Japanese Korean Relationship

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The relationship between Japanese and Korean

Chapter · January 2012

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1 author:

John Whitman
Cornell University


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To appear in: Tranter, David N (ed.) The Languages of Japan
and Korea. London: Routledge

2 The relationship between Japanese and Korean

John Whitman

1. Introduction

This chapter reviews the current state of Japanese-Ryukyuan and Korean internal
reconstruction and applies the results of this research to the historical comparison of both
families. Reconstruction within the families shows proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan (pJR) and
proto-Korean (pK) to have had very similar phonological inventories, with no laryngeal
contrast among consonants and a system of six or seven vowels. The main challenges for the
comparativist are working through the consequences of major changes in root structure in
both languages, revealed or hinted at by internal reconstruction. These include loss of coda
consonants in Japanese, and processes of syncope and medial consonant lenition in Korean.
The chapter then reviews a small number (50) of pJR/pK lexical comparisons in a number
of lexical domains, including pronouns, numerals, and body parts. These expand on the
lexical comparisons proposed by Martin (1966) and Whitman (1985), in some cases
responding to the criticisms of Vovin (2010). It identifies a small set of cognates between pJR
and pK, including approximately 13 items on the standard Swadesh 100 word list: „I‟, „we‟,
„that‟, „one‟, „two‟, „big‟, „long‟, „bird‟, „tall/high‟, „belly‟, „moon‟, „fire‟, „white‟ (previous
research identifies several more cognates on this list). The paper then concludes by
introducing a set of cognate inflectional morphemes, including the root suffixes *-i
„infinitive/converb‟, *-a „infinitive/irrealis‟, *-or „adnominal/nonpast‟, and *-ko „gerund.‟
In terms of numbers of speakers, Japanese-Ryukyuan and Korean are the largest language
isolates in the world. I use the term “isolate” here in the informal sense that includes both true
isolates and small language families. Japanese-Ryukyuan, often misleadingly treated as the
unitary language “Japanese” rather than a language family, ranks 9th, with 122 million first
language speakers; Korean ranks 17th, with 66.3 million (Lewis 2009,
http://www.ethnologue.com/ethno_docs/distribution.asp?by=size). The next largest language
or family-level isolate is Quechua at 79th, with 10.1 million speakers. Like Quechua(n) and
Aymara(n), Japanese-Ryukyuan is unquestionably a language family, made up of the 5
Ryukyuan languages and a variety of dialect clusters in the Japanese main islands. Korean
dialects show less depth of separation. Due to their size and importance, their proximity and
long cultural contact, and their well-known typological similarity, scholars have debated the
possibility of a genetic relation between Japanese and Korean for over two centuries. All
scholars agree that a genetic affiliation between the two, if valid, is distant. At the same time,
Japanese-Ryukyuan and Korean are distributed in adjacent areas, and we know that their
historical distribution overlapped. There is a consensus that at some point a relative of pJR
was spoken on the Korean peninsula, although there is controversy over the relevant evidence.
The evidence has been known for almost a century, beginning with Shinmura Izuru‟s (1916)
observation that words preserved in toponymic material in the 12th century Korean history

Samguk sagi shows close resemblances with Japanese. The combined factors of genetic
distance and geohistorical proximity resemble the case of Quechuan and Aymaran: in the case
of these two language groups as well, specialists divide up into protagonists (e.g. Campbell
1995) and skeptics (e.g. Adelaar & Muysken 2004) of a genetic relationship. Campbell (1995:
158) points out such situations are excellent test cases for the efficacy of
historical/comparative tools for distinguishing material diffused by contact from material
inherited from a common parent.
Proposals for a relationship between Japanese and Korean are sometimes dated to Arai
Hakuseki‟s Korean etymologies for a number of lexical items in his Tōga (1717). Proposals
for a thoroughgoing cognate relationship were made in the nineteenth century by Aston
(1879) and Shiratori (1897), and again in the twentieth by Kanazawa (1910). Among
Japanese specialists at mid-century, Kōno (1949) points out important phonological
correspondences between Korean and Japanese but does not commit himself to a genetic
relationship. Ohno Susumu (1975) expresses a positive view toward a genetic relationship
between Japanese and Korean, as does this scholar in earlier work, mostly based on research
by others. Among Korean scholars, Lee (1972a) affirms the existence of a relationship while
stressing its distance. The first research to propose a systematic set of sound correspondences
and reconstructions for a sizeable amount of vocabulary was Martin (1966); Whitman (1985)
expands upon this inventory.
The current state of debate remains comparable to the Quechumaran controversy, with
Vovin (2010) rejecting the majority of Martin‟s and Whitman‟s proposed cognates. Vovin
addresses the problem of distinguishing diffused from inherited material by requiring that
comparanda on the Japanese-Ryukyuan side be reconstructible to pJR. If a cognate is found
only in Western Old Japanese (WOJ, the central dialect of eighth-century Japanese), Vovin
rejects it as a probable loan, based on his hypothesis that WOJ or its immediate predecessor
absorbed a large number of loanwords from Old Korean (OK). 2 This is a sound procedure
and I adopt it insofar as possible in this paper. Vovin‟s conclusion is that the set of firm JK
cognates is far smaller than suggested by Martin (1966) or Whitman (1985). He identifies six
“reliable cognates”, as against 75 “obvious loans” (2010: 239). The winnowing out of
probable (or possible) loans is a great step forward in this field, but I will argue that an
improved set of correspondences, involving not just phoneme-to-phoneme correspondences
but consideration of original root shape, uncover a core set of cognates in the lexical and
functional vocabulary.
The structure of the chapter is as follows. In section 2 I set out assumptions about the
reconstruction of pJR, based on recent research in internal and comparative JR reconstruction.
In section 3 I do the same for Korean. In section 4 I discuss a set of correspondences between
pJR and pK, focusing on vowel correspondences, and introducing relevant lexical
comparisons in the course of the discussion. This section also explores the comparative
consequences of stem shape change, in particular syncope and medial consonant lenition in
earlier Korean. Sections 5 and 6 discuss lexical comparisons in two specific functional
domains, pronouns and grammatical formatives.
Transcription of Late Middle Korean is presented in a slightly different system to that in
Sohn (this volume, Chapter 4). Following Yale Romanization (Martin 1995), I use y, o and
wo where Sohn uses j, ó and o respectively, and mark tone as ´ (high/„accented‟, · in 15th-16th
century han‟gŭl texts), no mark (low/„unaccented‟, unmarked in 15th-16th century han‟gŭl
texts) and ˇ (rising, : in 15th-16th century texts).

2. Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan

I assume a six vowel system for pJR (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan vowels

*i *u
*e *ə *o

Reconstruction of the mid vowels *e and *o follows Hattori (1976, 1977-1979).3 The
reflexes of pJR *e and *o are quite restricted, particularly in WOJ, but in other varieties as
well. The WOJ reflexes of *e and *o are /e/ and /o/ in word-final position, /i/ and /u/
elsewhere.4 A process of mid vowel raising is posited to explain this distribution and
correspondences such as WOJ sugus- „cause to pass by‟:: Eastern Old Japanese (EOJ)
sugwos-, Early Middle Japanese (EMJ) sugos- id. (Hayata 1998, Hino 2003, Miyake 2003,
Frellesvig & Whitman 2004, 2008), and similar correspondences involving WOJ /i/, /u/ and
proto-Ryukyuan (pR) *e, *o. Comparison with pR is our richest source for evidence for pJR
*e and *o in nonfinal position. Tables 2.2 and 2.3 list the examples of *e and*o proposed by
Thorpe (1983) and Pellard (forthcoming) based on the correspondences pR *e : WOJ /i/ and
pR *o : WOJ /u/.

Table 2.2 Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan *e

Proto-Ryukyuan Japanese (WOJ except as indicated) Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan
*ero iro *erǝ „color‟
*ezu(ro) idu(re) *entu(rǝ/o) „which‟
*kezu kizu *kensu „wound‟
*memezu mimizu (MJ) *memensu „earthworm‟
*mezu midu *mentu „water‟
*nebu- nibu- (MJ) *nenpu- „dull, slow‟
*pejesi- „cold‟ piye- (MJ) „get cold‟ *peje- „get cold‟
*peru piru *peru „garlic‟
*pezi pidi *penti „elbow‟

Table 2.3 Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan *o

Proto-Ryukyuan Japanese (WOJ except as indicated) Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan
*ki ~ ko- kwi ~ ku- (MJ ko-) *koj „yellow‟
*kusori kusuri *kusori „medicine‟
*mogi mugi *monki „wheat‟

*moko muko, moko *moko „bridegroom‟
*omi umi *omi „sea‟
*ori uri *ori „melon‟
*tuki ~ tuko- tukwi ~ tuku- *tukoj „moon‟
*tukos- tukus- *tuko-s- „exhaust it‟

The pR data add nine examples of nonfinal *e. In all these examples *e occurs before a
sonorant, as pointed out by Whitman (1985), who suggested that they are reflexes of an
original nonfront vowel, *ǝ in the six-vowel system for pJR. Miyake (2003) and Pellard
(forthcoming) observe that we cannot claim that *ǝ fronted automatically in this environment,
since pJR contains many unfronted examples of *CǝC[sonorant]. However the relevant
environment can be narrowed to the position before a coronal sonorant, a phonetically
plausible environment for vowel fronting (Clements 1991, Fleming 2003), and perhaps
further narrowed to the position before a coronal sonorant in the same syllable. This narrower
environment would leave unaccounted for the examples of *e before *r and *j, but these
examples may mask an earlier more complex syllable structure („earthworm‟, where *e
occurs before *m, probably originates from a reduplication). I therefore reserve the possibility
that at least some examples of nonfinal *e have been fronted from earlier ǝ*.
The eight tokens of nonfinal *o show a different pattern. In „exhaust it‟ *o occurs in root-
final position, while in „yellow‟ and „moon‟ it is in root-final position before a glide.
„Bridegroom‟ may involve root-final position in an original compound with *ko
„child‟/diminutive, while „medicine‟ may be formed from *kus- „smelly‟ + -or (adnominal) +
i (nominalizer). These reconstructions would reflect a variety where the environment
blocking mid vowel raising was broader than WOJ: root-final rather than word-final position.
We see a similar contrast between EOJ (root-final *o retained) and WOJ (word final *o
retained) in the contrast between EOJ sugo-s- and WOJ sugu-s- „cause to pass by‟. In either
case final position is privileged at the relevant level of prosodic analysis. The relevant
generalization is preserved in a prosodically strong position, such as the head of a metrical
foot (Zec 2003), whose location is subject to crosslinguistic variation.

