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REE Geochemistry of ore zones in the Archean auriferous

schist belts of the eastern Dharwar Craton, south India

T S G i r i t h a r a n∗ and V R a j a m a n i
School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067

Presently at Department of Earth Sciences, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry 605 014.
e-mail: [email protected]

The eastern Dharwar Craton of southern India includes at least three ∼ 2700Ma supracrustal belts
(schist belts) which have mesothermal, quartz-carbonate vein gold mineralization emplaced within
the sheared metabasalts. In the Hutti and the Kolar schist belts, the host rocks are amphibolites
and the ore veins have been flanked by only a thin zone of biotitic alteration; in the Ramagiri belt,
however, the host rocks to the veins have been affected by more extensive but lower temperature
alteration by fluids. The rare earth element (REE) geochemistry of the host metabasalts, alteration
zones, ore veins and the bulk sulfides separated from the ore veins and the alteration zones suggest
• the REE chemistry of the immediate host rocks has been modified by fluids which added LREE,
• the REE abundance of the ore veins vary with the amount of host rock fragments included in
the veins,
• the sulfides formed during mineralization have significant REE concentration with patterns
nearly identical to the ore veins and alteration zones and
• therefore the ore fluids involved in gold mineralization here could be LREE enriched.
Because alteration and mineralization involved addition of REE, more LREE compared to HREE,
the fluids could be of higher temperature origin. The initial Nd isotope ratios in the host rocks (εNd
calculated at 2700 Ma) showed a large variation (+8 to −4) and a deep crustal source for the fluid
REE seems likely. A crustal source for Pb and Os in the ore samples of Kolar belt has previously
been suggested (Krogstad et al 1995; Walker et al 1989). Such a source for ore fluids is consistent
with a late Archean (2500Ma) accretionary origin for the terrains of the eastern Dharwar Craton.

1. Introduction ics, geochemical and petrological constraints pro-

pose either metamorphic (Kerrich and Fryer 1979;
Fluids are amongst the most effective agents for Crawford 1981; Groves et al 1987; Phillips and
the transport of material in the Earth’s crust and Powell 1993) or magmatic (Burrows et al 1986;
possibly in the upper mantle. Aqueous hydrother- Cameron and Hattori 1987) origin for the fluids
mal fluids are responsible for the formation of in these deposits. Compositionally the fluids are
many ore deposits and they play a major role reported to be of low salinity (< 2 wt % NaCl
in many metamorphic reactions and magmatic equivalent) H2 O-CO2 fluids with a near neutral or
processes. Modern exploration strategies should weakly alkaline pH and normally reducing (Phillips
therefore require a thorough knowledge of metal- et al 1986 ; Phillips and Powell 1992), although oxi-
bearing fluids which migrate at different levels in dized fluids (Cameron and Hattori 1987; Cameron
the crust, the possible source(s) of the ore flu- 1988) have been recorded.
ids and an understanding of the chemical evolu- The source of hydrothermal fluids that gave rise
tion of the fluid. The origin of the fluids that gave to the Archean lode-gold mineralization has been
rise to Archean mesothermal gold deposits is con- a topic of debate with ore geochemists the world
tentious, and models utilizing isotope systemat- over suggesting fluids that are either internal or

Keywords. REE geochemistry, Archean, lode gold deposit, eastern Dharwar Craton

Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.), 110, No. 2, June 2001, pp. 143–159
 Printed in India. 143
144 T S Giritharan and V Rajamani
external to the greenstone belts. Barnicoat et al eralization in these two types of hydrothermal
(1991) studied the mesothermal lode gold deposits deposits.
of western Australia. The oxygen isotope data on The main objective of this article is to elucidate
ore samples indicated to them that the fluid com- the nature of hydrothermal fluid and the probable
position was strongly controlled by the wallrocks source of the ore fluid in the auriferous schist belts
traversed. Therefore these authors suggested that of Hutti, Ramagiri and Kolar in the eastern part
it might be difficult to identify the fluid source of the south Indian Dharwar craton with special
for gold deposits. Cameron (1988) attributed the emphasis on the REE geochemical data on the ore
Archean lode gold mineralization to the granuliti- materials from these belts.
zation process which occurred during the principal
period of crustal thickening and stabilization circa
2.7 ± 0.2 Ga and suggested that upward streaming 2. Regional geology of the Dharwar craton
of mantle CO2 along shear zones in the lower crust
led to the dehydration of amphibolite grade rocks The cratonic block of south India commonly
to form granulite and this process was accompa- known as the Dharwar craton, covers an area of
nied by LILE depletion at higher crustal levels. 2, 38, 000 km2 lying between latitudes 12◦ 00 and
But, Kerrich (1989) did not support the granuli- 18◦ 00 and longitudes 74◦ 00 and 80◦ 00 (figure 1). The
tization process as a likely candidate responsible cratonic block has been divided into two parts on
for Archean lode gold deposits. On the basis of the basis of a central N-S trending belt of late
variable Pb, C, and O isotope systematics, Ker- kinematic plutonic granitoid rocks known as the
rich (1989) suggested equilibration of internally or Closepet Granite. The present study is confined to
externally derived fluids with compositionally vari- the lode-gold deposits in the three major auriferous
able crust at low water/rock ratios in transpressive schist belts at Hutti, Ramagiri, and Kolar in the
accretionary regimes. Mikucky and Ridley (1993) eastern subblock of the Dharwar craton, occurring
reviewed the information available on the ore fluid to the east of the central Closepet Granite. All the
compositions for a wide range of metamorphic three belts consist dominantly of mafic metavol-
conditions from sub-greenschist to lower granulite canic rocks of predominantly tholeiitic composi-
facies. Based on the alteration zone assemblages tion, except in Kolar where subordinate amounts of
and fluid inclusion data, these authors suggested komatiitic rocks occur (Rajamani et al 1985, 1989).
an ore fluid composition that is consistent with These belts also include subordinate amounts of
derivation from or final equilibration with rocks of felsic metavolcanic rocks and banded iron forma-
intermediate - granitic composition. These authors tions (BIF). Only the Ramagiri schist belt has a
suggested that the Archean lode-gold mineraliza- few mappable units of serpentinite which probably
tion involved either a single fluid moving through represent the obducted pieces of Archean oceanic
the middle and upper crust, or derivation of ore lithosphere (Zachariah et al 1996).
fluids by similar processes at different crustal lev- The metavolcanic rocks of the schist belts are
els. Ho et al (1992), based on the stable and radi- ∼ 2700 Ma and are surrounded by 2700–2500 Ma
ogenic isotope data, suggested a multiple source granitic gneisses with a record of distinct geologi-
for the ore fluids in the Archean lode gold deposits cal histories (Balakrishnan et al 1999). The contact
of western Australia. between the schist belts and the gneisses are com-
Schandl et al (1995) have studied the REE geo- monly tectonic. However, in the Hutti and Ram-
chemistry of hydrothermal alteration in the Vol- agiri schist belts, an intrusive relation between a
canogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) deposits of the late phase granite and the supracrustal rocks is
Superior Province of Canada, and their study seen. The entire eastern subblock of Dharwar cra-
revealed that the host felsic volcanics have under- ton is thought to have been an accreted terrane and
gone extensive LREE depletion and hence can the schist belts represent terrane boundaries. The
be used as an exploration tool for VMS deposits assembly of the different terranes and their final
around the Manitouwadge mining camp. Fleet collision with the western subblock nucleus were
et al (1997) studied the REE geochemistry of thought to have occurred at ∼ 2500 Ma (Krogstad
the Hemlo gold deposit and their studies indi- et al 1989; Balakrishnan et al 1999). The geological
cated that the REE geochemistry remains dom- setting of these three auriferous belts are described
inated by the protolith composition and thus in the following paragraphs.
cannot be used as a primary tool of explo-
ration. Thus a study of mobility and transport 2.1 Geology of the auriferous schist belts
of REE’s in the Archean precious metal deposits 2.1.1 Hutti Schist Belt
and the VMS deposits wherein the base metals
occur is important in understanding the nature The Hutti Schist Belt is one of the northernmost
of the hydrothermal fluid responsible for min- auriferous schist belts in the eastern Dharwar cra-
REE Geochemistry of auriferous zones from eastern Dharwar craton 145

