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Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals

G.R. No. 76118. March 30, 1993.


SAVINGS BANK, respondents.

Central Bank Act; Section 29, R.A 265; The Central Bank through
Monetary Board is vested exclusive authority to assess, evaluate and
determine condition of any bank; Effects.—Under Sec. 29 of R.A. 265, the
Central Bank, through the Monetary Board, is vested with exclusive
authority to assess, evaluate and determine the condition of any bank, and
finding such condition to be one of insolvency, or that its continuance in
business would involve probable loss to its depositors or creditors, forbid
the bank or non-bank financial institution to do




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Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals

business in the Philippines; and shall designate an official of the CB or other

competent person as receiver to immediately take charge of its assets and
Same; Same; Same; Prior notice and hearing not required before
placement of bank under receivership.—Contrary to the notion of private
respondent, Sec. 29 does not contemplate prior notice and hearing before a
bank may be directed to stop operations and placed under receivership.
When par. 4 (now par. 5, as amended by E.O. 289) provides for the filing of
a case within ten (10) days after the receiver takes charge of the assets of the
bank, it is unmistakable that the assailed actions should precede the filing of
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the case. Plainly, the legislature could not have intended to authorize "no
prior notice and hearing" in the closure of the bank and at the same time
allow a suit to annul it on the basis of absence thereof.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Judicial review allowed to determine the
presence of arbitrariness and bad faith in placing bank under receivership.
—Admittedly, the mere filing of a case for receivership by the Central Bank
can trigger a bank run. x x x The procedure prescribed in Sec. 29 is truly
designed to protect the interest of all concerned, x x x and the summary
closure pales in comparison to the protection afforded public interest. At any
rate, the bank is given full opportunity to prove arbitrariness and bad faith
in placing the bank under receivership, in which event, the resolution may
be properly nullified and the receivership lifted as the trial court may
Same; Same; Same; Same; Conditions prerequisite to action of
Monetary Board placing bank under receivership; Reiterated.—Once again
We refer to Rural Bank of Buhi, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, and reiterate Our
pronouncement therein that—"x x x the law is explicit as to the conditions
prerequisite to the action of the Monetary Board to forbid the institution to
do business in the Philippines and to appoint a receiver to immediately take
charge of the bank's assets and liabilities. They are: (a) an examination made
by the examining department of the Central Bank; (b) report by said
department to the Monetary Board; and (c) prima facie showing that its
continuance in business would involve probable loss to its depositors or
Same; Same; Same; Same; Absence of prior notice of hearing as valid
exercise of the police power of the State, not constitutive of acts of
arbitrariness and bad faith.—ln sum, appeal to procedural due process
cannot just outweigh the evil sought to be prevented; hence, We rule that
Sec. 29 of R.A. 265 is a sound legislation promulgated in accor-



Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals

dance with the Constitution in the exercise of police power of the state.
Consequently, the absence of notice and hearing is not a valid ground to
annul a Monetary Board resolution placing a bank under receivership. The
absence of prior notice and hearing cannot be deemed acts of arbitrariness
and bad faith. Thus, an MB resolution placing a bank under receivership, or
conservatorship for that matter, may only be annulled after a determination
has been made by the trial court that its issuance was tainted with
arbitrariness and bad faith. Until such determination is made, the status quo
shall be maintained, i.e., the bank shall continue to be under receivership.

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Same; Same; Only stockholders of a bank have personality to file

action for annulment of Monetary Board resolution placing bank under
receivership.—To rule that only the receiver may bring suit in behalf of the
bank is, to echo the respondent appellate court, "asking for the impossible,
for it cannot be expected that the master, the CB, will allow the receiver it
has appointed to question that very appointment." Consequently, only
stockholders of a bank could file an action for annulment of a Monetary
Board resolution placing the bank under receivership and prohibiting it from
continuing operations.

