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Screening tests Disease screened

Pap smear test Cervical cancer
Breast self examination Breast cancer
Mammography Breast cancer
Bimanual oral examination Oral cancer
Urine for sugar/random blood sugar T2DM
AFP Developmental anomalies in fetus
Digital rectal examination Prostate cancer
Prostate specific antigen Prostate cancer
fecal occult blood Colorectal cancer
Disease Exposure
Anthracosis Coal dust
Level of Intelligence IQ range
Asbestosis - Asbestos dust/
Idiot 0-24
Base of lung Mesothilioma
Imbecile 25-49
Byssinosis Cotton fiber
Moron 50-69
Bagassosis Sugarcane
Borderline 70-79
Berylliosis Beryllium
Low normal 80-89
Farmer's lung Mouldy hay
Normal 90-109
Silicosis - TB Sand/Silica dust
Superior 110-119
Upper lobe Xray-eggshell
Very superior 120-139
Near genius 140 & over
Siderosis Iron dust
Vital event Registration to be done within
Birth 21 days

Typhoid 1st week - Blood culture Death 21 days

2nd week - widal Marriage 30 days
3rd week - Stool culture Pregnancy No legislation yet
4th week - Urine culture

Disease Causative organism Incubation period

Chicken pox Human herpes virus 3 14-16 days
Measles(rubeolla) RNA paramyxovirus 10-14 days
Rubella german measles RNA togavirus 14-21 days
Mumps RNA myxovirus 14-21 days
Influenza Orthomyxovirus 18-72 hrs
Diptheria Cornybacterium diptheria 2-6 days
Pertussis Bordetella pertusis
Yellow fever Flavivirus fibricus 2-6 days
Japanese encephalitis Group A Arbovirus
KFD Arbovirus
Rabies Lyssavirus type-1 3-8 weeks
Cholera Vibrio cholera 1-2 days
Lymphatic filariasis Wucheria bancrofti
Small pox Variola virus 7-17 days
Tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis Weeks-years
Polio myelitis Polio virus 7-14 days
Typhoid fever Salmonella typhi 10-14 days
Dengue Arbovirus 3-15 days
Malaria Plasmodium vivax 8-17 days
Malaria Plasmodium falciparum 9-14 days
Malaria PlasmodiumMalariae 18-40 days
Malaria Plasmodium ovale 16-18 days poisoning Staph aureus 1-6 hrs
Tetanus Clostridium tetani 6-10 days
HIV/AIDS HIV/HTLV-iii/LAV Months-10 yrs
Leishmaniasis L.donovani 1-4 months
Plague/pnemonic Yersinia pestis 2-7 days/1-3 days
Ascariasis Ascaris lumbricoides 2 months
Group discussion : People interacting face to face
Panel discussion : 4-8 persons talking in front of an audience.
Symposium : series of speeches on a selected subject by different persons in a single meet
Workshop : series of more than 4 meetings usually meant for a training.
Level of free residual chlorine : Drinking water -residual chlorine >0.5mg/litre
Swimming pool sanitation - >1.0 mg/liter
Drinking water to kill cyclops >2.0 mg/liter

Vectors Disease transmitted

House fly (musca domestica) Anthrax,Yaws,Trachoma
Sand fly (phlebotamus argentipes) Kala Azar,Oriental sore
Tse-Tse fly (glossina palpalis) Sleeping sickness of Africa
Reduvig bug (triatominae) Chagas disease
Black fly(simulum) Onchocerciasis(river blindness)
Soft tick KFD(outside India),Q fever,Relapsing fever
Hard tick KFD(in India),Indian tick typhus
Flea Plague,Murine typhus
Mite Scrub typhus,Ricketsial pox
Louse Epidemic typhus,trench fever,relapsing fever
Aedes mosquito Dengue,DHF,Yellow fever,chickuguniya
Anopheles mosquito Malaria,filaria
Horse fly Loa loa
Culex mosquito Bancroftian filariasis,jap.encephalitis,
west nile fever,viral arthritis

Under weight - <18.5

Normal BMI - 18.5-25
Pre-obese - 25-30
Obesity - >30
BMI = weight in Kg/Height2 in metre2
Period of communicability : Chicken pox - 2days -rash - 5 days
Measels - 4 days - rash - 5 days
H1N1 - 1 day - symptoms - 7 days
Influenza - 1 day - symptoms - 1 day
Diptheria - 14 - 28 days or Termination of carrier state
Scarlet fever - till termination of carrier state
Tetunus - None
HIV - Life long

Live vaccine -OPV -(Sabin) Killed vaccine - IPV-( Salk )

Mumps /Measels /Rubella/OPV Cholera /Plague / IPV(Polio)
Yellow fever /Typhoid /BCG Hepatitis A /Pertusis /Rabies
Chicken pox /Flu /Influenza Meningococcal /killed plague /
Plague /varicella / Epidemic typhus killedInfluenza /japanese encephalitis
Kyasanur forest disease
Toxoid : Diptheria toxoid /Tetanus toxoid
Combination vaccines : DPT/DT/MMR/TAB/DPTP

Triage - Rapidly classifying the injured on the basis of the severity of their injury & the
likelyhood of the surveillance
Triage RED - Immediate medical attention ( life or limb saving surgery)
Triage YELLOW - Medium priority ( can survive 4 - 6 hrs without medical attention )
Triage GREEN - Ambulatory patients ( Walking wounded)
Triage BLACK - Dead patients.
Epidemic - occurance of a disease clearly in excess of usual or expected frequency
Endemic - constant presence of a disease in a area
Pandemic - an epidemic usually occuring over a very large geographical area
Exotic - disease not present in a country & brought from outside

