Triage - Rapidly classifying the injured on the basis of the severity of their injury & the
likelyhood of the surveillance
Triage RED - Immediate medical attention ( life or limb saving surgery)
Triage YELLOW - Medium priority ( can survive 4 - 6 hrs without medical attention )
Triage GREEN - Ambulatory patients ( Walking wounded)
Triage BLACK - Dead patients.
Epidemic - occurance of a disease clearly in excess of usual or expected frequency
Endemic - constant presence of a disease in a area
Pandemic - an epidemic usually occuring over a very large geographical area
Exotic - disease not present in a country & brought from outside
291.Malarial control programme single dose chloroquine 600mg is given after taking blood
292.Minimum level of Iodine in iodized salt - 15ppm
293.National health policy is based on - Primary health care
294.Licence to Blood banks is given by - Drugs controller general of India
295.Hundred day cough is - whooping cough - in Pertussis
296.Low birth weight is - <2.5kg
297.Progestacert release - 65mcg/day progesterone
298.MC complaint of IUD insertion is - Bleeding.
299.MC disorder to be screened in neonates - Neonatal Hypothyroidism
300.Juvenile age - <16yrs for male & <18yrs for female
301.Protein requirement 1gm/kg/day
302.Most important essential fatty acid - linoleic acid
303.Richest source of Vit .A/D - Halibut liver oil
304.Richest source of vit.c - Amla
305.Adult pregnant female are anemic if - Hb is less than 11gm%
306.Optimum level of fluorine intake is - 0.5-0.8ppm
307.IQ = mental age/chronological age x 100
308.Residual level of chlorine in water - 0.5mg
309.Water seal in sanitary latrine is - 2 cms
310.MC occupational cancer - Skin cancer
311.Census takes place every - 10 yrs
312.1 PHC is for a population of 30,000
313.8th day disease - Tetanus neonaturum
314.Milk is poor in - Vitamin C & iron
315.Pellagra - niacin defeciency
316.Anophles larva rest parallel to under surface of water
317.Aedes larvae breed in artificial collection of water
318.Multi purpose workers where introduced by - kartar singh commitee
319.Bhore commitee - 1946
320.Failure rate of condom - 2-14 per HWY
321.Sex ratio is calculated as - no.of females/no.of males x 1000
322.Crude death rate is - no.of deaths / total mid year population x 1000
323.Sex ratio of india is - 933
324.Growth rate of India (annual) is - 1.93%
325.Total fertility rate is - completed family size
326.Eligible couple is - married couple with wife in reproductive age group
327.WHO defines adolescenes as between - 10-19 yrs age
328.A disease occuring before the age 65 yrs is - Pre-senile
329.In which stage of the demographic cycle is India currently - Late expanding
330.Denominator in crude death & crude birth rate - Mid year population
331.Measured in pearl index is - No.of accidental gestations
332.Oligospermia,according to WHO is - < 20 million sperms per HPF
333.Example for conventional contraception - Condoms
334.Natural method of contraception include - rhythm method/coitus interuptus/ breast
feeding/calendar method/billing method/symptothermic method/basal body temperature
335.Absence of sperm is - Azoospermia
336.MC side effect of IUD insertion - Bleeding
337.Temporary contraceptive method of choice in 37yr well educated woman - Diaphragm
338.Conventional contraceptives are those which - require action at time of intercourse
339.OCP protect against - Fibroadenoma breast,iron deficiency anemia,ovarian ca.
340.Side effects of OCP - liver disease,breast cancer,thromboembolism
341.Pearl index is normally used for studying - effectiveness of contraceptive
342.Pearl index is used to evaluate - contraceptive methods
343.Natural method of contraception is most effective - Symptothermic method
344.Barrier methods - Diaphragm/Foam tablets/ vaginal sponge.
