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SNL plummer block housings

solve the housing problems


Made by SKF® stands for excellence. It symbolises 1 Product information.................................................. 3

our consistent endeavour to achieve total quality in Fewer bearing replacements and less maintenance... 3
everything we do. For those who use our products, Plummer block housings have much to offer ................ 3
“Made by SKF” implies three main benefits. SNL plummer block housings have more to offer ......... 3
One basic design – many variants................................ 4
Reliability – thanks to modern, efficient products, Costs and risks – at a low level .................................... 6
based on our worldwide application know-how, optim- High performance for all sectors ................................... 8
ised materials, forward-looking designs and the most
advanced production techniques.
2 Recommendations .................................................... 10
Cost effectiveness – resulting from the favourable ratio Bearing arrangement design ....................................... 10
between our product quality plus service facilities, and Bearings on adapter sleeves on smooth shafts ............ 10
the purchase price of the product. Bearings on adapter sleeves on stepped shafts ........... 11
Bearings on withdrawal sleeves on stepped shafts ...... 12
Market lead – which you can achieve by taking Bearings on cylindrical seatings on stepped shafts ...... 13
advantage of our products and services. Increased Standard seals .............................................................. 14
operating time and reduced down-time, as well as Special seals................................................................. 21
improved output and product quality are the key to End covers .................................................................... 23
a successful partnership. Locating rings ............................................................... 23
Axial displacement using CARB bearings in
SNL housings................................................................ 24
Application advice for trouble-free operation............ 26
Lubrication .................................................................... 28
Mounting ....................................................................... 30
Mounting SNL housings with double-lip seals .............. 34
Mounting SNL housings with V-ring seals .................... 36
Mounting SNL housings with felt seals ......................... 38
Mounting SNL housings with labyrinth seals ................ 40
Mounting SNL housings with taconite seals ................. 42

3 Product data .............................................................. 44

Designations and housing data .................................. 44
Designations ................................................................. 44
Load carrying ability ...................................................... 45
Product tables............................................................... 48
SNL plummer block housings for bearings
on adapter sleeve ......................................................... 48
SNL plummer block housings for bearings
with cylindrical bore....................................................... 58
Sealing arrangements for SNL plummer block housings.. 66

Other products for trouble-free operation.................. 70

The SKF Group – a worldwide corporation................ 74

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Customer benefits Page ............. 10 Page ............. 44

Fewer bearing replacements 1

and less maintenance

Plummer block housings The new SNL plummer block hous- Another benefit is the choice of oil
ings enable the full service life poten- or grease lubrication for the bearings
have much to offer tial of the incorporated bearings to be housed in SNL plummer blocks. A
The main benefit of split plummer exploited with less need of mainte- range of newly developed seals for oil
block housings is their easy installation; nance. This supports user efforts to lubrication and rough environments
pre-assembled shafts can be mounted further reduce maintenance costs. make for trouble-free operation.
in them. When the housing bases are Among other enhancements the hous-
attached to the base plate it is then ings have increased stiffness, making
only necessary to place the housing them even more insensitive to uncon-
caps in position and to tighten the trolled and excessive tightening of the
attachment bolts to complete the attachment bolts.
Split plummer block housings avail-
able on the market are mainly intended
for self-aligning ball bearings, spherical
roller bearings and CARB® bearings of
ISO Dimension Series 02, 03, 22, 23
and 32. They can often be fitted with
various different seals. Many designs
and variants of split plummer block
housings are available making the use
of tailored housings unnecessary and
thus enabling cost effective bearing
arrangements to be made.
For many years SKF has been one
of the leading producers of split plum-
mer block housings, including the SNH
plummer block housings – synonimous
with operational reliability, quality and

SNL plummer block

housings have more to
The current SKF standard plummer
block housings of the SNH design are
considered as the first choice for de-
sign, quality and economy. However,
to meet the still higher market demands
of the future, SKF has developed the
SNL plummer block housings. These
enable customers to keep a step

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Customer benefits Page ............. 10 Page ............. 44

One basic design – Several sealing options

An important advantage of the SNL
many variants plummer block housings is that they
SNL plummer block housings are prim- can be fitted with a variety of seals.
arily intended for self-aligning ball bear- The standard seals supplied by SKF
ings, spherical roller bearings and comprise double-lip seals, V-ring
CARB bearings. The housings are seals, felt seals, labyrinth seals and
designed on a “building block” principle. heavy-duty “taconite” seals as well as
This enables a more generous choice end covers. Other standard seals are
of bearing, shaft mounting, seals and also available for SNL housings, but
type of lubrication. Stocking is also these are supplied together with the
simplified. housings as the housing has to be
modified to take them. These are oil
A building block system seals and heavy-duty axial taconite
The basis of the SNL plummer block seals.
housing system consists of a number SNL plummer block housings are
of housings of the same design but in fully interchangeable with the earlier
different sizes. By combining these SNH housings. Their dimensions con-
housings with the different standard form to ISO 113:1994.
seals a wide variety of housing variants,
all belonging to the standard range, can
be supplied to cover the majority of
demands for plummer blocks for shafts
having diameters of 20 to 160 mm,
inclusive. The standard range also
covers other variants, for example,
housings with drilled and tapped holes
for lubrication nipples or condition
monitoring probes. Housings are also
available for bearings for larger shaft
diameters (➔ page 73).
SNL plummer block housings are
made of grey cast iron and demon-
strate the same high strength as the
earlier SNH housings. Should, however,
this strength be inadequate, dimen-
sionally equivalent SSNHD plummer
block housings of spheroidal graphite
cast iron or SNT .. H housings of cast
steel can be supplied.

SNL plummer
block housing
with sealing

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Customer benefits Page ............. 10 Page ............. 44

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Design characteristics Page ............. 10 Page ............. 44

Costs and risks – at a

low level
The new SNL plummer block housings
represent a further development of
the well-proven and unmatched SNH
housings. SNL housings combine the
advantages of the SNH housings, such
as the high load carrying capacity and
machining quality as well as the wide
Stiffer design Improved heat conduction
variety of sealing alternatives with the The housing base is reinforced with ribs The web (rib) reinforcement of the housing
following design and performance and extra material surrounding the holes base enlarges the contact area between
characteristics. for the attachment bolts in order to provide base and base plate and allows for an
improved seating on the base plate. The improved heat flow from the bearing outer
attachment bolts can be preloaded to give ring to the base plate. The bearings will run
better location and can no longer deform 5 to 10 % cooler than in other housings.
the housing base or housing bore.

Drilled and tapped hole with nipple

SNL housings have a drilled and tapped
hole as standard in the cap. The hole is
protected by a plastic plug. The nipple is
supplied, together with a nipple protecter,
with the housing (packed inside). If the
application is such that relubrication is
required it is only necessary to screw the
nipple into the hole and lubricant can be
supplied to one side of the bearing.

● Stiffer design Increased insensitivity to uncontrolled tightening of the

attachment bolts, lower operating temperatures
● Improved heat Lower bearing temperatures, high speed operation
conduction possible with oil lubrication, extended relubrication
intervals, extended service life, reduced lubricant
● Drilled and tapped Relubrication facility as standard
hole with nipple
● Caps and bases Avoids mixing of caps and bases, permits traceability
individually marked
Caps and bases individually marked
● Indications for holes to Simple and easy adaptation of standard housing to The housing base and cap are matched
take other components individual application, easy attachment of condition during manufacture and are not inter-
monitoring equipment changeable with the caps and bases of
other housings. To prevent mixing caps
● Simpler mounting Simpler and more reliable mounting and maintenance and bases when mounting several hous-

ings, the same consecutive number is
Additional seals Extended range of use, longer bearing service lives
marked on the cap and base of each
individual housing.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Design characteristics Page ............. 10 Page ............. 44

Indications for holes to take other Simpler mounting Additional seals

components In order to simplify mounting and make Two new seal designs have been de-
SNL housings can be fitted with sensors alignment more accurate, cast indications, veloped specifically for SNL housings.
serving permanently installed condition which are vertical to the centre of the bore One is intended for difficult conditions
monitoring equipment based on vibration of the housing, are provided on the end which call for a robust seal which can be
measurements. The positions where holes faces as well as on the side faces of the relubricated and the other is for high
can be drilled to take these sensors are housing base. Mounting instructions, in- speeds and oil lubrication.
indicated on the housing. cluded with each seal pack, give valuable

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
All branches of industry Page ............. 10 Page ............. 44

High performance for all One important reason for the popu-
larity of SKF housings is the increased
sectors awareness of the impact of enhanced
High load carrying capacity and reli- quality on the cost of a machine and
ability, easy maintenance, the variety its total life.
of applications and robust designs have
made SKF housings a must. The most
important sectors of industry and their
demands are listed below.

Industry Demands Solution

● Pulp and paper ● Long service life

● Metallurgical ● Robust design
● Mining and construction ● Long relubrication intervals
● Fluid machinery ● Ready for relubrication
● Materials handling ● Condition monitoring facilities
● Handling systems ● Avoid risk of mixed caps
● Fast and easy mounting and
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
All branches of industry Page ............. 10 Page ............. 44

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Types of arrangement Page ............. 44

Bearing arrangement design

SNL plummer blocks can be used with 1. Bearings on adapter ● Bearing radial clearance can be
self-aligning ball bearings, spherical adjusted within certain limits during
roller bearings or CARB bearings
sleeves on smooth mounting to meet application
fitted on smooth (plain) or stepped shafts demands
shafts; the bearings can be mounted
on adapter or withdrawal sleeves or Advantages Applications
directly on cylindrical shaft seatings. ● Drawn round bar (tolerance h9) can ● Bearing arrangements for relatively
The plummer blocks can also be used be used without machining long shafts where more than two
with other bearing types of suitable ● Maximum shaft strength as there is bearings are required for support
Dimension Series. no weakening by shoulders or reliefs ● Bearings arrangements where
● Bearings can be mounted at any machine components are mounted
position on the shaft using wedging or tensioning compo-
● Mounting force, i.e. the force required nents which do not require the shaft
to drive up the bearing on to the to be machined
sleeve, is some 40 % smaller than ● Bearing arrangements where the
with other bearing arrangements on final position of the bearing cannot
sleeves because friction occurs only be accurately determined
Bearings on adapter sleeves on smooth in one contact

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Types of arrangement Page ............. 44

2. Bearings on adapter
sleeves on stepped
● The bearing position on the shaft is 2
accurately determined by the abut-
ment ring
● Other components on the shaft can
be axially located by the bearing on
its sleeve via spacer sleeves
● Easy dismounting as the bearing
inner ring is in contact with the
abutment ring
● Bearing radial clearance can be
adjusted within certain limits during
mounting to meet application

● Bearing arrangements at shaft ends
● Bearing arrangements where fre-
quent mounting and dismounting
are required

Bearings on adapter sleeves on stepped shafts

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Types of arrangement Page ............. 44

3. Bearings on
withdrawal sleeves
on stepped shafts
● The bearing position on the shaft is
accurately determined by the shaft
● Other components on the shaft can
be axially located by the bearing on
its sleeve via spacer sleeves
● Easy dismounting using a withdrawal
or hydraulic nut
● Bearing radial clearance can be
adjusted within certain limits during
mounting to meet application

● Bearing arrangements at shaft ends
● Bearing arrangements where fre-
quent mounting and dismounting
are required

Bearings on withdrawal sleeves on stepped shafts

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Types of arrangement Page ............. 44

4. Bearings on Applications
● Bearing arrangements where large
cylindrical seatings numbers of bearings have to be
on stepped shafts mounted
● Bearing arrangements where large
Advantages shock loads can occur
● The axial load carrying capacity of 2
the bearings (in both directions) is
not limited by a sleeve
● The residual bearing internal clear-
ance is determined by the tolerance
of the shaft seating so there is no
danger of radially preloading the
bearing during mounting
● The bearing position on the shaft is
accurately determined by the shaft
● The bearing can be supported by
other components via spacer
● The shaft diameter at the bearing
position is maximised

Bearings on cylindrical seatings on stepped shafts

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Standard seals Page ............. 44

Standard seals seals are easy to install and are sup- various standard and special seals
plied separately. including properties and availability
An important advantage of SNL plum- All the standard seals as well as the will be found on pages 16 to 21.
mer block housings is that they can be seals for use with oil lubrication are
fitted with different types of seal. The presented in Table 1 , which gives a
standard seals available from SKF are comprehensive overview of the seal
split double-lip seals and felt seals, types, their design features and their
one-piece V-rings, labyrinth seals and suitability for various operating con-
the heavy-duty “taconite” seals. The ditions. Detailed information on the

Seal selection

Table 1

TSN .. G TSN .. A TSN .. C TSN .. S TSN .. ND TSN .. U1)


Temperature, °C −40 to +100 −40 to +100 −40 to +100 −50 to +200 −40 to +100 −40 to +200

Peripheral up to 8 up to 7 up to 4 ++ up to 12 ++
speed, m/s above 72)

Misalignment, degrees 0,5 to 1 1 to 1,5 up to 0,5 up to 0,3 up to 0,5 up to 1

3) 4)
Grease relubrication facility 4 m/s ++ - + +

Suitable for oil lubrication - - -- + + ++

Low friction + ++ - ++ + ++

Non-locating bearing ++ - ++ + + +
Vertical arrangement + ++ -- -- - --

Maintenance ++ - + - - -

Sealing ability against

Dust ++ ++ ++ + ++ +

Fine particulate contaminants ++ + + + ++ +

Coarse particulate + - + + ++ +

Abrasive contaminants + -- + ++ ++ ++

Liquids when sprayed + ++ - -- ++ -

Direct sunlight + -- + ++ ++ ++

Symbols: ++ very suitable + suitable - limited suitability -- unsuitable

The oil seals are supplied together with housings prepared for oil lubrication. Oil seals can be ordered separately as spares only
When V-ring supported (➔ page 16)
When using housing with grease escape hole (suffix V)
If appropriate components are used: ASNA .. V
When the V-ring of the lower seal is mounted inboard

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Standard seals Page ............. 44

Permissible shaft speeds for rubbing Table 2


C design A design G design

felt seals V-ring seals double-lip seals

Shaft Guideline values for the permissible shaft speed1)

diameter for standard seals of design

da, db C2) A G

mm r/min

20 3 820 6 680 7 640

25 3 060 5 350 6 110
30 2 550 4 460 5 090

35 2 180 3 820 4 360

40 1 910 3 340 3 820
45 1 700 2 970 3 390

50 1 530 2 670 3 060

55 1 390 2 430 2 780
60 1 270 2 230 2 550

65 1 180 2 060 2 350

70 1 090 1 910 2 180
75 1 020 1 780 2 040

80 960 1 670 1 910

85 900 1 570 1 800
90 850 1 490 1 700

95 800 1 410 1 610

100 760 1 340 1 530
110 690 1 220 1 390

115 660 1 160 1 330

120 640 1 110 1 270
125 610 1 070 1 220

130 590 1 030 1 180

135 570 990 1 130
140 550 960 1 090

145 530 920 1 050

150 510 890 1 020
155 490 860 990

160 480 840 960

165 460 810 930
170 450 790 900

The speeds are valid when the seals are operated at temperatures between −40 and
+100 °C (permissible temperature range). At temperatures outside this range and/or
at speeds higher than those given, labyrinth seals should be used.