Important Days of Public health importance

30th jan - Anti leprosy day

2nd Wednesday of march - No Smoking day
8th March - International womens day
15th march - world disabled day
24th march - Anti TB day
7th April - World health day
8th May - World red cross day
31st May - No Tobacco day
5th June - World environment day
26th june - against drug abuse&illicit trafficking
1st july - Doctors day
11th july - World population day
8th september - world literacy day
1st october - for older persons/Voluntary Blood donation day
2nd Wednesday of October - world disaster reduction day
9th october - World sight day
10th october - world mental health day
24th october -UN day
10th November - Universal immunization day
25th november - elimination of violence against women
1st December - World AIDS day
3rd December - for disabled persons
10th december - Human rights day


Infant mortality rate = no.of infant deaths x 1000 - rate

No.of Live births

Maternal mortality rate = no.of maternal deaths x 100000 - Ratio

No.of Live births

Sex ratio = no.of females x 1000 - Ratio

No.of males

Incidence = no.of new cases x 1000 - Rate

Total population
Prevalence = no.of new+ old cases x 100 - Proportion
Total population
Case fatality rate = no.of deaths x 100 - Proportion
No.of cases

Relative risk = Incidence among exposed - Ratio

Incidence among non-exposed

1. Total iron requirement in pregnancy - 600mg

2. Increased requirement of calories in lactating mother - 500 - 600 cal/day
3. Most common cause of maternal mortality in India is - Haemorrhage
4. Egg protein quality is - 100% /Highest quality of protein - Egg
5. Highest quantity of protein - Soya bean 43%
6. Daily protein requirement - 0.83gms/kg/day
7. Most repeated value is known as - Mode
8. Sum of all values divided by no. Of values - Mean
9. Middle value or average of the 2 most middle values - Median
10. Age at which a person is considered as dependent is - Age below15 & above 65
11. Human development index includes-Literacy/life expectancy at Birth/income index
12. Incubation period of yellow fever is - 2-6 days
13. Disease notifiable to WHO is - Cholera / Plague / Yellow fever
14. Infective period of chicken pox is - 2 days prior & 5days after appearance of rash
15. Small pox was eradicated in - May 1980
16. Recently eliminated from India - Yaws 2007& leprosy 2005,guinea worm
17. Indicator of socio economic development - Infant mortality rate
18. Millenium development goals have to be achieved by - 2015
19. Sentinel surveilance is used to assess - Hidden/missing cases
20. Most Important function of sentinel surveilance is-find total amount of disease in a
21. Chronic carrier state is seen in - Typhoid/Hep.B/Dysentry/Meningitis/Malaria/Gonorhea
22. Sullivan index provides - Life expectancy minus probable duration of bed disability &
inability to perform major activities
23. Severity of the disease best assessed by - case fatality rate
24. Sullivan index is the measure of - Disability rate
25. Killing power of a disease is - case fatality rate
26. Attack rate is - Incidense of the disease
27. Surveillance is - continuous scrutiny of factors affecting a disease
28. Physical quality of life index(PQLI)includes - IMR/literacy rate/life exp at age1 yr
29. MC Neonatal disorder to be screened is - Neonatal hypothyroidism
30. Person cannot perform daily life activities which is 2 b normal for his age- Disability
31. Impairement - Anatomical structural or functional loss
32. Handicap - Loss of social role suppose to play in society
33. Disease - any abnormal condition of an organism that impairs function
34. Correct sequence -disease-impairement-disability-handicap
35. Obesity is measured in terms of - BMI = weight in kg/height in metre2
36. BMI<18 - under wgt/18-24 normal/25-29 -pre obese/gr-1 -30-34/gr-2-35-39/gr-3>40
37. Silent epidemic of century - Alzheimers disease
38. Measels-Koplik spots-incubation period-10-14 days-RNA paramyxovirus.
39. MC complication of measles - Otitis media/least Complication-SSPE
40. Incubation period of measles - 10 days
41. Respirable dust,responsible for pneumoconiosis,has a size limit of - <5 microns
42. Pneumoconiosis - occupational lung dis -inhalation of dust particles <5 microns
causing fibrosis of lung tissue
43. MC pneumoconiosis in India - Silicosis
44. MC lung Ca in pneumoconiosis - Asbestosis
45. Mid day meals should provide - 1/3 calories & 1/2 proteins
46. Which of d following doesn't multiply but completes its developmental cycle in the host -
47. Amplifier host of Japanese encephalitis/KFD - Pigs
48. Host for chicken guniya - Man
49. Exclusive breast feeding recommended in India upto - 6 months
50. Disinfecting action of chlorine on water in mainly due to - Hypochlorus acid
51. Disease occuring before the age of 65 yrs - Pre senile.
52. Sensitivity is measured by - True positive
53. Specificity is measured by - True negative
54. Best method for prevention of infection by medical professional in a hospital setup
-Hand washing.
55. FAST questionare is used to diagnose - Alcoholic
56. Programme designed for the benefit for pregnant woman & infant - Janani suraksha
57. Best indicator of socio economic development of a country is - IMR
58. MCC of Infant mortality rate(IMR) in India - Low birth weight & prematurity
59. Health assistant should visit to subcenters once in - every week
60. Who will prepare malarial parasite smear slide - Health assistant(male)
61. Chandler's index is used for - Hook worm - Ankylostoma duodenale - no.of hookworm
eggs per gram of stool - 250 eggs is dangerous
62. Socially attained behaviour is – Culture

