Saipa Family 111 131 132 141 Owner Manual

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Owner’s Manual

SAIPA Family (111, 131, 132, 141)

equipped with (electronic injection fuel supply
system, Euro 4, hydraulic power steering, Bi-fuel
CNG, anti-theft system, ABS braking system)
Second edition

SAIPA Company
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in
any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium
by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to
some other use of this publication) without the SAIPA Corporation
permission exept in accordance with the provisions of the copyright.


Because performing the periodical services according to the manufacturer recommendations,

has important effect on improving the vehicle performance and increasing its useful life,
performing of these services (like replacing oil and oil filter of the engine) according to the
table of vehicle periodical services (warrantee chapter in this manual) and in the authorized
dealership of SAIPA is mandatory. Surrendering these services, cancels the vehicle warrantee.
Therefore, if you want to use the vehicle warrantee, it is necessary to refer to the authorized
dealerships of SAIPA to perform the services (in maximum 1000km mileage after the limitation
mileage or one month after deadline, which are defined in the table of periodical services).
Preface were working in the assembly line. nicipality, and so on, the SAIPA's logo
Thanks and congratulation for your best On July 16, 1967, before first produc- was designed by revealing of Iranian
choice in buying a new vehicle from tion supply into the market, the manag- Traditional Masonry which has beautiful
our company. Please read carefully the ing director of the company requested a geometrical arrangement.
owner's manual before driving. This registered mark of SAIPAC which is the SAIPA Products:
book includes valuable and vital infor- abbreviation of «SOCIETE ANNONYME - In 1968, production of different types of
mation regarding driving and introduces IRANIENNE DE PRODUCTION AUTO- «Djian» Automotives.
the vehicle equipment and components. MOBILE CITROEN» with the word of - In 1975, production of different types of
Furthermore, the maintenance proce- «Djian» for all models of automotives. In Renault automotives.
dure and service timetable of the vehicle 1973, the company received agreement - In 1986, responsibility of producing
are instructed in the manual. We hope of the RENAULT Company of France to NISSAN pick-ups, which transferred
by having knowledge about driving and produce the RENAULT manufactured from ZAMYAD company to SAIPA.
knowing vehicle’s equipment, you expe- automotives. Following the Ministry - In 1991, production of Renault 21
rience a comfortable and relaxed driving of Industry and Mines agreement, the automotives.
using SAIPA products. company removed the word «Citroen» - In 1992, production of Pride automo-
SAIPA Company History from its registered mark to eliminate tives.
Iranian Corporation of Citroen Automo- the unconformity from its activities. - In 1996, design and production of pride
tive Manufacturing was established in Before 1985, the company's logo was automotives.
1965 in a 240,000 square meter area the logo of RENAULT and CITROEN. - In 1996, design and production of the
with a 20,000 square meter building But, after changing the SAIPA's produc- first Iranian made automotive under the
and 160 million Iranian Rials as initial tion policies and extending its activities name of «Caravan».
Capital. Now, it is extended to 415,000 to produce various models of vehicles, - In 1999, production of «Xantia».
square meters as a central factory. This an independent logo was mandatory to - In 2001, design and production of
company in its initial stage of establish- be prepared. After numerous studies SAIPA 141, automotives.
ment started its activities by thirty per- of the respected and artful teacher, Mr. - In 2004, production of «RIO»
sons as its personnel. After a year, the MOMAYEZ, who designed the logos of automotives.
Company's personnel increased to 600 different companies such as Iranian Na- - In 2010, design and production of new
persons out of whom them 150 persons tional Airline Organization, Tehran Mu- platforms of SAIPA 111, 132, 141 and
- Introduction 1

- Introducing vehicle and its equipment 2

- Driving a vehicle 3

- Driving facts 4

- Technical emergencies 5

- Bi-fuel (CNG) 6
- Vehicle maintenance 7

- Vehicle guarantee 8

- Vehicle specifications 9


- How to use the owner’s manual
- Break–in period (Initial period of vehicle operation)

How to use the owner’s Break in period
1 manual In break-in period (Initial period of
The main goal of this manual is The warning word implies the vehicle’s operation), there is no
providing a better and easier facil- cases which cause injuries in dif- necessary special action to take.
ity for operating the vehicle. This ferent degrees and also lead to Only by taking into account sev-
manual can be used as an auxil- death. eral safety points and cautions in
iary source in many cases. the first 1000 Km of operation pe-
It is recommended to read care- Caution riod, you can improve the normal
fully all the contents of this manual operational and economical condi-
to prevent from the injuries when The caution word implies the tions of your vehicle and increase
driving and accidents by consider- cases which cause serious inju- its useful life. To do so, the follow-
ing its cautions and warnings. ries to the vehicle’s passengers. ing points must be considered:
The figures shown in this manual - Do not overload the engine, when
help you operate the vehicle as you are driving.
Attention - Do not drive at a constant speed
best as possible.
It also notifies you the technical The attention word implies the for a long time. By changing the
specifications, important safety cases which cause damage to speed, improve the engine sealing
points, and driving at different the vehicle. conditions.
conditions. You have to read all - Except in emergency situations,
the cautions, warnings, and rec- Environment and vehicle do not take brake suddenly.
ommendations mentioned in this - When starting the engine and
manual and follow the recommen- What are the environmental issues starting to drive the vehicle, do not
dations and steps carefully. that affect the environmental push the accelerator pedal abnor-

Environment and vehicle
The fiftieth principle of basic
Protecting the environment that
recent and future people should
have a developing social life in it,
is public duty in Islamic Republic
of Iran. Therefore, the economic
activities and the others, which
involve with pollution of environ-
ment or irreversible damages,
are forbidden.


Introducing vehicle and its equipment
Controls ……………………….......……………………………..…. 12
Anti-theft system………………………………………….……..….. 13
Remote control system performance…………............................ 15
Door locks…………………………………………...............…..…. 17
Windows……………………………..……………..……………..…. 19
Vehicle at a glance
Seats……………………………………………….....…….……….. 20
Safety Belts……………………………………...…...………….….. 23
Baby seats…………………..………………..…………….…....….. 28
Correct usage of safety belts…………….....…………….…....….. 32
Air bag…………….........………………………………..….…....…. 36
Engine Hood……………………………………………..….…....…. 42
Engine hood and Fuel tank door (filler lid)……..…………........… 43
Fuel tank door………………………………………………......…… 44
Steering wheel and vehicle horn………………………..........…… 45
Mirrors……………………………………………………..........…… 46
Interior equipment ………………………………...…..….....….….. 48
Rear window defogger…………………………….…......…….….. 53
Heating and air Ventilation…………...............……….....…….….. 54

1- Glove box door

2- Font Passenger airbag
2 4-ashtray
5- air conditioning knobs 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
6- Shift lever
7- Clock
8- Audio system
9- windshield washer/wiper lever
10-Instrument panel
12-Driver airbag
13- steering wheel
14- turn signal lever
15- trunk lid opener lever
16- CNG button
17- rear windshield wiper button
18- front fog lamp button
19- rear window defogger button
20- Rear fog lamp button
21- tilt wheel lever
22- head lamps light level switch 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
23- air conditioning duct
24- speaker
25- Inactivating button of Front pas- 28 27 26
senger airbag
26- Hand brake
27- rear passenger ashtray
28- engine hood opener lever
* According to the vehicle model 12
Anti-theft system (Immobilizer)

Your vehicle is equipped electronically switch is off, indicates that the anti-
with anti-theft system which prevents theft system (immobilizer) is active.
the theft possibility. This system works If you start the engine by another key
by an electronic transmitter which is unlike the main one (regular or un- Note
installed on the ignition switch. Its re- defined key to the system), the anti-
ceiver’s antenna located on the ignition theft system will not allow the engine - The electronic transmitter installed
switch knob, communicates with the to be ignited. In this case, the sys- on the switch is one of the main
anti-theft system unit (ICU). If you in- components of the anti-theft system.
tem will be locked for a minute, and
sert the key into ignition switch and turn Notice that the key should not be
then you can start the engine with the
it to ON position, the anti-theft system subjected to the temperature higher
main key.
receives signals from the switch trans- than 85 Celsius degrees, pressure,
mitter and send them to the immobi-
It is necessary to mention that the
lizer control unit (ICU). It controls your starting numbers by the undefined impact, or high electromagnetic
keys will extend progressively the field. This will cause malfunction of
switch code to see if it is correct to let
waiting time of unlocking the system the switch and the system will not al-
the electronically controlled unit (ECU)
by the main key. low the engine to be started.
ignite the engine.
- Blinking of symbol , when the
Anti-theft system (Immobilizer)

2 (anti-theft

Electronic chip
inside the key

Note Note
In case of a key lost, consult the au-
When starting the engine, first turn thorized agents of SAIPA YADAK If change or unauthorized mainte-
the key into ON position and wait for Company for a new key programming nance of the system causes any de-
a moment, then try to start. to the system. It is necessary to men- fect in different parts of the vehicle,
tion that the spare key and its guar- the guarantee will not cover those
antee card are required to program defected parts.
This system does not affect doors
or match a new key to the system.
opening and becomes active when
Therefore, it is important to be care-
starting the engine.
ful in safe protection of the spare key
and its guarantee card.

Remote Control Functions

1 2

Keys Remote control functions* Remote control

Your vehicle is supplied by the follow- 1- Locking and unlocking doors by re- 1- Locking and unlocking the doors by the
remote control
ing keys: mote control
By pushing the button on the remote
1- A regular ignition key 2- Searching vehicle location
control, if the doors are locked, they will
2- An ignition key with remote control* 3-trunk lid opening key be unlocked by control unit’s order. If the
3- A tag of the key identification. 4- Software locking key of remote doors are opened, locking order will be
control’s keyboard sent via control unit by pushing the button
on the remote control.
To prevent from the damage of the
radio transmitter system inside the If one of the vehicle doors is left open,
ignition key, do not subject it to hu- the locking signal by the remote control
midity, high temperature, sun light, will not be effective. When the doors are
or impact. locked and the unlock signal is sent by
the remote control, the doors will be au-
tomatically locked, if vehicle’s door were
* According to the vehicle model not opened within 15±2 seconds.
Remote Control Functions

2- Searching vehicle location button should be held for 5 seconds.

When the doors are locked, if the Replacing the remote control’s
button is pressed for two sec- battery Use lithium lentiform battery of
onds, the flashers will blink 27 times If the indicator lamp on the remote CR2016.
at 3HZ frequency. control is off or is not blinking, it is re-
3- trunk lid opening quired to replace the battery. Warning
By pushing the stay damper button 1- Use a screw driver to open the re-
mote control’s screw and remove the Do not use the old battery. The cen-
on remote control and holding it for 2
back cover. tral locking system works by key if
seconds, the trunk lid would be open.
4- Inactivating the software lock of 2- As shown in the figure, take off the the remote control battery is dead.
old battery and replace the new bat- When replacing the battery, be care-
the remote keypad
tery properly. ful not to damage or replace the anti-
By pushing buttons and theft system electronic chip.
3- Replace the back cover and tight-
simultaneously for 5 seconds all re-
en the screw.
mote functions will be inactivated , for
activating them again the mentioned

Door Locks

Locking and unlocking doors by Opening the trunk lid * The trunk lid opener
key For opening the trunk lid, use the le- This lever is on the left side of the
- For locking and unlocking the cen- ver beside the driver’s seat. driver’s seat. Pull the lever up to open
tral locking systems use the key. Put Use remote control. the trunk lid.
the key in driver’s door and turn it left If you have to drive while the trunk
for locking and to right for unlocking. lid is open, you should open the win-
dows to lead the airstream.

* According to the vehicle model

Door Locks

Doors safety catches (child lock) Security points for preventing the Beware:
The child safety locks are located in vehicle’s theft - Don’t park the car in lonely places.
the rear doors under the main key Regard these points even when you - Don’t park the car in dark places.
and they prevent from opening the are leaving the car just for a while: - Don’t leave the car’s documents in
doors from inside. To lock, push down 1- Close the windows completely. the car.
the lever in the lock position and close 2- Pick up any valuable things with For more information, refer to police
the door. To open the door, first push you or put them in the trunk. warnings on page 212.
up the latch key from inside and then 3- Don’t leave your key in the car.
open the door from outside. 4- Lock the steering wheel by turning
5- Lock all the doors.
In addition to these points, you can
think of some ways to reduce the ve-
hicle’s theft possibility.


Power window switch on the front Power window switches on the

passenger’s door driver’s door
To open the window, push down the Using the power window buttons on Prevent from the operation of the
front part of button and to close it pull the driver’s door, the front windows power windows buttons by the chil-
up the same part of button. can be controlled. To open/close the dren. It may cause serious injuries.
front door’s windows, use the cor-
responding buttons as shown in the
figure. The right button closes and Note
opens the right window and the left Water and cleaner’s penetration into
one is related to the left window. the power window buttons when
washing the vehicle may damage
their performance.


Front seat movement

Warning Always adjust the seatback in the
To slide the seat back and front
vertical position and fasten the
1- Pull up and hold the adjustment Do not adjust the driver seat and its safety belt properly so that the belt
lever that is under the front edge of cushion when driving. It can cause crosses the lap.
the seat. reduction of driving control, dam- If a child is seated on the front seat,
2- Move the seat at the desired ages, and injuries. put the seat cushion in a complete
amount. Do not put on the seat anything that vertical position.
3- Release the lever and ensure that makes the position of the seat lock-
the seat is locked at the desired posi- ing when occurring the accident and
tion. sudden brakes, which causes seri-
ous injuries and even death.


Front seats cushion adjustment

Caution Warning
1- To adjust the front seat cushion
angle, lean a little bit to the front and Do not put anything under the front To prevent from the side of the pas-
pull up the adjustment lever at outer seats. This can cause improper senger seating on the front seat
part of the seat. movement of the seats or malfunc- when vehicle is in motion, do not
2- Adjust the seat cushion as desired. tion of pedals if they interfere with recline the seatbacks. In a reclined
3- Release the lever and ensure the driver’s feet. position, the seat belt cannot do its
seat cushion is fixed at the desired job properly and the passenger can
location (for locking the seat cushion, slide in a crash and gets injury even
the corresponding adjustment lever death due to going the belt up over
must be set in the initial position). his abdomen.
Therefore, when vehicle is in mo-
tion, adjust the seatback in the nor-
mal vertical position.

Safety Belts

Adjustment of seat height * Adjustment of Head Rest

- To adjust the seat height, turn the To lift the head rest, pull it up. To low-
wheel located in the seat side. er the head rest push the left hand - To prevent from the head and neck
- To lower the seat, turn the wheel side button and lower it till the desired injuries, do not remove the head
counter clock-wise. position. rest.
- To lift the seat, turn the wheel clock To remove the head rest, pull it up - When the vehicle is in motion, do
wise. completely and push the button to not adjust the head rest.
detach. - Adjust the head rest height at the
same level of the ears to prevent
from the injuries in a crash.

* According to car model.

Safety Belts

Safety Belt Pretensioner (accord-

Note Warning
ing to vehicle model)
Safety belt pretensioner’s duty is to The pretensioner system becomes To increase the proper function of the
retract the safety belts so as the pas- activated in the accidents even if there pretensioner system, the following 2
senger is pulled to the seat and by is no passenger seating on the seat. points should be noticed:
this way the performance of safety Activation of the pretensioner sys- 1- It is necessary to buckle up the
belts improves. After locking safety tem occurs with a loud sound and the seat belt properly.
belts, there is only a small movement emission of smoke inside the vehicle. 2- The safety belt tab must be adjust-
for them and the forward movement This smoke is not dangerous. ed in its proper location.
of the passenger in a crash is restrict- - Even so the smoke is not danger- - The pretensioner system of safety
ed. ous, it may cause skin allergy and is belt must be replaced after activation.
When the accident occurs or in the not smelled for a long time. Therefore, - For safety, do not repair or replace
case of severe braking, safety belt wash your face and hands after the the pretensioner system personally
holds the passenger tightly and pre- accident. or by unauthorized person. In case,
vents him from throwing out of the ve- consult an authorized agent of SAIPA
hicle. This is why the usage of safety Note YADAK company.
belts for passengers especially preg-
nant women is necessary. After 10 years of vehicle life, it is nec- Note
essary to replace the driver and pas-
senger airbag and pretensioner belt (if The pretensioner system of safety
it is available). belts acts only in collides, which
causes severe throwing out of the

* According to car model.

Safety Belts

Safety Belts guidance The passengers should not sit as tractor lock of the safety belt will be
- Set the backseat in the vertical posi- leaning forward. locked automatically. Since the rear
tion. To remind fastening the driver’s seat middle seat belt does not have retrac-
- Passengers must sit normally (no belt, a warning light is installed . tor system, it is always in locked con-
reclining or bending). Except the middle rear seat belt, dition. This seat is the most suitable
- The lap part of the safety belt must other seats are equipped with the lap place to fix the child seat.
be set under the abdomen easily. and shoulder belts (3 points). The
- The shoulder belt should go over the middle rear seat belt has only lap belt Warning
shoulder and across the chest. which crosses under the abdomen (2 Be careful the belt tap is not twisted
points). and trapped. If it does not release,
The retractor lock of belt is not active consult the closet authorized SAIPA
in the normal driving condition; there- YADAK agent immediately.
fore, the belt is not tight in the slow
motion of the passengers to provide
their comfort ability. When braking,
severe turning, and accidents, the re-
Safety Belts

Warning tor system is working properly and Caution

the locks function is not improper. In
After an accident, it is possible for case of any defect, replace the belt. When closing a door, be careful the
the belt assembly to damage or belt tap is not trapped between the
lock. Therefore, after any accident, Warning door and body. Because any dam-
inspect the belt assembly, retrac- age to the belt tap and its lock sys-
tors, anchors and any damaged - Do not pass the belt through under- tem reduces the belt proper function.
part. Consult an authorized SAIPA neath or your arm and around your Using the belt by pregnant women
YADAK agent if it is required. neck at all. Pregnant women are required to
- Do not use a safety belt for two or buckle up the safety seat belt except
Warning more persons. It is designed for use having special instructions from their
of a single person. doctors.
Inspect the belts periodically by pull-
The lap belt must be fastened gently
ing out the belt tap to see if there are
at the lowest part of abdomen. The
any wearing, rupturing, burning, and
pregnant women must be careful not
other damages. Ensure the retrac-
to pass the belt over their abdomen.
Safety Belts

Using safety belt by children Child safety system

- To protect the children at different - Shoulder belt must not pass over
ages, proper safety equipment must The seats cover and the safety belts the neck and face of child.
be used. become hot in summer time and - Improper use of the safety belt can
- Do not allow the children to stand or they can make injuries to your child. cause serious injuries to the child.
to kneel down on the seat when the Therefore, before allowing the child - Based on the traffic regulations,
vehicle is in motion. to sit in his/her seat, check the seat it is safe to make the children sit on
- Do not use a single belt for two chil- cover, locks, and other metal parts in the rear seat. The children must be
dren or one adult with a child. the child access area. protected using a child seat and the
If by fastening the safety belt the safety seat belt.
Warning shoulder belt hurts the child’s neck - If the child seat is not installed prop-
or face, move him/her forward to the erly, it is possible the child gets injured
Do not allow the children to sit on middle part of rear seat. If you can- in an accident. Pay careful attention
your knees. In a crash, you will lose not fix this problem, use the child to buy a child seat which fits your car.
the control of your child. seat.

