10B1X Waste Management Plan

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Division 1 General Requirements


Section 01505



1. Division 01 Section 01200 "Project Meetings"
2. Division 01 Section 01500 “Temporary Facilities”
3. Division 00 Section "Hazardous Waste Management”
4. Division 01 Section 01700 “Contract Closeout”
5. Division 02 Section “Demolition” & “Clearing and Grubbing”.
6. Division 01 Section 01352 “Sustainable Construction Requirements”.

A. The Owner has established that the Project shall minimize the creation of construction and
demolition waste on the Project site and shall recycle and/or salvage non-hazardous
construction, demolition, and land clearing debris to divert waste from Landfills. See 1.5 Waste
Management Goals.
1. All profits resulting from salvaging and recycling shall go to the Contractor.
2. Where there is little cost difference between recycling/salvaging and land-filling of items,
the Contractor is directed to recycle/salvage.
B. Hazardous materials are an exception to this Section. Comply with applicable requirements of
Local, State and Federal regulations.

C. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for recycling, salvaging and
disposing of non-hazardous demolition and construction waste

A. The standards listed below form a part of this Section to extent referenced. Standards are
referred to in the text by basic reference only.

1. Sustainable Building Sourcebook – Austin Energy Green


2. Resource Exchange Network for Eliminating Waste (RENEW), TCEQ (MC-112), Biannual
catalog lists materials available and wanted; serves Texas and surrounding states; lists
are posted on the Internet:

3. Recycle Texas Online, A service of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Contains information on about 1000 businesses and local governments handling
materials from Texas. Organizations' information is self-reported and listings are free of
charge. www.tceq.state.tx.us/assistance/P2Recycle/rtol/rtol.html

A. Chemical Waste: Includes petroleum products, bituminous materials, salts, acids, alkalis,
herbicides, pesticides, organic chemicals, and inorganic wastes.

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B. Clean: Untreated, unpainted, not contaminated with oils, solvents, caulk, or other materials.
C. Disposal: Acceptance of solid wastes at legally permitted and operating facility for the purposes
of land-filling.
D. Diversion: Avoidance of demolition and construction waste sent for disposal to landfill or
incineration. Diversion does not include using materials for landfill, alternate daily cover on
landfills, or materials used as fuel in waste-to-energy processes.
E. Hazardous Waste: Byproducts of society that can pose a substantial or potential hazard to
human health or the environment when improperly managed, and possessing at least 1 of 4 of
the following characteristics, or appearing on a special Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
1. Ignitability.
2. Corrosivity.
3. Reactivity.
4. Toxicity.
F. Landfill: Authorized land waste disposal site that is located to minimize waste pollution from
runoff and leaching.
G. Recycling: The process of sorting, cleansing, treating, and reconstituting solid waste and other
discarded materials for the purpose of using the altered form. Recycling does not include
burning, incinerating, or thermally destroying waste.
H. Return: To give back reusable items or unused products to vendors for credit.
I. Reuse: A strategy to return materials to active use in the same or a related capacity.
J. Salvage: To remove a waste material from the Project site to another site for resale or reuse by
K. Source Separation: The act of keeping different types of waste materials separate beginning
from the first time they become a waste.
L. Toxic: Poisonous to living beings either immediately or after a long period of exposure.
M. Trash: Any product or material unable to be reused, returned, recycled, or salvaged.
N. Waste: Extra material or material that has reached the end of its useful life in its intended use.
Waste includes all materials removed from the Project site to be land-filled, recycled, or
salvaged for reuse. Pallets, containers, packaging and packing materials in which construction
products are delivered to the Project site are considered waste materials.


A. The Owner has established that as much as is economically feasible of the “waste” materials
produced as a result of the Work, shall be employed, salvaged, reused, or recycled in order to
minimize the impact of construction and demolition waste on landfills and reducing disposal
B. Contractor shall employ and encourage practices that ensure the generation of as little waste as
possible due to error, poor planning, breakage, mishandling, contamination, or other factors.
C. Contractor is responsible for knowing and complying with regulatory requirements, including
but not limited to Federal, State and local, pertaining to legal disposal of all construction waste

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D. Contractor shall recycle and divert materials for secondary uses whenever economically
E. Acceptable methods of diversion include:
Recycling, reuse and salvage
Donation to nonprofit organizations
Removal from jobsite by staff or subcontractors for use (not disposal)
Return to supplier
Sale to organizations or individuals

F. The Contractor shall develop a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan of non-
hazardous construction and demolition waste. The plan shall identify the materials to be
diverted from disposal and define the materials to be separated on-site or off-site. Calculations
can be done by weight or volume, but must be consistent throughout.


A. Waste Management Plan: A Project-specific plan for the collection, transportation, and
disposal of the waste generated at the construction site, shall be submitted for approval within
14 calendar days after notice to proceed, or prior to any waste removal, whichever occurs first.
The approved Plan shall be distributed to all subcontractors and the owner and will not relieve
the Contractor’s responsibility for compliance with applicable environmental regulations.
An example template is included as “Appendix A” to this section.
1. The Waste Management Plan shall include the following:
a. Identify each type of waste material produced as a result of the Work on the Project
b. Identify each type and quantity of demolished and waste material intended to be
recycled, salvaged or reused.
c. Identify material separation requirements.
e. Identify location of temporary on-Site storage for recycled and reused materials.
f. Identify final destination means of transportation for each recycled and reused
h. Identify the name/phone number of the Contractor’s on-site coordinator of the Waste
Management Plan.
i. Indicate permit or license and the location of the municipal solid waste landfills and
other disposal area(s) to be used.
j. List of materials that cannot be recycled or reused.