The guideline values are based on the permissible sliding speed at the seal/counterface contact. However,
the permissible shaft seal is determined by the speed rating for the bearing to be used in the housing
The guideline values are based on a peripheral speed of 4 m/s. Higher speeds are possible,
see under “Felt ring seals”

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Standard seals Page ............. 44

Double-lip seals V-ring seals diameters up to 65 mm and to approx-

Double-lip seals (➔ fig 1 ) are made The V-ring seals (➔ fig 2 ) consist of a imately ± 1,2 mm for larger shaft dia-
of polyurethane, a wear-resistant V-ring and a sheet steel sealing washer meters.
material which has good elastic prop- with vulcanised rubber lip which fits The V-ring seals are always supplied
erties. The seals are split so that they into the sealing groove in the housing. in packs of two seals. When housings
are easy to fit. They are intended for The washer is protected against corro- are used at shaft ends, i.e. with one
grease lubrication and can be used at sion. The V-rings are made of nitrile end cover, one of the seals will be
peripheral speeds of up to 8 m/s. The rubber (NBR) and have a slim sealing left over and can be kept as a spare.
permissible angular misalignment is lip which seals axially against the The V-ring seals are identified by the
approximately 1° for shaft diameters sealing washer. The V-ring “body”, designation prefix TSN followed by
up to approximately 100 mm and 0,5° which sits tightly on the shaft and the size identification and the suffix A,
for larger sizes. The seal counterface rotates with it, also serves as a flinger. e.g. TSN 511 A.
on the shaft should be ground and the V-ring seals provide efficient sealing
surface roughness Ra should not even under difficult operating conditions
exceed 3,2 µm. such as high speeds, rough finished
The axial movement of the shaft shafts etc. They can be operated at
relative to the housing is not limited peripheral speeds in excess of 7 m/s if
when double-lip seals are used. the V-ring is prevented from moving or
The double-lip seals are always lifting from the shaft by a support ring.
supplied in packs of two seals. When Recommended dimensions for appropri-
housings are used at shaft ends, i.e. ate support rings (for axial and radial
with one end cover, one of the seals location) are given in Table 3 .
will be left over and can be kept as a The permissible angular misalign-
spare. The double lip seals are iden- ment for V-ring seals is approximately
tified by the designation prefix TSN 1,5° for a 50 mm shaft decreasing to
followed by the size identification and approximately 1° for a shaft diameter
the suffix G, e.g. TSN 511 G. of 150 mm and above. The axial
movement of the shaft relative to the
housing is limited to ± 1 mm for shaft

Double-lip seal V-ring seal Location of V-ring

Fig 1 Fig 2

Peripheral speed up to 7 m/s

Peripheral speed
7 to 12 m/s above 12 m/s

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Standard seals Page ............. 44

Recommended dimensions for support Table 3

rings for V-ring seals

7–12 m/s >12 m/s

Shaft Dimensions Grub V-ring

diameter screw Designation
da, db d1 d2 B B1 B2 D A G1 DIN 913

mm mm – –

20 20 27,2 5 8,5 3,5 30 2,5 M3 3×5 CR 400200

25 25 32,1 5 8,5 3,5 35 2,5 M3 3×5 CR 400250
30 30 37,2 5 8,5 3,5 40 2,5 M3 3×5 CR 400300

35 35 42,2 5 8,5 3,5 45 2,5 M3 3×5 CR 400350

40 40 49,1 7 11,5 4,5 53 3,5 M4 4×5 CR 400400
45 45 54 7 11,5 4,5 58 3,5 M4 4×5 CR 400450

50 50 59,1 7 11,5 4,5 63 3,5 M4 4×5 CR 400500

55 55 64,1 7 11,5 4,5 68 3,5 M4 4×5 CR 400550
60 60 69,1 7 11,5 4,5 73 3,5 M4 4×5 CR 400600

65 65 74,1 7 11,5 4,5 78 3,5 M4 4×5 CR 400650

70 70 81 9 15 6 84 4,5 M5 5×6 CR 400700
75 75 86 9 15 6 89,5 4,5 M5 5×6 CR 400750

80 80 91 9 15 6 94,5 4,5 M5 5×6 CR 400800

85 85 96 9 15 6 100 4,5 M5 5×6 CR 400850
90 90 101 9 15 6 105 4,5 M5 5×6 CR 400900

95 95 106 9 15 6 109 4,5 M5 5×6 CR 400950

100 100 111 9 15 6 115 4,5 M5 5×6 CR 401000
110 110 122,9 10 17,5 7,5 128 5 M6 6×8 CR 401100

115 115 127,4 10 17,5 7,5 133 5 M6 6×8 CR 401100

125 125 138,1 10 17,5 7,5 143 5 M6 6×8 CR 401300
135 135 147,5 10 17,5 7,5 153 5 M6 6×8 CR 401300

140 140 152,9 10 17,5 7,5 158 5 M6 6×8 CR 401400

145 145 158,1 10 17,5 7,5 163 5 M6 6×8 CR 401500
155 155 167,5 10 18,5 8,5 173 5 M6 6×8 CR 401500

165 165 179,9 10 18,5 8,5 185,5 5 M6 6×8 CR 401700

175 175 189,3 10 18,5 8,5 195 5 M6 6×8 CR 401700

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Standard seals Page ............. 44

Felt ring seals For applications with spherical roller The felt ring seals can also be sup-
Felt ring seals (➔ fig 3 ) are simple bearings or CARB bearings which plied with an FSB insert. The rubber
but efficient seals for use with grease are to operate at continuously high O-section cords are replaced by fluoro
lubrication. They can be operated at temperatures up to approximately rubber O-section cords. These seals
peripheral speeds up to 4 m/s. The +200 °C, SKF graphited FSB sealing are identified by the suffix CB, e.g.
seals can be used at much higher strips made of aluminium boron silica- TSN 511 CB.
speeds but at high speeds a small gap te can be used. These have been well
will be formed between the felt and proven as seals on autoclave trucks.
the shaft and the seal becomes a non- Reference should be made to the
rubbing gap-type seal. For plummer publication 4402 “SKF high temperat-
block housings with bearings on ad- ure bearings cut machine life cycle
apter sleeves on smooth shafts the costs” which will be sent on request.
felt ring seals are split. The impreg- The permissible angular misalign-
nated felt is inserted in light alloy half- ment is approximately 0,5°. The seal
rings. It is only necessary to insert the counterface on the shaft should be
seals in the grooves in the housing. ground and the surface roughness Ra
The rubber O-section cords should be should not exceed 3,2 µm.
put into the grooves first as they pre- The axial movement of the shaft
vent the seal rings from turning. relative to the housing is not limited
SNL plummer block housings for when felt seals are used.
bearings mounted on cylindrical seat- The ready-to-mount felt ring seals
ings on stepped shafts, sizes 205 to (in light alloy half-rings) are always
218 inclusive, can also be supplied supplied in packs of two seals. When
with felt seals. In this case the seals housings are used at shaft ends, i.e.
consist of loose felt strips which can with one end cover, one of the seals
be inserted in the sealing grooves. will be left over and can be kept as a
Before mounting, the FS felt strips spare. The felt ring seals are identified
should be left to soak for a few min- by the designation prefix TSN followed
utes in hot oil. by the size identification and the suffix
C, e.g. TSN 511 C.

Felt ring seal

Fig 3

Ready-to-mount felt ring seal

Felt strips

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Standard seals Page ............. 44

Labyrinth seals Taconite heavy-duty seals range for the seal is between −40 and
Under difficult operating conditions Taconite is a very fine-grained mineral +100 °C.
and/or at high speeds the use of laby- which is extremely difficult to seal The axial movement of the shaft
rinth seals (➔ fig 4 ) is recommend- against. For bearing arrangements relative to the housing is limited for
ed. The labyrinth rings are made of which must operate under very arduous this type of taconite seal to ±1 mm for
steel and have two radially arranged conditions such as those encountered shaft diameters up to 65 mm and to
labyrinth steps which form a narrow in mining, labyrinth seals which can approximately ±1,2 mm for sizes up to 2
sealing gap with the housing grooves. be relubricated are recommended, as 100 mm and ±1,5 mm for larger shaft
Hollow O-ring cords of silicone grease enhances the sealing effect diameters.
rubber (supplied with the seals) en- and extends the serviceability of the These seals are supplied singly
sure that the labyrinth rings, which seals. SKF has developed two different so that for housings used on through
are mounted with a loose fit, rotate designs of these heavy-duty seals shafts, it is necessary to order two
with the shaft. Angular misalignments (which can seal against taconite, hence seals. The seal is identified by the pre-
of the shaft up to approximately 0,3° the name) which can be supplied for fix TSN followed by the size identifica-
are permissible. The operating tem- use with SNL housings. tion and the suffix ND, e.g. TSN 511
perature range for the labyrinth seals The one taconite seal design ND.
is −50 to +200 °C. (➔ fig 5 ) is based on a radial laby- The other design of taconite seal
When labyrinth seals are used, axial rinth seal and fits the standard hous- (➔ fig 6 ) is based on a labyrinth seal
movement of the shaft relative to the ings. A V-ring seal mounted on the with the labyrinth stages arranged
housing is not limited. shaft seals against the non-rotating axially and does not fit the standard
The labyrinth seals are supplied part of the seal, which is inserted in housings. The seal is relubricated via
singly. For bearing arrangements for the seal groove and prevents contam- lubrication holes and nipples in the
through shafts it is therefore neces- inants from penetrating to the bearing housing cap. The positions for the
sary to order two rings. The labyrinth when the seal is relubricated. This holes are marked by dimples in the
seal is identified by the prefix TSN grease is supplied via a grease nipple casting. The permissible misalignment
followed by the size identification and in the non-rotating part of the seal. of the shaft relative to the housing for
the suffix S, e.g. TSN 511 S. Angular misalignments of the shaft of this seal is approximately 0,5°. The
up to approximately 0,5° are possible. operating temperature range is from
The permissible operating temperature −40 to +250 °C. Axial movement of the

Labyrinth seal Taconite heavy-duty seal Taconite heavy-duty seal

Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 6

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Standard seals Page ............. 44

shaft relative to the housing is also Seals for oil lubrication

limited. Special seals (oil seals) are required
The modified SNL housings are to prevent oil from escaping from the
always supplied together with the housing when oil lubrication is applied.
seals and are available from size For SNL housings, SKF has developed
515-612. The housings with seals are the non-rubbing seal of the U design
identified by the designation suffix TNC, (➔ fig 7 ). These U seals also re-
e.g. SNL 515 TNC or SNL 612 TNC. quire modified housings and comprise
A housing intended for a shaft end two parts: one which is stationary and
with one seal and one end cover is is screwed to the housing and the
identi-fied by an additional suffix A, other which is mounted on the shaft
e.g. SNL 515 ATNC. The seal itself is and rotates. A hollow O-ring cord of
designated TSN .. NC. silicone rubber inserted between the
A variant of the TNC seal with an labyrinth ring and the shaft ensures
additional V-ring can also be supplied. that the ring, which is mounted with a
The seal is identified by the letters loose fit, rotates with the shaft, and oil
TNB and can be supplied to order. cannot escape along the shaft. These
oil seals do not limit axial movement of
the shaft relative the housing.
The modified SNL housing is sup-
plied together with the seals as a unit.
Modified housings are available from
size 511-609 and the housings with
seals are identified by the suffix TURU,
e.g. SNL 515 TURU. A housing intend-
ed for a shaft end with one seal and
one end cover is identified by an addi-
tional suffix A, e.g. SNL 520 ATURU.
The seal itself is designated TSN .. U.

Oil seal

Fig 7

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Special seals Page ............. 44

Special seals Table 4

Applications where, for some reason

or other, the standard seals cannot be
used must be fitted with special seals.
The SNL housings can be supplied
without seals for such applications and 2
are relatively easy to equip with special
seals. It is recommended that housings
of series SNL 2 are used rather than
those of series SNL 5-6 as they have a
comparatively larger bore at the shaft
entrance. There is therefore more room
to accommodate a seal, so that there
is more choice as regards seal design.
Special seals are not normally
supplied by SKF. Therefore, the relev-
ant housing dimensions are given in
Table 4 .

Housing Dimensions
Size A3 A4 A5 A6 Db Dc

– mm

SNL 205 44 5 7,5 10 36,5 44,5

SNL 206-305 54 5 7,5 10 46,5 54,5
SNL 207 58 5 8 11 56,5 64,5

SNL 208-307 61 5 8 11 62 70,5

SNL 209 59 5 9 12 67 75,5
SNL 210 64 5 9 12 72 80,5

SNL 211 69 5 9 12 77 85,5

SNL 212 79 5 9 12 87 95,5
SNL 213 82 5 9 13 92,5 101

SNL 215 87 5 9 13 102,5 111

SNL 216 92 5 9 13 108 116,5
SNL 217 97 5 9 13 112 120,5
SNL 218 112 5 9 13 120 128,5

SNL 505 45 5 7,5 10 31,5 39,5

SNL 506-605 55 5 7,5 10 36,5 44,5
SNL 507-606 59 5 8 11 46,5 54,5

SNL 508-607 62 5 8 11 51,5 59,5

SNL 509 60 5 9 12 56,5 64,5
SNL 510-608 65 5 9 12 62 70,5

SNL 511-609 70 5 9 12 67 75,5

SNL 512-610 80 5 9 12 72 80,5
SNL 513-611 83 5 9 13 77 85,5

SNL 515-612 88 5 9 13 87 95,5

SNL 516-613 93 5 9 13 92,5 101
SNL 517 98 5 9 13 97,5 106

SNL 518-615 113 5 9 13 102,5 111

SNL 519-616 116 6 10 14 131 141
SNL 520-617 131 6 10 14 137,5 147,5

SNL 522-619 143 6 10 14 147,5 157,5

SNL 524-620 151 6 11 15 157,5 167,5
SNL 526 156 6 11 15 167,5 177,5

SNL 528 171 6 11 15 177,5 187,5

SNL 530 189 6 11 15 192,5 202,5
SNL 532 201 6 11 15 202,5 212,5
Sealing groove dimensions

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 End covers Page ............. 44

Table 5 Premissible length of shaft end

Housing Dimensions Widest bearing to fit housing

Size Designation Dimensions
ba bc Ca B bb

– mm – mm

SNL 205 18 24 25 22205 CC/W33 18 17

SNL 206-305 20 29 32 22206 CC/W33 20 18
SNL 207 23 32 34 22207 CC/W33 23 20,5

SNL 208-307 26 (22) 33 39 22208 E 23 21,5

SNL 209 25 32 30 22209 CC/W33 23 22,5
SNL 210 28 (24) 35 41 22210 CC/W33 23 23,5

SNL 211 30 (25) 37 44 22211 E 25 25

SNL 212 33 (26) 42 48 22212 E 28 27
SNL 213 35 (30) 45 51 22213 CC/W33 31 29,5

SNL 215 37 (30) 47 56 22215 E 31 30,5

SNL 216 39 (33) 50 58 22216 E 33 33,5
SNL 217 40 (35) 52 61 22217 E 36 36
SNL 218 45 (35) 60 65 23218 CC/W33 52,4 44,2

SNL 505 18 24 25 22205 CCK/W33 18 17

SNL 506-605 20 29 32 2305 EK 24 19
SNL 507-606 23 32 34 2306 K 27 21,5

SNL 508-607 26 (22) 33 39 2307 EK 31 24,5

SNL 509 25 32 30 22209 CCK/W33 23 22,5
SNL 510-608 28 (24) 35 41 22308 CCK/W33 33 26,5

SNL 511-609 30 (25) 37 44 22309 CCK/W33 36 29

SNL 512-610 33 (26) 42 48 22310 EK 40 32
SNL 513-611 35 (30) 45 51 22311 EK 43 33,5

SNL 515-612 37 (30) 47 56 22312 EK 46 36

SNL 516-613 39 (33) 50 58 22313 EK 48 38
SNL 517 40 (35) 52 61 22217 EK 36 36

SNL 518-615 45 (35) 60 65 22315 EK 55 42,5

SNL 519-616 47 (40) 61 68 22316 EK 58 46
SNL 520-617 51 (45) 69 70 23220 CCK/W33 60,3 50,2

SNL 522-619 61 75 80 23222 CCK/W33 69,8 55,9

SNL 524-620 65 79 86 23224 CCK/W33 76 60
SNL 526 65 81 90 23226 CCK/W33 80 63

SNL 528 70 89 98 23228 CCK/W33 88 68

SNL 530 80 98 106 23230 CCK/W33 96 74
SNL 532 85 104 114 23232 CCK/W33 104 80

The dimension ba is determined to suit all appropriate bearings with two exceptions:
1. with self-aligning ball bearings of series 12 where the total bearing seating width must be available, the values
given in brackets apply
2. for non-locating arrangements with the widest bearings, as listed above, which are not mounted centrally in
the housing, the value of ba must be either correspondingly reduced or correspondingly increased

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 End covers, locating rings Page ............. 44

End covers Locating rings

For housings mounted at the ends The bearing seating in the housing is
of shafts, the one opening should be sufficiently wide to enable the bearing
fitted with an end cover which fits into to be displaced axially. Bearings which
the seal groove (➔ fig 8 ). Details of are to locate a shaft axially in both
the permissible length of the shaft end directions (locating bearings) must 2
can be found in Table 5 . The end always be fixed axially in position in
covers are of plastic and are suitable the housing bore by locating rings at
for operating temperatures in the both sides (➔ fig 9 ).
range −40 to +110 °C. CARB bearings are non-locating
At higher temperatures sheet steel bearings and cannot take axial loads.
end covers should be used instead. Since axial displacement is accommod-
These can be cut out from steel sheet ated within a CARB bearing (together
and should be inserted with a hollow with any misalignment) it is necessary
O-ring cord of silicone rubber in the to locate the outer ring axially in its
seal groove in the housing. The relev- seating by inserting a locating ring at
ant seal groove dimensions are given each side of the bearing.
in Table 4 . The locating rings are identified by
The standard end cover of plastic the prefix FRB followed by figures
is designated by the prefix ASNH fol- giving the width/outside diameter in
lowed by the housing size identification, millimetres, e.g. FRB 11.5/100.
e.g. ASNH 511-609.

