Clinical History-Taking and Physical Examination in Medical Practice in Africa: Still Relevant?

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Clinical history-taking and physical examination in medical practice in Africa:

Still relevant?

Article  in  Croatian Medical Journal · December 2016

DOI: 10.3325/cmj.2016.57.605


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3 authors:

Ayo Oyedokun Davies Adeloye

Saint Nicholas hospital, lagos 70 PUBLICATIONS   853 CITATIONS   

Olanrewaju Balogun
University of Lagos


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Croat Med J. 2016;57:605-7

Clinical history-taking and Ayo Oyedokun1, Davies Adeloye2,3, Olanrewaju

physical examination in 1
Saint Nicholas Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria

medical practice in Africa: still [email protected]

Demography and Social Statistics, and the e-Health Research

relevant? Cluster, Covenant University, Canaanland, Ota, Ogun State,

Centre for Global Health Research and the World Health
Organization’s Collaborating Centre for Population Health
Research and Training, The University of Edinburgh Medical
School, Usher Institute, Edinburgh, UK
Department of Surgery, Lagos University Teaching Hospital,
Lagos, Nigeria

Advancement in technology is continually redefining the Clinical diagnosis in medical practice

practice of medicine globally, with sophisticated diagnos-
tic machines, investigative procedures, and medical tests A systematic approach to the bedside examination of a pa-
now widely available for medical diagnosis. Indeed, new tient is essential to determine the significance of an ab-
discoveries, devices, and the internet have positively in- normal physical finding. It aids critical thinking, actively
fluenced the way physicians diagnose, treat, and palliate searches for signs of disease, identifies possible diagnosis,
diseases. However, unlike in many high-income settings, and helps in making tentative management plans (1-4).
where advancements in medical technology have, in most Sackett and Rennie reported that a doctor’s first few min-
cases, been complementary to understanding disease utes of history-taking and physical examination are packed
pathogenesis and acquisition of core clinical skills, emerg- with audio-visual and tactile information about the patient,
ing evidence from many low- and middle-income coun- which may subsequently determine the path of diagnosis
tries, especially Africa, point to the contrary (1,2). There are and effectiveness of treatment given (5).
widespread concerns about doctors’ declining bedside
skills and clinical aptitude (3). While it is a requisite that Clinical reasoning based on facts elicited from symptoms
medical students and doctors-in-training must demon- and signs in the history-taking and examination has to
strate competence in history-taking and physical exami- be tested against basic scientific background and knowl-
nation, there are reports that doctors fail to maintain and edge acquired during medical training (6). Laboratory re-
improve on these skills over their professional practice ow- sults may therefore be seen as supporting evidence and
ing to over-reliance on results of medical tests (3). In Africa not dictate over a meticulous clinical evaluation (6). In fact,
and many resource-constrained settings, where majority the reliability of any laboratory information depends on
can hardly afford simple medical tests, the essence of de- the state of the medical equipment and the technologist’s
tailed history-taking and physical examination cannot be ability to use it effectively (7). In some African settings, doc-
overemphasized. It is therefore important to consider if im- tors order several tests to make diagnosis without consid-
provements in health technology and medical diagnosis, ering this fact and some other basic evidence from clinical
and their introduction in many African settings, should al- research relevant to their environment (2). Results may
ter the role of the fundamental history-taking and physical be false positive or false negative, and in such cases, a
examination in general clinical assessment. lack of basic understanding of the disease present-
606 MEDICAL CHALLENGES IN AFRICA Croat Med J. 2016;57:605-7

