9907-Tips For Troubleshooting

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Tips For Troubleshooting

Electric Motors
Understanding the nuances of various motor types
is essential when servicing or installing such units


One approach is to maintain a library of

reference materials along with a
formalized troubleshooting procedure for
fter more than 100 years of use, on-the-job use. Troubleshooting involves
three main elements:
with an ever increasing installed base,
there are probably few aspects of an 1. General motor knowledge coupled
electric motor's usage and failure modes with specific application knowledge.
that have not been documented.
2. The troubleshooting procedure.
This article is best viewed as a
starting point for motor troubleshooting. 3. Determination of the reason for the
It is by no means complete, though much problem.
of the material comes from the Motor
Mastery University. For additional
information that could prove useful,
check with motor manufacturers,
equipment manufacturers, groups such as
the Refrigeration Service Engineers
Society (RSES), the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA), the
Electrical Apparatus Service Association
(EASA), and testing agencies. The
challenge for the service technician is to
sort through all of the available materials
and develop a procedure that works best
for his needs.

Types of Motors
In regard to single-phase motors, a
The types of motors applicable to this single-phase current sets up a pulsating
article are AC, single- and three-phase, magnetic field, so single-phase motors
squirrel cage, and induction. Sizes range use several different methods to start
from C-frame up through the two-digit (Figures 1 and 2). Shaded-pole motors
frames -42, 48 and 56. Many of the are the simplest, employing a copper
procedures and tips are also applicable to shading bar on one side of each main
larger motors. stator coil.

Squirrel cage and induction-type refer Split-phase and capacitor-start

to the construction and operation of the designs have start windings that are
rotor. Current is induced into the rotor as taken out of the circuit by a mechanical
there are no brushes or other physical or electronic switch after the motor
connections between the rotor and stator. reaches approximately two-thirds to
three-quarters of full speed. Capacitor-
For three-phase motors, a three-phase start/run designs also have auxiliary
current sets up a rotating magnetic field windings, but they stay in the circuit in
that produces the starting torque without the run mode. On this design, the
additional components such as switches switch's function is to remove the start
and capacitors, or separate windings. capacitor and connect the run capacitor.
Permanent-split-capacitor (PSC) designs
have main and phase windings, and a run
capacitor, which is always in the circuit.

Connection information is a must for

basic troubleshooting. A schematic,
showing all circuits, also may be
required in order to pinpoint a problem.
In addition, an understanding of
nameplate information is a necessity.

Troubleshooting Procedures

Safety should be the prime concern when troubleshooting or doing routine maintenance.
Treat every situation as potentially hazardous.

Minimum test equipment that should be on hand include a meter(s) to measure voltage,
resistance and current. Digital versus analog may be a matter of personal preference, but
the digital readout eliminates the need to interpret a reading. Additional equipment such as
strobes to measure rpm, capacitor checkers as well as temperature measuring devices may
be required for some applications.

The request for service usually relates to a piece of equipment or system that is not
operating properly. Following an established procedure will lead to the point where the
motor is the next logical part to be examined. The procedure is essentially the same for a
motor that has been in service for years or a recently installed motor. It's basically a
process of elimination until the problem is uncovered.

More than likely two scenarios exist: The motor either doesn't start, or it starts but doesn't
perform properly. In either situation, begin with a visual check and be certain the power is
off. Use the voltmeter to ensure that voltage is not present. Items to look for include:

Are the motor and system properly grounded?

Is there evidence of overheating such as discolored paint or deformed labels?
Are there any burned wires or loose connections?
Does the shaft turn freely?

You should not be able to detect radial (side to side) movement of the shaft in motors
equipped with either ball or sleeve bearings. There should not be axial (in and out)
movement of the shaft on ball-bearing motors. On the other hand, sleeve-bearing motors
should have axial movement of approximately ten- to sixty-thousandths of an inch. Too
little endplay can cause the motor to bind as it heats during operation. Too much endplay
may indicate that thrust components are worn.

First let's consider a case where the motor doesn't start or starts and very quickly trips
on overload, trips a breaker or blows a fuse.

