Lab Statement W4

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Labs CS-201 Week # 1

Problem Statement:

“Calculate the average age of a class of ten students. Prompt the user to enter the age of each

 We need 10 variables of int type to calculate the average age.

int age1, age2, age3, age4, age5, age6, age7, age8, age9, age10;

 “Prompt the user to enter the age of each student” this requires cin>> statement.
For example:
cin>> age1;

 Average can be calculated by doing addition of 10 variables and dividing sum with 10.

TotalAge = age1 + age2 + age3 + age4 + age5 + age6 + age7 + age8 +age9 + age10 ;

AverageAge = TotalAge / 10;



using namespace std;

main() {

int age1 = 0, age2 = 0, age3 = 0, age4 = 0, age5 = 0, age6 = 0, age7 = 0, age8 = 0,

age9 = 0, age10 = 0;

int TotalAge = 0, AverageAge = 0;

cout<<"please enter the age of student 1: ";

cout<<"please enter the age of student 2: ";


cout<<"please enter the age of student 3: ";


cout<<"please enter the age of student 4: ";


cout<<"please enter the age of student 5: ";


cout<<"please enter the age of student 6: ";


cout<<"please enter the age of student 7: ";


cout<<"please enter the age of student 8: ";


cout<<"please enter the age of student 9: ";


cout<<"please enter the age of student 10: ";


TotalAge = age1 + age2 + age3 + age4 + age5 + age6 + age7 + age8 + age9 + age10;

AverageAge = TotalAge/10;

//Display the result (average age)

cout<<"Average of students is: "<<AverageAge;

Lab CS-201 Week # 2

Problem Statement:

Write a program in which you have to define a function displayDiagnol which will have two
integer arguments named rows and cols. In the main function, take the values of rows and
columns from the users. If the number of rows is same as numbers of columns then call the
displayDiagnol function else show a message on screen that number of rows and columns is not

The following logic will be implemented inside the displayDiagnol function:

The function will take the value of rows and cols which are passed as argument and print the
output in matrix form. To print the values in the matrix form, nested loops should be used. For
each loop, you have to use a counter variable as counter. When the value of counters for each
loop equals, then it prints the value of row at that location and prints hard coded zero at any other

Example if the user enters rows and cols as 3, then the output should be like this




Example: when rows and columns are not same.

Example: when rows and columns are same.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void displayDiagonal(int,int); // function declaration

int main(){

int rows, columns;

rows = 0;

columns = 0;

cout<< "Enter the number of rows:";

cin>> rows;

cout<< "Enter the number of columns:";

cin>> columns;

if(rows == columns)

displayDiagonal(rows,columns); // call function


cout<< "Wrong input! Num of rows should be equal to num of columns";

return 0;

// function definition
void displayDiagonal(int rows, int columns){

for (int i = 1; i<=rows; i++) {

for (int j = 1; j<=columns; j++){


cout<<i<< " ";


cout<< 0 << " ";

cout<< "\n";

Lab CS-201 Week # 3

Problem Statement:

Write a program in which you have to declare an integer array of size 10 and initializes it with
numbers of your choice. Find the maximum and minimum number from the array and output the
numbers on the screen.

For finding the maximum and minimum numbers from the array you need to declare two
functions findMax and findMin which accept an array and size of array ( an int variable) as
arguments and find the max min numbers, and return those values.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int findMin(int [],int);

int findMax(int [],int);

int main() {

const int SIZE = 10;

int number[10] = {


cout<< "Maximum number in the array is :" <<findMax(number, SIZE) <<endl;

cout<< "Minimum number in the array is :" <<findMin(number, SIZE) <<endl;

return 0;

int findMin(int array[],int size){

int min = 0;

min = array[0];

for (int i = 0; i<size; i++){

if(min > array[i])

min = array[i];

return min;

int findMax(int array[],int size){

int max = 0;

max = array[0];

for (int i = 0; i<size; i++){

if(max < array[i])

max = array[i];

return max;

Lab CS-201 Week # 4

Problem Statement:

Write a program that will take

1. Two strings names as input from the user in the form of character arrays namely as
“firstArray” and “secondArray” respectively.
2. Both arrays along with the size will be passed to the function “CompareStrings”.
3. CompareStrings function will use pointer to receive arrays in function and then start
comparing both arrays by using while loop.
4. If all the characters of both these arrays are same then the message “Both strings are
same” should be displayed on the screen.