Safety Belts

When installing the child seat, pay part of rear seat, make those adjust- Note
close attention to the manufacturer’s ments possible. The shoulder belt
comments. must not go over the child’s neck or Before installing the child seat, read
face. the manufacturer’s instructions. 2
Warning - If the safety seat belt cannot be ad-
-It is better to put the child seat on justable at all, it is recommended to
the rear, and whenever it is needed use auxiliary seat to lift up the sur-
to put the child seat on the front seat, face of the child seat .
you should use the proper model - Do not allow the child to stand or
and you should make inactive front kneel down on the seat at all, when
seat air bags system*. the vehicle is moving.
- When you do not use the child - When the vehicle is in motion, do
seat, put the child seat into the trunk not allow the child to sit on your
or fix it firmly on the rear seat by the laps. This will be dangerous in sud-
seat belt to protect it from shooting den brakes or in accidents.
in a severe braking. - Allowing the child to sit on your
- If the child can use the safety seat knees does not protect him/her in
belt, make him/her sit on the rear the accidents even if the adult wears
seat, do not let them sit on the front the safety seat belt.
- When buckling up the safety belt,
set the shoulder belt to go over the
child’s chest and the lap belt to pass
over the lowest part of his/her abdo-
men. Moving the child to the middle
* According to car model.
Child Seat

Children protection Before10 months old (less than From 9 months old to 3 years old
Do not assume children as adults 10kg weight) (less than 18kg weight)
with smaller bulk. The weight ratio of The seat should be installed inverse, The seat should be installed as
head to body weight ratio differs from using belt with 3 connections, accord- against, using belt with 2 or 3 connec-
adults up to 7 or 8 years old. In sud- ing to the picture. tions, according to the picture.
den acceleration reduction or impact,
the head weight of child and weak
muscle of his/her neck may cause se-
rious injuries into the backbone. We
can use the seat belt for children like
adults, just when the child is 10 years
old and he/she is as tall as 135cm.
That’s why many countries have codi-
fied rules about the child’s carrying
instruments, selling and using safety
equipment appropriate with the child
Child Seat

Older than 3 years old (more than Older than 3 years old
15kg weight) (more than 15kg weight)
The seat belt regulator allows the We should use another fixing guard, It is necessary to use the child seat
child to sit on the rear seat easily which is installed on the rear, seat for according to the country rules.
while his/her face is straight forward. children with bigger bulk. We must
(Using belt with 2 or 3 connections) use belt with 3 connections and the
(For children between 3 to 6 years child’s face should be straight for-
old) ward.
(For children between 6 to 10 years

Child Seat

Fixing a child seat by a lap-shoul- 3- Pass the shoulder belt through the 4- Lock the seat belt and check the
der belt position specified by the manufac- looseness of the seat. Move the seat
1- Replace the child seat in a desired turer. in different directions to ensure it is
position. fixed firmly. If you want to tighten it
2- Pass the belt tab over the specified more, unlock the belt and allow the
position shown in the Figure. retractor to function, to have more

Child Seat

Fixing a child seat by a lap belt 4- Lock the belt and ensure it is fixed
firmly by pulling the belt tab to adjust.
1- Replace the child seat in the mid- After installation, move the child seat
dle part of rear seat. in different directions to ensure it is
2- Pull the lap belt latch. fixed firmly.
3- Insert the tab of the belt through
the position specified by the manu-
facturer of the child seat.

The correct way of using the seat belt

Warning light of seat belt How to wear front seat belt 3- Push the latch plate in to the buck-
The safety belt warning light turns on properly le until it clicks.
if the ignition switch is in ON position 1- Pull the latch plate by hand.
and the safety belt is not locked. 2- Pull slowly the belt tab out of

The correct way of using the seat belt

4- Set the lap belt at the lowest part of Safety belt releasing Setting the front seats safety belts
your abdomen to prevent from sliding To unlock the belt, push the button on Shoulder belt anchor height can be
under the lap belt in a crash. Pull up the buckle. adjusted as desired. To adjust the
the seat belt on the shoulder to keep height, pull the adjuster knob out and
the belt tight on your body. move the anchor up or down.
The belt retractor automatically ap- After adjustment, make sure the an-
plies a pulling power on the belt tab, chor is locked properly.
thus for safety do not allow the belt to
get loose.

The correct way of using the seat belt

How to wear the rear safety belt 3- To lengthen the belt tap, pull the 5- Pull the extra part of the belt such
properly (rear middle seat) latch plate at the proper angle. that the tab fits completely under your
1- Pass the lap belt under your abdo- 4- To shorten the belt tab, pull the abdomen.
men. latch plate at the proper angle to set
2- Push the latch plate in to the buck- the desired length. Caution
le until it clicks. Make sure the belt tap
It is necessary to use the child seat
is not twisted.
according to the country rules.

The correct way of using the seat belt

Guides on the proper use of safety

To check the proper function of safety Importance of safety belt use
belts, the following points should be There are four important reasons to 2
noticed: use the safety belt and air bag.
- Always use the safety belt, even in 1- To hold the passengers in a fixed
short trips. condition and to prevent them from
- If there is any torsion in the belt tab, moving toward the air bag.
smooth it before using. 2- To protect the passengers in roll-
- prevent from touching sharp and overs, side and rear collisions in
coarse objects with the belt tab, they which the air bag is not installed.
will damage the tab. 3- To protect the passengers in mi-
- Regularly check the belt function in nor front collisions in which the air
terms of retraction, anchors, locks, bag does not deploy.
other parts, and any possible dam- 4- To prevent the passengers from
ages. In case of any damage, replace shooting outside of the vehicle.
the damaged parts.
- To clean the belt tab, use the water
and soap solution which can also be
used in cleaning the seat covers.
- Do not apply detergent for cleaning
the belts; this will reduce the retrac-
tion power.
- After unlocking the seat belt, pay
attention to the belt to be retracted
completely by the retractor.

Safety Belt
Supplementary safety It deploys when the passenger
equipment-Air Bag moves toward the air bag from
Vehicle air bag duty* different sides. In the vehicles equipped with the
air bags, buckling up the safety
Importance of safety belt belts is mandatory for all the
The vehicle is equipped
with a dual unit system as usage passengers. This will prevent
supplementary safety equipment. There are four important reasons serious injuries occurring during
This consists of driver's air bag for the use of safety belt and air the accidents.
and front passenger's air bag. In bag. - The safety belt protects the
some models, only driver's air bag 1- To hold the passengers in a driver from moving toward the
is installed. fixed condition and to prevent air bag.
Air bag is used to increase the them from moving toward the air - The air bags inflate only in
passenger's safety. It is necessary bag. severe front accidents and it
to mention that the air bag can not 2- To protect the passengers in does not deploy in successive
play the safety belt role. rollovers, side and rear collisions collisions of several vehicles.
in which the air bag does not - When trapping the vehicle in
deploy. the flood (penetration of water
Undeployment of air bag in
3- To protect the passengers in into the vehicle), do not turn the
some accidents minor front collisions in which the ignition switch in ON position to
In many accidents such as side or air bag does not deploy. unlock the steering wheel before
rear impacts, rollovers, collisions 4- To prevent the passengers disconnecting the battery. This
of several vehicles, and collisions from shooting to the outside of the may cause the air bag to inflate
at low speeds, the air bag does vehicle. and the passengers get injury.
not operate.
* Depending on the vehicle model 36
Air bag

OWM038 OWM039 OWM040

Air bag system components* - An emergency power of air bag In frontal accident, the frontal air bags
The main components of functions in the accidents in which inflate to protect the passengers.
the vehicle electrical power is There is no sign which shows at
Supplemental Restraint System
what speed the air bag deploys.
(SRS) of the vehicle are: disconnected.
The function of the air bag in the
- The driver's frontal air bag is in To check if the vehicle is equipped Supplemental Restraint System
the steering wheel and the right with the air bag system, you can (SRS) depends on the accident
front passenger's air bag (if any) see the "SRS" label on your direction and its severity.
is located in the dashboard. steering wheel. These two important factors
- A defect detector system checks determine when the signal of air bag
How the air bag works actuation will be sent. Also, the air
constantly the system function.
The driver's frontal air bag is in the bag inflation depends on the vehicle
- A warning light turns on when any
middle part of the steering wheel speed, accident direction, vehicle
defect is detected in the system. and the front passenger's frontal strength, and the objects that the
air bag is located in the upper part vehicle hits them.
of the dashboard. The air bags inflate and deflate within
* Depending on the vehicle model 0,1 second.
Air bag

These two important parameters dangerous injuries in some cases,

define sending the airbag inflation especially when the driver adjusted
signal. In addition, airbags inflation the seat near the steering wheel. Don’t place the objects on the airbag
depends on another parameters In order to have more control, adjust cover or under it. Because after airbag
such as vehicle speed, collide angle, the seat as far as possible to the inflation, the objects are thrown out
vehicle strength or the obstacles that steering wheel in the vehicles that are and there is the possibility of injuries.
the vehicles collide them. Airbags equipped with airbag. This prevents
inflate and deplete in 0.1 seconds. severe injuries or death in collisions. Warning
Therefore, it is impossible to see
the inflation of the airbag. The first Note All the repairing or replacing of the
observation after the collision is the harness, connectors and other parts
After 10 years of vehicle life, it is that are related to the airbag and its
deployed airbag that is outside of its
necessary to replace the driver and control unit, should be done by SAIPA
cover. It should be noted that airbag
dealership. So, if there is any problem
inflation could cause irritation, bruise passenger airbag and pretensioner
or malfunction in the ACU, resolving
and broken bones. belt (if it is available).
procedure would be done in the
Airbag inflation could cause dealership.

OWM041 OWM041-1

How to make front passenger How to make activate front

air bag inactivated passenger air bag
To fix the child seat on the front pas- After removing the child seat from the Make sure that the air bag warning
senger seat (considering the standard front passenger seat, reactivate the
light stays OFF when switch is
and regulations), the front passenger air bag with ON position lock 1 in the
front passenger. ON.
air bag must be made inactivated. To
do so, push lock button and set it
in OFF position by turning the button Warning lamp of inactivated
while the engine is OFF. In this con- airbag * When the front passenger airbag is
dition, the air bag warning light When the airbag inactivation switch inactivated, the airbag warning lamp
stays ON continuously when turning is in OFF position, this lamp remain ON continuously.
the engine ON. remains ON.

* Depending on the vehicle model

Air Bag
Noise and smoke Importance of properly Air bag warning light
The inflation of the air bag is followed sitting on the seat The air bag warning light duty is to
by a loud noise and emission of The frontal air bag of front passenger warn any defect in the Supplemental
2 smoke. Therefore, after inflation of Restraint System (SRS). Inspect the
is bigger than the driver's frontal air
the air bags, breathing inside the bag and inflates with a large pressure. system in the following situations:
vehicle will be very difficult due to the If the front passenger does not sit - If the air bag warning light does not
smoke and dust emitted by the air properly and does not fasten his/her turn on when the ignition switch is in
bag deployment. belt, his/her severe injury or even ON position.
It is recommended after accident and death is very likely. - If the air bag warning light remains
the air bags inflation to open the doors It is necessary that the front passenger ON after starting the engine.
and windows immediately to provide seat is set at the rear most possible - When the vehicle is in motion, the air
breathing easily and comfortable position. bag warning light stays ON or blinks.
Warning Warning
Severe brakes in an accident will be - Do not make any changes in the
After the air bags inflation, the very dangerous for a front passenger steering wheel and other parts of
steering wheel assembly and the who does not fasten his belt. This Supplemental Restraint System.
dashboard become too hot due may cause the front passenger to - Do not make any changes in the
to explosion. Touching them may move forward to the frontal air bag harness. This may cause unexpected
cause burning. Therefore, do not which can inflate and cause injuries. air bag inflation and injuries of the
touch the internal parts of the air Due to frontal air bag, do not use passengers or undeployment of the
bags enclosures. the child seat on the front seat at air bag on time.
all. During air bag inflation, severe
injuries of the child may occur.

The trained authorized personnel
should replace the airbags systems
after each inflation or 10 years of ve-
hicle life. 2
Nevertheless performing all the pre-
cautions, injuring is possible for arms
and body by airbag (because of po-
sition and nature of the system and
Never place your hands in the middle
of the steering wheel during driving.
Be sure that the passenger does not
place his foot on the dashboard dur-
ing driving.

Engine Hood

Opening Engine hood 2- Go to the vehicle front and pull the 3- Raise the engine hood and put the
1- To open the engine hood, pull the engine hood up. Then release the retainer rod free end into the corre-
opener handle under the dashboard secondary lever located at the middle sponding slot in the hood.
located at the left hand side toward bottom part of the engine hood as
you. shown in the figure.

Engine Hood and Fuel Door

Closing Engine hood Opening Fuel door

- Before closing the engine hood in- Pull up the fuel door lever in the left
sert the retainer rod into its retainer Before closing the engine hood, pay corner of the driver’s seat to open the
clamp in the hood to prevent from its attention all the parts are replaced, fuel door.
looseness noise when the vehicle is the tools removed from the inside
in motion. engine compartment and the engine
- Lower the engine hood gently and parts not left outside.
release it from the distance of 35 cen-
timeters. After closing, lift the engine
hood up to ensure it is completely
- Do not close the engine hood se-

Fuel Door

Opening fuel cap the fuel cap or gas leakage noise, do Warning
- To open fuel cap, turn it counter- not open the fuel cap until it finishes.
clockwise. Otherwise, there is a possibility of If it is necessary to replace the fuel
- To close fuel cap, turn it clock wise pressurized emission of gasoline cap, be careful to use a standard
until it clicks, that means it have been vapor which will be very dangerous. cap. Using a non-standard cap in
closed correctly. Gasoline vapor is dangerous and the vehicle results in malfunction in
1- Fuel cap flammable. Therefore, when fueling, the fuel system and emission con-
2- Opening direction turn the engine off and prevent from trol.
3- Closing direction any spark, flame, and cigarette us- If in a cold weather the fuel cap
age near the fuel tank filler neck. does not open easily due to icing,
Always ensure that the fuel cap is push the cap gently and by knocking
Since it is possible the fuel tank to properly and firmly closed. slowly open it.
be pressurized, open the fuel cap Prevent from spilling gasoline
gently with caution. around the fuel cap and exterior sur-
While there is a leakage of fuel from face of the vehicle. This will damage
the painted surfaces.
Steering Wheel and Horn Assembly

Adjust the steering wheel tilt angle at Horn

desired position before driving. To do
Warning To sound the horn, push the centre
so, first adjust your seat so that you While driving do not adjust the steer- pad area of the steering wheel on
can easily see the instrument panel ing wheel tilt angle. This is extremely which the horn picture is depicted.
on the dashboard front such as warn- dangerous.
ing lights and indicators, and then ad-
just the steering at the desired posi-
To change the tilt angle of the steer-
ing wheel, pull down the tilt adjuster
lever located below the steering
wheel. While holding the lever down,
adjust the steering wheel tilt angle as
desired and then pull up the lever. To
ensure the steering wheel is locked,
move up and down the steering wheel
several times.

Side view mirrors Mirror adjustment Note

The vehicle is equipped with two side To adjust the side view mirrors use
view mirrors, one in the left and the the manual lever in the front of the Do not clean the ice on the mirror
other in right hand side. These mirrors front side windows frame as shown in severely; this will damage the mir-
are adjustable by the corresponding the figure. ror surface. If the icing prevent from
levers. You can fold the mirrors in the mirror adjustment, do not insist on
rear direction to prevent them from Caution adjusting by force. In this case, you
damage when going through auto- - The right side view mirror is convex can use special spray for ice melting
matic car wash. and the objects are viewed closer or a piece of cloth or sponge soaked
than they appear. up warm water.
- When changing the line, use the in-
side rear view mirror or look straight,
to estimate your distance from the
rear vehicle.


1 2

Inside view mirror (Front mirror)

(day / night)
After adjusting the seat and steering - Remember that setting the rear
wheel, adjust the mirrors so that you view mirror in the night position re-
have enough vision from the rear win- duces the clear rear view.
dow. - Be careful the objects on the rear
To reduce the reflection of other rear seat do not blind your vision.
vehicle lights, pull the adjuster of rear
view mirror toward yourself to set it in
night position.
1- Day/ night adjuster lever
2- Night situation
3- Day situation

Interior Equipment


Room Lamp Cigar lighter

Lamp room located in the middle part To use cigar lighter push it all the way
of ceiling can be set in one of the fol- in and release it. When the element -Do not prevent from popping back
lowing three positions: heats completely, the lighter pops out the lighter when it is heated.
1- OFF: In this position the ceiling back out by itself. If the engine is not -Use the standard cigare lighters.
lamp stays off even if the vehicle door started, you have to turn the ignition Using other non-standard equipment
is open. switch in ACC position to use the such as shavers, vacuum cleaners,
2- O: In this position the ceiling lamp lighter. and coffee makers may cause dam-
turns on or off when the door is open age to the socket or disturb the elec-
or closes respectively. trical circuit of the vehicle.
3- ON: In this position ceiling lamp -If the cigar lighter does not pop
stays on even if the vehicle door is back out after thirty seconds by it-
close. self, pull it out manually to prevent
from overheating.

Interior Equipment

Ashtray Rear seat ashtray

The ashtray is displaceable and it can The rear ashtray is placed between
be installed in the rear or front part of -Do not use the ashtray as a gar- 2 front seats on the centre console,
the centre console. If you do not use bage can. to use the ashtray turn the marked
the ashtray, you can use its place as -Hot cigarette and ignited matches place by pushing it toward you, as it
cup holder. put inside ashtray containing other is shown in the figure.
flammable items may cause fire. Closing the rear ashtray is opposite
of opening it.

Interior Equipment

Centre console
This part can be used as storage for
holding small things or cups. -Do not put the cups containing hot
liquid without caps in to the cap
holder when the vehicle is in motion.
-To prevent from damage when sud-
den brakes or accidents, do not put
the bottle, and glass inside the cup
holder or centre console when the
vehicle is in motion.

Interior Equipment

Glove Box Sun visors Sun visor mirror

To open the glove box door pull its To use the sun visors pull them down. To use the sun visor mirror, pull the
handle toward yourself. To use the sun visors for the side win- sun visor down.
dows, pull them down first, take them
Caution out from their retainer brackets, and
then turn them toward the windows.
To prevent from damage in an ac-
cident or severe brake always close
the glove box door when driving.

Interior Equipment

Digital Clock RESET Antenna

When the ignition switch is in ON po- To remove the minute digits on the The vehicle is equipped with the
sition, the digital watch buttons func- display, push the R button. After audio system which has an antenna.
tions are as follows. pushing the R button, the hour digit It can be moved up and down or re-
will be displayed. moved when washing the car.
Hour For instance, by pushing the R button
To change the hour shown on the dig- when the watch displays the time in Caution
ital watch display press the H button. the range of 9:01 until 9:29, it will dis-
play 9:00 and when it is in the range To prevent from damaging the an-
Minute of 9:30 until 9:59 it will display10:00. tenna when washing the car, remove
To change the minute on the digital it from the vehicle.
watch display press the M button.

