Vanish Magic Magazine 59

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JUNE 2019
No. 59
MAY 2019
NO. 58

Counting down to another sold-out convention.

August 4–7, 2019
S N O S S E L OE D I V + 0 0 3




One cube freely mixed by your Your phone is never in play and
spectators and you do not you don't even need to touch it
even need to see it. with our timer feature.


Reveal the prediction in your Insert the prediction on your
own gallery. M Ewhen
Perfect KAM own website and get booked
you don't have internet. after your performance.


Send a prediction by email
to your : N
I NEEbefore
they touched the cube.
stsinoisullI ehT
”tsitonpyH ehT “ sa
M O C .
a n a i V a ss e n aV : o t o h P

Joe Ledoux

TRU XTREME By Menny Lindenfeld



Paul Romhany

42 NIck Lewin

|08 | NEWS
|16| PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT Joshua Endress
THE WATCH - Joao Miranda
| 68 | 8 RULES OF ZEN
Kris Kon
David J. Atwood
Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt | 76 | MAGIC IS EDUCATION
Jeff Christensen
Chiam Yu Sheng
Colin Underwood
Louie Foxx
6 VANISH Magazine
JUNE 2019 - Edition 59

Internatonal Magic Magazine FROM THE
Paul Romhany & Joomag


Paul Romhany

Sebastian Konopix
Chipper Lowell One of my original goals for VANISH was to introduce artists who are
slightly under the magic radar, to feature them in an article, or cover story
… something that might not happen if they are not “IN” the right circles. It
makes me proud to have helped introduce them to a wider audience and
Hal Meyers
to watch them flourish, grow and evolve into amazing magical entertainers.

Nick Lewin This months cover story is Rubén Vilagrand from Spain. Rubén brings the
Spanish school of magic principles to his stage show and has produced
an extremely original magical presentation. Having spent the past 30 plus
years creating my own silent comedy magic show, I know the amount
Ben Robinson
of hard work required to devise this type of performance. When I watch
Rubén I can see all the passion and thought behind what he does, and it
shows on stage. He has become one of my all time favorite magic acts and
STAFF WRITERS I am excited to be the first magazine to introduce him to the global magic
Jeff Christensen, Louie Fox, Nick Lewin, community.
Paul Romhany, Gregory Wilson, David
Gripenwaldt, Hal Meyers, David J. Atwood,
Colin Underwood, Thomas Swieciak, , Joe Nick Lewin has written a wonderful piece on House of Cards in Nashville,
Ledoux, TN. When contemplating the future of performance venues, I believe they
have done everything with panache. This could very well be the way we see
EDITORIAL SUPPORT EXECUTIVE magic showcased around the world.
Hal Meyers, Ben Robinson
This month we have a few extra Product Highlights. This has become a
ADVERTISING COORDINATOR very popular part of VANISH, offering us the chance to share products we
Paul Romhany & Sydnie Anderson feel go the extra mile and stand-out amongst the many that are released
monthly. One thing we recently noticed is the production quality of the
CREATIVE DESIGNER & LAYOUT tricks is much better than previous years, and we rarely get effects we feel
Paul Romhany aren't worth reviewing. Looking back over reviews of the past seven years
you can see a trend towards single trick releases, seldom do you see a DVD
on sale which offers 8-10 routines. As more and more young magicians
move towards performing on YouTube or Instagram the presentational
Steve Hocevar
focus seems to have changed. Magic is visually evolving into effects lasting
a few seconds. One stand out product this month is “Project M” by Mike Liu.
CIRCULATION & SUBSCRIPTION He has released a DVD with about 10 items, and while they are from his live
Harry Morgan act, they also provide the perfect 'quick' trick for Social Media. This is the
first product we've seen actually targeting and marketing a variety of ideas
ADDRESS to this type of performance environment. With technology on the rise it is
1183 Blind Bogey Drive also interesting to see how magicians use the latest knowledge to create
Qualicum Beach, BC. the most impossible routines. It's an exciting time for magic.
Paul Romhany

All rights reserved. None of this magazine can be VANISH MAGAZINE 7
reprinted electronically OR in hard form without the
permission of the editor. Photo courtesy of Nick Lewin



April 5, 1930-May 18, 2019

He’s known David Copperfield

since he was a boy and counts
among friends: Siegfried and
Roy, Dick Cavett and every ma-
gician you’ve ever heard of.

He taught Harvey Keitel and

Orson Welles a few tricks. Harry
Potter, too (well, the actor
who plays him in the movies

In addition to owning one of

the most important magic
companies in the world, Tan-
nen’s Magic, he also had a life-
long passion for magic. Before
International Man of Mystery David Berglas
buying into Tannen’s he was a
Receives his MBE from Prince William Duke of
busy performing magician who
Cambridge at Buckingham Palace 2nd May 2019.
opened for some of the best in
the business, during the height
The magician and mentalist David Berglas,
of the Catskills, with his dove
known as the International Man of Mystery,
act. In his later years, he never
has been awarded an MBE at the age of 92. It is
stopped watching it on TV and
believed to be the first time the honour has been
constantly played with stuff
presented to anyone for their contribution to
and talked about the impos-
sible magic he saw.
Berglas began his career in the 1950s, becoming
Tony also created a lot of
a household name with his regular performances
original magic including his
on radio and television. He was renowned for
signature eillusion of removing
creating large stunts, among them driving a car
a ladies middle.
around London in a blindfold, and hurtling blind-
folded down the Cresta Run.
RIP Tony Spina
His version of the Any Card at Any Number
routine is known as the Berglas Effect, with magi-
cians considering it the holy grail of card magic.

8 VANISH Magazine


Magic in Lapland, the TV series starring awarded Finnish magi- studied in Las Vegas. He was awarded the Performer of the Year
cian and illusionist Henri Kemppainen is completed. The English- 2016 by Evento Awards and the Master Magician Emeritus Reijo
language series offers visual fireworks and reveals the most mystic Salminen trophy in 2015 and 2016. He has performed in several
and beautiful destinations in Finland. international arenas, including Abu Dhabi.

The 5-part series was filmed in different parts of Finland – Helsinki,

Vihti, Oulu region, Rokua National Park, Hossa, Puolanka, Vuokatti, The series is produced by NTRNZ media Ltd, an Oulu based cre-
Kemi, Levi, Lemmenjoki, Saariselkä, the National parks of Pallas ative agency best known for the Love of the Wild TV series (double
and Ylläs, and Kilpisjärvi. Finnish TV Academy Golden Venla Winner). The first two seasons
of the series have been sold to over 30 countries. The international
World class team version of the series, Love of the Wild - From the Alps to the Arctic
Behind the magic, in addition to Kemppainen, is a group of inter- is being filmed in five countries across Europe and will premiere in
nationally renowned names. Dozens of top performers around 2020.
the world have helped in designing the illusions, together with
Christian Engblom, the magic consultant that has performed in
the Penn&Teller show.

The series is the most important thing in my career so far. Perfor-

mances on big arenas were nothing compared to this challenge,
and I am more than pleased with the end result, says Kemppainen,
who got bruised and burned during the filming.
First deal with Finnair
The series is first broadcast in Finland by Finnair, who runs the
series in its entertainment system for the delight of tourists. The
series is produced by Oulu based production company NTRNZ
media Ltd. The series is narrated by Finnish actor Peter Franzén,
known e.g. from the HBO series Vikings.

- The series was showcased to dozens of TV networks around the

world in Cannes this spring, and we’ve got a lot of interest, espe-
cially from Asia, says Executive producer Teemu Hostikka.

The distributor for Magic in Lapland is Lightning International,

with offices in Hong Kong and Great Britain. The series was also
presented in Brussels in December 2019, and received big ap-
plause from the international audience.
- We hope to be able to publish more happy news about where
the series will be shown very soon, says Producer Topi Paananen.

Magic in Lapland is an English-language TV series aimed at inter-

national markets. The team consists of some of the biggest names
in TV magic. Henri Kemppainen is consulted by international
magic consultant Christian Engblom, who has previously consult-
ed David Blaine and performed in Penn & Teller’s ”Fool Us.”

The pyrotechnics are the work of Jani Järvinen, who has worked
for Tiësto, David Guetta, Armin van Buuren and Finnish rap icon
Elastinen, as well as created pyrotechnics for multiple TV series.

Henri Kemppainen is a Finnish magician-illusionist who has


10 VANISH Magazine
MYRTLE BEACH, SC – “Charles Bach Charles is truly thrilled to be part of Myrtle
Wonders” starring international illusionist Beach’s outstanding entertainment offer-
Charles Bach from Las Vegas, will be open- ings. “I’m not a big corporate show trying
ing in the heart of Broadway at the Beach. to take over the town, but after years of
The former Big D will be renamed the touring and performing, I’m excited for my
Wonders Theatre and be home for the new family and my show to become part of this
live magic and illusion show. wonderful community.”

He stumped Penn & Teller on their hit Show opens Saturday June 1st and can be
TV show Fool Us. He has amazed and seen Monday thru Saturday at 7pm. In ad-
entertained audiences all over the world dition, matinee performances will be pre- The Wonders Theatre is located at
including years of performances at Caesars sented at 4pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 5911 Celebrity Circle in Broadway at
Palace in Las Vegas and The Magic Castle in This world class show will be a highlight the Beach. Ticket prices are $32.00 plus
Hollywood.  Now Charles Bach brings his of the summer at Broadway at the Beach tax for adults and $18.00 plus tax for
latest and most ambitious production to through Labor Day weekend. children ages 3-12.  Children under 3 are
the stage with Charles Bach Wonders. free in seat of paid adult. Don’t miss the
Adding to the excitement at Broadway at most unique and original show to come
Charles Bach Wonders is an imaginative, in- the Beach, visitors will be treated to sneak to the Grand Strand.
teractive theatrical experience that blends peaks of this exciting show each afternoon
mind-blowing magic with breath-taking in front of the reimagined Wonders Theatre For more information and reservations,
visuals and Willy Wonka whimsy to take which sits opposite the Dragon’s Lair Fan- call the theater’s info line at 843-286-
audiences into a world where the rules of tasy Golf and the Simpsons in 4D. Each day 5003 or visit
reality no longer exist. Charles Bach will perform Live an incred-
ible Houdini-style escape.
During this magical journey, audiences are
treated to a vast array of artistic elements
including original magic & grand illusions,
beautiful dance choreography, playful
comedy, colorful and visual props, special
effects, plus two giant puppets called The
Tourists that add laughs and fun to the
audience experience. Charles will also
perform some pure sleight of hand and
close-up magic in the new show.

12 VANISH Magazine


From now until June 21st, with your order of RUBICON 2.0 at The Secret Source,
you’ll receive over $100 worth of products for FREE!
Choose from one of two sets:


Unleashed ($35 value) Peek Pack ($45 value)

Pointless ($45 value) Pointless ($45 value)
Pip Streak ($20 value) Unleashed ($35 value)
Foreign Affair ($20 value)


Don’t forget to view the videos!


Five Outcomes - One Book Hard Hitting, Practical Mental Effects

"Highly recommended"
"This is a great book test -stop
Steve Drury  &
reading this-and order it
Todd Landman
"Top stuff!"
Harvey Leeds
Ben Cardall
A Reading System Based On Coins
"My prediction - his rise will
continue for a long time." 
Neal Scryer
"I’ll be using this – in fact
"I love this, I’ve already started!”
it's brilliant!" Richard Webster
Neal Scryer
"I wholeheartedly endorse it " "Should become a ‘standard’.” 
Paul Voodini Lee Earle



The Watch is the final answer to the classic watch
prediction effect, where the magician correctly
predicts any named hour and minute, freely
chosen by the spectator.

João Miranda and his team created the holy

grail, where there are absolutely no assistants or
TELL YOU THIS DOES EXACTLY WHAT IT ADVERTISES. YOU ARE stooges needed, and with a diabolical method
ABLE TO HAVE ANY TIME CALLED OUT AND IT WILL MATCH THE that allows the performer to invisibly input any
TIME ON THE WATCH. hour and minute, in less than 3 seconds and with
absolute accuracy.

THE WATCH IS A TECHNICAL MARVEL AND SOMETHING YOU ARE By the simple action of going to the pocket to
DEFINTIELY GOING TO USE. IT WORKS AS A REGULAR WATCH AND grab any object, the time input is accomplished.
Take a look at the following features:
- 10 button key pad that the performer presses
- The watch works as an everyday watch
- 15 second delay mode included that allows for
- The remote has integrated battery level
- The watch battery lasts for over 1000
ROUTINES THE WATCH IS 100% RELIABLE AND OFFERS SOME VERY performances with one single charge
UNIQUE FEATURES THAT MAKE THIS A REAL WORKER! - The watch uses Swedish hybrid motors, which

16 VANISH Magazine

are the world's best
- Rechargeable batteries for both the remote and the

Besides all the above features, 4 original effects are fully

explained: ACAAN, Time Lapse, Premonition, Objects

The Watch is a patent pending product (in both design

and utility) in over 75 countries, including China and the
United States of America.

TV rights are included with the purchase BUT the

buyer must give previous knowledge written by e-mail
to João Miranda Magic, at least 5 days before the TV




to the chosen time, literally 3 seconds, and

the ease of use of the remote that comes
with it.
should last about 2 weeks - I’ve had mine
on now for a week and it’s still working THE WATCH:
MY THOUGHTS: fine. When it does get low on charge you There are three styles of watch. I own the
This is definitely the best watch on the will get a red light on the remote. You can black strap with silver casing. There is a
market if you want to predict ANY time also charge the watch using the remote metal band watch and a brown leather
named by your spectator. The first thing as a power bank - very clever thinking band watch. The watch is simple in design,
you’ll notice when you receive it is how here. You have several options on how to nothing fancy but certainly nice to wear at
well packaged it is. When I first opened it charge both remote and watch. a gig. The good thing about it is that the
I felt like I was opening the latest APPLE numbers are easy to read for a spectator.
product. There are several layers to the Joao and his team have obviously put While this might be a small thing it is
packaging that not only look great but a lot of thought in to this and created actually quite big for the worker. You want
help protect your Watch. It is a great way something that is a real worker for the the spectators to easily read the face of
to transport and keep the extra additions performer. So far I’ve used this in a variety the watch so there is not anti-climax when
that are included with the watch. It even of settings and it has been 100% accurate. they look at the prediction , especially on a
comes with a tool to open and close it I’m always nervous when it comes to any stage under the lights. This is why I chose
when you need to charge the battery kind of electronic effect, but so far this this particular watch because it is so easy
or turn the watch off. The charger is has not let me down. I’ve owned a variety to read. The numbers are big, white against
actually built in to the remote via USB, of watches that do similar things to this black and the hands also have white and
so you can charge the watch and the over the years but the two real stand-out chrome on them.
remote at the same time. The charge features are how quickly the hands move


The speed of which the hands move is what makes this a real You are supplied with an in-depth tutorial that will explain how
masterpiece. There is no having to waste time trying to conceal the watch works, how to charge etc. As well as a few routines.
the fact the hands are moving, the watch can be face down on a There is a clever idea for a version of ACAAN where a spectator
person’s hand and they can instantly turn it over once you’ve sent names any card and you show your watch adding the time up -
the time. For me the problem with these type of effects in the past the spectator deals to that number and it’s the card they named.
has always been the speed of the hands getting to the chosen
time. Joao has certainly solved this! He even has an effect on the The most obvious routine would be you hand your watch to a
tutorial where you show a time and wave your hands over the person face down (you can PRETEND to pull out the STEM - (NOTE:
watch and it changes. This uses the delay built in to the remote the STEM CAN NOT be pulled out - a feature I would have liked to
which is a bonus feature. have seen) and they call out any time and when they turn it over
the time matches.
THE REMOTE: This is what really takes this to a new level. It is
now a one person routine and doesn’t require a cell phone. The Personally I think this has a much better use than just that simple
remote is designed in a such a way you can have it in your pocket prediction. By combining this with something else you will have
and easily operate it with one finger. In the tutorial Joao operates one heck of a kicker ending for a routine. In my case I use it as
it from outside his pants pocket which is easy to do because the part of my confabulation routine (Dream Prediction Lite and Elite)
buttons are raised and in a certain order making it easy to know where ANY time is called out and not only does it match what is
which button to press for which number. Should you make an written down but also the time on the watch. Once you get the
error it will vibrate letting you know and you can just punch it in watch you will start to realize the impact this can have on other
again. You will know when your time is being sent because the routines. I’m a fan of combining method and effects to make
remote vibrates telling you all is good and the time sent to the something even more impossible, and THE WATCH will definitely
watch. allow you to do this.