Check For Shorts And Open

Circuits If there is an open circuit and it
includes a capacitor, discharge as above
If there is no obvious fault, disconnect and check with a capacitor checker or
the motor line leads and start the ohmmeter. The capacitor checker is
troubleshooting procedure. Connect the preferred since it will show performance
voltmeter to the line leads and restore the values. If using an analog ohmmeter, set
power to determine that power was the scale to R (resistance) x 1K and
available to the motor. Turn off the touch a probe to each of the terminals.
The needle should move rapidly to the
power and continue. right and then slowly drift to the left (low
to high ohm reading). With a digital
If the motor uses capacitors, meter, readings should start low and
discharge by touching across the line rapidly increase to maximum value.
terminals with the blade of an insulated Replace the capacitor if it's bad.
screwdriver. Use the ohmmeter to check
continuity of motor circuits and for a Starting switches, if employed, must
short to ground. have continuity when the motor is at rest.
Isolate the switch by removing one of the
It's possible for a turn-to-turn short to leads and check for continuity. If the
cause a rapid rise in current, which will switch is of the mechanical type, rotate
trip an overload or breaker. Turn-to-turn the motor shaft to observe if there is
shorts are easiest to detect if circuit contact in all rotor positions.
diagrams and normal resistance values
are known. Accessible overloads have a bimetal
disc and a heater element. Check that
A resistance reading to ground of less both elements have continuity. Defective
than 10K may indicate a bad motor. New overloads may be replaced, but they are
motors typically read over one megohm. usually an indication of another problem
Old motors with dust, dirt and moisture (Figure 3). Once the problem has been
could show resistance to ground below uncovered, a determination may be made
10K and still run satisfactorily. A to repair or replace.
cleaning may be in order.
Now let's consider a motor that starts
Low resistance to ground does present and runs, but is noisy or eventually
a problem in GFCI (ground fault circuit overheats and trips the internal overload
interruptor) circuits. If the problem is not or external protection device. The
dirt and moisture, the motor must be challenge here is to determine if the
replaced. problem is internal to the motor, or if it's
just reacting to external conditions.

Not Up To Speed
If the motor has been operating
Be especially careful if there is not a properly, check for low voltage as it may
power disconnect at the unit. If the motor indicate there is an external problem. On
has an automatic overload, it may start new installations, use the voltmeter to
unexpectedly. In cases where mechanical check for excessive voltage drop (more
start switches may not be opening, the than 15 percent) as the motor tries to
motor will overheat and trip the reach operating speed. This is also an
overload. The switch contacts may weld external problem usually caused by
together and quite often, if the motor has undersized wiring.
a start capacitor, it will fail.
In addition, loading may have
changed due to failure or changed
conditions in the driven equipment.

An Overheating Motor
Excessively low voltage will lead to
If the motor reaches operating speed eventual overheating. The motor should
but overheats, use the ammeter to be capable of operating at ±10 percent of
measure operating current. Compare the the nameplate rating. Use the voltmeter
readings to those on the nameplate. If to check operating voltage.
max amps are listed, they should not be
exceeded. If this is a new installation, the High ambient temperature is a
motor is probably undersized. On an condition that may not be present at the
existing installation, try to determine if time the motor is being checked. If the
the loading has changed. Unequal complaint is nuisance tripping, try to
readings on different legs of the power determine when it occurs. The motor
supply may be indicative of a turn-to- nameplate should list the allowable
turn short, which may cause overheating. ambient temperature: 40° C = 104° F;
60° C = 140° F. The 60° C ambient is
Unbalanced phase voltage on three- common on condenser motors as it
phase motors, also known as allows for actual ambient, plus heat
singlephasing, causes overheating. pickup from the coil.
Understanding phase unbalance is a
study in itself. The percentage in
additional temperature rise is equal to
twice the percentage of voltage
unbalance squared. Depending upon the
severity of the problem, the motor may
stop running or just have a shorter useful

If one phase drops out completely, the

other two phases will rapidly overheat,
possibly leading to immediate failure
which is easy to identify.

Determining The Reasons

If the cause of the problem isn't uncovered and corrected, there is a very good
probability that a replacement motor will also fail.

Obviously conditions such as improper voltage or a leaking pump seal must be

corrected. On the other hand, a voltage surge during a thunderstorm cannot be prevented in
the future. It may be difficult to determine that improper belt tension lead to a bearing
failure. Finding and replacing a defective overload almost never addresses the real problem
(Figure 4).

The concept here is to look beyond the actual failure mode. Access to the equipment's
service history, if available, can be a real plus. Ask if the same motor or part is being
replaced again and again. Obviously if a part or motor needs continual replacement, other
problems not directly related to the motor may be the cause of the ailment.

As an example, let's take a look at a unit that experienced repeated condenser motor
failures while identical units at the same site operated satisfactorily. The culprit was found
to be the exhaust fan needed for a lunch counter. Hot, grease-laden air was being drawn
through the condenser motor. The solution was a solid fence erected between the exhaust
fan and air-conditioning unit.

Motor troubleshooting isn't something a person can learn overnight. While it's easy to
determine a motor doesn't run and to install a replacement, the knowledge, experience and
solid troubleshooting procedures often will lead to more satisfactory results. Continually
taking courses offered through organizations such as RSES can go a long way to making
you a top technician and motor troubleshooter.

Dennis Bush
is manager, market development,
Distribution Services Unit, A.O. Smith, Electrical Products Co.
He has been with the company since 1970.

For more information,

contact A.O. Smith at 937-667-2431.

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- Originally Published By RSES Journal July 1999 -
Copyright (C) 2001 RSES The Refrigeration Service Engineers Society. All rights reserved.

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