Rear window Defogger

Rear Window Defroster

Rear window defogger removes fog
and frost from the surface of the rear -Do not use sharp and coarse ob-
glass, by making heat. jects to remove snow from the rear
To use the rear window defogger turn window glass at all. This can dam-
the ignition switch in ON position. age the rear window defogger.
-To prevent from discharging the
The defogger light on the instrument battery, use the rear defogger when
panel stays on until the defogger is the engine is running.
If there is snow on the rear window
glass, remove it gently.

Heating and ventilation

1. Air flow distributor

2. Fan speed selector
3. Air recirculation controller
2 4. Temperature controller
5. Air conditioning switch

4 3 2 1

Heating and ventilation

Fan speed selector Temperature controller Air flow distributor

By turning this switch you can adjust You can adjust the temperature by Air blows from different outlets, you
the fan speed. turning this switch. For warm air turn can select the desired outlet by ad-
Fan can be set in one of the following it to right and for cold air turning it to justing the air distribution switch.
four conditions: left.

: The fan is OFF

: Low speed

: Medium speed

: High speed

Heating and ventilation

Air inlet control Valve position and outside air 2) Both Positions
By the inlet air control button, you can 1) Conditioning position In this case, the air flows into your feet
adjust the inlet air circulation method. In this case, the air would directly and face. Usually the air which blows
blow into your face. into the feet is a bit warmer than the
Air circulation inside the room air blows into your face; except when-
In this case the outside air is pre- ever the air control lever is in left side
vented from entering to the inside of completely.
the vehicle and only the inside air is

Outside air entrance

In this case, the fresh air enters from
the outside.

Heating and ventilation

3) Under feet position 4) Underfeet and windshield posi- 5) Windshield position

In this position, the air flows mainly tion In this position most of the airflow is
toward floor and partially toward the In this position the warm air is blown directed toward the windshield and
windshield and the side windows. mainly toward the windshield and the a small amount toward the side win-
floor and partially toward the side win- dows and the floor.

Heating and ventilation

Air conditioner Room ventilation procedure Note:

For using the air conditioning system, Put the air control lever on the de- If the car had been parked directly
push the button and hold it on one of sired position as shown in the figure. exposing to sunlight, before turning
1or 2 or 3 position. For turning off the Adjust the inlet air control lever on on the air conditioning system, you
air conditioning system push the but- should open the windows to send out
ton again. the warm air.
Put the air flow control lever on For removing fog from the windows in
Put the blower speed switch on 1 po- rainy days you can use air condition-
sition. ing to reduce the humidity from inside
of the car.

Heating and ventilation

Turning on the heater 4) If you want to have dry and warm Turning on the air conditioner
1) Set the air temperature control le- air inside the vehicle, turn on the air 1) Set the air temperature control le-
ver in the desired position. (As shown conditioning system. ver in the desired position. (As shown
in the picture) in the picture)
2) set the inlet air control lever on 2) set the inlet air control lever on
3) set the air circulation lever on . 3) Turn on the engine and push
If the windshield surface is covered 4) Set the air circulation lever on .
with fog, set the inlet air control switch 5) Set the blower speed switch in the
on button. desired position.

Heating and ventilation

Clearing the windshield and side

Note Caution
glasses condensation with the air
If you want to have the maximum conditioner Using the air conditioning system
coolness of the refrigerant, set the while driving uphill and heavy traf-
air temperature control lever on the To remove fog and frost from the fic make the engine hot, so in these
left side completely and set the inlet windshield and the side windows, you conditions turn off the refrigerant.
air control lever on . can use the air conditioning system Also do not turn on the refrigerant in
In addition, the blower speed control as follows: high speed.
switch should be in the 3 position. 1- Set the air temperature control le-
ver in desired position.
2- Set the inlet air control lever on
3- Turn on the engine and then air
conditioning system.
4- Set the air circulation and blower

Heating and ventilation

Warming up the windshield

1- Set the air temperature controller
in the warmest position. When driving in too humid condi-
2- Put the inlet air control lever on tions use the air conditioning
3- Put the air flow control lever on system. Because of the difference
Attention between the outside air and the win-
If you need warm air on the floor put dows temperature, the windows sur-
the air flow control lever on . face would be covered with fog and
4- Position the fan speed switch to1 the driver’s vision would be blocked.
or 2.

Position the air control lever on

to recycle the air inside the vehicle


Driving Vehicle

Ignition switch ……….........…...............................………….. 64

Engine Starting up ……….......................................………... 65
Gear-Box ……………………........................................…….. 68 Introducing vehicle
Brake system…………………….......................................…. 70 and its equipment
Power steering …………………......................................….. 75
Front display indicators…………......................................…. 76
Warning and indicators lights….....................................…… 78
Indicators and lamps……………....................................….. 80
Rear fog lamp switch……………......................................…. 82
Wiper and washer ……………......................................……. 83
Ignition Switch

Starting switch Push position will return in ON position.

The descriptions of the positions on Push the key in and take out after the If the ignition key is not turning in the
the switch (as illustrated in the figure) engine is turned off. lock cylinder, it is due to the force on
are as follows: the steering wheel. In this case, to re-
Lock position Important notes before starting up lease the steering wheel, turn it slight-
In this position, the steering wheel is the engine: ly to the left or right and then turn the
locked. - The parking brake lever should key.
ACC Position completely be pulled up. To set the switch in the lock position,
Some electrical equipment such as - The change gear lever should on push in the ignition key in ACC posi-
radio, clock and lighter can be used. neutral gear. tion while turning the key toward the
ON Position - Hold down the clutch pedal right lock position.
At this position all the sign turns on down to stop the gearbox’s gear from
and can be controlled. rotating when starting up the engine.
Start position Start position
Engine start state- Release the switch In the start position the engine will be
after the engine is turned on. started and by releasing the switch, it

Engine Starting up

Engine Starting up
1-Make sure the parking brake is en-
Hold the key on START position not gaged.
more than 10 second. Wait minimum 2-Hold the clutch pedal to the floor
10 second if restating is required. and shift the gear selector lever in
Release the key after engine started neutral position. When starting the
up. engine, push the clutch pedal all the 3
way down.
3-Turn and hold the switch in the
Warning START position until the engine starts
- Never turn the key to LOCK or ACC with in ten seconds.
position when driving. Never start In very cold weather when the tem-
the engine by perature is lower than 18°c or when
putting your hand through the steer- the engine has been off for several
ing wheel. days, it is necessary to allow the en-
gine warms up sufficiently. This must
be done without pressing the accel-
erator pedal. To start the engine in
warm or in cold condition, do not push
the accelerator pedal.

Engine Starting up

When engine is
When engine is in
in flooding, push
warm condition, push
the clutch pedal
the clutch pedal to
completely and
the middle and start
start the engine
the engine

Starting engine in flooding 3- Push and hold all the way down Starting Engine in warm condition
If the engine is not starting due to the accelerator pedal. When the engine is warm and does
flooding with too much gasoline, do 4- While pushing all the way down the not start normally (after several times,
the following steps: accelerator pedal start the engine and starting without pushing the accelera-
1- Make sure the parking brake is en- hold the ignition switch in the start po- tor pedal), do the following steps:
gaged. sition at most for ten seconds. If the Before starting again, wait for a min-
2- Push the clutch and shift the selec- engine starts, release the switch and ute and ensure that the parking brake
tor lever in neutral position. the accelerator pedal quickly to pre- is engaged.
When starting the engine push down vent from sudden increase of the en-
the clutch pedal gine speed.

Engine Starting up

1- Shift the selector lever in neu-

tral position .When starting push the
clutch pedal. Do not hold the switch in the START
2- While pressing the accelerator position for more than ten seconds.
pedal half way, start the engine (hold If the engine does not start or gets
the ignition switch in the START posi- off, restart the engine after five to ten
tion for ten seconds). seconds. 3
3- After starting the engine, wait for Improper start of the engine may
ten seconds to drive. damage the engine.
Abnormal noise of the engine (from
valves) may result from being it off
for a long time.
This noise goes off after the engine
temperature reaches the standard
limit. Otherwise, consult an autho-
rized SAIPA YADAK agent.

Manual Gearboxes

Gearbox operation
Note Warning
Shifting gears can be done as shown
in the figure by five selections. Only when the vehicle is in complete Before leaving the vehicle, make
Push the clutch pedal all the way stop, shift the gear in to the reverse sure the parking brake is completely
down and then shift the gear gently. position. engaged, the engine is off, and the
There is a safety system in the ve- To prevent the clutch system from selector lever is shifted in gear 1 po-
hicle to prevent from unintentionally early wear and abrasion, do not put sition. Otherwise, the vehicle may
shifting from gear 5 to the reverse your foot on the clutch pedal steadi- suddenly or unexpectedly move.
gear(R). In this case, the selector le- ly.
ver moves in to the neutral position Also, do not use the clutch pedal to
and then in to the reverse selection. stop the vehicle on the steep road
(in traffic lights and so on.)

Manual Gearboxes

Changing gears Reverse gearing - Don’t rest your feet on the clutch’s
Changing gears are as shown in the If you have to reduce your vehicle pedal. The feet weight will cause ero-
fig. speed in a heavy traffic or on the sion on the clutch’s system.
steep roads, it is recommended to
Recommended speed at Gears: shift in to the lower gears before the - Don’t slip the clutch to stop the
Gear 1 to 2: 25Km/h engine becomes overloaded. The vehicle when driving downhill. The
Gear 2 to 3: 40Km/h lower gear reduces the possible ab- clutch slipping causes erosion on the
Gear 3 to 4: 70Km/h normal running of the engine, suitably clutch’s system. Use parking brake to
Gear 4 to 5: 100Km/h accelerates the engine when increas- stop the vehicle on downhill.
ing the speed.
Observation of the recommended - Don’t drive in low gear for longtime.
speed increases engine and gear- Safety notes in driving Driving in low gears for longtime
boxes life time. - Don’t rest your hand on the gear causes excess fuel consumption and
change lever. The hand pressure will noises. In time changing gear from
cause erosion on the gear change low to top gear will stop putting un-
control system (mechanism). necessary load on the engine.

Brake System
Anti-lock Brake system (A.B.S)* Some points for braking with the Sometime while beating the brake
A.B.S system prevents each wheel vehicle equipped with A.B.S: pedal some inexperienced drivers
from locking. This system contains 2 think that the vehicle is getting trouble
main parts: wheel speed sensor, and 1) Braking operation is done usually and they leave pushing the brake,
set of processor/modulator. for the following purposes: while it is regular for cars using A.B.S.
The advantage of this system is short- - Slow braking for controlling speed:
3 ening the gap time between stopping here you are going to stop the vehicle
and ordering the vehicle to stop. Dur- slowly, for instance when you are go-
ing the braking operation, the driver is ing to take in or down a passenger. In
not able to lead the vehicle because this case the wheels usually are not
of locking of wheels, while a vehicle locked and you can stop the vehicle
equipped with A.B.S does not lock the by braking gently.
wheel, therefore the driver can lead 2) Emergency and severe braking:
the vehicle. here you are going to reduce the
speed quickly or stop the vehicle at
the minimum distance, For instance
when you confront with an object
suddenly. In this case all or some of
the wheels are locked and you should
push your foot on the brake pedal
steadily and also paying attention to
the vehicle is managable. (Note that
if the vehicle was drawn to margins
because of changing line, the A.B.S
system does not affect the vehicle
* According to car model.
Brake System
Significant points for Pride The warning light turns off when no
equipped with A.B.S:* defect is detected and stays on if any
1) During activating the A.B.S you defect is detected. In case of any de-
might hear sounds because of oper- fect, consult an authorized SAIPA YA-
ating the valves and hydraulic pump. DAK agent.
The sound in measure depends on 5) Pay attention that while the A.B.S
the brake tension which developed is damaged the usual braking system 3
on each wheel. This sound is normal is working normally.
and it is not due to a trouble in A.B.S. 6) The A.B.S increases the safety
2) After starting the engine and of the vehicle. Despite this, it is not
moving when the speed reached to a system for correcting the driver’s
10km/h, the defect finder is activate mistake during driving or change the
and turns on the hydraulic pump to traffic situation. Therefore the driver
check the operation for a while. This should drive carefully and follow safe-
may cause a sound produced by ty regulations and safe distance from
A.B.S and it is normal. the front vehicle.
3) While braking normally you might 7) If there were any problem with
hear sound produced by E.B.D sys- A.B.S function, consult an authorized
tem. This sound is normal and there SAIPA YADAK agent.
is no need to change the A.B.S modu-
4) After starting the engine, the A.B.S
warning light stay on for 3 seconds
and within this period the E.U.C sys-
tem is checked if there is any defect.
* According to car model.
Brake System

- The park brake lever be pulled up Problem sings in A.B.S

Warning light of A.B.S: or it had not been released complete- In case of each of the following prob-
-If the warning light of ABS stays on ly. (Fault detection: release the park lems you must consult to an autho-
continuously, there is a defect in the brake lever completely) rized agent:
A.B.S system circuit. In this case, - Being down the brake oil level in - Locking wheel and incomplete brak-
the brakes function regularly without main tank cylinder. (Fault detection: ing
A.B.S system effect. You must con- open the engine cab and then check - Wrong operation of E.B.D and A.B.S
sult an authorized agent of SAIPA the brake oil level on the tank cylinder - Increasing A.B.S operation
YADAK. and add brake oil if needed.) - Inactivating of the A.B.S (the warn-
- Having difficulties with E.D.B sys- ing light would turn on)
Warning light for parking tem (Fault detection: if none of the
brake, brake grease level and previous points detect the fault, the
E.B.D: car E.B.D system does not work.
E.B.D system in PRAID is responsible Stop the car and call an authorized
for sharing the usual brake, which di- agent of SAIPA YADAK.
vides the brake power between front
and rear wheel.
This light is turned on for 3 reasons:
Brake System

Brake system equipped with cle to the nearest appropriate position

booster to stop. Do not apply brake when the
The vehicle is equipped with a brake engine is off, except in the emergen- If the engine is off, auxiliary braking
booster system which is activated cy situations because by pressing the system doesn’t perform and there
when starting the engine. In cases brake pedal the assisted force of the should be extra force on the pedal.
such as turning off the engine at which brake booster reduces. In this case, the stopping distance
the brake system does not function, will be longer. You should pay atten-
you can stop the vehicle by pressing tion to the precautions before driving
strongly on the brake pedal. In this the vehicle.
case, the stopping distance will be
longer. Pay attention to these notes:
Be careful in towing the vehicle when
the engine is off and the shift lever is
in neutral position.
If the engine turns off when you are
driving for any reason, lead the vehi-

Brake System

Parking Brake If the warning light stays on after re-

To use parking brake, lift its lever up leasing the parking brake lever, there
firmly while pushing the brake pedal. Before leaving the driver’s seat, is possibility of the defect in parking
always set the parking brake fully brake system, and it should be taken
Caution and then make sure the transaxle is in to account. In this case, stop the
shifted into 1st or reverse gear. vehicle. Otherwise drive toward an
While the parking brake is engaged authorized SAIPA YADAK agent with
do not drive. This causes early wear Always, after starting the engine, caution.
of rear brake pads. check the brake warning light. If the
To release the parking brake, first parking brake is not released com-
pull its lever up slightly, then push pletely, the warning light comes on.
the end button and push down the Therefore, before driving make sure
lever gently. the parking brake is released com-
pletely and the corresponding light is

Power Steering
Power Steering*
Power steering uses engine power to
provide better control of the vehicle. -When the vehicle is stopped and
When the engine is off or the power the engine is still running, do not
steering system is not working, you hold the steering wheel more than
can steer the vehicle as regular but it five seconds in a specific position
will take much more effort. (complete left or right turn position).
If in normal engine condition the This will damage hydraulic pump of
steering of the vehicle needs much steering.
more effort, consult an authorized -When the hydraulic system belt rup-
SAIPA YADAK agent. tures or the hydraulic pump does not
work properly, you need much more
effort to steer the vehicle. If the ve-
hicle is parked for a long time in the
cold weather (lower than 10°c), the
viscosity of the power steering fluid
will increase resulting in a delay for
a short time in power system func-
tion. This is normal and you need to
warm up the engine in idle condition.

*According to vehicle model

Instrument Panel

7 8

5 1

2 6 4
Instrument Panel When the amount of fuel in the tank Trip Odometer
1-Speedometer reaches at 7 liters, the warning light Odometer indicates the distance
2- Engine temperature of the fuel turns on to warn that the traveled.
3- Digital kilometer-counter and fuel is about to finish. The fuel tank
odometer capacity is 37 liters. Trip Odometer reset knob
4- Odometer reset knob Press the reset knob to reset the
5- Engine rpm Engine rpm odometer numbers.
6- Fuel gage Tachometer indicates the engine
7- High water temperature pointer speed in revolutions per minute Odometer
8- Fuel completion warning light (RPM). Odometer shows total vehicle trav-
Fuel gage To prevent from engine damage, do eled.
Fuel gauge pointer returns to zero not let the tachometer to remain in
when the switch is on OFF position. red area.
Fuel gauge pointer shows the fuel Speedometer
level in the tank when the switch is Speedometer indicates the vehicle
turned on. speed in kilometer per hour.

Instrument Panel

7 8

5 1

2 6 4
Instrument Panel When the amount of fuel in the tank Trip Odometer
1-Speedometer reaches at 7 liters, the warning light Odometer indicates the distance trav-
2- Engine temperature of the fuel turns on to warn that the eled.
3- Digital kilometer-counter and fuel is about to finish. The fuel tank
odometer capacity is 37 liters. Trip Odometer reset knob
4- Odometer reset knob Press the reset knob to reset the
5- Engine rpm Engine rpm odometer numbers.
6- Fuel gage Tachometer indicates the engine
7- High water temperature pointer speed in revolutions per minute Odometer
8- Fuel completion warning light (RPM). Odometer shows total vehicle trav-
Fuel gage To prevent from engine damage, do eled.
Fuel gauge pointer returns to zero not let the tachometer to remain in
when the switch is on OFF position. red area.
Fuel gauge pointer shows the fuel Speedometer
level in the tank when the switch is Speedometer indicates the vehicle
turned on. speed in kilometer per hour.

Pointers Warning Lights

Parking brake malfunction if this light comes on.

Fuel level light
Lights ON means either the parking Call to the nearest SAIPA YADAK Au- This light comes on when the fuel
brake is engaged or the brake fluid is thorized Dealership if the light comes quantity in the fuel tank is about 7 liter
in low level. When ignition switch is in on with engine running, the electrical and it means the fuel will be finished
ON position, put down parking brake system function properly and the al- soon.
ternator belt is not torn.
3 lever completely to turn off the light.
Doors open light
Note This light comes on when the switch
Oil pressure gage
The light should turn on when switch is in "ON" position and one of the
If this light turns on, it indicates that doors is open.
the engine oil pressure is low. If this is in “ON” position and turn off when
tight turns ON while driving, stop the the engine is started up.
Seat safety belt light
vehicle and turn off the engine imme- This light comes on when the switch
Front lamp head light
diately and check the engine oil level. This light comes on when switching to is in "ON" position and stays on until
Top up the engine oil if the oil level front lamp headlights the seat belt is fastened.
is low. If the light stays on, consult
the closest authorized SAIPA YADAK Rear window defogger A.B.S warning light*
agent. This light comes on when the rear Constant A.B.S light on means A.B.S
Note: the light should turn on when defogger is active. is not operating but the normal brake
is operating. Please call the nearest
switch is in ON position and turn off
Hazard light SAIPA YADAK authorized agent for
when the engine started up.
It flashes when the hazard light switch A.B.S troubleshooting.