63. For determination of socio economic status of urban population

- modified kuppusamy scale
64. Human developement index(HDI) - life expectancy at birth/
Value ranges bet 0-1 Income per capita/ Literacy rate
65. Prevention of risk factor development of CAD - primordial level of prevention
66. Pt is made to walk early after surgery,this is an example of -rehablitation
67. Endemic of a disease means - is constantly present in population
68. Most important function of sentinel surveilance - to find total amount of disease in a
69. Bhopal gas tragedy is - single exposure point source epidemic
70. Modified kuppusamy scale
- education status of head of family/occupation status of head of family/
income per capita per month.
71. Case fatality rate = total no.of deaths due to a disease x 100 cases due to a disease
72. Epidemiological triad are - Host/environmental factors/agent
73. When a child lost in hands & unable to do routine works called as - Impairment
74. Natural history of disease is studied by - Longitudinal study
75. Disease elimination means - preventing the transmission chain
76. Leprosy is considered a public health problem if the prevalence of leprosy
77. In India which disease is near to eradication - Polio
78. Which is primary prevention - Support
79. Iodine salt supplementation is - Specific protection
80. Water borne disease - Amoebiasis
81. Chemoprophylaxis is prevention of - Primary
82. Surveilance is - Scrutiny of factors
83. Morbidity is measured by - Active surveilance
84. PTB-drug-rifampicin225mg-pyranzinamide750mg-isoniazid150mg-ethambutol 400mg
85. Serial interval is - Time gap between primary & secondary case
86. Hypothesis is a - variable to be tested
87. Case fatality rate is a method measuring - Virulence
88. A graph shows uniform curve i no secondary curves - pointed epidemic
89. Rapid rise & fall in epidemic curve without any secondary waves is seen in
- point source epidemic
90. Case control study is a type of - Analytical study
91. Recall bias is most commonly associated i which study -case control study
92. Incidence rate is measured by - cohort study
93. Incidence rate is calculated by - prospective study
94. Incidence rate is defined as - No.of new cases of a disease in a community
95. Relative risk is -
incidense of disease among exposed/incidence of disease among non-exposed
96. Relative risk is calculated by - cohort studies
97. Prevalence is a - Proportion & calculated by -cross sectional study
98. Odd's ratio is calculated by - case control study
99. Odd's ratio is derived from /estimate of - relative risk
100.Study of alcohol intake for 10 yrs & occuring of hepatic disease type of study - cohort
101.Double blind study means
- both observer & person or group being observed is blind about the study
102.Hospital acquired infection of surgical wound is mostly by - Instruments
103.Serial interval means - difference between primary case & secondary cases
104.Hospital based study is - Cross over study
105.Herd immunity is seen in - polio/measles/diptheria/pertusis/mumps/rubella/smallpox.
106.Herd immunity is not seen in - Tetanus
107.Vaccine most commonly associated with allergic reaction & shock - DPT
108.All Live vaccines & meningococcal r contraindicated in pregnancy
109.BCG sholud be given - immediately after birth
110.Hepatitis B vaccine should be given as - 0,1,6 months
111.Total dose of vit A given under national immun. Shcedule - 9 lacIU
112.Post exposure Rabies vac schedule - 0-3-7-14-28-90
113.BCG/H.influenza/yellow fever is diluted i - NS
114.Measles/MMR vaccine is diluted with - Distilled water/sterile water
115.Vitamin A should be given at the age of - 6-9 months
116.Rabies vaccine is prepared from - Fixed virus
117.Antisera is obtained from - Horse
118.First immunization of the Baby - Colostrum
119.Administration of which vaccine can result in paralysis in children - Sabin polio vaccine
120.9 month old un-immunized child was brought to dispensary,vaccine should be given to
this baby first - OPV+BCG+DPT+Measles
121.Leprosy commonly spreads by - Milk
122.Yellow fever vaccination starts protection after how many days of injection - 10 days
123.Ring vaccination is - given around 100 yards of a case detected
124.A full course of immunization against tetanus with 3 doses of TT confers immunity for
how many years - 5 yrs
125.Vaccine administered as Nose drops - Influenza
126.Gap between two live vaccines - 4 weeks
127.BCG is given - Intra dermal
128.Best way to sterilise glass syringes is - Hot air
129.Cold sterilization is done by - Ionizing radiation
130.Surgical blades are best sterilised by - Autoclave
131.Fibre optic scopes are sterilised by - Glutaraldehyde
132.True positive rate of a screening test is - 1- false negative.
133.Test used for screening cases of tuberculosis in India - sputum smear examination
134.Sensitivity of a screening test is - true positive
135.Screening test preferred for T2DM in India - Fasting blood sugar
136.Confirmatory test for Tuberculosis in India - AFB in sputum
137.True negatives are detected by - specificity
138.High false positive cases signify that disease has - high incidence & low prevalence
139.False negative means - person has disease but shows negative test result
140.High false positive in a test is due to - high sensitivity
141.Positive predict value of a test depends upon - prevalence of disease
142.In GTT-glucose tolerance test DM is diagnosed if vein plasma glucose level is-200mg
143.Acc. To WHO blindness is inability to count fingers at a distance - 3 metres
144.Chinese letter arrangement of bacilli under microscope - cornybacterium diptheriae
145.Best specimen for diagnosis of rabies in living person-biopsy of skin follicles on neck
146.Koplik spots r seen in - Measles
147.Negri bodies/Hydrophobia is seen in - Rabies
148.Bull neck appearance is seen in - Diptheria
149.Subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis is a complication of - Measles
150.Kala azar is transmitted by - sand fly
151.Perinatal transmission of Hepatitis B is max in - 3rd trimester
152.For dengue diagnosis,no.of petechial spots per squarer inch in cubital fossa is - >20
153.MC oppurtunistic infection in AIDS is - pneumocystis carnii pneumonia
154.DOC for a pregnant lady with cerebral malaria - Quinine
155.Reservoir for chickun guinya - Primate
156.MC site for Hydatid cyst in human body is - right postero superior lobe of liver
157.DOC of LGV - Doxycycline
158.Best indicator of HIV progression in body is - CD4:CD8 ratio
159.Dose of rabies immunoglobulin is - 20 IU/kg body weight
160.Cyclops are found in the life cycle of - Dracunculiasis
161.Chandler's index is used for - Hook worm
162.Vector for dengue fever is - Aedes
163.Major side effect of streptomycin - Oto-toxicity
164.Major side effect of rifampicin - Hepatitis
165.Major side effect of ethambutol - colour blindness/optic neuritis
166.Vitamin A defeciency - Night blindness
167.Enteric fever is caused by - Salmonella typhi
168.MC cause of blindness in India - Cataract
169.DOC for cholera in Adults - Doxycycline
170.Typhoid ulcer perforates in - 3rd week
171.Virus causing rabies in man - street virus
172.Q-fever is caused by - coxiella burnetti
173.Tick transmits - Rocky mountain spotted fever