Added note here - you could be on stage and have a person hold For the solo worker THE WATCH is something you will definitely
a box with the watch inside. You can send your signal to the watch use if you purchase it. It now allows you to be ‘hands’ free for
but it might not reach the watch, however as soon as they bring this effect, no stooges and peace of mind knowing you own a
the box and watch on stage, and it is within distance the signal will professional and well crafted watch that will deliver 100%
be sent and the remote will vibrate. The ability for the remote to accuracy.
hold the time and send it as soon as the watch is within distance
is a great feature. It puts distance between the time you actually WHERE: Close-up, parlour and stage
punch in the time and the reveal.
WHO: If you can can count to 12 then you can perform this but
The remote is small enough to hide in your palm, although not with the price tag at $450 US I feel it is aimed at somebody who
recommended but you could hide it in a card case and have it will be performing it and possibly somebody who performs magic
coming out of the back, or on a clip-board etc. It another words a lot.
it is small enough to conceal and doesn’t take up much pocket

The watch is also programmed to enable you to use it as a regular

watch. You simply type in a code that is provided on the remote
and it will become a regular watch.

18 VANISH Magazine


THE WATCH - inside story
The following shows how much time and effort goes in to
p r o d u c i n g a m ag i c p r o d u c t s u c h a s " T h e Wat c h . " n o t o n ly d o e s
i t i n vo lv e t i m e a n d m o n e y b u t t h e r e i s a n e n t i r e c r e at i v e a n d
ta l e n t e d t e a m b e h i n d p r o d u c i n g h i g h e n d m ag i c p r o d u c t s s u c h
a s t h i s.

By João Miranda

have always loved the classic watch prediction effect and there have been
several marketed versions before mine.

The very first time I saw this effect was at FISM in Stockholm by Bazar
de Magia. The trick was called Watch and Wear and consisted of a internal
mechanism that would make the hands move around until they stopped at
the chosen time by tilting the watch.

I then found out that the first effect of this type was called “Perfect Time”
invented by Rich Bloch and manufactured by Collectors Workshop.
I loved all these effects, but in my opinion what was missing was a simpler
and more magical method that would allow the performer to input any time
without looking and without thinking. If I could make this I knew I would
have a miracle on my hands.

Since 2016 my team and I made over six prototypes (secretly) and we had
a working unit but the motor was too slow because we used a Ronda 1032,
which I felt was too slow (would take around 75 seconds to reach the desired

Then we travelled to Sweden and had a meeting with a motor company who
was kind enough to listen our requests, and then the first “fast” version of
The Watch was born. The biggest difference was that the motors we use have

20 VANISH Magazine

the ability to make the watch hands move independently, which the effect 1000 times more reliable than any other product of this
allows for a super fast reveal - not possible with other versions. kind, and not only that BUT the remote vibrates when the hands
After we reached our goal came the programming of the watch. move into position!
We used an award winning microprocessor from a company called
NORDIC which was amazing because it allowed us to have the After all this we found something very interesting ... the watch lid
watch ON for over 2 weeks without charging! But the headaches was made from metal. If we used a 100% metal lid what would
started because it really is in fact the most reliable microprocessor occur is the “Faraday cage” effect, which would affect the radio
but at the same time it is the most difficult to program, and we waves, which would make it hit and miss. A Faraday cage operates
had to spend well over 3000 hours of programming, but the end because an external electrical field causes the electric charges
result is a state of the art product. One of the things that took us within the cage's (the watch in this case) conducting material to
a LOT of programming was the fact that the watch KNOWS if the be distributed so that they cancel the field's effect in the cage's
minute or hour hand must go forward or backwards because it interior. This phenomenon is used to protect sensitive electronic
automatically makes the necessary math, saving the magician a equipment from external radio frequency interference (RFI). Fara-
second or two in the final performance. day cages are also used to enclose devices that produce RFI, such
as radio transmitters, to prevent their radio waves from interfer-
Perhaps we went a little to far but we are obsessed with the details ing with other nearby equipment. They are also used to protect
and perfection. people and equipment against actual electric currents such as
lightning strikes and electrostatic discharges, since the enclosing
Another thing we wanted to achieve, and as far as we know had cage conducts current around the outside of the enclosed space
never been done previously in any other electronic magic product, and none passes through the interior. For this reason we would
was to have the remote keep sending the signal until the watch need to lift the metal lid 1 mm, which was enough to make the
is in distance. What usually happens with an electronic product radio waves penetrate thru the watch.
is that the radio waves are transmitted and that's it. Well, this is a
problem because if there is any interference the trick fails right Creating a product from scratch is very hard and I proud of the
away. final product that my team and I created. So far the reviews have
been extremely positive and we are extremely happy that magi-
We were able to achieve this, so when the performer inputs any cians are finding a place in their act for THE WATCH.
time into the remote, every single second it is sending the infor-
mation to the watch UNTIL the watch hands move. This makes


By Gregory Wilson
& David Gripenwaldt

EFFECT: Next, transfer the bag from your right hand to your left. But your
The spectator reaches into a pastry bag with each hand to grab left hand now holds the lower left comer of the bag where the yel-
two sugar substitutes of different colors. You read their "tells" and low packet resides, lightly gripping (pinching) it through the bag.
instantly determine which hand holds which color. Offering to
repeat, instead of guessing yellow and pink, as before, they both Pick up the pink packet with your right hand and drop it noncha-
turn out to be blue! lantly as well into the bag. Tilt the top part of the bag to the right
about ten-degrees and then shake the bag to ostensibly "mix" the
REQUIREMENTS: two packets. But, since you are maintaining your grip of the yellow
You need four packets of sugar substitute-two Equal (BLUE), one packet through the bag, only the pink packet gets shook.
Sweet & Low (PINK), one Splenda (YELLOW) and a light-brown
Starbucks pastry bag; the kind usually used to ''bag" a muffin, Address the spectator and say, "You are going to place your hand
scone, or cookie. You also need a twenty ­dollar bill. inside this bag and grasp one of these packets. I don't want to see
which one, so hold it in your tightly closed fist ..."
Place the two BLUE packets together in your right pants pocket Tilt the bag upright again and ask the spectator to reach in with
and the $20 in your left pants pocket. their right hand and grab one of the packets in his or her clenched
fist. Turn your head away as the initial "grab" is made. Caution the
SET-UP: spectator to make sure that you cannot see the chosen packet.
Place the YELLOW and PINK packets and the bag on the table.
As the spectator reaches in to secure a packet, he or she will either
METHOD: choose the "loose" one or the one your left hand is lightly pinch-
Hold the bag with the opening uppermost by one of its sides with ing at the lower left comer. (Figure 2, transparent view of sugar
your right hand. This allows your free left hand to pick up and inside of the bag)
drop off the packets into the bag.

Pick up the yellow packet with your left hand and drop it into the
lower left comer of the bag. (You want to use the yellow packet
first because when it is pressed against the side of the faintly
opaque bag it will not "bleed" through.) Figure 1

22 VANISH Magazine

If the "pinched" yellow one is initially chosen, you will feel it being Remove your left hand, which has retained the pink and yellow
taken; however, it is important that you are not tightly pinching packets in a relaxed finger-palm. Immediately reach into your
or securing this packet in any way. Therefore, do not overdo the left pants pocket with your left hand, leave the two packets, and
pinching action but secure it just enough so that you can feel it remove the $20 bill.
being taken.
Say, "This time I want you to reach in and grab the packets with each
If the spectator initially takes the pink packet, you will immediately hand, but without looking. This way you cannot subconsciously
know it. If this occurs, you can relax your grip on the yellow packet. convey any subtle information to me. There will be no 'tells' or 'tip-offs'
In fact, you can shake the bag again if you like just before the spec- because even you won't know which packet is in which hand!"
tator secures the second packet with his or her other hand.
Still holding the bag in your right hand slightly higher than chest
level, grip the lower end of the bag with your left hand to again
Once the spectator is holding a packet in their respective fists, steady it and prevent the spectator from pulling the bag down
turn around to face the spectator. At this point you know which and opening it. Not good if the prematurely see the blue packets.
packets are in which hands. Next, have him alternately reach into the bag with each hand,
cautioning him to momentarily keep his eyes closed. Say, "No peek-
Explain a little about body language and physical "tells." Then say, ing ... Remember, this is a blind study. Remember, too, there is twenty
"Think pink, think pink, think pink ... " as you stare at the spectator bucks on the line!"
and alternately tap his or her two closed fists as though trying to
psychically ascertain which hand is holding the pink packet. After he has remove the two blue packets, turn around and place
the empty bag on the table.
Look at the spectator and then correctly point out the location
of the pink packet. After the spectator has opened both hands to Gaze back-and-forth between the spectator's fists and say, "Pink,
disclose the packets, showing that you are correct, casually place yellow ... pink, yellow ... pink ... Hmmmmm ... I'm not getting anything
your right hand into your pants pocket. Secure the two BLUE pack- ... " Again, stare at the spectator as though trying to psychically
ets as you facetiously say, "So, how much do you owe me now?" ascertain which hand is holding the pink or yellow packet.
By the way, these packets remain aligned and can be casually and Repeat: "There is twenty dollars on the line! If I'm wrong, the bill is
easily finger-palmed. yours. If I'm right, you owe me ... a cup of coffee ... which is probably
over twenty dollars."
During this misdirecting moment, grasp the topside of the bag
with your right hand. Your right fingers go on the inside of the Pause, grin, and say, "I think I blew (blue) it. Open your hands. " They
backside; your thumb goes on the outside. The palmed packets open both hands to reveal the two blue packets! "See, I blue it! All
are held in place inside the bag and still concealed by your fingers. things being Equal, that's a great way to get a free cup of coffee."
This frees your left hand, which reaches over and takes the pink
and yellow packets from the spectator. These actions are done as
the spectator is trying to figure out the inference of your state-
ment. ( "So, how much do you owe me now?")

At this point you apparently drop the pink and yellow packets
back into the bag. As your left hand momentarily dips into the
bag, your right hand simultaneously and synchronously dips as
your left fingers loosen their grip on the two blue packets.
(Figure 3)

These two packets will fall and hit the bottom of the bag. If your
timing is right, this audible sound "sells" the fact that you actually
dropped the pink and yellow packets into the bag.


Chiam Yu Sheng

Effect: The magician shuffles the deck and Method: Begin by giving the deck a few
gives it a few cuts. After giving the deck false cuts and shuffles. Your false cuts and
a few cuts, the magician finds an Ace. In shuffles must retain the top four cards of
a blink of an eye, the magician instantly the deck. Be sure not to flash the face-up
produces the other three Aces! Ace while doing the cuts and shuffles.

Background: The reason why this trick is Once you are done, you are going to
called Frank Production because it uses the execute the F.T. Cut: Hold the deck in
F.T. Cut (A.K.A Frank Thompson Cut). The your right hand Biddle grip and execute
F.T. Cut is one of my favourite false cut to a Swing Cut to cut 1/3 of the deck to the Fig. 4
use because it looks really deceptive and left hand (Fig. 2). Next, do another Swing
gives the spectator the impression that Cut and cut another 1/3 of the deck to the
you are genuinely cutting the deck. More left hand while maintaining a pinky break
importantly, you are able to retain the (Fig. 3). After that, place the right-hand
entire order of the deck using the F.T. Cut. pile on the table and lift the cards off the
Hence, this false cut has become one of my break in Biddle grip and place it on top of
all-time favourite and I decided to incor- the tabled pile (Fig. 4). Finally, take the top
porate it into a four of a kind production. card in the left hand in right hand Biddle
Also, huge thanks to my girlfriend, Tricia, grip and place it on top of the tabled pile
for taking the pictures that are published in (Fig. 5).
this magazine.
Fig. 5
Setup: Begin by placing an Ace face up on
top of the deck. Next, place the other three
Aces face down on top of the deck (Fig. 1) Right now, there will be an Ace face down
and your setup is complete. on top of the tabled pile while you have
three aces on top of the pile in your left
hand. Take the top card in your left-hand
pile and turn it face up to reveal it is an Ace.
Place this Ace in front on the tabled pile
Fig. 2 (Fig. 6) and set your left-hand pile beside
that Ace (Fig. 7). You are now in a position
to produce the other three Aces.

Fig. 1

Fig. 3
Fig. 6

24 VANISH Magazine

To produce the other three Aces, it is pretty simple. Your left hand
will contact the top card of the pile that is beside the face-up Ace
while your right hand will contact the top card of the pile that is
below the face-up Ace (Fig. 8). Both hands are going to turn the
top card face up. Your left hand will turn the top card face up and
place it beside the pile below the face-up Ace while your right
hand will turn the top card face up and place it on top of its pile
(Fig. 9). By doing so, you will have a stunning production of the
four Aces (Fig. 10). Fig. 9

Fig. 7
Fig. 10

• F.T. Cut is published in Frank Garcia’s Super Subtle Card
Miracles (1973, Pg. 143).

Fig. 8



by Richard Griffin

Available from your favourite magic dealer

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You magically move the tear tab on the cellophane of an un-
opened deck of cards from the top to the bottom of the pack!
Watch a demo of it here:

Needed: Two decks of cards and a pair of scissors or a sharp knife.

Position the middle strip so the tear tab is approximately where is
Set up: Take a deck of cards and cut the cellophane just below
should be if this was a new, unaltered deck of cards. I always peel
the tear strip on the deck of cards. The black line in figure 1 is
the tab on the tear strip back a little bit, so that I can actually open
where you will cut. Throw away the top portion with the tear tab,
it later in the trick without fumbling.
as we won’t need it anymore. Carefully remove the deck from the
bottom of the cellophane. Flip the deck over and slip it back into
the cellophane, so the top goes in first.

Display the deck of cards.
“People frequently ask me what the hardest thing I do is. It’s not a
magic trick it’s getting the plastic off of a deck of cards.”
retend to try to peel the tear tab off the deck, but you can’t.
“They might as well have put this on the bottom of the deck…”
Slide the middle strip of cellophane down the deck so the bottom
edge of the middle strip lines up with the bottom of the deck.
Figure 4 shows the position of the middle strip.

Pause to display the strip has moved, then peel back the tear tab
Take a second deck of cards and you will cut cellophane from just and rip off the strip, crumple up the part you just tore off and
above the top of the tear tab and about half an inch below the dispose of it. Slide the deck out of the rest of the cellophane and
tear tab. The black line in figure 2 shows where you will cut. You you are ready to go.
will keep this middle portion and can throw away to top on bot-
tom pieces of cellophane. Notes: I originally intended this to be a trick for social media.
There’s a lot of prep work that goes into it for a quick trick, so it’s
not something you’d do in a roving set. It would work great for
the opening of a card set or a later phase in a card set where you
introduce a second deck of cards. Essentially, it’s a quick sight gag
type trick over a deep mystery.

Carefully slide this middle strip onto the first deck that you put
upside down in the cellophane. When you slide it on, the middle
strip should be on the outside of the cellophane that’s on the
pack of cards. The solid lines in figure 3 show where the middle
strip sits on the deck. The dotted line shows the end of the cel-
lophane that the middle strip is on top of.

28 VANISH Magazine

by KEV G

No, there are no grey elephants in Denmark,
you’ll find…

We have served and supplied the Scandinavian magicians since 1987.

