Trend Control V7

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The document discusses using the OnlineTrendControl in WinCC to output process values in the form of trends in process pictures. It allows configuring, displaying, and analyzing process values over time.

Trends represent process values over time through trend lines. They can display measured values, messages, or alarms. Trend lines are represented through lines or symbols connected by lines in a trend window.

The main components discussed are the OnlineTrendControl, FunctionTrendControl, OnlineTableControl, TrendRulerControl, and UserArchiveControl. Each has a specific purpose for displaying, analyzing and archiving process trends.

WinCC OnlineTrendControl 1

SIMATIC HMI WinCC V7.0 SP1 Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures
______________ 2
Representation Trend Lines

Configuring the
Operation in Runtime

WinCC V7.0 SP1 Example project for

Process Value Output in the Form ______________
of Trends in Process Pictures

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Table of contents

1 WinCC OnlineTrendControl ....................................................................................................................... 5

2 Representation Trend Lines....................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Representation Trend Lines...........................................................................................................7
2.2 Representation Using Common Axes............................................................................................8
3 Configuring the OnlineTrendControl ........................................................................................................ 11
3.1 How to configure the OnlineTrendControl ...................................................................................11
3.2 How to create trend windows in OnlineTrendControl ..................................................................12
3.3 How to configure the time axes of trend windows .......................................................................14
3.4 How to configure the value axes of trend windows......................................................................17
3.5 How to create trends for the trend window ..................................................................................20
3.6 How to configure the display of trends.........................................................................................23
3.7 How to configure the toolbar and the status bar ..........................................................................26
3.8 How to configure the Ruler window/Statistics window/Statistics area window............................29
3.9 How to export runtime data..........................................................................................................33
3.10 How to define the effect of the online configuration.....................................................................34
3.11 How to make the toolbar for the OnlineTrendControl dynamic....................................................36
4 Operation in Runtime............................................................................................................................... 39
4.1 Operating the OnlineTrendControl in runtime..............................................................................39
4.2 Online configuration of the OnlineTrendControl ..........................................................................42
4.3 Starting and Stopping Update......................................................................................................44
4.4 How to display the trend in the foreground ..................................................................................44
4.5 How to Determine the Coordinates of a Point .............................................................................45
4.6 How to use the zoom functions in trend windows........................................................................47
4.7 How to Generate Statistics of Runtime Data ...............................................................................49
4.8 How to display archived values....................................................................................................52
5 Example project for OnlineTrendControl.................................................................................................. 55
5.1 Example configuration of an OnlineTrendControl........................................................................55
5.2 How to configure the trend window..............................................................................................55
5.3 How to configure the axes of the OnlineTrendControl.................................................................57
5.4 How to configure the trends .........................................................................................................60
5.5 How to start the example on OnlineTrendControl........................................................................62
Index........................................................................................................................................................ 65

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Table of contents

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

4 11/2008, Printout of the Online Help
WinCC OnlineTrendControl 1
In order to process data in graphic form, WinCC uses Online TrendControl to offer the option
of displaying the data as a trend. The trend display can be configured as you wish. The
trends can display currently incoming values and archived values.

The following requirements apply to the display of trends in WinCC Online Trend Control:
● In a WinCC Online Trend Control any number of trends can be displayed in one or more
trend windows. Displaying a maximum of 8 trends is recommended.
● In order to display tags as a function of other tags, use the WinCC Function Trend

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WinCC OnlineTrendControl

Resolution of Trend Display

The number of trend values that can be displayed on the screen is limited by the screen
resolution and selected size of the trend window. Therefore, when displaying trends, it is
possible that fewer values are displayed in the trend window than actually exist.
If, for example, in an area of 100 pixels 200 measured values are archived, each pixel
represents 2 measured values. The value shown on the screen is that of the most recent
data (most recent time stamp).

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

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Representation Trend Lines 2
2.1 Representation Trend Lines
The WinCC OnlineTrendControl has many ways of displaying the progress of a trend.

Representation formats
To display values graphically, three basic representation types are available:
● No trend
The values are shown as dots. The display of the points can be configured as you wish.

● Connect dots linearly

The trend line is interpolated on a linear basis from the point values. The display of the
lines and points can be configured as you wish.

● Stepped trend
The progress of the trend line is determined from the values as a stepped trend. The
display of the lines and points can be configured as you wish.

The display of the trend can be configured on the "Trends" tab of the OnlineTrendControl.

Write direction
With the write direction option, you can specify where the current values for all trend
windows are to be entered. Normally, the current values are written in the trend window from
the right. All four write directions can be configured. The write direction is configured on the
"General" tab of the OnlineTrendControl.

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Representation Trend Lines
2.2 Representation Using Common Axes

2.2 Representation Using Common Axes

When displaying more than one trend in a trend window, you can assign every trend with its
own axes or use a common time axis and/or value axis for all trends.

Representation Using Different Axes

If the values to be displayed in a trend window differ greatly, a common value axis makes no
sense. The values can be read more easily if different axial scales are used. Individual axes
can be hidden if required.

Representation Using Common Axes

If the comparability of the trend lines is important, common axes in a trend window is
sensible. Connected trend windows can have a common time axis.

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

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Representation Trend Lines
2.2 Representation Using Common Axes

The axes are configured on the "Value axis" and "Time axis" tabs of OnlineTrendControl.
The assignment of the axes for the trends can be configured on the "Trends" tab. In this
case, you can assign the individual trends to the same axes.

In OnlineTrendControl, only tags with the same update cycles should be displayed for more
than one trend with a common time axis. In the case of different updating cycles, the length
of the time axis is not identical for all tags. Since the trends are updated at different times
due to the different updating cycles, a minimal different in the end time for the time axis
occurs on each change. As a result, the trends displayed skip slightly to and fro on each

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Representation Trend Lines
2.2 Representation Using Common Axes

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl 3
3.1 How to configure the OnlineTrendControl

In runtime, the trends are displayed in an ActiveX control. You can configure a WinCC
OnlineTrendControl for this in the Graphics Designer.

