.1 and Table A.2.
Identification and color code of piping system shall be according to Attachment A, Table A.3,
Table A.4 and Figure A.2.
For safety purposes, the color scheme shall be adopted as per table given in Attachment A,
Table A.5.
Finish color for bolt and nut shall be as per Attachment A, Table A.6.
All above color scheme are summarized in the Attachment A of this specification.

15.0 Warranty
Contractors, undertaking painting and/or coating work, which are to be carried out in accordance
with this project specification, shall guarantee the quality of their coating work. Before any
painting or coating work shall commence, warranty period and coating condition shall be agreed
with the Principal.

A minimum warranty period of five (5) years for conventional painting system and ten (10) years
for special coatings such as Thermally Sprayed Aluminium is required. A final inspection shall be
carried by a party to be agreed between the Contractor and the Principal before expiry of the
coating work warranty period.
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Five years after the acceptance date of the completed coating work:
The degree of rusting shall be in accordance with ISO 4628-3 and shall not be worse than Ri 2
(0.5 % rusting). This degree of rusting shall only be allowed in localized areas and not be
scattered 2.5% over the total surface area coated;
Visual cracking, mud-cracking or flaking of the coating systems is not allowed. Full attention shall
be given to areas such as corners where overlaps are difficult to avoid;
No conspicuous discoloration or excessive loss of gloss shall be observed in the topcoats
specified for the atmospheric zone. The topcoat on steel floors is not included. The requirements
on color retention as agreed with the COMPANY shall be observed.
In all cases, SUB-CONTRACTOR who carried out the painting work shall fully comply with the
warranty requirement specified in PTS Section 3.1.
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Color Scheme
Table A.1 Color Scheme for Onshore/Offshore Installation & Equipments
No. Structures/Items Color BS 4800 / RAL
Splash Zone/Spider Deck

1. Offshore structural members steel below castellation point Yellow 10 E 53

(shim connection splash zone substructures), spider deck
and boat landing
Cellar Deck up to Main Deck incl. Bridge Structure
Structural members including skid, from cellar deck up to
2. the main deck, castellation point outwards, beams, girders, Yellow 10 E 53
underside of drip pan, pipe support & cable tray and Bridge
3. Risers Yellow 10 E 53
4. Ladder, Footway & Stairway supports Yellow 10 E 53
5. Grating Panel (maintenance only) Yellow 10 E 53
6. Handrails Alert Orange RAL 2009
7. Pressure Vessels, Columns, Heat Exchangers White 00 E 55
8. Launcher and Receiver White 00 E 55
9. Wellheads White 00 E 55
10. Compact Manifold Surf Grey -
CS pipeworks (include piping inside package) except Note (1) & (3)
valves bodies and firewater lines:
11. o
Operating at 80 C and below White 00 E 55
Operating above 80 C. Aluminum RAL 9006
SS316 and SS316L pipeworks (include piping inside Note (1) & (3)
package) except valves bodies and firewater lines:
12. o
Operating at 50 C and below. No color required -
Operating above 50 C. TSA/CSA painted TSA/CSA color
Duplex pipeworks (include piping inside package) except Note (1) & (3)
valves bodies and firewater lines:
13. o
Operating at 100 C and below. No color required -
Operating above 100 C. TSA/CSA painted TSA/CSA color
Super Duplex pipeworks (include piping inside package) Note (1) & (3)
except valves bodies and firewater lines:
14. o
Operating at 110 C and below. No color required -
Operating above 110 C. TSA/CSA painted TSA/CSA color
All insulated piping material (Clad color which is normally
15. Aluminum Color of Cladding
Valves bodies color (Manual and Actuated):
16. CS White 00 E 55
CRA (only when painting is required) White 00 E 55
Black Alkyd
17. All valve handle or wheel (2 coats with minimum 30 µm) 00 E 53
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No. Structures/Items Color BS 4800 / RAL

Valves Actuator:
18. i. Shutdown Valve (SDV) Actuator OSHA Red RAL 3001
ii. Blowdown Valve (BDV) Actuator Mid Green 14 E 53
19. Safety Valve (PSV) Yellow 10 E 53
Identification of fail-safe valve for actuator:
20. i. For fail-close valve Red RAL 3001
ii. For fail-open valve Green RAL 6032
21. Storage Tank (Note 2) White 00 E 55
White 00 E 55
22. Chemical Tank
With Black Stripe 00 E 53
23. Instrument Control Panel, Instrument & Lighting Stand White 00 E 55
Module (including Living Quarters) White 00 E 55
Interior Walls and Ceiling
24. White 00 E 55
Exterior Walls
Production Shed & Equipment Store White 00 E 55