B. Construction Waste Management Closeout Documentation: Submit the following upon

the completion of The Work and prior to final payment:
a. A Summary of Solid Waste Disposal and Diversion (refer example template
“Appendix B”) prepared and maintained through Project duration, demonstrating that
100% of all non-hazardous construction wastes were recycled, salvaged or disposed
of properly and includes as a minimum the following information:
1. Dates
2. Materials Description and Quantity

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3. Indicate whether recycled, salvaged, reused of sent to landfill for disposal.
4. Destination or Name and location of accepting facility.
b. Copies of all receipts, manifests, weight tickets, and other documentation that
identify all materials recycled, salvaged, land-filled or incinerated.

Not used


A. Implement the Waste Management Plan as approved by the City of Austin Project Manager.
Provide handling, containers, storage, signage, transportation, and other items as required to
implement Waste Management Plan during the entire duration of the Contract.

B. Satisfy the requirements outlined in Subsection 1.5, Waste Management Goals.


A. Plan Coordinator: Designate an on-site party (or parties) responsible for instructing workers,
overseeing implementation and documenting results of the Waste Management Plan for the
B. Plan Distribution: Provide copies of the Waste Management Plan to the Contractor's
superintendent, each Subcontractor, the Owner, and the Engineer.
C. Meetings: Include Construction Waste Management in progress meetings to maintain the Plan
for achieving the owners waste management goals:
D. Carefully order materials to avoid over supply.
E. Protect materials from contamination during handling, storage and transport to meet the
requirements of the accepting facilities.
F. Assign and label a specific area to facilitate separation of materials for potential recycling,
salvage, reuse, return and disposal. This area shall be kept neat and clean and clearly marked
in order to avoid contamination of materials.


A. Materials: In general the contractor is encouraged to recycle the following types of construction
waste materials generated during the course of this project, that are not salvaged or reused:
a. Asphalt concrete pavement.
b. Concrete materials.
c. Metals, including the following.
i. Banding straps.
ii. Reinforcing steel.
iii. Iron.
iv. Steel pipe.
v. Galvanized steel pipe.

d. Clean dimensional lumber.

e. Wood crates and pallets.

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f. Glass and glass containers.
g. Plastics.
h. Electrical wiring.
i. Cardboard, paper, and packaging.
j. Beverage containers.
B. Methods: The following recycling methods, or a combination of, may be used.
1. On-site separation: Each material to be recycled shall be separated at the Project site
and delivered to the recycling markets or directly from the Project site.
a. If on-site separation method is used, designate a specific area or areas to facilitate
separation of materials for potential reuse, salvage, recycling, and return.
b. Maintain recycling and waste bin areas neat and clean and clearly marked, both in
Spanish and in English, in order to avoid co-mingling of materials.
c. Protect materials from contamination.

2. Off-site separation: Materials to be recycled are delivered unsorted from the Project site
to a materials recovery facility or transfer station where recyclable materials are
separated from other waste.
a. Contractor shall verify that the entity responsible for the off-site separation has a
market for all materials required to be recycled from the Project site.
b. The same Submittals procedures shall apply.
c. Protect materials from contamination.

A. Contractor is encouraged to reuse as many demolished and waste materials as possible.

B. Reuse of waste materials includes the following:

a. Salvaging materials scheduled for disposal.
b. Off-Site storage of waste materials for future reuse by Contractor on other projects.
c. Returning unused and reusable materials, packaging and pallets, to vendor.
e. Assemble designated reuse items in a single location safe from damage, for review and
approval by the owner’s representative.

A. Salvage Guidelines:
1. The contractor is encouraged to salvage as many items as deemed economically
possible, considering reduction of land filling fees and possible use by others.
2. Assemble potentially salvageable items in one area and donate or sell to the public after
review by the City of Austin Project Manager.
3. All proceeds from the sale of salvaged items shall go to the contractor.

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Appendix A. Sample Construction Waste Management Plan

Construction Waste Management Plan

Prepared by:

Complete all sections below that

Diversion Goal:are required
Recycle, byand/or
reuse or pertinent
salvage to
as this
muchproject as outlined
in the Construction Documents.
land-clearing and construction waste as is economically feasible.

I. Coordination and Training

a. Name of Contractor’s representative responsible for CWM implementation & coordination.

b. Describe method(s) of waste recycling management – on-site and/or off-site.

c. Describe how Contractor’s staff and subcontractors will be informed regarding proper
recycling and separation procedures
d. Describe and/or show on an attached site map where the temporary waste material storage
area(s) will be located, and how will contamination of separated waste materials will be

II. Waste Minimization

a. What waste minimization techniques will be employed during the construction phase?

b. Which employees and / or subcontractors will be involved with each technique?

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III. Construction Waste Analysis (including site / land-clearing materials, as
a. Diverted Materials: For each material anticipated to be reused or recycled (diverted
from the landfill), provide information to complete the table below. (Note: Whenever
possible, attempt to use or donate construction waste materials rather than recycling.)

Storage Method Quantity estimate (no.,

Material or Item (roll-off, bin, area, linear ft., square ft.,
on pallet, etc.) etc.)

Add rows (or paper pages) as required

b. Landfill: For construction phase trash and materials / items that will not be diverted,
complete the following table:

Number and
Quantity estimate
size of roll offs Proposed landfill site
(weight or volume)

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Appendix B. Summary of Solid Waste Disposal and Diversion
Project name Project Number
Contractor Name License Number
Contractor Address

Solid Waste Recycled, Date Amount Municipal Recycling/Reuse Comment

Material Reused, Material Disposed/ Solid Waste Facility (If disposed state
salvaged or Disposed Diverted Facility Name Address why not diverted)
disposed or (Ton or cubic (Name, Phone
diverted yd.) address,


Trench spoils






Signature Date

Page / of / total pages

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