Estimation of Height@Skeletal System
Estimation of Height@Skeletal System
Estimation of Height@Skeletal System
9 - Silicon
Perform this with a partner however, provide separate 8. Measure the length of your radius by using the length of
output. the arm from the wrist bone on the thumb side of the
forearm to the elbow.
Activity no. 4.1 Radius length: 27 cm
Making Height Estimations from Bones
9. To predict your height, use the formula below, which is
I. Introduction: based on your gender.
Anthropologists can estimate the height of an individual a. Male: (3.7 × length of radius) + 80.5 cm ± 3.94 cm
by measuring that person’s bones. The femur is most b. Female: (3.9 × length of radius) + 73.41 cm ± 3.72 cm
commonly used, but if it is unavailable other bones, such
as the humerus, radius, or tibia, can be used with a 10. How close was the predicted value to your actual height?
different formula to make the same prediction. (Be sure to add or subtract the error value at the end before
II. Objectives: calculating.) 9.46 cm
To estimate one’s actual height using only the length
of bones. 11. Measure the length of your tibia by using the length of
the leg from the knee to the ankle.
To gauge the methods’ accuracy in getting an
a. Tibia length: 41 cm
estimation of one’s height
12. To predict your height, use the formula below, which is
III. Materials based on your gender.
• Tape measure or string • Ruler or meter stick a. Male: (2.4 × length of tibia) + 81.79 cm ± 3.94 cm
b. Female: (2.5 × length of tibia) + 72.64 cm ± 3.72 cm
IV. Procedure
1. Measure the length of your femur in centimeters using 13. How close was the predicted value to your actual height?
either a tape measure or a string. (Measure from the top of (Be sure to add or subtract the error value at the end before
the leg where it goes into the pelvis to the knee.) Hold the calculating.) 9.25 cm
tape measure or string up against a ruler or a meter stick to
get the measurement in centimeters. V. Conclusions
Femur length: 46 cm 1. An anthropologist finds a 46-cm tibia in a shallow grave
in a remote area. There was a missing person’s report for a
2. To predict your height, use the formula below, which is young lady (5 feet, 5 inches tall) one week ago. Could this
based on your gender. bone possibly belong to her? Why or why not?
a. Male: (2.32 × length of femur in cm) + 65.53 cm ± 3.94 cm
b. Female: (2.47 × length of femur in cm) + 54.10 cm ± 3.72 The bone is most probably not hers
cm assuming that she has a relatively symmetrical body
because using this tibia in estimating the height yields a
3. What is your actual height in centimeters? result that is way beyond the acceptable threshold (18.82
Height in inches: 65.75 × 2.54 cm = 167 cm cm)
4. How close was the predicted value to your actual height? 2. Which of the methods for determining your own height
(Be sure to add or subtract the error value at the end before (measuring your femur, tibia, humerous, or radius) was the
calculating.) 1.31 cm most accurate?
5. Measure the length of your humerus by using the length Using the femur gave the most accurate result,
of the arm from the shoulder joint to the medial epicondyle yielding 1.31 cm margin of error.
of the elbow.
Humerus length: 28 cm 3. Why do you think that this method led to the closest
6. To predict your height, use the formula below, which is measurement?
based on your gender.
a. Male: (2.97 × length of humerus) + 73.5 cm ± 3.94 cm The femur equation did a better job at estimating
b. Female: (3.14 × length of humerus) + 65 cm ± 3.72 cm height because it is the biggest and longest bone in the body.
Hence, it will supply us with the most accurate result.
7. How close was the predicted value to your actual height?
(Be sure to add or subtract the error value at the end before 4. Compare your data to that of ten other people in the class.
calculating.) 6.4 cm Which methods did your classmates find the most accurate
for determining height? Did their findings agree with yours?
Why do you believe this is so?
Jeff Bryan A. Himor
9 - Silicon
The femur method seemed to give the unanimous
most accurate estimation, according to ten other people
who did the same experiment. Their results agreed to what
I’ve gathered. This is because we are of the same age group
and ethnicity. And, it is known to all that the femur will
naturally give off the most accurate estimation of height
because it is the largest bone of the body.