Battery charge is turned on.

Anti-theft system light
Engine and/or electrical system has Anti-theft system is active when this
* According to car model. light is flashing.

Pointers and Warning Lights

Rear Fog lamps indicator light Caution Airbag warning lamp:

This light comes on when the rear fog This lamp should blinks 5 times by
lamps become on. - Driving for a long time while the turning the ignition switch in ON
check engine light is on will damage position. During that, it controls the
Front Fog lamps indicators the vehicle and increase the fuel system. If there is any malfunction, the
light* consumption. warning lam remain ON continuously,
- If the check engine light blinks, 3
This light turns on when the front fog else it becomes OFF. If the warning
lamps become on. there is a possibility of defective lamp blinks less than five times or it
catalyst which reduces the engine remains ON, there is malfunction in
power. the system that you should refer to
Check engine warning light - For inspection consult an autho- the nearest authorized dealership of
This light is one of the problem rized SAIPA YADAK agent. SAIPA immediately. Because there
detector components of the vehicle is, malfunction in performance of
system. Note airbag and can cause inactivation or
If this light comes on while driving, delay in airbag inflation.
there is a problem in the electrical Sometimes the check engine light
system of the vehicle. In this case, comes on when the fuel tank cap is Inactivation-warning lamp of
the vehicle is able to move, but for not properly installed. So in this case airbag:
inspection, consult an authorized be sure about the fuel tank cap that If the inactivation-warning lamp of
SAIPA YADAK agent. is fully installed. airbag is in OFF position, this lamp
remains OFF.

Lamps and Signs

Combination switch: Headlamps upper beam: Flashing of the head-lamps

By twisting the combination switch le- When the dim lights are on, push the To use the signaling high-beam head-
ver as shown in the figure, instrument switch to the front to turn on the upper lamps pull the control lamp toward
panel lights, license plate light, rear beam. The blue light on the speed- yourself as shown in the figure and
stop lamp and front parking light, turn ometer comes on when the headlam- then release to return it to its initial
on. Also, by twisting the lever again, ps are on. position. When signaling by high-
in the same direction, headlamps turn beam headlamps, it is not necessary
on. to set the lamps in on position

Lamps and Signs

Turn signal lamps Flasher light Leveling Motor switch

To turn on these lamps, as shown in Flasher light is used for drivers that This vehicle has a headlamps brightness
the above figure, when turning right are approaching or passing your ve- adjuster thumbwheel set the brightness in
push up the control lever and turning hicle. Also they use in towing or stop- a desired level and not to block the vision
of the opposite vehicles drivers.
left push down it. The signal lever in- ping the vehicle in the road side. If the
How to set the headlamps brightness
cludes two stages: flasher light turns on, rear and front The headlamps brightness adjuster
First stage-this stage is related to turn signal lamps blink simultane- thumbwheel can be set in vertical direc-
changing line and passing the vehicle ously. tion according to the next table.
in front of you. Caution: Head brightness adjustment
Second stage-In this stage the lever When the flasher lights are ON, turn vehicle load
moves completely when turning right signal lamps will not work solely. Front seats Rear seats Trunk
and returns to its initial position in 0 One or two persons - -
OFF step, by the complete rotation of 1 Two persons - Max. load
the steering wheel. 2 Two persons one person Max. load

3 Two persons Two persons Max. load

Rear and Front Fog Lamps

Front Fog Lamps* Rear Fog Lamps

To turn the front fog lights ON, turn To turn the rear fog lights ON, turn the
the Daytime Running Lights ON and headlights ON and then depress the Using of fog lights is recommended
then depress the button shown on the button shown on the figure. in essential positions such as dust
figure. and fog. Using in other applications
lead to hazards of rear drivers.

* According to car model.

Wipers and Washers

Windshield Wipers Single Wiping Cycle Windshield Washer

To set the wipers on, turn the ignition For a single wiping cycle, push the To wash the windshield the ignition
switch in on position and pull down windshield lever as shown on the fig- Switch must set in ON position, or
the windshield lever as shown in the ure. you should start the engine. Pull to-
figure at desired positions explained ward yourself wind shield lever as
below: Caution shown in the figure and hold it at that
OFF- In this position the wipers off position. In this condition the wash-
-To prevent from damaging the wip-
INT - Automatic wipers condition ing fluid will spray on the wind shield
ers arms, do not move them manu-
I - Low speed wipers Condition glass surface.
II - High speed wipers Condition
-To prevent from damaging the wip-
ers blades, do not allow them to
touch gasoline, Kerosene, and other To prevent from damaging the wash-
oil- based Solutions. er Pump, be careful when the wash-
er tank is empty do not operate the
washer pump.


Driving Points

- Required fuel specification…………………….......................................… 86

- Air pollution control system………………......................................……… 87
- Recommendations before driving…………...................................……… 88
- Comments on the economic usage of the vehicle…............................... 89 Driving Facts
- Driving in special conditions……………………....................................… 90
- Plaques and warning labels ….………………....................................….. 94
Required Fuel Specification

Required Fuel Specification * Pollution Control System engine is on, while it is parked in the
The gas with EURO 4 standard is The catalyst system's type of this covered area at all. The maximum
necessary for this vehicle. The vehicle vehicle is CCC1 connected to the time period, the engine can stay on,
has the best performance if the lead exhaust manifold. Any change in in the covered area that is the time
free gas is used. The lead free gas the vehicle by the owner can affect interval for starting and driving out.
causes reduction of exhausted vehicles performance, safety, and - If you leave the vehicle in an open
pollutions and prevents spark plug life, that may violate environmental area when the engine is on, set the
head sediment. pollution control regulations. recirculation button in the fresh air
Furthermore, any damage or position. If you smell any smoke, turn
4 Note off the engine immediately.
malfunction in the vehicle performance
due to the changes by the customer - Do not sit inside the vehicle which is
Do not use the leaded gasoline at all.
is not covered by guaranty services. parked while the engine is on.
Using the leaded gasoline causes
Engine Precautionary measures
the catalyst to damage. Only use
The exhaust gases contain carbon Environment and vehicle
the additives authorized by SAIPA
monoxide which is colorless and
YADAK Company to clean the fuel
odorless and is very dangerous if it is If there is any abnormal smoke
system. The leaded fuel seriously
smelled. in the exhaust, please refer to
damages the oxygen sensor of the
engine and prevents from proper
- Carbon monoxide is mixed by other the authorized workshops for
exhaust gases inside the vehicle; diagnosis and engine repair, as
function of the pollution control sys-
consult the closest authorized SIAPA
tem of the vehicle. Do not use the soon as possible. The abnormal
YADAK agent immediately. If you do
nonstandard additives. smoke makes more pollution of
not have access to the authorized
SAIPA YADAK agent, do not drive the air.
with such a vehicle that has exhaust
gas leakage in its room.
- Do not leave the vehicle when the
1- Close-Coupled Catalyst *Depending on the vehicle model
Pollution Control System

Catalyst Precautionary Measures If you do not follow the precautionary

Environment and vehicle
measures and the catalyst damages,
This vehicle is supplied with a cata- the vehicle guarantees will be can-
This vehicle is equipped with the
lyst pollution control system of the celed.
pollution control system via cata-
CCC type connected to the exhaust
Environment and vehicle lyst. In order to maintain and assur-
manifold. Consider the following pre-
ance of correct performance of the
cautionary measures:
Catalyst mentioned part, the following items
- Only sue unleaded gasoline.
should always be regarded.
- Does not drive or park on the flam- Most of the recent vehicles are
mable materials such as dry grass, equipped with Three – Way Catalytic 4
The useful life of the catalyst in
paper, dry leaf, and so on at all. Be- Converter. The concept of three-way
standard working condition is 100,000
cause the catalyst is so hot and there is the three basic pollutions that are
is possibility of fire. produced by the engine, i.e., carbon
In the case of engine performance
- If you see any malfunction in the en- monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and
malfunction or reaching 100,000
gine performance such as the engine hydrocarbons, which are purged
km mileage, the mentioned part
vibration or engine power reduction, by these converters. The convert-
should be replaced in the authorized
stop driving the vehicle. ers convert the pollution gases to
dealership of SAIPA.
- Do not press the gas pedal for a long carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water,
Periodical inspections of exhausted
time while the vehicle is not moving. which have less danger for the en-
gas should be done every 10,000 km.
- Do not change the engine parts and vironment, by means of special ele-
If the amount of pollution exceeds the
pollution control system. ments.
standard value, replace the catalyst
All the changes and settings must be It should be noted that in addition to
in the authorized dealership of
done by an authorized SAIPA YADAK the environment pollution, remov-
SAIPA after making assurance about
agent. ing or replacing the catalyst lately,
performance of the other parts.
causes vehicle malfunction.

Important Steps Before Driving

Before driving consider the follow- Before start Driving after taking medicine
ing points: - Make sure all the doors are closed Driving after taking some medicines
- Make sure the windshields, rear and locked. is very dangerous.
window, mirrors, and lamps are clean. - Adjust your seat. Make sure to consult your physician
- Check the tires conditions. - Adjust the side view and rear view about driving after taking your medi-
- Check the underneath of the vehicle mirrors. cine.
to see if there is any leakage. - Make sure all the lamps function
- Make sure there is no obstacle in properly. Environment and vehicle
the back while using the reverse gear. - Check the instrument panel indica-
4 Important Checks tors. Avoid unnecessary travels by
Before driving the vehicle, check the - Set the ignition switch in ON posi- personal vehicle, which has only
engine oil level, radiator, brake fluid tion to ensure all the warning lights one passenger.
level, and the washer fluid level based function properly.
Don’t take extra load by the ve-
on the suitable criteria. The detail pro- - Release the parking brake lever
cedure is written in the maintenance completely and check if its warning
hicle. Because every extra load
section. lamp turns off. increase the fuel consumption
For safety before driving make sure to the average of one liter per
that you are familiar with all parts of 100km.
the vehicle. Inspect the parking of your ve-
hicle to be aware of fluid leakage

Economic Usage of the Vehicle

Comments on the optimal perfor- them to the standard pressure.

mance of the vehicle - Maintain a safe distance from the Environment and vehicle
The amount of fuel consumption de- front vehicle to prevent from sudden
If you want to stop more than
pends on the driving method, and its brakes and the wearing of brake pads
time and place. and the tires. This reduces the fuel three minutes, stop the engine
Use the following suggestions to re- consumption when reaccelerating. because in this case the fuel con-
duce the fuel consumption of the ve- - Remove unnecessary loads from sumption is equal to one kilome-
hicle and to reach its economical per- your vehicle. ter distance travelling.
formance. - While driving do not put your foot Push the accelerator pedal up
- Do not warm up the engine for a on the brake pedal to rest. This will 4
to mid to reach the desired ve-
long time while the vehicle is stopped. cause the brake pads to wear and the locity because full acceleration
- Remember that when it is cold, the fuel consumption to increase. increases the fuel consumption
engine warms up within longer time. - If the front wheels are not in the cor-
- When you start to drive, accelerate rect alignment, the tires will wear and
Using nonstandard parts such
the vehicle slowly. the power will reduce, resulting in the
- Make sure the engine is always fuel consumption increase. as exhaust manifold, which is a
tuned up, and follow the recommend- - Being open of the windows at high obstacle for the exhaust gases,
ed periodic maintenance schedule to speeds increases the fuel consump- makes malfunction in ignition
increase the life time of the vehicle tion. and increases the fuel consump-
parts. - Opposite wind direction in driving tion rate.
- Do not use the air conditioning sys- increases fuel consumption. In this
tem if it is not necessary. condition, it is better to drive at low
- When driving on the unsmooth speed.
roads reduce your speed.
- To increase the life time of tires and
reducing fuel consumption, keep

Special Driving Conditions

- If the vehicle gets stuck in snow, ice,

Warning Warning
or mud. You can use sand, salt tire
- Never turn the engine OFF to coast chain or anything can increase the Using the reverse gear on the slip-
down hills or anytime the vehicle is friction such as a blanket under the pery roads is dangerous; this will
in motion. The power steering and front wheels. cause sudden speed change of the
power brakes will not function with- wheels and their slide.
out the engine running. Instead,
How to free Your Vehicle when
downshift to any appropriate gear
sticking in snow and mud
for engine braking effect.
4 When the vehicle gets stuck in snow
Special Driving Conditions and mud, to free it repeatedly shift
When hazardous driving is encoun- into the first and the reverse gears
tered because of water, snow, ice, and press down the accelerator gen-
mud, sand, or similar hazard, follow tly.
these suggestions: Do not press the accelerator pedal
- Drive cautiously and keep a safe strongly. If you are not able to free
distance from the front vehicle to in- your vehicle from snow or mud, you
crease the braking distance. can use a towing vehicle to get out.
- Do not brake or turn suddenly. Otherwise, the engine and gear box
- When driving in snow, mud, and will damage due to the higher engine
sand, shift into the second gear and temperature.
press down the accelerator ped-
al gently. This prevents from front
wheels spinning. If it is necessary,
you can use the first and the reverse

Special Driving Conditions

will reduce your vision and you need ing vehicles.

several seconds to readjust your eyes - Driving too fast through water pud-
When starting to drive do not press to the darkness. dles reduces the brake performance.
the accelerator pedal strongly and do - Turn on your headlamps so that Therefore, slow down when driving
not release the clutch pedal sudden- your vehicle becomes visible to the through water puddles.
ly. This will cause the front wheels approaching vehicles. - If you feel your brakes are wet, drive
to spin and the tires to become hot, slowly and apply your brakes several
which may result in explosion of tries Driving in rain times to dry your brakes and to return
and injuries of the people around the Driving on wet and slippery roads is them to their normal condition.
dangerous and it is required to pre- 4
pare you for driving in rainy condi-
Driving at night tions. Therefore, notice the following
Since driving at night is more danger- recommendations.
ous than day, consider the following - Make sure the wipers and wind-
recommendations: shield washer work properly.
- Driving vision at night especially on - Drive slowly due to the vision reduc-
the streets without lights is reduced. tion in heavy rainy weather and the
Therefore, reduce your speed and need of larger braking distance when
keep a safe distance from the front stopping the vehicle.
vehicle. - If your tires are worn and do not
- Adjust the mirrors so that to reduce have much tread left, applying your
the reflection of other vehicles lights. brakes on the slippery road causes
- Keep always the headlamps clean. your vehicle to slide and make an ac-
Otherwise, the driving vision at night cident.
will be reduced. - Turn on your headlamps to make
- Do not stare directly in to the ap- your vehicle visible to the approach-
proaching vehicles head-lamps. This
Driving in Special Conditions

Winter driving safety points use the first and the reverse gear in-
- The auxiliary tools such as tire stead of parking brake. And use prop-
chains, windshield washer fluid, a bag er obstacle for rear tires.
of sand, a flashlight, a small shovel,
and a boost cable are recommended
to have in your car while driving.
- Make sure you have enough amount
of antifreeze in your radiator.
- Check your battery and its cables to
4 be in good condition. The cold weath-
er reduces the battery performance;
therefore, it is better to use a good
quality battery during winter time to
have a better starter performance.
- Check the spark system if there is
any disconnection or damage.
- Use proper antifreeze windshield
washer fluid and make sure there is
enough amount of the fluid inside the
washer tank (do not use antifreeze
coolant in your washer tank).
- Does not use the parking brake if
you feel the possibility of freezing.
This happens after driving in snow
and rain and the temperature drops
below the freezing point. In this case

Driving in Special Conditions

Winter Tires Driving in watery areas

It is recommended to use winter tires When driving in the watery areas,
on all four wheels. Otherwise, the ve- - The tire chain affects your vehicle make sure the water level is lower
hicle driving control will be difficult. driving control. than the wheel hubs.
When using winter tires, the vehicle - When using the tire chain, the ve- Drive slowly due to the wet brakes
speed must not exceed 120 km/h. hicle speed must not exceed 50 km/ and the need to larger braking dis-
Tire chain hr or the value recommended by the tance. After driving in watery region
Tire chain selection manufacturer if it is lower. apply your brakes several times while
Using the tire chain must be based on - Drive with caution and not on the driving slowly to restore your brakes
the traffic regulations. The tire chain to their normal condition. 4
puddles, pits, sharp curves, or other
must be suitable for the tire size. In surfaces which cause vehicle jump-
regard, follow the manufacturer’s rec- ing if possible.
ommendation. - Do not apply brake and change
Installing tire chain your direction suddenly.
Follow the manufacturer’s instruc- Use tire chains on your front wheels
tions for tire chain installation. and readjust them every a half or
The tire chain scratches the hubcaps, one kilometer driving.
therefore before installing the tire
chain remove them.

Plaques and warning labels

Tuning up the engine for reducing the pollution

Vehicle model: injection fuel pride (Hydraulic Power Steering)
Engine volume: 1323 cubic centimeter Appropriate lubricant oil used in hydraulic power steering
Gearbox: manual 1- DEXRON II
2- PSF – III
Engine tune up: Hydraulic Power Steering oil capacity: approximately 875cc
Idle speed: 850±50 rpm Note:
Valve gap: 0.3 mm The hydraulic oil level can be measured while thr engine is off.
The correct oil level on the gauge should be read between L,H.
Spark plug gap: 0.9 mm Please refer to manual handbook for changing the hydraulic oil.
Note: The hydraulic power steering shall not function when engine
ECU will automatically adjust the spark advanced and is off.
Never hold the steering wheel to the complete left or right more
air/fuel ratio in idle speed i.e. No speed for manual than 5 second while the engine is on.
adjustment. Call to nearest Saipa Company authorized dealership for
Since special equipment required for engine adjust- troubleshooting of the hydraulic power steering.
ment, therefore call to the nearest SAIPA authorized

Gear box

4 Caution
- *Don’t open the radiator top when engine is warm. Warning:
- *The cooling fluid in the expansion tank must be controlled at least once a month. Call to nearest Saipa Company authorized
*(Normal level between “LOW and FULL” when engine is cold)
- *Ethyl glycol antifreeze must be used in aluminum engine block. dealership for any repair on bifuel vehicle.
- *Manual book must be used as refrence for draining and refilling.

Pressunized liquid
Don’t open when warm

Control container
fluid level

Caution Warning
Mind your hand
The fan may operate
when engine off


Warning equipment .................................................................................. 98
Engine overheat ....................................................................................... 99
Emergency starting of the vehicle ........................................................... 100
Protection of electric circuits ................................................................... 103
Fuses ..................................................................................................... 105
Towing ..................................................................................................... 107
Replacing tires ........................................................................................ 109
Technical Urgencies
Warning Equipment

Flasher Warning triangle

5 Flasher is used to warn the vehicles In the emergency situations at which
approaching or passing you to make the vehicle is stopped on the road,
precautionary measures. When put the warning triangle on the road
emergency services or stop off the to warn the vehicles approaching
road, it is necessary to use the flash- you.
er. So that the signal lamp of rear and
front goes on and off simultaneously.
- When the flasher is on, the turning
signals do not function.