Table 2.4 Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan consonants

Bilabial Dental/ Palatal Velar
Stop: *p *t *k
Nasal: *m *n
Fricative: *s
Tap: *r
Approximant: *w *j

Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan consonants are presented in Table 2.4. There is general

consensus that so-called „dakuon‟ consonants (b, d, g, z) in all varieties of Japanese and

Ryukyuan, usually realized as voiced, sometimes as prenasalized, go back to nasal-obstruent
clusters. Thus pJR has no largyngeal or manner contrast for consonants.
There is also general consensus about the lexical pitch accent or word tone classes for pJR,
although there is controversy about their interpretation (Ramsey 1979; de Boer 2010). I cite
the reconstructed tonal classes in Martin (1987), without hypothesizing a pitch interpretation.
Summarizing this section, we have reconstructed a phonemic inventory for pJR with six
vowels and nine consonants, the latter lacking any laryngeal contrast such as voicing. This
inventory is supported by a high degree of agreement among specialists on the reconstruction
of Japanese and Ryukyuan.

3. Proto-Korean

The closest approach to an internal reconstruction of Korean is Martin (1996), which shows
partial convergence with work by Ki-moon Lee (1972a, b, 1991) and Lee & Ramsey (2011).
Lee and Lee & Ramsey derive the seven-vowel system of Late Middle Korean (LMK) from
an „Altaic‟-type system with palatal harmony, but virtually all of the assumptions behind this
have been called into question. More recent analyses posit a tongue root harmony system for
LMK (Kim 1993, Ko 2010), similar to the retracted tongue root [RTR] systems found in
Tungusic and most Mongolic languages. Based on the distribution of the LMK vowels in
Sino-Korean, Itō (2007: 267) proposes the vowel system in Table 2.5 for Old Korean (OK;
the language of Silla) at the period when Sino-Korean was established, commonly assumed to
be in the late Tang period, roughly the eighth-ninth century.

Table 2.5 Old Korean (Silla) vowel system

*i > LMK i [i] *ɨ > LMK u [ɨ] *u > LMK wu [u]
*ε > LMK e [ə] *ə > LMK o [ʌ] *o > LMK wo [ʊ] (or [o])
*a > LMK a [a]

LMK had vowel harmony (Sohn, this volume, section 4.2.2), but as Itō points out, the
system in Table 2.5 is incompatible with a palatal vowel harmony system. But it is
compatible with a tongue root harmony system, with [+/- RTR] pairs formed by *ɨ and *ə, *u
and *o, and *ε and *a. Martin (2000) argues that vowel harmony was innovated some time
prior to LMK. The OK system in Table 2.6 suggests a scenario: areal influence led to the
reinterpretation of *ɨ/*ə, *u/*o, and *ε/*a as [+/- RTR] harmonic pairs, and to the
centralization of *ε. Centralization of *ε triggered backing and lowering of *ə to the low-mid
back [ʌ] articulation of this vowel in LMK.
I adopt the system in Table 2.5 for OK, but represent the mid front vowel as *e. The
distribution of the two „weak‟ vowels *ɨ > LMK u [ɨ] and *ə > LMK o [ʌ] is restricted in
LMK: /o/ does not occur not at all in onset position and /u/ is very rare there. A number of
scholars have assumed that /u/ and /o/ undergo syncope in the second syllable of disyllabic
verb stems of shape CVCo/u (Ramsey 1978, Martin 1996), and in the original second syllable
of at least some LMK monosyllabic nouns with rising tone. A further environment for
syncope is proposed as a source both for LMK initial obstruent clusters and aspirated
consonants (Lee 1991; Lee & Ramsey 2011). I will assume that unaccented *ɨ and *ə are

syncopated, subject to constraints on the acceptability of the resultant clusters. I view syncope
of accented final *ɨ and *ə as metathesis, with compensatory lengthening of the vowel in the
preceding syllable. In accented onset position or following an initial glide, *ɨ and *ə may
have merged with *e, as in LMK yetúlp „8‟ < *jətərp.

Table 2.6 Proto-Korean consonants

Bilabial Dental/ Palatal Velar/
Alveolar Glottal
Stop: *p *t *c *k
Nasal: *m *n *ŋ
Fricative: *s *h
Tap: *r
Approximant: *j

The proto-Korean consonants are presented in Table 2.6. The reinforced and aspirated
consonants of modern Korean are secondary, resulting from clusters produced by syncope.
Thus pK, like pJR, had no laryngeal contrast among consonants. The modern reinforced
consonants reflect the clusters /pC/, /sC/, and /psC/ in LMK. Gaps in the inventory of clusters
suggest that some /sC/ clusters may reflect earlier *tɨ/əC or *cɨ/əC, while expected but
unattested */kC/ clusters may result in aspirates. The Early Middle Korean (EMK) sources for
the LMK aspirates cited by Lee (1991) have the form EMK hɨ/əCV- > LMK ChV, e.g. EMK
hɨkɨ-n > LMK khú-n „big-ADNOM‟.
As we have seen, pJR and pK have rather simple and very similar phonemic inventories,
with six or seven vowels, no laryngeal (manner) distinction among consonants, and lexical
pitch accent. The functional load of pitch accent is less in pK than in pJR, but this is
consistent with the fact that pK allows consonant codas in non-bound roots (that is, nouns),
while pJR does not.
The prehistory of Korean is characterized by major changes in root structure. Syncope was
a major such factor; a second was medial obstruent lenition (Lee 1972a, b, Martin 1996, Lee
and Ramsey 2011). The results of lenition are observable, first, in instances of LMK /W/ [β],
/l/ [r], /z/ and /G/ [ɦ] resulting from earlier /p/, /t/, /s/ and /k/ (Table 2.7, based on Lee and
Ramsey 2011: 136-153).

