PLC & HMI Interfacing For AC Servo Drive: Naveen Kumar E T.V.Snehaprabha Senthil Kumar

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PLC & HMI Interfacing for AC Servo drive

Naveen Kumar E T.V.Snehaprabha Senthil Kumar

M.Tech in Computer Application Associate Professor, Application Engineer,
in Industrial Drives, Department of EEE, Department of EEE M/s Strategi Automation
MSRIT, Bangalore, India MSRIT, Bangalore, India and Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— Servo motors are used for motion controls in variety By considering high precision positioning control and
of electro-mechanical industries such as robotics, CNC customized application product development for a servomotor
manufacturing, aerospace technology etc. to maintain accuracy drive automation leads to this present work carried out, which
and precision. The control of servomotor in various modes like was intended to configure and develop an easy control strategy
position, velocity and torque mode is achieved using servo drive.
for servo motor positioning with the help of PLC, and simple
The position mode control is achieved through Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC) ladder logic programming to oscillate the monitoring of motion controllers available in automation
motor shaft forward/reverse direction for required speed and industry.
position. Position mode parameters are realized by configuring
the application software (R-advanced Setup) for Sanmotion I. INTRODUCTION
servo-drive. PLC ladder logic program developed is capable of Automation of electric machines helps in precise control of
reading serial encoder data in incremental mode by establishing industrial processes with higher productivity and product
RS485 communication with Sanmotion AC Servo drive. An quality. The combinational use of both PLC and HMI systems
attempt has been made to establish RS232 and Ethernet
helps in continuous monitoring, supervising and controlling
communication protocols to interface Redlion’s Human Machine
Interface (HMI) and Galil’s DMC 21x3 (Digital Motion
process plants, has lead to new heights in the field of
Controller) to monitor the servo motor parameters. The real time automation for ac machines and processes. For indirect control
data related to DMC 21x3 controller and servomotor parameters Panasonic FPX series PLC [9] is used. For direct control of
are read/write with the help of HMI for supervisory monitoring servo motor, Sanmotion Servo drive [10] is used. Technical
of servo motor. specifications of the PLC are given in Table 1. PLCs are
important control units which provide adequate input output
Index Terms— Galil’s DMC Motion controller, HMI, PLC, units for the controlling of hardware that are installed for
Position Control, Servo Drive, Servo Motor. industrial automation systems. They allow execution of a
Quick advancement in technology forces manufacturing previously written program on demand and automatically
tools to equip with more sensitive and faster actuating units Ladder logic programming is performed to control the servo
such as servo motors and stepper motors. The use of PLCs in motor automation processes [8] using Pansonic FP Winpro 6.4
automation processes diminishes production cost and increases software. HMI screens are created using Crimsons 3.0
quality and reliability [1]. To obtain accurate industrial electric Software platform.
drive systems, it is necessary to use PLCs interfaced with
power converters, personal computers and other electronic Catalog Number FPXC30TD
equipments for motion control of electric drives. Ladder logic Nominal Rated Voltage 24VDC
programming is used to control induction motor through PLC Input Voltage Range 16-point input of 24 V DC
NPN or PNP configured
[2]. The robustness of the PLC controller has been achieved by
Output Voltage 0.5 A/5 to 24 V DC
rotating the motor in both clockwise as well as counter-
14-point ,NPN type Transistor output
clockwise directions. Consequently, the PLC controller proves
to be a simple tool for controlling robot by extremely simple TABLE 1: PANASONIC FPX series PLC Specifications
algorithm. The dynamic model has been interfaced with a real-
time industrial process control setup through a programmable II. SYSTEM OPERATION
logic controller (PLC) system. An integrated model is flexible Main control program is developed on PLC
and powerful for modern manufacturing applications [3]. programming environment using FPWINPRO 6.4
The entire system along with servomotor and servo drive is (PANASONIC). In this control method application specific
called servo system because it responds faithfully or precisely PLC ladder logic programs, are developed in software tool
to positioning commands [4]. It is a system that controls then complied and communicated to PLC hardware through
various mechanisms in compliance with the variation of RS232 serial communication (or even through Ethernet for
position or target speed value i.e., designated value or high speed communication). This software integrates all the
command value. modules of PLC as well as the devices connected to its
networking module. Block diagram of Experimental setup is
shown in Fig 1.The following sections briefs about servo central part of a process control system. In this project, control
motor closed loop feedback technique and role of PLCs in and monitoring of servomotor parameters are carried out using
servomotor automation. PLC based controller. Based on the required application, the
ladder logic program is developed and exported to PLC
hardware. Once the program is compiled when PLC is in RUN
mode, the system works on user defined instruction.