Engine Overheating

Engine Overheating decrease, turn off the engine until it

If the engine temperature pointer becomes cool.
shows a high temperature, or the en- 4- Check the coolant level inside the When warning up the engine, do not
gine power is reduced or if you hear a tank, if the level is low, check if there open the cap of radiator, otherwise,
loud knocking noise from the engine is any leakage from the cap of the hot sprays put and can damage you
and it is likely the engine is overheat- radiator, hoses, water pump, and fit- seriously.
ed. tings of the radiator or heater. In case If the engine overheats continuously,
In this case, do based on the follow- of serious leakage or another defect check the coolant system and repair
ing instructions: that can overheat the engine, do not its defects.
1- Turn on the flashers and stop the turn the engine ON until removing the
vehicle in a safe place, shift the gear fault by an authorized SAIPA YADAK
into neutral, and apply parking brake. agent. If you did not find any leakage, 5
2- Ensure that the A/C system is off. pour some liquid into the tank cau-
3- If the coolant or vapor comes from tiously.
the radiator, turn off the engine and
set the ignition switch in ON position
but don’t ignite the engine. In this
case fan starts working automatically.
If the fan does not work, consult an
authorized SAIPA YADAK agent.
If there is coolant leakage from the
radiator, let the engine run in the idle
condition, open the engine hood , and
wait until the engine returns to its nor-
mal temperature.
If the engine temperature does not

Starting Engine in Emergency Situations

Using a booster battery

Note Warning
Improperly using a booster battery
can be dangerous. Only use a 12-volt booster battery. - Keep the battery away from any
Therefore, to prevent from damaging Otherwise, using a 24-volt battery spark or flame.
yourself, the vehicle and battery, per- (two 12- volt batteries in series or a In the normal conditions the bat-
form the battery jump based on the 24-volt generator) can damage the tery produces hydrogen gas which
instructions written in this manual. starter, sparking system, and other explodes in the vicinity of flame or
If you do not know the proper proce- electrical elements. spark.
dure of jumping the battery, consult When the dead battery is frozen or
an expert mechanic technician or a its electrolyte level is low, do not use
mobile repair unit. battery jump. This can make an ex-
5 plosion.

Starting Engine in Emergency Situations

Battery jump procedure The corresponding parts are as

1- Make sure that battery is 12- volt follows: 5
and its negative is grounded. A- The dead battery
2- Check the electrolyte level of each B- The booster battery
cell of the battery. C- The metal and uncoloured part of
3- If you are using another vehicle the trunk
battery as a booster battery, make
sure the two vehicles do not touch
each other.

Emergency Starting

Booster cables connections Do not lean to the battery when con- Starting the vehicle by pushing
Connect the booster cables in the or- necting the cables. Starting the vehicle by pushing may
der of numbers indicated in the figure 3- First turn on the engine of the ve- cause damage to the emission con-
and disconnect in the reverse order. hicle with the booster battery and trol system.
1- Turn off all the unnecessary electri- increase its engine rpm up to 2000,
cal equipment of the vehicle. then start the engine of the vehicle Caution
2- Connect the cables exactly in the with the dead battery.
Do not start the engine by towing the
order shown in the figure. First con- If the discharged battery cause is not
vehicle. Because the sudden mo-
nect the one end of the first cable to know (other than staying on the lamps
tion of the vehicle toward front when
the positive terminal (+) of the dead while the engine is off) , it is neces-
starting can cause the collision of
battery (1) and the other end of the sary the vehicle to be checked by an
the two vehicles to each other.
5 cable to the positive terminal of the authorized SIAPA YADAK agent.
booster battery (2). Then connect the
one and of the second cable to the
negative terminal of the booster bat-
tery (3) and the other end to the fixed
metal point of the vehicle (like bracket
engine mounting or any uncolored
surface) with the dead battery. Be
careful the ground connection to be-
come far from the dead battery.
Make sure not to connect the nega-
tive terminal of the booster battery to
the negative terminal of the dead bat-
tery. Be careful the cables end to be
connected to the proper points.

Protection of Electrical Circuits

1-Regular fuse Fuses If any parts of lighting system, auxil-

1-A-Okay Fuses are simple connectors which iary equipment, or control units do not 5
1-B-Melted disconnects the current when over function, check the fuse of the corre-
2-Main fuse current occurs to protect the electrical sponding circuit.
2-A- Okay equipment from damage. Notice that if any fuse breaks, its band
2-B- Melted This vehicle has two fuse blocks, one metal melts and it has to be replaced
inside the passenger compartment at with a new one of the identical size
the left hand side of the driver (lower and rating.
part of the dashboard) and the other If the new fuse breaks again, it in-
one inside the engine compartment dicates that there is a problem in
near the battery. the electrical system of the vehicle.
The table of the fuses inside these Therefore, do not use that electrical
two blocks will be indicated in this system and consult an authorized
section. SAIPA YADAK agent as soon as pos-

Protection of Electrical Circuits

For fuse replacement do the fol- place the broken fuse.

lowing steps: To replace the fuse do the follow-
- Only use a new fuse with the identi- 1- Set the ignition switch in off posi- ing steps:
cal capacity and rating when replac- tion and open the fuse block cover. 1- Turn off the ignition switch and all
ing a broken fuse. 2- Using the caliper inside the fuse the electrical equipments.
- Using a high rating fuse can cause block, pull out the defected fuse di- 2- Open the fuse block cover. (inside
damage and even fire. rectly and gently. the engine compartment)
3- If the fuse is melted, replace it. 3- Check the fuses and replace the
Warning 4- Use a new fuse with the same ca- melted fuse with a new fuse of the
pacity and rating to replace the melt- same capacity.
- Note that do not use a wire as a ed fuse. Be sure the fuse is firmly set
fuse even temporarily. This can in its proper place.
5 damage the electrical system or If you realized that the fuse cannot
cause fire. be fixed in its place firmly, consult an
- If one of the electrical systems of authorized SIAPA YADAK company
the vehicle does not function, first agent.
check the fuse block inside the If you do not have a spare fuse, you
vehicle at the left hand side of the can use one of the other fuses which
driver(see the figure). are not necessary for starting the
vehicle (such as lighter or radio cas-
sette player fuse).
If the fuses inside the vehicle are
okay, but the headlamps or other
electrical system elements are not
functioning, check the fuse block in-
side the engine compartment and re-


The fuse box is fitted to the left of the steering wheel. Open the
fuse box cover to have access to the fuses. The fuses are simple
connections which will disconnect the electricity current to stop
damages to the electric equipments i.e. protect them. If equip-
ment is not operating its relevant fuses could be disconnected.

Fuses replacement
1- Turn off the switch and all the electric equipments.
2- Open the fuse box cover and find the defected fuse by using
the guideline table.
3-Take out the fuse puller and remove the defected fuse with it. 5
The defected fuses are recognizable by their disconnected wire.
4- Substitute the defected fuse with similar or lower voltage fuse.
The fuse box is contained with two spare fuses.

Warning Warning
Nonstandard fuses must not be used - Substitute the defected fuse with similar fuse.
even for a short time. nonstandard - Fitting in upper voltage fuse may cause damage or fire.
fuses will damage the wiring and - Note that do not use a wire as a fuse even temporarily. This can damage the
electric equipment and cause fire. electrical system or cause fire.

Fuse box table divided to user, capacity and color

A CNG 10 Gas system Red

B Screen wiper 15 Screen wiper and washer Blue
C Fog lamp 20 Fog lamps Yellow
D Cooling fan 40 Engine cooling fan Orange
Blower All models 20 Cooling fan-Ventilator Yellow
Heater New fuel injection 15 Ventilator - Heater Blue
F Power window 20 Power window switch Green
New slemens fuel
10 Alternator
5 G engine
fuel injection 5 Alternator

All models 10 Alternator and fuel pump

H Gauges 10 Gauges and thermometer, warning lamp and signal lamp Red
I Rear defroster 15 Rear windshield defroster Blue
J Stop 15 Horne and rear stop lamp Blue
K Hazard 15 Hazard lamps - clock and lamps Blue
L Room 10 Audio system, lamps-lnterior lamps-Trunk lamps Red
M Hazard lamp 15 Front signal lamp, hazard lamp-license plate lamp-park lamps Blue
N EGI fuse* 10 ECU (fuel injection vehicle) Red
O Cigarette lighter 15 Cigarette lighter, clock, power antenna Blue
P Central lock 30 Central lock Green
Q Spare fuses
* Improved injection system model

Vehicle Transporting

Towing the vehicle Front and rear towing hook

If emergency towing is necessary, we Use the hooks in order to vehicle 5
recommend having it done by an Au- holding only for towing the vehicle.
thorized SAIPA YADAK or a compe-
tent tow-truck service. Proper lifting
and towing procedures are neces-
sary to prevent damage to the vehi-
cle. State and local laws applicable to
towing vehicles must be followed.
As a general rule, towed vehicles
should be pulled with the driving
wheels off the ground. If the vehicle is
seriously damaged and it cannot be
towed properly use a flat bed for front

Vehicle Transporting

Transport by a truck
Carrying a vehicle by a truck is rec-
ommended to prevent from an acci-
dent and any damage.

Towing from the rear end

If it is possible do not tow a vehicle
as suspended on its front wheels. If
there is no choice, tow the vehicle for
short distance at the lowest speed of
the vehicle. The steering wheel must
5 be locked when the direction of the
wheels is set in a complete straight
position. To maintain the straight –
ahead position, you can clamp the
steering wheel with a clamping de-
vice designed for towing.

Towing from the front end

The steering wheel must be locked
when they are in a complete straight
position. You can also clamp the
steering wheel with a clamping de-

Tires Change

Spare tire and tire changing tools Spare tire Tools

Take out the jack, wheel wrench, and To take out the spare open the hold- 1- Wheel wrench 5
jack wrench from the trunk blanket ing screw of the spare tire by turning 2- Jack wrench
underneath as shown. it clockwise. 3- Jack
You can fix the retentive pillar jack by
turning the jack screw with hand.

Tires Change

Jacking location under the vehicle Jacking under the vehicle 7- Place the tools inside its box and
5 Locate the jack at the jacking posi- 1- Loosen the wheel nuts by wheel the tire in its proper location inside the
tions indicated at the both sides of the wrench. trunk.
vehicle near the tire to be replaced. 2- Using the jack raise the vehicle far
Make sure the jack is located on a enough offs the ground so that the
smooth and horizontal surface. tire detaches from the ground.
Do not use the jack while there is a 3- Remove the wheel nuts and take
passenger inside the vehicle. off the tire.
Make sure that the front wheels are 4- Replace the flat tire with the spare
completely straight head. and tighten the wheel nuts manually
Apply the parking brake and shift into as far as you can.
the first gear. 5- Lower the jack and remove it from
the underneath of the vehicle.
6- Tighten firmly all the wheel nuts in
a crisscross sequence.

Tires Change

Warning Warning Note

- To replace the tire and repair pull Changing front tiers After replacing the tire, check its in-
the vehicle completely off road. When jacking under one of the front flation pressure and if it is necessary
- If you are not able to replace the wheels using the proper location of adjust the tire pressure at the speci-
flat tire, get a mobile serviceman to the jack, shifting into the gear doesn’t fied amount.
help. prevent the vehicle from moving.
- Do not overload the jack In this case make sure to apply park-
- For jacking use the specified loca- ing brake completely and put obsta-
tions. Be careful do not use other lo- cles at both sides of the rear tire in
cations such as bumper underneath diagonal direction with the front flat
for jacking (instead of specified loca- tire. 5
- When you have raised the vehicle
using jack, do not get under the ve-
hicle. Be careful do not get any part
of your body under the vehicle.
- When jacking the vehicle do not
start the engine.
- To prevent from any damage or
dangerous only use the jack inside
this vehicle, in the specified jacking

Chepter 6

Guideline for using bi-fuel powered vehicle*
CNG introduction …………………………….............................................. 115
Engine compartment ………………………............................................… 117
Instrument panel ……………………………...........................................… 118
Fuel convert switch …………………………...........................................… 120
CNG fuel tank indicator ………………………............................................ 122 Bi-fuel (CNG)
Fuel charge ……………………………………........................................... 123
Safety factors and necessities ……………….....................................…... 125
Vehicle control and maintenance ………………....................................... 130
System repair …………………………………........................................… 131
System primary troubleshooting ………………......................................... 132
Periodic service operation ………………………....................................... 133

* According to car model.


Thank you for purchasing pride vehicle equipped with CNG system. Your choice is not only optimum use of country’s
energy resources but also protects environment resources, supports the reduction of pollution and fuel consumption
Please review owner manual prior driving the vehicle. This manual includes the adequate and beneficial information
regarding the method of driving the vehicle and also acquaints you with the vehicle equipment. The owner manual also
includes vehicle CNG system maintenance, services and safety factors.
Refer to nearest authorized dealership for maintenance and services. The vehicle should not be repaired by unauthor-
ized and unskilled person.
You should not use and install parts and equipment which are not confirmed by authorized agents and also you should
not service the vehicle in unauthorized agents, because the followings not only contravene the validity and terms of the
vehicle guaranty, but also reduce the passengers’ safety.

CNG Introduction

Familiarity with CNG and Advantages and Disadvantages of It:

The natural gas which is mainly composed by methane (CH4) is a substitute for gasoline (petrol) or diesel fuel used in
vehicles. It is considered to be an environmentally clean fossil fuel alternative to those fuels. The natural gas dose not
contains cancerous particles of carbon black (soot), lead and aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene. The benzene
is reduced by 99% in NGV (Natural Gas Vehicle) compare to petrol-powered vehicle and the pollutants’ range of petrol-
powered vehicle exhaust’s emissions are more than NGV.
The research of NGVs’(Natural gas vehicles) effects on global warming (as the global warming is depending on the
vehicle condition) indicated that NGVs reduces 17% global warming in complete fuel cycle.
The NGVs are practically compatible and congruous with urban environment because the emissions through exhaust
pipes are within the determined and allowable range of the vehicles’ pollutants. Due to NG being the most environmen-
tally-friendly fuel and proved nature of reducing pollution particularities many countries apply subside to NGVs.
NGV consume the same gas as used in the offices and houses for heating systems, kitchen and so on. NG supplies
as compressed or liquid form for vehicles. NGVs are cleaner, safer and less noisy (the NG heavy duty engine vehicle
noise level is the same as a light duty diesel engine vehicle). Compressed natural gas (CNG) is less dangerous than 6
liquid fuels such as petrol, gasoline and liquid gas because is thinner than air and in case of a leak it is dispersed into
the atmosphere with no harm to the environment. Also, CNG is less inflammable. Natural gas transfers by pipe line, so
no fuel tanker danger involved and also no LPG transport limitation is required.
The catalytic converters used in the vehicle exhaust system are causing the reduction of pollutants in vehicle exhaust’s
emissions such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide. The NGV emit less carbon dioxide than petrol-
powered vehicles. NGVs have pollutions advantages.

CNG Introduction

Petrol-powered vehicle
Gas fuel engine (CNG)

CNG introduction
Research and test results on two similar vehicles’ exhaust emission under different driving conditions in the world, one
petrol-powered vehicle and other one NG vehicle indicates that the pollutants emission from the NGV is less as illus-
trated in the graph above without replacing the exhaust catalytic converters.
6 Using NG will results no pollutants such as soot, and suspended particles in the air which causes lung troubles and
allergy such as asthma.
One of the particular advantages of NGV compare to petrol or diesel-powered vehicle is producing less noise. Another
advantage is less explosion probability in vehicle accident because NG is thinner than air and in case of a leak it is
dispersed into the atmosphere with no harm to the environment. Normally NG pressurized canisters with 200 bar are
installed in the vehicles. The different volume and required number canister (tank) depending upon the vehicle engine
weight, size and volume are installed on the vehicles. A petrol tank in addition to the NG canister is installed on the bi-
fuel-powered vehicles, so the NGV travels more than petrol-powered vehicles.

Engine compartment

9 2 3 7 5 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 1
4 1 10 6 8

Improved Engine Compartment Bosch Engine Compartment Part

Part (Equipped with CNG) (Equipped with CNG)
1- Radiator fluid overflew tank 1- Gas regulator (high pressure)
2- Battery 2- Gas stop solenoid valve
3- Brake fluid tank 3- Gas pressure sensor 6
4- Coil 4- Gas hose (low pressure)
5- Gas stop solenoid valve 5- Battery
6- Regulator 6- Brake fluid tank
7- Gas fuel distributer 7- Coil
8- Gas fuel low pressure pipe 8- Radiator fluid overflew tank
9- Oil gauge 9- Gas fuel distributer
10- Inertia switch 10- Inertia switch

Instrument Panel

4 8

6 1

2 7 5
9 3
Front display
1- Speedometer
2- Engine thermometer
3- Digital odometer and trip odometer and CNG fuel level
6 4- Water overheat alarm light
5- Trip odometer resetting button
6- Engine tachometer
7- Fuel gage indicator
8- Fuel gage warning light
9- Fuel gage pointer

Whenever this indicator is on, the vehicle is in gas combustion situation and when it is off the vehicle is in petrol
combustion state.

Instrument Panel

4 8

6 1

2 7 5
9 3

Front display
1- Speedometer
2- Engine thermometer
3- Digital odometer and trip odometer and CNG fuel level
4- Water overheat alarm light 6
5- Trip odometer resetting button
6- Engine tachometer
7- Fuel gage indicator
8- Fuel gage warning light
9- Fuel gage pointer

Whenever this indicator is on, the vehicle is in gas combustion situation and when it is off the vehicle is in petrol
combustion state.

Fuel Status Changing Key

Fuel Status Changing Key Automotive Performance Using from gas to petrol and vice versa by
In injector gas combustion vehicle the Gas and Petrol pressing the fuel status switch. How-
fuel status changing key is in “Push Due to the fact that performance with ever changing the fuel status is appli-
button” format. By each time of press- the gas fuel is preferable, the system cable when the engine heat reaches
6 ing it upwardly and a proper pausing performance manner has embed- to proper temperature and the fuel in
you can change the automotive fuel ded in a way that the automotive is petrol/gas tank is of enough content.
position. This key is placed on the always start up in petrol-based status If the automotive is working under
dashboard. and then in case of achievement of gas-based status and the gas is fin-
the required conditions (e.g. tem- ished, then the engine management
perature…) it may automatically be system changes the status to petrol-
changed such status to gas-based. based automatically. If automotive is
The status of the consuming fuel type working under petrol-based status
at anytime is informed to the driver and the petrol is low then such sys-
using the fuel status indicator em- tem changes the status to gas-based
bedded on the instrument panel. Also automatically, in this case there is still
the driver may change the fuel status some fuel remained in fuel tank.

Fuel Status Changing Key

Engine control unit (ECU) keeps such An important point regarding the
amount of fuel for the next start-ups, type of fuel
so that in next start-ups enough petrol The respectable owners of this auto-
could be furnished. It should be men- motive shall be aware that it is nec-
tioned that changing the fuel status is essary to use petrol and gas alterna-
performed when there is enough fuel tively. If the automotive works either
in gas/petrol tank. with gas or petrol for a long time, then
it may get trouble with the injectors
and other components. So it is neces-
sary not to drive the car using a single
fuel type for more than 1000Km, and
after traversing 1000Km by one type
of fuel, the other fuel shall be used at
least one full tank.