Configuration steps
1. Insert the OnlineTrendControl into a picture of the Graphics Designer.
2. Configure the basic properties for the OnlineTrendControl on the "General" tab:
– the window properties of the control
– the display of the control
– the write direction of the trend values
– the time base of the control
3. Define one or more trend windows.
4. Configure one or more time axes and value axes with their respective properties. Assign
the axes to the trend windows.
5. Define trends that you want to display in the trend windows. Assign the trends to the
trend windows. The value axis of a trend can only be the value axis of the assigned trend
window. Assign the trends with one or more time axes.
6. Every configured trend must be connected with an online tag or an archive tag. Define
the data connection for each trend.
7. Configure the display for each trend.
8. Configure the toolbar and status bar of the trend window.
9. If you want to display coordinates or statistic values, configure a ruler window, statistics
window or statistics area window as well. Connect the ruler window/statistics
window/statistics area window with the OnlineTrendControl.
10.Save the configurations.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.2 How to create trend windows in OnlineTrendControl

3.2 How to create trend windows in OnlineTrendControl

The WinCC OnlineTrendControl can contain one or more trend windows. The trend window
provides an area to display trends in.

Overview of the trend window

The trend window has the following properties:
● Every trend window is assigned with at least one trend, which has one time axis and one
value axis.
● The value axis of the trend determines the trend window, in which the trend will be
● A trend can only be assigned to one trend window.
● Several trends can be displayed in a trend window.
● A trend window can display value axes, independent of the displayed trends. Value axes
and time axes can be hidden in runtime.
● The sequence of the configured trend window is determined by the position in
OnlineTrendControl. The first trend window in the list of trend windows is displayed in the
lower position, the last trend window is shown in the top position.
● If more than one trend window is configured, the trend windows can be connected. The
connected trend windows have the following properties:
– They can have a common time axis.
– They have a scroll bar.
– They have a ruler.
– The zoom functions for a trend window affect the connected trend windows.

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.2 How to create trend windows in OnlineTrendControl

1. Define one or more trend windows with the "New" button on the "trend windows" tab.

2. If you have defined more than one trend window, more configurations are possible:
– Assign every trend window with an area selection in the displayed
– Define the position of the trend windows with the "Up" and "Down" buttons.
– Define whether the trend window will be connected on the "General" tab.
3. If you want to hide a trend window in runtime, deactivate the checkbox in front of the
name of the trend window in the list. The respective axes are then hidden as well.
4. Configure the gridlines for every trend window.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.3 How to configure the time axes of trend windows

5. Configure the display of the ruler. If you want to use a statistics area window, configure
the ruler that will be used with the statistics area as well.
6. If you use "Graphic" for the display of the ruler, you can configure the color and the line
weight of the ruler.
7. Define the level on which to display the ruler in the trend window.
8. Save the configuration.

3.3 How to configure the time axes of trend windows

The time range for trend display is configured with time axes. Several time axes can be
assigned with one or more trend windows. Connected trend windows may have a common
time axis.

Time range of the trend display

Basically, there are two different time references in the trend display:
● Static display. The time range of the trend display is determined by a pre-defined, fixed
time interval, independent of the current system time.

● Dynamic display. The time range of the trend display is determined retrospectively from
the most current values. The display is continuously updated. The configured time range
follows the current system time.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.3 How to configure the time axes of trend windows

You have three different ways to define the time range of a time range for each of the two
time references:
● The trend is displayed within a defined time interval. You define a start time and an end
time. In a dynamic display, the end time corresponds with the current system time. The
time between the start time and the end time is the time range for the trend display.
● The trend is displayed from a start time throughout a defined time range, e.g. 30 minutes
from the start time. In the dynamic display, the defined time range up to the current
system time is used, e.g. 30 minutes to the current system time.
● Starting from a start time, a defined number of values are shown, e.g. 100 values from
the start time. With the dynamic display, the last values up to the current system time are

● You have opened a picture with the OnlineTrendControl in the Graphics Designer.
● You have defined one or more trend windows.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.3 How to configure the time axes of trend windows

1. Define one or more time axes with the "New" button on the "Time axes" tab.

2. Define the positioning of the configured time axes for a trend window. The sequence in
the list of time axes determines the positioning in the trend window. If several time axes
are arranged on the same page of a trend window, the first time axis in the list assumes
the position in the bottom left and the last time axis in the list then assumes the position
at the top right.
3. Assign the time axes to the configured trend windows.
4. If you want to hide a time axis in the trend window, click on the checkbox in front of the
name of the time axis in the list. You can display the axes again in runtime with the key
5. Configure the properties and the formats for time and date for every time axis.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.4 How to configure the value axes of trend windows

6. If the trends in the trend window assigned to the time axis are always updated, activate
the "Update" option. If you e.g. want to compare a current trend display with an earlier
trend display, deactivate the "Update" option for the time axis of the comparison trend.
7. Configure the time range for every time axis:
– If you want to define a fixed time interval, select setting "Start to end time". Enter the
date and time for each.
– If you want to define a time period, select the setting "Time range". Define the date
and time for the start time. The time range is the result of a multiplication of the
"Factor" and "Time unit", e.g. 30 times "1 minute" for a time range of 30 minutes. Enter
the factor and the time unit in the "Time range" field.
– If you want to display a certain number of values, select the setting "Number of
measurement points". Define the date and time for the start time. Enter the desired
number of measurement points in the input field.
8. Save the configuration.

Upon opening the picture of a trend window in runtime, the trend values to be displayed
are either read from the archive or are set to zero. Define what is to be done via the
"Load archive data" option on the "General" tab.

3.4 How to configure the value axes of trend windows

You can configure several value axes that you will assign to one or more trend windows.
Configure the value range and the scaling for every value axis.
If you have defined a value axis, the value range and the scaling are pre-configured as
● The value range is based on the current values of the assigned trend.
● The value axis scale is linear to the value range.

● You have opened the picture with the OnlineTrendControl in the Graphics Designer.
● You have defined trend windows.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.4 How to configure the value axes of trend windows

1. Define one or more value axes with the "New" button on the "value axes" tab.

2. Assign the value axes to the configured trend windows.

3. If you want to hide a value axis in the trend window, click on the checkbox in front of the
name of the value axis in the list. You can display the value axes again in runtime with
the key functions.
4. Configure the orientation and the scaling for every value axis.
5. Configure the display of the value axis in trend windows.
6. Deactivate the "Automatic" option in "Value range" if you want to define a fixed value
range for the value axis.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.4 How to configure the value axes of trend windows

7. Enter the minimum value and maximum value of the value range in the input fields
"From:" and "To:".

8. If you want to define the scaling of the value axis yourself, activate the "Use" option in
field "User scaling". Click on to open the "User scaling" dialog.
9. Click "Add" to define an area. You must define segments without gaps for the entire
configured value range and assign areas on the value axis. If you have defined a value
range of "0 - 100000" you can divide this value range e.g. into three sections that you can
display as follows on the value axis:

E.g. value range "0 - 50000" is displayed in runtime on the value axis in the "100 - 500"
10.In a ruler window, the key function "Ruler" displays e.g. measurement values. You can
have a name shown as well in the "Y value" of the ruler window next to the measurement
value and the status display "i" and "u". Area names can be assigned for certain value

11.If you want to display area names, activate the "Display" option in the "Area names" field.
Click on to open the "Area names" dialog.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.5 How to create trends for the trend window

12.Click "Add" to define ranges with the respective names.