Housing with locating rings at both

Housing with end cover sides of bearing

Fig 8 Fig 9

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Axial displacement Page ............. 44

Table 6

Bearing Housing Axial displacement s1) for mounted CARB Spacer ring
Size bearings with initial radial internal clearance Dimensions
Normal C3 d d2 B1

– – mm mm

C 2205 K SNL 505 2,3 2,5 25 32 2,0

C 2206 K SNL 506-605 2,3 2,5 30 37 2,0

C 2207 K SNL 507-606 2,8 3,0 35 45 2,5

C 2208 K SNL 508-607 2,7 2,9 40 52 3,0

C 2209 K SNL 509 3,1 2,8 45 55 3,0

C 2210 K SNL 510-608 2,9 3,6 50 62 3,0

C 2211 K SNL 511-609 3,5 4,2 55 66 3,0

C 2212 K SNL 512-610 3,6 4,4 60 77 3,0

C 2213 K SNL 513-611 3,7 4,5 65 79 3,0

C 2215 K SNL 515-612 4,4 5,2 75 88 3,0

C 2315 K SNL 518-615 5,9 7,0 – – –

C 2216 K SNL 516-613 4,4 5,3 80 98 3,0

C 2316 K SNL 519-616 5,7 6,9 – – –

C 2217 K SNL 517 5,1 6,1 85 104 3,0

C 2317 K SNL 520-617 6,5 7,8 – – –

C 2218 K SNL 518-615 5,2 6,4 90 112 3,0

C 2220 K SNL 520-617 5,4 6,7 100 118 3,0

C 2320 K SNL 524-620 6,8 8,4 – – –

C 2222 K SNL 522-619 6,7 8,1 110 133 3,0

C 3224 K SNL 524 7,8 9,5 – – –

C 2226 K SNL 526 8,0 9,6 – – –

C 2228 K SNL 528 8,0 9,7 – – –

C 2230 K SNL 530 9,3 10,9 – – –

C 3232 K SNL 532 10,5 12,9 – – –

s is the maximum permissible displacement of one ring with respect to the other in one direction; the total axial displacement is twice as large

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Axial displacement Page ............. 44

Axial displacement ring should be mounted between the

side face of the inner ring and the
using CARB bearings lock nut to prevent this happening
in SNL housings (➔ fig 10 ). Such a spacer ring is
supplied with SKF adapter sleeves
The permissible axial displacement in identified by suffix E. The widths of
a CARB bearing is dependent on the these spacer rings are also given in 2
clearance remaining in the bearing Table 6 . The outside diameter is the
after mounting: the larger the residual same as bearing dimension d2.
radial internal clearance, the larger the For bearings of series C 22 K and
permissible axial displacement of one C 32 K, from size 24 and above, the
ring with respect to the other. This axial adapter sleeves are supplied together
displacement reduces the clearance in with a KML nut, indicated by suffix L
the bearing until at a given displace- in the sleeve designation.
ment, the clearance disappears al- It should be observed that the poss-
together or the rollers may start to be ible axial displacement of the shaft
exposed at one side of the bearing. relative to the housing may be limited
Table 6 shows the maximum per- by the type of seal used.
missible axial displacement for each
CARB bearing when mounted normally
and having initial radial internal clear-
ances of Normal and C3. It is assumed
that there is little difference in temper-
ature between inner and outer ring.
When the rings are displaced a
certain distance, the roller and cage
assembly will move through half this
distance. If the inner ring moves into
the bearing, or alternatively, if the outer
ring moves out from the bearing the
roller and cage assembly can contact
the lock nut and locking washer. For
bearings of series C 22 K up to and
including size 22, therefore, a spacer

CARB bearing on adapter sleeve with

spacer ring between bearing inner ring
and lock nut

Fig 10

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Trouble-free operation Page ............. 44

Application advice for

trouble-free operation
Condition monitoring is recommended Enveloped acceleration the higher frequencies generated by
for SNL plummer blocks particularly Bearing defects can be easily recog- the impact signals typical of rolling
if they are used on machines where nised by measurement and analysis bearing defects and gear teeth prob-
failures would cause production stop- of an enveloped acceleration signal of lems. This technique has proven to be
pages. The early recognition and trend-
ing of the degradation of the machine
and machine parts make it possible to
analyse the cause and to be able to
plan for corrective maintenance
actions in good time.
Extensive monitoring experience
and a knowledge of the dynamic be-
haviour of machines, machine com-
ponents and bearings where there is
incipient damage allows SKF to recom-
mend two powerful signal processing
techniques which can be used for Electronic cabinet
condition monitoring. with built-in
MCM™ units
Vibration velocity
The RMS (root mean square) of the
velocity of vibrations in the frequency
range 10 Hz to 1 kHz has been used
with great success to measure pheno-
mena such as imbalance, misalign-
ment, resonance etc. High levels of
velocity vibration can be generated by
poor machine conditions such as im- Multilog on-line
proper clearances, imbalance, misalign- system
ment, weak foundations, bent rotors,
out-of-round, belt problems or dam-
aged fan blades. The ISO Standard
10 816-1:1995 contains recommenda-
tions for reference values for the RMS
velocity values measured on different
classes of machines and machine
parts. These recommendations give a
clear and quantifiable measure for the
changes in machine condition. Vibration
velocity expressed as an overall RMS
value in the 10 Hz to 1 kHz frequency
range provides minimal information on
defects in rolling element bearings or
gear mesh problems. These types of
defect can now be easily detected by
enveloped acceleration in the higher
frequency ranges. Microlog – port-
able data collector
and analyser

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Trouble-free operation Page ............. 44

extremely reliable in the detection of ● Condition monitoring and diagnosis Measurement points 1 and 2 should
incipient bearing defects. The low fre- with a portable data collector and be used on SNL housings where the
quencies generated by imbalance, analyser load acts towards the base plate.
misalignment etc. are not measured Measurement point 3 is intended for
and diagnosed within the enveloped In this case the condition is monitor- when the housing is hung from its
acceleration process. ed using a portable data collector/ support or when the load acts away
analyser at appropriate points on the from the base plate. 2
● Condition monitoring and diagnosis machine. Where a measurement For additional information about
with permanently installed monitor- point is difficult to access, perman- condition monitoring and the measure-
ing systems ently installed sensors can be used. ment tools and systems available from
These can be connected by cable SKF please contact the SKF applica-
This type of monitoring makes it to a connection box accessible to tion engineering service.
possible to check the condition the data collector.
using MCM™ (Mechanical Condi-
tion Monitor) for a single measuring On-line condition monitoring uses fixed
point or the multilog LMU (Local sensors which are always connected
Monitoring Unit) which sequentially to the data collector. SNL housings
monitors several measuring points. have appropriate points for sensors
The MCM™ system should be ap- (➔ fig 11 ). Measurement points 1 and
plied were an economical solution is 2 are perpendicular to the shaft and
required (e.g. for fans). The measure- correspond best to ISO 10 816-1:1995.
ment output can be directly connect- Measurement point 3 lies at approxi-
ed to a control or DCS (Digital Con- mately 45° to the shaft axis. For enve-
trol System). A relay output is also loped acceleration the angle of inclina-
available to shut down the machine tion of the measuring point is of minor
or section of the plant. importance.

Measurement points for condition


Fig 11

Position 1: Optimum sensor

position for vertical or hanging
position of bearing housing.
Position 1 can be used for
acceleration enveloping and
also is a position identified
according to ISO 10 816-1.

Position 2: Optimum sensor

position for measurements
concerning the ISO 10 816-1
standard and also for accel-
eration enveloping for forces
perpendicular to the shaft

Position 3: This sensor position is a

compromise and can be used for forces
perpendicular or parallel to the shaft
centreline as well as forces exhibited
against the measurement point.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Lubrication Page ............. 44

Lubrication the central ridge indicate the position

for lubrication holes for the seals.
SNL plummer block housings are so It is recommended that spherical
designed that the bearings in them roller bearings having a lubrication
can be lubricated with grease or oil, groove and three holes in the outer
although grease lubrication is gener- ring (designation suffix E or W33) be
ally preferable. The lubricant should lubricated via this feature (➔ fig 12 ).
be selected with reference to the oper- A hole should be drilled at one of the
ating conditions. Relevant information middle markings on the three bars for
will be found in the SKF General Cata- this purpose. SNL housings having a
logue and other SKF publications. drilled and tapped hole in the middle
of the cap together with a lubrication
Grease lubrication nipple can be supplied on request.
In the majority of applications, the They are identified by the designation Grease quantities
amount of grease applied to the SNL suffix NM, e.g. SNL 511-609 NM.
housings when mounting (first fill) or It should be noted that when spher- Table 7
after an inspection is adequate until ical roller bearings are to be relubric- Housing Grease quantities
the next planned inspection. ated via the outer ring, they should be Size First Relub-
Certain operating conditions, e.g. rotated. If outer ring relubrication is not fill1) rication
high speeds, high temperatures or possible or if self-aligning ball bearings – g
heavy loads, may mean that more or CARB bearings are used the stand-
frequent relubrication is necessary. ard grease nipple supplied with the SNL 205 25 5
Table 7 gives guideline values for housing should be inserted in the hole SNL 206-305 40 5
the grease quantities to be applied for provided and used for this purpose SNL 207 50 10
the first fill and for relubrication. Seven (➔ fig 13 ). If it is desired to use a SNL 208-307 60 10
markings will be found on the housing grease nipple other than that supplied SNL 209 65 10
cap of which six show where holes with the housing, adapters are avail- SNL 210 75 10
can be drilled and tapped to take able which make a reworking of the SNL 211 100 15
grease nipples. available drilled and tapped hole SNL 212 150 15
SNL 213 180 20
There is also a drilled and tapped unnecessary.
hole for the grease nipple AH 1/8-27 Where V-ring seals are used, the SNL 215 230 20
PTF which is supplied with the housing. efficacy of relubrication can be much SNL 216 280 25
SNL 217 330 25
This hole is closed by a plastic plug. improved if an additional V-ring is SNL 218 430 40
The two markings at the outer sides of mounted inside the housing at the side
SNL 505 25 5
SNL 506-605 40 5
SNL 507-606 50 10

SNL 508-607 60 10
Lubricating the bearing via the outer Bearing lubrication via the standard SNL 509 65 10
ring nipple SNL 510-608 75 10

Fig 12 Fig 13 SNL 511-609 100 15

SNL 512-610 150 15
SNL 513-611 180 20

SNL 515-612 230 20

SNL 516-613 280 25
SNL 517 330 25

SNL 518-615 430 40

SNL 519-616 480 50
SNL 520-617 630 55

SNL 522-619 850 70

SNL 524-620 1 000 80
SNL 526 1 100 95

SNL 528 1 400 110

SNL 530 1 700 130
SNL 532 2 000 150

Fills approximately 40 % of the free space in the

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Lubrication Page ............. 44

Table 8 Recommended dimensions for grease

escape hole where the grease is applied, so that
grease can only exit at the opposite
side of the housing. For this purpose a
set comprising a V-ring and a splash
plate, which covers a sector of more
than 180° (➔ fig 14 ), can be supplied.
This V-ring and splash plate set is 2
designated by the prefix ASNA followed
by the housing size identification and
the suffix V, e.g. ASNA 511 V.
Where the bearings are mounted on
adapter sleeves, the grease should be
introduced at the side opposite to the
lock nut of the sleeve. Where housings
are mounted at shaft ends, grease
Housing Dimensions
should be applied at the end cover
Size Ja N3 α side.
Where G or C-design seals are
– mm degrees used it should be noted that grease
cannot escape via the seals. If frequent
relubrication is required when such
SNL 205 8,5 10 45
SNL 206-305 10 10 45 seals are used, it is advisable to pro-
SNL 207 10 10 45 vide the housing with a grease escape
SNL 208-307 9 10 45
hole (➔ fig 15 ) through which excess
SNL 209 10 10 45 grease can escape. Recommended
SNL 210 11 10 45 dimensions will be found in Table 8 .
SNL 211 10 12 45 SNL housings with a grease escape
SNL 212 9 12 45 hole in the base can be supplied. This
SNL 213 13 12 45 housing design is identified by the
SNL 215 12,5 12 45 suffix V, e.g. SNL 511-609 V.
SNL 216 14 16 45 If housings fitted with the G-design
SNL 217 17 16 45 double-lip seals are periodically relub-
SNL 218 20 16 40
ricated the seals can only be operated
SNL 505 8,5 10 45 at peripheral speeds up to 4 m/s as
SNL 506-605 10 10 45
SNL 507-606 10 10 45 otherwise the sealing lips may over-
heat and wear.
SNL 508-607 9 10 45
SNL 509 10 10 45
SNL 510-608 11 10 45 Housing with additional V-ring and
splash plate Housing with grease escape hole
SNL 511-609 10 12 45
SNL 512-610 9 12 45 Fig 14 Fig 15
SNL 513-611 13 12 45

SNL 515-612 12,5 12 45

SNL 516-613 14 16 45
SNL 517 17 16 45

SNL 518-615 20 16 40
SNL 519-616 20 16 50
SNL 520-617 21 16 50

SNL 522-619 21 20 50
SNL 524-620 24 20 55
SNL 526 22 20 55

SNL 528 23 20 50
SNL 530 25 20 55
SNL 532 25 20 60

The dimensions are those recommended when

the standard grease nipple AH 1/8-27 PTF is used
(supplied with the housing) but can also be applied if
nipples having threads R 1/8, KR 1/8 or M 10×1 are
used. An adapter is available which fits the SNL stand-
ard lubrication hole, designation LAPN 1/8. Using this
adapter nipple with thread G 1/4 and grease dispen-
sers, e.g. SKF System 24, can be applied.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Lubrication, mounting Page ............. 44

Oil lubrication Mounting

The new SNL housings can be used
for oil lubrication at relatively high SNL housings together with SKF
speeds. When using oil, however, the bearings are robust and operationally
specially developed U-design seals reliable bearing arrangements which
should be incorporated to avoid oil loss have long lives. However, if they are
from the housing (➔ fig 16 ). These to achieve their full potential and not
seals are described on page 20. In fail prematurely they must be properly
order for these seals to be used the mounted. Incorrect procedures or
housing must be modified so that SNL unsuitable tools can influence life
housings for oil lubrication are only negatively.
supplied complete with seals.
Mounting the bearing
The bearings can be mounted either
on a tapered seating – normally for
SNL housings in the form of an adap-
ter sleeve – or on a cylindrical seating.
When a bearing is correctly mounted
on a sleeve there will be interference
fits between the inner ring, sleeve and
shaft. The degree of interference is
determined by how far the bearing is
driven up on the sleeve and either the
internal clearance reduction or the
axial drive-up distance can be used as
a measure. The clearance reduction in
spherical roller bearings can be meas-
ured using a feeler gauge, or the new
SKF drive-up method can be used.
Information will be sent on request.
When mounting self-aligning ball
bearings having Normal radial internal
clearance (which is relatively small) the
Housing for oil lubrication clearance reduction can be checked
by turning and swivelling out the outer
Fig 16 ring. When the swivelling out meets a
slight resistance, the bearing has a
sufficient degree of interference and
the drive-up should be stopped. A par-
ticularly simple method of mounting
self-aligning ball bearings on adapter
sleeves is the use of the spanner set
TMHN 7 which has been specially
developed for this purpose. Each
spanner is marked with the angle
though which the lock nut should be
turned when self-aligning ball bearings
having C3 radial internal clearance
are used.
CARB bearings can also be mount-
ed on cylindrical as well as tapered
seatings. For tapered seatings, again
normally adapter sleeves, the spanner
set TMHN 7 can be used for smaller
CARB bearings as well as for self-
aligning ball bearings. For larger CARB
bearings either the clearance reduc-
tion or the axial drive-up length should
be measured. When using a feeler

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

gauge to measure clearance reduction Support surface for housing base

it is important that the inner and outer To guarantee long bearing service life
rings of the bearing are not displaced it is recommended that the support
with respect to each other. The new surface for the housing is finished to
SKF drive-up method can also be Ra  12,5 µm. The flatness (planicity)
applied. tolerance should be to IT7. For mode-
Bearings with cylindrical bore are rate demands IT8 may be satisfactory. 2
normally mounted with an interference
fit on the shaft. Appropriate shaft toler- Dowel pins
ances should be selected. The recom- SNL housings are designed for loads
mendations applying to self-aligning acting vertically to the housing base
ball and spherical roller bearings also support. If they are to be subjected to
apply to CARB bearings. moderate or heavy loads acting paral-
Details of the spanner set TMHN 7, lel to the base support, a stop should
several other mounting tools as well be provided, or the housing should be
as the new SKF drive-up method can pinned to its support. Recommenda-
be found in the SKF catalogue MP200 tions for the position and size of holes
“Tools for trouble-free operation” which to take dowel pins are given in
will be sent on request. Table 9 .

Table 9

Housing Dimensions Housing Dimensions

Size J6 J7 N4 Size J6 J7 N4
max max

– mm – mm

SNL 205 152 16 5 SNL 511-609 234 24,5 8

SNL 206-305 172 19 5 SNL 512-610 234 27 8
SNL 207 172 19 5 SNL 513-611 252 29 8

SNL 208-307 188 22 6 SNL 515-612 257 29 8

SNL 209 188 22 6 SNL 516-613 288 33 8
SNL 210 188 22 6 SNL 517 292 33 8

SNL 211 234 24,5 8 SNL 518-615 317 35 8

SNL 212 234 27 8 SNL 519-616 317 35 8
SNL 213 252 29 8 SNL 520-617 348 39 8

SNL 215 257 29 8 SNL 522-619 378 44 8

SNL 216 288 33 8 SNL 524-620 378 44 8
SNL 217 292 33 8 SNL 526 414 46 12
SNL 218 317 35 8

SNL 505 152 16 5 SNL 528 458 54 12

SNL 506-605 172 19 5 SNL 530 486 58 12
SNL 507-606 172 19 5 SNL 532 506 58 12

SNL 508-607 188 22 6

SNL 509 188 22 6
SNL 510-608 188 22 6
Position and size of dowel pin holes

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

Housings with four bolt holes in Table 10

For the attachment of SNL housings
to T-shaped beams, it is possible to
drill four bolt holes in the base. The
appropriate positions are indicated by
dimples. Recommended dimensions
are given in Table 10 .

Attachment bolts
It is recommended that hexagon
headed bolts to strength class 8.8
according to the European Standard
EN 24014 should be used. If the load
does not act vertically to the base, it
may be necessary to use stronger,
Housing Dimensions Appropriate
class 10.9 bolts. Details of the appro- Size J1 J2 N2 bolt size
priate tightening torques for the bolts
to class 8.8 are given in Table 12 on – mm mm
page 46.
SNL 208-307 160 34 11 M 10
SNL 209 160 34 11 M 10
SNL 210 160 34 11 M 10

SNL 211 200 40 14 M 12

SNL 212 200 40 14 M 12
SNL 213 220 48 14 M 12

SNL 215 220 48 14 M 12

SNL 216 252 52 18 M 16
SNL 217 252 52 18 M 16
SNL 218 280 58 18 M 16

SNL 508-607 160 34 11 M 10

SNL 509 160 34 11 M 10
SNL 510-608 160 34 11 M 10

SNL 511-609 200 40 14 M 12

SNL 512-610 200 40 14 M 12
SNL 513-611 220 48 14 M 12

SNL 515-612 220 48 14 M 12

SNL 516-613 252 52 18 M 16
SNL 517 252 52 18 M 16

SNL 518-615 280 58 18 M 16

SNL 519-616 280 58 18 M 16
SNL 520-617 300 66 18 M 16

SNL 522-619 320 74 18 M 16

SNL 524-620 330 74 18 M 16
SNL 526 370 80 22 M 20

SNL 528 400 92 26 M 24

SNL 530 430 100 26 M 24
SNL 532 450 100 26 M 24

Bolt hole dimensions

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

Mounting SNL 8. Put one locating ring (when needed)

at each side of the bearing.
housings with double-lip
seals NB. Locating rings are only used for
locating bearing arrangements, except
Before starting installation work, the for CARB bearings which, although
following instructions should be care- always non-locating, must always be
fully read. mounted with locating rings.