We welcome you to experience our fine selection of magic and extraordinary customer service at


Menny Lindenfeld's first and original TRU™ was
hailed by the International Magic community
as the MOST VISUALLY-STUNNING rubber-band
penetration effect created! It still remains a huge
LEARN THIS MATERIAL I FEEL I NOW HAVE SOMETHING I CAN Xtreme, Menny Lindenfeld not only further
CONFIDENTLY PERFORM ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE. UP UNTIL explores, but also elevates rubber-band
penetration effects to NEW VISUAL EXTREMES
In this 3-volume release, you'll learn NEW
EFFORT. The effects in TRU™ Xtreme are BEYOND
AMAZING and way too SURREAL to be described.
What you get is TRU™ ON STEROIDS!
THE BASIC TWO HANDLINGS AND FROM THERE MOVE ON TO No cover - fingers are open and fully exposed.
VARIATIONS SUCH AS PENETRATING A RUBBER BAND THROUGH A Rubber-band visibly penetrates the fingers.
Can also be performed with a SPECTATOR's finger
Let a SPECTATOR himself pull RB through YOUR
HANDLING AND PUT TOGETHER A VERY SOLID PIECE THAT WILL Menny's all-time favourite! Cause a RB slowly
36 VANISH Magazine
pass through the flesh of your finger in SUPER SLOW
Perform with a Sharpie® marker, borrowed eye glasses,
beer bottle & many other objects - limited only by your
personal Creativity.
Spectator can actually hold the Sharpie® or other
Routine variation with borrowed earphones (new
method & routine).
Finger-to-Finger-Jump effect ever created.
Most of the effects are 360° angle-proof and can be
performed fully surrounded.
No gimmicks/100% impromptu.
FREE BONUS EFFECTS included with each volume.
HIGH QUALITY & LONG LASTING rubber-bands included
(Bands produced by Joe Rindfleish).
Video tutorial VOLUME #01 (Download/Full HD
1080p/68 minutes).
Video tutorial VOLUME #02 (Download/Full HD

original TRU™ Xtreme method - this time

using a Sharpie® marker and various other
rubber-band visibly links ON & OFF your Learn the CLEANEST rubber-band-through-
finger. The band penetrates through your Sharpie® effects.
1080p/52 minutes). finger in the most visual and impossible Make a RB visibly link ON & OFF the centre
Video tutorial VOLUME #03 (Download/ way. of a Sharpie®.
Full HD 1080p/65 minutes). Make a RB visibly penetrate through any Cause a RB to penetrate other objects such
Menny Lindenfeld is well-known and spectator's finger. (New method, different as: a thick marker, pencil, straw, fork, spoon,
Internationally respected for his clear from the one taught on the first TRU™.) etc.
and in-depth teaching that encompasses Cause a RB to visibly melt off and unlink Method variation with a thick RB.
not only the smallest details, but also from the spectator's finger. Demonstrate the effect with the neck of a
focuses with precision, on how each Choreograph the various moves into a borrowed beer bottle - while the spectator
aspect of the method works... and even powerful multi-phase routine. holds the neck-end.
more importantly - Why? Each volume A new visual method to perform a Band- Perform TRU™ Xtreme with borrowed sun/
includes excellent tips on moves, angels, Through-Band effect, using two bands of eye-glasses. Make the RB melt through
plus performance demonstrations with a contrasting colors. the temple - while the spectator holds the
real spectator. Volume #01 concludes with a homage temple-tip.
to Menny Lindenfeld's original TRU™. Choreograph the various moves into a
In VOLUME #01 you'll learn the core Perform the CLEANEST and MOST multi-phase routine.
principle behind TRU™ Xtreme, and how VISUALLY-INSANE Finger-to-Finger-Jump Volume #02 concludes with a second,
to use it for an endless number of effects. effect ever created! (New method). ADVANCED TRU™ method using a Sharpie®
While a spectator holds your fingertip, a In VOLUME #02 you'll learn another and other objects - held by a spectator.


volumes of material by Menny. Menny has done a great job in
In VOLUME #03 you'll learn another TRU™ XTREME method teaching his routines and variations, and making sure every step
variation of the principle taught in Vol. #01. is fully understood before you move on to the next. This is one of
With your palm upwards and flat open, wrap a RB around all those tricks where you want o make sure you put aside the time
the fingers. As you pull the band, it visibly melts through - one to master each phase before moving on. Because his tutorial is
finger at a time. so clear and he articulates what you need to do so well, it makes
Let a spectator himself pull the RB through your fingers! learning very easy. I was able to follow and perform everything
A reversed method variation. Cause a RB pass through one he did on the very first go and within minutes after watching
finger at a time - in reverse! each step. I then took the rest of the day, as I was going about my
Make a RB jump through the fingers as you lightly shake your business, to practice the two different moves needed. There are
hand. two basic moves that you will learn, and from there as the tutorials
Cause a RB penetrate two fingers with one pull. move forward you can learn just how much you can do with these
Perform some of the moves and effects using the cord of two moves.
borrowed earphones. (New method).
Menny's all-time favorite! Cause a RB melt through your finger in Menny offers some very sound advice when practicing, and in
SUPER SLOW MOTION. The visual effect of the RB slowly passing particular he suggest filming your hands so you can see exactly
through the flesh of your finger looks LIKE A CAMERA TRICK! what the spectator will see. This is one of those instances where
Volume #03 includes various multi-phase routines. it’s much better to watch your practice on film than watch it in the
mirror as you’ll get the perspective of the audience. In an age of
MY THOUGHTS electronic magic and gadgets I think is is a much welcome routine
Without a doubt Menny has created one of the most impossible that uses sleight of hand, and certainly one of those effects where
looking Rubber Band penetration routines I’ve ever seen. With the more practice you put in the more rewarding it will be. This is
over THREE hours of the most incredible looking band magic pure sleight of hand and something you can carry with you at all
you will ever discover why Menny has firmly established himself times.
as the master of rubber band magic!! When I watched the
performances I was completely fooled and couldn’t wait to get The method for the basic handling is truly remarkable. There is no
start learning his routines. Menny’s original TRU was my only way I would have every thought of this, and can only imagine how
go to rubber band routine, but now with Tru Extreme I can much time Menny spent working out all the details and nuances
add to my close-up band repertoire and do some of the most to make this look so great. What is funny is that even when you
impossible penetrations, links and unlinks imaginable with know the basic ‘concept’, you’ll still not see it. The set-up or get
rubber bands. Trust me folks - you will definitely want to start ready is done on the offbeat as you take the band off your wrist.
working on this and adding it to your act. Menny shows several ways to get in to the routine, however my
favorite is the most natural as you take the band off your wrist.
You receive a bag of rubber bands which are non-latex and the
professional series made by Joe Rindfleisch. These bands are In Volume 1 you will learn how to make the rubber band penetrate
the very best rubber bands on the market and really help make your finger both on and off, and there are several ways to do this.
this routine look as good as it does. There are enough bands You will also learn an amazing penetration on to the spectator’s
supplied to last a very long time. You also get a link to three finger and even make the rubber band melt through THEIR finger.

38 VANISH Magazine

This is perhaps one of my favorite variations. Menny shares a
fantastic way to practice this without a finger that makes it easy to FINAL TOUGHTS
learn this. This uses one of the methods taught early on and once I can tell you that generally rubber band magic turns me off.
you’ve mastered the basic move you’ll find this very easy to do. I’ve seen others perform it and it still looks like a puzzle of some
kind rather than a miracle. What Menny has done is take a hard
look at rubber band magic and take it to an all new level. He
VOLUME #2 has set the bar extremely high with this production. For me to
This volume deals with penetrating a rubber band through a sit down and spend three solid days going over everything and
Sharpie Marker. Once again this looks so incredibly deceiving. mastering what I feel I need to add it to my show proves that
While this doesn’t use the same technique as Volume one it is the material is well worth learning … this from a person who
certainly a lot easier to master if you’ve done volume 1. Having doesn’t like rubber band magic!!! For anybody who already
said that you could easily skip to Volume 2 and be able to perform performs magic with rubber bands, this is something you will
this very quickly. Menny also shares variations on this penetration definitely want to purchase. If you are new to rubber band
from different sides of the Sharpie. You can put the different magic, I would easily say this is all you’ll ever need to know to
phases together and even have a spectator hold the Sharpie. You perform the most incredible magic with just a single rubber
will also learn how to penetrate a band through other objects such band and borrowed objects. Menny makes the impossible
as the neck of a bottle, sunglasses while the spectator is holding possible with THU Extreme.
the item. Finally there is an advanced version of melting a rubber
band through a Sharpie, which will take a little more time to
master but is certainly well worth the effort.

This is the volume you’ll learn the method of the one I personally
love the most. It really looks as though it is using CGI. If you saw
it on TV you’d swear it was trick photography. Take you time and
work towards this volume by studying and mastering the other
two, especially the first. This will teach you variations on the
two hooks ups in the first volume as well as putting everything
together to learn a multi-phase routine.
There is also a great version of melting a band through some
earphones which is well worth adding to your rubber band


Most EXTREME rubber band penetration
effects you'll ever perform.



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42 VANISH Magazine
El Mago
Rubén Vilagrand has the ability to capture any kind of audience with one
of the finest silent magic acts in the world. With his briefcase full of dreams
and his great interpretations he presents a unique and modern approach
combining mime, magic and comedy. Coupled with a consistent atmosphere
of fantasy and amazement.


he magicians of Spain are well from books, but well worth it. After two
known for their ground breaking years of hard work Rubén discovered the
close-up magic, the main Tamariz school of magic in Madrid. For
influences being Ascanio and three years he traveled four hours a day by
Tamariz. One of those students, Rubén train, often sleeping in train stations and
Vilagrand, was able to break out of the working as a bartender on weekends while
close-up mold taking the theory he attending the school.
learned from the Spanish school of magic
(la Esquela de Magia) … and applying
the principles to his stage act. Rubén has Once Rubén finished at the Tamariz School
created one of the most original routines in he was offered a job performing at resorts
magic, a full silent 45 minute show which where he was able to hone his skills. Every
he performers regularly on cruise ships and night there were eight magicians, working
theaters around the world. in teams of four, presenting a one hour
show. Back then his act was 15 minutes, a
parlor style routine. The resort opportunity
Rubén discovered magic at seventeen allowed him to work every day, add and
after seeing some performed by his older make changes while developing his skills.
brother Guillermo's boss Gerardo. Gerado When Rubén began entertaining at these
offered to teach Rubén magic. He gave venues he presented his show in three
him a deck of cards telling him to first learn languages because of the audiences
how to shuffle and handle them before he demographics. From this experience Rubén
would show him any tricks. Rubén had no realized he needed to change gear and
internet in the small town he came from, start doing more routines to music.
however, he was able to acquire books and
study them … as many of us know, its a
difficult process to master card handling

"The classics are still the best, but the key is to

give them your own point of view”.
After his first year at the resort he was offered his own solo His other commercial creation, reviewed in April 2019 - VANISH,
show, appearing two nights every day with no days off is HOOKED. Based on the classic razor blade effect, It was the
which continued for six years! Rubén said the payment and razor blades that did not fit his style, Rubén crafted a story about
working conditions weren’t great, however, it afforded him fishing, getting caught and gulping down fish hooks. After a
the opportunity to work each day. There is no better way to tremendous amount of work and study he created a routine which
improve your act than performing live. Having been given this has now become his signature piece, one of the most original
daily opportunity Rubén began defining his character and takes on a classic magic trick. The final result uses a very unique
introducing original material to his act. He mentioned that one of method, each aspect of the piece, from the hooks to the thread,
the things the school taught him was to be creative and not copy has been hand crafted by top artisans in Spain.
another person. Therefore from the beginning he added his own
touches to his routines until they become totally unique, fitting
his style. One of the things I love about Rubén ’s two released effects is the
quality of production. We spoke about the work that went in to
each one, and he told me these are not mass produced. Each piece
Rubén says, “The classics are still the best, but the key is to is made locally in Spain by craftsmen who specialize in certain
give them your own point of view”. A great example of Rubén skills. The hooks, for example, are made just for him, and the rope
’s creative thinking can be seen in his routine “Unplugged,” was created by an artisan who specializes in weaving rope. This
reviewed in VANISH March 2019. He was playing around with attention to detail is what makes his products stand out amongst
Pavel’s “Walking Knot,” but couldn’t make it work for him. After most of the magic being produced today.
much thought, he struck upon the idea of using a power cable
instead of the ‘rope,’ and rather than having a knot move, he
made the actual plug move to different points along the cable. When discussing “character” Rubén explains his stage persona
This was attached to his radio on stage, and each time he would is simply an extension of himself. When out with his friends he
unplug it the music would stop, and when plugged back in it describes himself as a clown and a person who likes to have fun,
would start again. something he takes on stage. He hired a Spanish Mime, who
studied with Marcel Marceau, and runs the Marcel Marceau school

Ruben's workshop where he creates his original routines

of mime in Spain, to come to his house and go
through his act with him. One of the mistakes most
people do when starting out working to music is to
rush their performance. Rubén said a rope routine
he was doing would be finished in about 20 seconds,
but after working a week with his mime teacher the
routine was almost six minutes adding many more
entertaining moments. During that time he learned
some very valuable lessons, including how to pause
during routines, and how to communicate to his
audience without words.

When watching Rubén you get a feeling of magical

wonder and pure enjoyment as you are enchanted
by his theatrical story telling. Another important
part of his show is the music. When you watch him
perform you realize every move is there for a reason,
every nuance fits perfectly to the music. His entire
show uses pieces written for his act by composer
Roman Gottwald from Germany who has been
working with him for eight years. Rubén realizes that
the unfamiliar nature of original music sometimes
makes it harder for the audience to immediately
connect with him, yet, its the combination of the
music, his personality, charm and magic which
brings audiences to their feet.

The word I would use to describe Rubén is “artist”.

From his hand made props to his custom music,
everything about him reveals a person who cares
deeply about the art of magic and bringing the
audience the very best show possible.
Rubén resides in Alicante Spain with his
wife and child. He is currently performing on
cruise ships, and traveling to North America
with performances at The Magic Castle
and other select venues. When he’s not
performing Rubén teaches at the Tamariz

The art of magic is certainly alive and well

with artists such as Rubén Vligrand.
Now available at your favorite MM dealer:

Money Maker - SMagic Productions Flat Pack - Jason Knowles

Bills magically appear or change - Make the pulling out and putting away a
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Progressively vanish ANY deck of cards Julio Montoro and Finix Chan
leaving you with the spectator's selection! Manipulate printed photos in real life!

Visit for more.

Cash, Goo Goo Clusters,
& The House Of Cards. Photos supplied by House of Cards
and Nick Lewin's personal photos


t is the 2019 Winter Carnival of Magic in Pigeon Forge. I
was taking a short cut through the hotel parking lot to do
my pre-show soundcheck at the theatre. I heard a cheery
"Hi Nick" from a parking car, the gentleman parking the
vehicle was Joey Martinez, who I remembered fondly from
his days as Front Man De-Luxe at the Magic Castle. We caught
up the next morning over breakfast, and Joey updated me,
telling me that he was now the Director of Operations and
Entertainment for the new House Of Cards magic restaurant in
Nashville. The House Of Cards opened in April 2018, and about
six months later Martinez joined the team. I mentioned to Joey
that I would love to visit the club, we exchanged emails, and
last week, I found myself performing at the club. Not all book-
ings go so smoothly and quickly, but this one did! I thought
it would be fun to write my story this month about how the
Nashville gig went from a road warrior's viewpoint.

I have to mention this was an engagement that I really wanted

to do. Not only had I heard many good things about the House
Of Cards, but I only ever need a tiny excuse to visit Nashville.
Nashville is unquestionably still the beating heart of old-time
country music. I have been a proud fan of classic country mu-
sic since the mid-1960s, and I particularly enjoy the big, bold
emotions contained in the genre's deceptively stripped-down
lyrics. Johnny Cash and Merle Haggard both wrote numerous
brilliant songs that contain an almost haiku-like precision and
delicacy in the way they convey the "country" mythos. Aside
from its great music scene, Nashville boasts fantastic food and
has now added a highly successful magic venue to its many
other highlights. I booked my Southwest ticket and took that
plane to Tennessee.

52 VANISH Magazine

HIigh praise and delight for the way things went at THE


Photo by House of Cards

My flight into Nashville arrived at 9:20 AM on the morning of the
13th of May, and Joey Martinez was there to meet me at the airport.
We drove into Downtown Nashville and dropped off my cases at
the 20th-floor penthouse condo that houses the week's "celebrity"
act. The House Of Cards is about a three-minute walk from the
condominium and housed in the basement of the Johnny Cash and
Patsy Cline Museums. Both these establishments are tourist (and
personal) favorites and are owned by Bill Miller, who is the creator
and mastermind behind the House Of Cards. It was Mr. Miller who
had the vision to transform a basement space into a 9500 square
foot five-star restaurant and magic venue. Miller has an impressive
collection of magic memorabilia and the decor inside the restaurant
is part museum, part nightclub, and totally elegant. The most obvi-
ous inspiration behind the project is the Magic Castle in Hollywood;
however, the HOC has streamlined the private magic club format
into an incredibly successful up-scale magic bar/restaurant business.
Before I continue with the details of my specific week at the House
of Cards, let me take the time to discuss the physical venue that I
discovered when I made that first early morning tour.

The House of Cards is not a private club, and there is no need for it
to be one. Anyone who finds the club, and is wearing a dressy outfit
that conforms to the dress code, can stop in and have a drink at
the impressive handcrafted antique central bar. The management
doesn't make finding the club too easy though, there are almost
NO signs or notices that the HOC even exists. This hint of secrecy is
just one of the very nice touches that make the club seem especially
unique to guests when they have "found" it. Casual guests can order Nick Lewin at the famous GooGoo Candy Shop in Nashvielle.
some excellent house specialty drinks or enjoy tasty appetizers
at the bar. They can also see some fine magic. There are three nicely
appointed close-up magic zones, and on any given night three or four
talented magicians are performing sleight of hand for the viewing
pleasure of the clientele. Other guests are enjoying a first-class dining
experience seated comfortably in tables skillfully scattered around
the property. The entire set up is very sophisticated and feels in many
ways more like a 1930s speakeasy club than a contemporary restau-
rant. In writing this story, I will frequently describe the restaurant as
a club (which strictly speaking it isn't) because that is very much the
prevalent vibe.
Photo by Nick Lewin

The entire club looks GREAT with original posters, antiques and props
and other magic memorabilia tastefully displayed throughout the
establishment. There is also a very fascinating framed collection of
antique playing cards from around the world. My favorite was a card
dating back to Germany in 1490. The overall inner decor is Magic
Castle red/gold Victorian but in a rather understated and elegant way.
The visitors who are formally dining in the House of Cards get a time
coded ticket to the show in the Carter The Great Theatre. The Carter
Theatre is a nicely equipped parlor magic venue that seats up to 75
but manages to still be a perfect stage for significantly smaller crowds.
It has comfortable seating, great sight lines, and a good sound system.