Figure 1. (a). Geological map of southern India. Dharwar Craton is bound by Deccan Traps, Granulite Terrane and
Cuddapah Basin. The eastern and western parts of the Dharwar Craton are considered to have had distinct evolutionary
histories. Ra = Ramagiri, Ko = Kolar, Sa = Sandur, Hu = Hutti and Ch = Chitradurga schist belts. M = myloni-
tized zone on eastern margin of the Chitradurga schist belt. Inset shows location of the Dharwar Craton. (b). Geological
map of the Hutti-Maski schist belt (redrawn after Biswas et al 1985). (c). Geological map of the Ramagiri schist belt
U-Pb ages of Zircons from felsic volcanics from the central block, Chenna Gneiss, Ramagiri and Gangam Complexes are
2707 ± 18, 2650 ± 7, 2613 ± 6 and 2528 ± 1 Ma, respectively. (d). Geological map of the Kolar schist belt. In all the three
belts, the mineralized areas are indicated by filled-circles.
146 T S Giritharan and V Rajamani
ton located 80kms west of Raichur town. It is a with minor sulfide minerals such as pyrite and chal-
hook shaped schist belt ∼65 kms in length and copyrite. Quartz - Carbonate veinlets are localized
∼ 8 kms in width consisting predominantly of within the extremely altered (retrogressed) broad
metavolcanic rocks and subordinate metasedimen- phyllitic zones within the amphibolites. Rao et al
tary rocks. Pillow-bearing tholeiitic metabasalts (1989) reported anomalously abundant native gold
dominate the volcanic suite followed by acid vol- and scheelite in association with quartz veins in
canics. The belt is surrounded by granitoid rocks sericite-chlorite phyllites.
which show intrusive relationship at places such as
Madriankota and Uti in the northern part. Avail- 2.1.3 Geology of the Kolar schist belt
able whole rock-K feldspar Pb-Pb isochron data
for a granite phase suggest an age of ∼ 2600 Ma This is the southernmost N-S trending belt and till
(Krogstad, unpublished data). The last phase of recently the most productive auriferous schist belt
igneous activity in the Hutti belt is represented by in the Dharwar craton consisting predominantly
dykes of pegmatite, dolerite and gabbro (Biswas of tholeiitic amphibolites. Komatiitic amphibolites,
et al 1985). Structural studies by Roy (1979), BIF, graphitic schists and felsic schists commonly
revealed the presence of three phases of deforma- known as the Champion Gneiss are the other rock
tion (F1 , F2 and F3 ) in the Hutti belt. Riazullah types that occur in minor amounts. In the cen-
et al (1996) studied the mineral assemblages and tral part of the belt where there is extensive gold
their chemistry in the metabasalts and suggested mineralization (Kolar Gold Fields) a massive, fine-
a metamorphic grade transitional between green- grained, tholeiitic amphibolite unit occurs about
schist and amphibolite facies. Giritharan and Raja- which the belt is divided into an eastern part
mani (1998) studied the geochemistry of the host and western part. The central zone where gold-
tholeiitic metavolcanics in the Hutti belt and sug- quartz vein mineralization is intense appears to
gested their derivation from melt-metasomatized be a tectonic contact zone between the two suites
mantle sources by different extents of partial melt- of metavolcanics. Krogstad et al (1989) based on
ing probably in an island arc tectonic setting. a detailed geological, geochemical and geochrono-
The gold-quartz-carbonate-sulphide mineraliza- logical study suggested that the Kolar schist belt
tion in the Hutti belt is hosted predominantly by is a late Archean suture (∼2500Ma), representing
the metabasalts, which is confined to narrow but the boundary between at least two distinct late
laterally and vertically persistent tabular bodies Archean gneissic terranes and that the inferred
in the NNW-trending shear zones. The auriferous tectonic setting for the Kolar area is analogous
lodes of the Hutti belt consist largely of altered to that proposed for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic mar-
wallrock with quartz and carbonate in the form of gin of the north American Cordillera where fault-
veins, veinlets and stringers impregnated with sul- bounded allochthonous terranes apparently were
fide minerals, native gold and scheelite. Apart from accreted by plate convergence.
native gold in the quartz vein, gold also occurs The Kolar belt includes two distinct types of
as inclusions within the sulphide minerals such gold mineralization; an amphibolite-hosted quartz-
as arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite within the carbonate veins type (Archean lode gold) which is
altered wallrocks enveloping the quartz veins (Raju economically the most important and a BIF-hosted
1996). stratiform sulfide type. The lode gold mineraliza-
tion occurs in the central part of the belt as sev-
2.1.2 Ramagiri schist belt eral parallel sets of veins within the shear zones
in the eastern LREE enriched tholeiitic amphibo-
The Ramagiri schist belt is one of the impor- lites. A detailed study on geology, geochemistry
tant gold producers in the eastern Dharwar cra- and isotopic systematics of the stratiform sulfide
ton located in the Anantapur district of Andhra type by Siva Siddaiah and Rajamani (1989) and
Pradesh. It is a volcanics dominated trident shaped Siva Siddaiah et al (1994) revealed a syngenetic
late Archean schist belt about 50kms in length volcanic exhalative origin for these deposits and
and about 3 kms in width at the central part are distinctly different from those of epigenetic vein
where the present gold mining activity is concen- quartz deposits.
trated. The schist belt consists of two major arms Samples of ore veins from the four main Reefs
(western and central) and a minor impersistant viz., the Oakley’s Reef, Middle Reef, Zone-I Reef
eastern arm. Detailed geochemical and geochrono- and Strike Reef in the underground mine at Hutti
logical information of the Ramagiri schist belt and wallrock alteration zone immediately adjacent
are available in Zachariah et al 1995, 1997. Gold to the ore veins in the first three Reefs and unal-
mineralization in the Ramagiri belt occurs in a tered host rock at a distance of 5–6 metres on
zone of chlorite-carbonate-quartz-sericite phyllites either side of the fourth Reef were collected for geo-
within the western subblock amphibolites along chemical and petrographic studies. In the Ramagiri
REE Geochemistry of auriferous zones from eastern Dharwar craton 147
Table 1. Salient features of gold deposits in the three schist belts of the eastern Dharwar craton.