13.Save the configuration for the value axis.

3.5 How to create trends for the trend window

Every trend is assigned with a time axis and a value axis. The value axis assigned to the
trend determines the trend window, in which the trend will be displayed.

● You have inserted the OnlineTrendControl into a picture of the Graphics Designer.
● You have configured time axes, value axes and trend windows.
● The following prerequisites apply for the data source:
– If you want to connect data of online tags, you have to have defined process values in
the tag management.
– If you want to connect the data from archive tags, you have to have configured a
process value archive with archive tags.
– If you want to supply the trend values with data in runtime with scripts, you require a
script via the API interface.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.5 How to create trends for the trend window

1. Go to the "Trends" tab.

2. Use the "New" button to define the desired number of trends.

3. Define the sequence of trends in the trend window using "Up" and "Down" keys.
4. Assign each trend of trend window with a time axis and a value axis.
5. Define the data source for each trend. You can select the following:
– Archive tags of a process value archive
– Online tags from the tag management
– No configured data source to establish a connection in runtime via a script.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.5 How to create trends for the trend window

6. Click on to select a tag for the trend.

7. Configure the value range for the data in which the trend will be displayed. Click the
button in the "Data connection" field. The dialog "Automatic value range" will be opened.

Choose how the value range is defined from the following possibilities:
– Automatically from the displayed data.
– From the defined value range. Enter the values for the lower limit and the upper limit
of the value range.
– From online tags. The lower limit and the upper limit of the value range are made from
the values from connected online tags. Enter a tag name for the lower limit and the
upper limit.
8. Configure the display for each trend. More information can be found on page "How to
configure the display of trends".
9. Save the configuration.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.6 How to configure the display of trends

3.6 How to configure the display of trends

You can adjust the display of trends to suit your requirements in the WinCC controls. The
following WinCC controls are shown in trends:
● WinCC OnlineTrendControl
● WinCC FunctionTrendControl

The following trends features can be configured:
● The types of trends and trend lines
● The properties of trend lines
● The colors of the trends, the trend points and the fill color
● Color identification for a limit value violation

● You have opened the Graphics Designer and configured a picture with the above
mentioned WinCC control.
● The configuration dialog of the WinCC control is opened.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.6 How to configure the display of trends

Configuring the types of trends and trend lines

1. Go to the "Trends" tab. Here e.g. in WinCC OnlineTrendControl.

2. Choose a trend under "Trends".

3. Define the type of the trends and trend lines in the "Display" area.
4. If you want to highlight the display of the area under the trend, activate the "Filled" option.
5. In the small picture in the right-hand margin of the "Display" area, the result of the
configuration is shown.
6. Save the configuration.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.6 How to configure the display of trends

Configuring the properties of trend lines

1. Choose a trend under "Trends".
2. Define the properties of the trend lines in the "Display" area.
3. Define the line weight and the properties of the trend points.
4. In the small picture in the right-hand margin of the "Display" area, the result of the
configuration is shown.
5. Save the configuration.

Configuring the colors of the trends, the trend points and the fill color
1. Choose a trend under "Trends".
2. Define the colors in the "Display" area.
3. If you want to configure the colors of the trend points and the fill color, activate the
"Extended" option.
4. In the small picture in the right-hand margin of the "Display" area, the result of the
configuration is shown.
5. Save the configuration.

Configuring the color identification for a limit value violation

1. Choose a trend under "Trends".
2. Click in the "Display" area on the "Limit values" button. This will open the "Limit values"

3. Activate the limit values, for which you want a colored identification.
4. Define the color for every activated option.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.7 How to configure the toolbar and the status bar

5. The colored identification has the following effect:

– Low limit value. Whenever a displayed trend value is below the value defined in the
"Value" input field, the value is shown in the configured color.
– High Limit Value. Whenever a displayed trend value is above the value defined in the
"Value" input field, the value is shown in the configured color.
– Value with uncertain status. Values, whose start value is unknown on activating
runtime or for which a substitute value is used, have an uncertain status. These values
are displayed in the configured colors.
6. Save the configuration.

3.7 How to configure the toolbar and the status bar

The WinCC controls are operated at runtime using the functions of the toolbar buttons. The
status bar contains information pertaining to the current status of the WinCC control. You
can adapt the toolbar and the status bar for all WinCC controls when configuring, or at

● A picture showing a WinCC control is opened in Graphics Designer when configuring.
● The WinCC control is assigned the "Configuration dialog" button function for opening the
configuration dialog in Runtime.
● The configuration dialog of the WinCC control is open.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.7 How to configure the toolbar and the status bar

How to configure the toolbar

1. Go to the "Toolbar" tab. In the WinCC AlarmControl, for example:

2. In the list, activate the button functions you require for operating the WinCC control in
Runtime. For information on the button functions, refer to the description of the
corresponding WinCC control at "Operation in runtime".
3. Determine the sorting order for displaying the button functions in the toolbar. Select the
button functions from the list and the move the functions using the "Up" and "Down"
4. Define a hotkey for the functions of the toolbar buttons.
5. Any button functions assigned operator authorizations are only available in Runtime to
authorized users.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.7 How to configure the toolbar and the status bar

6. An activated button function is displayed in runtime if you deactivate its "Active" option,
however, it cannot be operated.
7. You can set separators between the button functions. Activate the "Separator" option for
the button function to be restricted by separator.
8. Configure the general properties of the toolbar, e.g. alignment or background color.

How to configure the status bar

1. Go to the "Status bar" tab. In the WinCC AlarmControl, for example:

2. Activate the elements required in runtime in the list of status bar elements. For further
information on status bar elements, refer to the descriptions of the corresponding WinCC
control at "Operation in runtime".

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.8 How to configure the Ruler window/Statistics window/Statistics area window

3. Determine the sorting order for displaying of the status bar elements. Select the elements
from the list and move these using the "Up" and "Down" buttons.
4. To resize the width of a status bar element, deactivate the "Automatic" option and enter a
pixel value for the width.
5. Configure the general properties of the status bar, e.g. alignment or background color.