The venue has been very skillfully engineered to pack as much into
that prime real estate basement as it will hold, including a humidor,
and an outdoor patio with a twenty-foot waterfall. There is no point
in buying a nice cigar and having nowhere to smoke it! However, a
basement is still a basement, and there are one or two constrictions
involved in the reconstruction of the space, but make no mistake the
design is first rate. In many ways, the House of Cards reminded me of a
beautiful and expensive transformation of the iconic Magic Cellar that
existed in San Francisco back during the '70s. I was always a big fan of
the Cellar and performed there frequently. The Magic Cellar occupied
the basement under Earthquake McGoons Jazz Club. The Cellar came
into being after a strange coincidence left the Clute family in posses-
sion of the entire Carter poster and magical archives. Many of these
Photo by Nick Lewin
"discovered" posters are now incorporated into the House of Cards
design. Carter the Great's magnificent center stage table is part of the
available equipment in the Carter Theatre, and I instantly recognized
it from its earlier outing in the Magic Cellar. Surprisingly, and rather
charmingly, the table has been retained as a working prop and not
an exhibit. I thoroughly enjoyed performing during the week with my
twenty dollars worth of magic props resting on a 12,000 dollar table.

PHOTOS: TOP RIGHT - The Johnny Cash Musuem, Nick Lewin with Carter The
Greats table, The Tunnel, The House of Cards hall-way and 'close-up' performance.

Photo by Nick Lewin

Photo by House of Cards Photo by House of Cards

Photo by House of Cards

By the time Joey had finished my tour of the House Of Cards, and I had returned to the condominium, I was ready for a
rest and a chance to plan what I was going to be performing that week in the club. As my long-term readers may recall,
I have been a proponent for many years of the smaller scale magic venues that have been mushrooming up across
America recently. The tastes of magical consumers have been cultivated and motivated in recent years by shows like
America's Got Talent, and Penn & Teller: Fool Us, that feature stunning parlor magic rather than big or exotic illusions.
The very best way to experience magic is being in smaller groups that allow more intimacy in the staging and presen-
tation. I was pleased to be part of this process, and since the vast majority of my bookings have been in large theaters
and showrooms, I wanted to get my show precisely right.

56 VANISH Magazine

Sitting in the condo looking out on Nashville, I had to
make a few choices about the 30- minute shows that I
would be performing that week at the House Of Cards.
Like many other magic pros, I tend (or at least try) to
gloss over the "no fire" clause in any given contract and
hope that my cigarette lighter and a square of flash
paper might slip in unnoticed. With the historic Johnny
Cash museum above me, and priceless magic artifacts
around me, I realized this wasn't going to be one of
those weeks, and I would need to surgically remove
the burned bill routine that has anchored my act for
40 years. A minimal backstage area was another factor
I needed to consider in the construction of my show,
and with a possible four shows per night, I needed a
show with a very fast reset.

Since I officially retired from high-pressure road work

eighteen months ago, I have been enjoying perform-
ing in the magic and lecture circuit. I haven't per-
formed at convention and magic venues like the Magic
Castle for about thirty years, and it is fun. One of my
favorite quotes about magic is from Lance Burton, who
says, "The best magician is the one who does the most
shows." I couldn't agree more, and with this insight
in the back of my mind, I decided to make sure I took
full advantage of my upcoming shows. This was the
course of action I planned; I decided to add one brand
new routine to see how polished it could become in
the course of seven nights of multiple shows. I also
decided to experiment with linking three of my old
magic routines into a brand new sequence, and for
good measure, I added a couple of new comedy seg-
ments. Quite modest goals that I felt it would be fun to

At 6:00 PM, I popped my props into my computer bag

and headed down to the House Of Cards to set up my
microphone and organize my sound cues with the
room tech. After accomplishing this, I took the time
to check out some of the other club features. These
include a ghost pianist Thurston who plays musical
requests and a nicely appointed seance room. Both of
these features were excellent adaptations of favorites
back at the Magic Castle in Hollywood. In Nashville,
one rather nifty use of the seance room (or "haunted
magic show") is a feature entitled Dinner With The
Mentalist. This event proves to be a sophisticated
blend of great food, shared with personable mentalist
Chis Rayman, who tells some great stories and quietly
proceeds to blow people's mind with some strong
mind reading effects. This low key event certainly got
some powerful audience reaction during the week.
The best magician is the one After watching them, I discovered that all three of
the close-up performers that night were excellent,
who does the most shows." and they did a great job entertaining and mystifying
the crowd. The close-up magicians all entertain for
40- minutes and then take a 20-minute break. The per-
LANCE BURTON formers that night seemed to have a wealth of strong
material, coupled with smooth performance skills, and
their attention to detail in not duplicating effects, or
routines, was admirable. It was fun getting to know
Kevin King, Gary Flegal, Amory Hemetz, Richard Green,
and all the rest of the team as my booking progressed.
They are a class act and a large part of the success of
the club.


The guest management and dining were efficient and friendly. It preparation included making up four Gypsy Yarn setups; four wax
is not an easy job combining a formal show schedule and guests sealed card in envelope gimmicks, and four Alex Elmsley Torn &
who are enjoying the food, drink, and ambiance. Everything Restored Newspaper gimmicks. I am very much a believer in the
seemed to run like clockwork throughout the week as far as I great Roy Johnson's theory that time spent preparing props the
could tell, and I was impressed with the way Martinez quietly morning before a show is quite different from the last minute
coordinated and controlled any variables. panic of preparing props immediately prior to show time. One is a
gentle meditative process and the other an invitation to disaster.
That night I left the club with a brown bag filled with two card- For me, a real pro should waltz in just ahead of his performance,
board boxes containing a pork chop and some garlic mashed and make everything look fast and easy.
After I had set my props, I rewarded myself with a visit to the origi-
TUESDAY 11:00 AM. nal Goo Goo Shop. The Goo Goo Cluster Bar is one of Nashville's
At 11 o'clock I woke up and nuked my pork chop in the mi- great gifts to humankind, at least to those of us with a sweet
crowave. Even the reheated chop was mouthwatering, as was tooth! These candy bars were first manufactured over 120 years
everything I ate from the restaurant. The entrees were not only ago and lay claim to being the very first multiple ingredient type
delicious but huge, and that pork chop lasted me nearly two of cluster bar to be sold commercially. There is a large padlocked
days! None of the food or drink items are inexpensive at the door in the Goo Goo Shop leading, so it says, to the original secret
House Of Cards, but everything I consumed was definitely worth recipe. I didn't make it through the door, but I am pretty sure that
the price. After I finished my meal, I sat down and went over my marshmallow, caramel, pecans, and chocolate are all very active
notes I had made about my three shows the previous night. I ingredients. What makes a Goo Goo Cluster such a fantastic treat
changed my opening trick, cut out a couple of gags, and added taste is the incredibly high quality of the individual ingredients.
a joke about the new wave of "for hire" scooters that were infest- If you visit Nashville, make sure you enjoy one of these classic
ing Downtown Nashville. The scooter joke killed that night. I bars. While at the store I also picked up a black tee shirt that has
also worked out a few variations on what I would add to my set the Goo Goo logo on the back, and on the front it says, "What A
as the week progressed. It is essential to give your sound tech Cluster…" perfect to wear to the average tech rehearsal at a magic
a surprise or two, and a little change or two helps to keep the convention.
performer from getting stale.
After taking care of my "show stuff," I left the condo and walked That night we just did two shows, and both were a lot of fun. The
to the always amazing Country Music Hall Of Fame. The Hall House Of Card's audiences are a great crowd, and many people
of Fame is incredible and right next to it is the iconic Hatch choose the location to celebrate birthdays, bachelorette events,
Show Print Tour where history has been created and printed wedding parties, etc. and as noted this makes for friendly and
since 1879. After leaving the Hatch Print Shop, I had a beer and responsive audiences. Just last week the House of Cards was
listened to some great music at Mr. Nudie's Honky Tonk. I have included in a prestigious listing of the 100 Best Restaurants in
always been a fan of Mr. Nudie's legendary country costumes. America for a Big Night Out.
One of the items on the wall is the iconic gold suit he made for
the Young Elvis. Suspended on another wall is the iconic Cadillac At the end of the evening, I took a filet mignon steak home with
that I remember Mr. Nudie driving up and down Lankershim me, and it was delicious.
Boulevard in L.A. back in the 70s. Mr. Nudie's Honky Tonk is also
owned and operated by the Icon Entertainment Group which
contains the House Of Cards in its fold.
After the days worth of sightseeing, that night I performed three
more shows at the House of Cards. I made a mental adjustment
after show one and re-added one of the jokes I had mentally
eliminated that morning. The audiences that night were very By Thursday night, the week was flying along, and I was having a
nice indeed, responsive and friendly. I think a dress code and ton of fun with my shows. I did miss having a dedicated dress-
a total ban on phone photography have really traveled well to ing room to relax in between shows; however, the upside to this
Nashville. One nice touch that guests enjoyed was a professional was that I spent more time out in the club mixing with custom-
photographer who makes sure every visitor has a free photo- ers, and this was great for the club. The guests seemed to love
graph as a memento of their time visiting the House Of Cards. I chatting one-on-one after the show and getting to meet the per-
did not see one "illegal" photograph or dress code "misdemean- former. It gave a very intimate contact that reminded me a great
or" during the week. There were many groups of women in the deal of the Magic Castle in its earlier and less commercial days.
audience, some business groups, bachelorette parties, birthday
parties, etc. it is clearly a nightclub environment that ladies The House Of Cards is a very nicely planned and executed
enjoy and feel comfortable visiting. Yay, to that! magical restaurant and bar. To the lay audiences who are mak-
ing it such a success, no-one misses the magic club that lies at
WEDNESDAY 11:00 AM. the center of the Castle. I have made it a point to see, and be
The next morning after my customary Starbucks latte, I listened involved in, as many magic venues as possible in the last 50 years
to the audio recording I had made of my third show the night including; Islands, Cellars, Lounges, Empires, Castles, Cabarets
before. I adjusted a couple of comedy bits and took a look at the and Townhouses; and I can honestly say that the House Of Cards
overall pacing. I liked the new comedy lines and managed to is the most enjoyable and successful. The management and
cut a few words out of each of them to tighten them up a little. staff take care of business and have an excellent eye for detail. I
While I was doing all of this, I was busy making up my props suspect the team could open similar clubs in a great many cities
for the evening shows. Although the act I selected was almost with the same spectacular results, and I certainly hope that this
instantaneous in its reset, there was quite a bit of pre-show is the case.
preparation needed for each of those four possible shows. This

58 VANISH Magazine

Photo by House of Cards


I have been expecting someone to master Did I get rich performing for the week at I see a long and healthy future for lay audi-
the development of smaller and exclusive the House Of Cards? No! The "House" pays ences watching intimate magic in intimate
magic venues across America for some about the same as the "Castle," (which is settings. The format works on many levels.
time. It is interesting to see the dress code considerably more than many), however, in
and no photography rule from the Castle this day and age it is lovely to have a high- The last thing I did on Sunday night, after
being such a positive element in a city as quality venue to experiment with, and fine- packing my suitcase, was to enjoy the slice
relaxed as Nashville. The House Of Cards tune a new show. The chance to improve of cheesecake I had brought back from the
has hit a home run with the way they have your act is mostly a matter of getting a club. It was delicious, not quite as good as
integrated an elegant formality into what solid run of shows, and good audiences to Hollywood’s Musso & Franks (what is?), but
is essentially a very comfortable premise. accompany them. If a performer isn't mov- definitely within hailing distance!
On a personal level as a performer, I was ing forward, then he is standing still, and
treated with a great deal of respect and standing still is going backward. MONDAY MORNING.
courtesy, which I appreciated. I departed Nashville reasonably early on
The proliferation of small magic venues Monday morning with nothing but high
THURSDAY THROUGH SUNDAY. that is sweeping the country is stimulat- praise and delight for the way things went
During the next four nights, I completed ing, and could well usher in a whole new at the House Of Cards. The team really get
a solid run of 22 half hour shows. All the "golden era" of magic. things right on the essential details, and
shows were fun and successful but more Close-up and parlor magic, with a dash of nothing is more important than details. I
important to me was the fact I met my per- mentalism, contain an endless source of want to thank Mr. Miller and all his staff,
sonal goals. I ended up with a brand new material to entertain contemporary audi- especially Joey Martinez, for their profes-
killer effect in my repertoire. I overhauled ences, and the days when a magic show sionalism and friendly enthusiasm. I think
and updated some comedy, and created a felt incomplete without an illusion or two you all do an excellent job, and I give the
very cool new parlor show. My joke about are well in the rearview mirror. While there entire enterprise an enthusiastic five-star
the scooters was getting a big laugh and will always be the place for a good old rating. My only regret, damn it, I should
round of applause by Sunday night. Yay. fashioned illusion in certain circumstances, have bought more Goo Goo Cluster Bars to
take back home to Texas!

PHotos supplie by House of Cards

60 VANISH Magazine


by KEV G


"The Perfect Start to Any Cube Routine”

Imagine being able to take a smashed up cube

andVrestore it inGseconds.
INTRODUCE A RUBICS CUBE PRIOR TO ANY CUBE ACT. THIS REALLY It's a normal cube they can mix and examine all
This is eye popping magic at its best.

YOU LIFT A PAPER BAG SHOWING A GLASS WITH INDIVIDUAL It's impossible magic - the bag is clearly empty
Recubed is very easy to do.
Kev teaches you how to make your gimmick in
All the critical Recubed parts and materials are
DOWNLOAD TUTORIAL AND TWO CUBES, PAPER BAGS, GLASS AND included including spare bags, 2 cubes and the

AS A BONUS YOU ALSO RECEIVE THE TUTORIAL FOR PIXILATED, If all this is not awesome enough, the cubes used
in Recubed match those used in the best-selling
WHICH I'VE BEEN PERFORMING FOR SOME TIME AND IT IS MY ALL cube effect of 2018 - Isolated by Kieron Johnson
TIME FAVORITE RUBIC'S CUBE MAGIC ROUTINE. BY COMGINING as well as the cube work of Takamitsu Usui.

62 VANISH Magazine

Yes there is more!

Pixelated is impossible - mind blowing - the best cube

prediction ever.

Kev teaches you how to have a photo of a cube that has

been freely mixed inside an envelope inside your wallet.

Yes you read that right an actual photograph of the

cube they just freely mixed and you did not switch the

You get Recubed and Pixelated for one amazing low

price that each could easily sell for on their own.

Take your cube magic to the next level today.

(Note Kieron performs the Akira solve in the trailer this

is not taught on the tutorial.)

wallet which is shows a cube mised and

it mateches the one just put down by the
spectator. It is truly a powerful routine. You
The method is clever and I think will lead will, as I siad, need to purchase a few extra
to other concepts and ideas with other pieces for this but it is well worth it.
MY THOUGHTS items. I've never seen this before and it
Rubics cube magic is extremely popular really stirred the creative side of me to For value for money you can't go past this
but nobody, up until now, has come up apply this to other ideas. package. For all my parlor shows I now
with a novel way to introduce the cube. comgine Recubed with Pixelated and that
Kev G has created the perfect opener to Kev G and Saturn Magic supply you with is all I need.
a cube act. everything you need to perform this. The
bag can be used as many times as it will For anybody who performs any type of
What I like about this is the story line you hold up but these are just paper bags so cube magic and wants to add something
can create when talking about trying easy to purchase should you need more. different and novel then I highly
to solve the cube as a young child, and recommend Recubed.
how frustrated it made you, etc. There The BONUS is actually sold separately
is a good storyline here just waiting to and incredibly powerful . It has been a PRICE: £39.99
happen, and I think you can tie a really staple of my close-up for some time and AVAILABLE:
nice positive message in to it. Then quite possibly my favotire cube routine
when you tip the bag upside down and for walk-around. You will need to get a
the solved cube drops out it really makes special cube for this but Kev goes in to
an impact. detail on this. The effect is a cube is mixed
and you then take out a photo from your




64 VANISH Magazine

Let’s continue:
I truly believe that good work will hold
sway. So in my opinion it basically all
comes down to having a good and solid
act. You can have the best marketing
strategies in the world… managing
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter,
Email campaigns and what else all at once.
That may get you a lot of gigs in the first
place. But if you can’t deliver - meaning
presenting a GREAT act - you won’t get
rebooked. And bad word gets around
pretty fast.