PETITION for review of the decision of the Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Sycip, Salazar, Hernandez & Gatmaitan for petitioners.
          Quisumbing, Torres & Evangelista for Triumph Savings


May a Monetary Board resolution placing a private bank under

receivership be annulled on the ground of lack of prior notice and
This petition seeks review of the decision of the Court of Appeals
in CA G.R. SP No. 07867 entitled "The Central Bank of the
Philippines and Ramon V. Tiaoqui vs. Hon. Jose C. de Guzman and
Triumph Savings Bank," promulgated 26 September 1986, which
affirmed the twin orders of1 the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City
issued 11 November 1985 denying herein


1 Penned by Judge Jose C. de Guzman, RTC, Br. 93, Quezon City.


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petitioners' motion to dismiss Civil Case No. Q-45139, and directing

petitioner Ramon V. Tiaoqui to restore the private management of
Triumph Savings Bank (TSB) to its elected board 2
of directors and
officers, subject to Central Bank comptrollership.
The antecedent facts: Based on examination reports submitted by
the Supervision and Examination Sector (SES), Department II, of
the Central Bank (CB) "that the financial condition of TSB is one of
insolvency and its continuance in business would involve probable
loss to its depositors and creditors," the Monetary Board (MB)
issued on 31 May 1985 Resolution No. 596 ordering the closure of

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TSB, forbidding it from doing business in the Philippines, placing it

under receivership, and appointing Ramon4
V. Tiaoqui as receiver.
Tiaoqui assumed office on 3 June 1985.
On 11 June 1985, TSB filed a complaint with the Regional Trial
Court of Quezon City, docketed as Civil Case No. Q-45139, against
Central Bank and Ramon V. Tiaoqui to annul MB Resolution No.
596, with prayer for injunction, challenging in the process the
constitutionality of Sec. 29 of R.A. 269, otherwise known as 'The
Central Bank Act," as amended, insofar as it authorizes the Central
Bank to take over a banking institution even if it is not charged with
violation of any law or regulation, much less found guilty thereof.
On 1 July 1985, the trial court temporarily restrained petitioners
from implementing MB Resolution No. 596 "until further orders",
thus prompting them to move for the quashal of the restraining order
(TRO) on the ground that it did not comply with said Sec. 29, i.e.,
that TSB failed to show convincing proof of arbitrariness and bad
faith on the part of petitioners;' and, that TSB failed to post the
requisite bond in favor of Central Bank.
On 19 July 1985, acting on the motion to quash the restraining
order, the trial court granted the relief sought and denied the
application of TSB for injunction. Thereafter, Triumph Savings


2 Rollo, pp. 29-34.

3 Id., p. 5; see also Minutes of Meeting of the Monetary Board of 31 May 1985,
Annex "D", Petition, CA-G.R. SP No. 07867.
4 Id., p. 93.
5 Id., p. 30.



Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals

Bank filed with Us a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the

Rules of Court dated 25 July 1985 seeking to enjoin the continued
implementation of the questioned MB resolution.
Meanwhile, on 9 August 1985, Central Bank and Ramon Tiaoqui
filed a motion to dismiss the complaint before the RTC for failure to
state a cause of action, i.e., it did not allege ultimate facts showing
that the action was plainly arbitrary and made in bad faith, which
are the only grounds for the annulment of Monetary Board
resolutions placing a bank under conservatorship, and that 7
TSB was
without legal capacity to sue except through its receiver.
On 9 September 1985, TSB filed an urgent motion in the RTC to
direct receiver Ramon V. Tiaoqui to restore TSB to its private
management. On 11 November 1985, the RTC in separate orders
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denied petitioners' motion to dismiss and ordered receiver Tiaoqui to

restore the management of TSB to its elected board of directors and
officers, subject to CB comptrollership.
Since the orders of the trial court rendered moot the petition for
certiorari then pending before this Court, Central Bank and Tiaoqui
moved on 2 December 1985 for the dismissal 8
of G.R. No. 71465
which We granted on 18 December 1985.
Instead of proceeding to trial, petitioners elevated the twin orders
of the RTC to the Court of9 Appeals on a petition for certiorari and
prohibition under Rule 65. On 26 September 1986, the appellate
court, upheld the orders of the trial court thus—

"Petitioners' motion to dismiss was premised on two grounds, namely, that

the complaint failed to state a cause of action and that the Triumph Savings
Bank was without capacity to sue except through its appointed receiver.
"Concerning the first ground, petitioners themselves admit that the
Monetary Board resolution placing the Triumph Savings Bank


6 Triumph Savings Bank vs. Hon. Jose de Guzman, G.R. No. 71465.
7 Rollo, pp. 30-31.
8 Brief for Petitioners, p. 4; Rollo, p. 70.
9 Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Hon. Jose de Guzman, CA G.R. SP No. 07867, penned
by Melo, J., concurred in by De Pano, Jr., and Chua, JJ.; Rollo pp. 29-34.