3.8 How to configure the Ruler window/Statistics window/Statistics area


Evaluated data and statistics are shown in a table in a ruler window, statistics window or a
statistics area window. The ruler window/statistics window/statistics area window are
configured in the WinCC RulerControl.

Overview of the WinCC RulerControl

The RulerControl can be connected with the following controls:
● WinCC OnlineTrendControl
● WinCC OnlineTableControl
● WinCC FunctionTrendControl
Depending on the data evaluation, there are three different types of windows for displaying
values. The following window types are available:
● The ruler window shows the coordinate values of the trends on a ruler or values of a
selected line in the table.
● The statistics area window shows the values of the lower limit and upper limit of the
trends between two rulers or the selected area in the table. The statistics area window is
not planned for the WinCC FunctionTrendControl.
● The statistics window shows the statistic evaluation of the trends between two rulers or
the selected values in the table. The statistics window is not planned for the WinCC
All windows can also display additional information on the connected trends or columns.

● You have opened a picture with an OnlineTrendControl, OnlineTableControl or
FunctionTrendControl in the Graphics Designer.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.8 How to configure the Ruler window/Statistics window/Statistics area window

1. Insert RulerControl into the picture from the WinCC object palette.
2. Double click on the RulerControl to open the configuration dialog.

3. Configure the properties of the control on the "General", "Toolbar" and "Status bar" tabs.
4. Go to the "General" tab in the field "Source" and select the object name of the control that
is already configured. The type of control is displayed in the "Type" field.
5. Set the window type in the "Window" field. If the key function "Configuration dialog" can
be operated in runtime, you can change the window type in runtime.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.8 How to configure the Ruler window/Statistics window/Statistics area window

6. Go to the "Columns" tab.

7. Use the arrow keys to select the column of the window type that you want to display for
the assigned control. Columns for the basic data and columns that are only for the
selected window type or the assigned control are available. Define the column sequence
with buttons "Up" and "Down".

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.8 How to configure the Ruler window/Statistics window/Statistics area window

8. Go to the "Blocks" tab.

Every column corresponds with a block. In order to define the properties for the selected
columns, click on the respective blocks.
9. If a special format exists for a block, you can configure the format of the block. Deactivate
the option "Apply from source" if the format settings of the connected control are not to
apply in this case. Define the desired format.
10.Define whether the data for the column and the column heading is to be displays as text
or as an icon in the table under "Display".
11.Save the configuration.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.9 How to export runtime data

12.Configure the properties and the display of the table for the RulerControl in the
"Parameter," "Effects" and "Selection" tabs. You can find more on configuring the display
of the table under .
13.You can export the evaluated data. This requires activating the "Export data" key function
on the "Toolbar" tab. You can find more on exporting data under .
14.Configuring the TrendRulerControl is possible in runtime. You can find more on this under
How to define the effect of the online configuration (Page 34).

3.9 How to export runtime data

The runtime data shown in the WinCC controls can be exported using a button function. Set
up operation of the data export in runtime in the configuration dialog.

● A picture showing a WinCC control is opened in Graphics Designer when configuring.
● The configuration dialog of the WinCC control is open.

How to configure the operation of the data export

1. Go to the "Export" tab.

2. A standard file name and a standard directory are already entered in the "Data export
default settings." In this case for AlarmControl. If necessary, define a file name and a
directory for the export file.

3. CSV is currently available as data format. Click on to define the separator in the CSV

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.10 How to define the effect of the online configuration

4. Define the scope of the data export:

– All runtime data is exported
– Selected runtime data is exported. This data export is only possible in WinCC controls
with tabular display.
5. Configure the operation of the data export in runtime. Define:
– whether users are allowed to rename the file, or change the directory.
– whether to display the "Data export default settings" dialog in Runtime.
6. If "Display dialog" is deactivated, the data for operation of the "Export data" button
function is immediately exported to the defined export file.
7. Save the configuration.
8. Go to the "Toolbar" tab to activate the "Export data" button function for runtime.


You can export all or selected data to a defined file at runtime using button function .

3.10 How to define the effect of the online configuration

Users can parameterize the WinCC controls in Runtime. You must define the runtime effects
of the online configuration.
Changes configured at runtime are saved to a separate picture in the configuration system.
The original picture configuration is retained in the configuration system.

● A picture showing a WinCC control is opened in Graphics Designer when configuring.
● The configuration dialog of the WinCC control is open.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.10 How to define the effect of the online configuration

1. Go to the "Online configuration" tab. For example, in OnlineTrendControl:

2. The option buttons of the "Online configuration" field for setting online configuration
defaults are only available in the configuration system. The option buttons are not
available in runtime.
Select one of the three effects of the online configuration:
– "Do not retain". The online configurations are not retained in Runtime. This default
setting disables all options for runtime users. Online configurations are lost at the next
picture change and on activation/deactivation of the project.
– "Retain during runtime". This default setting enables the "discard", "retain" or "reset"
options for runtime users. Online configurations are retained at the next picture
change if the "retain" option is enabled, however, these are lost on
activation/deactivation of the project.

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.11 How to make the toolbar for the OnlineTrendControl dynamic

– "Retain permanently". This default setting enables the "discard", "retain" or "reset"
options for runtime users. Online configurations are retained at the next picture
change and on activation/deactivation of the project if the "retain" option is enabled.
3. Define corresponding user authorizations for online configuration.
4. The option buttons of the "Online configuration on next picture change" can be enabled
for operation in the configuration system and at runtime by setting the "retain at runtime"
and "retain permanently" defaults. The "reset" operation is only available in runtime,
because the configuration system contains the original configuration.
Select one of three effects of the online configuration at the next picture change:
– Select "discard" if to discard the online configuration at the next picture change.
– Activate "retain" to activate the online configuration based on default settings at the
next picture change or on activation/deactivation of the project.
– Activate "reset" to activate a picture which is older than the version stored in the
configuration system for runtime. All online changes are lost.

The picture is also replaced at runtime if you save it in Graphics Designer, or when
loading deltas in online mode. All online changes are lost.

5. Save the configuration.

The different configurations are only activated for new users after you performed a picture

3.11 How to make the toolbar for the OnlineTrendControl dynamic

The default functions for operating the WinCC OnlineTrendControl are no longer supported
for the new WinCC OnlineTrendControl as of WinCC V7.0. You can use the WinCC types of
dynamics to e.g. operate a key function of the toolbar with a script.