Before concentrating on any marketing
strategies, you should have something everything out of a lay persons perspective full-time magician. I’m a full-time student.
on hand to market in the first place! (if possible). So the initial question is If something doesn’t feel right, I just won’t
You yourself are the best judge when it actually: do it! As soon as the act is ready to be seen,
comes to your magic. While putting a act Would I enjoy watching my own act if I focus on marketing it - not the other way
together, always ask yourself the following were not into magic? around!
question: One final word on social media: Just
If you wouldn’t 100% enjoy watching your
own act, it can’t be as good as it should be because many other magicians share the
Would I enjoy watching my own act? for your audiences! same things and comment in the same way
on the various platforms out there, it doesn’t
These days the magic-scene is dominated
mean that it’s the ultimate way to go. Again,
by the business side of it. A lot of Me performing the best mentalism routine imagine yourself as a lay person stumbling
magicians aremarket-orientated. What in the world… won’t be as good as it could across the Instagram profile of magician X:
works? What sells? How to optimize? be in someone else’s hand. My focus is Do you like the content? Do you like the way
“I do mentalism - it pays better!” comedy and improvisation. That’s also this person presents himself? Do you like his
Right… but do you also enjoy watching it? what I have an interest in outside of magic. comments?
I read about the workings of comedy,
Personally, I hate watching a mentalism There is a lot of self-praise and bragging on
I tudy the books by Keith Johnstone on
show… if it’s not performed by John social media to be found. And for me these
improvisation and I watch every single
Archer. Mostly I feel it takes too long… too are the most unlikable qualities a magician
comedy special on Netflix. I have a general
much talking to explain the procedures… can have. Let’s phrase it a bit differently: For
interest and expertise in this metier
too complicated… too serious… me these are the most unlikable qualities
outside of magic.
It’s just too dry for my taste of ANYONE can have!
This does not only apply to your style
entertainment. If the performer further Don’t praise how awesome your last show
of performing and the magic genre you
decides to declare his “abilities” as real or was… You are not the one to judge that
are in but also to the tricks you chose to
drivels something about body language, publicly! If you ask Donald Trump he will tell
perform. There are tricks out there on the
I’m completely out of the game! Ergo you that he is an awesome president, too.
marked, luridly announced in the product
- I won’t do a serious mentalism show! description as “guaranteed applause Please don’t post selfies with you and a
I stick with what I like and still enjoy to getters”. That may be true… but again - if cheering audience in the background. Not
watch: a lightweight interactive comedy you don’t believe that this trick is the most because of the picture or video or loop
show. fooling/mystifying/shocking/amusing trick but because of the weird moment during
Sometimes we get lost in our magic. you can possibly do at that certain point in the show. I have experienced it as an
We know too much about it and we get your act, it’s not as good as it should be! audience member myself during live shows
easily too involved in it to still keep an several times now. It always makes me feel
overall view. From time to time we should uncomfortable! Why would a performer take
That’s the luxury of not being dependent out his phone on stage to do something the
step out of the magic-zone and reflect on the business side of magic. I’m not a


audience does not benefit from at all!?
Isn’t it a LIVE show? Why does the performer have to capture the
audiences reaction? Isn’t it his job to please the audience the best he
can anyway? Is it rare for this performer that he gets good reactions so
he has to capture them to show his mum?
You see, I just don’t like it. A post like this has absolutely no actual
content. And isn’t that exactly what social media is about - content?
It’s like a porn actor posting a picture of his giant balls to be casted
for a new movie. It may be nice for him to have testicles that big
but a potential porn agent is none the wiser about the rest of his
“performing” qualities.
To be continued…
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Download & DVDs available at these fine retailers:

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8 Rules of Zen
Kris Kon
Zen is a Chinese word for the School of I will give you the eight points and how
s performers we use years, even
Mahayana Buddhism. A section of Bud- they compare to my philosophy when I cre-
decades, to find ourself. A phi-
dhism that originated in China during the ate something—even if it is a full routine, a
losophy and way we feel are us.
Tang dynasty. single trick, show or myself as a magician.
Our character and real person.
Zen Buddhism has meditation as one of
We do research through several the most knowing part of itself. Where the
nature of mind is important. Instagram: @kriskonmagic
aspects of inspirations. From all kind of
Facebook: @kriskonmagic
resources and emotions.
In my research for inspiration in my per- Website:
I know how it feels. I have been there sonal life I use Pinterest a lot. Pinterest is a
picture platform online, where you can find // Source: E-booklet “My perspective” – Kris
myself. In fact, I think I will always be
a lot of information using images. It has Kon.
in that finding your own voice bubble.
Cause we all develope, doesn`t we? over 250 million users monthly worldwide.
We will always get new experiences.
Through those we learn, develop and Once, when I was looking at Pinterest, I saw
change. a picture with the title
"10 rules of Zen".
For a long time, while I am writing this
section, I am in a mood After studying this ten-point list for a while,
for studying the case of minimalism, I realized one thing:
and how to live more simply. Eight out of ten points could easily be
I like to study the case of Zen and how adapted to my philosophy, both as a magi-
that affects us. cian and in my personal life.

Too many times it looks like we as magicians have to rush through our magical moments. We go from
tricks to tricks, routines to routines. But why do we hesitate to use our time? Why are many of us in
such a hurry?

Our audience needs time to reflect on what they have seen. For many of them they have never seen
magic live…maybe not at all. They need time to think, react and feel what they just experienced. Give
them that time.

We live in a time where everything is in a rush. Jobs are digitalized, families are in a time warp. We hurry
to do everything we want to before it is too late. Why do we have to hurry our magic? Everything else

in life is too fast anyway. Let us stop for a moment and slow down.
As I used to say to my friends: "Do not stress, you will die sooner or later anyway."

A mistake I have made many times earlier in my career is to be too impatient.
If I had an idea, or learned something new, I rushed to show it. I wanted everyone to see it so badly.
Now, I look at it a little differently. Now I make sure that I have a full routine or have practiced it
enough so I can do it blindfolded. Yes, it will never be perfect, since we always develop. But try to
make it complete enough before you put something in your repertoire, from where the magical
moments happen, to what your script is.

68 VANISH Magazine

I bet you have heard this before: Less is more.
It is true. We do not have to tell our audience that "this is a deck of cards". We do not have to tell them that
we put that card back in the middle.
They can see it by themselves.
Do less. Declutter. Think like a minimalist. Think like Zen.
Your magic deserves it.

This point can compare with point 1. By slowing down, you have more time to use what we call "art-breaks". I talk
in these notes about "silence".
That is a perfect way to put space between.

Do so using your second craft. Or a gag. Do not let anything handle about magic or your tricks. Talk with your
audience. Ask them questions. Be a human.
Put your humanity space between your stuff.

I think this sentence speaks for itself.
If you are at a walk-around gig, you do not do the famous comedy bra trick. (You should never do it anyway,
but that is a different discussion.)
Do the material that gives a natural flow to your performance. If you do a coin trick, do not do a card trick, and
then go back to coins—as long as the last coin trick isn’t a "red link" through your performance.

You are a human, aren’t you? At least, you deliver a service.
As a service person, you should be polite and professional.
At the end, you are a human as well.

Being a magician is not about you. It is about your audience, your client.
They do not care about your skills. They care about you as a human.
Leave the magic ego at home (if you have one).


Try to declutter every unnecessary point in your routines.
Ask yourself: Does this action, sentence, handling, prop really have to be in this routine? If yes, ask
yourself why.

Think like a minimalist. Think like you are in a Zen mood.
Do it simply. Let it be practical. Be simple in the way you carry stuff.
Living simply is more than what you own at your home.

As a magician I have collected a lot of tricks, books, DVDs, accessories.

But when I started to study the life of minimalists and Zen-thinking, I did declutter a lot of my stuff as
well. And I still do it.
Now I begin to only have what I need to perform my regular stuff and some items which let me de-
velop new stuff and be creative.
What I do have most now is actually books as references and inspiration.

70 VANISH Magazine


David J. Attwood W
hen we start learning something, without
conscious motivation we emulate our teacher.
We imprint on the first thing we see and take
that as gospel. Dr. Tarbel even touches on this very
attribute monumental volume of work. Once we learn
something we are infected by it and it becomes our
On my 16th birthday, my mom drove me down to
the Motor Vehicle Department and I applied for my
learner’s licence. For the next 30 days, which was the
minimum you had to wait before you went for your
road test to get your full class 6 license, I imagined what
it would feel like to be behind the wheel of a car.
My parents didn’t have the time to take me driving.
They were too embroiled in their fast paced careers. My
step dad worked in the pharmaceutical industry as a
distributor while my mom had the position working for
the government as welfare recipient. It was totally un-
derstandable to 16 year old Dave why he had to stare
at the rusted out Toyota Carolla station down with me and gave me real techni- now it becomes juggling of the cards. My
wagon leaking oil in the driveway instead cal advice on magic was a diehard thought is the spectators would distance
of practicing keeping his hands at 10 and 2. student of the Vernon method. He told themselves from the impossibility of the
I never got the chance to drive the car and me that flourishes told your audience magic. They begin to think that, because
practice but I had watched my step dad that you were clever with cards and that of your dexterity with cards it is possible,
drive and I figured I had it down. One hand the impossible effects were achieved however challenging, the possibility that
holding your drink and the other holding by mortal and explainable means. In you did a “clever move” is there in the
your cigarette and the steering wheel was their minds they will believe that given minds of the audience. The impossible
operated comfortably with your knee. enough time, they would be able to shifts to plausible.
Speed limits were suggestions. Yellow was reverse engineer your moves and discon- When the card is tossed from hand to
just another version of green. Red meant nect with you. The magical moment will hand and boomeranged back to the
slow down to look for police. He taught me be there but it will be diminished. They deck, it changing to the signed card
how long the car really could go without will sit back and be as entertained just seems to be less magic and more ‘clever’.
gas and that oil changes were for wimps. as they would be watching a juggler. It is As it is simply placed face down in the
Changing brake pads? still magic. It is still entertaining. spectators hand and, without intercep-
When the day came, I knew that I had what I spent years learning techniques but tion from the magician, it changes to the
it took to pass my test. My mom did let me never mastering springing the cards. I selected card, it leaves no other explana-
drive the car down to the exam, which was taught myself how to do a ribbon spread tion than magic. The greatest demon-
the only road time I got before the test. on a marble table top, and a coin roll stration of this philosophy is Dia Vernon’s
The instructor hoped into my parent’s car while I’m waiting for the CEO to finish his Triumph in his Revelations Video series.
and we began the exam. I ran two stops annual speech to the troops but that’s During his routine he does as much as he
signs and exceeded the speed limit. When about as flourishy as I ever got. can to leave the deck alone and tells the
we pulled back into the parking lot of the Flash forward twenty five years and flour- audience that all he has to do is cast his
Motor Vehicle Department, with a heavy ishes have turned into an entirely new shadow over the cards to do the impos-
sigh, the examiner shook his head and said, branch of magic called cardistry, a ballet sible.
“I don’t want to do this but I am forced to of the hands, and poetry in motion. It is Penn Jillete said that he practice juggling
pass you. You passed, but barely.” so esthetically stunning that it becomes for hours so that the audience could see
All I heard was, you passed. the magic of animation as the cards are him demonstrate his prowess and tech-
Since, I have been reprimanded over my indeed brought to life. My steadfast view nique. Teller would have the same devo-
driving techniques. Thinking about it, it of now flourishes is turned on its heels tion to his craft in order to make sure the
was simply because my step father drove because of this new facet of magic that audience could not see his. So is it wrong
that way. I emulated his style because he transforms pasteboards into butterflies to say that flourishes are the antithesis of
was the first person that imprinted his floating and fluttering to the will of their magic? Is it wrong to say that cardistry is
driving skills on me. Many of the magicians master….but does that take away from entertaining but shouldn’t be mixed with
that I have picked up from the Victoria the magic that is trying to be created? magic?
airport have scrambled out of my car I pose the question because maybe I
screaming, “Thank you for the ride,” which am set in my ways. Maybe because I
to by-standers may have sounded a lot like, never went down the cardistry road I am
“You’re a maniac.” However I’m rarely ever being stubborn in my thinking that it
late. destroys the magical moment because
One of the first magicians that ever sat
Jeff christensen

Check out some of the upcoming learning
opportunities at the McBride Magic & Mystery
School by going to:

In October 2007 I attended my first Magic and Meaning conference in Las Vegas.
It was during that amazing learning event that I had the distinct privilege to
meet Dr. Larry Hass. Since that time I’ve had the opportunity to work and col-
laborate with him on several projects. In this month’s column I’m thrilled to
share a recent interview that I did with my dear friend Dr. Larry Hass, Dean of the
McBride Magic & Mystery School.

76 VANISH Magazine

:Can you share a bit of your magic origin story?

Larry: My story is somewhat unusual. I didn’t really explore

magic as a boy. I came to magic in 1994 at the age of 34, after
I had my Ph.D. in Philosophy. That might seem strange, but
my areas of special focus as a philosopher were perception
and art . . . and magic is only about two steps away from those
fields! In particular, at the start, I became deeply interested
in the kind of aesthetic experience that magicians create
with their astonishing wonders. The aesthetic experience of
magic—the distinctive feeling—is different from that of any
other art form, and I wanted to understand why.

What type of magic do you like to create and perform? 

Larry: My primary modes of performance are stand-up

and close-up magic—with stand-up being both parlor-style
and platform magic. And I create magic that allows me to ex-
press different aspects of myself and my point of view on the
world. I believe most audiences want to have an experience
with ME. The “tricks” need to be excellent and deceptive—and
I work very hard on that—but the routines are just the “instru-
ments” I am playing to express my perspective on the world
and hopefully transform my audience. As a philosopher, my
perspective is often about recognizing that the world itself is
more marvelous and surprising that we often think. I perform
magic—in many different styles—but I also perform strong
mentalism. Mixing magic and mentalism in one show is
something that a philosopher—a “thinker”—can quite easily
get away with.

How did you end up at Mystery School?

Larry: In 1994—the summer I discovered magic and be-

fore I met Eugene—I saw ads in the magic magazines for this
thing called “Mystery School.” I absolutely wanted to attend
because it sounded like it would explore the philosophy of
magic: what magic is and why it is important and enjoyable.
But I had a 5 year-old son and a fairly new career: it was just
not possible for me to get away for a week. But I kept my
eye very closely on the School, and of course Eugene always
encouraged me to attend. In 2001, I was finally able to travel
to Las Vegas for the School’s “Legends of Magic” gathering
(where I spent a good deal of time with Channing Pollock).
Then in 2003 I was invited to be a guest of honor at what
turned out to be the final “Mystery School.” In 2007, I was invit-
ed back as a guest of honor at the second Magic and Meaning
Conference, and then in 2008 I was invited to join the faculty,
both teaching master classes and assisting with planning. In
2010, I was asked to be the Associate Dean of the School. And
with Eugene’s passing in 2017, I was asked to become the

Tell us how you about what it is like filling the shoes of a

magic legend like Eugene Burger?

Larry: Eugene was such a major presence, not only in the

life of the Magic & Mystery School, but also in magic gener-
ally. It is a very great honor to succeed him as the Dean. Yet
from the very beginning of my involvement with the School
and in my role as Dean, I have wanted to stay true to myself
and my values. I told the team that I could not be Eugene—
that I needed to perform the role as seemed right for me.
What that means for me is to be an excellent, creative per-
former, a caring, dedicated teacher, and a sharp-sighted advi-


sor to Jeff McBride and the team. Of course the Magic Castle and in Las Vegas. In 2010, I of people. And this process of learning in
I have learned many lessons about those faced a cross-roads: to either accept all the action means you will encounter things
things from Eugene, but I have always been gigs I was getting or to say “no” to bookings you hadn’t prepared for or you will make
my own magician and person. And I learned so I could teach my college classes. I loved mistakes or choices of material that aren’t
many things about running a successful teaching college, but performing magic is optimal for the venue and the audience. The
school from my 25 years in higher educa- my truest calling, so it was a pretty easy de- second part of it is a rigorous commitment
tion. For instance, the School’s Scholarship cision to retire early from college teaching to learn from every show. That is, to sit down
Program and its Membership Program were so I could go full-time. afterwards and identify what specific mo-
initiatives I brought to the table. ments or moves were poor or suboptimal
What makes McBride’s Magic and Mystery and make actual fixes (not just in your head)
How do you continue to honor the legacy School so unique? so they don’t happen again.
of your friend and magic mentor Eugene
Burger? Larry: At its deepest level, the Magic & Most magicians could improve their perfor-
Mystery School is a place where magicians mances by?
Larry: Eugene wrote and taught about can go both to both learn about magic and
so many ideas and practices that have to become better, more accomplished per- . . . actually rehearsing! A couple of years
informed my whole approach to magic, for formers. We really are a School—our mission ago I had the dawning awareness that most
example, about having powerful presenta- is educational. We get to know each student of the magicians I was watching didn’t
tions and carefully crafted words, about or participant and what their goals are, and rehearse! They were moving from “prac-
avoiding low-quality “tricks,” gags, and then we strive to give them the feedback or tice” to “performance” without rigorously
gimmicks, about working really hard so tools they need to move along their path. rehearsing. What does rehearsal mean? Well,
our magic has great impact. In that sense, Many of our participants want to become as Eugene taught, rehearsal is running the
I carry Eugene with me every day in every better, more effective performers, and we entire routine or the entire show from the
show. But there is another way I am car- use our considerable experience to help beginning to the end, without stopping, as
rying his legacy forward. In 2010, Eugene them achieve that. What makes it unique, though a real, live audience is there. It in-
approached me with a request that I would I suppose, is that the School is student- volves speaking out loud in full voice, saying
write and publish two books after he died centered and educational rather than every line, and following your “blocking.” In
in which I would explain and share all of sales-driven and merely informational. We addition, rehearsals should be timed, so you
his unpublished materials: routines, essays, see our students as people and our classes know how long the routine or show will be.
talks, and so on. Of course I said yes, and we as learning communities. In addition, as part One reason I suspect some magicians get
immediately started working on this project of our educational mission, since 2012 the stuck in practice and never get to rehearsal
in secret—as he requested. The manuscript School has raised over $90,000 and given is because they haven’t written or memo-
for the first book is now finished and it will out over $65,000 in need-based financial rized carefully crafted “good words” to say
be released in November 2019. The second aid—to help talented, dedicated magicians while they perform. If you are making words
book will come out in 2021. get the magic education they need to be up as you go or winging it, then you simply
more successful in magic and in life. can’t coordinate words to actions in the
Can you share a little bit about your decision way that is essential to rehearsal. Without
to leave academia to pursue magic full time? What would you say is the best way to learn a script, all you can ever do is “perform a
or grow in magic? practice,” and that’s not good enough if you
Larry: As I said, I discovered magic first are getting paid to perform.
through the lens of a philosopher of art, but Larry: I think an important secret to
almost immediately I realized I had a calling growing as a magician is two-fold: to per- Thanks so much for taking the time to do
to learn how to perform magic. I did not just form as often as possible and to learn from this!
want to theorize about it. I wanted to create every single show. Being a good magician is
magical art for people. Eugene Burger was not something that happens in your head.
exceptionally encouraging about this. He As is true of athletes, musicians, and actors,
and I had met in 1994 and for a variety of becoming a good magician happens in
reasons we became good friends and he your body only by actually doing it in front
became a mentor. However, I never wanted
to perform Eugene’s material. Those were
things he created; I wanted to create my
own magic. So I plunged into the literature
of magic—reading everything I could get
my hands on. And I created one routine
after another for the various venues I was
working. I started out getting “my chops” by
performing at a local hospital every Thurs-
day afternoon for about three years. But I
was most frequently getting requests and
then bookings to do stand-up shows and
presentations. And my performing career
just grew from there, especially after the
New York Times feature story on my work in