Helideck White 00 E 55
Structure and underside helideck, footway and
25. Stairway supports, ladders, instrument and lighting
stand and cable tray
Helideck landing Holy Green 14-C-39
26. Deck Top of Living Quarters Frost Green 12 E 53
27. Firewater lines including valves OSHA Red RAL 3001
28. Process/Utility piping, temp > 80 C Aluminium RAL 9006
29. Conductor pipes Yellow 10 E 53
30. Inside drip pan including pipeworks Black 00 E 53
31. Chequer Plates Yellow 10 E 53
Alternate Black &
32. Jib crane and gantry crane booms and monorail beams 00 E 53 / 10 E 53
33. Pumps, motors, generators and other moving equipments Mid Green 14 E 53
1. Refer to Table A.4 for Piping Color Identification.
2. Refer to Figure A.1 and Table A.2 for storage tank identification system and identification color
3. Refer to Table A.3 and Figure A.2 for the piping identification system.
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Figure A.1 Storage tank identification system. (Color of the square shall according to Table A.1

Table A.2 Tank color identification coding

Color Code
Services Color Identification Square
(BS 4800 or RAL)
Premium Gasoline Orange 06 E 51
Regular Kerosene Yellow 10 E 53
Fuel Oil Black 00 E 53
Diesel Brown 08 C 37
Firewater OSHA Safety Red RAL 3001
Others To be determined by Principal
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Table A.3 Piping Identification System

Flow Direction Arrow
Identification Legend
Type Pipe O.D. (Inches)
1 0.75 – 1.25 0.50 0.75 8.00 0.75 4.00
2 1.50 – 2.00 0.75 1.00 8.00 1.00 5.00
3 2.50 – 6.00 1.25 2.25 12.00 2.25 8.00
4 8.00 – 10.00 2.25 4.00 24.00 4.00 12.00
5 Over 10.00 3.75 5.00 32.00 5.00 16.00

Figure A.2 Identification of Piping System

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Table A.4 Piping Color Identification Legend

Service Fluid Phase Identification Color BS4800 / RAL
PROCESS LINE Arrow Base Arrow Base
Gas Gas Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Liquid Liquid Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Process Process Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
DRAIN & RELIEF Arrow Base Arrow Base
Drain, Hot Oil Hot oil drain Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Drain, Pressurized Pressurized, drain Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Drain, Gravity Hazard, drain Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Condensate Drain Condensate drain Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Flare, High Pressure HP flare Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Flare, Low Pressure LP flare Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Vent Vent OSHA Blue White RAL5005 00-E-55
Vent, Atmospheric Atmosphere vent OSHA Blue White RAL5005 00-E-55
STEAM & CONDENSATE Arrow Base Arrow Base
Condensate Condensate Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Steam Steam Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Boiler Feed Water Boiler H 2 O OSHA Green White RAL6032 00-E-55
UTILITY WATER Arrow Base Arrow Base
Cooling Water Cooling H 2 O OSHA Green White RAL6032 00-E-55
Firewater Fire H 2 O OSHA Red White RAL3001 00-E-55
Fire Extinguishing
Potable Water Potable H 2 O OSHA Green White RAL6032 00-E-55
Service Water
Ballast Water Service H 2 O OSHA Green White RAL6032 00-E-55
Chilled Water Chilled H 2 O OSHA Green White RAL6032 00-E-55
UTILITY & GENERAL Arrow Base Arrow Base
Air, Instrument Instrument Air OSHA Blue White RAL5005 00-E-55
Air, Utility Utility Air OSHA Blue White RAL5005 00-E-55
Gas, Instrument Instrument Gas Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Gas, Utility Utility Gas Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Hyraulic Hydraulic Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
UTILITY GAS & FUEL Arrow Base Arrow Base
Blanket Gas Blanket Gas Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Diesel Fuel Diesel Fuel Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Aviation Fuel Aviation Fuel Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Fuel Gas Fuel Gas Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Nitrogen Nitrogen OSHA Blue White RAL5005 00-E-55
UTILITY OIL Arrow Base Arrow Base
Lube Oil Lube Oil Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Seal Oil Seal Oil Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Hot Oil Hot Oil Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
CAUSTIC & CHEMICAL Arrow Base Arrow Base
Chemical Chemical Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Glycol Glycol Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Caustic Caustic Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
Chlorine Chlorine Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
GENERAL Arrow Base Arrow Base
Treated Water Treated H 2 O OSHA Green White RAL6032 00-E-55
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Service Fluid Phase Identification Color BS4800 / RAL

Black Water Black H 2 O OSHA Green White RAL6032 00-E-55
Grey Water Grey H 2 O OSHA Green White RAL6032 00-E-55
Hot Water Hot H 2 O Black OSHA Yellow 00-E-53 RAL1003
To be determined by COMPANY.