345.Spermicide used in the contraceptive - 9- nonoxynol
346.Copper - T is preferably inserted postnatal,after - 8 weeks
347.CU T 380 A IUCD should be replaced every 10 yrs
348.Nova T has - Silver core
349.Absolute contraindication of IUCD is - PID
350.Serious complication of oral contraceptives - Leg vein thrombosis
351.Mala - N - norethisterone - 1mg/ethinyl estradiol -30mcg
352.Side effect of Mini pill - irregular bleeding, depression
353.Mini pill contains - only progesterone in small quantity
354.Post coital contraceptives - OCP,RU-486,copper-T
355.Most cost effective contraceptive is - Vasectomy
356.Breast feeding must be initiated within after normal delivery - 1 hour,LSCS -4 hrs
357.Current recomendation for initiating breast feed - as early as possible
358.School health examination must be done every - 6 months
359.Recommended door&windows area in a class must be - 25%
360.According to protocol for uncomplicated pregnancy no.of minimum visits must be - 3
361.'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ideal visits must be - 13-14
362.Content of pediatric iron folic acid - iron-20mg,folic acid-100mcg
363.MCC of neonatal meningitis in India - Group B streptococcus
364.Low birth weight in India defined as - birth weight less than 2500 grams
365.Weight of new born triples at the age of - 1 yr
366.Assessment of malnutrition is done by - mid arm circumference,BMI,wgt for age
367.Nutritional status of a child is assessed by - Mid arm circumference
368.Post term pregnancy - >42 weeks period of gestation
369.Breast feeding is contraindicated in - Open TB
370.Height of newborn doubles at - 4 yrs
371.Which immunoglobulin is present in Breast milk - Ig A
372.MCC of neonatal mortality in India - Low birth weight & prematurity
373.MC Maternal mortality in India - Haemorhage
374.Normal requirement of Iron during pregnancy is - 38 mg/day
375.Guthrie test is done in neonates for mass screening of - Phenylketonuria
376.Amount of caloreis & proteins received by a preg woman frm anganwadi worker
- 500cals,25gm protein
377.After birth,care of eye of newborn is by - AgNo3 eye drop
378.Additional daily energy requirement during 1st 6 mon for a lactating woman is-550Kcal
379.Preterm babies - born before 37 weeks
380.Folic acid supplementation during lactation period - 150mcg
381.Elemental iron supplementation in Iron defeciency anemia - 100-150mg
382.Osteomalacia in pregnancy &lactation is best treated by - Vit D & calcium
383.Daily need of calories in pregnancy is - 2500 Kcal
384.Postnatal period extends for - 6 weeks
385.Perinatal mortality rate includes death in 28 weeks to 1st week after birth
386.Still birth - 1000grams baby weight
387.Denominator of maternal mortality rate - 1000 live birth
388.Commonest cause of perinatal mortality in iIndia - Prematurity
389.WHO referance growth chart lower curve - 3rd percentile
390.Upperline in growth chart is - 50th percentile
391.Best parameter for assessment for chronic malnutrition - Height for age
392.Mid arm circumference is constant during - 1-5 yrs
393.Population to anganwadi centre - 1000MTP is allowed upto 20 weeks
394.Pasteurization of milk is determined by - phosphatase test
395.Pellagra & casal's necklace is seen in - defeciency of Vit B3 niacin
396.Iron tablets should never be given along with - Milk
397.Dose of vitamin A prophylaxis required by a 9 month old child - 1,00,000 IU
398.Daily total requirement of iodine by an adult - 150 mcg
399.Anti oxidant vitamins include - vit A,C,E
400.Calories in 100 ml breast milk - 75 Kcal
401.Highest PUFA content is found in - Soyabean oil
402.Vitamin K is given to every child - At birth
403.IOC for iron deficiency anemia - serrum ferritin
404.Most essential fatty acid - linoleic acid
405.Fatty acid found exclusively in breast milk - Docosa hexanoic acid
406.Protein content of breast milk in 100ml - 1.1 gm
407.Vit D defeciency in children - rickets/in adults - osteomalacia
408.Recommended daily energy intake of an adult woman with heavy work is - 2900 Kcal
409.Burning sole syndrome is seen in defeciency of - pantothenic acid
410.Twin fortified salt contains - Iodine + iron