With WinCC controls as of V7.0, special functions are no longer required for operating the
control with toolbar dynamics. The previously used standard functions
"TlgTrendWindowPress..." and "TrendToolbarButton" are no longer supported.
If you do not want to operate the control via the toolbar, you can write the "ID" for the desired
button in the "ToolbarButtonClick" object property with an optional type of dynamics.
The "ID" of a button of the toolbar can be determined:
● with the table on page "Operation of the OnlineTrendControl in Runtime".
● in the configuration dialog of the OnlineTrendControl on the "Toolbar" tab via field "Object

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.11 How to make the toolbar for the OnlineTrendControl dynamic

Example: Open the configuration dialog for the control

In order to open the configuration dialog of the control, dynamics are possible as follows:
● VBScript:
– ScreenItems("Control1").ToolbarButtonClick = 2
– As an alternative to the property "ToolbarButtonClick", there are also methods in VBS
for operating the toolbar: ScreenItems("Control1").ShowPropertyDialog
– Or, with the following notation with the support of "Intellisense":
Dim obj
Set obj = ScreenItems("Control1")
● C script:
– SetPropWord(lpszPictureName, "Control1", "ToolbarButtonClick", 2);
● Direct connection
– In the dialog for the direct connection for the source, enter "2" as a constant
– Select the property "ToolButtonClick" for the object "Control1" for the target "Object in

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Configuring the OnlineTrendControl
3.11 How to make the toolbar for the OnlineTrendControl dynamic

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Operation in Runtime 4
4.1 Operating the OnlineTrendControl in runtime

The trend window is operated in runtime via the buttons in the toolbar. If you do not want to
operate the trend window via the toolbar, you can write the "ID" for the desired button in the
"ToolbarButtonClick" object property with an optional type of dynamics.


Icon Description ID
"Help" 1
Calls up the help on WinCC OnlineTrendControl.
"Configuration dialog" 2
Opens the configuration dialog, in which you can change the properties of
the OnlineTrendControl.
"First Data Record" 3
This button displays the tag trend over time in the trend window, starting
with the first archived value and extending over a defined time range. The
button is only available if the values originate from a process value archive.
"Previous Data Record" 4
This button displays the tag trend of the previous time interval in the trend
window, starting from the currently displayed time interval. The button is
only available if the values originate from a process value archive.
"Next Data Record" 5
This button displays the tag trend of the following time interval in the trend
window, starting from the currently displayed time interval. The button is
only available if the values originate from a process value archive.
"Last Data Record" 6
This button displays the tag trend over time in the trend window, ending
with the last archived value and extending over a defined time range. The
button is only available if the values originate from a process value archive.
"Zoom area" 8
Define an area by dragging with the mouse in the trend window. This cut-
out of the trend window is made larger. The "Original view" button brings
back the original size of the view.
"Zoom +/-" 9
Zooms in on or out off the trends in the trend window. The left mouse
button increases the size of the trends. By holding the "Shift" button down,
the left mouse button zooms out of the trends. The "Original view" button
brings back the original size of the view.

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Operation in Runtime
4.1 Operating the OnlineTrendControl in runtime

"Zoom time axis +/-" 10

Zooms in on or out off the time axes in the trend window. The left mouse
button increases the size of the time axes. By holding the "Shift" button
down, the left mouse button zooms out of the time axes. The "Original
view" button brings back the original size of the view.
"Zoom value axis +/-" 11
Zooms in on or out off the value axes in the trend window. The left mouse
button increases the size of the value axes. By holding the "Shift" button
down, the left mouse button zooms out of the value axes. The "Original
view" button brings back the original size of the view.
"Move trend area" 12
This button moves the trends along the time axis and the value axis in the
trend window.
"Move axes area" 13
This button moves the trends along the value axis in the trend window.
"Original view" 14
This button returns from the zoomed trend display back to the original view.
"Select data connection" 15
This button opens a dialog for the archive selection and tag selection.
"Select trends" 16
This button opens the dialog for toggling the visible and invisible trends.
You can also define which trend is displayed in the foreground.
"Select Time Range" 17
This button opens the dialog where you can specify the time range to be
displayed in a trend window.
"Previous trend" 18
This button is used for displaying the previous trend of the trend window in
the foreground.
"Next trend" 19
This button is used for displaying the next trend of the trend window in the
"Stop" 20
The updated display is stopped. The data is saved to the clipboard and
added when the button in the trend window is clicked again.
"Start" 20
Resume updated display.
"Print" 21
Click this button to print the trend shown in the trend window. The print job
used for printing is defined in the configuration dialog on the "General" tab.
"Export data" 26
This button is used for exporting all or the selected runtime data into a
"CSV" file. If the option "Display dialog" is active, a dialog opens in which
you can view the settings for exporting and can start the export. With the
respective authorization, you are also allowed to select the file and the
directory for the export.
If a dialog is displayed, the export of the data to the predefined file starts

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Operation in Runtime
4.1 Operating the OnlineTrendControl in runtime

"Ruler" 7
The coordinate points of a trend are queried with this button. The trend
data is displayed in the ruler window.
"Define statistics area" 22
This button is used to define the time range for calculating the statistics in
the trend window.
"Calculate Statistics" 23
The button shows the statistical values in the statistics window. The
displayed values refer to a selected trend with the configured calculation
time range. The button is only functional if a statistics window is connected
with the OnlineTrendControl.
"Connect backup" 24
This button opens a dialog in which you connect the selected archive with
WinCC Runtime.
"Disconnect backup" 25
This button opens a dialog in which you disconnect the selected archive
from WinCC Runtime.
"Relative axis" 27
Switches from displaying the absolute values to the percentage display of
value axis. The high and low limits for the trend correspond with a range of
0 to 100%.
"User-defined 1" 1001
Shows the first key function created by the user. The function of the button
is user-defined.

Possible elements of the status bar

The following elements can appear in the status bar of the trend window:

Icon Name Description

Connection status Shows the status of the data connections:
• No faulty connections
• Faulty connections exist
• All connections are faulty

Date Shows the system date.

Time Shows the system time.

Time Base Shows the time base used in the display of times.

Double click on the icon for the connection status to open the window "Status of the data
connections", in which the name, status and tag name of the data connection are listed.

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Operation in Runtime
4.2 Online configuration of the OnlineTrendControl

4.2 Online configuration of the OnlineTrendControl

In runtime, you can configure online and change the display of the WinCC
OnlineTrendControl. Configuring the OnlineTrendControl defines how to proceed with a
picture change or after ending runtime with online configurations.