174.Poliomyelitis is transmitted by - Faecal oral route
175.MC cancer world wide is - Lung cancer
176.Certificate of yellow fever is valid for duration of - 10 yrs
177.SAFE - Surgery/Antibiotics/Face washing/Environmental improvment
178.Which of the following hepatitis is associated with higher mortality in pregnancy
- Hepatitis E
179.Reservoir for measles - Man / Incubation period - 10 days
180.Koplik spots appear in - Prodromal stage in measles
181.MC complication of Mumps in children - Aseptic meningitis
182.Diptheria carrier r diagnosed by - throat culture
183.Schick test indicates - carrier for - diptheria
184.Treatment for pertussis children - prophylactic antibiotic for 10 days
185.Child with pertussis should be isolated for 3-4 weeks
186.Chemoprophylaxis for meningococcal meningitis - Rifampicin
187.In TB a case is - sputum positive
188.Polio is due to - Virus
189.WHO -ORS - Na+-90mleq/lit/Glucose-111,kcl-1.5g,Nacl-3.5g,pot.cit-2.9g,
pot bicarb-2.5g,K+-20meq,Tot millimoles - 311
190.Typhoid oral vaccine is given - 1,3,5 days
191.DOC for cholera chemoprophylaxis - Tetracyclines
192.Guinea worm infestation is common in workers of - step wells
193.Highest level of Health care is - Tertiary care
194.Infective period of dengue fever - 10-20 days
195.Malaria s transmitted by - Female Anopheles stephensi(urban malaria),anopheles dirus
196.Malarial parasite in India are - vivax/falciparum/malariae
197.Anti malaria month - June
198.Causative organism of Malaria - Plasmodium
199.Vector for transmission of Bancroftian filaria - Culex fatigans
200.Clinical incubation period of Filariasis is - 8 - 16 months
201.In case of dog bite the biting animal should be observed for atleast - 10 days
202.In India Rabies free zone is - Lakshadweep
203.Vaccine of Yellow fever is - 17D
204.Yellow fever vaccination starts protection after how many days of injection - 10 days
205.Yellow fever vaccination is valid till - 10 years
206.Japanese encephalitis - Culex - Rice field - horse shoe symptom
207.KFD is transmitted by - Ticks
208.Max explosiveness of plague is determined by - Cheopsis index - is ave no of cheopsis
per rat
209.Highly infectious clinical form of plague is - Pneumonic plague
210.Dose of Equine anti-rabies immunoglobin - 40IU per kg of body weight
211.Plague is caused by - Rat flea
212.Scrub typhus is transmitted by - Mite
213.Endemic typhus is transmitted by - Louse
214.Mode of transmission of Q fever - Aerosols
215.R.prowazekki is transmitted by - Louse
216.Rash starting peripherally is a feature of - Q-fever
217.Kala-azar - sandfly - man is the reservoir - aldehyde test is positive
218.Leprosy commonly spreads by - Droplet
219.MC nerve involved in leprosy - Ulnar nerve
220.In lepromatous leprosy the single drug Dapsone is continue for - 180 days
221.Lepromin test is valuable for - Prognosis of disease
222.Live attenuated yellow fever vaccine is - 17-D
223.Duration of MDT to resolve paucibacillary leprosy - 6 months
224.Duration of MDT to resolve Multi paucibacillary leprosy - 12 months
225.MTP in India can be carried out till - 20 weeks period of gestation
226.World AIDS day is on - 1st december
227.MC mode of HIV transmission in INdia is - Sexual transmission - Age group -30-44yrs
228.In HIV infected child which vaccine should not be given - OPV
229.First case of AIDS was reported in - 1984
230.MC mode of transmission from mother to child - Perinatal
231.Scabies is caused by - Sarcoptes Scabei
232.Incubation period of Chancroid - less than 7 days
233.Incubation period of Syphillis - 9-90 days
234.Window period for HIV infection is - 3-12w
235.Cluster testing used in the detection of - STD
236.Incubation period less than few hours - Food poisoning
237.Arboviruse disease - yellow fever,japanese encephalitis,dengue,chickungunya
238.SSPE subacute sclerosing pan-encephalitis is associated with - Measles
239.Keratomalacia is associated with - Measles & Diarhea
240.Animal to man transmission is seen in - Rabies,japanese encephalitis
241.Vector borne disease - epidemic typhus,KFD,japanese encephalitis
242.Viruses documented to cause fetal damage - parvovirus,varicella
243.Incubation period less than one week - cholera
244.Shortest incubation period is associated with - Influenza than cholera
245.Agent can be used in bioterrorism - Plague
246.Clinical features of Botulism - constipation,ocular nerve paralysis,blurring of vision
247.Pleomorphism is seen in - Chicken pox
248.Disease transmitted by water - Polio
249.Leptospira ictero haemorhagic infection is transmitted by - Rats
250.Cyclops is an intermediate host for Guinea worm
251.Isolation is not useful in - Polio
252.Tick-borne disease is - Tularemia
253.Incubation period in staphylococcal food poisoning - 1-6 hrs
254.Man is dead end for - Rabies , Tetanus,japanese encephalitis
255.Antigenic shift & drift occurs in - measles
256.Yaws caused by - treponesoma pertenue
257.Iceberg phenonmenon is seen in - HTN,Leprosy,Tuberculosis
258.Plague is - Meta-zoonosis
259.MC cancer among females - Cervical
260.MC cancer worldwide - Lung
261.Field carcinogenesis is seen in - Head & neck carcinoma
262.MC cancer affecting indian urban women - Breast ca
263.Which Ca can be prevented by screening - cervix/breast/prostate/colon
264.Obesity indices - Broca's/ponderal/quetelet/corpulence/lorentz
265.BMI is also known as - Quetelet index
266.Abdominal fat accumilation is assessed by waist to hip ratio
267.Commonest cause of blindness in India - cataract
268.WHO defines blindness if the visual acquity is less than - 3/60
269.MC cause of ocular morbidity in India - Refraction error
270.Least common cause of heart disease in India - Congenital
271.IHD is associated with - LDL
272.Glycosalated haemoglobin reflects the mean blood glucose level of previous - 3 months
273.ASHA - 1 per 1000 population-female aged 25-45yrs-min educated till 8th class-NRHM -
provides primary medical care for minor ailment
274.Single dose of Nevirapine therapy is used for prevention of mother to child transmission
of HIV - should be administered within - 72 hrs to child/onset of labour pain to mother
275.Vitamin-A prophylaxis is given to infants every - 6 months
276.Single massive dose of vit.A for preventing defeciency in preschool children aged 1-6yrs
for every 6 months - 200000 IU
277.Amount of glucose recomended by WHO standard oral glucose tolerance test - 75 grams
278.Glucose in ORS to increase - Na+ absorption
279.Acc to Indian blindness definition finger counting is done at distance of - 6 meters
280.Total carbohydrate amount provided in Mid day meal scheme is - 300grams
281.Pt on DOTS category 1 should visit for follow up at - 2,4,6 months
282.Trachoma single drug treatment - Azithromycin
283.According to registration of Births & Deaths act 1969, the birth & death are to be
registered,respectively in - 21days & 21 days
284.Anti-tubercular drug contraindicated during pregnancy - Streptomycin
285.Ethambutol is associated with - red,green colour blindness-not given to children<6yrs
286.Radio opaque material in copper-T - Barium sulphate
287.Pulse polio immunization covers - 0-5 yrs children
288.Daily dose of Folic acid for pregnant women - 400mg
289.Helpline for AIDS can be reached by dialling - 1097
290.P.vivax in pregnancy should be treated by – chloroquine