Table A.5 Color scheme for safety reasons

Items Color Scheme BS 4800 / RAL
Dangerous obstructions Black and OSHA Yellow
00-E-53 / RAL 1023
(in alternate bands)
Dangerous or exposed parts of machinery Alert (OSHA) Orange RAL 2009
Fire Equipment and services OSHA Red RAL 3001
First Aid Equipment OSHA Green RAL 6032
Foam System OSHA Yellow RAL 1003
Flare Stack/Communication Towers OSHA Orange.White
RAL 2010 / 00-E-55
(in alternate bands)
Escape routes on decks and gratings:
Decks Yellow RAL 1023
Gratings Two parallel yellow lines with
minimum of 100mm width and 1m
apart (wide) respectively

Table A.6 Finishing color for bolts and nuts.

Services Grades Color
High Temperature Bolts ASTM A193-B7/B7M and Nuts ASTM A194-2H/2HM Blue
Low Temperature Bolts ASTM A320-L7/L7M and Nuts ASTM A194-7M Green
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Generic Specification for Glass Flake Coating
September 2012
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Glassflake Epoxy Generic SPECIFICATION
EPOXY GENERIC Specification

This specification establishes the minimum requirements of an epoxy glassflake filled

coatings recommended for application on both topsides and splash zone. The required
dry film thickness shall be 800 microns.

1. Type Of Epoxy

The epoxy resin will be based on liquid epoxy.

2. Glass Flake

The glassflake used shall be of the chemical resistance type 'C' glass. The minimum
content shall be 10% by weight. The minimum thickness of the glass flake shall be 5±2
microns with an average length of 400 microns in any direction of the planner surface.

However, t h e percentage of glass loading can be variable without a compromise on

system performance with respect to water resistance during immersion; and its
acceptance shall be based on the results of a successful qualification test.

The glassflake is an added product to give a low permeability. Therefore, the

maximum permeability should be 0.015 perm cm (0.0006 perm inches) measured in
accordance with ASTM D1653.

3. Spray Application

The product is high in viscosity and it is necessary to ensure all equipment is in good
working order before attempting to apply. Pump should have a minimum ratio of 45:1.
Filters should be removed to avoid filtering out glass flake. It also advisable to check
that adequate air volume is present, otherwise a consistent spray fan will not be

4. Volume Solids

The product should have a minimum volume solids of 90%.

5. Shelf Life/Pot Life

The shelf life of this product shall be 6 months minimum at a temperature of 35°C
when not stored in direct sunlight. The pot life shall be 30 minutes at a temperature of

6. Drying Times

The product shall hard dry within 4 to 10 hours at temperature range of 25° to 40° C.

7. Hardness

The Barcol hardness shall be within the range of 40 - 50 as measured in accordance

with ASTM D2583. (Model GYZJ 935)

8. Abrasion Resistance

The maximum loss in weight shall be below 150 mg when using a Taber Abrasion
Tester with a CS-10 wheel, a 1 kg load applied for 1000 cycles.
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9. Other Properties

Other properties required to achieve good mechanical properties are as follows :-

Tensile Strength (ASTM D2370) - 10 M Pa (1450 psi.)

Elongation (ASTM D2370) - 2%

The coefficient of thermal expansion shall be in the same order as that of steel i.e.
between 10-90 x 10 /° C.

10. Salt Spray Test

The coating shall be able to withstand a salt spray test according to ASTM B117 for
10,000 hours without showing a coating failure.

11. Immersion

The coating shall be able to withstand immersion in sea water and distilled water
according to ASTM D870-92 test for 6,000 hours at ambient temperature without
showing a coating failure such as blistering, loss of adhesion, softening, or

12. Cathodic Disbondment Test

The coating shall pass a cathodic disbondment resistant test (<10 mm disbondment)
in accordance with ASTM G8 at a potential of -1450 mV (against Ag/Ag Cl) at 30° C.