Kolar schist belt Ramagiri schist belt Hutti schist belt

Host rock LREE enriched amphi- LREE depleted to Slightly LREE enriched
bolites and felsic schists flat metabasalts repre- to flat tholeiitic amphi-
known as the Champion sented by amphibolites. bolites.
Wallrock Narrow zones of intense A wider zone (∼ 200 Narrow zones of intense
alteration alteration with biotiti- mts) of not so intense alteration with biotiti-
zation, albitization, sul- alteration with sericiti- zation, albitization, car-
fidation and carbonati- zation, saussuritization, bonatization and sulfi-
zation. carbonatization and dation of the host schis-
sulfidation of the host tose amphibolite.
Ore vein Epigenetic Au-quartz A broad zone of Epigenetic Au- quartz-
carbonate vein with chlorite-carbonate phyl- carbonate veins with
varying amounts of lites with sericitization varying amounts of
host rock fragments and sulfidation. host rock fragments
and minor sulfides. and minor sulfides.
Mode of Fracture filled veins Fracture filling veins Fracture filling veins
occurrence with disseminations of in the host actinolite- in the host amphibo-
sulfides; gold occurring chlorite schists with lite with minor sulfides.
in native form in the minor sulfides. Gold Gold occurs as both free
quartz vein within the occurs as free milling milling gold in quartz
shear zones. type within quartz vein and as inclusions in sul-
and as inclusions in fides.
Sulfides Pyrrhotite ± pyrite ± Dominantly pyrite ± Dominantly arsenopy-
arsenopyrite. chalcopyrite. rite ± pyrite ± pyrr-

belt diamond drill core samples from the western as well as in the Kolar and Ramagiri belts suggests
block of the central arm of Ramagiri belt which that they were formed from melt enriched mantle
includes samples from ore horizons, wallrock alter- sources by different extents of partial melting at
ation zones and unaltered host rocks along with pressures ∼ 25 kbars (Rajamani et al 1989). A
a few samples of host rock from the surface out- critical analysis of the host metavolcanics from all
crops were collected for geochemical and petro- the three belts indicated that the process of forma-
graphic studies. In the case of Kolar schist belt, the tion of Fe-rich tholeiites, their metamorphism to
information available in Siva Siddaiah et al (1990) amphibolites and their emplacement along terrane
is used for comparison with the data of Hutti boundaries have provided a favourable geochemical
and Ramagiri belts. The details of the nature of environment for gold mineralization in these three
host rock, wallrock alteration zone and ore vein in belts. The textural features of the host tholeiitic
these three auriferous schist belts of eastern Dhar- metavolcanics indicate that they have been sub-
war craton are described below and summarised in jected to different episodes of shearing, the final
table 1. one being relatively more brittle.
2.2 Host rocks 2.2.1 Ore veins