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under the receivership of the officials of the Central Bank was done without
prior hearing, that is, without first hearing the side of the bank. They further
admit that said resolution can be the subject of judicial review and may be
set aside should it be found that the same was issued with arbitrariness and
in bad faith.
"The charge of lack of due process in the complaint may be taken as
constitutive of allegations of arbitrariness and bad faith. This is not of
course to be taken as meaning that there must be previous hearing before the
Monetary Board may exercise its powers under Section 29 of its Charter.
Rather, judicial review of such action not being foreclosed, it would be best
should private respondent be given the chance to show and prove
arbitrariness and bad faith in the issuance of the questioned resolution,
especially so in the light of the statement of private respondent that neither
the bank itself nor its officials were even informed of any charge of
violating banking laws.
"In regard to lack of capacity to sue on the part of Triumph Savings
Bank, we view such argument as being specious, for if we get the drift of
petitioners' argument, they mean to convey the impression that only the CB
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appointed receiver himself may question the CB resolution appointing him

as such. This may be asking for the impossible, for it cannot be expected
that the master, the CB, will allow the receiver it has appointed to question
that very appointment. Should the argument of petitioners be given
circulation, then judicial review of actions of the CB would be effectively
checked and foreclosed to the very bank officials who may feel, as in the
case at bar, that the CB action ousting them from the bank deserves to be set
"On the questioned restoration order, this Court must say that it finds
nothing whimsical, despotic, capricious, or arbitrary in its issuance, said
action only being in line and congruent to the action of the Supreme Court
in the Banco Filipino Case (G.R. No. 70054) where management of the
bank was restored to its duly elected directors and officers, but subject to the
Central Bank comptrollership."

On 15 October 1986, Central Bank and its appointed receiver,

Ramon V. Tiaoqui, filed this petition under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Court praying that the decision of the Court of Appeals in CAG.R.
SP No. 07867 be set aside, and that the civil case pending before the
RTC of Quezon City, Civil Case No. Q-45139, be dismissed.
Petitioners allege that the Court of Appeals erred—


10 Rollo, pp. 31-32, 34.



Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals

(1) in affirming that an insolvent bank that had been summarily

closed by the Monetary Board should be restored to its
private management supposedly because such summary
closure was "arbitrary and in bad faith" and a denial of "due
(2) in holding that the "charge of lack of due process" for "want
of prior hearing" in a complaint to annul a Monetary Board
receivership resolution under Sec. 29 of R.A, 265 "may be
taken as .. . allegations of arbitrariness and bad faith"; and
(3) in holding that the owners and former officers of an
insolvent bank may still act or sue in the name and
corporate capacity of such bank, even after11 it had been
ordered closed and placed under receivership.

The respondents, on 12
the other hand, allege inter alia that in the
Banco Filipino case, We held that CB violated the rule on
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administrative due process laid down in Ang Tibay vs. CIR (69 Phil.
635) and Eastern Telecom Corp. vs. Dans, Jr. (137 SCRA 628)
which requires that prior notice and hearing be afforded to all parties
in administrative proceedings. Since MB Resolution No. 596 was
adopted without TSB being previously notified and heard, according
to respondents, the same is void for want of due process;
consequently, the bank's management should be restored to its board
of directors and officers.
Petitioners claim that it is the essence of Sec. 29 of R.A. 265 that
prior notice and hearing in cases involving bank closures should not
be required since in all probability a hearing would not only cause
unnecessary delay but also provide bank "insiders" and stockholders
the opportunity to further dissipate the bank's resources, create
liabilities for the bank up to the insured amount of P40,000.00, and
even destroy evidence of fraud or irregularity in the bank's 14
operations to the prejudice of its depositors and creditors.
Petitioners further argue that the legislative intent of Sec. 29 is to
repose in the Monetary Board exclusive


11 Id., p. 7-8.
12 Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank vs. Monetary Board, Central Bank,
G.R. No. 70054, and companion cases, G.R. Nos. 68878, 77255-58, 78766, 78767,
78894, 81303, 81304 and 90473, 11 December 1991, 204 SCRA 767.
13 Rollo, pp. 54-56.
14 Rollo, p. 70.