13. Safety

The Manufacturer shall provide the Owner and the relevant applicator with a valid
Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
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Coating Specification for Bolts and Nuts
age 4

APPENDIX 11: Specification For
Nuts Coating


The purpose of this specification is to provide general guidelines for coating system of carbon steel
and low alloy steel stud bolts and nuts operating below 200°C. The procedure shall be used by all
PETRONAS Design Consultants, Purchasers, Fabricators, Hook Up and Commissioning (HUC)
Contractors, Skid Package Vendors and Manufacturers in designing, purchasing, manufacturing,
storage, handling and installing the stud bolts and nuts for all PETRONAS facilities.


This specification outlines the requirement for bolt and nut coating for onshore and offshore oil and
gas facilities including subsea applications. The guideline is established based on experience at
offshore facilities.


3.1 General Description

This section detailed out the requirement for coating system of stud bolts and nuts for systems
operating at temperature below 200°C as per Table 1 which consists of:
• Basecoat (First Coat) - provides the corrosion resistance
• PTFE Based Topcoat (Second Coat) - reduce friction when tightening and loosening the
bolting components which is not meant for primary corrosion protection.

Coating system DFT

1 coat Zinc Nickel Plating 10-18
Ceramic Metal Coating 25-35
2 coat Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene (PTFE) Based Coating 20-35
Table 1: Coating System for Stud Bolts and Nuts

For systems operating at temperature above 200°C, only basecoat is required unless otherwise

3.2 Base Metal

The specified coating systems are intended for use on carbon and low alloy steels or equivalent:
• Stud bolts of grades ASTM A193/ A193M and ASTM A 320/ A 320M
• Nuts of grade ASTM A194/ A 194M
• Washer of grade ASTM F 436/ F 436M
• U-bolts of grade A 307/ A 307M

3.3 Surface Preparation

Mechanical cleaning and/or chemical treatments shall be used to produce a satisfactory surface
for subsequent plating/ deposition and finish coating, i.e. free from soils, environmental matter,
drawing compounds, oil grease, discoloration oxides, scale and other foreign matter.

Materials used for cleaning shall have no damaging effects on the base metal.
age 5

Surface preparation for zinc nickel plating includes the following:

• Overtap Nuts
• Degreasing and/or water rinsing
• Acid Pickling and/or water rinsing
• Abrasive blasting and water rinsing

Surface preparation for cermet basecoat includes the following:

• Overtap nuts
• Bake out
• Degreasing
• Abrasive blasting

Both specified surface preparation for zinc nickel plating and cermet basecoat shall comply with
standards in Table 2.

Surface Preparation Standards

Zinc Nickel Plating ASTM B322 and ASTM B183
Cermet ASTM B322, ASTM D 4285 and
Table 2: Surface Preparation

3.4 Coating System

The coating system for stud bolts and nuts shall be as per Table 1. Equivalent or better coating
system may be considered subjected to the qualification test and PCSB approval. The detailed
requirements on the basecoat shall be as per Table 3:

Zinc Nickel • Zinc Nickel alloyed coating deposited from an alkaline, cyanide free, electrolyte
Plating shall have a composition of the coating to be in the range of 12-18% Nickel
balance being Zinc.
• The bolting materials coated with Zinc Nickel alloyed coating shall be
phosphate treated in accordance with ASTM D 2092, Method A (12-18 m)
• The phosphate treatment is to ensure basecoat is adherent to topcoat.
• The general plating process shall be as per below:
o Zinc Nickel Plating
o Visual Inspection
o Rinsing
o Phosphate conversion treatment1
o Rinsing and drying
o Inspection and testing

Chromate (instead of phosphate) conversion treatment is required for stud bolts
and nuts with only Zinc Nickel plating.
Cermet • Ceramic metal coating shall consist of one or more individual layer of product
combining pigments that include aluminium and/or metal oxide pigments in an
inorganic binder.
• The general coating process shall be as per below:
o Conventional spray
o Baking (oven cured)
o Inspection and testing
o Burnishing with clean alumina or soft mineral abrasives
o Conductivity test (upon recommendation by paint manufacturer)

Table 3: Base Coat

age 6

The detailed requirements on the topcoat shall be as per Table 4:

Topcoat Details
PTFE Based • A PTFE based coating shall be applied as secondary coating corrosion barrier
Coating and to reduce torque-up friction during installation.
• The general coating process shall be as per below:
o Conventional spray
o Baking (oven cured)
o Inspection and testing

Table 4: Top Coat

3.5 Quality Assurance

Basecoat and final coat inspection and testing shall be performed as per Table 6 and Table 7 prior
to conducting salt spray qualification performance test.