For example by considering the feedback pulses counts from

the servo drive, target speed and position is calculated by using
above equations and set in PLC ladder logic program for the
required application. PLCs can be easily interfaced with field
devices and supports almost all types of communication
Fig 1: Block Diagram of Experimental setup systems in present day control industry.
PLC based systems are cost effective, less downtime,
A. CLOSED LOOP FEEDBACK TECHNIQUE minimum manual labor intensive, can be networked together,
Because of self adjusting nature, closed loop control enables real-time monitoring, troubleshooting and adjustments
systems are more complex in design. In servo closed loop to set points. Present day PLCs are extensively used for
systems, amplifiers (servo drive) can return data to the input controlling, manufacturing and treatment processes.
stage, i.e the control element generally PLC or any
microprocessor based speed controllers are used, those are C. OVERVIEW OF AC SERVO DRIVE
capable of self adjustment based on the information Figure 2 shows a AC servomotor drive (Servo amplifier).
received[5]. Servo positioning controls operate in a closed The rectifier circuit converts 1 ph or 3 ph AC voltage source
loop system, requiring feedback information in the form of into DC voltage which is then fed to three-phase inverter
speed or position. Normally Tachometer is used for speed through a DC link capacitor (smoothening circuit. The DC link
feedback input to servo drive and Encoder is used for position capacitor removes ripples in the converted voltage and
feedback input to servo drive. The feedback signal provides regenerative resistor is meant for dissipation of regenerative
information about actual speed of motor and the position of energy produced during braking. Table 2 lists the specifications
axis. This obtained feedback information is compared with of AC Servo drive.
desired velocity and position of the axis. If the servo drive or
amplifier detects a difference between the obtained and Part No. RS2A03A0AL0W00
desired values, it will correct its output until the error between Power Rating (KW) 1.5
the feedback data and the set point velocity and position is Phase / Voltage Three Phase 200-230VAC,5.8A
zero. Voltage Range Three Phase:100-220VAC
When servo drives are used for positioning control, the Frequency Range 50/60 Hz ± 5%
Single Phase, 200-230VAC,0.2A
feedback resolution is the important issue. If an application Encoder Resolution 2000 ppr Encoder(10000 counts/rev)
uses a lead screw (a rotational to linear motion shaft) for axis Output Rating 3 phase ,0-326V ,5.2A
movement and an encoder to provide a feedback signal to the Tuning modes Auto/Manual
servo drive. The user must know the lead screw pitch, the Communication Interface RS-232/RS-422/RS-485/Ethercat
number of encoder pulses per revolution, and the multiplier Table 2: Technical specifications of AC Servo drive
value in the encoder section of the interface[6]. This servo
amplifier allows user to select the multiplier, thus providing
better feedback resolution without changing the encoder.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a programmable
sequential device that controls machines and processes. The
PLC processor sends all the direction and position information
like acceleration, deceleration, final and initial speeds to the
servo drive. It uses a programmable memory to store
instructions and execute specific functions that include
ON/OFF control, timing, counting, sequencing, arithmetic and
data handling. The inputs are connected to the input module of
the PLC and outputs are connected to the output module of
PLC. In an automated system, a PLC controller is usually Fig 2: Typical Servo motor drive
The drive has a protection circuit which protects motor A. Development of PLC ladder logic program to run AC
against undue overloading, faults, etc. The closed loop control Servomotor
circuits for control of position, speed and current (torque) are The experimental setup in fig 3 consists of a 400W, AC
also present within the drive. Suitable pulses (position mode), a servomotor, with a built in encoder, Sanmotion AC servo
suitable current (torque mode) or an adjustable voltage (speed drive and Panasonic PLC. The servomotor is fed through a
mode) as required for controlling motor operation is provided PWM based Sanmotion servo drive, which provides high
by PWM control. The pulses to the gate circuitry of IGBTs are frequency controlled voltage to stator windings of motor. A
controlled by gating circuits and in turn AC servomotor 2000 ppr (10,000 Quadrature counts/ revolution) built in
operation is controlled. The drive has a display screen to view position encoder is used for speed and position feedback in
and change various parameters as and when required. terms of number of pulses. Initially ladder logic programming
III. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT FOR CONTROL AND is performed according to the customised logic using FP
WinPro 6.4 software platform on a PC, then it is made online
by running the developed program in PLC hardware. Overall
A PLC and HMI based monitoring and control systems for the system is setup and implemented for tuning and selection
AC Servo motor have been successfully implemented and of servo parameters in position mode control of servo system
tested for application development. The drive system provides for different process applications.
precise position and speed control and also enables an online
monitoring of drive speed, position, error, Kp, Ki ,Kd, position
deviation etc. through HMI system. The following softwares
are used for control and monitoring of AC Servo drive.