The unaltered host mafic metavolcanics in the The ore vein in these three belts is a dilational
auriferous schist belts are represented by differ- feature in the country rock metabasalts, consist-
ent textural varieties of amphibolites viz., (1) the ing predominantly of quartz, varying amounts of
coarse grained spotted variety, (2) medium grained country rock fragments and minor amounts of car-
schistose variety and (3) the fine grained massive bonates and sulfides (table 1). The ore vein gen-
variety, all of them having a similar geochemical erally runs either parallel to the schistosity of the
and mineralogical composition. Mineralization is metabasalts or cutting the dominant foliation in
hosted by the schistose amphibolites which are the country rock at small angles. In the Kolar
Fe-rich tholeiite in composition and are character- and Hutti schist belts, the contacts of the ore vein
ized by flat to LREE enriched rare earth patterns. with the host rock is commonly sharp excepting
Major and trace element modeling of the host for a thin, a few centimeter thick, bleached and
tholeiitic metavolcanics from the Hutti schist belt biotitized wallrock alteration zone, and only in
148 T S Giritharan and V Rajamani
the Ramagiri schist belt, the contact of the ore with the bulk sulfide separates from the ore veins
vein with the host is somewhat gradational char- and wallrock alteration zone in the Hutti and Ram-
acterised by a wider wallrock alteration zone. agiri belts were determined by a polychromator in
the Labtam 8440 ICP – AES. Standardization for
2.2.2 Wallrock alteration majority of the major and trace elements (exclud-
ing REE) were based on USGS rock standards
As stated above, the wallrock alteration zone in the STM-1, RGM-1, W-2 and DNC-1 and in-house
auriferous schist belts of Hutti and Kolar are simi- rock standards developed at JNU from the samples
lar and are characterized by a thin zone of bleached of Kolar schist belt. For REE determination on the
country rocks which have undergone biotitization, bulk ore veins, wallrock alteration and unaltered
carbonatization, albitization and sulfidation of the host rocks, the procedure given in Giritharan and
host metatholeiites due to addition of Na, K, CO2 , Rajamani (1998) was followed. Bulk sulfides from
S and H2 O. The thickness of this zone in these the ore veins and wallrock alteration zone sam-
two schist belts varies from less than a centime- ples were handpicked, finely powdered and used
ter to about a meter and is inferred to be depen- for REE determination. 1–2 g of this finely pow-
dent on the fluid/rock ratio apart from other fac- dered bulk sulfide samples were dissolved initially
tors such as permeability and composition of pro- in 10–20 ml of 6N HNO3 and then with concen-
toliths and physicochemical conditions of fluids. trated acid, and the solution was allowed to evap-
The lesser the thickness of this wallrock alteration orate on a hot plate. It was observed that few
zone, the higher is the intensity of alteration which undissolved particles were present at the bottom
means a stronger focusing of the ore bearing fluid of the teflon beakers used for drying and their
(high water : rock ratio locally). In both Kolar examination under a binocular microscope revealed
(Champion Reef) and Hutti (Zone-I Reef) belts that they were made up mainly of quartz and
such zones are associated with higher gold tenor few amphibole grains and did not have any acces-
(personal communication from mine geologists). In sory minerals such as zircon, sphene etc. which
the case of Ramagiri schist belt, the elements added would otherwise have an impact on the nature
to the host rocks are similar to those at Kolar and and abundances of REE patterns. This undis-
Hutti belts indicating the involvement of fluids of solved material was weighed and used for calcu-
similar composition but the minerals precipitated lating the final abundances of REE in the sul-
from the hydrothermal fluids are different which fides. The dried residue of the bulk sulfide sam-
can be attributed to the relatively lower tempera- ples were then dissolved in 25–30 ml of 1N HCl
ture of the fluid. In the Ramagiri belt, the potas- and loaded on to the HCl quartz columns packed
sic alteration is represented by the formation of with the same cation exchange resin (AG50W-X8),
sericite, instead of biotite which is a higher tem- since iron is the only major matrix element to
perature phase and is common in the Kolar and be removed. The loaded solution was eluted with
Hutti belts. Moreover, the sulfidation in Ramagiri 60ml of 1.7 N HCl and the REEs were collected
is represented by the formation of abundant pyrite with 240ml of 6N HCl and dried. The column sep-
which has a larger stability field in the system Fe- aration procedure was repeated 2–3 times till all
As-S compared to phases such as pyrrhotite and the iron was removed and a colourless final cut
arsenopyrite which are restricted mainly to higher obtained. Standardization for REEs was done with
temperatures. metal standards obtained from Johnson Mathey
Inc and in-house rock standards (a basalt and
a monzodiorite) which were analysed by isotope
3. Analytical methodology dilution method at S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook, USA.
Calibration of the cation exchange resin columns
Finely powdered (−200 mesh) and homogenised for the complete recovery of REEs were done by
host rock samples, ore veins and wallrock alter- mixing pure metal standards with other major
ation zone samples from the Hutti schist belt and cations and the abundances of these elements in
the diamond drill core samples comprising host the eluted solution in every 10 ml intervals were
metatholeiites, ore zone and wallrock alteration determined by ICP-AES. Except for a higher Er
zone from the western block of the central arm value which is due to Zr interference for this Er
of Ramagiri schist belt were analysed for major line (326.478 nm), the values of all other rare
and trace elements following a modified digestion earth elements were comparable to that obtained
procedure of Shapiro and Brannock (1962) using by the isotope dilution method. The precision of
HF, HNO3 , and HClO4 and analysed by a Lab- our REE analysis is better than 5% for HREE
tam 8440 ICP-AES. SiO2 was determined using a and better than 10% for LREE, for basaltic rocks
Spectronic −20 Bausch & Lomb spectrophotome- with about 10 – 20 x chondrite abundance for
ter. Rare earth elements on these samples along LREE.
Table 2. Major and trace element data of Hutti ore samples.

Oakley’s Reef Middle Reef Zone-I Reef Strike Reef

Ore Vein Alteration Zone Ore Vein Alteration Zone Ore Vein Alteration Zone Ore Vein Weakly Altered
HO–1 HO–2 HO–3 HO–4 HO–5 HO–6 HO–7 HO–8 HO–9 HO–10 HO–11 HO–12
Si O2 85.15 61.00 53.87 91.38 48.93 49.86 83.88 57.19 48.29 94.68 54.30 54.31
Ti O2 0.22 0.49 0.68 0.06 0.83 0.85 0.22 0.72 0.96 0.04 0.97 1.02

REE Geochemistry of auriferous zones from eastern Dharwar craton

Al2 O3 3.96 9.47 10.60 2.90 14.13 13.64 5.80 13.80 13.00 1.42 13.10 14.70
FeO(t) 3.20 6.21 8.99 1.12 10.05 11.30 3.26 7.75 11.50 0.60 12.10 10.80
MnO 0.06 0.14 0.14 0.01 0.18 0.21 0.04 0.12 0.21 0.01 0.18 0.17
MgO 1.98 3.97 5.89 0.34 5.34 6.72 1.05 3.17 5.99 0.31 6.35 5.12
CaO 3.49 7.06 7.42 0.54 10.18 11.63 2.08 5.44 10.00 0.39 9.77 9.17
Na2 O 1.03 3.14 1.90 1.14 1.99 1.22 1.17 4.44 2.21 0.07 1.78 2.68
K2 O 0.43 1.10 1.80 0.37 0.40 2.40 1.24 1.60 1.40 0.60 1.80 1.05
P2 O5 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.24 0.39 0.20 0.28 0.21 0.13 0.01 0.14 0.13
TOTAL 99.56 94.41 90.40 98.10 92.42 97.73 99.02 94.44 93.68 98.12 100.49 99.14
Ni 37 80 104 24 137 489 34 27 109 2 111 97
Cr 73 165 154 88 266 194 100 23 129 5 126 135
Ba 15 38 63 27 182 186 182 398 66 18 32 40
Sr 25 63 67 24 111 79 76 385 116 4 126 137
Zr 2 33 56 16 99 48 45 122 44 - 38 44
Y 6 15 20 2 21 - 10 31 24 1 23 26