291.Malarial control programme single dose chloroquine 600mg is given after taking blood
292.Minimum level of Iodine in iodized salt - 15ppm
293.National health policy is based on - Primary health care
294.Licence to Blood banks is given by - Drugs controller general of India
295.Hundred day cough is - whooping cough - in Pertussis
296.Low birth weight is - <2.5kg
297.Progestacert release - 65mcg/day progesterone
298.MC complaint of IUD insertion is - Bleeding.
299.MC disorder to be screened in neonates - Neonatal Hypothyroidism
300.Juvenile age - <16yrs for male & <18yrs for female
301.Protein requirement 1gm/kg/day
302.Most important essential fatty acid - linoleic acid
303.Richest source of Vit .A/D - Halibut liver oil
304.Richest source of vit.c - Amla
305.Adult pregnant female are anemic if - Hb is less than 11gm%
306.Optimum level of fluorine intake is - 0.5-0.8ppm
307.IQ = mental age/chronological age x 100
308.Residual level of chlorine in water - 0.5mg
309.Water seal in sanitary latrine is - 2 cms
310.MC occupational cancer - Skin cancer
311.Census takes place every - 10 yrs
312.1 PHC is for a population of 30,000
313.8th day disease - Tetanus neonaturum
314.Milk is poor in - Vitamin C & iron
315.Pellagra - niacin defeciency
316.Anophles larva rest parallel to under surface of water
317.Aedes larvae breed in artificial collection of water
318.Multi purpose workers where introduced by - kartar singh commitee
319.Bhore commitee - 1946
320.Failure rate of condom - 2-14 per HWY
321.Sex ratio is calculated as - no.of females/no.of males x 1000
322.Crude death rate is - no.of deaths / total mid year population x 1000
323.Sex ratio of india is - 933
324.Growth rate of India (annual) is - 1.93%
325.Total fertility rate is - completed family size
326.Eligible couple is - married couple with wife in reproductive age group
327.WHO defines adolescenes as between - 10-19 yrs age
328.A disease occuring before the age 65 yrs is - Pre-senile
329.In which stage of the demographic cycle is India currently - Late expanding
330.Denominator in crude death & crude birth rate - Mid year population
331.Measured in pearl index is - No.of accidental gestations
332.Oligospermia,according to WHO is - < 20 million sperms per HPF
333.Example for conventional contraception - Condoms
334.Natural method of contraception include - rhythm method/coitus interuptus/ breast
feeding/calendar method/billing method/symptothermic method/basal body temperature
335.Absence of sperm is - Azoospermia
336.MC side effect of IUD insertion - Bleeding
337.Temporary contraceptive method of choice in 37yr well educated woman - Diaphragm
338.Conventional contraceptives are those which - require action at time of intercourse
339.OCP protect against - Fibroadenoma breast,iron deficiency anemia,ovarian ca.
340.Side effects of OCP - liver disease,breast cancer,thromboembolism
341.Pearl index is normally used for studying - effectiveness of contraceptive
342.Pearl index is used to evaluate - contraceptive methods
343.Natural method of contraception is most effective - Symptothermic method
344.Barrier methods - Diaphragm/Foam tablets/ vaginal sponge.
345.Spermicide used in the contraceptive - 9- nonoxynol
346.Copper - T is preferably inserted postnatal,after - 8 weeks
347.CU T 380 A IUCD should be replaced every 10 yrs
348.Nova T has - Silver core
349.Absolute contraindication of IUCD is - PID
350.Serious complication of oral contraceptives - Leg vein thrombosis
351.Mala - N - norethisterone - 1mg/ethinyl estradiol -30mcg
352.Side effect of Mini pill - irregular bleeding, depression
353.Mini pill contains - only progesterone in small quantity
354.Post coital contraceptives - OCP,RU-486,copper-T
355.Most cost effective contraceptive is - Vasectomy
356.Breast feeding must be initiated within after normal delivery - 1 hour,LSCS -4 hrs
357.Current recomendation for initiating breast feed - as early as possible
358.School health examination must be done every - 6 months
359.Recommended door&windows area in a class must be - 25%
360.According to protocol for uncomplicated pregnancy no.of minimum visits must be - 3
361.'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ideal visits must be - 13-14
362.Content of pediatric iron folic acid - iron-20mg,folic acid-100mcg
363.MCC of neonatal meningitis in India - Group B streptococcus
364.Low birth weight in India defined as - birth weight less than 2500 grams
365.Weight of new born triples at the age of - 1 yr
366.Assessment of malnutrition is done by - mid arm circumference,BMI,wgt for age
367.Nutritional status of a child is assessed by - Mid arm circumference
368.Post term pregnancy - >42 weeks period of gestation
369.Breast feeding is contraindicated in - Open TB
370.Height of newborn doubles at - 4 yrs
371.Which immunoglobulin is present in Breast milk - Ig A
372.MCC of neonatal mortality in India - Low birth weight & prematurity
373.MC Maternal mortality in India - Haemorhage
374.Normal requirement of Iron during pregnancy is - 38 mg/day
375.Guthrie test is done in neonates for mass screening of - Phenylketonuria
376.Amount of caloreis & proteins received by a preg woman frm anganwadi worker
- 500cals,25gm protein
377.After birth,care of eye of newborn is by - AgNo3 eye drop
378.Additional daily energy requirement during 1st 6 mon for a lactating woman is-550Kcal
379.Preterm babies - born before 37 weeks
380.Folic acid supplementation during lactation period - 150mcg
381.Elemental iron supplementation in Iron defeciency anemia - 100-150mg
382.Osteomalacia in pregnancy &lactation is best treated by - Vit D & calcium
383.Daily need of calories in pregnancy is - 2500 Kcal
384.Postnatal period extends for - 6 weeks
385.Perinatal mortality rate includes death in 28 weeks to 1st week after birth
386.Still birth - 1000grams baby weight
387.Denominator of maternal mortality rate - 1000 live birth
388.Commonest cause of perinatal mortality in iIndia - Prematurity
389.WHO referance growth chart lower curve - 3rd percentile
390.Upperline in growth chart is - 50th percentile
391.Best parameter for assessment for chronic malnutrition - Height for age
392.Mid arm circumference is constant during - 1-5 yrs
393.Population to anganwadi centre - 1000MTP is allowed upto 20 weeks
394.Pasteurization of milk is determined by - phosphatase test
395.Pellagra & casal's necklace is seen in - defeciency of Vit B3 niacin
396.Iron tablets should never be given along with - Milk
397.Dose of vitamin A prophylaxis required by a 9 month old child - 1,00,000 IU
398.Daily total requirement of iodine by an adult - 150 mcg
399.Anti oxidant vitamins include - vit A,C,E
400.Calories in 100 ml breast milk - 75 Kcal
401.Highest PUFA content is found in - Soyabean oil
402.Vitamin K is given to every child - At birth
403.IOC for iron deficiency anemia - serrum ferritin
404.Most essential fatty acid - linoleic acid
405.Fatty acid found exclusively in breast milk - Docosa hexanoic acid
406.Protein content of breast milk in 100ml - 1.1 gm
407.Vit D defeciency in children - rickets/in adults - osteomalacia
408.Recommended daily energy intake of an adult woman with heavy work is - 2900 Kcal
409.Burning sole syndrome is seen in defeciency of - pantothenic acid
410.Twin fortified salt contains - Iodine + iron