Table 2.7 Obstruent lenition attested in Late Middle Korean

LMK Source Segmental environments Morphological environments
/W/ [β] /p/ V_V, y_V, l_V, z_V morpheme boundary
/l/ [r] /t/ V_V morpheme boundary, nativized SK
/z/ /s/ V_V, y_V, *l_V, n_V, morpheme boundary and root internally
m_V, V_W, V_G
/G/ [ɦ] /k/ 1_V, z_V, i_V morpheme boundary

Martin (1996) takes the view that all instances of the LMK voiced spirants /W/, /z/ and /G/
result from /p/, /s/, /k/, either allophonically at a morpheme boundary or diachronically within
roots, before the weak vowels /u/ [ɨ] and /o/ [ʌ].5 Martin (1996: 54) claims that “the group of
nouns with medial lenition expanded to include, at least sporadically, nouns with nonminimal
vowels in the second syllable.”
But as Vovin (2010: 14) points out, the restriction of lenition to medial position before the
least sonorous vowels is odd. Furthermore, when pre-LMK sources give evidence for medial
stop lenition, the LMK outcome is not a LMK voiced spirant. This is particularly clear in the
case of /p/, where the Chinese Jīlín lèishì (鶏林類事 1103-1104, or Kyeylim ywusa in the
Korean reading of its name) transcriptions for LMK twǔlh, twuúl „two‟ and swul, swuul
„wine‟ are best interpreted as tupɨr and supɨr. To this we must add the fact that intervocalic /p/,
/t/, /k/ before non-weak vowels are rare root-internally in LMK. These considerations lead me
to hypothesize that the LMK spirantizations were the tail end of a more general process,
which began with the lenitions in Table 2.8.

Table 2.8 Hypothesized lenitions for pre-Late Middle Korean

a. *VpV > VV[labial] VV[labial]
b. *VtV > VrV VlV
c. *VkV > V(V) (with reduction of hiatus) V

Each of these processes is supported by well-known developments, such as: (a) the lenition of
EMK /p/ in „two‟ and „wine‟, (b) the lenition of the indicative assertive suffix -ta > -la [ra]
after the copula and certain auxiliaries, (c) the lenition of initial /k/ >  after vowels in the
postnominal particles kwá „with‟, kwós „precisely‟, and kwóm „each‟.

4. Phonological correspondences

I posit the vowel correspondences in Table 2.9 between pK and pJR.

Table 2.9 Proto-Korean :: proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan vowel correspondences

pK pJR
*i :: *i
*ɨ :: *ə
*u :: *u
*e :: *e (in non-final environments > *i through mid vowel raising)
*ə :: *ə
*o :: *o (in non-final environments > *u through mid vowel raising)
*a :: *a

Other than mid vowel raising in Japanese and Ryukyuan, I have omitted from Table 2.9
what I consider to be secondary developments in the two proto-languages, such as
assimilation to another vowel in the same root, or, in the case of pK, vowel harmonic
alternations. The new proposal among these correspondences is for pK *e, for which pJR *ə
or its equivalent have been proposed in previous research. In onset position this is
unproblematic: in comparisons like pK *ep- „bear on back‟ :: pJR *əp- id. the pK initial
vowel may reflect earlier *ə or *ɨ. But comparisons such as pK *kes „thing, matter‟ :: pJK
*kətə 2.3 id. require reconsideration.6 As noted above, vowel outcomes are further
complicated by the co-occurrence restrictions known as Arisaka‟s laws in Japanese, and root-
internal effects of vowel harmony in Korean.
In contrast to the vowel correspondences, the pJR :: pK consonantal correspondences are
relatively straightforward, as we might expect from the minimal inventories in Tables 2.4 and
2.6. However, as we see in Table 2.6, pK has two consonants, *h and *c, that are not
reconstructable for pJR. Any comparison of pJR and pK must account for these consonants.
In the first part of this section I focus on this problem. In the second part I focus on the more
complex matter of correspondences reflecting on earlier Korean syncope and lenition.
Following a suggestion of Vovin (1992: 340-341), I propose that the pJR correspondence
for pK *h is *s before *i and *j, *k elsewhere (Table 2.10).