This is software specially meant for Panasonic PLC
simulating environment. The ladder logic programs are
developed according to the user defined control logic and the
same is compiled and made run in PLC hardware, The software
interface provides an option of compiling the program in
offline mode where the status of inputs and outputs are
monitored and controlled according to user requirement.

R Advanced Setup
This software interface enables the user to directly control Fig 3: Experimental setup to run servomotor motor using PLC
the Servomotor through the Sanmotion’s Servo drive settings
and monitor the Servomotor parameters. The Servo drive In this method, direct control of servo drive through PLC
settings can be changed directly through the software installed has been implemented. The developed ladder logic is
on the PC or through a digital keypad provided on the drive transferred into PLC processor and control of motor is
itself. achieved by activating the particular logical input involved,
which ultimately results in instigation of ladder logic program
Galil Tools developed. The experimental work involves parameter
grouping for position mode run of the servo motor and
This software interface is used to configure Galil’s DMC
configuring these grouped parameters in R advanced software
2143 motion controller and parameter monitoring with external
tool, exporting them into the servo drive, development of
device[11]. Galil’s DMC2143 controller is programmed for
ladder programs for the control of Servomotor.
precision motion control applications to observe, monitor and
In order to provide convenient position control using
control the process parameters efficiently.
servo drive, the position control mode parameters are listed,
configured and set using Servo amplifier configuration R
Crimson 3.0 Advanced setup software. Thus each parameter is set
HMI screens are created and developed in Crimson according to the requirement and transferred to the drive by
3.0 software interface. Developed HMI screens provides user serial communication (RS232) cable provided from PC to
interface between operator and machine[12]. Reading and Servo Drive unit. The ladder logic program is developed in the
writing of controller parameters is made possible from and to PLC to satisfy the application requirement. The unique feature
the HMI. of this program is that the target speed, target position, initial
IV. OBJECTIVE FULFILLMENT speed, final speed, acceleration time, deceleration time,
control code for forward & reverse direction are completely
Following section deals with the scope of the present work. user defined, and all the above are considered as input
The control schemes developed are able to control and variables to run the motor in required speed and position.
monitoring of servo motor used for application specific
B. To read serial encoder data in PLC by serial
Absolute encoders provide position data without
referencing to a mechanical home. For every position a unique
binary word is generated. In single turn absolute encoders,
words are repeated for every revolution of the encoder’s shaft.
In multi turn absolute encoders, words are unique for every
position, through multiple rotations of the shaft. For both single
and multi turn encoders the resolution of a single turn and
number of turns are programmable. The total number of bits is
limited to 32, which means each word varies with the interval
of 1F in Hexa-decimal equivalent.
The Sanmotion servo drive is able to read absolute
positions from compatible absolute encoders. This information
can be relayed or displayed in the monitor window of R Fig 5: Experimental setup for interfacing HMI & Galil’s DMC2143 motion
advanced setup software. CN2 Encoder communication cable controller
is connected from motor encoder to servo drive unit
The value displayed in the serial encoder PS data monitor V. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS
should be transferred to PLC program by means of Serial The following section describes about the results obtained
communication, to perform this operation there is need of and verified by fulfillment of objectives in the present work
communication module for the PLC connected by CN1 carried out.
connector of servo drive, after establishing the RS485 A. Position mode parameter grouping and PLC ladder logic
communication, the ladder logic servo pulse conversion block program development to run servomotor.
is created to read this serial encoder data in decimal equivalent After setting and selecting the appropriate configuration of
format .The encoder serial data will be in unreadable position mode parameters in R advanced setup software, the
hexadecimal format. The serial data will be in structure of parameters are exported to the Sanmotion servo drive by using
frames of 11 bit data length consisting of start bit, stop bit, RS232 serial interfacing cable, provided the servo drive is
parity bit of each 1 bit respectively, 3 bits of address bits, 5 bits online. Ladder logic program is developed to run the motor as
of data bits, Structure of each frame is shown in fig 4. forward run and reverse run with user specified dwell time
(wait time to change the direction of rotation). It is observed
that shaft is rotating according to user specified requirement.
B. Reading of Serial encoder data in incremental mode
The decimal converted value is shown in fig 6. In the
developed PLC ladder logic program, the servo pulse
conversion blocks produces the output equivalent to decimal
value scaled from 0 to 131072 by converting each bit divisions
into binary value as shown in fig 6.