411.Shakir's tape is a useful method employed in the field to measure

- mid arm circumference
412.Nalgonda technique is used for - defluoridation of water
413.How much amount of energy is yielded by 1 ml of alcohol in the body - 7 cal
414.For adult indian male daily requirement of protein is expressed as - 1gm/kg body wgt.
415.Lysine is defecient in - Wheat
416.Limiting amino acid in wheat - Lysine
417.Maize is defecient in - Methionene
418.Earliest feature of vitamin A defeciency - dryness of conjunctiva
419.To prevent congenital neural tube defect - Folic acid
420.Daily requirement of vit D in children - 200IU
421.Vitamindefeciency disease occurs in maize eating population - Pellagra -niacin-vitB3
422.Daily requirement of Iodine for adults is placed - 150 microgram
423.Level of fluoride in drinking water - 0.5-0.8 mg / litre
424.Level of fluorine in drinking water associated with dental fluorosis - 2.0 mg/l
425.Micronutrient associated with rash & diarhea - Zinc
426.In Egg white contributes - 58%
427.Egg are reference protein because - increased biological value & NPU
428.Egg is defecient in - Carbohydrate
429.One egg yield about Kcal of energy- 70
430.Child is exclusively fed on cow's milk defeciency seen is - Iron
431.Compared with cow's milk,mothers milk has more - lactose
432.Tomatoes are rich in - Oxalic acid
433.Maximum calcium is seen in - Ragi
434.Para boiling of rice reduces - Beri-beri
435.Dates are rich source of - Iron
436.Highest calorie content is found in - Banana
437.Maximum calories per 100gm are in - Jaggery
438.Epidemic dropsy is caused by - Sanguinarine
439.Richest source of cholesterol is - Egg
440.Indian referance man is - 60 kg
441.Dental carries is due to defeciency of - Fluorine
442.Microcytic anemia - B12 defeciency
443.Socially attained behaviour is - Culture
444.Poverty line can be defined in terms of - daily calorie intake
445.Acculturation means - culture contact
446.Society is a - system of relation between individuals
447.Severe mental retardation children has IQ - 20-34
448.IQ=35-47 - profound mental retardation
449.IQ of 42 falls in - moderate mental retard
450.IQ with 62 will come under - Mild MR
451.Moderate mental retardation - IQ35-49
452.Tiger mosquito - aedes
453.Amount of bleaching powder required for disinfection of 1000 litre of water - 2.5 grams
454.Target for daily use of water in rural areas in India is - 40 litres per capita
455.Propogative type of biological transmission - plague
456.Cyclopropagative type of transmission - malaria
457.Cyclo developmental biological transmission - filariasis
458.Minimum recomended residual chlorine level in drinking water - 0.5 ppm - 1 hour
459.Chlorine required for Swimming pool sanitation - 1.0 mg/litre
460.Chlorine required for Drinking water to kill cyclops - 2.0 md per litre
461.Anti - adult mosquito insecticide - DDT
462.Rest parallel to under surface of water - Anopheles
463.Rest perpendicular to under surface of water - Culex
464.Rest in dark bottom corners - Aedes
465.Rest attached to rootlets of plants - Mansonia
466.Kata thermometer is used to assess - air cooling power
467.Nitrates in drinking water indicates - remote pollution
468.Maximum permissible dose of radiation exposure for human beings
- 5 rad per person per year
469.Temporary hardness of water is due to presence of - Ca+ & Mg Bicarbonates
470.Most reliable evidence of fecal contamination of water is provided by - Coliform
471.Most undesirable metal in drinking water is - Lead
472.DOC for scabies - 5% permethrin
473.Normal life span of mosquito is - 8-34 days
474.Solid waste from kitchen is called - Garbage
475.Purest water in nature is - Rain water
476.Ortho-toludine test is done to detect - free & combined chlorine in water
477.In fresh bleaching powder available chlorine is - 33%
478.One tablet of chlorine is effective to disinfect how much quantity of water - 20L
479.Criteria for safe drinking water - pH 6.5-8.5
480.Criteria for problem village - no water source in a distance of 1.6km from
community/water is more than depth of 15 metre/there is no excess of Na+,K+,F+.
481.Chlorine demand is measured by - Horrock's apparatus
482.Recommended hardness of water - 50-150
483.Number of air changes in one hour in a drawing room should be atleast - 2
484.Best parameter to measure air pollution - SO2
485.Indoor air pollution carbon monoxide is produced by
-stove/gas heater/combustion equipment
486.The decibels above which auditory fatigue occurs - 85db
487.Exposure to noise above which decibels cause permanent loss of hearing - 160 db
488.Acceptable noise level is - 85 dB
489.Pain in the ear occurs at - 140dB
490.Repeated exposure to which decibels cause permanent deafness - 100dB
491.Upper limit of exposure to noise upto which there is no damage to hearing - 100dB