Ce 2.88 10.71 15.92 12.18 9.35 11.20 14.41 46.97 12.40 0.68 11.14 13.00
Nd 1.76 4.05 7.34 4.77 6.46 7.17 8.30 25.90 7.87 0.31 7.50 8.41
Sm 0.51 1.40 2.00 0.86 2.12 2.36 2.02 5.87 2.22 0.08 2.37 2.40
Eu 0.19 0.43 0.64 0.21 0.79 0.85 0.61 1.66 0.83 0.04 0.93 0.90
Gd 0.69 1.76 2.41 0.79 2.80 3.33 2.13 5.99 3.04 0.12 3.51 3.40
Dy 0.90 2.09 2.66 0.41 3.02 3.03 1.90 5.79 3.78 0.15 3.87 4.05
Er 0.63 1.75 2.18 0.47 2.27 2.60 1.44 3.84 2.75 0.11 3.12 2.95
Yb 0.53 1.18 1.64 0.18 1.90 2.02 1.19 3.29 2.27 0.09 2.44 2.39

150 T S Giritharan and V Rajamani
4. Results
4.1 Hutti schist belt

The major and trace element data including rare

earth element data of samples of host rock, wall-
rock alteration zone and ore veins collected from
the underground mine at Hutti is given in table.
2. In Hutti as well as in the other two schist belts
ore zone samples studied come from a single lithol-
ogy, metabasalts, possibly with some differences
in their metamorphic history. The binary plot of
least mobile major elements such as Al2 O3 and
TiO2 (figure 2a) of the Hutti ore samples shows a
positive correlation suggesting that (a) Al and Ti
remained immobile during hydrothermal alteration
as suggested by MacLean and Kranidiotis (1987)
and that (b) the ore samples can be characterized
by two end member composition, the metabasalts
and the major ore vein mineral quartz (figure 2b
and c). The variation seen in Fe, Mg and Ca can
also be explained by the two end members to a
large extent. Because of carbonate addition, the
behaviour of Ca is less regular compared to Fe and
Mg. Similarly K2 O shows a large non-systematic
variation because of varying extents of alteration
of amphibole to biotite.


Figure 2(b). Binary plot of (b) TiO2 vs SiO2 of Hutti ore

samples, and (c). Al2 O3 vs SiO2 plot of Hutti ore samples.

elements. In the unaltered host amphibolites, the

REE patterns are slightly LREE enriched to flat
patterns and the abundances vary between 10x and
20 x relative to chondrite. Among the samples from
the wallrock alteration zone those with least alter-
ation in terms of biotitization and carbonatization
have REE patterns and abundances very similar
to that of the host amphibolite. In sample (# 8)
which has been extensively biotitized, the REE
Figure 2(a). Binary plot of TiO2 vs Al2 O3 in the Hutti ore pattern became more fractionated with the abun-
samples. dance of light rare earths increasing to a greater
extent than the heavy rare earths. In the present
The variation observed in the trace elements situation, wallrock alteration involved addition of
of Hutti ore samples is much irregular com- rare earth elements to the metabasalts and the
pared to the major elements. Zr, Cr, Ni and Ce LREEs seem to have been added more than the
show increasingly irregular variation when plotted heavy rare earths.
against Ti. Interestingly the sample with the high- The ore vein samples show a large variation in
est degree of biotitic alteration such as sample #8 terms of rare earth abundance and patterns. This
from the Zone-I Reef, seemed to have lost Ni and is because of at least two observed factors such as
Cr, but gained Ba, Sr, Zr and Y. (i) relative proportion of quartz vein and rock frag-
The rare earth elements (REE) in the Hutti ore ments and (ii) the intensity of alteration of the
samples as a group behaved more irregularly than included rock fragments. The ore samples associ-
those of the other trace elements as well as major ated with the intensely altered wallrock (compare
REE Geochemistry of auriferous zones from eastern Dharwar craton 151

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Figure 3. Chondrite normalized REE patterns of Hutti samples. (a) Host rocks (b) Wallrock alteration zone samples (c)
Ore veins and (d) Bulk sulfide separates from the ore veins and wallrock alteration zone.