Table 2.10 Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan correspondences for proto-Korean *h

pJR pK Reconstruction
1. *se- A „do‟ :: *hjǝ-, LMK hó(y)- id. *hjǝ-
2. *siro B „white‟ :: *hjǝ-, LMK hóy id., syey- „whiten‟ *hjǝ- (+ pJR *-ro ATTR)7
3. *kasa 2.2b „bulk‟ :: *ha-, LMK há- „many, great‟ *ha- (+ pJR *-sa NMR
4. *kǝsi 2.? „lower back‟ :: *heli, LMK helí- id. *hǝti8

The first two lexical comparisons involve a secondary vowel correspondence, pJR *Ce >
*Ci :: pK *Cje. This correspondence is supported by examples such as pJK *sima „island‟ ::
pK *sjǝm id., and pJK *me, *mi- „woman‟ :: pK *mjǝnɨr „daughter-in-law‟. In the pJR forms,
the vowel surfaces as *e in root-final position (1), *i elsewhere (2), and the first syllable of
„island‟. Reconstruction of *Cjǝ in pK is supported by the stem alternation shown by LMK
„white and „whiten‟. Recall that the diphthong /yo/ < *jǝ is disallowed in LMK. In stem-final
position the diphthong is eliminated by metathesis of the glide and nuclear vowel. In other
positions the diphthong is retained, but the vowel fronted to /e/, as in LMK yetúlp „8‟ <
*jətərp, discussed in section 3. Another possible outcome of pK *Cjə may be shown by LMK
sikí- „cause to do‟, sikpu- „want‟, which as shown by Lee (1991) seem to be related to a root
*sik- „do‟.
Further support for reconstructing an initial consonant distinct from *s- in pJR „do‟ may be
supported by a paradigmatic alternation in WOJ and EOJ adjectives. As many linguists have
observed, the conclusive and adnominal (attributive) forms in this paradigm appear to be a
WOJ/EOJ innovation, as they are not found in Ryukyuan (or indeed most Kyūshū varieties).
One idea about the source of this part of the paradigm is that it results from combining pJR
*se- „do‟ as a „light‟ verb with the originally uninflecting adjectival stem. The WOJ/EOJ

conclusive suffix -si may directly reflect continuative *s-i at a period prior to the
development of the OJ conclusive s-u; alternatively, „light‟ „do‟ may have grouped with ar-i
„to exist‟ in having a conclusive in -i. How then to relate the adnominal suffix, which we
know to have been *-ke on the basis of its EOJ form -ke, raised to -ki in WOJ by mid vowel
raising? On the hypothesis that the adnominal involves the same „light‟ verb „do‟, we must
posit a consonant initial that surfaces as OJ /s/ before /i/ but /k/ elsewhere. This is exactly the
alternation predicted by the conditioned correspondences in Table 2.10. The suffix vowel *-e
in the adjectival adnominal suffix may reflect the original stem vowel of „do‟, or it may
involve a distinct suffix no longer recoverable. Whichever is the case, the alternation provides
pJR-internal evidence for an initial distinct from *s for pJR; *h- is a phonetically plausible
Regarding pK *c, Table 2.11 presents evidence that it corresponded to pJR *s before high
vowels and *t elsewhere.

Table 2.11 Proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan correspondences for proto-Korean *c

pJR pK Reconstruction
5. *kunsu 2.5 „arrowroot‟ :: *hɨcɨrk, LMK chulk id. *hɨncu (+ pK -ɨrk?)
6. *kusi 2.3 „skewer‟ :: *koc, LMK kwoc id., kwos- „insert‟ *koc- (+ pJK -i NMR)
7. *puta- ?2.1 „two‟ :: *pǝcak, LMK pcak „a pair‟ *pǝca (+ pK -k?)9
8. *mi(t)- ?1.1 „three‟ :: *mjech, LMK myéch „a few‟ *mjec (+ pK -h/k?)

The outcome of the pJR vowel in (7) „two‟ is supported by several other instances of pK
*ǝ :: pJR *u adjacent to a labial consonant:

9. pJR *pej in EMJ fe+saki ?3.1 „prow‟ („boat+tip‟) :: pK *pǝj, LMK póy „boat‟ < pJK *pǝj
but *pu- in pJR *pu+naj OJ pune „boat‟ („boat+root‟)10
10. pJR *pe(j) in EMJ feso 2.1 „navel‟ :: pK *pǝj, LMK póy „stomach‟< pJK *pǝj
but also EMJ foso < *pǝj + ?sǝ/o
11. pJR *mej in OJ me „seaweed‟, but also OJ mo „seaweed‟ :: pK *mǝr, LMK mól id. < pJK

The otherwise unusual alternations of /e/ and /o/ in (9-11) can be explained by the relative
timing of labial assimilation of *ǝ and monophthongization of *ǝj. Where *j is lost first, *ǝ
rounds to *o after a labial; when this occurs non-finally (in particular before a morpheme
boundary that has become opaque, as in „boat‟), mid vowel raising applies, *o > u. Where
diphthongization applies first, the result is /e/.
Next we proceed to comparisons involving root structure change in Korean. We saw two
examples involving syncope in (5) „arrowroot‟ and (7) „two, a pair‟. Table 2.12 presents a
few more.

Table 2.12 Syncopated Proto-Korean *ɨ, *ǝ

pJR pK Reconstruction

12. *sik- A „spread it‟ :: *sǝkǝr-, LMK skór- id. *sjǝk- (+ pK *-ǝr- CONT)
13. *sup- A „suck, inhale‟ :: *sǝpǝr-, LMK spór- id. *sǝp- (+ pK *-ǝr- CONT)
14. *pǝ(n)tǝ 2.2a „interval‟ :: *pǝt-aj, LMK pstáy- „time‟ *pǝ(n)tǝ- (+ pK *-aj LOC)
15. *ǝmǝ- A „heavy‟ :: *mɨ-kep-, LMK mukép- id. *ɨmɨ- (+ pK *-ka/ep- ADJ)
16. *u/imǝ 2.3 „yam‟ :: *mah, LMK mah id. *(j)ǝmah11

Next consider comparisons based on medial consonant lenition in pK (Table 2.13).