1. Ensure that the environment is clean. 9. Carefully align the housing base.
Check the dimensional and form accur- Vertical markings at the middle of the
acy of the shaft seating. side faces and ends of the housing
base can facilitate this. Then lightly
2. Check that the surface roughness tighten the attachment bolts.
of the support surface Ra  12,5 µm.
The flatness (planicity) tolerance 10. The remaining seal halves should
should be to IT7. For moderate be inserted in the seal grooves in the
demands IT8 may be satisfactory. housing cap and the space between
the sealing lips filled with grease.
3. If the bearing is mounted on an
adapter sleeve, determine the position 11. The housing cap should be placed
of the housing. The grease nipple over the base and the cap bolts (to join
arranged at one side of the housing cap and base) tightened to the torque
cap (for improved lubrication) should specified in Table 12 on page 46.
always be at the side opposite to the The cap and base of one housing are
sleeve nut. It is necessary to consider not interchangeable with those of other
the complete housing as the base and housings. The cap and base should be
cap will only fit together as supplied. checked to see that they bear the
same identification.
4. Position the housing on the support
surface. Fit the attachment bolts but 12. Fully tighten the attachment bolts
do not tighten them. in the housing base. Recommended
tightening torques are given in
5. Insert one seal half in each of the Table 12 on page 46.
grooves in the housing base. Fill the
space between the two sealing lips
with grease. If the housing is to be
used at the end of a shaft, insert an
end cover at one side instead of the
seal half.

6. Mount the bearing on the shaft –

either directly on a stepped shaft or
using an adapter sleeve. Completely
fill the bearing with grease. The re-
mainder of the recommended grease
quantity should be put in the housing
base at the sides (➔ Table 7 ,
page 28).

7. Lay the shaft with bearing in the

housing base.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

5 2

4 5






1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

Mounting SNL 8. Lay the shaft with bearing and seal-

ing washers in the housing base.
housings with V-ring
seals 9. Put one locating ring (when needed)
at each side of the bearing.
Before starting installation work, the
following instructions should be care- NB. Locating rings are only used for
fully read. locating bearing arrangements, except
for CARB bearings which, although
1. Ensure that the environment is clean. always non-locating, must always be
Check the dimensional and form accur- mounted with locating rings.
acy of the shaft seating.
10. Carefully align the housing base.
2. Check that the surface roughness Vertical markings at the middle of the
of the support surface Ra  12,5 µm. side faces and ends of the housing
The flatness (planicity) tolerance base can facilitate this. Then lightly
should be to IT7. For moderate tighten the attachment bolts.
demands IT8 may be satisfactory.
11. The housing cap should be placed
3. If the bearing is mounted on an over the base and the cap bolts (to join
adapter sleeve, determine the position cap and base) tightened to the torque
of the housing. The grease nipple specified in Table 12 on page 46.
arranged at one side of the housing The cap and base of one housing are
cap (for improved lubrication) should not interchangeable with those of other
always be at the side opposite to the housings. The cap and base should be
sleeve nut. It is necessary to consider checked to see that they bear the
the complete housing as the base and same identification.
cap will only fit together as supplied.
12. Fully tighten the attachment bolts
4. Position the housing on the support in the housing base. Recommended
surface. Fit the attachment bolts but tightening torques are given in
do not tighten them. Table 12 on page 46.

5. Arrange the one V-ring with sealing 13. Coat the V-ring counterfaces on
washer on the shaft. The V-ring should the sealing washers with grease.
be furthest away from the bearing and
seal against the washer, i.e. the lip 14. Finally, push the V-ring seals into
should point inwards towards the their correct position. This can be done
washer. using a screwdriver at the same time
as the shaft is turned.
6. Mount the bearing on the shaft –
either directly on a stepped shaft or
using an adapter sleeve. Completely
fill the bearing with grease. The re-
mainder of the recommended grease
quantity should be put in the housing
base at the sides (➔ Table 7 ,
page 28).

7. Arrange the second sealing washer

and V-ring on the shaft at the other
side of the bearing. If the housing is to
be used at the end of a shaft, mount
an end cover instead.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

4 7


8 10



1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

Mounting SNL 8. Lay the shaft with bearing in the

housing base.
housings with felt seals
Before starting installation work, the 9. Put one locating ring (when needed)
following instructions should be care- at each side of the bearing.
fully read.
NB. Locating rings are only used for
1. Ensure that the environment is clean. locating bearing arrangements, except
Check the dimensional and form accur- for CARB bearings which, although
acy of the shaft seating. always non-locating, must always be
mounted with locating rings.
2. Check that the surface roughness
of the support surface Ra  12,5 µm. 10. Carefully align the housing base.
The flatness (planicity) tolerance Vertical markings at the middle of the
should be to IT7. For moderate side faces and ends of the housing
demands IT8 may be satisfactory. base can facilitate this. Then lightly
tighten the attachment bolts.
3. If the bearing is mounted on an
adapter sleeve, determine the position 11. Put the O-ring cord into the sealing
of the housing. The grease nipple grooves in the housing cap.
arranged at one side of the housing
cap (for improved lubrication) should 12. The remaining seal halves should
always be at the side opposite to the be inserted in the seal grooves in the
sleeve nut. It is necessary to consider housing cap over the O-ring cords.
the complete housing as the base and
cap will only fit together as supplied. 13. The housing cap should be placed
over the base and the cap bolts (to join
4. Position the housing on the support cap and base) tightened to the torque
surface. Fit the attachment bolts but do specified in Table 12 on page 46.
not tighten them. The cap and base of one housing are
not interchangeable with those of other
5. Insert the rubber O-section cords in housings. The cap and base should be
the grooves in the housing base. If the checked to see that they bear the
housing is to be used at the end of a same identification.
shaft, insert an end cover at one side
instead of one O-section cord. 14. Fully tighten the attachment bolts
in the housing base. Recommended
6. Place one felt ring seal half (in light tightening torques are given in
alloy ring) over the O-section cord in Table 12 on page 46.
each sealing groove in the housing
base. (Details regarding mounting of
loose FS felt strips ➔ page 18). If the
housing is to be used at a shaft end,
the second felt ring seal half is omitted
and an end cover inserted in the hous-
ing base instead.

7. Mount the bearing on the shaft –

either directly on a stepped shaft or
using an adapter sleeve. Completely
fill the bearing with grease. The re-
mainder of the recommended grease
quantity should be put in the housing
base at the sides(➔ Table 7 ,
page 28).

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

4 5

5 6



12 14

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

Mounting SNL 9. Put one locating ring (when needed)

at each side of the bearing.
housings with labyrinth
seals NB. Locating rings are only used for
locating bearing arrangements, except
Before starting installation work, the for CARB bearings which, although
following instructions should be care- always non-locating, must always be
fully read. mounted with locating rings.

1. Ensure that the environment is clean. 10. Carefully align the housing base.
Check the dimensional and form accur- Vertical markings at the middle of the
acy of the shaft seating. side faces and ends of the housing
base can facilitate this. Then lightly
2. Check that the surface roughness tighten the attachment bolts.
of the support surface Ra  12,5 µm.
The flatness (planicity) tolerance 11. The housing cap should be placed
should be to IT7. For moderate over the base and the cap bolts (to join
demands IT8 may be satisfactory. cap and base) tightened to the torque
specified in Table 12 on page 46.
3. If the bearing is mounted on an The cap and base of one housing are
adapter sleeve, determine the position not interchangeable with those of other
of the housing. The grease nipple housings. The cap and base should be
arranged at one side of the housing checked to see that they bear the
cap (for improved lubrication) should same identification.
always be at the side opposite to the
sleeve nut. It is necessary to consider 12. Fully tighten the attachment bolts
the complete housing as the base and in the housing base. Recommended
cap will only fit together as supplied. tightening torques are given in
Table 12 on page 46.
4. Position the housing on the support
surface. Fit the attachment bolts but 13. Finally insert the hollow O-ring
do not tighten them. cord of synthetic rubber in the grooves
in the labyrinth rings. This can be done
5. Mount the first labyrinth seal on the using a screwdriver while turning the
shaft in the correct position. shaft.

6. Mount the bearing on the shaft –

either directly on a stepped shaft or
using an adapter sleeve. Completely
fill the bearing with grease. The re-
mainder of the recommended grease
quantity should be put in the housing
base at the sides (➔ Table 7 ,
page 28).

7. Mount the second labyrinth ring on

the shaft in the correct position. If the
housing is to be used at a shaft end,
the second labyrinth ring is omitted
and an end cover inserted in the
housing base instead.

8. Lay the shaft with bearing and laby-

rinth ring(s) in the housing base.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44



8 10




1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44

Mounting SNL 7. Mount the second seal according to

point 5. If the housing is to be used at
housings with taconite a shaft end, the second seal is omitted
seals and an end cover inserted in the hous-
ing base instead.
Before starting installation work, the
following instructions should be care- 8. Use the hollow O-section cord to
fully read. fix the labyrinth ring in position on the
shaft. A screwdriver can be used to fit
1. Ensure that the environment is clean. the cords whilst rotating the shaft. Mount
Check the dimensional and form accur- the O-ring on the seal outer diameter.
acy of the shaft seating.
9. Lay the shaft with bearing and seals
2. Check that the surface roughness in the housing base taking care that
of the support surface Ra  12,5 µm. the O-rings are not damaged.
The flatness (planicity) tolerance
should be to IT7. For moderate 10. Put one locating ring (when need-
demands IT8 may be satisfactory. ed) at each side of the bearing.

3. If the bearing is mounted on an NB. Locating rings are only used for
adapter sleeve, determine the position locating bearing arrangements, except
of the housing. The grease nipple for CARB bearings which, although
arranged at one side of the housing always non-locating, must always be
cap (for improved lubrication) should mounted with locating rings.
always be at the side opposite to the
sleeve nut. It is necessary to consider 11. Carefully align the housing base.
the complete housing as the base and Vertical markings at the middle of the
cap will only fit together as supplied. side faces and ends of the housing
base can facilitate this. Then lightly
4. Position the housing on the support tighten the attachment bolts.
surface. Fit the attachment bolts but
do not tighten them. 12. The housing cap should be placed
over the base and the cap bolts (to join
5. Mount the first V-ring together with cap and base) tightened to the torque
one labyrinth seal on the shaft in the specified in Table 12 on page 46.
correct position. The lip of the V-ring The cap and base of one housing are
should point towards the bearing. not interchangeable with those of other
Place the split ring over the V-ring and housings. The cap and base should
labyrinth ring and screw together. The be checked to see that they bear the
two parts of this split ring are not inter- same identification.
changeable. They should be checked
to see that they carry the same identi- 13. Fully tighten the attachment bolts
fication. in the housing base. Recommended
tightening torques are given in
6. Mount the bearing on the shaft – Table 12 on page 46.
either directly on a stepped shaft or
using an adapter sleeve. Completely 14. Finally, before the first test run,
fill the bearing with grease. The re- rotate the shaft and supply grease
mainder of the recommended grease via the nipple until it exudes from the
quantity should be put in the housing labyrinth rings. The same grease as
base at the sides (➔ Table 7 , that used for the bearing should also
page 28). be used to lubricate the labyrinth rings.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Mounting Page ............. 44




9 11




1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 Designation chart

Designations and housing data

Designations nations needed to identify features

which differ from the standard design.
The designations used for SNL housings A dash (−) in the chart indicates that
consist of a basic designation which the features belong to the standard
identifies the design, material and size design.
followed by any supplementary desig-

Designation chart

F SNL 522-619 NMSN


– Two holes for attachment bolts

F Four drilled holes for attachment bolts
S No holes

Basic design

– Housing of grey cast iron


205 to 218
505 to 532


NM Drilled and tapped hole 1/8-27 NPSF positioned at the centre of the cap for bearings with annular
groove and three lubrication holes in the outer ring. Grease nipple AH 1/8-27 PTF is supplied
with the housing
V Housing with grease escape hole in base
T Drilled and tapped hole 1/4-28 UNF at one side of the cap to take grease nipple AH 1/4-28 SAE-LT for
relubrication of seal; nipple supplied with housing.
TD Drilled and tapped hole 1/4-28 UNF at both sides of cap to take grease nipple AH 1/4-28 SAE-LT for
lubrication of seals, two nipples supplied with housing.
SN Housing with drilled and tapped hole for sensor
K7 Housing with bearing seating diameter tolerance K7

Where two or more suffixes are used they are given in the same order as above.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 Load carrying ability

Load carrying ability Table 11

SNL plummer block housings are

intended for loads acting vertically
towards the base plate (support). If
loads acting in other directions occur,
checks should be made to ensure
that the magnitude of the load is
permissible for the housing, the bolts
joining the housing cap and base,
and for the attachment bolts.
Load carrying ability of the housing
Guideline values for the breaking
load P of the housing for various load
directions are given in Table 11 . Using
these values and a safety factor sel-
ected with respect to the operating
conditions, the permissible load for
the housing can be calculated. In
general engineering a safety factor
Housing Breaking loads for SNL housing
of 6 is often used. Size P55° P90° P120° P150° P180° Pa
It is important for the load carrying
ability of the housing that the bolts – kN
joining cap and base are properly
tightened in accordance with the values
SNL 205 155 95 70 60 80 52
given in Table 12 . The axial load carry- SNL 206-305 170 100 80 65 85 55
ing capacity of the housing is approx- SNL 207 190 115 85 80 95 60
imately 65 % of P180°. For load angles
SNL 208-307 215 130 95 85 110 70
between 55 and 120° as well as for SNL 209 230 140 100 90 115 75
axial loads, if the load acting parallel SNL 210 265 155 120 110 130 85
to the base plate (support surface) SNL 211 275 170 125 115 140 90
exceeds 5 % of P180°, the housing SNL 212 300 180 130 120 150 100
should be pinned to the support or a SNL 213 340 205 150 130 170 110
stop should be provided in the direc- SNL 215 410 250 185 160 205 135
tion of the load. SNL 216 430 260 190 175 215 140
SNL 217 480 290 205 190 240 155
SNL 218 550 340 250 215 275 180

SNL 505 155 95 70 60 80 52

SNL 506-605 170 100 80 65 85 55
SNL 507-606 190 115 85 80 95 60

SNL 508-607 215 130 95 85 110 70

SNL 509 230 140 100 90 115 75
SNL 510-608 265 155 120 110 130 85

SNL 511-609 275 170 125 115 140 90

SNL 512-610 300 180 130 120 150 100
SNL 513-611 340 205 150 130 170 110

SNL 515-612 410 250 185 160 205 135

SNL 516-613 430 260 190 175 215 140
SNL 517 480 290 205 190 240 155

SNL 518-615 550 340 250 215 275 180

SNL 519-616 580 350 260 230 290 190
SNL 520-617 620 370 280 250 310 200

SNL 522-619 680 410 310 275 340 220

SNL 524-620 790 470 350 320 400 260
SNL 526 900 540 410 360 450 295

SNL 528 1 050 630 470 430 530 345

SNL 530 1 200 730 540 480 600 390
Breaking loads for SNL plummer block SNL 532 1 450 860 640 570 720 470

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 Load carrying ability

Table 12

Housing Cap bolts Attachment bolts

Size Yield point Maximum load Tightening Designation Size Tightening
for both bolts for both bolts torque to EN 24014 torque
Q120° Q150° Q180° F120° F150° F180°

– kN kN Nm – – Nm

SNL 205 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×40 M 12 90

SNL 206-305 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×40 M 12 90
SNL 207 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×50 M 12 90

SNL 208-307 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×50 M 12 90

SNL 209 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×50 M 12 90
SNL 210 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×55 M 12 90

SNL 211 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×60 M 16 220

SNL 212 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×60 M 16 220
SNL 213 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×65 M 16 220

SNL 215 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×65 M 16 220

SNL 216 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×70 M 20 430
SNL 217 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×80 M 20 430
SNL 218 400 230 200 170 100 85 150 M 16×90 M 20 430

SNL 505 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×40 M 12 90

SNL 506-605 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×40 M 12 90
SNL 507-606 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×50 M 12 90

SNL 508-607 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×50 M 12 90

SNL 509 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×50 M 12 90
SNL 510-608 150 85 75 50 30 25 50 M 10×55 M 12 90

SNL 511-609 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×60 M 16 220

SNL 512-610 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×60 M 16 220
SNL 513-611 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×65 M 16 220

SNL 515-612 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×65 M 16 220

SNL 516-613 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×70 M 20 430
SNL 517 220 125 110 80 45 40 80 M 12×80 M 20 430

SNL 518-615 400 230 200 170 100 85 150 M 16×90 M 20 430
SNL 519-616 400 230 200 170 100 85 150 M 16×90 M 20 430
SNL 520-617 620 360 310 260 150 130 200 M 20×100 M 24 750

SNL 522-619 620 360 310 260 150 130 200 M 20×100 M 24 750
SNL 524-620 620 360 310 260 150 130 200 M 20×110 M 24 750
SNL 526 900 500 450 380 220 190 350 M 24×130 M 24 750

SNL 528 900 500 450 380 220 190 350 M 24×130 M 30 1 400
SNL 530 900 500 450 380 220 190 350 M 24×130 M 30 1 400
SNL 532 900 500 450 380 220 190 350 M 24×130 M 30 1 400

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 Load carrying ability

Load carrying ability of bolts

SNL plummer block housings are
supplied with cap bolts (to join cap
and base) to strength class 8.8 as
standard. The guideline values for the
yield point Q for the cap bolts are given
in Table 12 for various load directions
as well as the corresponding max-
imum radial loads F.