samples No. 8 and 7 in figures 3b and c) show sim- The sulfides show LREE enriched and HREE
ilar REE patterns. However the vein sample (No. fractionated patterns with different extents of neg-
7) has much lower REE abundances than the wall- ative Eu anomaly. The sulfide separates from
rock alteration zone sample (No. 8). Ore vein sam- those ore veins which are associated with relatively
ple #4 with a very high abundance of silica in it higher degrees of alteration, have greater abun-
also has a pattern with LREE enrichment. These dances of REE (sample #4 and #7 in figure 3e).
observations suggest that the alteration and ore The ore sample with the least amount of rock frag-
vein formation resulted in a change in the REE ments (#4) and the sulfide separated from them
patterns, particularly through addition of light rare have parallel REE patterns with sulfides having rel-
earths (figure 3d). It appears that the fluids respon- atively higher amounts of REE than the ore vein.
sible for alteration of the wallrock and precipitation In ore samples with higher proportions of included
of quartz, carbonate and sulfides were enriched in country rock fragments the parallelism between
LREE relative to HREE. This inference is further the ore veins and the sulfide separated from them
corroborated by the REE chemistry of the sulfide is absent (for example #7) and the ore vein has
separates from the ore samples. higher abundances of HREE relative to the sul-
152 T S Giritharan and V Rajamani
cant extent. In the absence of significant evidence
for the fractionation of REE by the fluids, the sul-
fide rare earth patterns could be a good proxy for
the REE patterns of the fluids. The abundances
in the sulfides could of course be determined by
the (i) temperature of the fluids (ii) the amount
of sulfide precipitated and (iii) the grain size of
the sulfide minerals precipitated. If in case, sulfides
provided suitable structural position for the rare
earths, the abundance would also depend on the
distribution coefficient between the sulfides and the
fluids (Kd ).
Although we have not analysed the samples for
gold, from the available ore grade information, the
gold tenor of the ore zones depends on the inten-
sity of alteration. The ore samples from the Zone
- I Reef, #7 and #8 represent the highest inten-
sity of alteration with the highest abundance of
rare earths in them. This reef is known to have the
highest grade of ore in the Hutti mine (personal
Figure 3. (e) Typical host lithology normalized REE pat- information from mine geologists).
terns of ore samples from the Hutti belt.
4.2 Ramagiri schist belt
fides because of the presence of amphibole rich rock
fragments in the ore vein. Even here, sulfides are Drill core samples representing unaltered host rock,
significantly enriched in LREE relative to the bulk wallrock alteration and ore zone were collected
ore sample. from the Ramagiri schist belt and were analysed for
The similarity of the REE patterns of the bulk major and trace elements including REE (table 3).
sulfide separates from all the ore samples suggests In this auriferous belt also, the ore samples belong
that the sulfide REE patterns could be reasonable to a single lithology, metabasalt, as at Hutti. How-
proxies to those of the fluids from which the sulfides ever, the host metabasalts in this belt are meta-
were precipitated. Although we do not have much morphosed only up to upper greenshist facies as
information on the selective uptake of REE from evidenced by the mineral assemblage with ubiqui-
ore solutions, available data suggest that sulfides tous presence of chlorite. The fluid alteration in
do not fractionate REE (Siva Siddaiah et al 1994). the Ramagiri schist belt is represented by a wider
Also we observe that sulfides to some extent deter- zone of (∼200 metres) less intense, lower tem-
mine the REE abundance of the ore samples as perature alteration and this is exemplified by a
well as the alteration samples. These observations virtually undisturbed major element chemistry of
are quite different from those reported from the the ore samples. The ore horizon in this belt is
Hemlo deposit (Fleet et al 1997) where hydrother- a broader zone of chloritic, sericitic and carbon-
mal alteration of the protoliths resulted in the ate alteration with minor sulfidation within the
depletion of REE in general, and greater deple- massive metabasalts and the contact between the
tion of LREEs in particular. The secondary min- ore samples and unaltered host is gradational. The
erals added to the ore samples such as quartz, ore samples in this auriferous belt cannot be char-
pyrite, barite and carbonates resulted in the dilu- acterised by two end member compositions in a
tion of REE contents. Obviously the nature of binary plot of immobile major elements such as Al
the fluids involved in the two geological settings and Ti as in the case of Hutti schist belt although in
could be different. In the present case, if the sul- this binary plot (figure 4a and b) the Ramagiri ore
fides provided only active surfaces for the REE samples show a linear array suggesting that both
as complexes to be adsorbed, then there proba- these elements remained relatively immobile as at
bly was no fractionation of the rare earths. Siva Hutti. Fe, Mg and Ca when plotted against TiO2
Siddaiah et al (1994) studied the REE geochem- also show a somewhat linear arrangement of sam-
istry of the whole ore and sulfide separates from ple points but are less regular compared to similar
the BIF hosted Mallappakonda gold sulfide deposit plots of Hutti ore samples. Trace elements such as
and their study indicated a lack of fractionation of Ni, Cr, and Ba show little or no correlation when
REE by the mineralising fluids. Graf (1977) also plotted against TiO2 .
suggested that chemical precipitation processes do The wallrock alteration zone in the western block
not commonly fractionate the REE to any signifi- of the Ramagiri schist belt is characterized by acti-
Table 3. Major and trace element data of Ramagiri Drill Core samples.

Unaltered Host Rock Weakly Altered Host Ore Zone Weakly Altered Host Weakly Altered Host Alt.Zone
88-11 88-17 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-10 4-11 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-19
Si O2 48.30 48.20 46.07 43.07 43.71 56.56 46.42 44.99 48.68 42.80 44.28 43.56 51.31
Ti O2 0.77 0.88 0.39 0.75 0.83 0.70 0.84 0.89 0.74 0.70 0.96 0.76 1.61
Al2 O3 15.00 15.30 12.10 13.88 14.10 14.77 14.63 13.63 14.35 13.77 15.20 13.60 13.9

REE Geochemistry of auriferous zones from eastern Dharwar craton

FeO(t) 10.20 11.50 11.86 10.86 11.23 13.50 10.40 8.33 8.96 8.51 8.95 8.64 11.6
MnO 0.16 0.18 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.05 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.18
MgO 6.11 8.26 7.89 6.86 6.98 3.20 5.18 4.78 4.70 4.48 4.58 4.85 4.43
CaO 13.10 10.13 8.18 10.86 11.64 1.10 9.55 10.06 10.35 9.66 9.07 8.35 6.04
Na2 O 1.27 1.42 1.95 2.19 2.23 1.53 2.56 3.37 1.53 1.61 2.13 3.45 5.25
K2 O 0.08 0.10 0.40 0.12 0.20 1.05 0.30 0.23 0.43 1.10 0.53 0.30 0.37
P2 O5 - - - 0.39 0.43 0.43 0.39 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.20 0.15 0.28
TOTAL 94.99 95.97 88.99 89.20 91.57 92.89 90.45 86.37 90.01 82.91 86.04 83.81 94.97
Ni 157 175 168 152 162 188 169 125 138 117 144 118 84
Cr 274 250 261 296 316 375 326 224 235 215 266 214 145
Ba 39 41 26 9 18 55 26 31 45 186 42 27 48
Sr 122 101 86 88 81 53 89 98 102 70 88 105 53
Zr 34 45 46 96 42 76 118 88 74 72 76 87 94
Y 19 21 12 - - 4 8 5 7 7.4 7 6 34

Ce 6.67 7.03 8.00 10.82 10.42 14.20 9.81 28.86

Nd 5.44 5.61 5.83 8.29 6.98 7.40 6.17 17.24
Sm 1.86 1.94 1.90 2.83 2.28 2.30 1.87 5.23
Eu 0.78 0.75 0.79 0.90 0.84 0.75 0.69 1.43
Gd 2.53 2.56 2.58 4.13 3.36 3.15 2.55 6.48
Dy 3.22 3.48 2.91 5.05 3.90 2.70 3.07 7.40
Er 2.12 2.19 2.12 3.79 3.36 2.20 2.34 4.60
Yb 2.05 2.19 1.86 3.11 2.41 1.73 1.92 4.20

154 T S Giritharan and V Rajamani
Table 4. REE data of bulk sulfide separates from the
ore veins and wallrock alteration zone in the Hutti and
Ramagiri schist belts.