CNG Tank Content Indicator

CNG Tank Content Indicator standard pressure, so the content of Consuming fuel type indicator
The fuel tank level digital indicator is the gas pressure and volume might Fuel status indicator is shown in the
observable in instrument panel be- not be fixed and it might turn off soon- symbol of the tank and the CNG ex-
side where the odometer is placed. er than the expecting desired time. In pression on the front display. While
6 This indicator is shown in the form of this case there is no problem in the the automotive is using gas the in-
cylindrical charts and with five levels display system or over consumption dicator light is on, and when the au-
of 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, empty and full. In case of gas, and they are working normally. tomotive is using petrol the indicator
of running out of gas the CNG fuel light is off.
content indicator starts blinking. (The
numeral which is seen underneath is
related with the distance taken by the
Due to the fact that at some of the
CNG feeding stations and sometimes
because of technical reasons, the
feeding gas pressure differs from the

Fuel Charge

CNG Cylinder Safety Points - To access the tanks valves you need Fuel charge
The CNG tanks are designed with to open the trunk lid and remove the The fuel charge procedure is as fol-
high safety factors, and in order to trunk carpet. lows:
make sure the proper operation of the - The Cylinders must be periodically - Turn off the engine.
tanks and their high pressure pipes controlled by authorized stations ev- 6
and fittings, periodic controls must be ery three years. - Open the filler valve knob.
applied to them. So it is important for - As the eventually leakage is lead to - The station operator will put the spe-
the owner to pay attentions to follow- the outside by the conditioner chan- cial fuel charging equipment on the
ing points: nel, in order to prevent gathering gas proper place and it will fill the tank.
- The Cylinder must not be scratched inside the vehicle, make sure the - After fuel charging, close the valve
by any objects placed in the vehicle rectitude of the followings: The well knob in its seat, tightly.
trunk. condition and correct conjunction of
- The Cylinder safeguard must be the hoses and gas filler valve washer,
controlled every six month to check tightening of the bracket hoses locat-
if there is any looseness due to the ed in the trunk.

Correct Assembling of the Hoses and Brackets

The correct way of assembling the

hoses filler seal washer and brackets
is shown on the figure.

Safety Points and Necessities

Safety Points and Necessities in Bi-fuel-powered Vehicle

The general cares which the drivers must perform during fuel charge are:

a) General safety factors for bi-fuel-powered vehicle users

- If you smelt gas particularly early in the morning and before starting the engine, fasten the safety valves fitted on both
tanks and use petrol to drive the vehicle to the nearest authorized agent.
- If gas smell is sensed clearly, tow or push the vehicle out of the confined space to open area. In this condition, no con-
sumption sources must be activated, no electric switches must be turned off or on and the engine must not be ignited.

Note: If there were any gas smell, the vehicle door must be opened with extensive cares because the doors switches
and related lights or battery disconnection may result in sparks.

- It is recommended to use anti freeze in all seasons, otherwise the CNG system and the engine parts and components
may damage.
b) Safety factors during fuel charge
- The engine must be turned off before charging.
- The driver should come out of the vehicle and allow the operator to charge the gas.
- The driver should make sure that the filler valve is closed.

2- Kit safety points:

- Due to the high pressure gas in the bi-fuel-powered vehicle and system components sensibility to any defect, the
owner must be familiar with the kit components safety points and review the safety points stated in the manual and
refers to the nearest authorized agent for troubleshooting in case of any problem.

Safety Points and Necessities

The followings are some of the problems which can be identified by the driver:
a) Safety points about high pressure gas pipes, filler caps and fittings
The driver must review the information quoted on the label near filler. The information is:
- Gas type which is CNG
- Tank expiry date
- System service pressure
In case of damages in fuel pipes, consult to authorized agent for replacement. (Repairing the damaged fuel pipe is
Refer to the nearest authorized agent if either of the followings are observed on high pressure pipes and fittings:
- In case of any corrosion, erosion, wears and damages due to impact on the tank fitting and other high pressure fit-
- In case of tank bolts atrophy due to tension, cracks on tank body, room or tank’s frame metals erosion and…
- In case of erosion, twisting and damaging of gas pipe cover and flexible hoses.
The aforesaid points are controlled once a year by authorized agents.
6 To prevent dust or liquid or other external particles penetration into the tank, the filler valve cap must be fastened on its
place after fuel charging. Regarding to the above points, the following about the gas discharging security instrument,
must be controlled periodically:
Any operation which generates heats such as welding that are performed near the high pressure pipe and fittings must
not increase the high pressure pipes and fittings temperature higher than the surrounding temperature; otherwise the
insulation cover must be used.
Refer to the nearest authorized agent in case of observing any cracks or holes on the plastic pipes. If the vehicle is not
going to use CNG for long time under any reason, the CNG system main shut off valve must be turned off. To prevent
gas accumulation as the result of gas pipe damages such as rupture or bend, the gas flew of each tank must be com-
pletely stopped by shutting off individual tank valve.

Safety Points and Necessities

b) Safety Necessities About Discharging Gas Pressure Instrument

The high pressure gas system is equipped with the following safety mechanism to prevent pressure increase more than
standard pressure of 260 bars:
- Safety discharging device fitted inside the tank for prevention of pressure increscent in excess of standard comprises
of the following mechanism:
- Pressure sensitive plate
- Temperature sensitive part
- Gas flew control, which is a device for shutting off the CNG flew if the pressure increases due to CNG leak to atmo-
sphere as the result of high pressure pipes damages.

C) Safety points about pressure reducer (Regulator)

- It is necessary to control the regulator movement or looseness monthly.
- In case of severe pressure drop the temperature at regulator boundary will drop severely too. Refer to the nearest
authorized agent, if regulator body freezes after starting the engine on which it is due to insufficient circulation or cut
off the regulator heating fluid. 6
- Since the regulators warm up by the radiator water flows around the head cylinder, you should use standard anti freez-
ing which won’t have negative effects on the regulator function.
- The regulator should not be supported by the gas pipes connected to it. Refer to the nearest authorized agent in case
of any deformity in the gas pipe connected to the regulator or if gas pipes and its supporting clamps are freed from
each others.

Safety Points and Necessities

- In case of any looseness in the solenoid valve connection or other fittings of gas pipes and hoses, refer to the nearest
authorized agent.

d) Other Important Safety Points

- The washing liquid must not be poured on the electric connections and CNG system equipment when washing the
- Gas tanks and their supporting straps must be controlled for any damages. Refer to the authorized agent in case of
any damages to the tank assembly.
- Gas tank must be controlled individually, and they must be controlled for proper installation.
- The leak test of pipes and hoses must be done with soap and water in order to find any defect in pipes and hoses
such as wear, tear, deterioration and erosions.
- In severe car crash or accidents the gas tank may get separated from its holding straps or its gas pipe. In this case
take the vehicle to the authorized agent for controlling the tank.
- The tank must be strapped firmly on its place, and there should be no looseness or loosen nuts and bolts.
6 - Thee straps must be bolted to the body firmly and in proper place.

Safety Points and Necessities

- The fuel pipes and drain pipes must be firmly connected and fitted on the vehicle.
- The rubber washer under the straps must not be twist or deformed and they should be fitted properly on their places.
- consult to the authorized agent if the valve or safety connecting pipes or pressure discharging device or tank is dam-
- If you sniffed gas smell around the tank or gas pipe, refer to the authorized agent for checking.
- The tank surface must be completely smooth and there should be no dip on it.
- Files must not be used to remove rust on tank surface.
- Never pour acidic liquid on the tank surface because they damage the paint and consequently the metallic tank will
erode and the composite tank resin will be damaged.
- Although there is a carpet in the trunk, be careful when carrying acidic materials not to damage the tanks.

Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection

Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection

Observe the followings while using the gas- consumption vehicle:
By observing these simple points, in addition to preventing dangerous events, you will increase the vehicle life time:
The points to be inspected are:
1- Gas leakage from tank and joints
2- Perforation or cracks on the plastic pipe surface
3- Tightness of the electrical components connectors such as shut off valve and etc.
4- Fuses intactness
5- Tightness of the regulator connection point, refuel valve, electrical valve and high pressure pipes.

CNG System Repairs

CNG system repairs

Pay attention to the following points, for periodic control and while driving the bi-fuel-powered vehicle:
- Valve adjustment
- Inspection of plugs and sparking cable
- Idle speed controlling (operation control inspection) and respective parts
- Engine operation control while using petrol with particular attention to Lambda sensor
- Reading errors code
- Controlling hoses clamps
- Controlling electric connections
- Controlling negative electric connection
- Controlling part’s clamps
- Controlling gas tank leakage
- Controlling air suction
- Controlling pressure reducer operation

The above points should be performed by authorized agent of SAIPA YADAK Company not by the owner.

Primary System Troubleshooting

Inspect the followings if the automobile does not work under CNG status:
- Whether there is enough gas in the CNG tank?
- Whether there is enough petrol for starting up in petrol status?
- Whether the fuses are intact?
- Avoid applying fuses except for items recommended, because this will result in conking out of ECU.
- In case of any failure in the gas combustion system while driving, inspect whether such failure occurs in petrol com-
bustion status.
- If all above points was controlled and there were still any defect, consult just with the authorized agent and do not
repair the defect yourself or unauthorized agents because this will result to invalidity of the guarantee.

Periodic Service

period Operation Travel [km]

Three Two One Six 100000 50000 30000 15000
years Years Year month [Km] [Km] [Km] [km]
* system leak test
* Gas filler valve washer inspection *
* Gas tank guard inspection *
* Gas tank inspection *


The gas tank life time is 15 years and after this time they should be replaced.

It is necessary to use tires with 40 psi (equal to 275kpa) maximum tolerable pressure for bi-fuel-powered vehicle.


Vehicle maintenance and guarantee
- Brake system maintenance ……………………..........................………. 136
- Clutch adjustments ………………………………..........................……....138
- Power steering maintenance ……………………........................………..139
- Owner services ……………………………………...........................……..144
- Engine compartment ………………………………...........................…….145 Vehicle maintenance
- Engine oil and oil filter …………………………….............................…….146
- Engine cooling system …………………………...........................………..148
- Checking windshield washer fluid level …………...........................……..152
- Replacing wipers blades ……………………...............................………..153
- Battery maintenance …………………………………................................154
- Tires maintenance ……………………………………............................…156
- Replacing lamps ……………………………………….............................. 162
- Changing oils ……………………………………………............................ 166
- Vehicle body maintenance ……………………………..........................… 167
- Vehicle internal trimming maintenance ………….……............................170
Braking System Maintenance

Brake fluid inspection

Check the brake fluid level, the fluid
level inside the tank should be between Use merely standard brake fluid.
MIN and MAX. Add fluid up to MAX
Do not mix different branch of brake
level, if the level is just under or above
fluid together.
the MIN, or if the fluid warming lamp is
turned on.
Clean the tank cap in order to avoid en- Warning
tering unused materials, before adding
fluid. Brake fluid is poisonous and it should
Note that the brake fluid level may de- be kept in a caped container and out
Braking System Maintenance
crease after travelling long distance. of reach of children. Call to the doc-
Inspecting brake booster operation:
Refer to the authorized agent if the tor if the brake fluid was swallowed.
Test the performance of brake booster
level in the tank was too low or if the
according to the following:
tank needed to be charged in short time
1-push the brake pedal several times Note
and then keep it down and start the en-
gine. After igniting the engine, the brake Be careful not to drip the brake fluid
pedal comes up slowly. Environment and vehicle onto the hot engine since it is flam-
7 mable.
2-push the brake pedal and stop the en-
gine. Keep the pedal down for 30 sec- Brake fluid is a synthesis com-
onds in this time, pedal doesn’t move. pound, which most part of it is the
3-start the engine again and let it works enteric poly glycol compounds. Note
for 2 minutes. Now push the brake Therefore, never pour it on the
pedal more times. Pedal’s movement Brake fluid damages paints, so if
soil and through the water. spilled on the vehicle wipe up with a
should reduce after each pushing. Oth-
erwise there is malfunction in brake clean fabric and wash the part with
system and you should refer to autho- water and vehicle shampoo.
rized agent of SAIPA YADAK Company.
Braking System Maintenance

Brake pedal clearance inspection (without mat and carpet), should be

To measure the brake pedal clear- 61mm minimum, otherwise refer to
ance, turn off the engine and push the the authorized agent.
brake pedals few times with your foot.
Then push down the brake pedal with Parking brake inspection
your hand until you feel a slight reac- Note that the parking brake should
tion. Call to the authorized agent if the hold the vehicle on the very steep
pedal clearance is less than 4mm or road. 7
more than 7mm. Pull up the parking brake slowly and
count the clicking. The number should
Brake pedal maximum travel be between 5 to 7 otherwise refer to
Start the engine and inspect the brake the authorized agent.
pedal travel as follows:
Press down the brake pedal as far as
it travels. The distance between the
pressed pedals and the bear floor

Clutch Adjustment

Clutch pedal clearance check Clutch pedal height check

Push down the clutch pedal with your Measure the distance between top
Environment and vehicle
hand until you feel a reaction. The surface of the clutch pedal and the
Brake lining/ clutch facing
clutch pedal clearance should be floor as shown in the figure. It should
Though the SAIPA products obey
between 9-15mm. If the clearance not be more than 213mm and less
the forbidden law of using the ma-
is more or less than the above, refer than 208 mm otherwise, refer to the
terials, which have asbestos, and by
to the authorized agent to adjust the authorized agent.
7 using the brake linings/clutch fac-
ings that have the replaced fibers
unfortunately non-authorized brake
linings/clutch facing are available in
nongovernmental markets. There-
fore, it is better to buy brake linings/
clutch facings from an authorized
dealer or pay attention to the “free
Asbestos” phrase on these parts.

Power Steering Maintenance
Necessary information: necessary information label is placed under the engine hood.

(Hydraulic Power Steering)

Appropriate lubricant oil used in hydraulic power steering
2- PSF – III
Required volume: 875cc

The oil level should be checked by the gauge bar fitted on
the oil reservoir cap at engine is OFF. The oil level should be
between L and H mark on the gauge bar.
Refer to vehicle manual for oil change or control.
The hydraulic power steering is not function with engine OFF.

Never hold the steering wheel to either complete left or right 7

more than 5 second when the vehicle is parked with the engine
is ON.

Refer to Saipa Company authorized dealership if the system is


Power Steering Maintenance

High pressure
Low pressure line

Power Steering Maintenance

Authorized oil
for power seeing

Authorized oil Oil level either complete right or left more

The followings are authorized oil for The required oil volume is 875cc. than five seconds while the acci-
power seeing system: Note dent happened andthe vehicle is
1- DEXPRON-II parked with engine in on situation.
2-PSF-III 1- The oil level should be checked 5- Refer to the authorized SAIPA
by the gauge bar fitted on the oil res- YADAK Company in case of any
ervoir cap at engine off. The level problem in power steering opera- 7
should be between L and H mark on tion.
the gauge.
2- The power steering does not op-
erate while the engine is off. Note
3- In case of malfunctioning the
power steering, the normal steering The power steering oil should not
works but you should apply extra contain any dust or external par-
force. ticle, since they may harm the power
4- Never hold the steering wheel to steering system severely.

Power Steering Maintenance

Component case Belt situation

1- High pressure fluid pipe 1- Crankshaft pulley
2- Tank 2- Air conditioner compressor
3- Suction pipe 3- Belt*
4- Hydraulic pump

* Belt specification: 4PK930

Power Steering Maintenance

Checking power steering fluid level

Note Environment and vehicle
The power steering fluid level must
be checked periodically. To do so, To protect the hydraulic pump from Grease, lubricants
turn off the engine and stop the ve- damage, do not drive for a long pe- Grease and lubricants are consisted
hicle on a flat surface. riod of time the vehicle whose power of elements such as sodium, cal-
Check the power steering fluid res- steering fluid level is low. cium, aluminum, barium and cop-
ervoir level. This must be between L Only use the specified power fluid per. In order to increase the ability
and H indicator level installed on the (refer to the section of power steer- of grease in reducing the wear, the
fluid reservoir cap. ing fluids in the current chapter). compound of disulphide molybde-
Penetration of any dust and particles num is added to it. Therefore, be
Before adding the power steering in to the power steering fluid reser- careful about the leakage.
fluid, clean completely the power fluid voir cause serious damage in the
reservoir cap and the area around it power steering system.
to protect from its contamination.
If the power steering fluid level is
low, add the fluid in to the reservoir
until the H level. If you need to add
hydraulic oil continuously, consult an 7
authorized SAIPA YADAK company
agent for inspection of the vehicle.

Vehicle’s owner responsibility

Vehicle’s owner responsibility Vehicle’s owner responsibility

The following items are a collection of *At least per month check the follow-
inspections and investigations which When driving the vehicle notice ing items:
must be carried out by the vehicle’s the followings - The engine coolant level inside its
owner or an expert mechanic at the - Notice to any change in exhaust tank.
mentioned time intervals (related to noise or smell in exhaust gases. - The proper function of vehicle’s ex-
vehicle’s type) to have a safe and - check any vibration of steering terior lamps such as brake, signal,
comfortable driving. If you have any wheel. and flasher lamps
trouble, consult immediately an au- - Reduction or increase in required - The power steering fluid level.
thorized SAIPA YADAK agent or an power to turn steering wheel (Be - The engine oil level.
expert mechanic to get help. The careful to the direction change of - The brake fluid level.
maintenance costs are not covered steering wheel from straight ahead.).
by the vehicle guaranty. The costs of - When stopping the vehicle no- *At least two times every year
services, parts, and oil will be charged tice if there is any abnormal noise, (such as spring and fall) check the
to the vehicle’s owner. dragging the vehicle to one side, following items:
increasing the pedal movement or - The function of windshield wiper
pedal tightness. blades (clean the wiper blades by a
7 - If there is any change in the trans- piece of cloth soaked in the washer
mission performance, check the fluid.).
transmission oil level. - The proper function and proper
- Check the parking brake function. place of safety belts.
- Check any leakage from the ve- - Tire wheel situations
(Notice that the dripping water drops
from A/C system is normal after us-
ing it).

Engine Compartment

7 5 4 3 6 2 1

Engine compartment guide

(equipped with injector system)
1- Engine coolant reservoir
2- Battery
3- Brake oil tank
4- Radiator cap
5- Engine oil fill cap
6- Windshield tank-washer 7
7- Engine oil level dipstick

Engine Oil and Filter

Only use the right kind of engine oil

Environment and vehicle
(refer to the section of recommended
oils in this chapter). Engine oil
- Prevent environment pollution by
Warning furthered replacement of the engine
- Long term used engine oil con-
- The engine oil color is not the only
tact with the skin can cause cancer.
criteria for defining its quality and re-
Therefore, after touching the used
engine oil wash your hands up with
- The base of many engine oils is the
soap and water.
Engine oil level check crude oil. So conserve the resources
- Keep away the engine oil from the
1- Stop the vehicle on a flat surface. by optimized consumption.
children access.
2- Start the engine until its tempera- - Be careful about the leakage when
ture reaches at normal working tem- replacing the engine oil. Avoid pour-
perature. ing the used oil on the soil and
3- Turn off the engine and wait until through the water.
the oil drains back in to the oil pan.
7 4- Pull out the dipstick and clean it,
then push it back in all the way.
5- Pull out the dipstick again checks
the oil level. The oil level must be be-
tween marks F and L. If the oil level is
at L or close to it add enough engine
oil until its level stays at F. Notice that
do not add too much oil.