Since then I have performed countless

shows in many different venues: nightclubs,
art galleries, private parties, university
shows, magic conventions, corporate board-
rooms, banquet halls, casinos, theaters, pub-
lic conferences, and regular performances at
79 VANISH Magazine


15. INVISABLE BUG. 17. FALSE CRY. (read disclaimer at end) 18.DIRECT FLIRT TO RANDOM
Pretend to find a bug on their shoulder Pretend the children have hurt your
and throw it on the floor then ask: feelings. You proceed to start crying, When a waitress walks into space call
saying you want your mommy. Walk to her and say ‘THANKS FOR LAST
into audience and choose a large happy NIGHT’ then immediately follow up with
OR JAPANESE?’ Pretend you hear
motherly type woman and proceed ‘WE WENT ICE SKATING!’ Call to her and
JAPANESE and then proceed to stand n
to her arms outstretched. Sometimes say ‘PHONE ME!’ This can be said to
one leg ninja style and say ‘KAWASAKI,
they will hug you playing along. See a mother, mother in law or domestic
they don’t want to hug you then break worker at the party.
an Afrikaans term for bag but works
off the crying. I will walk away looking
in conjunction with the Japanese drink 19.THE PHOTOGRAPH.
back at the mom and indicate to phone
Saki. Slam foot down on the invisible
me. (yes, it is outrageous flirtation but When you are getting a photo taken
bug. Then look up and pretend child is
in contact to my character and age it with all the children get them to wave
upset (Pick up invisible bug and say) ‘IM
is not offensive. I do not recommend and animate their arms. It makes a
this for a very young performer. better photo. After the photo has been
PET’, try to resuscitate and finally give
Pretending to cry will take some guts taken say ‘CHILDREN YOU SEE THAT
up and place it back on his shoulder.
and push some inner expression LADY WHO HAS TAKEN THE PHOTO
(You can find a bug in the hair but
buttons in you. (or least it did for me) WELL GO ASK HER FOR $20 EACH. (This
this might be politically incorrect
But it has subsequently become one is a generic street gag)
of my funniest moments in my show.
As alternate question to ask the child, It also develops into a continuity gag
ARE YOU ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTISH, throughout the show. I repeat the When the dad or person is filming
RUBBISH? crying and hug a second time but on the action ask him ‘ARE YOU FILMING
the third time I start to cry and walk THIS? The create a pointing action to
toward here and realise the lady is man and repeats the ‘QUESTION A
Produce a wriggly rubber scorpion playing along. Highly recommended FEW TIMES.’ Break off gag and say to
from their shoulder and throw it away but comes with warning. Also, the hug audience. ‘ HE WILL THINK HIS CAMERA
in prop table. You can reach with is more a head resting on shoulder IS BROKEN WHEN HE REPLAYS IT’
empty hand into child’s armpit and with your body away from hers so it is
not awkward. 21. HEAD CLICKER.
bring hand out, perform a shuttle pass
to expose the bug in other hand. Ask the child what is wrong with your

82 VANISH Magazine

head its tilted. Adjust head with clicker.
Same action with arm or act as watch
I would not leave home without one. So
many gags with this single prop. Press their
toe, tummy or head. Sponge balls squeak
and some don’t especially when the child
tries to squeeze the ball.
23. KAZOO.
This musical instrument creates many
comedic uses. The best one, is making a
sound of a motorbike. Take the pig tails or
the arms and hold them as if handle bars.
Start the bike and proceed to drive the
On The premise of checking something,
I will take out the stethoscope and put it
on, but instead place the end on the child’s
head. Bop your head up and down as if it’s
the heartbeat. Turn and say to child ‘I know
what you are thinking’

You now repeat to blow up the balloon and tie it in knot (around your
finger) Tie off balloon then damping your fingers and draw hand

“UPDATE OLDER down balloon. It makes a terrible scratchy sound get a fright and ask
if it was the child nearest you. You can now break balloon in half and

GAGS BY USING let go balloon. It flies away in crazy squeaky action. There are many
balloon books with gags to source from.

FACEBOOK OR That’s the summary of the gags and some have developed other
situations, I have kept to the basic format of the jokes and premise.
SOCIAL MEDIA I encourage to go down the literal rabbit holes and explore the
situations and see if you can come up with your own slant on these
I highly recommend the use of these gags and the small effort to
make them up is well worth the effort.
25.TAPE MEASURE. Basically, you can attach a magician’s reel to the following and use
A good retractable tape measure sits on my accordingly:
belt. Ask ‘how old the child is? Tube of paper glue. Pretend it is a Chapstick and spread the glue on
Answer, 8 Take out tape measure and lips. The children react! You get into a difficult situation as result of
measure him from top to toe, ‘Nope its 108’ the glue getting stuck to your finger, tissues or toilet paper. You can
release the glue stick on off beat and act surprised that the glue stick
26. BALLOON GAGS. has vanished. You can tell the children it’s a Chapstick and have a
I highly recommend adding in gags during genuine one hidden in hand. Place the glue , react, vanish glue stick
your modelling balloon session. The best and reveal Chapstick.
few I recommend are following. Blow up Chopstick
balloon telling them they must tell you
when to stop. You can tell them how in the Use it as a wand then slide it up the nose at same time release
last party the balloon popped and the baby chopstick.
exploded with fright. You blow up balloon Small magic wand
pretending to not hear them, the balloon
will either pop as its at extreme stretch or Use the wand then sneeze confetti all over it ( a small amount of
you manage to take balloon from pump confetti hidden in your hand) at same time vanish wand.
(release a little air so balloon does not Sharpie
explode accidently when handing it to a
child) and let go balloon, big laugh. Obtain Attach reel to cap ( make sure it is sealed where you drilled the hole
the balloon and say ‘STOP THE SHOW, otherwise it will dry out)
Use sharpie to draw eyes on balloons or on playing card. Vanish pen.


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If you would like to have your product reviewed
in Vanish, then post it to the Magic Review team.

With an audience of over 100,000 readers your

product will reach a wider audience than any

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NOTE: We get sent A LOT of magic to review and

ONLY CHOOSE the products we feel deserve the
space. Not ALL products will make the review


BurnOut, FireWallet, i-Galand. -

92 VANISH Magazine

1 AVALANCHE BY * Use the AVALANCHE case as your normal everyday card case. It
looks and feels like a normal case. No reset needed... so it's always
ready to Astonish.
PAUL HARRIS * No extra bits or pieces to add or ditch. It's all secretly built into
your AVALANCHE case.

No card skills required. Anyone can learn to AVALANCHE in under

3 minutes!

AVALANCHE: Complete with self-contained examinable card case,

tutorial download and a full deck of blank face "Blizzard" cards.


PRICE $35.00 Paul Harris has produced a truly AMAZING tool that lets the per-
AVAILABLE All magic dealers former present an extremely deceptive Blizzard style routine. This
WHOLESALE is Paul Harris thinking at its finest!! The gimmick not ONLY allows
you to do an amazing routine but you can use it for so many other
Paul's JOYOUS new EXAMINABLE Gimmicked Card Case starts off effects, as well as giving you the easiest and cleanest force of any
with... card I’ve ever seen!!

THE AVALANCHE BLIZZARD The work on this is so clever and devious that you’ll want to per-
form it in the mirror so you can see how great it really looks. Since
Instantly transform your cards into an examinable BLANK DECK... I've had this for review I have used it over and over and it now car-
with NO DECK SWITCH! ries my regular cards in it that I take with me on a daily basis.

EVERY pro we've shown this to has replaced their old Blizzard with Without giving too much away, you receive a card box that you
AVALANCHE... as it's the easiest, most convenient, most direct Bliz- can keep your regular deck in. You are also supplied with a deck
zard effect you can do. of blank cards and some extra gaffs that will enable you to easily
change out the gimmick for other routines. The tutorial is very
(We even give you a full deck of blank cards!) well done with more than enough material to keep you going,
and loads of tips and tricks to look after the box and especially the
And there's even MORE SECRETS buried in your AVALANCHE... gimmick so it lasts.

WITH A NORMAL DECK! Let’s first of all look at the main Avalanche style routine. This gim-
mick allows you to do a three phase routine that is really killer. You
THE AVALANCHE PERFECT FORCE: can show them the cards and have them freely select any card.
There are some added nuances that really sell this to your audi-
Do an absolutely perfect worry-free force... with the deck held by ence and these are taught in the tips section. You have a predic-
the spectator! She just hands you ANY card from the normal deck... tion on the table prior to the start, and it will always be 100%
and the deed is done. correct showing the freely chosen card. Then the spectator’s card,
which can be in their hand, becomes blank, follwoed by the entire
THE AVALANCHE REAL-DEAL VANISH: deck becoming blank. There are NO switches, which makes this
such a wonderful routine to perform. I’ve been doing this in my
Drop the spectator's card onto the deck... and the card is instantly walk-around sets and it gets screams. When the card they chose
gone! It's really genuinely completely freaking no longer in the becomes blank in THEIR hand you get the first audible OMG, but
deck... which can be immediately examined. once the entire deck becomes blank that is when they freak out!!
The really nice thing is that you are lect completely clean. There is
THE AVALANCHE NO-PALM CARD TO ANYWHERE: nothing to dtich or hide. You can leave everything in their hands
and they will never find the gimmick. it is extremely well made
After you've vanished her card... the spectator SCREAMS... when and unless you know the secret you’ll never find it out no matter
she discovers her card in her pocket or under a phone! how closely you look.


This certainly reminds us why Paul Harris is considered a creative
No double lifts, no palming, no extra anything. Simple display the guru. The really great thing about this is that the gimmick can be
card... drop it onto her hand... and now it's a different card! ‘locked’ should the spectator handle the box. Since performing
this I’ve NEVER had anybody want to look at the box, because
* The AVALANCHE Gimmick is completely self-contained inside the it is simply a card box (although it’s WAY more than that!). With
card case... which can be fully examined inside and out when in Avalanche everything is fair and above board, and you don’t have
the "locked" position. to be a super sleight-of-hand expert. This is perfect for any level of
skill from the beginner to the seasoned pro.


What does the gimmick do? It allows you to FORCE any card yet curve easier. Share the Secrets behind the Secrets that they have
let the spectator have a COMPLETELY FREE CHOICE!! Imagine the discovered over the years. No tricks—just the magic that makes it
possibilties with this. You can do the most impossible card to loca- work.
tion routine, you will learn many different variations and routines ​Be a Fly On The Wall with Michael Finney and Nick Lewin!
including a card to pocket which you can see in the performance. Michael and Nick sat together side by side and the camera began
You will also learn a routine where you scribble with a Sharpie on to run. What emerged was a fascinating insight into what makes
the back of card, and it then turns in to any message you want. Michael tick, and how he overcame many disadvantages to
Great for the trade-show magician or anytime you want to leave a become one of the world's top comedy magicians. Their close
message with your audience. Imagine the impact if you walk up to friendship, and parallel careers allowed Nick and Michael to com-
a person and show them the scribble on the card, then it magically municate on a very deep level and share their experiences and
turns in to THEIR name!! discuss everything you need to dramatically improve your show.
Settle back and enjoy being a fly on the wall for this revealing and
The gimmick is very well made, and with care should last a long entertaining conversation with two modern day masters.
time. There are some tips on how to look after the gimmick, but
I’ve had mine now for some time and it’s held up to many many Features
performances. Brandon and Chris do a fantastic job teaching a An intimate conversation that explores Michael Finney's extraordi-
multitude of routines which show the versatility of the gimmick. nary career.
A special Bonus Footage section.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Learn tips and techniques to improve every magic show.
If you carry around a deck of cards either on a daily basis or in Two performers who have stories to tell and experience to share.
performance, then you NEED to put your cards in AVALANCHE. It ​​No tricks! However lots of great advice to make the tricks you
will allow you to create some of the most impossible card magic know play better.​
without any need for sleight-of-hand. It looks like a regular Bicycle ​Learn the secrets behind the secrets.
card case, you can choose from Blue or Red, and will easily hold an
entire regular deck. Not only is AVALANCHE a great trick by itself, MY THOUGHTS
but it’s an amazing tool to use for so many other routines. When This should come with a warning: Once you start you won’t be
Paul Harris releases something we all sit up and take notice - this is able to stop watching. Nick Lewin and Michael Finney are two
by far one my all time favorite PH releases. people who have done it all, from television, clubs, corporate
events, cruising, large illusion shows, television, etc. Between them
you get 90 years of professional experience!! In this 75 minute long
DVD Nick sits down with Michael and discusses his background
and how he got in to magic, what motivated him and pretty much
how he stayed at the top of his game. This is filled with real golden

nuggets that you can only get from years and years of working
hard, honing your craft and just getting out there and doing it. The

ON THE FLY WITH advice Michael shares will help inspire a lot of younger people out
there and be a fascinating insight for those who have been doing
magic a long time. This DVD has something for everybody from
FINNEY BY NICK the person who is just getting started in magic to the seasoned
pro. I really do wish these were around when I was starting out in

magic. If you are fan of Nick and Michael’s work then you’ll defi-
nitely want to add this to your collection. I’ve always said when I’ve
heard two great entertainers are together that I’d like to be a ‘fly
on the wall’ for that meeting, well now you can be a fly on the wall
and listen to the wonderful tips, advice and knowledge Michael
shares with Nick.

One of my favourite topics Nick asked Michael was his opinion on

YouTube or Social Media magicians. Michael delivered the perfect
answer and I seriously hope some of the younger readers pick this
up because you will certainly be inspired by his answer. The point
he made is going to help many people and certainly if have a pas-
sion for magic you will listen to what he has to say.

This is a truly delightful and I hope Nick continues this series with
other seasoned professionals because it’s a positive and inspiring
Price $30.00 look in to people we respect but perhaps wouldn’t be the chance
AVAILABLE to sit down and find out how they made it.

There is a great little bonus at the end two incredible stories Mi-
Michael Finney & Nick Lewin share a combined 90 years of profes- chael shares from his younger days. One involves kidnapping and
sional experience in performing comedy and magic. Here is a the other his impossible card effect that made Harry Blackstone
chance to enjoy great stories and insights that will entertain you, look twice!! But you’ll need to buy the DVD to hear those.
and inform you about the business of presenting really commer-
cial comedy magic.
Two of magic’s most respected pro’s reveal many tips and strate-
gies to help take your career to the next level. They recorded this
video to share their knowledge and to help make your learning

94 VANISH Magazine

You can do this in a close-up situation but you will need a table to
lay the cards down on.

WHO: Great for the beginner to professional

WHERE: Close-up with a table

PRICE: $25.00
AVAILABLE: All magic dealers
A fantastic coincidence effect that is great for all ages. Animals,
colors and a puzzle. It's a no-sleight trick with a big surprise reveal.
Check out the video and you'll see how it all comes together.