HO–1 HO–4/10 HO–7 HO–6 4–19

Ce 2.495 27.806 39.273 5.450 4.104
Nd 1.631 9.753 21.175 2.301 1.450
Sm 0.446 1.811 4.370 0.598 0.424
Eu 0.091 0.411 1.057 0.124 0.136
Gd 0.411 1.635 3.412 0.595 0.540
Dy 0.331 1.277 1.795 0.407 0.570
Er 0.193 0.610 0.696 0.210 0.524
Yb 0.142 0.404 0.492 0.126 0.380

belt. Ore sample # 4–7 has the highest silica (56.

6 wt % only) and Ni, Cr contents among the drill

core samples studied but this sample has the lowest
CaO content and is characterised by silicification
and sericitization of the host lithology. Wallrock
sample # 4–15 which has undergone sericitization,
has the highest K2 O and Ba, Sr contents and is
moderately enriched in REE.
The chondrite normalised REE patterns

obtained on the unaltered host rock, alteration

zone and ore zone drill core samples of the western
(b) block is shown in the figures 5a to 5d. The REE as
well as other trace elements in Ramagiri ore sam-
ples behaved more regularly than those of the Hutti
ore samples indicating that the fluid alteration did
not affect the chemistry significantly. In the unal-
(c) tered host lithology from the western block of the
central arm of the Ramagiri belt the REE pattern
is slightly LREE depleted (CeN / YbN = 0.7) to
flat pattern. The wallrock alteration samples (#
4–19 and # 4–15) on the other hand have slightly

LREE enriched (CeN /YbN = 1.76) and slightly

fractionated HREE patterns (GdN /YbN = 1.23,
figure 5b), but with a higher REE abundance than
the unaltered host rocks. Just as in the Hutti schist
belt, here also the fluid alteration has resulted
in the addition of REE, more so of LREE than
HREE. As at Hutti, the alteration related REE
addition is highly variable.
The bulk sulfides separated from the wallrock
Al2O3(wt%) alteration sample # 4–19 in the Ramagiri belt have
a lower abundance of REE than the host sample
Figure 4. Binary plot of Ramagiri ore samples showing (a) # 4–19, but has a more pronounced LREE enrich-
SiO2 vs Al2 O3 , (b) SiO2 vs TiO2 and (c) Al2 O3 vs TiO2 . ment and a slightly fractionated HREE pattern
(figure 5d). This has similarity to the bulk sulfide
pattern from the wallrock alteration of Hutti belt
nolite ± chlorite ± albite ± calcite ±sericite ± (# HO-6) in terms of LREE enriched nature but
quartz with minor sulfides which include mainly the HREE fractionation is more in the bulk sul-
pyrite. Typical wallrock alteration zone (#4–19) in fides from the wallrock in Hutti belt than in the
the Ramagiri belt is characterised by higher con- Ramagiri belt.
tents of Si, Ti, Na, K, Ba, Sr and Zr and lower Apart from the addition of rare earths by
concentrations of Ca, Fe, Ni and Cr than the unal- hydrothermal fluid alteration, albitization of the
tered host rock. The sample studied shows a sim- wallrock also appears to be a characteristic feature
ilarity to the wallrock alteration zone of the Hutti of both these auriferous belts.
REE Geochemistry of auriferous zones from eastern Dharwar craton 155

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Figure 5. Chondrite normalized REE patterns of Ramagiri samples. (a) Host rock, (b) Wallrock alteration and ore zone,
(c) Typical host rock normalized REE pattern of Ramagiri ore samples, (d) Bulk sulfide separates from wallrock.

4.3 Fluid alteration in the Kolar schist belt (few cms) of bleached wallrock adjacent to the ore
vein. This zone is characterised by extensive bioti-
Sajid (1987) studied the chemistry of wallrock tization and the biotite seems to have resulted from
alteration samples associated with the gold-quartz- reactions involving diopside, hornblende, titanite
carbonate veins from the Oriental and McTaggart and K- bearing fluids (Siva Siddaiah et al 1990).
lodes in the Kolar mine. A comparison of the same Siva Siddaiah et al (1990) characterised the REE
with the unaltered host metatholeiites collected chemistry of the ore veins, wallrock alteration zone
from surface outcrops indicated that the chemistry and unaltered host amphibolites in the Kolar schist
of wallrock samples does not differ significantly belt (figure 6). These authors reported that the
from that of the unaltered host amphibolites. This ore veins in this belt are characterised by variable
study also revealed the absence of any systematic abundances of REEs but similar LREE enriched
change in the chemistry of wallrock between the and HREE fractionated patterns. The abundances
contact zones and the one away from it barring of REE in the ore vein samples vary at least by two
small scale changes in the chemistry in a thin zone orders of magnitude and appears to be controlled
156 T S Giritharan and V Rajamani
5. Discussion