Engine Oil and Filter

Changing Engine oil and filter 10- Start the engine and check if Pay attention that consumable oil
The time intervals of the engine oil there is any oil leakage around the O- should be the definite quality grade.
change and the air filter should be ring of oil filter.
according to the scheduled mainte- 11- Check the oil level and if it is re- Note
nance of the vehicle explained in the quired fill the oil until it reaches at F
current chapter. level. - Although the oil filters may be iden-
1- Start the engine for several min- tical in appearance, their internal de-
utes and then turn it off open the en- Caution sign can be different. These kinds of
gine oil fill cap. filters cannot be used instead.
2- Remove the oil fill cap and open Both the engine and its oil are hot, To protect engine from damage, use
the drain screw, drain the oil in to suit- be cautioned do not injure yourself. only the specified filter (consult an
able pot. authorized SAIPA YADAK agent).
3- Open the oil filter using the special Note
-Follow carefully the instructions. If
tool. you do not install the oil filter prop-
4- Clean the assembling location of Be careful the O-ring of old oil filter to erly, the oil will leakage and this will
oil filter with a piece of fabric. be removed. Otherwise it may cause damage the engine.
5- Soak the new O-ring in the engine the oil leakage and engine damage.
oil. 7
6- Tighten the drain screw after com-
pletely draining the oil.
7- Install the oil filter using the special
8- Fill the new oil into the engine until
its level reaches at ‘F’. Be careful do
not add oil more than specified limit.
9- Tighten carefully the oil fill cap.

Engine Cooling System

Engine Cooling System

The engine cooling system is pres-
surized and it has a reservoir con- Removing Radiator Cap
taining all season anti-freeze coolant. - Do not remove the radiator cap
Check the cooling system coolant when the engine is on at all. This can
level, before winter time and traveling damage the cooling system and the
cold weather areas. engine itself. Also, emitting of water
vapor can cause serious injuries.
To remove the radiator cap:
- First turn off the engine and wait
until it cools down. When removing
the radiator cap be precautious.
- Use a thick towel to remove the ra-
diator cap by gently turning it coun-
ter-clockwise to open the first step.
- Wait until the internal pressure of
the radiator reduces and no emis-
7 sion of coolant occurs.
Push down the radiator cap using
the thick towel and turn it all the way
counter-clock wise to remove.

Engine Cooling System

Checking engine coolant level If the coolant level is low, add enough Changing engine coolant
Check all the fittings and hoses of coolant until its level reaches at MAX Follow the scheduled maintenance
cooling system and replace the de- level. period of the vehicle regarding chang-
fected and deformed hoses. Be careful do not add more coolant ing the engine coolant.
The coolant level when the engine is than the specified MAX level. - Use unsalted water to mix up with
cold must be full in the radiator and If the coolant level reduces continu- the coolant.
between MAX and MIN marks inside ously, consult an authorized SAIPA - Since there are aluminum parts
the coolant reservoir. YADAK agent for inspection of the used in your vehicle, to protect them 7
cooling system circuit. from erosion use coolant with ethyl-
ene glycol base.

Engine Cooling System

- never use alcohol and methanol in Anti-freeze Note

the coolant at all and do not mix up Boiling Freezing volume per-
them with the coolant. point °C point °C centage in The values listed in the table are re-
- Do not use a solution with more than the water lated to the anti-freezes which have
60% or lower than 35% of anti-freeze. glycol base. Using anti-freezes are
Otherwise, the coolant will not func- 101 -4 10
recommended both for winter and
tion properly. 102 -7 17
summer times. The mixture of 50
- To see the anti-freeze effect on the 103 -10 ~ -11 25 percent water and 50 percent anti-
coolant properly refers to the table. freeze as the engine coolant also
105 -17 ~ -18 33
108 -36 ~ -37 50 recommended.
111 -50 ~ -52 60

Engine Cooling System

1- Remove the radiator cap (as it ex- ethylene glycol base according to the After several days driving check the
plained before) by turning it counter- manufacturer’s instructions. coolant system and add coolant if re-
clockwise. 5- While the radiator cap is open quired.
2- Loosen the drain screw of the ra- start the engine and let it run in the
diator to evacuate the coolant in to a idle condition. If it is required, add the
suitable pot. coolant gently.
3- While the drain screw is open let 6- Now, wait the engine to reach its
water flow in to the coolant system. normal temperature. 7
4- After completely evacuating the Press the accelerator two or three
coolant system, tighten the drain times and add the coolant as re-
screw. quired. Be careful not to be burned.
Add the required amount of water and 7- Tighten the radiator cap and in-
ethylene glycol mixture to protect the spect all the fittings if there is any
system from erosion and icing. leakage.
In the cold weather terrain use the 8- Check the coolant level inside the
specified amount of anti-freeze with coolant reservoir again.

Checking Windshield Washer Fluid Level

Check the windshield washer fluid

level inside its reservoir and add the
fluid if required. Do not use coolant inside the radia-
If you do not have washer fluid use tor as washer fluid, in the washer
clean water. If the weather is cold and fluid reservoir.
there is a possibility of freezing use If the coolant inside the radiator is
a solution with anti-freeze property as sprayed on the windshield, it will se-
7 washer fluid. verely reduce the driver vision and
cause lack of vehicle control, result-
ing in an accident. Also coolant can
damage the body and trim of the ve-

Replacing Windshield Wiper Blades

Direction of
pulling the

Plastic clamp

Replacing windshield wiper blades Pull the windshield wipers arms from Wiper arm maintenance
When the windshield wipers do not the windshield and turn it so that its
clean the windshield properly, first plastic clamp is visible. Press the Note
clean windshield then clean and wash clamp and slid the blade toward the
wiper blades with water and cleaning windshield, then pull it out from the If the windshield is not cleaned by
materials and check wiper blades wiper arm. wipers properly, clean the windshield
function again. If windshield wipers Be careful about the wipers arms and wiper blades with a suitable de-
do not clean the windshield properly must not fell on the windshield. tergent and wash it with water. 7
the wiper blades may have crack or To protect the wiper blades from
torn. In this case, replace the wiper damage, do not allow gas oil, kero-
blades. sene, thinner, and other solutions to
To prevent from damaging the wip- touch them.
ers arms and the other parts of the
wipers, do not move them manually.

Battery Maintenance

Battery - If you are working in a place where

Environment and vehicle
Before working on the battery, notice the battery is stored, make sure its
to the following instructions. ventilation system is active. Battery
- Keep away any cigarette, fire, and - When carrying a battery with plastic One of the most important pollution
spark from the battery. body, be cautious not to apply pres- of vehicle battery is lead and sulfu-
- Hydrogen gas is strictly flammable. sure on its body. This may cause acid ric acid. Therefore, you should not
This gas is generated in each cell of leakage which may injure you skin. leave the used and old batteries in
the battery continuously and it will ex- - When the battery cables are con- the environment. You should give
plode in case of fire. nected do not charge the battery. them to the authorized stations.
- If your eyes touch with the electro-
lyte, wash them at least for fifteen
minutes with water and consult a doc-
tor for treatment. If it is possible use
a wet towel or sponge to clean your
eyes before getting medical aids.
- If your skin touches the electrolyte of
the battery, wash it totally with water.
7 If you feel any pain or burning, consult
immediately for medical treatment.
- Keep away the battery out of reach
children due to sulfuric acid inside it.
- Be careful the acid of the bat-
tery does not touch your skin, eyes,
clothes, or any painted part.
- Use safety goggles when charging
or working near the battery.

Battery Maintenance

Battery maintenance hicle.

- Fix the battery firmly and safely in -It is recommended that in summer
its place. time and when using A/C, check the Consult an authorized SAIPA YA-
- Keep the battery completely dry and water level of the battery and add dis- DAK company agent, if the battery
clean. tilled water if required. becomes discharged or appearing
- Be careful the terminals and connec- any abnormal indications
tions of the battery to be clean firm.
- If there is electrolyte on the battery 7
terminals, wash it immediately with
- If you do not want to use the vehicle
for a long time, disconnect the posi-
tive and negative cables of the bat-
- Check the electrolyte level of the
battery initially installed on your ve-

Taking Care of Tires and Wheels

Taking care of tires Tire pressure Notice that the recommended tire
To use the vehicle properly and safely It is necessary to check the pressure pressure must be followed to drive
and also to increase fuel economy, of all the tires including the spare tire safely and to have minimum wearing
always adjust the tires pressure and every month. Measure the tires pres- of the tires.
follow the loading limit. sure when they are cold. (This means All the information regarding the tire
that the vehicle is not driven last three size and pressure is written on a tag
hours or the driving distance is lower attached on the lower part of front
7 than 1.5 kilometers.). door sealing edge as shown in the

Taking Care of Tires and Wheels

Tires and wheels wear in the tire middle part, and more
Pay attention to the followings about likely of overturn.
the tire pressure:
- The warm tire pressure is more than Warning
the cold one. Therefore, do not use
The tire pressure more or less than
warm tire adjust its pressure. Other-
the recommended limit reduces the
wise, after cooling the pressure will
tire life time and causes bad han-
be lower than the specified limit.
dling of the vehicle in driving. Also, it
- If the tire pressure becomes lower
can cause tire cut or blow up result-
than the specified limit, the wear
ing in loose of the vehicle control.
rate of the tire and the fuel consulta-
tion will increase and the control of
the vehicle will be difficult. Also, low Environment and vehicle
press tire can explode and its sealing
with ring will not be enough. If the tire Tire
pressure becomes much lower than If only one of the vehicle tires has
the minimum specified value, it will pressure drop, say 6 psi (0.4 bar ap-
cause deformation of wheel or sepa- proximately), and the others have 7
ration of tire. Therefore, keep the tire standard pressure, the fuel con-
pressure in the specified limit. If the sumption increases to 3% and the
tire pressure continuously reduces, life of that tire would decreases.
consult an authorized SAIPA YADAK You can reduce the fuel consump-
agent or a puncture workshop. tion to 6% by regulating the tire pres-
- The tire pressures more than the sure.
specified limit causes knocking when
driving, difficulty in vehicle control,

Tires and Wheels Maintenance

Tire rotation If you see any above mentioned indi-

To keep uniform wear of the tires, it cations, replace the tires.
is recommended that rotate the tires After rotating the tires, check their Rotate radial tires that have an
every 10.000 kilometers driving. pressure to be adjusted at the speci- asymmetric tread pattern or a di-
If there is unusual wear, rotate the fied limit and tighten their nuts. rected one, with the tire in the same
tires as soon as possible. Check tire Whenever you rotate the tires, check side.
balances after rotating. Also check the wear of brake linings.
7 to see if there is non-uniform wear.
Mostly, unusual wear occurs due to
unsuitable tire pressure, misalign-
ment of the wheels and unbalancing
the tires, sudden brakes or sharp
turns, and hot rings.
Notice that there is no bump on the
tread or both sides of the tire.

Tires and Wheels Maintenance

Direction of vehicle
motion toward
Direction of vehicle motion toward

Wheel alignment and tire balanc- In the vehicles with directional tread
ing tires, the tires should be installed
In addition to setting tire pressure, When replacing the tires, do not use such that the direction of tread stays
alignment the wheels reduces the tire different kinds of tires simultaneous- at the same direction of vehicle mo-
wear. Wheel alignment of the vehicle ly (such as radial, bias and …) and tion toward the front. In this condition
must be carried out every 24 months be careful all the four tires of the ve- when you look at the vehicle from
or every 20.000 kilometers. hicle to be at the same size, design, the front, you will see tread as V or
Your tires were balanced in the fac- Y shape. 7
and type. Only use the tires recom-
tory, but they might need rebalancing. mended by the factory.
If you notice vibration while driving,
take your vehicle to an authorized
SAIPA YADAK company agent for in-
spection of the wheels.
Any time you pull out the tire from
the ring, you have to balance the tire

Tires and Wheels Maintenance

Replacing wheels
When replacing the wheels ensure
Note Caution
that they have the diameter, width, - Using any type or size of tire other If the wheel size is not proper, it can
external projection from the body, and than the one recommended by the undesirably affect the wheel life time
other specifications according to the factory can strongly affect driving, and its ball bearings, the brakes
factory recommendations. the vehicle control, the gap size of power and applying the brakes, ve-
the vehicle from the surface, and the hicle handling, and vehicle space
mileage accuracy. from the surface, the tire gap from
- Driving with worn tires is very dan- the body, the tire chain gap from the
gerous due to reduction of brakes body, mileage accuracy, beam direc-
power, steering wheel accuracy, and tion of head lamps, and the bumpers
traction. height.
- The best procedure of replacing
tires is replacing them simultane-
ously for all four wheels. If it is im-
possible to do so, replace front tires
and rear tires simultaneously.
7 Notice that replacing only one tire
can greatly affect the vehicle driving

Tires and Wheels Maintenance

1)Manufacturer trade mark

2)Production date xxxx

Tire service life Tire change time and wear indicators When the tiers and their crowns and
The time of tires making is engraved Tires fitted on the vehicle have wear sidewalls to find distortions (espe-
on the tire’s edge by 4 digits number.2 indicators molded into the tread pat- cially lumps and cuts), they must be
digits in left indicate week of making tern at several points around the replaced untimely.
time and 2 digits in right indicate year circumference. When the tread has
of making time. worn down, the indicators will come
For example: 3010 means 30th week to the surface of the tread pattern.
of making time in 2010 The wear indicators in the pattern 7
In a general rule a tire life time is not show when the tires has reached its
more than 6 years (even that tire ap- safety limit. For safety it must be re-
pearance is well) and do not drive by placed.
this tire spare tire include of this rule.

Bulbs Replacement

Front fog lamp* Fender indicator lamp Room lamp

For replacing this lamp, bring out the Remove the room lamp lens by
lamp from the out part of the bumper screwdriver and replace the lamp. Af-
as shown in the figure. ter replacing the lamp, put the lens on
1) Close its place.
2) Open

* According to car model.

Bulbs Replacement

Rear lamp for SAIPA 111 Rear lamp for SAIPA 131 and Rear lamp for SAIPA 141
Replace the lamp by opening the rear SAIPA 132 Replace the lamp by opening the rear
lamp cover placed in the trunk, ac- Replace the lamp by opening the rear lamp cover placed in the trunk. Tight-
cording to the figure. lamp cover placed in the trunk. Tight- en the rear lamp set after replacing.
en the rear lamp set after replacing.

Bulbs Replacement

License plate lamp for SAIPA 132 License plate lamp for SAIPA 111, Rear fog lamp 111
Remove the license plate lamp lens SAIPA 131 and SAIPA 141 Extract the rear fog lamp lens after
by a screwdriver and then replace the Remove the license plate lamp lens opening the screws and replace the
lamp. Put the lens on its place after by a screwdriver and then replace the lamp.
replacing the lamp. lamp. Put the lens on its place after
replacing the lamp.

Bulbs Replacement

Front lamp for SAIPA 111 and SAI- Front lamp for SAIPA 131 and Third stop lamp
PA 132 SAIPA 141 Extract the third stop lamp assembly
Refer to the authorized agent for re- Refer to the authorized agent for re- from the fifth door after opening the
placing this lamp. placing this lamp. rear nuts of this lamp and replace it.

Oils Replacement

Recommended oils Lubricant/Applica-

Note Fluid type
To have an engine and power train tion
with a proper performance, constant Using the oil with qualified spe- API service: SG
Engine oil
power, and long life time, only use cifically and changing it periodically 20W50
good quality engine oil. This improves causes increasing engine compo- API service:GL4- GL5
Transmission fluid
the engine efficiency and fuel econo- nent life time and preventing from SAE:75W80
my. The oils recommended here can damage. Therefore use the oil con- SAE J1703
Brake fluid
only be used in this vehicle. Dot 3
firmed by SAIPA with SAIPA logo
Notice to the viscosity numbers pro- which is set to IRAN air condition High temperature
posed by SAE standard in this table. grease
and is purchased in all authorized
SAIPA YADAK agents. *Power steering oil
Non-standard engine oil will dis-
pense the guaranty.

* According to car model.

Vehicle Body Protection

General Warning it is possible the dirt is not cleaned

Notice that following the manufactur- completely. In this case, use a mild
er’s recommendations the time of us- soap which is for vehicle washing. Washing the engine compartment
ing different detergents and polishing with water may cause some trouble
chemicals are most important. Note
in the electrical circuits. Therefore,
Take into account all the warnings For washing the vehicle body does be careful when washing the engine
and cautions written on the tags. not use strong soap, chemical de- compartment with water.
tergents, and hot water. Also do not
Vehicle body surface protection wash the vehicle in direct sunlight or
Washing Environment and vehicle
when the body is hot.
To protect the vehicle body from cor- Be careful that no detergent is left
rosion and damage, wash the vehicle Help the beauty of the urban envi-
on the vehicle body after washing ronment by cleaning the vehicle and
body with cold water at least one time the vehicle. For this reason, wash
per month. considering its paint.
the vehicle body surface with cold or Vehicle paint
Make sure to clean any dirt and dreg lukewarm water totally.
such as salt, mud, and so on. One of the most important pollution
Ensure that all the drain holes on the of the vehicle paint is chromium.
vehicle floor and on the lower edge of Therefore, be careful about leak- 7
the doors are cleaned. age to the soil and water when using
Insects, pitch, gum, bird dropping, paints especially in workshops.
and any other dirt must be cleaned
immediately from the vehicle body
surface. Otherwise, they can damage
the body.
If you wash the body surface with
plain water without using detergent,

Vehicle Body Protection

Body wax
Caution Note
Before waxing, wash the vehicle body
After washing the vehicle, while driv- and start waxing when there is no wa- - Cleaning dust and dirt with a dry
ing carefully and slowly apply the ter droplet left on the body. cloth from the body can cause
brake to check if its performance is Use solid or liquid polish with a better scratch on the body paint.
not affected by wet. If the brake lin- quality based on the manufacturer’s - Do not use wire brushes, corrosive
ings are wet, to dry them apply the recommendations. detergents, strong detergents with
brakes slowly while driving the ve- Polish all the metal parts of internal active chemicals, and aluminum an-
hicle at low speed. trim to protect their surfaces. ode parts for washing the vehicle.
Cleaning the oil, dirt, and so on from Otherwise, it is possible the protec-
the body by regular cleaning brushes tive coating and the paint to be dam-
may remove the polish from that part aged.
of the body. Therefore, make sure to
polish the cleaned parts of the body
(even though there is no need to pol-
ish the other parts).