492.Waste water without human excreta is called - sullage
493.The sewage ground water is disposed by - Activated sludge process
494.If land is available the ideal method of disposal is - Controlled tipping
495.Trickling filter is used in - secondary treatment of sewage
496.Sullage in rural area is disposed by - Gobar gas plant
497.Water not containing faeces - Sullage
498.Disease transmitted by louse - epidemic typhus/trench fever
499.Aedes egypti transmits - dengue/filaria/yellow fever
500.Vector borne disease - typhus/dengue/J.E
501.Viral infection transmitted by Tick - KFD/Babesiosis
502.Anopheles species found in coastal region - Anopheles stephensi
503.Insecticide least toxic to man & most toxic to insects - Malathion
504.DDT is - contact poisons - organo chlorine compound
505.Black fly causes - onchocerciasis
506.Culex mosquito transmits - japanese encephalitis
507.Paris green is used to eliminate the larva of - Anopheline
508.Which natural insecticide is used for space spray - Pyrethrum
509.Soft Tick transmits - Q fever
510.which is nuisance mosquito - Culex
511.Arrange d following - disaster impact-response-rehabilitation-mitigation
512.Post disaster commonly reported disease - gastroenteritis
513.Chernobyl nuclear explosion - 26th april 1986 - I131,CS134,CS137,Sr90
514.Nausea,vomit,bleu line in gums,wrist/foot drop,pallor poison due to - Inorganic lead
515.MC occupation cancer in India - Skin
516.Burtonian's line is seen in - Lead poisoning
517.Aniline dyes are associated with - Ca bladder
518.Bagassosis is caused by - sugarcane dust
519.Byssinosis is due to - cotton dust
520.White fingers may result from which occupational hazards- vibration
521.Respirable dust,responsible for pnemoconioses has size limit of - < 5 microns
522.Pnemoconiosis more prone to develop tuberculosis - Silicosis
523.Under ESI act sickness benefit is given for a period of - 91 days
524.Immersion foot syndrome are seen in - Trench foot
525.Safety officers has to be appointed in factories where no.of workers is more than - 1000
526.Extended sickness benefit is given for - 309 days
527.Useful screening test for lead is measurement of - coproprophyrine in Urine
528.Person working in hot environment who consumes more H2o without salt is likely to
develop - Heat cramps
529.Indian constitution has declared that children less than ----yrs should not be employed in
factories or mines - 14yrs
530.The extended sickness benefit is given for - 309 days
531.Employee's contribution of ESI fund is - 4.75%
532.Wrist drop may be caused as industrial hazard in - Battery industry
533.Monday fever associated with - Byssinosis
534.Silicosis affects - Upper lobes of lungs
535.Dust particle in a industry is a - chemical hazard
536.Amniocentesis to detect chromosomal abnormalities can be done as early as
- 14th week of gestation
537.MC abused agent in India - Tobacco
538.Maximum loss of DALY occurs in which psychiatric disorder - Depression
539.Best method of teaching an urban slum about ORS - Demonstration
540.Ivory towers of disease - Large hospitals
541.3-Million plan was proposed by - Bhore committee
542.PHC was introduced as result of report - Bhore committee
543.3 months training in PSM during internship is recommended by - Bhore committee
544.Each subcenter 1 male & 1 female health worker is recommended by-Kartar singh com
545.Correct sequence - planning-objective-goal-evaluation
546.Planning cycle - analysis of existing health situation-assessment of resource -
programming & implementation-monitoring & evaluation
547.Correct sequence for communicating process - Sender-message-channel-receiver-
548.Multipurpose worker scheme in India was introduced by - Kartar singh committee
549.PERT is a technique for - Network analysis
550.First referral unit is - CHC
551.One PHC is for population - 30,000
552.Sub - centre is fro population- 5000
553.CHC is for population - 1,20,000
554.Anganwadi is for population - 1000
555.Health guide works at the level of - Village for population of - 1000
556.Trained birth attendant is for a population of - 1000
557.No.of beds in a community health center is - 30
558.Preparing slides for Malaria is performed only by - male MPW
559.Eligible couple regiter is maintained at - Subcentre
560.Population covered by PHCs in hilly(tribal) area - 20,000
561.Emporiatrics deals with the health of - Travellers
562.Rabies free country is - Australia
563.Which of the following is used to present qualitative data - Pie chart
564.Which of the following is used to present quantitative data - Histogram
565.Best way to study relationship between two variables - Scatter diagramcentile divides
data into - 100 equal parts
566.Mean,Median,mode are measures of central tendency