ing complaints may result in instituting a wrong treatment In fact, Dooley et al (9) explained that detailed clinical his-
plan (7). In addition, this may result in incurring unneces- tory remained the mainstay of diagnosis for most of the
sary costs by the patient and overstretching the limited critical cases of pediatric neurology they encountered in
health resources in these settings. Moreover, ordering tests their practice. Additionally, a less equipped primary health
without detailed history-taking and physical examination care center may still arrive at a correct diagnosis in about
tends to strain patient-doctor’s relationship (7). In the ab- 88% of cases following brief history-taking and physical ex-
sence of trust and confidence on the part of the patient, amination, and treatment can be commenced based on
the effectiveness of most therapies fails. It is therefore im- these findings (5).
portant that physicians remain purposeful in the care of
patients and uphold strict professional conduct. A detailed However, it is important to note that some patients do re-
interaction and observation during consultations can not quire thorough investigations to arrive at a definitive diag-
be replaced by laboratory results. nosis and institute appropriate care (8). In a study among
patients with developmental delay, Shevell et al (10) found
HISTORY-TAKING AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION VS medical investigations and imaging to be helpful in deter-
INVESTIGATIONS mining etiologic diagnosis in about 30% of cases. Khunti et
al (11) also emphasized that an objective investigation in-
It has been widely reported that history-taking and physical cluding laboratory tests, electrocardiogram, and echocar-
examination in medical practice may have been declining diogram must be performed in patients with clinically
across Africa due to poor consultation venues, overcrowd- suspected heart disease. Diacon (12) also noted that physi-
ed clinics with few doctors to patients, poor salary packag- cian’s clinical acumen may not predict the accuracy of se-
es for doctors, and the fact that to augment income, doc- lected puncture sites, but that a bedside ultrasonography
tors often rely on bonuses and re-imbursements offered by potentially increases the yield and reduces complications
manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies for using during diagnostic pleurocentesis. It is also worthwhile to
their diagnostic equipment and drugs (1,4). This practice note that some investigations, asides from being diagnos-
has even led to a wrong perception among patients that tic, may also be therapeutic, as is the case in endoscopies
laboratory tests and investigations must precede any diag- performed for some gastrointestinal, respiratory, or urinary
nosis and/or treatment. It is now not uncommon for pa- tract diseases. Our view however is that while some inves-
tients to walk into medical laboratories or radio-diagnostic tigations may be necessary and very important in overall
centers to have investigations done even before consult- clinical management, this can still not replace a detailed
ing with a doctor. Invariably, the component of history-tak- medical history-taking and physical examination during
ing and physical examination as contained in the holistic consultations. Moreover, in many African settings, where
management of patient – consideration of the complete patients can hardly afford costs of medical care, needless
physical, psychological, social, and spiritual factors in the laboratory tests may be avoided to help reduce medical
management and prevention of disease – is gradually fad- expenses. Positive management outcomes have been re-
ing in the region (2,8). Studies have consistently shown ported following scenarios where physicians used few
that over-reliance on technology may not necessarily im- investigations and tests owing to patient’s financial con-
prove the quality of patient care (7). Hence, experts have ar- straints and lack of insurance schemes (12).
gued that the justification for any investigation in medical
practice ought to be complementary – answering specific Conclusion
questions related to history-taking and physical examina-
tion already done (1,4). For example, Reilly (4) reported that We understand that our report may be incomplete due to
physical examination had substantial effects on the care of the absence of original information, time variations, and
medical inpatients, with one-in-four patients ordered for precise quantitative data and analysis of the application of
investigation already having pivotal physical findings nec- health technology, history-taking, and physical examina-
essary for diagnosis. Some studies conducted in the Unit- tion across many African settings. Moreover, consideration
ed States, India, and Brazil also reported that history-taking of widespread differences in medical practice among var-
was responsible for 76%, 78.6%, and 77.8% of all diagno- ious African contexts may have further improved our re-
ses made, respectively, and that investigations played port, as we still cannot characterize with all certainty the
complementary roles in excluding other diagnostic op- difference in the use of the health technology between Af-
tions and increased physicians’ self-confidence (6-8). rica and other world regions. The lack of original research
Oyedokun et al: Clinical history-taking and physical examination in medical practice in Africa 607

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