Load carrying ability and tightening

torques for cap bolts and attachment

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 SNL plummer block housings
for bearings on adapter sleeves
da 20–35 mm

Double-lip seals Labyrinth seals Taconite seals

G design S design ND design

Shaft Housing
Dimensions Mass Designations
Housing Components
da A A1 H H1 H2 J L N N1 G complete with Housing Seals End
two seals only cover

mm mm kg –

20 67 46 74 40 19 130 165 20 15 12 1,45 SNL 505 TG SNL 505 TSN 505 G ASNH 505
SNL 505 TA SNL 505 TSN 505 A ASNH 505
SNL 505 TC SNL 505 TSN 505 C ASNH 505
SNL 505 TS SNL 505 TSN 505 S ASNH 505
SNL 505 TND SNL 505 TSN 505 ND ASNH 505

77 52 89 50 22 150 185 20 15 12 2,00 SNL 605 TG SNL 506-605 TSN 605 G ASNH 506-605
SNL 605 TA SNL 506-605 TSN 605 A ASNH 506-605
SNL 605 TC SNL 506-605 TSN 605 C ASNH 506-605
SNL 605 TS SNL 506-605 TSN 605 S ASNH 506-605
SNL 605 TND SNL 506-605 TSN 605 ND ASNH 506-605

25 77 52 89 50 22 150 185 20 15 12 2,00 SNL 506 TG SNL 506-605 TSN 506 G ASNH 506-605
SNL 506 TA SNL 506-605 TSN 506 A ASNH 506-605
SNL 506 TC SNL 506-605 TSN 506 C ASNH 506-605
SNL 506 TS SNL 506-605 TSN 506 S ASNH 506-605
SNL 506 TND SNL 506-605 TSN 506 ND ASNH 506-605

82 52 93 50 22 150 185 20 15 12 2,20 SNL 606 TG SNL 507-606 TSN 606 G ASNH 507-606
SNL 606 TA SNL 507-606 TSN 606 A ASNH 507-606
SNL 606 TC SNL 507-606 TSN 606 C ASNH 507-606
SNL 606 TS SNL 507-606 TSN 606 S ASNH 507-606
SNL 606 TND SNL 507-606 TSN 606 ND ASNH 507-606

30 82 52 93 50 22 150 185 20 15 12 2,20 SNL 507 TG SNL 507-606 TSN 507 G ASNH 507-606
SNL 507 TA SNL 507-606 TSN 507 A ASNH 507-606
SNL 507 TC SNL 507-606 TSN 507 C ASNH 507-606
SNL 507 TS SNL 507-606 TSN 507 S ASNH 507-606
SNL 507 TND SNL 507-606 TSN 507 ND ASNH 507-606

85 60 107 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 2,90 SNL 607 TG SNL 508-607 TSN 607 G ASNH 508-607
SNL 607 TA SNL 508-607 TSN 607 A ASNH 508-607
SNL 607 TC SNL 508-607 TSN 607 C ASNH 508-607
SNL 607 TS SNL 508-607 TSN 607 S ASNH 508-607
SNL 607 TND SNL 508-607 TSN 607 ND ASNH 508-607

35 85 60 108 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 2,90 SNL 508 TG SNL 508-607 TSN 508 G ASNH 508-607
SNL 508 TA SNL 508-607 TSN 508 A ASNH 508-607
SNL 508 TC SNL 508-607 TSN 508 C ASNH 508-607
SNL 508 TS SNL 508-607 TSN 508 S ASNH 508-607
SNL 508 TND SNL 508-607 TSN 508 ND ASNH 508-607

90 60 113 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 3,20 SNL 608 TG SNL 510-608 TSN 608 G ASNH 510-608
SNL 608 TA SNL 510-608 TSN 608 A ASNH 510-608
SNL 608 TC SNL 510-608 TSN 608 C ASNH 510-608
SNL 608 TS SNL 510-608 TSN 608 S ASNH 510-608
SNL 608 TND SNL 510-608 TSN 608 ND ASNH 510-608

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10

Shaft Bearing Width Appropriate bearings and associated components

seating across Self-aligning ball bearing Adapter Locating rings Self-aligning ball bearing Adapter Locating
seal Spherical roller bearing sleeve 2 per housing Spherical roller bearing sleeve rings
da Ca Da A2 A3 CARB bearing 2 per

mm mm mm –

20 25 52 80 125 1205 EK H 205 FRB 5/52 2205 EK H 305 FRB 3.5/52

– – – 22205 CCK/W33 H 305 FRB 3.5/52
C 2205 K H 305 E FRB 3.5/52

32 62 89 135 1305 EK H 305 FRB 7.5/62 2305 EK H 2305 FRB 4/62

– – – – – –
– – –

25 32 62 89 135 1206 EK H 206 FRB 8/62 2206 EK H 306 FRB 6/62

– – – 22206 CCK/W33 H 306 FRB 6/62
C 2206 K H 306 E FRB 6/62

34 72 94 140 1306 EK H 306 FRB 7.5/72 2306 K H 2306 FRB 3.5/72

– – – – – –
– – –

30 34 72 94 145 1207 EK H 207 FRB 8.5/72 2207 EK H 307 FRB 5.5/72

– – – 22207 CCK/W33 H 307 FRB 5.5/72
C 2207 K H 307 E FRB 5.5/72

39 80 97 145 1307 EK H 307 FRB 9/80 2307 EK H 2307 FRB 4/80

– – – – – –
– – –

35 39 80 97 150 1208 EK H 208 FRB 10.5/80 2208 EK H 308 FRB 8/80

– – – 22208 EK H 308 FRB 8/80
C 2208 K H 308 E FRB 8/80

41 90 102 150 1308 EK H 308 FRB 9/90 2308 EK H 2308 FRB 4/90
21308 CCK H 308 FRB 9/90 22308 CCK/W33 H 2308 FRB 4/90
– – –

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 SNL plummer block housings
for bearings on adapter sleeves
da 40–55 mm

Double-lip seals Labyrinth seals Taconite seals

G design S design ND design

Shaft Housing
Dimensions Mass Designations
Housing Components
da A A1 H H1 H2 J L N N1 G complete with Housing Seals End cover
two seals only

mm mm kg –

40 85 60 109 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 2,90 SNL 509 TG SNL 509 TSN 509 G ASNH 509
SNL 509 TA SNL 509 TSN 509 A ASNH 509
SNL 509 TC SNL 509 TSN 509 C ASNH 509
SNL 509 TS SNL 509 TSN 509 S ASNH 509
SNL 509 TND SNL 509 TSN 509 ND ASNH 509

95 70 127 70 28 210 255 24 18 16 4,40 SNL 609 TG SNL 511-609 TSN 609 G ASNH 511-609
SNL 609 TA SNL 511-609 TSN 609 A ASNH 511-609
SNL 609 TC SNL 511-609 TSN 609 C ASNH 511-609
SNL 609 TS SNL 511-609 TSN 609 S ASNH 511-609
SNL 609 TND SNL 511-609 TSN 609 ND ASNH 511-609

45 90 60 113 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 3,20 SNL 510 TG SNL 510-608 TSN 510 G ASNH 510-608
SNL 510 TA SNL 510-608 TSN 510 A ASNH 510-608
SNL 510 TC SNL 510-608 TSN 510 C ASNH 510-608
SNL 510 TS SNL 510-608 TSN 510 S ASNH 510-608
SNL 510 TND SNL 510-608 TSN 510 ND ASNH 510-608

105 70 133 70 30 210 255 24 18 16 5,10 SNL 610 TG SNL 512-610 TSN 610 G ASNH 512-610
SNL 610 TA SNL 512-610 TSN 610 A ASNH 512-610
SNL 610 TC SNL 512-610 TSN 610 C ASNH 512-610
SNL 610 TS SNL 512-610 TSN 610 S ASNH 512-610
SNL 610 TND SNL 512-610 TSN 610 ND ASNH 512-610

50 95 70 128 70 28 210 255 24 18 16 4,40 SNL 511 TG SNL 511-609 TSN 511 G ASNH 511-609
SNL 511 TA SNL 511-609 TSN 511 A ASNH 511-609
SNL 511 TC SNL 511-609 TSN 511 C ASNH 511-609
SNL 511 TS SNL 511-609 TSN 511 S ASNH 511-609
SNL 511 TND SNL 511-609 TSN 511 ND ASNH 511-609

110 80 148 80 30 230 275 24 18 16 6,50 SNL 611 TG SNL 513-611 TSN 611 G ASNH 513-611
SNL 611 TA SNL 513-611 TSN 611 A ASNH 513-611
SNL 611 TC SNL 513-611 TSN 611 C ASNH 513-611
SNL 611 TS SNL 513-611 TSN 611 S ASNH 513-611
SNL 611 TND SNL 513-611 TSN 611 ND ASNH 513-611

55 105 70 134 70 30 210 255 24 18 16 5,10 SNL 512 TG SNL 512-610 TSN 512 G ASNH 512-610
SNL 512 TA SNL 512-610 TSN 512 A ASNH 512-610
SNL 512 TC SNL 512-610 TSN 512 C ASNH 512-610
SNL 512 TS SNL 512-610 TSN 512 S ASNH 512-610
SNL 512 TND SNL 512-610 TSN 512 ND ASNH 512-610

115 80 154 80 30 230 280 24 18 16 7,00 SNL 612 TG SNL 515-612 TSN 612 G ASNH 515-612
SNL 612 TA SNL 515-612 TSN 612 A ASNH 515-612
SNL 612 TC SNL 515-612 TSN 612 C ASNH 515-612
SNL 612 TS SNL 515-612 TSN 612 S ASNH 515-612
SNL 612 TND SNL 515-612 TSN 612 ND ASNH 515-612

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10

Shaft Bearing Width Appropriate bearings and associated components

seating across Self-aligning ball bearing Adapter Locating rings Self-aligning ball bearing Adapter Locating
seal Spherical roller bearing sleeve 2 per housing Spherical roller bearing sleeve rings
da Ca Da A2 A3 CARB bearing 2 per

mm mm mm –

40 30 85 97 150 1209 EK H 209 FRB 5.5/85 2209 EK H 309 FRB 3.5/85

– – – 22209 CCK/W33 H 309 FRB 3.5/85
C 2209 K H 309 E FRB 3.5/85

44 100 107 155 1309 EK H 309 FRB 9.5/100 2309 EK H 2309 FRB 4/100
21309 EK H 309 FRB 9.5/100 22309 CCK/W33 H 2309 FRB 4/100
– – –

45 41 90 102 155 1210 EK H 210 FRB 10.5/90 2210 EK H 310 FRB 9/90
– – – 22210 CCK/W33 H 310 FRB 9/90
C 2210 K H 310 E FRB 9/90

48 110 117 165 1310 EK H 310 FRB 10.5/110 2310 K H 2310 FRB 4/110
21310 EK H 310 FRB 10.5/110 22310 CCK/W33 H 2310 FRB 4/110
– – –

50 44 100 107 165 1211 EK H 211 FRB 11.5/100 2211 EK H 311 FRB 9.5/100
– – – 22211 EK H 311 FRB 9.5/100
C 2211 K H 311 E FRB 9.5/100

51 120 122 170 1311 EK H 311 FRB 11/120 2311 K H 2311 FRB 4/120
21311 EK H 311 FRB 11/120 22311 EK H 2311 FRB 4/120
– – –

55 48 110 117 175 1212 EK H 212 FRB 13/110 2212 EK H 312 FRB 10/110
– – – 22212 EK H 312 FRB 10/110
C 2212 K H 312 E FRB 10/110

56 130 127 175 1312 EK H 312 FRB 12.5/130 2312 K H 2312 FRB 5/130
21312 EK H 312 FRB 12.5/130 22312 EK H 2312 FRB 5/130
– – –

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 SNL plummer block housings
for bearings on adapter sleeves
da 60–75 mm

Double-lip seals Labyrinth seals Taconite seals

G design S design ND design

Shaft Housing
Dimensions Mass Designations
Housing Components
da A A1 H H1 H2 J L N N1 G complete with Housing Seals End cover
two seals only

mm mm kg –

60 110 80 149 80 30 230 275 24 18 16 6,50 SNL 513 TG SNL 513-611 TSN 513 G ASNH 513-611
SNL 513 TA SNL 513-611 TSN 513 A ASNH 513-611
SNL 513 TC SNL 513-611 TSN 513 C ASNH 513-611
SNL 513 TS SNL 513-611 TSN 513 S ASNH 513-611
SNL 513 TND SNL 513-611 TSN 513 ND ASNH 513-611

120 90 175 95 32 260 315 28 22 20 9,50 SNL 613 TG SNL 516-613 TSN 613 G ASNH 516-613
SNL 613 TA SNL 516-613 TSN 613 A ASNH 516-613
SNL 613 TC SNL 516-613 TSN 613 C ASNH 516-613
SNL 613 TS SNL 516-613 TSN 613 S ASNH 516-613
SNL 613 TND SNL 516-613 TSN 613 ND ASNH 516-613

65 115 80 155 80 30 230 280 24 18 16 7,00 SNL 515 TG SNL 515-612 TSN 515 G ASNH 515-612
SNL 515 TA SNL 515-612 TSN 515 A ASNH 515-612
SNL 515 TC SNL 515-612 TSN 515 C ASNH 515-612
SNL 515 TS SNL 515-612 TSN 515 S ASNH 515-612
SNL 515 TND SNL 515-612 TSN 515 ND ASNH 515-612

140 100 193 100 35 290 345 28 22 20 12,5 SNL 615 TG SNL 518-615 TSN 615 G ASNH 518-615
SNL 615 TA SNL 518-615 TSN 615 A ASNH 518-615
SNL 615 TC SNL 518-615 TSN 615 C ASNH 518-615
SNL 615 TS SNL 518-615 TSN 615 S ASNH 518-615
SNL 615 TND SNL 518-615 TSN 615 ND ASNH 518-615

70 120 90 177 95 32 260 315 28 22 20 9,50 SNL 516 TG SNL 516-613 TSN 516 G ASNH 516-613
SNL 516 TA SNL 516-613 TSN 516 A ASNH 516-613
SNL 516 TC SNL 516-613 TSN 516 C ASNH 516-613
SNL 516 TS SNL 516-613 TSN 516 S ASNH 516-613
SNL 516 TND SNL 516-613 TSN 516 ND ASNH 516-613

145 100 210 112 35 290 345 28 22 20 13,7 SNL 616 TG SNL 519-616 TSN 616 G ASNH 519-616
SNL 616 TA SNL 519-616 TSN 616 A ASNH 519-616
SNL 616 TC SNL 519-616 TSN 616 C ASNH 519-616
SNL 616 TS SNL 519-616 TSN 616 S ASNH 519-616
SNL 616 TND SNL 519-616 TSN 616 ND ASNH 519-616

75 125 90 183 95 32 260 320 28 22 20 10,0 SNL 517 TG SNL 517 TSN 517 G ASNH 517
SNL 517 TA SNL 517 TSN 517 A ASNH 517
SNL 517 TC SNL 517 TSN 517 C ASNH 517
SNL 517 TS SNL 517 TSN 517 S ASNH 517
SNL 517 TND SNL 517 TSN 517 ND ASNH 517

160 110 215 112 40 320 380 32 26 24 17,6 SNL 617 TG SNL 520-617 TSN 617 G ASNH 520-617
SNL 617 TA SNL 520-617 TSN 617 A ASNH 520-617
SNL 617 TC SNL 520-617 TSN 617 C ASNH 520-617
SNL 617 TS SNL 520-617 TSN 617 S ASNH 520-617
SNL 617 TND SNL 520-617 TSN 617 ND ASNH 520-617

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10

Shaft Bearing Width Appropriate bearings and associated components

seating across Self-aligning ball bearing Adapter Locating rings Self-aligning ball bearing Adapter Locating
seal Spherical roller bearing sleeve 2 per housing Spherical roller bearing sleeve rings
da Ca Da A2 A3 CARB bearing 2 per

mm mm mm –

60 51 120 122 180 1213 EK H 213 FRB 14/120 2213 EK H 313 FRB 10/120
– – – 22213 CCK/W33 H 313 FRB 10/120
C 2213 K H 313 E FRB 10/120

58 140 138 180 1313 EK H 313 FRB 12.5/140 2313 K H 2313 FRB 5/140
21313 EK H 313 FRB 12.5/140 22313 EK H 2313 FRB 5/140
– – –

65 56 130 127 175 1215 K H 215 FRB 15.5/130 2215 EK H 315 FRB 12.5/130
– – – 22215 EK H 315 FRB 12.5/130
C 2215 K H 315 E FRB 12.5/130

65 160 158 200 1315 K H 315 FRB 14/160 2315 K H 2315 FRB 5/160
21315 EK H 315 FRB 14/160 22315 EK H 2315 FRB 5/160
C 2315 K H 2315 FRB 5/160

70 58 140 138 205 1216 K H 216 FRB 16/140 2216 EK H 316 FRB 12.5/140
– – – 22216 EK H 316 FRB 12.5/140
C 2216 K H 316 E FRB 12.5/140

68 170 163 205 1316 K H 316 FRB 14.5/170 2316 K H 2316 FRB 5/170
21316 EK H 316 FRB 14.5/170 22316 EK H 2316 FRB 5/170
C 2316 K H 2316 FRB 5/170