Table 2.13 Proto-Korean medial consonant lenition

pJR pK Reconstruction
17. *takaj 2.1 „bamboo‟ :: *taj, LMK táy id. *takaj
18. *taka-j 2.3 „height‟ :: *tarák, LMK talak „loft‟ *takar (+ pK -Vk LOC)
19. *tuku/oj 2.3 „moon‟ :: *tǝr, LMK tól id. *tokər
20. *naka 2.4 „inside‟ :: *an(-)h 1.1 LMK ánh id. *nakəh
21. *ka(:)nkaj 2.5 „shadow‟ :: *kǝnǝrh, LMK kónolh id. *kankərh
22. *nanka- B „long‟, :: *nái, LMK nǎy „throughout, during‟
*nanka-r- B „flows‟
23. *sanki 2.1 „heron‟, :: *sái, LMK sǎy „bird‟ *saŋi
suffix in bird names
24. *pitǝ- ?2.3, ?2.4 „one‟ :: *pirɨs, LMK pilús „first‟ *pitɨ (+ pK -s NMR)

25. *kata ?2.3 „one of pair‟ :: *hǝt(V)-, EMK hǝt-ǝn *hatǝ

„one‟, cf. LMK holo „one day‟
26. *ita-rINTR/sTR- A „attain‟ :: *írɨ/ǝ-, LMK ǐ(l)-/ilú/ó- *itɨ/ǝ- (+ pJK *-ar-
„arise‟ INTRANS)
27. *pinti 2.2b „elbow‟ :: *pərh „arm‟, LMK pólh *pintǝh
28. *ap- B „meet, fit‟ :: *e/apɨ/ǝr-, LMK ewúl- *ap- (+pK *-ǝr- CONT)12
„meet‟, awól- „join it‟
29. *ǝpǝ- B „big‟ :: * pɨj-, LMK ewúy- „broad, *ɨpɨ- (+pK *-i- INTRANS)

(17-19) exemplify a correspondence where pJK apophonic nouns correspond to pK nouns

with a sonorant final. Further examples are:

30. pJR *pǝj 1.2 „fire‟, OJ po- ~ pwi :: pK *pɨr, LMK púl id. < pJK *pɨr13
31. pJR *muj 1.1 „body‟, OJ mu- ~mwi :: pK *mom, LMK móm id. < pJK *mom

Vovin (forthcoming) argues that earlier Japanese „fire‟ should be reconstructed as *poj
rather than *pǝj, based on an attestation of the compound form of this noun as 本 in the Kojiki
songs. Vovin follows Mabuchi (1957, 1972) in interpreting this phonogram as <pwo> in the
Kojiki songs (and, according to Mabuchi, sound glosses). However Mabuchi (1957: 86)

explicitly rejects this example as a mistranscription. The philological rationale for interpreting
the OJ compound form for „fire‟ as po- < *pǝ- is explained by Wenck (1954: 268-269).
Vovin (2010: 194) considers (31) to be a loan from Korean to WOJ “because cognates of
WOJ mï „body‟ are not found in Ryukyuan”. But reflexes of *muj in its derived meaning „self,
person‟ occur throughout Ryukyuan (e.g. Nakijin a-ga-mi „we‟, Nakasone 1983; cf. WOJ a
ga mwi „myself‟). Since the direction of grammaticalization is clearly „body‟ > „person‟ >
„self‟, Vovin‟s hypothesis would require that „body‟ was borrowed into WOJ, then the
grammaticalized form was borrowed into pR.
In this section we have seen comparisons involving basic vocabulary, including body parts
(4, 10, 27, 31), numerals (7, 8, 24, 25), and basic verbs and adjectives (1-3, 15, 18, 22, 28, 29).
It may be appropriate to conclude the section with a comparison of the pJR and pK numeral
inventories, taking into account the four comparisons made here.

Table 2.14 Proto-Japanese-Korean pronouns

Gloss pJR pK
„1‟ *pitǝ :: *pirɨs „first‟
*kata „one of pair‟ :: *hǝt(V)- ‘one’
„2‟ *puta :: *pcak < *pǝcak „double‟
*tupɨr „two‟
„3‟ *mit ?:: *mjech „how many, a few‟
*se- „three‟
„4‟ *jǝ ?:: *ne
„5‟ *itu *tasǝ
„6‟ *mu(t) *jǝsǝs)
„7‟ *nana *nilko/up)
„8‟ *ja ?:: *jǝtǝrp) ?< *jǝ+tǝrp „4x2‟
„9‟ *kǝkǝnǝ *ahop
„10‟ *tǝwǝ *jer

It has long been observed (e.g. Ellis 1873: 50) that the Japanese numerals „2‟, „6‟, and „8‟
are the product of a doubling game, exploiting vowel alternations with the base numerals „1‟,
„3‟, and „4‟, where *i alternates with *u and *ǝ with *a in the doubles. The doubles are thus
less likely to show cognates in any language that does not employ a similar strategy; but the
base numerals „1‟, „3‟, and „4‟ all show possible JK cognates, although „3‟ is semantically
and „4‟ phonologically weaker. PK *pcak < *pǝcak „double, one of a pair‟ and „eight‟ suggest
that pK may have employed the strategy as well. PK *jǝtǝrp „eight‟ is analyzable as „4x2‟; the
alternative analysis „two (from) ten‟ would not predict the first syllable vowel.