The following buttons functions make online configuration possible in OnlineTrendControl:
● With key function "Configuration dialog"
● With key function "Select data connection"
● With key function "Select trends"
● With key function "Select time range"

Key function "Configuration dialog"

With the key function "Configuration dialog" you have access to the configuration dialog tab,
e.g. for changing the display of the trend.

The key function "Select data connection"

With key function "Select data connection" you select the archive tags or online tags for the
value axes, which you want to show in the trend.

Field Description
Trend Choose one of the configured trends.
Data Source Define whether the selected trend is supplied with an archive tag or online tag.
Tag name Select the tag name for the data connection.

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Operation in Runtime
4.2 Online configuration of the OnlineTrendControl

Key function "Select trends"

The key function "Select trends" opens a dialog, in which you can show or hide trends.
You move trends to the foreground by changing the sequence of the trends.

The first trend of a trend window can not be hidden.

Key function "Select Time Range"

Select the time range to be displayed for the time axes with key function "Select time range"

. If the trends in a trend window are to be displayed with a common time axis, the
specified time range applies to all trends.

Field Description
Time axis Select the configured time axis for which you want to define a time range.
time range Set the time range:
• If you want to define a fixed time interval, select setting "Start to end time". Enter
the date and time for each.
• If you want to define a time period, select the setting "Time range". Define the
date and time for the start time. The length of the time interval to be displayed is
determined by multiplying the "Factor" by the "Time unit".
• If you want to display a certain number of values, select the setting "Number of
measurement points". Define the date and time for the start time. Enter the
desired number of measurement points in the input field.

The entry format of the date and time depends on the Runtime language used.

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Operation in Runtime
4.3 Starting and Stopping Update

4.3 Starting and Stopping Update

The update of the trend in the trend window can be started and stopped with the "Start/Stop"
key function.
The button indicates whether the update is stopped or not:

● : Update is stopped. Click on the button to continue updating.

● : Update is started. Click on the button to stop updating.

4.4 How to display the trend in the foreground

If more than one trend are to be displayed in a trend window, you can use key functions to
define which trends will be displayed in the foreground.

● You have configured key functions "Select trends", "Previous trend" and "Next trend".


● is used for opening a dialog for displaying or hiding trends. You can also define
which trend is in the foreground.

● is used for displaying the next trend of the trend window in the foreground.

● is used for displaying the previous trend of the trend window in the foreground.

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Operation in Runtime
4.5 How to Determine the Coordinates of a Point

4.5 How to Determine the Coordinates of a Point

Key function "Ruler" is used for using a ruler to determine the coordinates of a point on the
trend. You can zoom in on an area of the trend to make coordinate finding easier. If you click
on the trend with the mouse, several trend parameters are shown in the tooltip for the trend

● You have configured a WinCC OnlineTrendControl. In order to highlight the ruler in the
trend window, you can increase the line weight of the ruler on the "Trend window" tab and
configure the color.
● You have configured the "Ruler" key function. If you want to zoom in on a section of the
trend, configure key functions "Zoom area" and "Original view".
● You have configured a WinCC RulerControl and connected it with the
● You have selected the ruler window in the RulerControl which shows the coordinates.
● You have activated runtime.

How to display the coordinates

1. In OnlineTrendControl, click on .
2. Move the ruler to the desired position with the mouse.

3. If you want to zoom in on an area, click on . Move the ruler to the desired position
with the mouse.

4. If you want to return to the original view, click on .

A ruler appears in the trend window. In the ruler window, besides the X value/time stamp and
the Y value, the data that you have configured in WinCC RulerControl is shown in the
The displayed values can be assigned an additional attribute in the form of a letter:

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Operation in Runtime
4.5 How to Determine the Coordinates of a Point

● Letter "i." : The displayed value is an interpolated value.

● Letter "u." : The displayed value has an uncertain status. The value is not certain if the
initial value is not known after runtime has been activated, or when a substitute value is

Other values can be determined by positioning the mouse pointer on the ruler and moving it
to the desired position while holding the left mouse button pressed.

The "uncertain" status of a value can also be indicated in the displayed trend characteristic.
You must activate the "Value with uncertain status" option on the "Trends" tab under "Limit

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Operation in Runtime
4.6 How to use the zoom functions in trend windows

4.6 How to use the zoom functions in trend windows

Key functions can be used for zooming in on, zooming out of and returning to the original
view for trends, axes and various zoom areas of the trend window.

The following zoom functions are available in the trend window:
● "Zoom area"
● "Original view"
● "Zoom +/-"
● "Zoom time axis +/-"
● "Zoom value axis +/-"
● "Move trend area"

● You have configured a WinCC OnlineTrendControl.
● You have configured the buttons for the required zoom functions for the toolbar.
● You have activated runtime.

How to zoom in on a segment of a trend window

1. Click . The updated display is stopped.

2. In the trend window, click one corner of the area that you wish to enlarge.
3. Hold down your left mouse button and drag the area you want to enlarge until it reaches
the desired size. If the highlighted area contains at least two measured values, the
selected trend area is displayed in the trend window.
4. Release the left mouse button. The selected segment is magnified. If you want to
increase the size further, repeat the process.

5. Click . The trend window is shown in the originally configured view again.

6. Click on to start the update again. The values that have been defined earlier are
used for the X axis and the Y axis.

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Operation in Runtime
4.6 How to use the zoom functions in trend windows

How to zoom in and zoom out of the trends

1. Click . The updated display is stopped.

2. Click in the trend window with the left mouse button to zoom in on the trends in the trend
window. If you want to increase the size further, repeat the process.
3. If you want to zoom out of the trends, press the "Shift" button while clicking with the left
mouse button.
4. While zooming in or zooming out with trends, the 50% value of the trends is always in the
middle of the value axes.

5. Click . The trend window is shown in the original view again.

6. Click on to start the update again. The values that have been defined earlier are
used for the X axis and the Y axis.

If you change the value area of a value axis on the "Value Axis" tab in the configuration
dialog while zooming, the visible zoom area is set to the new value area.

How to zoom with time axes and value axes

1. Click on to zoom time axes or on to zoom value axes. The updated display is
2. Click in the trend window with the left mouse button to zoom in on the time axes or value
axes. If you want to increase the size further, repeat the process.
3. If you want to zoom out of the time axes or value axes, press the "Shift" button while
clicking with the left mouse button.
4. While zooming with axes, the 50% value of the trend is always in the middle of the axes.