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power to determine the existence of statutory grounds for the closure

and liquidation of banks, having the required expertise and
specialized competence to do so.
The first issue raised before Us is whether absence of prior notice
and hearing may be considered acts of arbitrariness and bad faith
sufficient to annul a Monetary Board resolution enjoining a bank
from doing business and placing it under receivership. Otherwise
stated, is absence of prior notice and hearing constitutive of acts of
arbitrariness and bad faith? 15
Under Sec. 29 of R.A. 265, the Central Bank, through the
Monetary Board, is vested with exclusive authority to assess,
evaluate and determine the condition of any bank, and finding such
condition to be one of insolvency, or that its continuance in business
would involve probable loss to its depositors or creditors, forbid the
bank or non-bank financial institution to do business in the
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Philippines; and shall designate an official of the CB or other

competent person as receiver to immediately take charge of its assets
and liabilities. The fourth paragraph, which


15 "Sec. 29. Proceedings upon insolvency.—Whenever, upon examination by the

head of the appropriate supervising or examining department or his examiners or
agents into the condition of any bank or non-bank financial intermediary performing
quasi-banking functions, it shall be disclosed that the condition of the same is one of
insolvency, or that its continuance in business would involve probable loss to its
depositors or creditors, it shall be the duty of the department head concerned
forthwith, in writing, to inform the Monetary Board of the facts. The Board may,
upon finding the statements of the department head to be true, forbid the institution to
do business in the Philippines and shall designate an official of the Central Bank or a
person of recognized competence in banking or finance, as receiver to immediately
take charge of its assets and liabilities, as expeditiously as possible collect and gather
all the assets and administer the same for the benefit of its creditors, and represent the
bank or through counsel as he may retain in all actions or proceedings for or against
the institution, exercising all powers necessary for this purposes including, but not
limited to, bringing suits and foreclosing mortgages in the name of the bank or non-
bank financial intermediary performing quasibanking functions."
16 "The provisions of any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the actions of the
Monetary Board under this Section, Section 28-A, and the



Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals

was then in effect at the time the action was commenced, allows the
filing of a case to set aside the actions of the Monetary Board which
are tainted with arbitrariness and bad faith.
Contrary to the notion of private respondent, Sec. 29 does not
contemplate prior notice and hearing before a bank may be directed
to stop operations and placed under receivership. When par. 4 (now
par. 5, as amended by E.O. 289) provides for the filing of a case
within ten (10) days after the receiver takes charge of the assets of
the bank, it is unmistakable that the assailed actions should precede
the filing of the case. Plainly, the legislature could not have intended
to authorize "no prior notice and hearing" in the closure of the bank
and at the same time allow a suit to annul it on the basis of absence
In the early case of Rural Bank of Lucena, Inc. v. Arca [1965],


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second paragraph of Section 34 of this Act shall be final and executory, and can be
set aside by the court only if there is convincing proof that the action is plainly
arbitrary and made in bad faith; Provided, That the same is raised in an appropriate
pleading filed before the proper court within a period of ten (10) days from the date
the conservator or receiver takes charge of the assets and liabilities of the bank or
nonbank financial intermediary performing quasi-judicial functions or, in case of
liquidation, within ten (10) days from receipt of notice by the said bank or non-bank
financial intermediary of the order of its liquidation. No restraining order or
injunction shall be issued by the court enjoining the Central Bank from implementing
its actions under this Section and the second paragraph of Section 34 of this Act,
unless there is convincing proof that the action of the Monetary Board is plainly
arbitrary and made in bad faith and the petitioner or plaintiff files with the clerk or
judge of the court in which the action is pending a bond executed in favor of the
Central Bank, in an amount to be fixed by the court. The restraining order or
injunction shall be refused or, if granted shall be dissolved upon filing by the Central
Bank of a bond, which shall be in the form of cash or Central Bank cashier's check, in
an amount twice the amount of the bond of the petitioner or plaintiff conditioned that
it will pay the damages which the petitioner or plaintiff may suffer by the refusal or
the dissolution of the injunction. The provisions of Rule 58 of the New Rules of Court
insofar as they are applicable and not inconsistent with the provisions of this Section
shall govern, the issuance and dissolution of the restraining order or injunction
contemplated in this Section."
17 G.R. No. L-21146, 29 September 1965, 15 SCRA 67, 72 and 74,