You show the faces and backs of a packet of oversized cards

and state, "Think of a number between one and ten, and I'll deal
exactly that number of cards on the table, face up." Any number
is named (no force) and the dealing begins. You stop when that
number of cards is dealt. You show the selection.
PRICE: $25.00
The cards are turned over and pieced together. And guess what? AVAILABLE from all magic dealers
The design magically matches the name of the animal they se- WHOLESALE
lected earlier!
Mike is the creator of top selling magic effects such as ALCARDMY
Coincidence or is it magic? That's the fun of Animal Tarot. It's by and EVANESE. In this DVD, Mike shares some of his tried-and-
the Other Brothers, so you know it's clever, practical and easy to tested routines he uses in his everyday performances and shares a
do. In fact, it's so easy to do that the spectator can even deal the few of his pet utility moves. Mike consults on many magic projects,
cards themselves! and this is an insight in to his thinking. This is the type of magic
that uses regular props and takes up no pocket space, enabling
Includes Animal Tarot cards and online instructions. you to carry it on you at all times.
MY THOUGHTS: You will learn TEN effects and moves that have also been created
An extremely clever principle used to do a really different type of for SOCIAL MEDIA magicians in mind, with quick and visual rou-
prediction You receive the necessary cards printed on high quality tines required for Instagram and YouTube.
card (Tarot size card) with names of animals on the front and a de-
sign on the back. The spectator freely names any number between Some of the ideas require a little DIY and included are some of the
1 and 10 and THEY deal down to that number to select an animal. items you'll need to make these up.
The clever reveal comes as a real surprise and if you wanted to you
COULD possibly use this to reveal the ‘real’ animal although you’d DOT - Very visual production of a sponge ball from a blank card.
need to make sure you have another back up. I remember seeing
Dan Sperry perform an effect on AGT with a rat and this would be FALLEN 1 & 2 - A Borrowed Coin To Bottle PLUS a Signed Coin To
a great lead up to that type of routine. Bottle - two versions.
What I love about this is the method. Unless you know the princi-
ple I would think it would fly by most magicians and obviously lay CANNUCCIA - A very novel Straw Through Bill penetration.
people. The cards the perfect size to fit in your pocket and comes
in a good looking box so you can carry them. COIN TO RING - A coin instantly turns in to a finger ring - great
concept for longer routines
Even if you buy this for the method of having a card selected from
one to ten and use this for something else it is extremely well ECHAPPER - A signed coin or ring is placed inside an envelope and
worth it. The routine is fun, original and very different. I’m having magically escapes. This is Mike's 'go to' method of vanishing a ring
loads of fun performing this for friends and can’t wait to take it out or coin inside an envelope.
to a regular gig.


ML VANISH - Mike's own handling of vanishing a finger ring and
showing the hands clean. ECHAPPER - You are supplied with envelopes to make this up.
Mine took minutes to make up and works like a charm. If you want
RTC - A finger ring vanishes and end up on a chain - uses the ML to cleanly vanish a small object such as a ringer ring or signed coin
VANISH. this method is well worth looking in to. Mike uses this when he
performs Joao Miranda’s TIMELESS routine to vanish a signed coin
THE FOURS - A quick production of four coins in the hand. which later ends up inside a watch.

VOYAGE - Three coins travel from one hand to the other. ML Vanish - a sleight of hand method to vanish a finger ring - again
more of a tool than a trick but for that quick social media shot this
CTE - A coin is thrown towards a closed envelope and ends up looks great.
RTC - this uses the method taught previously and you can show
MY THOUGHTS: a chain around your neck, vanish the ring and it ends up on the
Reviewed by Harry Monk chain. Great for live performance or that quick Youtube clip.

Mike has created a much needed product here. While all the mate- VOYAGE and THE FOURS - both coin routines. THE FOURS is an
rial on here comes from his current act, what he is aiming at here easy and quick production of four coins that uses a little sleight
are short and visual effects for anybody who wants to perform of hand but certainly nothing knuckle busting. VOYAGE is a very
social media magic. Unlike a lot of tricks out there today which commercial and practical three coins across routine.
only look good on camera, the material Mike shares is good for live
and social media performances. CTE- I loved this concept. You can take a coin and throw it towards
and envelope and it goes inside. Again, a tool for something else
You are supplied with a DVD, which is filmed with different camera but could be a stand-alone item for those who want to shoot quick
angles and good quality sound. You are also supplied with some things on their cameras.
extra bits and pieces such as magnets, a blank card, card holder
and envelopes - this is a nice touch as it saves you time and FINAL THOUGHTS: What I think Mike has done here is bridge the
money to go and buy these should you choose to perform the gap from a single trick, which he could have done with DOT, and
effects. give more items for the money which we used to see with magic
products. With a modern audience performing for themselves on
He shares ten tools and tricks on here which range from a sponge Youtube and using their phones this is a welcome product with
ball production to signed coin in bottle and an easy but visual pro- those people in mind. When it comes to Social Media clips you
duction of four coins. The techniques he teaches are well within want something that is short and makes an impact - this product
the level of most performers with one or two years experience. certainly does that. Very little DYI but they do supply what you
DOT - this is my favourite routine on here and could have been A great product and I look forward to seeing more creations for
sold a single trick. I’ve started using this for my walk-around gigs Mike.
and it gets audible gasps. The effect is you take out a blank card
with a red dot on it, which is inside a clear card holder. You pull
the card out and literally take the dot off the card and it instantly
becomes a red sponge ball. You can then go in to any sponge ball
routine from here. This is super clever and it’s my go to trick when
I’m doing social media work on camera. You are supplied with
everything except the sponge ball - and the dot you can make or
get easily to match the color of ball you are using.

FALLEN 1 & 2 - This is his version of coin in sealed bottle. Again, it’s
very simple to make and you could have this ready to go in min-
ute. The handling is super clean and the cap will fit any Pop bottle
such as Coke, etc or a water bottle. You supply the cap but he does
give you something you add to it. There are certain coins that work
better for this than others, and you’d need to check out your own
currency. Mike is from Canada and their coins work perfectly. The
signed coin in bottle is a great variation on the original version,
and really looks as good as it does in the video. Again, this works
well in live performance as it does for Social Media.

CANNUCCIA - a clever way to penetrate a straw through a bill. If

you go to Starbucks you could easily make this up. It does require
a little practice and handling but again, well worth it and is a
very quick routine perfect for those who love Social Media styled

COIN TO RING - an adaption of an idea (and credited) to Eric Jones.

In this version Mike turns a coin in to a finger ring. This could be
used in conjunction with other routines and is really a tool that is
best used for that purpose.

96 VANISH Magazine

You show the cards to the audience, and with a shake half of them
vanish, then another shake and they all go except one. Done on
the offbeat this is a super strong effect, and looks great on camera
for anybody who is looking for that quick visual social media style
trick. Obviously this looks great live as well. I like the fact this can
be adapted to ANY deck - you could even borrow a deck and do

WHO: Does require practice and aimed at intermediate card magi-

WHERE: Strolling magic with people looking down on it

PRICE $30.00

AVAILABLE All magic dealers

Level One by Christian Grace is a gimmick that allows you to

progressively vanish ANY deck of cards. This completely sold out at
Blackpool 2019 and has not been available since.
Holding a deck of cards, you give a gentle shake, and half of the JONATHAN
deck seems to melt into thin air. With another shake, the rest of
the deck vanishes, leaving you with just one card: the spectator's

The last card can immediately be handed out for examination.

There is nothing to find; it's a normal playing card.

Consider these points:

You end clean. The last card can be fully examined.
It's easy to do. It will take just a short time to learn how to use the PRICE: $37.25
gimmick. AVAILABLE: All magic dealers
There are no angle restrictions. You can perform Level One sur- WHOLESALE:
The last card is completely examinable. From the creative mind of David Jonathan comes Fortuity. An
There are no flaps, threads or magnets. You receive a solid-state amazing prediction that looks so clean and fair, it will truly blow
gimmick. It will never break. your spectators' minds!
Package includes Level One gimmick and online instructions.
David has taken the Duel Match premise to incredible new heights
MY THOUGHTS with a complete change of method.
This is a very clever gimmick that is unlike any other idea for a
vanishing style deck. This is NOT what you think it is. You are sup- By rolling two dice, your spectator generates a random number.
plied with the gimmick, which can be added to ANY deck of cards You cleanly count to this number from either end of a rainbow
and a download tutorial. This WILL take practice and you’ll need to deck and remove their chosen back design.
put in some practice to get it looking and working smoothly. Once
you’ve done that you will have something you can easily take with The deck is now completely spread to show that there really is
you and will certainly outlast any deck of cards. It comes in a little only one card with this unique back design. The dice are rolled
box to protect it, and I suggest you use this when transporting it. again and once again the cards are counted from either end of the
deck to arrive at a random value. The deck is completely spread to
The tutorial will show you how to use the gimmick and they do a show absolutely no duplicates are in play.
great job teaching this. As mentioned, it will require practice. What
makes this different than other versions of a vanishing deck to In essence, your spectator has created a random playing card from
single card, is that you can hand the card out at the end. In most these two free selections. You now ask him to open an envelope
cases, that use some kind of flap system you can’t let them handle that has been sitting in view from the very beginning -- inside is a
the card. This allows you to not only hand it out but also to create perfect duplicate of the card that has been created.
a double effect.
Your package comes complete with a very special custom deck,


two beautiful dice and full video tutorial. Fortuity is so easy to do;
even a beginner could do it with only a few minutes of practice.

No Loaded Dice, any numbers can be rolled (or use imaginary

All the cards can be shown both front and back

Absolutely Zero Sleight of Hand

David has created a highly puzzling routine that really seems in-
credibly fair and above board. He has combined some very clever
thinking to produce a piece of magic that is easy to do but looks
impossible. You are supplied with a special gimmick deck, and two
regular dice plus an in-depth tutorial on how to present this. The
deck pretty much does the work for you, with a little handling on
your part but nothing major. The tutorial shares not only the secret
but some great tips by David so it makes reset incredibly easy.
PRICE $30.00
This is a very novel routine because you can can tell your audience
AVAILABLE All magic dealers
your hobby is to collect cards, and show them a deck with all 52
different style of backs. You are supplied with an extra card and
envelope which will end up being your prediction and matching
Level One by Christian Grace is a gimmick that allows you to
the chosen cards. The method makes this an easy trick to perform
progressively vanish ANY deck of cards. This completely sold out at
and because the spectator has choices it really does make it seem
Blackpool 2019 and has not been available since.
that much more impossible.
Holding a deck of cards, you give a gentle shake, and half of the
You don’t actually have to even use the dice, but could have a
deck seems to melt into thin air. With another shake, the rest of
person imagine they roll two dice and add those numbers up.
the deck vanishes, leaving you with just one card: the spectator's
What makes this so good is the fact that as far as the spectator is
concerned everything is as you say it is. Nothing seems fishy or
odd - they give you a number and you simply count to that num-
The last card can immediately be handed out for examination.
ber showing they could have given any number which would have
There is nothing to find; it's a normal playing card.
given a different result. You can count from the top OR the bottom
of the deck, it is entirely THEIR choice. This is the real clincher in
Consider these points:
this routine because they really do have free choices, and the
You end clean. The last card can be fully examined.
result will always match.
It's easy to do. It will take just a short time to learn how to use the
I love the concept of having a deck with all different backs, be-
There are no angle restrictions. You can perform Level One sur-
cause most magicians do collect cards and so it’s a nice novelty for
the spectator. The method is so easy that a beginner could do this
The last card is completely examinable.
with very little practice. Obviously you will want to make sure you
There are no flaps, threads or magnets. You receive a solid-state
fully understand the method, but the handling is very easy from a
gimmick. It will never break.
technical point of view.
Package includes Level One gimmick and online instructions.
WHO: Any level of card player
WHERE You can do this on a table of in the hands. For strolling you
This is a very clever gimmick that is unlike any other idea for a
could have the spectator hold the envelope and they can use their
vanishing style deck. This is NOT what you think it is. You are sup-
imagination when rolling the dice. If you have a table then you can
plied with the gimmick, which can be added to ANY deck of cards
obviously use the dice supplied.
and a download tutorial. This WILL take practice and you’ll need to
put in some practice to get it looking and working smoothly. Once
you’ve done that you will have something you can easily take with
you and will certainly outlast any deck of cards. It comes in a little
box to protect it, and I suggest you use this when transporting it.

The tutorial will show you how to use the gimmick and they do a
great job teaching this. As mentioned, it will require practice. What
makes this different than other versions of a vanishing deck to
single card, is that you can hand the card out at the end. In most
cases, that use some kind of flap system you can’t let them handle
the card. This allows you to not only hand it out but also to create
a double effect.

You show the cards to the audience, and with a shake half of them
vanish, then another shake and they all go except one. Done on
the offbeat this is a super strong effect, and looks great on camera

98 VANISH Magazine

for anybody who is looking for that quick visual social media style Appearances and vanishes
trick. Obviously this looks great live as well. I like the fact this can TITAN is one of the best utility card effects that you will perform!
be adapted to ANY deck - you could even borrow a deck and do
This is a great utility card that does away with the regular flap
WHO: Does require practice and aimed at intermediate card magi- cards with elastic that you have to mend when they break.
cian Nicholas has created an extremely clever gimmick that is very
WHERE: Strolling magic with people looking down on it easy to use and has so many uses to create some amazing visual
magic. You can literally add it to your deck and be ready to go
right away. It is visual magic at its finest. You will learn various
ideas and effects from a torn and restored corner to jumping ink,
as well as appearances and vanishes. I particularly like the way he
uses a card box to hold up a playing card and when you flick the
deck towards the card you get this instant transformation. When
you see something jump from a card on the deck to another card
it looks like trick photography. There is a quick restoration where
you tear a corner off a card and have it visually mend itself with a
flick fo the deck. This gimmick also gives you a great opportunity

to be more creative when performing the Jumping X effect which

TITAN BY NICHOLAS is called Double Cross. You can draw an X on a card with a Sharpie
rather than your hand, and have it instantly jump from the card to
the spectator’s hand.

LAWRENCE Nicholas also teaches how to make up another version of the

gimmick that works on a locking system. You are supplied with the
extra items needed to make this up. You can also make this up us-
ing any other back design. The locking system isn’t necessary but
might spark other concepts and ideas.

A great tool and something very different in the world of flap


PRICE $20.00
AVAILABLE: All magic dealers

From the mind of Nicholas Lawrence comes an ingenious and in-

novative utility device: TITAN.

TITAN is a truly revolutionary contribution to the world of instant,

visual "flap" style gimmicks, but it is nothing like what you have
seen before!

This gimmick changes the game.

Most importantly, it is streamlined in a way that makes the magic

look casual and effortless. With a simple riffle of the cards, the
magic happens! TITAN uses no dental dam, elastic or thread of
any kind and is built to withstand thousands of changes without
breaking, making it virtually indestructible.

TITAN can be stored set and will fire when you need it to... every

Your package comes with one fully handmade gimmick that's

ready to go out of the box. PLUS, Nicholas teaches you how to
make your own TITAN gimmick with any type of playing cards,
allowing you to make your own customized gimmicks. On top of
that, he teaches several applications, including:
Torn and restored card
Jumping ink
Instant transformations


9 MAXIMS OF A everything with the world, well with those around me. Of course
not all of those came off the ground and I quickly discovered that
I was far better keeping things closer to my chest than sharing

MAGICIAN BY them with everybody.

I remember Billy McComb telling me, “Don’t tell them anything, let
them buy a programme.” - which is exactly what Richy is talking
RICHY ROY about here.

The book is filled with so many great lines that I would be quoting
the entire book because of the great advice Richy shares.
Here’s one I just chose at random as I was reading:
“Erase the stereotypes that plague magicians by proving them
wrong through example.”
No 79 is “Make the distinction between confidence and arrogance.”
This is a mistake you see quite often and once you learn confi-
dence is being in control of your body, your manner, etc then you
will come across much better in the eyes of your audience.

PRICE $25.00 This is the type of book you want to read and let it sink in, then go
AVAILABLE: All magic dealers back to it a year later, and go back to it every now and then. There
WHOLESALE are a lot of things he talks about that pros take for granted, things
they have discovered themselves a long the way. The successful
DO YOU: magicians must have done something right to make a career from
performing, and you will find a lot of their real secrets inside this
- Dream about becoming a better magician? book!!
- Want to see your name up on the marquee?
- Regret not finishing your own original scripts?

- Wish you could work as a full-time entertainer?
- Hope to connect with expert entertainers?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then you need

to read Maxims of a Magician.
Over 100 thought-provoking maxims of timeless advice from a
working professional, focusing on the personal development of
a magician. Richy Roy (author of The Wealthy Magician) reveals
the unwritten rules and unspoken truths known amongst suc-
cessful magicians. A perfect browsing book for motivation and
mental refreshment, you can start reading at random spots or
enjoy it in its entirety. Maxims is guaranteed to stimulate magi-
cians of all kinds.

Advance praise for Maxims!