5. Click . The trend window is shown in the original view again.

6. Click on to start the update again. The values that have been defined earlier are
used for the X axis and the Y axis.

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Operation in Runtime
4.7 How to Generate Statistics of Runtime Data

How to move the trend area

1. Click . The updated display is stopped.

2. While holding the left mouse button down, move the cursor in the desired direction in the
trend window. The displayed area in the trend window is adapted on the time axis and on
the value axis.

3. If you click on again, the trend window is shown in the original view again.

4.7 How to Generate Statistics of Runtime Data

You can generate an evaluation of runtime process data in the trend window. The evaluated
data is shown in the WinCC RulerControl.

Depending on the data evaluation, there are three different types of windows for displaying
values. The following window types are available:
● The ruler window shows the coordinates of a trend on the ruler.
● The statistics area window shows the values of the lower limit and upper limit of the
● The statistics window shows the statistical evaluation of the trends. Among other things,
the statistics include:
– Minimum
– Maximum
– Average
– Standard deviation
– Integral
All windows can also show additional information on the values of the connected trends.

● You have configured a WinCC OnlineTrendControl. In order to highlight the ruler defining
the statistics area, you can increase the line weight of the ruler on the "Trend window" tab
and configure the color.
● You have configured a WinCC RulerControl and connected it with the
● You have selected the window in the RulerControl which shows the desired data.

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Operation in Runtime
4.7 How to Generate Statistics of Runtime Data

● You have configured key functions "Set statistics range", "Calculate statistics" and
"Start/Stop". If a display of the values in a ruler window is sufficient, you do not need key
functions "Select statistics area" and "Calculate statistics".
● You require key function "Select time range", if you wish to choose a statistics area
outside of the time range displayed in the trend window.
● You require key function "Configuration dialog" if you want to switch between the
statistics windows and the ruler window.
● You have activated runtime.

How to display the data in a statistics area window

1. Click on in OnlineTrendControl if the updated display is supposed to be stopped.

2. Click . The updated display is stopped, process data continue to be archived. Two
vertical lines are displayed at the left and right edge of the trend window.
3. Move the ruler until the desired area is selected.
4. The evaluated data is displayed in the columns that you have configured in the statistics
area window.

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Operation in Runtime
4.7 How to Generate Statistics of Runtime Data

5. If you want an evaluation of data that is not displayed in OnlineTrendControl, click on

. Enter the desired time range for the selected time axis in the "Time selection"
dialog. The data for the defined time range is displayed. You can now evaluate this data.

6. In order to continue with the display in OnlineTrendControl, click on .

How to display the data in a statistics window

1. In OnlineTrendControl, click on . The updated display is stopped, the process data

continues being archived.

2. Click . The updated display is stopped, process data continue to be archived. Two
vertical lines are displayed at the left and right edge of the trend window.
3. Move the ruler until the desired area is selected.

4. Click . The evaluated data is displayed in the columns that you have configured in
the statistics window.

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Operation in Runtime
4.8 How to display archived values

5. If you want an evaluation of data that is not displayed in OnlineTrendControl, click on

. Enter the desired time range for the selected time axis in the "Time selection"
dialog. The data for the defined time range is displayed. You can now evaluate this data.

6. In order to continue with the display in OnlineTrendControl, click on .

The displayed values can be assigned an additional attribute in the form of a letter:
• Letter "i." : The displayed value is an interpolated value.
• Letter "u." : The displayed value has an uncertain status. The value is not certain if the
initial value is not known after runtime has been activated, or when a substitute value
is used.

For additional statistical analysis of process data and archiving of results you must write
the scripts yourself.

4.8 How to display archived values

Use the buttons in the toolbar of a trend window or the corresponding key combinations to
browse through an archive.
The values archived of a tag are displayed within a time interval in the trend window. The
time interval is defined by entering a time range or by entering a start and end time.

● The buttons for browsing in archive are available only if data is supplied through archive
● You have defined a time range or a start and end time.

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Operation in Runtime
4.8 How to display archived values

Buttons for Archived Values

The progress of a tag over a specified time period, beginning with the first archived
value, is displayed in the trend window.
The progress of a tag within the previous time interval is displayed in the trend window,
starting with the currently displayed time interval.
The progress of a tag within the following time interval is displayed in the trend window,
starting with the currently displayed time interval.
The progress of a tag over a specified time period, ending with the last archived value, is
displayed in the trend window.

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4.8 How to display archived values

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Example project for OnlineTrendControl 5
5.1 Example configuration of an OnlineTrendControl

The following example shows the configuration of a WinCC OnlineTrendControl with two
trends and the display in runtime. With key function "Configuration dialog" in runtime, you
can change the display of the trends at any time and view the effects immediately.

Configuration steps
1. Insert the OnlineTrendControl into a picture of the Graphics Designer.
2. Configure the OnlineTrendControl properties.
3. Create a trend window.
4. Configure a time axis with the respective properties. Assign the time axes to the trend
5. Configure two value axis with the respective properties. Assign the value axes to the
trend window.
6. Define two trends and assign the trends to the trend windows. Assign the trends with the
time axis and the value axes.
7. Connect the two trends with an online tag for each.
8. Configure the display for each trend.
9. Save the picture with the OnlineTrendControl in the Graphics Designer.
10.Define the picture as a start picture with the example project.
11.Start runtime.
12.Start the tag simulator to supply the trends with data.
13.Deactivate runtime if you want to end the example project.

5.2 How to configure the trend window

The example has a trend window embedded in a WinCC OnlineTrendControl. This chapter
shows the configuration of the properties of the control and the trend window.

● You have opened a picture in the Graphics Designer.

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Example project for OnlineTrendControl
5.2 How to configure the trend window

1. Insert a WinCC OnlineTrendControl into the picture from the object palette in the
Graphics Designer. Use the mouse to drag the control to the desired size.
2. Double-click in the control. The configuration dialog opens.
3. Go to the "General" tab.

4. Select the "Normal" window heading. Activate the "Moveable", "Can Be Closed" and
"Sizeable" options. "From the right" is defined as the writer orientation and updating will
start when the picture is opened.
5. Save the configuration.
6. Go to the "Trend windows" tab. Define a trend window with the "New" button. The
gridlines are displayed in runtime.

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Example project for OnlineTrendControl
5.3 How to configure the axes of the OnlineTrendControl

7. Configure the display of the ruler. If you use "Graphic" for the display of the ruler, you can
configure the color and the line weight of the ruler.
8. Save the configuration.
9. Go to the "Toolbar" tab. You require the following key functions to test the example:
– Configuration Dialog
– All key functions for zooming and moving
– Original view
– Ruler
10.Save the configuration.