75 61 150 143 210 1217 K H 217 FRB 16.5/150 2217 K H 317 FRB 12.5/150
– – – 22217 EK H 317 FRB 12.5/150
C 2217 K H 317 E FRB 12.5/150

70 180 178 220 1317 K H 317 FRB 14.5/180 2317 K H 2317 FRB 5/180
21317 EK H 317 FRB 14.5/180 22317 EK H 2317 FRB 5/180
C 2317 K H 2317 FRB 5/180

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 SNL plummer block housings
for bearings on adapter sleeves
da 80–115 mm

Double-lip seals Labyrinth seals Taconite seals

G design S design ND design

Shaft Housing
Dimensions Mass Designations
Housing Components
da A A1 H H1 H2 J L N N1 G complete with Housing Seals End cover
two seals only

mm mm kg –

80 140 100 194 100 35 290 345 28 22 20 12,5 SNL 518 TG SNL 518-615 TSN 518 G ASNH 518-615
SNL 518 TA SNL 518-615 TSN 518 A ASNH 518-615
SNL 518 TC SNL 518-615 TSN 518 C ASNH 518-615
SNL 518 TS SNL 518-615 TSN 518 S ASNH 518-615
SNL 518 TND SNL 518-615 TSN 518 ND ASNH 518-615

85 145 100 212 112 35 290 345 28 22 20 13,7 SNL 519 TG SNL 519-616 TSN 519 G ASNH 519-616
SNL 519 TA SNL 519-616 TSN 519 A ASNH 519-616
SNL 519 TC SNL 519-616 TSN 519 C ASNH 519-616
SNL 519 TS SNL 519-616 TSN 519 S ASNH 519-616
SNL 519 TND SNL 519-616 TSN 519 ND ASNH 519-616

175 120 239 125 45 350 410 32 26 24 22,0 SNL 619 TG SNL 522-619 TSN 619 G ASNH 522-619
SNL 619 TS SNL 522-619 TSN 619 A ASNH 522-619
SNL 619 TC SNL 522-619 TSN 619 C ASNH 522-619
SNL 619 TS SNL 522-619 TSN 619 S ASNH 522-619
SNL 619 TND SNL 522-619 TSN 619 ND ASNH 522-619

90 160 110 218 112 40 320 380 32 26 24 17,6 SNL 520 TG SNL 520-617 TSN 520 G ASNH 520-617
SNL 520 TA SNL 520-617 TSN 520 A ASNH 520-617
SNL 520 TC SNL 520-617 TSN 520 C ASNH 520-617
SNL 520 TS SNL 520-617 TSN 520 S ASNH 520-617
SNL 520 TND SNL 520-617 TSN 520 ND ASNH 520-617

185 120 271 140 45 350 410 32 26 24 26,2 SNL 620 TG SNL 524-620 TSN 620 G ASNH 524-620
SNL 620 TA SNL 524-620 TSN 620 A ASNH 524-620
SNL 620 TC SNL 524-620 TSN 620 C ASNH 524-620
SNL 620 TS SNL 524-620 TSN 620 S ASNH 524-620
SNL 620 TND SNL 524-620 TSN 620 ND ASNH 524-620

100 175 120 242 125 45 350 410 32 26 24 22,0 SNL 522 TG SNL 522-619 TSN 522 G ASNH 522-619
SNL 522 TA SNL 522-619 TSN 522 A ASNH 522-619
SNL 522 TC SNL 522-619 TSN 522 C ASNH 522-619
SNL 522 TS SNL 522-619 TSN 522 S ASNH 522-619
SNL 522 TND SNL 522-619 TSN 522 ND ASNH 522-619

110 185 120 271 140 45 350 410 32 26 24 26,2 SNL 524 TG SNL 524-620 TSN 524 G ASNH 524-620
SNL 524 TA SNL 524-620 TSN 524 A ASNH 524-620
SNL 524 TC SNL 524-620 TSN 524 C ASNH 524-620
SNL 524 TS SNL 524-620 TSN 524 S ASNH 524-620
SNL 524 TND SNL 524-620 TSN 524 ND ASNH 524-620

115 190 130 290 150 50 380 445 35 28 24 33,0 SNL 526 TG SNL 526 TSN 526 G ASNH 526
SNL 526 TA SNL 526 TSN 526 A ASNH 526
SNL 526 TC SNL 526 TSN 526 C ASNH 526
SNL 526 TS SNL 526 TSN 526 S ASNH 526
SNL 526 TND SNL 526 TSN 526 ND ASNH 526

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10

Shaft Bearing Width Appropriate bearings and associated components

seating across Self-aligning ball bearing Adapter Locating rings Self-aligning ball bearing Adapter Locating
seal Spherical roller bearing sleeve 2 per housing Spherical roller bearing sleeve rings
da Ca Da A2 A3 CARB bearing 2 per

mm mm mm –

80 65 160 158 225 1218 K H 218 FRB 17.5/160 2218 K H 318 FRB 12.5/160
22218 EK H 318 FRB 12.5/160 23218 CCK/W33 H 2318 FRB 6.25/160
C 2218 K H 318 E FRB 12.5/160

85 68 170 163 220 1219 K H 219 FRB 18/170 2219 K H 319 FRB 12.5/170
– – – 22219 EK H 319 FRB 12.5/170
– – –

80 200 191 235 1319 K H 319 FRB 17.5/200 2319 K H 2319 FRB 6.5/200
21319 EK H 319 FRB 17.5/200 22319 EK H 2319 FRB 6.5/200
– – –

90 70 180 178 230 1220 K H 220 FRB 18/180 2220 K H 320 FRB 12/180
22220 EK H 320 FRB 12/180 23220 CCK/W33 H 2320 FRB 4.85/180
C 2220 K H 320 E FRB 12/180

86 215 199 240 1320 K H 320 FRB 19.5/215 2320 K H 2320 FRB 6.5/215
21320 EK H 320 FRB 19.5/215 22320 EK H 2320 FRB 6.5/215
C 2320 K H 2320 FRB 6.5/215

100 80 200 191 250 1222 K H 222 FRB 21/200 2222 K H 322 FRB 13.5/200
22222 EK H 322 FRB 13.5/200 23222 CCK/W33 H 2322 FRB 5.1/200
C 2222 K H 322 E FRB 13.5/200

110 86 215 199 260 1224 K H 3024 FRB 22/215 – – –

22224 EK H 3124 FRB 14/215 23224 CCK/W33 H 2324 FRB 5/215
C 3224 K H 2324 L FRB 5/215

115 90 230 208 265 – – – – – –

22226 EK H 3126 FRB 13/230 23226 CCK/W33 H 2326 FRB 5/230
C 2226 K H 3126 L FRB 13/230

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 SNL plummer block housings
for bearings on adapter sleeves
da 125–140 mm

Double-lip seals Labyrinth seals Taconite seals

G design S design ND design

Shaft Housing
Dimensions Mass Designations
Housing Components
da A A1 H H1 H2 J L N N1 G complete with Housing Seals End cover
two seals only

mm mm kg –

125 205 150 302 150 50 420 500 42 35 30 40,0 SNL 528 TG SNL 528 TSN 528 G ASNH 528
SNL 528 TA SNL 528 TSN 528 A ASNH 528
SNL 528 TC SNL 528 TSN 528 C ASNH 528
SNL 528 TS SNL 528 TSN 528 S ASNH 528
SNL 528 TND SNL 528 TSN 528 ND ASNH 528

135 220 160 323 160 60 450 530 42 35 30 49,0 SNL 530 TG SNL 530 TSN 530 G ASNH 530
SNL 530 TA SNL 530 TSN 530 A ASNH 530
SNL 530 TC SNL 530 TSN 530 C ASNH 530
SNL 530 TS SNL 530 TSN 530 S ASNH 530
SNL 530 TND SNL 530 TSN 530 ND ASNH 530

140 235 160 344 170 60 470 550 42 35 30 55,0 SNL 532 TG SNL 532 TSN 532 G ASNH 532
SNL 532 TA SNL 532 TSN 532 A ASNH 532
SNL 532 TC SNL 532 TSN 532 C ASNH 532
SNL 532 TS SNL 532 TSN 532 S ASNH 532
SNL 532 TND SNL 532 TSN 532 ND ASNH 532

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10

Shaft Bearing Width Appropriate bearings and associated components

seating across Spherical roller bearing Adapter Locating rings Spherical roller bearing Adapter Locating
seal sleeve 2 per housing CARB bearing sleeve rings
da Ca Da A2 A3 2 per

mm mm mm –

125 98 250 223 285 22228 CCK/W33 H 3128 FRB 15/250 23228 CCK/W33 H 2328 FRB 5/250
C 2228 K H 3128 L FRB 15/250

135 106 270 241 295 22230 CCK/W33 H 3130 FRB 16.5/270 23230 CCK/W33 H 2330 FRB 5/270
C 2230 K H 3130 L FRB 16.5/270

140 114 290 254 315 22232 CCK/W33 H 3132 FRB 17/290 23232 CCK/W33 H 2332 FRB 5/290
C 3232 K H 2332 L FRB 5/290

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 SNL plummer block housings
for bearings with cylindrical bore
da 25–40 mm

Double-lip seals Labyrinth seals Taconite seals

G design S design ND design

Shaft Housing
Dimensions Mass Designations
Housing Components
da A A1 H H1 H2 J L N N1 G complete with Housing Seals End cover
two seals only

mm mm kg –

25 67 46 74 40 19 130 165 20 15 12 1,40 SNL 205 TG SNL 205 TSN 205 G ASNH 506-605
SNL 205 TC SNL 505 2 FS 170 ASNH 505
SNL 205 TS SNL 205 TSN 205 S ASNH 506-605
SNL 205 TND SNL 205 TSN 205 ND ASNH 506-605

77 52 89 50 22 150 185 20 15 12 1,90 SNL 305 TG SNL 206-305 TSN 305 G ASNH 507-606
SNL 305 TA SNL 206-305 TSN 305 A ASNH 507-606
SNL 305 TS SNL 206-305 TSN 305 S ASNH 507-606
SNL 305 TND SNL 206-305 TSN 305 ND ASNH 507-606

30 77 52 89 50 22 150 185 20 15 12 1,90 SNL 206 TG SNL 206-305 TSN 206 G ASNH 507-606
SNL 206 TA SNL 206-305 TSN 206 A ASNH 507-606
SNL 206 TC SNL 506-605 2 FS 170 ASNH 506-605
SNL 206 TS SNL 206-305 TSN 206 S ASNH 507-606
SNL 206 TND SNL 206-305 TSN 206 ND ASNH 507-606

82 52 93 50 22 150 185 20 15 12 2,20 SNL 306 TG SNL 507-606 TSN 306 G ASNH 507-606
SNL 306 TA SNL 507-606 TSN 306 A ASNH 507-606
SNL 306 TS SNL 507-606 TSN 306 S ASNH 507-606
SNL 306 TND SNL 507-606 TSN 306 ND ASNH 507-606

35 82 52 93 50 22 150 185 20 15 12 2,10 SNL 207 TG SNL 207 TSN 207 G ASNH 509
SNL 207 TA SNL 207 TSN 207 A ASNH 509
SNL 207 TC SNL 507-606 4 FS 170 ASNH 507-606
SNL 207 TS SNL 207 TSN 207 S ASNH 509
SNL 207 TND SNL 207 TSN 207 ND ASNH 509

85 60 108 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 2,75 SNL 307 TG SNL 208-307 TSN 307 G ASNH 510-608
SNL 307 TA SNL 208-307 TSN 307 A ASNH 510-608
SNL 307 TS SNL 208-307 TSN 307 S ASNH 510-608
SNL 307 TND SNL 208-307 TSN 307 ND ASNH 510-608

40 85 60 108 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 2,75 SNL 208 TG SNL 208-307 TSN 208 G ASNH 510-608
SNL 208 TA SNL 208-307 TSN 208 A ASNH 510-608
SNL 208 TC SNL 508-607 4 FS 170 ASNH 508-607
SNL 208 TS SNL 208-307 TSN 208 S ASNH 510-608
SNL 208 TND SNL 208-307 TSN 208 ND ASNH 510-608

90 60 113 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 3,20 SNL 308 TG SNL 510-608 TSN 308 G ASNH 510-608
SNL 308 TA SNL 510-608 TSN 308 A ASNH 510-608
SNL 308 TS SNL 510-608 TSN 308 S ASNH 510-608
SNL 308 TND SNL 510-608 TSN 308 ND ASNH 510-608

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10

Shaft Bearing Width Appropriate bearings and locating rings

seating across Self-aligning ball bearing Locating rings Self-aligning ball bearing Locating rings
seal Spherical roller bearing 2 per housing Spherical roller bearing 2 per housing
da db Ca Da A2 A3 CARB bearing

mm mm mm –

25 30 25 52 90 140 1205 E FRB 5/52 2205 E FRB 3.5/52

– – 22205 CC/W33 FRB 3.5/52
C 2205 FRB 3.5/52

30 32 62 89 140 1305 E FRB 7.5/62 2305 FRB 4/62

21305 CC FRB 7.5/62 – –
– –

30 35 32 62 89 150 1206 E FRB 8/62 2206 E FRB 6/62

– – 22206 CC/W33 FRB 6/62
C 2206 FRB 6/62

35 34 72 94 155 1306 E FRB 7.5/72 2306 FRB 3.5/72

21306 CC FRB 7.5/72 – –
– –

35 45 34 72 96 160 1207 E FRB 8.5/72 2207 E FRB 5.5/72

– – 22207 CC/W33 FRB 5.5/72
C 2207 FRB 5.5/72

45 39 80 99 145 1307 E FRB 9/80 2307 E FRB 4/80

21307 CC FRB 9/80 – –
– –

40 50 39 80 99 160 1208 E FRB 10.5/80 2208 E FRB 8/80

– – 22208 E FRB 8/80
C 2208 FRB 8/80

50 41 90 102 167 1308 E FRB 9/90 2308 E FRB 4/90

21308 E FRB 9/90 22308 CC/W33 FRB 4/90
– –

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 SNL plummer block housings
for bearings with cylindrical bore
da 45–60 mm

Double-lip seals Labyrinth seals Taconite seals

G design S design ND design

Shaft Housing
Dimensions Mass Designations
Housing Components
da A A1 H H1 H2 J L N N1 G complete with Housing Seals End cover
two seals only

mm mm kg –

45 85 60 109 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 2,75 SNL 209 TG SNL 209 TSN 209 G ASNH 511-609
SNL 209 TA SNL 209 TSN 209 A ASNH 511-609
SNL 209 TC SNL 509 4 FS 170 ASNH 509
SNL 209 TS SNL 209 TSN 209 S ASNH 511-609
SNL 209 TND SNL 209 TSN 209 ND ASNH 511-609

95 70 128 70 28 210 255 24 18 16 4,40 SNL 309 TG SNL 511-609 TSN 309 G ASNH 511-609
SNL 309 TA SNL 511-609 TSN 309 A ASNH 511-609
SNL 309 TS SNL 511-609 TSN 309 S ASNH 511-609
SNL 309 TND SNL 511-609 TSN 309 ND ASNH 511-609

50 90 60 113 60 25 170 205 20 15 12 3,00 SNL 210 TG SNL 210 TSN 210 G ASNH 512-610
SNL 210 TA SNL 210 TSN 210 A ASNH 512-610
SNL 210 TC SNL 510-608 4 FS 170 ASNH 510-608
SNL 210 TS SNL 210 TSN 210 S ASNH 512-610
SNL 210 TND SNL 210 TSN 210 ND ASNH 512-610

105 70 134 70 30 210 255 24 18 16 5,10 SNL 310 TG SNL 512-610 TSN 310 G ASNH 512-610
SNL 310 TA SNL 512-610 TSN 310 A ASNH 512-610
SNL 310 TS SNL 512-610 TSN 310 S ASNH 512-610
SNL 310 TND SNL 512-610 TSN 310 ND ASNH 512-610

55 95 70 128 70 28 210 255 24 18 16 4,20 SNL 211 TG SNL 211 TSN 211 G ASNH 513-611
SNL 211 TA SNL 211 TSN 211 A ASNH 513-611
SNL 211 TC SNL 511-609 4 FS 170 ASNH 511-609
SNL 211 TS SNL 211 TSN 211 S ASNH 513-611
SNL 211 TND SNL 211 TSN 211 ND ASNH 513-611

110 80 149 80 30 230 275 24 18 16 6,50 SNL 311 TG SNL 513-611 TSN 311 G ASNH 513-611
SNL 311 TA SNL 513-611 TSN 311 A ASNH 513-611
SNL 311 TS SNL 513-611 TSN 311 S ASNH 513-611
SNL 311 TND SNL 513-611 TSN 311 ND ASNH 513-611

60 105 70 134 70 30 210 255 24 18 16 4,75 SNL 212 TG SNL 212 TSN 212 G ASNH 515-612
SNL 212 TA SNL 212 TSN 212 A ASNH 515-612
SNL 212 TC SNL 512-610 4 FS 170 ASNH 512-610
SNL 212 TS SNL 212 TSN 212 S ASNH 515-612
SNL 212 TND SNL 212 TSN 212 ND ASNH 515-612

115 80 155 80 30 230 280 24 18 16 7,00 SNL 312 TG SNL 515-612 TSN 312 G ASNH 515-612
SNL 312 TA SNL 515-612 TSN 312 A ASNH 515-612
SNL 312 TS SNL 515-612 TSN 312 S ASNH 515-612
SNL 312 TND SNL 515-612 TSN 312 ND ASNH 515-612