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We held that a previous hearing is nowhere required in Sec. 29 nor

does the constitutional requirement of due process demand that the
correctness of the Monetary Board's resolution to stop operation and
proceed to liquidation be first adjudged before making the resolution
effective. It is enough that a subsequent judicial review be provided.
Even in Banco Filipino, We reiterated that Sec. 29 of R.A. 265
does not require a previous hearing before the Monetary Board can
implement its resolution closing a bank, since its action is subject to
judicial scrutiny as provided by law.
It may be emphasized that Sec. 29 does not altogether divest a
bank or a non-bank financial institution placed under receivership of
the opportunity to be heard and present evidence on arbitrariness and
bad faith because within ten (10) days from the date the receiver
takes charge of the assets of the bank, resort to judicial review may
be had by filing an appropriate pleading with the court. Respondent
TSB did in fact avail of this remedy by filing a complaint with the
RTC of Quezon City on the 8th day following the takeover by the
receiver of the bank's assets on 3 June 1985.

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This "close now and hear later" scheme is grounded on practical

and legal considerations to prevent unwarranted dissipation of the
bank's assets and as a valid exercise of police power to protect the
depositors, creditors, stockholders and the general public.
In Rural Bank of Buhi, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, We stated that

"x x x due process does not necessarily require a prior hearing; a hearing or
an opportunity to be heard may be subsequent to the closure.


citing Sec. 29, R.A. 265; 12 Am. Jur. 305, Sec. 611; Bourjois vs. Chapman, 301 U.S. 183,
81 Law Ed. 1027, 1032; American Surety Co. vs. Baldwin, 77 Law Ed. 231, 86 ALR 307;
Wilson vs. Standefer, 46 Law Ed. 612.
18 Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank v. Monetary Board, Central Bank, and
companion cases, supra, p. 798, citing Rural Bank of Bato vs. IAC, G.R. No. 65642, 15
October 1984, Rural Bank vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. 61689, 20 June 1988, 162 SCRA 288.
19 G.R. No. 61689, 20 June 1988, 162 SCRA 288, 302.



Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals

One can just imagine the dire consequences of a prior hearing: bank runs
would be the order of the day, resulting in panic and hysteria. In the process,
fortunes may be wiped out and disillusionment will run the gamut of the
entire banking community."
We stressed in Central Bank of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals

"x x x the banking business is properly subject to reasonable regulation

under the police power of the state because of its nature and relation to the
fiscal affairs of the people and the revenues of the state (9 CJS 32). Banks
are affected with public interest because they receive funds from the general
public in the form of deposits. Due to the nature of their transactions and
functions, a fiduciary relationship is created between the banking
institutions and their depositors. Therefore, banks are under the obligation to
treat with meticulous care and utmost fidelity the accounts of those who
have reposed their trust and confidence in them (Simex International
[Manila], Inc., v. Court of Appeals, 183 SCRA 360 [1990]).
"It is then the Government's responsibility to see to it that the financial
interests of those who deal with the banks and banking institutions, as
depositors or otherwise, are protected. In this country, that task is delegated
to the Central Bank which, pursuant to its Charter (R.A. 265, as amended),
is authorized to administer the monetary, banking and credit system of the
Philippines. Under both the 1973 and 1987 Constitutions, the Central Bank
is tasked with providing policy direction in the areas of money, banking and

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credit; corollarily, it shall have supervision over the operations of banks

(Sec. 14, Art. XV, 1973 Constitution, and Sec. 20, Art. XII, 1987
Constitution). Under its charter, the CB is further authorized to take the
necessary steps against any banking institution if its continued operation
would cause prejudice to its depositors, creditors and the general public as
well. This power has been expressly recognized by this Court. In Philippine
Veterans Bank Employees Union-NUBE v. Philippine Veterans Banks (189
SCRA 14 [1990]), this Court held that:

'x x x x [u]nless adequate and determined efforts are taken by the government
against distressed and mismanaged banks, public faith in the banking system is
certain to deteriorate to the prejudice of the national economy itself, not to mention
the losses


20 G.R. Nos. 88353 and 92943, 8 May 1992, 208 SCRA 652, 684, 685.


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suffered by the bank depositors, creditors, and stockholders, who all deserve the
protection of the government. The government cannot simply cross its arms while
the assets of a bank are being depleted through mismanagement or irregularities. It is
the duty of the Central Bank in such an event to step in and salvage the remaining
resources of the bank so that they may not continue to be dissipated or plundered by
those entrusted with their management.'"

Section 29 of R.A. 265 should be viewed in this light; otherwise, We

would be subscribing to a situation where the procedural rights
invoked by private respondent would take precedence over the
substantive interests of depositors, creditors and stockholders over
the assets of the bank.
Admittedly, the mere filing of a case for receivership by the
Central Bank can trigger a bank run and drain its assets in days or
even hours leading to insolvency even if the bank be actually
solvent. The procedure prescribed in Sec. 29 is truly designed to
protect the interest of all concerned, i.e., the depositors, creditors
and stockholders, the bank itself, and the general public, and the
summary closure pales in comparison to the protection afforded
public interest. At any rate, the bank is given full opportunity to
prove arbitrariness and bad faith in placing the bank under
receivership, in which event, the resolution may be properly
nullified and the receivership lifted as the trial court may determine.
The heavy reliance of respondents on the Banco Filipino case is
misplaced in view of factual circumstances therein which are not
attendant in the present case. We ruled in Banco Filipino that the
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closure of the bank was arbitrary and attendant with grave abuse of
discretion, not because of the absence of prior notice and hearing,
but that the Monetary Board had no sufficient basis to arrive at a
sound conclusion of insolvency to justify the closure. In other
words, the arbitrariness, bad faith and abuse of discretion were
determined only after the bank was placed under conservatorship
and evidence thereon was received by the trial court. As this Court
found in that case, the Valenzuela, Aurellano and Tiaoqui Reports
contained unfounded assumptions and deductions which did not
reflect the true financial condition of the bank. For instance, the
subtraction of an uncertain amount as valuation reserve from the
assets of the bank



Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals

would merely result in its net worth or the unimpaired capital and
surplus; it did not reflect the total financial condition of Banco
Furthermore, the same reports showed that the total assets of
Banco Filipino far exceeded its total liabilities. Consequently, on the
basis thereof, the Monetary Board had no valid reason to liquidate
the bank; perhaps it could have merely ordered its reorganization or
rehabilitation, if need be. Clearly, there was in that case a manifest
arbitrariness, abuse of discretion and bad faith in the closure of
Banco Filipino by the Monetary Board. But, this is not the case
before Us. For here, what is being raised as arbitrary by private
respondent is the denial of prior notice and hearing by the Monetary
Board, a matter long settled in this jurisdiction, and not the
arbitrariness which the conclusions of the Supervision and
Examination Sector (SES), Department II, of the Central Bank were
Once again We refer to Rural Bank of Buhi, Inc. v. Court of
Appeals, and reiterate Our pronouncement therein that—

"x x x the law is explicit as to the conditions prerequisite to the action of the
Monetary Board to forbid the institution to do business in the Philippines
and to appoint a receiver to immediately take charge of the bank's assets and
liabilities. They are: (a) an examination made by the examining department
of the Central Bank; (b) report by said department to the Monetary Board;
and (c)prima facie showing that its continuance in business would involve
probable loss to its depositors or creditors."

In sum, appeal to procedural due process cannot just outweigh the

evil sought to be prevented; hence, We rule that Sec. 29 of R.A. 265
is a sound legislation promulgated in accordance with the

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Constitution in the exercise of police power of the state.