5.3 How to configure the axes of the OnlineTrendControl

The trend window of the example has a time axis and two value axes. The last 50 values of
the trend in relation to the current time are shown in the trend window.

● You have defined a trend window.

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Example project for OnlineTrendControl
5.3 How to configure the axes of the OnlineTrendControl

1. Go to the "Time axes" tab. Define a time axis with the "New" button.

2. Assign the time axis to the configured trend window. Select "Bottom" for the alignment of
the time axis.
3. Activate the "Update" option to display the values in relation to the current time.
4. Select setting "Number of measurement points" in the "Time range" area. You do not
have to define the start time because the last 50 values in relation to the current time will
be displayed in the example. Enter "50" for the number of measurement points in the
input field.
5. Configure the desired format for time and date.
6. Save the configuration.

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Example project for OnlineTrendControl
5.3 How to configure the axes of the OnlineTrendControl

7. Go to the "Value axes" tab. Define two value axes with the "New" button.

8. Assign the value axes to the configured trend window.

9. Configure the alignment for each value axis. The first value axis should be left-justified,
the second right-justified.
10.Select "Linear" for the scaling.
11.The option "Automatic" is activated for both value axes in the "Value range" area. The
value range for the value axes is based on the tag values.
12.Save the configuration.

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Example project for OnlineTrendControl
5.4 How to configure the trends

5.4 How to configure the trends

The trend window in the example shows two trends with a common time axis. Each trend
has its own value axis. The trends are supplied with data by online tags. The customer
display can be configured individually.

● You have defined a trend window.
● You have configured a time axis and two value axes.
● You have created two non-binary tags in the tag management.

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

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Example project for OnlineTrendControl
5.4 How to configure the trends

1. Go to the "Trends" tab. Define two trends with the "New" button.

2. Assign each trend with the configured trend window and the time axes. Trend1 is
assigned with ValueAxis1 and Trend2 with ValueAxis2.
3. Define the data connection for each trend. Select "Online tags".
4. Click on , to select the tags for the trends.
5. Configure the display for each trend as desired. More information on configuration can be
found on page .
6. Save the configuration.

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

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Example project for OnlineTrendControl
5.5 How to start the example on OnlineTrendControl

5.5 How to start the example on OnlineTrendControl

In order to test the example of the OnlineTrendControl in runtime, you must made many
settings in the project.

● You have saved the configured picture in the Graphics Designer.
● You have defined the picture in the WinCC Explorer as the start picture via the context

● You have checked for whether "Graphics Runtime" and "Tag Logging Runtime" are
activated in the "Computer properties" dialog.

1. Activate runtime by clicking the relevant button in the toolbar or selecting the relevant
menu bar.
2. Start the tag simulator to test the WinCC OnlineTrendControl with the tags.
3. Go to "Start/SIMATIC/WinCC/Tools" on your computer.
4. Select the "WinCC Tag Simulator". The simulation program will open.
5. Define two tags that you have connected in OnlineTrendControl.
6. Assign the tag with property "Random" and click on the "Active" option.
7. Save the settings in each case.
8. Click the "Start Simulation" button. The simulation is started and the trend supplied with
9. Deactivate runtime if you want to end the example project.

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Example project for OnlineTrendControl
5.5 How to start the example on OnlineTrendControl

The trends are displayed in runtime with the values that create the tag simulator.

Button brings you to the configuration dialog, in which you can change the display of
the trends as you wish on the "Trends" tab. You will immediately see the results of your
Test all functions for zooming and move the trend or the axes. More information is found
under .
More information on operating the OnlineTrendControl in runtime is found under .
You can expand the OnlineTrendControl with a ruler window for example. More information
can be found under and .

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

11/2008, Printout of the Online Help 63
Example project for OnlineTrendControl
5.5 How to start the example on OnlineTrendControl

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

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Alarm Control Online configuration, 34
Example of configuration, 55 Online Configuration, 42
Toolbar, 26 Online Trend Control
AlarmControl Resolution, 5
Configuring the data export operation, 33 OnlineTableControl
Configuring the status bar, 26 Configuring the data export operation, 33
Configuring the toolbar, 26 Configuring the evaluation with the RulerControl, 29
Online configuration, 34 Configuring the status bar, 26
Axis, 8, 14 Configuring the toolbar, 26
Online configuration, 34
OnlineTrendControl, 11
B Buttons in the Toolbar, 39
Change the sequence of the displayed trends, 44
Button, 39
Configuring a trend window, 12, 55, 57, 60
Configuring the axes of trends, 8
Configuring the data export operation, 33
Configuring the evaluation with the
Data export in runtime, 33 TrendRulerControl, 29
Configuring the status bar, 26
Configuring the time axes in trend windows, 14
E Configuring the toolbar, 26
Configuring the value axes in trend windows, 17
Examples of configuring an AlarmControl, 55
Configuring trends, 23
Configuring trends for the trend window, 20
Creating statistics in runtime, 49
Determining the coordinates of a point, 45
FunctionTrendControl Display a trend in the foreground, 44
Change the sequence of the displayed trends, 44 Display of archived values, 52
Configuring the data export operation, 33 Online configuration, 34
Configuring the evaluation with the RulerControl, 29 Online Configuration, 42
Configuring the status bar, 26 Operation in Runtime, 39
Configuring the toolbar, 26 Representation Trend Lines, 7
Configuring trends, 23 Start and stop update, 44
Displaying a trend in the foreground, 44 Using the zoom functions in trend windows, 47
Online configuration, 34

I Representation of process values, 5
In trends, 5 Runtime, 39, 42, 49
Displaying archived values in
OnlineTrendControl, 52
K Trend in the foreground, 44
Using the zoom functions in trend windows, 47
Key function, 39

Process Value Output in the Form of Trends in Process Pictures

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Starting and stopping the update in table windows, 44
Statistics, 29, 49
Status bar, 26, 39

Toolbar, 26, 39
Trend, 7, 8, 14, 17, 20, 23
Configuring in OnlineTrendControl, 12, 55, 57, 60
Trend Control, 5
Configuring the data export operation, 33
Configuring the ruler window/statistics
window/Statistics area window, 29
Configuring the status bar, 26
Configuring the toolbar, 26
Creating statistics in runtime with the
OnlineTrendControl, 49
Online configuration, 34

Configuring the data export operation, 33
Configuring the status bar, 26
Configuring the toolbar, 26
Online configuration, 34

WinCC AlarmControl
Standard functions, 36
WinCC Online Trend Control, 5

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