Fig 4: Structure of Serial data frame

In Serial Transmission, each position bit is transmitted over
a separate data line, and all bits are read simultaneously into
the control. Serial transmission is generally used for shorter
cable runs, or when real-time transmission of all data bits is
required. For the PLC to communicate with the Sanmotion
Servo drive, additional AFPX COM 3 card should be installed
and configured with CN1 Connector cable.
C. Interfacing Redlion’s HMI & Galil’s DMC 21x3 motion
controller Fig 6: Screen capture for serial encoder data read in PLC
The DMC-21x3 motion controllers are available with a ladder logic program
variety of plug-in multi-axis amplifier boards that are designed
to eliminate the wiring and any connectivity issues between the The decimal equivalent serial encoder data is read in the
controller and drives. The interfacing is made possible by DDT50 double data type register as shown in fig 6. After
RS232 communication protocol. User can create screens running the servo pulse conversion block in the ladder logic
according to process control application requirement and programming, the status of the DDT50 register in hexa decimal
transferred to HMI, Ethernet communication protocol is value is 16#0001_120E
established to Read & Write the parameters between the HMI The equivalent binary data is displayed as
& the Galil Motion controller. Fig.5 represents hardware 2#0000_0000_0000_0001_0001_0010_0000_1110
requirement and devices used for interfacing Galil’s DMC The decimal value scaled between 0 to 131072 pulses is
21x3 motion controller and Redlion HMI. displayed as 70158 in incremental mode. The number of pulses
displayed in decimal value in incremental mode refers to the disturbances by using developed ladder logic program.
encoder shaft is rotating for one single rotation, the home Position dominant process control applications involving
position or zero position is scaled to 0th pulse or starting pulse. absolute encoder system can be replaced with developed
when the shaft is about to rotate, the final pulse number in ladder logic for reading serial encoder data by continuous
decimal value after rotating one single rotation can be scaled testing and implementation for on floor practical applications.
as 131072nd pulse. Secondly various modes of control can be done without
Again for the next rotation the home position will get the controller by means of commanding directly from software
decimal value of 0 no. of pulses and at the end of 2 nd rotation called EtherCAT.
the decimal value will be 131072 only, this is the special
observation made while reading serial encoder value in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
incremental mode. I wish to place record of thanks to project mentor at M/s
Strategi Automation & Solutions, Sri. Senthil Kumar,
C. Servo Parameters Monitoring in HMI Display Screen
Application Engineer, for his periodic inspection, time to time
After the establishment of communication protocols evaluation of the progress of the project and guidance
between HMI and Galil,s DMC 2143 controller, the values provided to bring the project to its present form. I sincerely
entered in the terminal window of Galil tools is same as the thank Sri. Arun K Menon, Director, M/s Strategi Automation
displayed values in Parameter display screen. Similarly we can & Solutions, for giving me an opportunity to work at M/s
able to modify or manipulate these values in HMI screen by Strategi Automation and for sharing his vast knowledge on
typing in the keypad displayed in the HMI , and observed that Servo motor drives.
the terminal window of Galil tools window is updated in
particular page where parameter read / write screen is REFERENCES
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