Salt spray qualification performance test as per Table 5 shall be performed on the stud bolts and
nuts by independent laboratory as per ASTM B117 for either following purposes:
a) To qualify new stud bolts and nuts coating applicator;
b) To assess the performance and qualify the new coating systems;
c) To verify the questionable coating quality and performance of the supplies.

Minimum Test Duration Acceptance Criteria

5000 hours • The coated specimen shall not be degraded to a condition inferior
to Rust Grade 5 ( 3% rust) per ASTM D 610
• Nuts must be capable of being easily loosened
Table 5: Salt Spray Qualification Performance Test

3.6 Quality Control

Basecoat and final coat inspection and testing shall be performed as per Table 6 and Table 7)

Inspection/ Acceptance Criteria

Test Method Frequency
ZnNi Cermet
Visual n/a ASTM B602 Level Surface: uniform and free from
Examination I, highest quality defects e.g. mud cracking, pits,
level cracks, blisters, exfoliation or
DFT ASTM B 499 ASTM B602 Level As per Table 1 in Section 5.1
I, highest quality
Adhesion ASTM D 6677 1 piece per lot Rating not less than 8
Conductivity As per coating ASTM B602 Level n/a As per coating
Test manufacturer I, highest quality manufacturer
recommendation level recommendation
Curing Test – As per coating ASTM B602 Level n/a As per coating
Rub Test manufacturer I, highest quality manufacturer
recommendation level recommendation
Table 6: Basecoat Quality Control
age 7

Acceptance Criteria
Test Method Frequency (ZnNi/ Cermet + PTFE Based
Visual n/a ASTM B602 Level I, Free of surface defects e.g.
Examination highest quality level blisters, pits, pimples, cracks,
DFT ASTM B 499 ASTM B602 Level I, As per Table 1
(flat end of highest quality level
the stud bolt
and nut)
DFT ASTM B 487 1 piece per lot
threaded stud
Adhesion ASTM D 6677 1 piece per lot Rating not less than 8
Curing Test – As per coating ASTM B602 Level I, As per coating manufacturer
Rub Test manufacturer highest quality level recommendation
Hardness ASTM D 3363 1 piece per lot Minimum 4H
Test – Pencil
Table 7: Final Coat Quality Control

3.7 Marking, Packaging and Handling

The coated stud bolts and nuts shall be visibly die-stamped with manufacturer’s company logo/
trademark and Grade.

The externally threaded stud bolts are to be assembled with matching pairs of coated nuts.

The stud bolts and nuts shall be properly packed in bubble pack or nylon netting.

Proper handling of the coated stud bolts and nuts shall be done to avoid coating damage.

3.8 Plating and Coating Repair

Any rejected stud bolts and nuts plating/ coating during manufacturing shall be reworked instead of
spot repair. The rework at threaded areas shall be controlled within the tolerance specified by UNC
qualified by microscopic evaluation or profile projector.

Plating and coating failure during or after installation shall be rectified as per coating applicator’s


4.1 Material Receiving Inspection

The materials receiving inspection shall be witnessed by assigned painting/ coating inspector with
the issuance of Inspection Release Note before shipment after final inspection as per Table 7 at
manufacturer’s site.

Documentation review is as per Appendix 11, Section 5.0 during shipment at site.
age 8

4.2 Colour Coding

Finish colour shall be as per Table 8 unless otherwise specified.

Services Grades Colour

High Temperature Bolts ASTM A193-B7/ B7M and Nuts ASTM Blue
A194-2H/ 2HM
Low Temperature Bolts ASTM A320-L7/ L7M and Nuts ASTM Green


5.1 General

This procedure shall be kept by QA/QC manager and shall be made available to the assigned
inspector for reference.

5.2 Test Certificates

All bolts and nuts supplied shall be accompanied with complete test certificates for all testing

Each test certificate shall be signed by an authorized company officer with the name legibly

Certificates shall be issued with following details:

a) Bolts and nuts material certificate
b) Batch number
c) Date
d) Number, type and size
e) Testing results

Test reports shall be submitted for each batch of bolts and nuts delivered to COMPANY and shall
consist of following details as a minimum:
a) Visual examination test results
b) Dry film thickness test results (basecoat and topcoat)
c) Curing test results
d) Adhesion test results
e) Pre-coating data including heat treatment report
f) Coating material certificates

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