5. Pronouns

I present in Table 2.15 candidate cognates from the pJR and pK from the pronominal systems.

Table 2.15 Proto-Japanese-Korean pronouns
pJR pK Reconstruction
32. *a, are 2.4 1P (exclusive?) :: *a- in kin terms14 *a
33. *wa 1.3a, ware 2.4 1P (inclusive?) :: *uri, LMK wúli 1P plural, ?*wa
?*ɨj LMK úy 1P (矣 in EMK
idu texts)
34. *na, nare ?2.4/5 2P, pR reflexive :: *ne, LMK ne 2P *na15
35. *kǝ 1.1, *kǝre 2.1 „this‟ (proximal) :: *kɨ, LMK ku „that‟ *kɨ16
36. *sǝ 1.1, *sǝre 2.1 „that‟ (mesial) :: *sǝ, LMK so nominal *sǝ
complementizer „that‟
37. *e-, OJ i- „which‟17 :: *e-, LMK e- id. *e-
38. *mǝsi 2.2b „perchance‟, OJ adverb :: *mɨsɨ(k), LMK musú(k) *mɨsɨ(k)
introducing polar interrogatives „what‟
1P: first person; 2P: second person.

6. Grammatical formatives

Table 2.16 introduces verb affixes, Table 2.17 postnominal particles.

Table 2.16 Proto-Japanese-Korean verbal affixes and postverbal particles

pJR pK Reconstruction
39. *-i infinitive/adverbial :: *-i, LMK -í adverbial *-i18
40. *-ro clausal nominalizer :: *-ɨ/ǝr, LMK -ú/ól( ʔ) clausal *-or
nominalizer. LMK -ú/ól
forms object nominalizations.
41. *-ku gerund :: *-ko/-ku, LMK -kwó/ú *-ku/o23 19
42. *-a infinitive in irrealis :: *-é/á *-a
43. *-Vs- (OJ) honorific :: *-ɨ/ǝsi-, LMK u/osí id. *-as- (+ pK -í ADV)
44. *-nV- perfective :: *-nǝ-, LMK no- processive *-na-
45. *i- active prefix :: *-i, LMK -í nominative < *-i
ergative postnominal particle
46. *tǝ „that‟ complementizer :: *tǝ, LMK tó „that‟ *tǝ
complementizer (follows
nominalized clause)
47. *ka interrogative :: *ka, LMK ká interrogative *ka
complementizer (with complementizer (follows
nominalized clause) nominalized clause)

The suffixes in (39-42) are noteworthy because they include all of the verbal inflectional root
suffixes reconstructable for pJR. Of these –ku is primarily an adjectival suffix, but it attaches
to the stative verb *ar- „exist‟ to derive adverbial *aku in OJ kaku „thusly‟ < *kǝ „this‟ + aku
„being‟. The one OJ inflectional root suffix not included in this group, conclusive –u, is not
clearly reconstructable for pJR, as reflexes of the conclusive category in Ryukyuan show up
primarily in the form of reflexes of the distinctive conclusive forms of existential *ar-i and
*wor-i „exist-CONC‟.

Table 2.17 Proto-Japanese-Korean postnominal particles

pJR pK Reconstruction
48. *-nǝ genitive :: *-ɨ/ǝn, LMK -ú/ón noun *-ǝn
49. *-tǝ comitative, adverbial :: *tǝ/ɨs, LMK tó/ús adverbial, *tǝ (?+ pK -s ADV)
attaches to verb/adjective stems,
50. *-pa topic :: *pa, LMK pá bound noun „way, *pa
thing that‟ (attaches to

7. Conclusion

This chapter has presented a brief argument for a genetic affiliation between Korean and
Japanese. Internal and language group-comparative reconstruction leads to the reconstruction
of quite similar phonemic inventories. Earlier research has uncovered a number of potential
cognates, which I have supplemented here. The main challenge for the comparativist is to
account for changes in root structure, especially in Korean, where our historical and
comparative information is relatively shallow.


2 In this paper I use Vovin‟s terms WOJ and EOJ to refer to specific properties of these
varieties; OJ is used to refer to properties shared by both.
3 Hattori himself proposed reconstructing an additional high vowel, but Whitman (1985)
shows that the correspondences Hattori adduces are otherwise explicable. Similarly, but
for a different set of cases, Frellesvig & Whitman (2004, 2006, 2008) argue for
reconstruction of a high central *ɨ on the basis of alterations of /o/ with /e/ rather than the
expected /wi/ in WOJ. However the number of relevant alternations in WOJ is small, and
Frellesvig & Whitman‟s argument is based in part on external evidence involving both
loans from Korean and possibly inherited cognates. To avoid circularity, in this paper I
adopt the standard six-vowel hypothesis.
4 WOJ does attest nonfinal /e/ in examples such as simyes- „indicate‟, sakyeb- „shout‟,
kapyer- „return‟, kyepu „today‟, pyeta „edge, shore‟, pyera „moldboard‟, as pointed out by