Note: For comparing both these arrays, the size should be same.


#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

// function definition

void CompareStrings(char *arr1, char *arr2, int size){

int check = 1;

int i = 0;


if(arr1[i] != arr2[i]){

check = 0;



if(check == 1)

cout<< "Both strings are same" <<endl;


cout<< "Both strings not same " <<endl;

int main() {

char firstArray[20], secondArray[20];

cout<< "Enter the first Name: ";

cin.getline(firstArray, sizeof(firstArray));

cout<< "Enter the second Name: ";

cin.getline(secondArray, sizeof(secondArray));

if(strlen(firstArray) == strlen(secondArray)){

int size = strlen(firstArray);

CompareStrings (firstArray, secondArray, size);

else {
cout<< "Size of both names are not same" <<endl;


Week # 5

Write a program in which you need to declare an integer type matrix of size 4*4. In this
1. You should take input values from the users and store it in 4*4 matrix.
2. Display this matrix on the screen.
3. Also, Display the transpose of this matrix by converting rows into cols.

Note: Use different functions for above three point’s functionality.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int arraySize = 4;

void readMatrix(int arr[][arraySize]);

void displayMatrix(int a[][arraySize]);

void transposeMatrix(int a[][arraySize]);


int a[arraySize][arraySize];

// Taking input from user


// Display the matrix

cout << "\n\n" << "The original matrix is: " << '\n';


//Transpose the matrix

//Display the transposed matrix

cout << "\n\n" << "The transposed matrix is: " << '\n';



void readMatrix(int arr[arraySize][arraySize]){

int row, col;

for (row = 0; row < arraySize; row ++){

for(col=0; col < arraySize; col ++){

cout << "\n" << "Enter " << row << ", " << col << " element: ";

cin >> arr[row][col];

cout << '\n';

void displayMatrix(int a[][arraySize]){

int row, col;

for (row = 0; row < arraySize; row ++){

for(col = 0; col < arraySize; col ++){

cout << a[row][col] << '\t';

cout << '\n';


void transposeMatrix(int a[][arraySize]){

int row, col;

int temp;

for (row = 0; row < arraySize; row ++){

for (col = row; col < arraySize; col ++){

/* Interchange the values here using the swapping mechanism */

temp = a[row][col]; // Save the original value in the temp variable

a[row][col] = a[col][row];

a[col][row] = temp; //Take out the original value

Lab CS-201

Week # 6

Write a program which has:

1. A structure with only two member variables of integer and float type.
2. Initialize two data members by assigning 0 values in different ways.
3. Take input from user to assign different values to both structure variables.
4. Write a function that takes two structure variables as parameters.
5. This function must return a variable of structure type.
6. Function must add the data members of two passed structures variables and store the
values in a new structure variable and print it on the screen.

//Adding structure variable values using function

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//Structure with two Data Members

struct MyStruct{

int i;

float f;

ms3 = {0,0.0}, // To show different methods of initializing structure

ms4 = {0,0.0};

//Function to add two structure variables

MyStruct add(MyStruct ms1, MyStruct ms2){

MyStruct ms3;

ms3.i = ms1.i + ms2.i;

ms3.f = ms1.f + ms2.f;

return ms3;


//Initialize structure variable values

MyStruct ms1 = {0,0.0};

struct MyStruct ms2 = {0,0.0};

cout <<"Enter integer value of First structure variable ";

cin>> ms1.i;

cout <<"Enter float value of First structure variable ";

cin>> ms1.f;

cout <<"\n Enter integer value of Second structure variable ";

cin>> ms2.i;

cout <<"Enter float value of Second structure variable ";

cin>> ms2.f;

cout<< "\n values of data members of first structure


cout << ms1.i << "\t" << ms1.f << endl;

cout<< "values of data members of Second structure


cout << ms2.i << "\t" << ms2.f <<endl;

MyStruct ms3= add(ms1,ms2);

cout<< "values of data members of structure variable returned

from function\n\n";

cout << ms3.i << "\t" << ms3.f <<endl;


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