Vehicle Body Protection

Vehicle body damage repair Cleaning underbody

Deep scratches or cuts on the sur- Although underbody is coated by
face paint of the vehicle must be re- anti-corrosion material, the corrosive After washing the vehicle you have
paired immediately. Otherwise, the materials on the roads to melt snow to drive slowly and apply the brake
parts without paint will be corroded and ice or to control the dust can to dry the brake linings.
and the growth of the corrosion depth cause rapid corrosion of fuel piping
will increase the repair costs. system, exhaust system, underbody
tray, and oil pan.
Note To prevent from this, wash underbody
every month and specially at the end
If your vehicle body is damaged and of winter with cold or lukewarm water.
it needs to be repaired, make sure Wash it more carefully because differ-
the corresponding body workshop to ent parts of underbody are not easily
apply the anti-corrosion coating on visible to detect the defected part.
the repaired or replaced parts. There are drain holes on the floor and
lower edge of the doors. They must
be kept open to easily drain the wa-
ter; otherwise the water can cause 7
Notice that if you do not dry and clean
the underbody, worse condition can

Protection of the Vehicle Interior Trims

General warning
Caution Note
Be careful not spill perfume or cos-
metic cream over the dashboard. Using no recommended detergents When cleaning the interior surface
This can cause damage the dash- or cleaning method can cause dam- of the rear window do not use a
board color. If anything spills over the age to the fabric and to its anti-fire sharp object or scratch it. This can
dashboard, clean it immediately. property. damage the element of the rear win-
Interior fabric trim dow defrost
First remove dust from fabric trim us- Cleaning vehicle windows
ing a broom or vacuum cleaner and If the vehicle windows’ surfaces are
then wipe the fabric by the special covered by a layer of grease, oil, or
carpet shampoo. polishing material, it can destroy the
Clean any stains from the fabric im- proper vision. The windows must be
mediately using stain removal deter- cleansed with a suitable glass clean-
gent. If you do not wipe out the stains er. To do so, follow the instructions
immediately from the fabric, they stay written on the detergent box.
on the fabric and may change its col-

Environment and vehicle vehicles. The fuel vapor is transmit-
ted to the canister through the hose
Vehicle air condition and the active layers of carbon are
One of the most important pollution absorbed when passing the canister.
of the air condition systems is the The canister has the effect of reduc-
destroyer gases of the ozone layer ing the environment pollution by re-
(like the Freon gas). Fortunately, covering and consuming the fuel va-
the R134 gas is used in the SAIPA por. It has a sensible effect because
products instead of destroyer gases of preventing the propagation of
that have no destructive effect of the toxic gases to the environment. The
ozone layer. replacement time of the canister is
Thermostat the standard time of the automotives
The appropriate performance of if the result of the performance test
thermostat causes engine perfor- in the technical examination center
mance in optimized temperature of the vehicles is negative, 30000 ki-
and 2% economy in fuel consump- lometers in general condition and 24
tion. month after installation.
The fuel in fuel tank vaporizes and 7
propagates when facing free atmo-
sphere because of its nature. Fuel
vapor propagation causes air pollu-
tion. In order to solve this problem,
there should be an assembly, which
has the ability of absorbing and re-
covering the fuel vapor. This proce-
dure is done by the canister in the
Chapter 8
First Service and Vehicle Guarantee ..................................................... 174
Periodical Services ............................................................................... 179

Vehicle Guarantee
First Service and Vehicle Guarantee

Vehicle Guarantee
Any vehicle is under guarantee by SAIPA YADAK Company according to the elapsed time and mileage that is written on
your guarantee card and due to performing first and periodical services on its time, according to the conditions stated

First service:
The first service of periodical services is called first service. Performing the first service is mandatory between 4500 to
5500 Km of vehicle mileage or 6 months (which one arrives first) after the warrantee issuance date. Warrantee is invalid
if first service was not performed between time and mileage limitations mentioned above.
Remark 1: primary services perform only once a time.
Remark 2: performing the primary service is free but the customer should pay about the material used.

Periodical services
Performing Periodical services according to the table of this manual is mandatory and not performing the services in
the authorized dealerships of SAIPA, causes cancelling the vehicle warrantee.

Vehicle Service Card

VehicleServiceCard is presented to customer in delivery time. This card is double proposed (service and banking) in
order to conservation of any repair documents.
8 Remark 1: Having this card to refer the authorized agents of SAIPA YADAK Company is mandatory.
Remark 2: Vehicle Service Card is intact when presented to customer. The customer should pay the cost of replica due
to any physical problem and system conflict in this card

First Service and Vehicle Guarantee

Followings are not covered by guarantee:

1- Normal vehicle exhaustion (it means the damages of non-execution of appropriate repair and maintenance and
periodical inspections, exhaustion of tires and consumable parts such as fuses and lamp)
2- Periodic services, maintenances and services and regular inspections costs
Remark: primary service is free of charge for the customer.
3- Any kind of damages that is not related to the vehicles structure such as: car accidents, stone strike, abrasion, theft,
firing and natural calamity and catastrophe, war, anarchy and revolution.
4- Parts are covered by guarantee as consumable materials such as engine oil and transmission fluid, hydraulic fluid,
brake fluid, cooler gas, cooling fluid, battery fluid, air filter and oil filter, and consumable parts such as brake linings and
brake pads, clutch cover, belts, caps and plug, fuses, windshield wiper blade, tire( except consumable parts ) that are
under supplier guarantee.

Remark: replacement of consumable parts that are damaged by the vehicles fault is the supplier’s task and is under
Note: the above mentioned parts are not covered by warranties if they were not affected by any defects and the dam-
age is caused only by the depreciation.

First Service and Vehicle Guarantee

Guarantees failure conditions

Conditions that cause injury of passenger
Some customers install an oilcloth under the mat floor to keep the vehicle floor clean. In order to set this cover the
seats and safety belts must be disassembeled and re-assembled, in this way, the proper torque for fastening the
screws is not observed. It has been seen that during an accident this will cuase injury to the passengers.
Conditions that cause firing of vehicle
1- While covering vehicle seat, wiring assembly may place between connections and vehicle body and cause firing.
2- While installation of anti-theft systems, changing in electrical circuits may cause firing.
3- use of non-standard parts such as: fuses, speakers, rear and front lamps, indicator lamps and …
4- Use of non-standard parts in lighter cigar’s place such as FM modulator, air infiltration apparatus, and chargeable
lamps that causes firing.
Under the following conditions the vehicle guarantee will be eliminated and the company will not have any obligation.
1- Using the parts which are not recommended by SAIPA YADAK Company.
2- Any modification without permission of SAIPA YADAK Company.
3- If you do not follow the instructions regarding the periodic service intervals and recommended actions (refer to pe-
riodic service list).
4- Any changes in wiring and electrical circuit (such as luck switch of speedometer, changes caused by anty-theft instal-
lation and …)
8 5- Any damage or injury from replacing or installing parts in the auxiliary system and maintenance service out of SAIPA
YADAK company network is out of guarantee conditions and there is no right for customer and others against SAIPA
corporations and SAIPA YADAK Company.
6- If the speedometer system is touched so that the traveled distance cannot be recognizable.
7- Any changes in electronic and electrical vehicles system such as anti-theft installation, audio systems and changes
in wiring that cause damage in vehicle performance.
8- Changing the body complete after severe accident.
First Service and Vehicle Guarantee

Limitations of Vehicle Guarantee

1- Gaurantee services are limited to renovation and replacement of damaged part that SAIPA YADAK Company should
pay its cost. Also SAIPA YADAK Company is responsible for identifying the damage of parts and deciding about to
repair or to replace them.
2- Replaced parts belong to SAIPA YADAK Company in guarantee period.
3- Repairing or replacement of vehicles parts cannot extend the guarantee period.
4- Consumable parts have guarantee limits as followings:
a) Clutch kit except clutch cover, battery, windshield wiper motor less than one year or 24000 km of vehicle travel
guarantee whichever comes first.
b) Brake linings and brake pads, clutch cover, windshield wiper blade less than 3 months or 6000 km of vehicle travel
guarantee whichever comes first.

Vehicle Paint Guarantee

Your vehicle has 3 years paint guarantee. If you see any change in color of the paint such as fallout, twofold color, flak-
ing, consult immediately the vehicle supplier.

Remark 1: The painted parts such as bumpers, grills, dashboard, and so on are only covered until the end of vehicle
Remark 2: Paint damage resulting from the chemical fallout and improper vehicle usage is not covered by the vehicle
Remark 3: Removing oil stains by pressurized washing tools or unrecompensed detergents from the mechanical parts, 8
underbody, hinged parts and exterior plastic parts, are not recommended.

First Service and Vehicle Guarantee

First service and guarantee

Recommended services in this manual are advised by the vehicle’s factory and performing First and periodically ser-
vices, help you in maintaining your vehicle in best condition.
First service operations:
1-Changing the engine oil (simultaneous with the first Periodical service and by customer charge)
2-Replacing the oil filter (simultaneous with the first Periodical service and by customer charge)
3-Changing the gearbox oil (simultaneous with the first Periodical service and by customer charge)
4-Inspecting the condition of Engine and ABS system by diagnostic tool.
5-Head cylinder, inlet and outlet manifold nuts and bolts tightening up.
6- Inspection of cooling system.
7-Checking the condition of fuel tank, pipes, hoses and respective bands and clamps.
8- Inspecting the Battery acid viscosity (quality check) and related connections
9-Inspection of fuses and fuse box
10- Inspecting the performance of electrical systems.
11-Controling the performance of windshield wiper.
12- Inspection and adjusting of valves clearance
13- Inspection of brake performance and checking the brake fluid level
8 14- Inspection and adjusting the parking brake
15-Inspection and torque checking of safety connections (according to attached list)
16-Inspection of clutch pedal clearance and adjusting clutch cable
17- Inspection of accelerator pedal and accelerator cable
18- Inspection of power steering
19- Inspecting suspension system and condition of the shock absorbers.
First Service and Vehicle Guarantee

20- Inspection and adjusting of belts (air conditioning and alternator belts) if necessary
21- Inspection of air conditioning system
22- Inspecting the functionality of door openers (hood, tailgate, trunk lid)
23- Inspection of compartment interior appearance
24- Inspection of tires, rings and spare tire
25- Inspection of gaskets.
26- Visual inspection of vehicle body.
27- Inspection of doors function (regulation function)
28- Inspection of safety belt fastener, seat and seatback adjustment and headrest safety lock

Periodical Services

Periodical Services chart for SAIPA family (111, 131, 132, 141)
Service time
Number of month or distance value (km), anyone which occurs earlier
Month 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Service type in 1000 km 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Engine valve clearance inspection inspection inspection inspection
Intake and exhaused manifold bolts inspection inspection
Timing belt
Drive belts inspection inspection inspection replacement inspection inspection inspection replacement

Engine oil
Engine oil filter
Cooling system inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection
Cooling liquid
Fuel lines and hoses inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection
Air cleaner filter
Fuel filter
Spark plugs
Electrical systems inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection

Battery condition inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection
8 Clutch pedal inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection

Brake lines, hoses & connection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection

Brake pedal inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection

Periodical services

Service time Number of month or distance value (km), anyone which occurs earlier
Month 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48

Service type in 1000 km 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Brake fluid Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection replacement Inspection Inspection
Parking brake Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
Ball bearing and loosening of front and
Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
rear wheels
Front disk brake Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
Rear drum brake Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection

Steering control joints Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection

Exhaust system Inspection Inspection

Operation of steering system Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
Gearbox oil Inspection Inspection Inspection replacement Inspection Inspection Inspection replacement
Drive shaft dust boot Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
Tire (pressure & tread wear) Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
Suspension system, shock absorbers Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
Safety belts Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
All lamps and warning lamps Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
Horn, arm and blade wiper windshield
Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection 8
Air conditioning system Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection

Periodical Services

Service time
Number of month or distance value (km), anyone which occurs earlier

Month 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48

Service type KM×1000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Power steering and hoses inspection inspection inspection inspection

Power steering fluid inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection

Anti-lock braking system (ABS) inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection

NO. Maintenance item Maintenance operation Maintenance intervals Driving conditions

1 Engine oil and oil filter Replace Each 5000km or 6 month A,B,C,F,H
2 Air cleaner filter Replace Prior to the normal date C,E
3 Timing belt Replace 80,000km F
4 Spark plugs Replace Prior to the normal date B,H
5 Gearbox oil Replace Each 30,000km C,D,E,G,H,I

A: Repeated short distance driving B: Extensive Idling

C: Driving in dusty rough roads D: Driving in areas using salt or other corrosive materials or in very cold weather
E: Driving in sandy areas F: More than 50% driving in heavy city traffic during hot weather above 32°C (90°F)
G: Driving in mountain areas H: Towing a trailer
I: Driving by patrol car, commercial car or vehicle towing

8 Bi fuel powered vehicle primary and periodic services

- Controlling high pressure gas pipe (at least every 6 month)
- Inspecting CNG kit stepper motor
- CNG tank and holder frame control and tightening up all relevant nuts and bolts of needed
- CNG high pressure ventilation ducts control
- Inspecting CNG regulator
- Inspecting CNG sockets system
- Inspecting low pressure gas system bands (from regulator to mixer)


Lamps for SAIPA 111

9 1
6 2 3
7 4

10 8

1- Front turn signal lamp Replacing lamps Lamps power (w)
2- Front lamp dim light Note Front lamp dim light 55
3- Front lamp headlight Inspect the function of all external
Front lamp headlight 55
4- Front fog lamp lamps before driving.
Front park lamp 5
5- Front park lamp Turn off the lamps before replacing to
6- Rear stop lamp prevent short circuit. Front fog lamp 27
7- Rear turn signal lamp Rear fog lamp 16
8- Reverse lamps Front turn signal lamp 21
9- Third stop lamp side turn signal lamp 5
10- Rear fog lamp Rear stop lamp 5-21
Rear turn signal lamp 21
Reverse lamp 21
rear license plate lamp 5
Third stop lamp 5

Lamps for SAIPA 131

8 6 9 4 5 7 1 2 3

1- Front lamp Replacing lamps Lamps power (w)

2- Front park lamp Note Front lamp dim light 55
3- Front turn signal lamp Inspect the function of all external
Front lamp headlight 55
4- Stop lamp lamps before driving.
Front turn signal lamp 21
5- Rear lamp Turn off the lamps before replacing to
6- Reverse lamp prevent short circuit. Front park lamp 5
7- License plate lamp Rear turn signal lamp 21
8- Rear turn signal lamp Rear fog lamp 21
9- Rear fog lamp Reverse lamp 21
Room lamp 10
Trunk lamp 5
Rear lamp 5
rear license plate lamp 5
Third stop lamp 5

Lamps for SAIPA 132

8 9 6 1 2 3
7 4

1- Front turn signal lamp Replacing lamps Lamps power (w)

2- Front lamp dim light Note: Front lamp dim light 55
3- Front lamp headlight/park lamp Inspect the function of all external
Front lamp headlight 55
4- Fog lamp lamps before driving.
Front turn signal lamp 21
5- Stop lamp Turn off the lamps before replacing to
6- Reverse lamp prevent short circuit. Front park lamp 5
7- License plate lamp Refer to the authorized agent for re- Rear turn signal lamp 21
8- Rear Fog lamp placing front lamps. Rear fog lamp 21-21.5
9- Rear turn signal lamp Reverse lamp 21
Room lamp 10
Trunk lamp 5

Lamps for SAIPA 141

5 8 4 7 6 1 2 3

1- Front lamp Replacing lamps Lamps power (w)

2- Front park lamp Note: Front lamp dim light 55
3- Front turn signal lamp Inspect the function of all external
Front lamp headlight 55
4- Rear lamp/ stop lamp lamps before driving.
Front turn signal lamp 21
5- Reverse lamp Turn off the lamps before replacing to
6- License plate lamp prevent short circuit. Front park lamp 5
7- Rear turn signal lamp Refer to the authorized agent for re- Rear turn signal lamp 21
8- Rear Fog lamp placing front lamps. Rear fog lamp 21-21.5
Reverse lamp 21
Room lamp 10
Trunk lamp 5

Technical Information

Model Injector
Engine type Petrol-four stroke
NO. of cylinders linear 4
Cylinder bore 71mm
Piston stroke 83.6mm
Engine volume 1323cc
Compression ratio 9.7:1
Firing order 1-3-4-2
63 hp @ 5500rpm for gasoline
69.03 hp @ 5000rpm for improved gasoline engine
Maximum engine power
60.5 hp @ 5500rpm for gas-based engine- in gas status
68 hp @ 5000rpm for gas-based engine- in petrol status
103.3 N.m @ 2800rpm for gasoline
109 N.m @ 3000rpm for improved gasoline engine
Maximum torque
100.9 N.m @ 2750rpm for gas-based engine- in gas status
108 N.m @ 3000rpm for gas-based engine- in petrol status
Fuel type Gasoline standard Euro 4
Valve system Single head camshaft
Fuel charging system
9 Type Injector with ECU
Fuel pump type Electrical

Technical Information

Electric system
Alternator voltage and amperage 12V-65A
Battery voltage 12V nominal
Starter Magnetic(12V-0.85KW)

Power transmission system

Clutch type Single disk dry clutch with diaphragm spring
Gearbox 5 gears
First gear Gear ratio3.454
Second gear Gear ratio1.944
Third gear Gear ratio1.275
Fourth gear Gear ratio0.861
Fifth gear Gear ratio0.692
Reverse Gear ratio3.583
Final gear Gear ratio3.778

Brake system
Type Master vacuum hydraulic brake
Front brakes Disc 9
Rear brakes drum

Technical Information

Wheels and chassis

Type Integral body and frame construction
Wheel rim size 4.5J×13(steel) - 5J×13(aluminum)
Tire size 175.60 R13(Alumina rim) - 165.65 R13(Steel rim*)
Front wheels air pressure 29Psi or 2cm2/kg
Rear wheels air pressure 29Psi or 2cm2/kg
Vehicle minimum turning radius 4.55m
Steering system
Type Rack and pinion
Steering wheel type Collapsible type
Suspension system
Front suspension Mack Ferson- coil spring
Rear suspension Torsion axel- coil spring
Front and rear damper Hydraulic- telescopic
Engine oil- oil filter excluded (oil filter included) 3L (3.4L)
Hydraulic oil 875 cc
9 Engine coolant 5L
Fuel tank 37 L

* According to car model.

Technical Information

Oil filter Paper type
Air filter Paper type
Fuel filter Paper type

Front seat back seat with adjustable back set and headrest
Rear seat Fixed back seat and no headrest

Net weight 111 905 kg
Net weight 131 915 kg
Net weight 132 920 kg
Net weight 141 940 kg
Maximum allowed vehicle load 400 kg
Seating capacity for passenger and driver 4 people
Front seats capacity 2 people
Rear seats capacity 2 people

*in bi-fuel vehicle the net weight is increased 80kg

Technical Information (SAIPA 111)


1385 2345 1405

1605 3673 1605

Vehicle length 3673 mm

Vehicle width 1605 mm
Height 1455 mm
Axels ‘center axis distance 2345 mm
Front wheel center axis distance 1405 mm
Rear wheel center axis distance 1385 mm

Technical Information (SAIPA 131(

Vehicle length 3935 mm

Vehicle width 1605 mm
Height 1455 mm
Axels ‘center axis distance 2345 mm
Front wheel center axis distance 1405 mm
Rear wheel center axis distance 1385 mm
Minimum ground clearance (under step) 160 mm

Technical Information (SAIPA 132)

Vehicle length 3952 mm

Vehicle width 1605 mm
Height 1455 mm
Axels ‘center axis distance 2345 mm
Front wheel center axis distance 1405 mm
Rear wheel center axis distance 1385 mm
Minimum ground clearance (under step) 160 mm

Technical Information (SAIPA 141)

1385 1405

Vehicle length 3935 mm

Vehicle width 1605 mm
Height 1455 mm
Axels ‘center axis distance 2345 mm
Front wheel center axis distance 1405 mm
Rear wheel center axis distance 1385 mm
Minimum ground clearance (under step) 160 mm


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