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10

Shaft Bearing Width Appropriate bearings and locating rings

seating across Self-aligning ball bearing Locating rings Self-aligning ball bearing Locating rings
seal Spherical roller bearing 2 per housing Spherical roller bearing 2 per housing
da db Ca Da A2 A3 CARB bearing

mm mm mm –

45 55 30 85 97 160 1209 E FRB 5.5/85 2209 E FRB 3.5/85

– – 22209 CC/W33 FRB 3.5/85
C 2209 FRB 3.5/85

55 44 100 107 172 1309 E FRB 9.5/100 2309 E FRB 4/100

21309 E FRB 9.5/100 22309 CC/W33 FRB 4/100
– –

50 60 41 90 102 165 1210 E FRB 10.5/90 2210 E FRB 9/90

– – 22210 CC/W33 FRB 9/90
C 2210 FRB 9/90

60 48 110 117 180 1310 E FRB 10.5/110 2310 FRB 4/110

21310 E FRB 10.5/110 22310 CC/W33 FRB 4/110
– –

55 65 44 100 107 170 1211 E FRB 11.5/100 2211 E FRB 9.5/100

– – 22211 E FRB 9.5/100
C 2211 FRB 9.5/100

65 51 120 122 185 1311 E FRB 11/120 2311 FRB 4/120

21311 E FRB 11/120 22311 E FRB 4/120
– –

60 70 48 110 117 185 1212 E FRB 13/110 2212 E FRB 10/110

– – 22212 E FRB 10/110
C 2212 FRB 10/110

70 56 130 127 197 1312 FRB 12.5/130 2312 FRB 5/130

21312 E FRB 12.5/130 22312 E FRB 5/130
– –

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 SNL plummer block housings
for bearings with cylindrical bore
da 65–85 mm

Double-lip seals Labyrinth seals Taconite seals

G design S design ND design

Shaft Housing
Dimensions Mass Designations
Housing Components
da A A1 H H1 H2 J L N N1 G complete with Housing Seals End cover
two seals only

mm mm kg –

65 110 80 149 80 30 230 275 24 18 16 6,10 SNL 213 TG SNL 213 TSN 213 G ASNH 516-613
SNL 213 TA SNL 213 TSN 213 A ASNH 516-613
SNL 213 TC SNL 513-611 4 FS 170 ASNH 513-611
SNL 213 TS SNL 213 TSN 213 S ASNH 516-613
SNL 213 TND SNL 213 TSN 213 ND ASNH 516-613

120 90 177 95 32 260 315 28 22 20 9,50 SNL 313 TG SNL 516-613 TSN 313 G ASNH 516-613
SNL 313 TA SNL 516-613 TSN 313 A ASNH 516-613
SNL 313 TS SNL 516-613 TSN 313 S ASNH 516-613
SNL 313 TND SNL 516-613 TSN 313 ND ASNH 516-613

70 125 90 183 95 32 260 320 28 22 20 10,0 SNL 314 TG SNL 517 TSN 314 G ASNH 517
SNL 314 TA SNL 517 TSN 314 A ASNH 517
SNL 314 TS SNL 517 TSN 314 S ASNH 517
SNL 314 TND SNL 517 TSN 314 ND ASNH 517

75 115 80 155 80 30 230 280 24 18 16 6,60 SNL 215 TG SNL 215 TSN 215 G ASNH 518-615
SNL 215 TA SNL 215 TSN 215 A ASNH 518-615
SNL 215 TC SNL 515-612 4 FS 170 ASNH 515-612
SNL 215 TS SNL 215 TSN 215 S ASNH 518-615
SNL 215 TND SNL 215 TSN 215 ND ASNH 518-615

140 100 194 100 35 290 345 28 22 20 12,5 SNL 315 TG SNL 518-615 TSN 315 G ASNH 518-615
SNL 315 TA SNL 518-615 TSN 315 A ASNH 518-615
SNL 315 TS SNL 518-615 TSN 315 S ASNH 518-615
SNL 315 TND SNL 518-615 TSN 315 ND ASNH 518-615

80 120 90 177 95 32 260 315 28 22 20 9,00 SNL 216 TG SNL 216 TSN 216 G ASNH 216
SNL 216 TA SNL 216 TSN 216 A ASNH 216
SNL 216 TC SNL 516-613 4 FS 170 ASNH 516-613
SNL 216 TS SNL 216 TSN 216 S ASNH 216
SNL 216 TND SNL 216 TSN 216 ND ASNH 216

145 100 212 112 35 290 345 28 22 20 13,7 SNL 316 TG SNL 519-616 TSN 316 G ASNH 519-616
SNL 316 TA SNL 519-616 TSN 316 A ASNH 519-616
SNL 316 TS SNL 519-616 TSN 316 S ASNH 519-616
SNL 316 TND SNL 519-616 TSN 316 ND ASNH 519-616

85 125 90 183 95 32 260 320 28 22 20 9,50 SNL 217 TG SNL 217 TSN 217 G ASNH 217
SNL 217 TA SNL 217 TSN 217 A ASNH 217
SNL 217 TC SNL 517 4 FS 170 ASNH 517
SNL 217 TS SNL 217 TSN 217 S ASNH 217
SNL 217 TND SNL 217 TSN 217 ND ASNH 217

160 110 218 112 40 320 380 32 26 24 17,6 SNL 317 TG SNL 520-617 TSN 317 G ASNH 520-617
SNL 317 TA SNL 520-617 TSN 317 A ASNH 520-617
SNL 317 TS SNL 520-617 TSN 317 S ASNH 520-617
SNL 317 TND SNL 520-617 TSN 317 ND ASNH 520-617

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Shaft Bearing Width Appropriate bearings and locating rings

seating across Self-aligning ball bearing Locating rings Self-aligning ball bearing Locating rings
seal Spherical roller bearing 2 per housing Spherical roller bearing 2 per housing
da db Ca Da A2 A3 CARB bearing

mm mm mm –

65 75 51 120 128 190 1213 E FRB 14/120 2213 E FRB 10/120

– – 22213 CC/W33 FRB 10/120
C 2213 FRB 10/120

75 58 140 138 200 1313 E FRB 12.5/140 2313 FRB 5/140

21313 E FRB 12.5/140 22313 E FRB 5/140
– –

70 80 61 150 143 205 1314 FRB 13/150 2314 FRB 5/150

21314 E FRB 13/150 22314 E FRB 5/150
C 2314 FRB 5/150

75 85 56 130 133 195 1215 FRB 15.5/130 2215 E FRB 12.5/130

– – 22215 E FRB 12.5/130
C 2215 FRB 12.5/130

85 65 160 158 220 1315 FRB 14/160 2315 FRB 5/160

21315 E FRB 14/160 22315 E FRB 5/160
C 2315 FRB 5/160

80 90 58 140 138 200 1216 FRB 16/140 2216 E FRB 12.5/140

– – 22216 E FRB 12.5/140
C 2216 FRB 12.5/140

90 68 170 163 218 1316 FRB 14.5/170 2316 FRB 5/170

21316 E FRB 14.5/170 22316 E FRB 5/170
C 2316 FRB 5/170

85 95 61 150 143 205 1217 FRB 16.5/150 2217 FRB 12.5/150

– – 22217 E FRB 12.5/150
C 2217 FRB 12.5/150

95 70 180 178 238 1317 FRB 14.5/180 2317 FRB 5/180

21317 E FRB 14.5/180 22317 E FRB 5/180
C 2317 FRB 5/180

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 SNL plummer block housings
for bearings with cylindrical bore
da 90–160 mm

Double-lip seals Labyrinth seals Taconite seals

G design S design ND design

Shaft Housing
Dimensions Mass Designations
Housing Components
da A A1 H H1 H2 J L N N1 G complete with Housing Seals End cover
two seals only

mm mm kg –

90 140 100 194 100 35 290 345 28 22 20 11,8 SNL 218 TG SNL 218 TSN 218 G ASNH 218
SNL 218 TA SNL 218 TSN 218 A ASNH 218
SNL 218 TC SNL 518-615 4 FS 170 ASNH 518-615
SNL 218 TS SNL 218 TSN 218 S ASNH 218
SNL 218 TND SNL 218 TSN 218 ND ASNH 218

95 175 120 242 125 45 350 410 32 26 24 22,0 SNL 319 TA SNL 522-619 TSN 319 A ASNH 522-619
SNL 319 TS SNL 522-619 TSN 319 S ASNH 522-619
SNL 319 TND SNL 522-619 TSN 319 ND ASNH 522-619

100 160 110 218 112 40 320 380 32 26 24 17,6 SNL 220 TG SNL 520-617 TSN 220 G ASNH 520-617
SNL 220 TA SNL 520-617 TSN 220 A ASNH 520-617
SNL 220 TS SNL 520-617 TSN 220 S ASNH 520-617
SNL 220 TND SNL 520-617 TSN 220 ND ASNH 520-617

185 120 271 140 45 350 410 32 26 24 26,2 SNL 320 TA SNL 524-620 TSN 320 A ASNH 524-620
SNL 320 TS SNL 524-620 TSN 320 S ASNH 524-620
SNL 320 TND SNL 524-620 TSN 320 ND ASNH 524-620

110 175 120 242 125 45 350 410 32 26 24 22,0 SNL 222 TG SNL 522-619 TSN 222 G ASNH 522-619
SNL 222 TA SNL 522-619 TSN 222 A ASNH 522-619
SNL 222 TS SNL 522-619 TSN 222 S ASNH 522-619
SNL 222 TND SNL 522-619 TSN 222 ND ASNH 522-619

120 185 120 271 140 45 350 410 32 26 24 26,2 SNL 224 TG SNL 524-620 TSN 224 G ASNH 524-620
SNL 224 TA SNL 524-620 TSN 224 A ASNH 524-620
SNL 224 TS SNL 524-620 TSN 224 S ASNH 524-620
SNL 224 TND SNL 524-620 TSN 224 ND ASNH 524-620

130 190 130 290 150 50 380 445 35 28 24 33,0 SNL 226 TG SNL 526 TSN 226 G ASNH 526
SNL 226 TA SNL 526 TSN 226 A ASNH 526
SNL 226 TS SNL 526 TSN 226 S ASNH 526
SNL 226 TND SNL 526 TSN 226 ND ASNH 526

140 205 150 302 150 50 420 500 42 35 30 40,0 SNL 228 TG SNL 528 TSN 228 G ASNH 528
SNL 228 TA SNL 528 TSN 228 A ASNH 528
SNL 228 TS SNL 528 TSN 228 S ASNH 528
SNL 228 TND SNL 528 TSN 228 ND ASNH 528

150 220 160 323 160 60 450 530 42 35 30 49,0 SNL 230 TG SNL 530 TSN 230 G ASNH 530
SNL 230 TA SNL 530 TSN 230 A ASNH 530
SNL 230 TS SNL 530 TSN 230 S ASNH 530
SNL 230 TND SNL 530 TSN 230 ND ASNH 530

160 235 160 344 170 60 470 550 42 35 30 55,0 SNL 232 TG SNL 532 TSN 232 G ASNH 532
SNL 232 TA SNL 532 TSN 232 A ASNH 532
SNL 232 TS SNL 532 TSN 232 S ASNH 532
SNL 232 TND SNL 532 TSN 232 ND ASNH 532

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10

Shaft Bearing Width Appropriate bearings and locating rings

seating across Self-aligning ball bearing Locating rings Self-aligning ball bearing Locating rings
seal Spherical roller bearing 2 per housing Spherical roller bearing 2 per housing
da db Ca Da A2 A3 CARB bearing

mm mm mm –

90 100 65 160 158 220 1218 FRB 17.5/160 2218 FRB 12.5/160
22218 E FRB 12.5/160 23218 CC/W33 FRB 6.25/160
C 2218 FRB 12.5/160

95 110 80 200 191 253 1319 FRB 17.5/200 2319 FRB 6.5/200
21319 E FRB 17.5/200 22319 E FRB 6.5/200
– –

100 115 70 180 178 245 1220 FRB 18/180 2220 FRB 12/180
22220 E FRB 12/180 23220 CC/W33 FRB 4.85/180
C 2220 FRB 12/180

115 86 215 199 260 1320 FRB 19.5/215 2320 FRB 6.5/215
21320 E FRB 19.5/215 22320 E FRB 6.5/215
C 2320 FRB 6.5/215

110 125 80 200 191 255 1222 FRB 21/200 2222 FRB 13.5/200
22222 E FRB 13.5/200 23222 CC/W33 FRB 5.1/200
C 2222 FRB 13.5/200

120 135 86 215 199 270 1224 FRB 22/215 – –

22224 E FRB 14/215 23224 CC/W33 FRB 5/215
C 3224 FRB 5/215

130 145 90 230 208 275 1226 FRB 22/230 – –

22226 E FRB 13/230 23226 CC/W33 FRB 5/230
C 2226 FRB 13/230

140 155 98 250 223 290 – – – –

22228 CC/W33 FRB 15/250 23228 CC/W33 FRB 5/250
C 2228 FRB 15/250

150 165 106 270 241 310 – – – –

22230 CC/W33 FRB 16.5/270 23230 CC/W33 FRB 5/270
C 2230 FRB 16.5/270

160 175 114 290 254 325 – – – –

22232 CC/W33 FRB 17/290 23232 CC/W33 FRB 5/290
C 3232 FRB 5/290

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 Sealing arrangements for
SNL plummer block housings

Housing series 5

Design G Design A Design C Design C Design S Design ND End cover

Housing series 2 Split Unsplit Split Felt strips Unsplit

Housing Shaft Seal sets End cover

Size dia- Design G Design A Design C Design S Design ND
meter 2 double-lip 2 V-ring Loose 2 felt Loose felt 2 labyrinth
da, db seals seals V-ring strips strips seals

– mm – –

505 20 TSN 505 G TSN 505 A CR 400200 TSN 505 C – 2 × TSN 505 S 2 × TSN 505 ND ASNH 505
30 – – – – 2 × FS 170 – –

205 20 TSN 605 G TSN 605 A CR 400200 TSN 605 C – 2 × TSN 605 S 2 × TSN 605 ND ASNH 506-605
25 TSN 506 G TSN 506 A CR 400250 TSN 506 C – 2 × TSN 506 S 2 × TSN 506 ND
30 TSN 205 G – – – – 2 × TSN 205 S 2 × TSN 205 ND
35 – – – – 2 × FS 170 – –

506-605 20 TSN 605 G TSN 605 A CR 400200 TSN 605 C – 2 × TSN 605 S 2 × TSN 605 ND ASNH 506-605
25 TSN 506 G TSN 506 A CR 400250 TSN 506 C – 2 × TSN 506 S 2 × TSN 506 ND
30 TSN 305 G TSN 305 A CR 400300 – – 2 × TSN 305 S 2 × TSN 305 ND
35 – – – – 2 × FS 170 – –

206-305 25 TSN 606 G TSN 606 A CR 400250 TSN 606 C – 2 × TSN 606 S 2 × TSN 606 ND ASNH 507-606
30 TSN 507 G TSN 507 A CR 400300 TSN 507 C – 2 × TSN 507 S 2 × TSN 507 ND
35 TSN 206 G TSN 206 A CR 400350 – – 2 × TSN 206 S 2 × TSN 206 ND
45 – – – – 2 × FS 170 – –

507-606 25 TSN 606 G TSN 606 A CR 400250 TSN 606 C – 2 × TSN 606 S 2 × TSN 606 ND ASNH 507-606
30 TSN 507 G TSN 507 A CR 400300 TSN 507 C – 2 × TSN 507 S 2 × TSN 507 ND
35 TSN 306 G TSN 306 A CR 400350 – – 2 × TSN 306 S 2 × TSN 306 ND
45 – – – – 2 × FS 170 – –

207 40 TSN 509 G TSN 509 A CR 400400 TSN 509 C – 2 × TSN 509 S 2 × TSN 509 ND ASNH 509
45 TSN 207 G TSN 207 A CR 400450 – – 2 × TSN 207 S 2 × TSN 207 ND
55 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

508-607 30 TSN 607 G TSN 607 A CR 400300 TSN 607 C – 2 × TSN 607 S 2 × TSN 607 ND ASNH 508-607
35 TSN 508 G TSN 508 A CR 400350 TSN 508 C – 2 × TSN 508 S 2 × TSN 508 ND
50 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

208-307 35 TSN 608 G TSN 608 A CR 400350 TSN 608 C – 2 × TSN 608 S 2 × TSN 608 ND ASNH 510-608
45 TSN 307 G TSN 307 A CR 400450 – – 2 × TSN 307 S 2 × TSN 307 ND
50 TSN 208 G TSN 208 A CR 400500 – – 2 × TSN 208 S 2 × TSN 208 ND
60 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

509 40 TSN 509 G TSN 509 A CR 400400 TSN 509 C – 2 × TSN 509 S 2 × TSN 509 ND ASNH 509
45 TSN 307 G TSN 307 A CR 400450 – – 2 × TSN 307 S 2 × TSN 307 ND
55 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

209 40 TSN 609 G TSN 609 A CR 400400 TSN 609 C – 2 × TSN 609 S 2 × TSN 609 ND ASNH 511-609
50 TSN 511 G TSN 511 A CR 400500 TSN 511 C – 2 × TSN 511 S 2 × TSN 511 ND
55 TSN 209 G TSN 209 A CR 400550 – – 2 × TSN 209 S 2 × TSN 209 ND
65 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

510-608 35 TSN 608 G TSN 608 A CR 400350 TSN 608 C – 2 × TSN 608 S 2 × TSN 608 ND ASNH 510-608
45 TSN 510 G TSN 510 A CR 400450 TSN 510 C – 2 × TSN 510 S 2 × TSN 510 ND
50 TSN 308 G TSN 308 A CR 400500 – – 2 × TSN 308 S 2 × TSN 308 ND
60 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10

Housing Shaft Seal sets End cover

Size dia- Design G Design A Design C Design S Design ND
meter 2 double-lip 2 V-ring Loose 2 felt Loose felt 2 labyrinth
da, db seals seals V-ring strips strips seals