"Finally, a book for magicians that offers performance experi-

ence. Save yourself 10 years of trial and error and read this book
instead! Richy Roy has the ability to say what no other magic
book does. His insight and knowledge on business in magic and
performance tips will elevate and improve your show today. I
wish someone had told me these tips back when I started in
magic, a lot of years experience in one book. Well worth the Price: $25.00
read, thank you Richy!" AVAILABLE: All magic dealers
- Matt Gore, International Award-winning Magician WHOLESALE:

MY THOUGHTS You borrow a spectator's credit card -- any color or style will work
I wish I had this book when I first started out in magic - it would -- and with a wave of your hand, you cause the markings to disap-
have saved me 30 plus years of learning everything that is in pear completely. You are left with a clear credit card that can be
here!!!! Richy has nailed all 116 maxims or things to live by, if immediately inspected by the spectator. Upon command, you
you want to be a successful magician. These are real words of change the credit card back to its initial condition and hand it
wisdom and regardless of whether you are new to magic or an right back. Blankrupt is a unique "omni" style prop that allows you
old guy like me, you’ll get something out of this book. to turn a borrowed credit card clean. Easy, medium, and difficult
methods are taught by creator Josh Janousky, and you are sup-
His style of writing is very precise and to the point, making it plied with two durable, clear credit cards that will last a lifetime of
easy to understand what he is saying. Each maxim comes with performances. Although there are many effects that allow you to
a title and some advice to follow up what Richy is talking about. make an object clear, a vast majority are objects that you, the per-
One of my personal favourites is Conceal Your Projects in the former, must supply: your pen, your cards, your coins. Blankrupt is
Works. I remember when I started out in magic I would share unique because the object you make clear is a borrowed, precious

100 VANISH Magazine

object: a spectator's credit card.

This is a clever addition to the “Omni” family of tricks. In this case
it is a credit card that gets the Omni touch. You are supplied with GRANDPA MAGIC
a clear credit card with only a black stripe on it and a download. A
person’s credit card is very important to them so anytime you can
do magic with it and make it change or disappear you are going to
get some type of reaction. In this case Josh makes it reappear in-
side a wallet (supply your own card to wallet). He has friends share
their ideas and my favourite is by Bro Gilbert. Bro’s version uses no
sleight of hand and the change is extremely clever, and the credit
card can now end up inside your regular wallet. Bro’s routine is
self-working and I think will become a favourite of many.

Some of the methods supplied do require you to palm the card

and there is even a version where you lap a card. Some magicians
are using this for their social media videos and there is a lesson
on how best to do that. It does look great for that short Instagram

The card is made from regular credit card material and certainly
looks and feels like a clear credit card. Josh also teaches a version
where you take a photo of a borrowed card on a cell phone then
appear to make it become clear. I like the principle behind this,
but wonder how many people would want a photo of their card
on somebody else’s phone. Of course it doesn’t have to be a credit
card, any type of card with a black strip on it would work, and
many people carry a variety of cards these days. PRICE $25.95
AVAILABLE All major book stores and online
This is a great idea and great tool that I am sure others will come
up with their own ideas on how best to use it. The tutorial is a
great start to get you thinking, or you could perform any of the ABOUT THE AUTHOR
versions taught on there.
Allan Zola Kronzek is a magician, educator, and the co-author (with
his daughter Elizabeth) of the New York Times bestseller The Sor-
cerer’s Companion—A Guide to the Magical World of Harry Potter
(over 1 million copies sold worldwide in 14 languages). He is also
the author of The Secrets of Alkazar, 52 Ways to Cheat at Poker, and
the forthcoming The Book of Powers.

This book is aimed at parents or grandparents who want to be
able to do some really cool tricks and fun things with their kids
and grandkids. It is colorful and has lots of great artwork and il-
lustrations by Kyle Hilton. Allan has done a great job putting this
together and choosing material that would appeal to a wide range
of kids from teenager to preschoolers. The concept of the book is
to use magic to interact with children. On that note this would be
a great book for teachers, or leaders who work with kids. I love the
concept of this book as it is aimed at getting kids away from their
mobile devices and interested in something else - or get them
talking, in other words human-to human interaction. Magic is all
about interaction and I’ve always said you can’t really get a good
idea of what magic is by watching it on TV or on a phone, etc. You
need to experience it.

Kids love magic and mysteries. The idea of challenging them, or

offering them fun tricks, puzzles and brain teasers is a really great
way to get kids interacting and thinking outside of the box. Magic
might also make you a hipper grandparent. Magic is definitely one
of the best ways to get that interaction and form a bond with a

The book is a huge 795 pages, full color and has 116 tricks and
stunts inside. There is something for all ages, with the book di-
vided in to three main parts.


The first part is filled with magic using cards, straws, money and This is a modern take on the classic Karate Coin. In this case you
rubber bands. You will learn how to produce candy from the air, use a bottle cap, and when you purchase have the choice of red,
how to make a rubber band jump around your hand, make a white or black. The idea is very simple but very effective as you
bunny from a napkin, do some mind reading and some classic throw a cap in the air and push your finger through it, showing
card magic. you have some type of Ninja power. Because it uses something
everybody knows and you can use it anytime you have a cap and
Part two is Strange Amusements. Some of this could be consid- bottle, it is very organic and has a very impromptu feel about it.
ered magic and some novelties. You'll learn how to link two paper
clips together using a dollar bill, how to make a dinner roll bounce The gimmick is extremely well made and will last a lifetime. Each
off the floor, change a for into a knife, bend a spoon and odd set comes with a gimmick cap and a regular cap to match in color.
things like balancing a soda can on its edge. Again, a well thought You get a very short video (7 minutes) of very basic handling, but
our collection of material that is easy to do but will certainly mys- as you can see in the promotional video many other people have
tify your child. come up with their own handling on the prop.

Part 3 includes brain teasers puzzles and other cranial challenges. This is the type of effect you’d want to have on you and when out
This includes Riddles, brain teasers using coins and you'll even with friends ask if the want to see something with your Ninja skills.
learn how to tie a knot with your arms crossed. It’s really an offbeat type of effect that nobody will see coming.
Done in this casual manner I think will have the most impact. You
This book makes it fun to learn and I can see an adult and child could certainly borrow a cap from somebody and perform this,
having a LOT of fun with this book. It would make a great present as long as it matches the color of your gimmick. I like the idea
and certainly a great way to reconnect with your kids or grandkids. of doing this then putting the Karate cap back on the bottle and
using the straw to continue drinking your drink. It’s motivation for
wanting to put a hole in the cap and quite funny.

The basic handling is extremely easy to do and you could perform

this instantly once you look at the video. There are more advanced
techniques to do this which are taught on the tutorial including
an extremely deceptive (and my favorite) idea of showing the cap

and placing it upside down on top of the bottle, then pushing
your finger through it. There is a little routine using different col-

ored caps to present a color change routine, almost like a thimble
routine which is nice.

TAIWAN BEN I am sure many will come up with their own handling on this. It’s a
fun item and something you can perform easily and carry with you
at all times.

PRICE: $29.95
AVAILABLE All magic dealers

A classic of magic reimagined for today's street artists. One of the

most powerful acts of force is taking an everyday object and trans-
forming it right before your spectator's eyes. Taiwan Ben has taken
the Karate Coin concept to a new level. Imagine removing the cap
off of your favourite drink (or from someone else's), tossing it in
the air and stabbing your finger through it! Then... giving the cap
out for examination!!

KARATE CAP would make Bruce Lee envious of your skills! The ef-
fect is extremely easy to learn and perform and will last a lifetime. What separates a hobbyist from a professional magician? It's not
in the tricks, but instead in the ability to make things fun and en-
Comes in three colors (red, black and white caps sold separately). tertaining, with the dirty work done seamlessly in plain sight. Fake
is designed just for that. A bill switch that's simple to death, done

102 VANISH Magazine

right under your spectator's nose, while everyone is laughing so that all 52 playing cards are kept flawlessly inside!
hard and no one suspects a thing. A real professional tool for the
everyday magician. Flat Pack turns the ordinary action of pulling out and putting
away a deck of cards into an impossible moment. Clearly the box
Imagine asking your spectator to borrow a bill. You pull out a is folded into quarters. Clearly it couldn't possibly fit a full deck of
counterfeit money detector. Your spectator sees the UV light hit- cards. And yet clearly it somehow does exactly that!
ting their bill. The UV light morphs into a written sign indicating
the bill is FAKE. You act like you're putting their money away while Finally, when you've wow'd them with enough overly ambitious
the audience is soaked in the funny moment. When you conclude or extraordinarily triumphant enough card magic, you simply take
the joke and are ready to do something with their bill, voila, it's your cards, place them back in the tuck, fold it back up into your
already been switched to a prepared bill that will blow their mind wallet, and wait as your audience gasps and stares at your final
away. A practical tool that hides during the laughter, allowing you miracle. It's impossible for them to understand how those cards
to openly switch a bill in front of your spectators. fit in that folded case. It's even more impossible for them to forget
that moment of magic that you've just created.
Get it now, worldwide.
What you receive in your box of Flat Pack:
MY THOUGHTS: Fully made gimmick ready for you to use out of the box.
An extremely simple idea, and a very cheeky way to switch a bor- Resets in seconds.
rowed bill.This is designed for close-up workers and used anytime Takes up little pocket space, packs flat plays big!
you want to openly switch a bill. In the past others have used An hour of expert instruction taught by Jason Knowles.
various ideas that switch in the same way, but this is a product A unique method to turn ordinary moments into something truly
that makes sense and is makes use of a funny premise. You do the unforgettable.
switch right in front of there face and it’s very open, you aren’t The ability to master and bend space!
hiding anything but it does allow you to get a laugh and inject Start strong, end stronger. Play it big with Jason Knowles' Flat Pack
some humor in to your act. This little gimmick gives you a reason
to put a bill in your pocket and switch it. You can then do whatever MY THOUGHTS:
routine you want once you’ve switch the bill, but they also include What an extremely novel way to introduce a deck of cards. The
a strong routine with a deck of cards and ‘their’ bill. premise is very off-beat and a surprise they won’t see coming. You
receive a download tutorial which will cover two basic ideas, one
This comes with a DVD and the teaching section is only 6 minutes. performing sitting down, the other standing up. Both of these
require a little card handling ability, however there is an idea at the
end which I think will appeal to most. This idea offers a lot of cover
when you need to get the deck of cards to pull them out the gim-
mick. It is extremely practical and much better for those who feel
uneasy about copping cards or some of the other ideas taught.
Having said that, if you have some performance knowledge and
skills with cards you will probably come up with your own way to

finish the effect off so you can pull out a deck of cards.
FLAT PACK BY This comes in a strong cardboard box that protects the gimmick
box and I suggest you keep it in there when travelling. This uses
an extremely clever method, my only concern is I wonder why

JASON KNOWLES they used a yellow special something’ instead of white? I guess it
doesn’t really matter but it just seems like white would have been
a better color choice. It is quite possible perhaps that yellow is the
only color this ’special thing’ comes in. Either way it’s not a major
issue because the concept is very clear and it’s so quick your audi-
ence hopefully won’t pick it up.

I did find that the corner of the gimmick got bent, however it did
keep it’s shape due to the ’special something’ used. They do teach
how to repair the gimmick should anything break or become
weak over time. Because of the nature of the gimmick (card case)
You are also supplied with a little something to fix it. I wonder
how long it would hold up to a lot of use. This is fun to play with
PRICE: $34.95 and would be great for the walk-around performer as well as the
AVAILABLE: All magic dealers YouTube magician. It certainly comes as a surprise and would set
WHOLESALE: you up within seconds as a magician with skill. A really great visual
opener with a nice surprise at the end.
Created by the genius behind "Double Take," Jason Knowles
created Flat Pack to be a surrealistic visual opener and closer that
gets you in and out of your set with flair.

Imagine showing your spectators a neatly folded tuck case

pulled from your wallet. With one move, the folded case expands
from a crimped piece of cardboard to a fully functional box of
playing cards. What's even more impossible to comprehend is


Predict n' grab is not sponsored or endorsed by Instagram.

This is a great product that is current and something very different
in the world of App magic. What you receive is a special code that
will allow you to customize this for your own Instagram. The ver-
sion I own works on my iPhone 6 SE but it also works for Android.
There is actually NO app to download but a very clever system that
will enable you to perform some really cool and modern magic.

The first thing this does is allow you to force ANY picture of your
choosing. You are supplied with two Instagram photos, one is a
photo of a dog, the other blank. The Predict part of the routine lets
you show the spectator your Instagram account and they can then
put the phone upside down and by scrolling with their fingers
choose a ‘random’ photo - actually what happens is very clever and
you will always end up on your force photo. This can be used just
PRICE: $35.00 as a force and you can predict in any way of your choosing. I can
AVAILABLE All magic dealers see this being performed on TV and producing something like a
WHOLESALE: live animal as the prediction. Imagine if they choose a spider and
they lift their hands and underneath is a spider - makes great TV
Predict n' grab is the most technologically advanced app to force for reactions. The idea of using your Instagram photos for a predic-
any picture or video on your Instagram profile. Our innovative tion is something people now relate to.
hands-free forcing method is 100% reliable, as it was developed
with the professional magician in mind. You can carry on and finish the GRAB part of the routine - which
looks amazing. You take the photo they ‘stopped’ at, and then pull
When you perform Predict n' grab, there are no sneaky moves it out of your phone and can hand it to them. What is left behind
and no hiding stuff - everything is under your full control. Trig- on the screen is your instagram comments etc. but the photo is
gering the force is as clear as it can be and it's all pretty much gone. This is extremely clever and easy to do.
self-working from that point on... so you can focus on your
performance. This is modern magic at its finest and I’m having a lot of fun per-
forming this. You will learn a few other ideas you can do to present
Three routines are included, one using both the magician's and this and variations. The tutorial is well done but you do need to
spectator's phone. take a few moments to set it up. Once it’s set up it is easy to use
and navigate should you want to make any changes. You can use
Photo match routine: what ever photo you want but are supplied with a photo of a cute
Ask someone in the audience to search for your account on
Instagram. Take their phone and briefly show off your media. Say Since this was released and I noticed that there has been an
that you're going to make a prediction of a picture and don't let update, which is great news as it has a few little bonus things now
anyone see it. Lock the screen and get the audience member to to make it even more convincing. I like the creator is adding things
hold the phone in full view throughout your performance. which shows he is committed to his product.
Open Instagram on your phone and ask another spectator to If you own a phone and have an Instagram account then you’ll
hold it and to do a blind scroll through your media (magician is definitely want to put this on your phone.
now hands free and they can stop anywhere they desire). Turn
over both phones and, magically, their selection is revealed to
match your prediction!

Looking for a kicker ending? Introducing photoGrab: a bonus fea-

ture that allows you to cleanly pull out your prediction (printed
on paper) from your device. Hand out an amazing souvenir that
your spectators won't forget.

Predict n' grab is fully customizable: upload your force picture

directly from your device's camera roll (later injected on your pro-
file) or choose it to be one of your own existing Instagram media.

Predict n' grab works both on iPhone and Android devices. No

actual app downloads are needed. Comes with video instruc-
tions, one very special access code plus one courtesy photoGrab

Perform cutting edge impromptu social media magic.

Go show off, connect and get followers.

104 VANISH Magazine

At the end you can hand out the card, however the deck isn’t clean
so if you wanted to carry on you’d need to remove one or two
things from the deck, or just put it in your pocket and bring out
another deck or some other deck switch. There are lots of possibili-
ties with this trick.

There is nothing to make up, the gimmick card is made up, you
just have to learn the routine and a way you go. A fun routine and
something different to your regular card magic. This would also
make a great effect for any social media performances - you’ll get
great reactions with this for the camera.

PRICE: $29.95
AVAILABLE: all magic dealers

One of the most crucial ways to make card magic strong, is to en-
sure your spectator understands their chosen card is 100% unique.

More often than not, when magicians ask a spectator to sign a

card, they worry about ruining your deck, so you won't be able to
play card games with it anymore.

From our friend Shahrul Nizar in Malaysia, we bring you the per-
fect trick that takes advantage of this premise. Introducing, Stick
To It.

Not only can you make a card unique during your performance,
but no one will ever have to worry about ruining your cards again.

It's visual, practical, and the gimmick is ready whenever you are.

Finally, you can perform a unique effect with a spectator's chosen

card, without costing you a card every time.

Get it now, worldwide.

An extremely visual card routine that is both practical and easy to
do. You receive a DVD with instructions that are about 10 minutes,
plus a gimmick card and two extra stickers. The premise is that you
have a card selected and use the Bicycle sticker from the card box
to mark the back of the card. The card is buried in the deck and
you show another indifferent card. With a flick the sticker instantly
ends up on this card, and you turn it around to show it is indeed
the chosen card.

The trick is very visual and will get an audible gasp. The handling
is easy and the gimmick card is self-working. There is a little skill
required such as forcing a card and switching one at the end,
however everything is well thought out and the structure makes it
easy to do and go unnoticed by your audience. I’ve been having a
lot of fun with this trick and really like the idea of using the sticker
on the box instead of having people sign the card. Something I
was playing around with, and looks extremely visual is do put the
card with the sticker in the deck and have it instantly jump to the
top of the deck. For this I’m using a pass, however your pass needs
to be good to make this work. So it’s almost like an ambitious card
routine but using the back of the card, then follow up with the
gimmick card version.


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