The mobility of a particular group of REE in

hydrothermal solutions has been shown to depend
on (a) the physicochemical conditions of the host
environment, most importantly the temperature,
fO2 (b) pH of the fluid and (c) the water/rock
ratio (Michard and Albarede 1986; Shenberger and
Barnes 1989; Sanjuan et al 1988 and Michard
1989. Michard and Albarede (1986) showed that
the seafloor hydrothermal fluids are preferentially
enriched in the lighter REE and Eu2+ and depleted
in HREE. These authors concluded that the pre-
existing REE concentrations in rocks remain rela-
tively unchanged unless the water/rock ratios are
very high (>106 ). These authors also suggested
that the high temperature fluids can mobilize more
of LREE than HREE and the low temperature
CO2 rich fluids can mobilize more HREE relative
to LREE.
The addition of rare earths by fluids, especially
the light rare earths, to the host lithology as seen
in the case of auriferous zones of the three schist
belts of eastern Dharwar craton can occur only if
the fluids were of high temperature and that the
fluids were not acidic at the time of interaction
with the host rocks. The abundance of REEs in the
fluids as indicated by the bulk sulfide REE abun-
dance from the ore zones in the Hutti, Ramagiri
and Kolar schist belts and their REE patterns indi-
Figure 6. REE patterns of host amphibolites, wallrock cate that fluids were not mantle derived H2 O-CO2
alteration zone, ore veins and mafic fraction from ore veins
in the Kolar schist belt (after Siva Siddaiah et al (1990a)). fluids, since such fluids are reported to have very
high REE abundance (∼ 6000x chondritic abun-
dance of Ce, Hanson 1981). Therefore it is possi-
ble that the fluids were H2 O dominated, crustally-
derived fluids probably related to the granulitiza-
by the proportion of rock fragments in the veins, as tion of the lower crust, similar to that reported by
seen in the Hutti ores. Samples rich in fragments of Cameron (1988).
amphibolite have higher abundances of REE. The Although the fluids involved in the Archean lode
wallrock alteration zones adjacent to the ore vein gold deposits at Hutti, Kolar and Ramagiri of
in the Kolar belt have patterns that are similar to the eastern Dharwar craton are broadly similar,
the ore veins but dissimilar to the host rock REE in terms of temperature and source(s) of the ore
pattern indicating that the REE chemistry of the fluid, there appears to be some localised differ-
immediate host has been modified by the fluids. ences between the Ramagiri belt and the other two
REE, more so LREE, have been added to the wall- belts as indicated by the mineral assemblage in the
rock just as seen in the Hutti ores. Thus in the wallrock alteration zone. The potassic alteration in
Kolar belt, the fluid has imposed it’s signature on the Ramagiri belt is manifested in the formation
the immediate host rock, indicating a higher fluid of sericite instead of biotite which is common in
/rock ratio at least locally within the shear zone. the Kolar and Hutti belts and saussuritization of
The metamorphic grade of the host rock and alter- plagioclase is seen only in the Ramagiri belt. As
ation zone mineralogy are similar to that of the mentioned in the preceding paragraphs this could
Hutti belt and are indicative of high temperature be due to a relatively lower temperature of the
of the fluids. The only notable difference between hydrothermal fluid in the Ramagiri belt. The pre-
the two schist belts (Hutti and Kolar) arises from dominance of pyrite in the Ramagiri belt over high
the sulfide mineralogy of the ore vein and wallrock temperature sulfide minerals such as pyrrhotite
alteration zone. The abundant sulfide in the ore and arsenopyrite which is seen in the Kolar and
veins of the Kolar schist belt is pyrrhotite, whereas Hutti belts respectively also supports the idea of
that in the Hutti belt is arsenopyrite. a relatively lower temperature of the fluid in the
REE Geochemistry of auriferous zones from eastern Dharwar craton 157

Figure 7. fSm/Nd vs. εNd diagram showing host rock amphibolites from the three different blocks of the Ramagiri schist
belt. For mantle derived basaltic rocks, negative εN d values are anomalous. This and the trends shown by the three suites of
rocks indicate that their Nd isotopic systematics were disturbed by interaction with crustally derived fluids (after Zachariah
et al 1997b). The hatched area at the right shows the field for Kolar amphibolites.

Ramagiri belt. Zachariah et al (1995) attributed A detailed study of the Sm – Nd isotopic sys-
the preservation of distinct Nd isotope composition tematics of all varieties metabasalts in the Ram-
in closely spaced samples of metabasalts of Ram- agiri belt indicated a post-magmatic disturbance
agiri schist belt to low temperature fluid interac- of the Nd isotopic system (Zachariah et al 1995
tions. The gold tenor of the Ramagiri ore is less and 1997). Because Nd at 2700 Ma showed a large
compared to that of Kolar and Hutti belts. It is range from +3 to −4 for mantle derived magmas
possible that low grade alteration mineralogy in the (figure 7), their Sm – Nd systematics were mod-
ore zones, almost negligible addition of REE and elled to suggest interaction of these metabasalts
low gold tenor of the ore are related features result- after their emplacement (2700 Ma) but before 2480
ing from low temperature of the ore fluids and/or Ma with crustally derived fluids (Nd ∼ −8 to
low fluid/rock ratios. In the Hutti mine also, ore −10). Similarly the Kolar amphibolites also showed
zones with least change in REE have lowest gold a large range of Nd at 2700Ma, from +8 to ∼ 0,
tenor. which could also possibly be due to interaction with
The REE abundance of typical wallrock alter- crustally derived fluids (Balakrishnan et al 1990;
ation zone samples of Hutti and Ramagiri belts Zachariah et al 1997).
when normalized against the REE abundance of In the Kolar belt, compelling evidence for
unaltered host rock in the respective schist belts the involvement of crustal fluids in ore forma-
also supports the LREE enriched nature of the fluid tion is provided by evolved signatures of Os
(figure 3d and figure 5c). The host rock normal- and Pb isotopic data for samples of ore zones
ized pattern for the Hutti samples is much more (Walker et al 1989; Krogstad et al 1995). Pb
fractionated with relatively higher enrichment of isotopic data for quartz samples from the ore
LREE relative to Ramagiri samples. This is per- veins of Ramagiri and Hutti belts, however, are
haps a result of localised differences in the tem- less radiogenic and are similar to the associated
perature of mineralizing fluids in the Hutti and metabasalts (Zachariah et al 1997). Thus ore form-
Ramagiri belts. It has been noted earlier that the ing hydrothermal fluids must have evolved and / or
REE pattern of hydrothermal fluids is to a large interacted with older crustal lithologies in addition
extent determined by the temperature of fluids. to the host metabasalts during the late Archean
The host rock normalized pattern of the Rama- crustal growth.
giri alteration zone shows a very sharp negative The eastern Dharwar craton was thought to
Eu anomaly. This could be due to the interac- have formed by accretion and collision of differ-
tion of the fluid with a calcic plagioclase dom- ent continental, island arc and oceanic terranes
inated lithology of granodioritic/dioritic compo- in the time interval between 2510 and 2450Ma
sition on its path, which could have resulted in (Krogstad et al 1989; Balakrishnan et al 1999).
the selective depletion of Eu relative to other This period of accretion and collision coincides
REE. with the granulite formation now occurring at the
158 T S Giritharan and V Rajamani
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