– mm – –

210 45 TSN 610 G TSN 610 A CR 400450 TSN 610 C – 2 × TSN 610 S 2 × TSN 610 ND ASNH 512-610
55 TSN 512 G TSN 512 A CR 400550 TSN 512 C – 2 × TSN 512 S 2 × TSN 512 ND
60 TSN 210 G TSN 210 A CR 400600 – – 2 × TSN 210 S 2 × TSN 210 ND
70 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

511-609 40 TSN 609 G TSN 609 A CR 400400 TSN 609 C – 2 × TSN 609 S 2 × TSN 609 ND ASNH 511-609
50 TSN 511 G TSN 511 A CR 400500 TSN 511 C – 2 × TSN 511 S 2 × TSN 511 ND
55 TSN 309 G TSN 309 A CR 400550 – – 2 × TSN 309 S 2 × TSN 309 ND
65 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

211 50 TSN 611 G TSN 611 A CR 400500 TSN 611 C – 2 × TSN 611 S 2 × TSN 611 ND ASNH 513-611
60 TSN 513 G TSN 513 A CR 400600 TSN 513 C – 2 × TSN 513 S 2 × TSN 513 ND
65 TSN 211 G TSN 211 A CR 400650 – – 2 × TSN 211 S 2 × TSN 211 ND
75 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

512-610 45 TSN 610 G TSN 610 A CR 400450 TSN 610 C – 2 × TSN 610 S 2 × TSN 610 ND ASNH 512-610
55 TSN 512 G TSN 512 A CR 400550 TSN 512 C – 2 × TSN 512 S 2 × TSN 512 ND
60 TSN 310 G TSN 310 A CR 400600 – – 2 × TSN 310 S 2 × TSN 310 ND
70 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

212 55 TSN 612 G TSN 612 A CR 400550 TSN 612 C – 2 × TSN 612 S 2 × TSN 612 ND ASNH 515-612
65 TSN 515 G TSN 515 A CR 400650 TSN 515 C – 2 × TSN 515 S 2 × TSN 515 ND
70 TSN 212 G TSN 212 A CR 400700 – – 2 × TSN 212 S 2 × TSN 212 ND
85 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

513-611 50 TSN 611 G TSN 611 A CR 400500 TSN 611 C – 2 × TSN 611 S 2 × TSN 611 ND ASNH 513-611
60 TSN 513 G TSN 513 A CR 400600 TSN 513 C – 2 × TSN 513 S 2 × TSN 513 ND
65 TSN 311 G TSN 311 A CR 400650 – – 2 × TSN 311 S 2 × TSN 311 ND
75 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

213 60 TSN 613 G TSN 613 A CR 400600 TSN 613 C – 2 × TSN 613 S 2 × TSN 613 ND ASNH 516-613
70 TSN 516 G TSN 516 A CR 400700 TSN 516 C – 2 × TSN 516 S 2 × TSN 516 ND
75 TSN 213 G TSN 213 A CR 400750 – – 2 × TSN 213 S 2 × TSN 213 ND
90 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

515-612 55 TSN 612 G TSN 612 A CR 400550 TSN 612 C – 2 × TSN 612 S 2 × TSN 612 ND ASNH 515-612
65 TSN 515 G TSN 515 A CR 400650 TSN 515 C – 2 × TSN 515 S 2 × TSN 515 ND
70 TSN 312 G TSN 312 A CR 400700 – – 2 × TSN 312 S 2 × TSN 312 ND
85 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

215 65 TSN 615 G TSN 615 A CR 400650 TSN 615 C – 2 × TSN 615 S 2 × TSN 615 ND ASNH 518-615
80 TSN 518 G TSN 518 A CR 400800 TSN 518 C – 2 × TSN 518 S 2 × TSN 518 ND
85 TSN 215 G TSN 215 A CR 400850 – – 2 × TSN 215 S 2 × TSN 215 ND
100 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

516-613 60 TSN 613 G TSN 613 A CR 400600 TSN 613 C – 2 × TSN 613 S 2 × TSN 613 ND ASNH 516-613
70 TSN 516 G TSN 516 A CR 400700 TSN 516 C – 2 × TSN 516 S 2 × TSN 516 ND
75 TSN 313 G TSN 313 A CR 400750 – – 2 × TSN 313 S 2 × TSN 313 ND
90 – – – – 4 × FS 170 – –

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............. 3 Page ............. 10 Sealing arrangements for
SNL plummer block housings

Housing series 5

Design G Design A Design C Design C Design S Design ND End cover

Housing series 2 Split Unsplit Split Felt strips Unsplit

Housing Shaft Seal sets End cover

Size dia- Design G Design A Design C Design S Design ND
meter 2 double-lip 2 V-ring Loose 2 felt Loose felt 2 labyrinth
da, db seals seals V-ring strips strips seals

– mm – –

216 90 TSN 216 G TSN 216 A CR 400900 – – 2 × TSN 216 S 2 × TSN 216 ND ASNH 216
105 – – – – 2 × FS 170 – –

517 75 TSN 517 G TSN 517 A CR 400750 TSN 517 C – 2 × TSN 517 S 2 × TSN 517 ND ASNH 517
80 TSN 314 G TSN 314 A CR 400800 TSN 314 C – 2 × TSN 314 S 2 × TSN 314 ND
95 – – – – 2 × FS 170 – –

217 95 TSN 217 G TSN 217 A CR 400950 – – 2 × TSN 217 S 2 × TSN 217 ND ASNH 217

518-615 65 TSN 615 G TSN 615 A CR 400650 TSN 615 C – 2 × TSN 615 S 2 × TSN 615 ND ASNH 518-615
80 TSN 518 G TSN 518 A CR 400800 TSN 518 C – 2 × TSN 518 S 2 × TSN 518 ND
85 TSN 315 G TSN 315 A CR 400850 – – 2 × TSN 315 S 2 × TSN 315 ND
100 – – – – 2 × FS 170 – –

218 100 TSN 218 G TSN 218 A CR 401000 – – 2 × TSN 218 S 2 × TSN 218 ND ASNH 218

519-616 70 TSN 616 G TSN 616 A CR 400700 TSN 616 C – 2 × TSN 616 S 2 × TSN 616 ND ASNH 519-616
85 TSN 519 G TSN 519 A CR 400850 TSN 519 C – 2 × TSN 519 S 2 × TSN 519 ND
90 TSN 316 G TSN 316 A CR 400900 – – 2 × TSN 316 S 2 × TSN 316 ND

520-617 75 TSN 617 G TSN 617 A CR 400750 TSN 617 C – 2 × TSN 617 S 2 × TSN 617 ND ASNH 520-617
90 TSN 520 G TSN 520 A CR 400900 TSN 520 C – 2 × TSN 520 S 2 × TSN 520 ND
95 TSN 317 G TSN 317 A CR 400950 – – 2 × TSN 317 S 2 × TSN 317 ND
115 TSN 220 G TSN 220 A CR 401100 – – 2 × TSN 220 S 2 × TSN 220 ND

522-619 85 TSN 619 G TSN 619 A CR 400850 TSN 619 C – 2 × TSN 619 S 2 × TSN 619 ND ASNH 522-619
100 TSN 522 G TSN 522 A CR 401000 TSN 522 C – 2 × TSN 522 S 2 × TSN 522 ND
110 – TSN 319 A CR 401100 – – 2 × TSN 319 S 2 × TSN 319 ND
125 TSN 222 G TSN 222 A CR 401300 – – 2 × TSN 222 S 2 × TSN 222 ND

524-620 90 TSN 620 G TSN 620 A CR 400900 TSN 620 C – 2 × TSN 620 S 2 × TSN 620 ND ASNH 524-620
110 TSN 524 G TSN 524 A CR 401100 TSN 524 C – 2 × TSN 524 S 2 × TSN 524 ND
115 – TSN 320 A CR 401100 – – 2 × TSN 320 S 2 × TSN 320 ND
135 TSN 224 G TSN 224 A CR 401300 – – 2 × TSN 224 S 2 × TSN 224 ND

526 115 TSN 526 G TSN 526 A CR 401100 TSN 526 C – 2 × TSN 526 S 2 × TSN 526 ND ASNH 526
145 TSN 226 G TSN 226 A CR 401500 – – 2 × TSN 226 S 2 × TSN 226 ND

528 125 TSN 528 G TSN 528 A CR 401300 TSN 528 C – 2 × TSN 528 S 2 × TSN 528 ND ASNH 528
155 TSN 228 G TSN 228 A CR 401500 TSN 228 C – 2 × TSN 228 S 2 × TSN 228 ND

530 135 TSN 530 G TSN 530 A CR 401300 TSN 530 C – 2 × TSN 530 S 2 × TSN 530 ND ASNH 530
165 TSN 230 G TSN 230 A CR 401700 – – 2 × TSN 230 S 2 × TSN 230 ND

532 140 TSN 532 G TSN 532 A CR 401400 TSN 532 C – 2 × TSN 532 S 2 × TSN 532 ND ASNH 532
175 TSN 232 G TSN 232 A CR 401700 – – 2 × TSN 232 S 2 × TSN 232 ND

Other products for trouble-free
Robust, Self-aligning ball bearings CARB bearings
Series 12, 22, 13 and 23 self-aligning These bearings are a recent addition
high-performance ball bearings can be incorporated in to the range of ball and roller bearings
standard bearings SNL plummer block housings. Sealed offered by SKF and are an SKF inven-
self-aligning ball bearings of series tion. CARB bearings of series C 22,
SKF produces the self-aligning ball 22-2RS1 are also appropriate, particu- C 23 and C 32 can be incorporated in
bearings, spherical roller bearings and larly where the surroundings in which SNL plummer block housings.
CARB bearings normally incorporated the plummer blocks are to operate are Although available in a caged as
in SNL plummer block housings in heavily contaminated. Self-aligning ball well as a full complement version, it
many sizes and several designs. All bearings are available with tapered is normally recommended that caged
three bearing types are self-aligning. bore for mounting on adapter sleeves bearings are used in SNL housings.
The degree of misalignment which can or with cylindrical bore. CARB bearings are available with a
be accommodated depends on the tapered bore for mounting on an ad-
bearing series and also on the seals Spherical roller bearings apter sleeve or a withdrawal sleeve,
used in the SNL housings. The spherical roller bearings which as well as with a cylindrical bore.
The self-aligning ball bearings and can be used in SKF plummer block
spherical roller bearings can be used housings of the SNL design are those
for both locating and non-locating of series 222, 232, 213 and 223. The
bearing arrangements. At non-locating bearings are available with tapered
positions, the bearing outer ring is free bore for mounting on adapter or with-
to move axially in its seating in the drawal sleeves, or with cylindrical
housing bore. CARB bearings, on the bore. Sealed spherical roller bearings
other hand, accommodate axial dis- of ISO Dimension Series 22 can also
placements within the bearing and are be incorporated.
always non-locating. It is usual to
combine a CARB bearing at the non-
locating side with a spherical roller
bearing arranged as a locating bearing
at the other side.

For easy mounting – Adapter sleeves More information about
These are slotted sleeves with a
adapter and withdrawal tapered outside diameter. The sizes
● self-aligning ball bearings and
spherical roller bearings
sleeves used with bearings for SNL housings (➔ General Catalogue 4000 and
brochure 4401)
have an external taper of 1:12 and are ● CARB™ bearings (➔ publication
Generally the bearings with a tapered supplied complete with lock nut and TI 1046)
bore incorporated in SNL plummer locking washer. Their dimensions are ● adapter and withdrawal sleeves
block housings are mounted on in accordance with ISO 2982-1:1995. (➔ catalogue 3766/I)
smooth or stepped shafts with the aid It should be noted that a special design
of an adapter sleeve or on stepped with spacer ring must be used with
shafts only, a withdrawal sleeve. These CARB bearings of series C 22 K up to Bearings on withdrawal sleeves must
sleeves are produced by SKF in appro- and including size 22. This sleeve be mounted against a fixed abutment,
priate sizes for the range of bearings design is identified by the designation e.g. a shaft shoulder. The withdrawal
which can be used in SNL housings. suffix E. CARB bearings of series sleeve must be secured in position
The adapter sleeves are the more C 22 K and C 32 K, from size 24 and after it has been pressed into the
popular as they are more versatile and above, require an adapter sleeve with bearing bore by a lock nut or end plate
are easier to mount. a KML nut, designation suffix L. on the shaft. The nuts are not supplied
When using adapter sleeves on with the sleeves.
smooth shafts it is possible to locate
the bearing at any position on the shaft
and no additional axial location is

Withdrawal sleeves
These are also slotted sleeves with a
tapered outside diameter. The sizes
used with bearings for SNL housings
have an external taper of 1:12. Their
dimensions are in accordance with
ISO 2982-1:1995.

Other products
Lock nuts
Lock nuts are used to axially locate
bearings at shaft ends as well as to
facilitate mounting and dismounting
bearings on withdrawal sleeves. Sev-
eral designs are available from SKF.
They may also be referred to as shaft
nuts or withdrawal nuts depending on
the use to which they are put. Gener- Lubricating greases for bearings Pop Release units
ally KM or KML nuts are those designs Lubrication is a necessity for proper These units are plummer blocks with
most used. They have four equally bearing performance. Grease is norm- ready-lubricated bearings for easy
spaced slots around the circumference ally used for applications involving installation. They comprise
to take hook or impact spanners. The SNL plummer blocks. SKF has put
dimensions of the KM and KML nuts considerable effort into establishing a ● a one-piece plummer block housing
and the locking washers used with range of high-quality greases for ball of grey cast iron,
them are in accordance with ISO and roller bearing lubrication. ● a spherical roller bearing of series
2982-2:1995. The SKF System 24 automatic lub- 222 with special inner ring,
ricator can also be used with SNL ● a special adapter sleeve, and
plummer block housings. An adapter ● two seals of the “TriGard” type or
can be fitted to the standard drilled two labyrinth seals.
and tapped hole in the housing cap.
It should be remembered that surplus The units are available in a locating
grease should be able to leave the and a non-locating version.

Other bearing housings ings with cylindrical bore or for taper- More information about
ed bore, mounted on adapter or with- ● lock nuts (➔ catalogue 3766/I)
To meet a wide variety of application drawal sleeves. Smooth or stepped ● greases (➔ catalogue MP200)
● Pop Release units (➔ brochure
demands, SKF produces a compre- shafts can be used.
hensive range of bearing housings. Various different types of seal are ● housings (➔ catalogue 4005)
The majority of these are of the split used. Most housings are made of grey
plummer block type but the SKF range cast iron but spheroidal graphite cast
also includes iron or cast steel housings are included
in the range.
● one-piece plummer block housings, For further information, please con-
● flanged housings, tact SKF.
● take-up housings, and
● two-bearing housings.

Most of these housings are designed

to take self-aligning bearings, princip-
ally spherical roller bearings, and the
range extends to shaft diameters up to
and including 1 800 mm. Housings are
available for oil lubrication as well as
grease lubrication and also for bear-

The SKF Group
– a worldwide corporation
SKF is an international industrial Group development has also played a vital
operating in some 130 countries and is role, resulting in many examples of
world leader in bearings. epoch-making innovations.
The company was founded in 1907 The business of the Group consists
following the invention of the self-align- of bearings, seals, special steel and a
ing ball bearing by Sven Wingquist and, comprehensive range of other high-
after only a few years, SKF began to tech industrial components. The experi-
expand all over the world. ence gained in these various fields
Today, SKF has some 45 000 em- provides SKF with the essential know-
ployees and around 80 manufacturing ledge and expertise required in order
facilities spread throughout the world. to provide the customers with the most
An international sales network includes advanced engineering products and
a large number of sales companies and efficient service.
some 7 000 distributors and retailers.
Worldwide availability of SKF products
is supported by a comprehensive
technical advisory service.
The key to success has been a con-
sistent emphasis on maintaining the
highest quality of its products and
services. Continuous invest-
ment in research and

The SKF Group is the first major bearing SKF has developed the Channel concept in
manufacturer to have been granted approval factories all over the world. This drastically
according to ISO 14001, the international reduces the lead time from raw material to
standard for environmental management end product as well as work in progress
systems. The certificate is the most com- and finished goods in stock. The concept
prehensive of its kind and covers more than enables faster and smoother information
60 SKF production units in 17 countries. The SKF Engineering & Research Centre flow, eliminates bottlenecks and bypasses
is situated just outside Utrecht in The unnecessary steps in production. The
Netherlands. In an area of 17 000 square Channel team members have the know-
metres (185 000 sq.ft) some 150 scientists, ledge and commitment needed to share the
engineers and support staff are engaged in responsibility for fulfilling objectives in areas
the further improvement of bearing perform- such as quality, delivery time, production
ance. They are developing technologies flow etc.
aimed at achieving better materials, better
designs, better lubricants and better seals
– together leading to an even better under-
standing of the operation of a bearing in its
application. This is also where the SKF Life
Theory was evolved, enabling the design
of bearings which are even more compact
and offer even longer operational life.

SKF manufactures ball bearings, roller

bearings and plain bearings. The smallest
are just a few millimetres (a fraction of an
inch) in diameter, the largest several metres.
SKF also manufactures bearing and oil
seals which prevent dirt from entering
and lubricant from leaking out. SKF's
subsidiaries CR and RFT S.p.A. are among
the world's largest producers of seals.


© Copyright SKF 1999

The contents of this publication are the
copyright of the publisher and may not
be reproduced (even extracts) unless
permission is granted. Every care has
been taken to ensure the accuracy of
the information contained in this publica-
tion but no liability can be accepted
for any loss or damage whether direct,
indirect or consequential arising out of
the use of the information contained

Publication 4403/II E

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