Pellard (forthcoming), who also observes correctly that such examples are problematic
for an account that predicts word-nonfinal mid vowel raising in WOJ. The first three
examples may involve original root-final *e. „Moldboard‟ probably stands in a loan
relationship with LMK pyet. „Today‟ may involve contraction of the *ki- found in kinopu
„yesterday‟ and kiso „last night‟, although there is no clear source for a second element in
*ki+apu. Frellesvig & Whitman (2004, 2008) reconstruct the proximal demonstrative ko-
as *kɨ- and claim that its function was originally mesial. If this is correct, „today‟,
„yesterday‟, and „last night‟ may involve *kɨ- in the first syllable, with fronting of *ɨ
before a coronal sonorant in the last two forms.
5 The role of accent in Martin‟s hypothesis is unclear. According to Martin, lenition occurs
before accented /ó/, /ú/ in verbs of shape /(C)VCó/ú, but it also occurs before unaccented
/u/, /o/ in nouns.
6 Vovin (2010: 149) rejects this comparison because he claims that the Ryukyuan reflex of
*kətə is not used in the bound noun or nominalizing function „the one, the fact that‟ of
WOJ koto and LMK kes. But surely this latter, grammaticalized function is derived from
the basic meaning „thing‟, which Ryukyuan retains. At the same time, Vovin is right to
point out that the potential consonantal correspondence pK *s# :: pJR *tV needs further
clarification (Vovin suggests that it is a loan correspondence). A better comparison
involving what I believe to be the same root is LMK kotho- „be the same‟ < pK
*kot+ho(j)- „do‟ :: pJR *nkətə + adjectival formants id., which is abundantly attested in
Ryukyuan (cf. Nakijin gutuu < *nkətə-ku „be the same-GER‟, Nakasone 1983).
7 Reconstruction of pJR -*ro is based on the hypothesis that the verbal adnominal suffix *-
ro (or *-or) attached to some roots that have survived as adjectival stems. Examples of
such *CV roots include siro < *si-ro „white‟ and kuro < *ku-ro „black‟; examples of
*CVC roots include WOJ awo „blue/green‟ < *aw-ro and kuso „shit‟ < *kus-ro (cf. kusa-
8 As noted by Vovin (2003: 340), this is a widely cited comparison. The reconstruction
posited here assumes lenition of *t to /r/ in Korean, and palatalization of *t before *i in
Japanese (Whitman 1985).
9 Alexander Vovin (pc) points out that LMK pcak and Modern Korean ccak can have the
meaning „one of a pair‟, as indicated by the common LMK character gloss 隻 (Chinese
zhī) „one of a pair‟ and compounds like pcak nwún, Modern Korean ccak nwun
„mismatched eye‟. But the „pair, double‟ meaning is clear in expressions like pcak
machwo- „match as a pair‟ < pcak + „match, fit together‟, and Modern Korean ccak swu
„even number‟ < ccak + „number‟. The basic meaning is „matched pair‟; synecdoche
gives „pair‟ > „double‟ > „a double‟ > „one of a pair‟.
10 The idea that pJR *punaj is a compound with *naj „root‟ is due to Osada (1982). Similar
compounds with -ne in OJ are ki ~ kine „pestle‟ and kaki ~ kakine „fence‟. We know the
pJK form is *pǝj because it is attested as OJ pe „prow‟. Vovin (2010) suggests that OJ pe
is a borrowing, but this would require that pe was borrowed prior to OJ, spread to non-
central varieties in the compound form, and then semantically narrowed in OJ.
11 This comparison assumes progressive assimilation in pJR prior to labialization of the
initial vowel..
12 Vovin (2010: 229) rejects this comparison because the LMK [+RTR] variant awól- is
transitive „join it‟. But the [-RTR] variant ewúl- „meet, join together‟ preserves the
intransitive meaning. Vovin also objects that the function of *-ǝr- (which I have glossed

as CONT(inuative) is unclear. But as pointed out in Whitman (1985), *-ǝr- must be a
suffix, because this verb has an OK attestation cited in a Silla toponym in Samguk sagi
34, 阿火 <apǝr>. In this attestation -ǝr- is the adnominal suffix, so the form must be
segmented ap-ǝr. The OK form shows clearly that the original stem-final consonant was
/p/, and that -ul- in the LMK form must have accreted between OK and LMK. The suffix,
whatever its function, created the environment for lenition of /p/.
13 I am grateful to Sven Osterkamp for bringing Wenck‟s discussion to my attention.
14 E.g. LMK ákí „baby‟, atól „son‟ (cf. stól „daughter‟), apí „father‟ (cf. OJ pi+kwo „male‟
< pi + „child‟), azo „younger brother‟ (cf. OJ se „brother‟), azóm „kin, relatives‟, acapí
„uncle‟, acómi „aunt‟ (cf. émi „mother‟), ahú/óy „child‟.
15 2P na is in vowel harmonic opposition to 1P na.
16 Frellesvig & Whitman (2004, 2008) argue for a deictic shift in the pJR demonstrative
paradigm, where an original proximal demonstrative *i (cf. ima „now‟ 2.4/5 < *i-ma „this
interval) is replaced by *kǝ.
17 The pJR reconstruction follows Thorpe (1983).
18 (37) and (38) are probably the same morpheme, but they show accentual differences in
Japanese. (37) occurs mainly after adjectives in LMK, but adverbializes verbs in OK and
in EMK kugyŏl texts. (38) occurs in e.g. LMK khúy „height‟ < khú- „big‟ + i. See Martin
(1992: 553-555).
19 The OJ form is limited to adjectival gerunds, except the OJ form aku < *ar-ku „be-GER‟
visible in e.g. kaku 2.2b „thus‟ < *kǝ+ar-ku „this be-GER‟.


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