History of Education

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Date of Submission: Feb 2019


Discuss the History of Education in Tanzania before and after independence

Outline of the Responses

 Conceptualizing History of Education in Tanzania

 History of education before independence
 History of education after independence
 Conclusion
 References

1. Introduction
Historians have defined history as the record of all human experience. It shows how group of
people are and how they come to be .It is concerned with political, social, economic, scientific
and technological events that have shaped and given birth to mankind. History of Education
refers to the study of the past development of educational systems, educational theory and
educational institutions within the general historical framework of political, social, economic
scientific, technological and cultural change.

2. An overview of History of Education before independence

During the time before independence, Tanganyika had education that was of its own kind. There
was indigenous education (informal education), Islamic and Quaranic schools and Western
Education. The said above are introduced in detailed here under.

Overview of Indigenous Education

In the minds of many, education is primarily associated with literacy (reading, writing and
arithmetic) and formal training in organized schools. This kind of education came to Tanzania
with the missionaries and colonialists. However, the absence of western education in pre-colonial
societies does not mean that education did not exist among African societies. Before then
African societies had their own education system, indigenous and peculiar to the needs of their
environment and cultural practices. It is this kind of education herein referred to as the
indigenous or traditional education. The indigenous education was both formal and informal in
nature. The purpose of Indigenous education in each tribe before the introduction of Western
education was to enable each member of the society to be helpful to him or herself, to his or her
family, to the rest of members of the society and to the state.

Introduction of quaranic and Islamic schools

What are Koranic Schools and their operation?. (Sifuna & Otiende, 1994) states that, Qoranic
schools are normally found in or outside the Mosque. There was a Koranic school in almost
every village in the Coast areas. Example, Bagamoyo, Kilwa,Ujiji. In traditional Koranic school
the ‘maalim’ sits under the tree or in his parlour(a room, in a private house), veranda or porch,
surrounded by volumes of the Koran and other religious books. The first and highest goal of

Islamic Education is moral refinement and spiritual training. Each lesson is expected to stress the
moral aspects and every teacher is supposed to consider religious ethics above anything else
(Sifuna & Otiende, 1994:141). Thus, Muslim educators propounded that the purpose of
education is not to stuff the minds of the students with facts, but to refine their morals, educate
their spirits, propagate virtue, teach propriety and prepare them for life full of sincerity and

Western education
This was introduced by the Europeans in Tanganyika in the early years of missionary activities
in Tanganyika. The aim of Western education was to civilize Africans, to them Africans were
Uncivilized and pagans. Their aim was to eliminate these bad cultures. Africans were regarded to
have bad traditions and customs which need to be uprooted. They aimed at closing savage,
educate pagans, silence the drumming, breaking the extended family, encourage individualism
and abolish polygamist. Example, The Holy Ghost mission- French and British Church
Missionary Society, a Germany Missionary, as well as London Missionary Society.

3. Education in the Post-Colonial Period in Tanzania before and after Arusha

The Educational Events was viewed in three phases; these include; before The Arusha
Declaration Ie Reforms/Developments Between 1961-1964; prelude To The Ideology Of
Socialism And Self-Reliance 1964-1969; Arusha Declaration And Education For Self-Reliance
1969-1974. During these years there were developmental plans associated with them which
aimed at taking Tanzania from the colonial legacy to fully autonomous state. these include:
Three Years Development Plan (1961-1964) ; Five Years Development Plan (1964-1969) and
Five Years Development Plan (1969-1974)

Education Development: Expectations And Reforms

The Major Reforms And Policies Adopted After Independence Were The Policies Whose Major
Objectives Were To Distribute And Equalize Educational Opportunities. Policies Were Also
Aimed At Expansion Of Educational Institutions At All Levels Including Primary, Secondary,
Tertiary And University. These included changes in The Ordinance Act No.37 Of 1961,
Curriculum Reform, Arusha Declaration And Education For Self-Reliance and Educational

Reforms And Developments Between 1970’s Up To 1980’s. Other changes included Musoma
Ressolution1974 And Achirve Upe By 1977 and Education Reforms in the context of Saps.


Brock-Utune, B. (1999). Language of Instruction in African Schools: A socio-cultrual

Perspective, in Education in Africa. Oslo: Univesteteti Oslo (Pedagogisk

forskrungsinstitutt), rapport Nr. 3, pp. 1-49.

Galabawa, J.C.J and Lwaitama, A.F (2006). Experience in extending the use of an African

Indigenous Language as LOT from primary to secondary education: The case of

Kiswahili in Tanzania in the LOITASA project. In PED No 26, pp. 162-179.

Lwaitama, A.F. (2005). Local Knowledge and Indigenous Science: Nyerere Philisophy on

Education and Poverty alleviaton. In J. C. Galabawa and A. Narman. Education,

Poverty and Equality. BERRIPA project. UDSM.

Mangia, R.V. (2003). Existing aspects of traditional indigenous education and their effects
on Women in a modern society : A case study of the Chagga tribe in Kilimanjaro
region. effects on M.A (Ed) Dissertation. UDSM.

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