Consequently, the absence of notice and hearing is not a valid
ground to annul a Monetary Board resolution placing a bank under
receivership. The absence of prior notice and hearing cannot be
deemed acts of arbitrariness and bad faith. Thus, an MB resolution
placing a bank under receivership, or conservatorship for that matter,
may only be annulled after a determi-


21 G.R. Nos. 61689, 20 June 1988,162 SCRA 288, 302.


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nation has been made by the trial court that its issuance was tainted
with arbitrariness and bad faith. Until such determination is made,
the status quo shall be maintained, i.e., the bank shall continue to be
under receivership.
As regards the second ground, to rule that only the receiver may
bring suit in behalf of the bank is, to echo the respondent appellate
court, "asking for the impossible, for it cannot be expected that the
master, the CB, will allow the receiver it has appointed to question
that very appointment." Consequently, only stockholders of a bank
could file an action for annulment of a Monetary Board resolution
placing the bank under 22
receivership and prohibiting it 23from
continuing operations. In Central Bank v. Court of Appeals, We
explained the purpose of the law—

"x x x in requiring that only the stockholders of record representing the

majority of the capital stock may bring the action to set aside a resolution to
place a bank under conservatorship is to ensure that it be not frustrated or
defeated by the incumbent Board of Directors or officers who may
immediately resort to court action to prevent its implementation or
enforcement. It is presumed that such a resolution is directed principally
against acts of said Directors and officers which place the bank in a state of
continuing inability to maintain a condition of liquidity adequate to protect
the interest of depositors and creditors. Indirectly, it is likewise intended to
protect and safeguard the rights and interests of the stockholders. Common
sense and public policy dictate then that the authority to decide on whether
to contest the resolution should be lodged with the stockholders owning a
majority of the shares for they are expected to be more objective in
determining whether the resolution is plainly arbitrary and issued in bad


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22 As amended by E.O. 289, then par. 4, now par. 5, reads: "x x x [T]he actions of
the Monetary Board under this Section x x x shall be final and executory, and can be
set aside by a court only if there is convincing proof, after hearing, that the action is
plainly arbitrary and made in bad faith; Provided, That the same is raised in an
appropriate pleading filed by the stockholders of record representing the majority of
the capital stock of the institution before the proper court within a period of ten (10)
days from the date the receiver takes charge of the assets and liabilities of the bank x
x x x"
23 Op. cit.



Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals

It is observed that the complaint in this case was filed on 11 June

1985 or two (2) years prior to 25 July 1987 when E.O. 289 was
issued, to be effective sixty (60) days after its approval (Sec. 5). The
implication is that before E.O. 289, any party in interest could
institute court proceedings to question a Monetary Board resolution
placing a bank under receivership. Consequently, since the instant
complaint was filed by parties representing themselves to be officers
of respondent Bank (Officer-in-Charge and Vice President), the case
before the trial court should now take its natural course. However,
after the effectivity of E.O. 289, the procedure stated therein should
be followed and observed.
PREMISES considered, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in
CA-G.R. SP No. 07867 is AFFIRMED, except insofar as it upholds
the Order of the trial court of 11 November 1985 directing petitioner
RAMON V. TIAOQUI to restore the management of TRIUMPH
SAVINGS BANK to its elected Board of Directors and Officers,
which is hereby SET ASIDE.
Let this case be remanded to the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
City for further proceedings to determine whether the issuance of
Resolution No. 596 of the Monetary Board was tainted with
arbitrariness and bad faith and to decide the case accordingly.

          Narvasa (C.J.), Cruz, Padilla, Bidin, Griño-Aquino,

Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Nocon, Campos, Jr. and Quiason,
JJ., concur.
     Feliciano, J., No part. Petitioners represented by my former
     Melo, J., No part. CA Ponente.

Decision affirmed except insofar as it upholds the order of the

trial court of 11 November 1985.

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Note—Respondent judge acted in plain disregard of the fourth

paragraph of Section 29 of the Central Bank Act when he restrained
the petitioners from closing and liquidating the Rural Bank of
Libmanan, prevented them from performing their functions, and
ordered them to return the management and control of


VOL. 220, MARCH 30, 1993 551

People vs. Sadiangabay

the rural bank to its Board of Directors without receiving convincing

proof that the action of the Central Bank was plainly arbitrary and
made in bad faith (Central Bank of the Philippines vs. De la Cruz,
191 SCRA 346).


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