Bhore committee - Health survey & Development committee

Mudaliar committee - Health survey & Planning committee
Jungalwallah committee - Committee on integration of Health services
Kartar singh committee - Committee on MPWs under health & family planning
Srivastava committee - Group on Medical education & support manpower
Krishnan committee - Integration of PHCs

Triage Colour Priority Inclusion

Category coding
1 Red Highest Immediate resuscitation,Limb/life saving
surgeries on 0-6 hours
2 Blue/Yellow High Possible resuscitation,limb/life saving surgeries
on 6-24 hrs
3 Green Low Minor(non-life threatening) injuries
4 Black Least Dead persons,moribund persons
Vitamin Chemical name Deficiency Daily requirement
Vit A Retinol,retinoid, Xerophthalmia 600 mcg retinol
Vit B1 Thiamine Beri-beri,wernickes 0.5 mg per 1000kcal of
korasoff psychosis energy intake
Vit B2 Riboflavin Ariboflavinos 0.5 mg per 1000 kcal
Vit B3 Niacin,niacinamide Pellagra 6.6 mg per 1000kcal
Vit B5 Pantothenic acid Burning feet syndrome 10 mg
Vit B6 Pyridoxine, Anemia 2 mg
Vit B7 Biotin Dermatitis,enteritis
Vit B9 Folic acid Megaloblastic anemia, 100 mcg
neural tube defects
Vit B12 Cyanocobalamin Megaloblastic anemia 1 mcg
Vit C Ascorbic acid Scurvy
Vit D Ergocalciferol Rickets,osteomalacia 100IU(25mcg calciferol)
Vit E Tocopherols Hemolytic anemia in 0.8 mg per gram
Vit K Phylloquinone Hemorhagic disease of 0.03 mg per kg
Disease Exposure source
Silicosis Silica dust
Anthracosis Coal dust
Asbestosis Asbestos dust
Byssinosis Cotton fibre
Bagassosis Sugar cane
Berylliosis Beryllium
Farmer's lung Mouldy hay
Siderosis Iron dust
Stannosis Tin dust
Bird fancier's lung Avian/bird droppings
Compost lung compost

Biomedical waste Treatment/disposal

Human anatomical waste Incineration / deep burial
Animal waste Incineration / deep burial
Microbiology/biotechnology waste Local autoclaving/microwave/incineration
Waste sharps Chemical treatment/autoclaving/
Discarded medicines&Cytotoxic drugs Incineration/destruction/secured landfills
Soiled waste Incineration/auto claving/microwave
Solid waste Chemical treatment/autoclaving/
Liquid waste Chemical treatment
Incineration Ash Sanitary landfill
Chemical waste Chemical treatment&secured landfill

Agent Cancer caused

Asbestos Mesothelioma
Arsenic Skin,lung.liver
Benzene Leukemia
Benzidine Urinary bladder
Beryllium Lung
Cadmium Lung
Chromium Nasal sinus,lung
Ethylene oxide Leukemia
Ionizing radiation Skin,thyroid,lung
Nickel Nasal sinus, lung
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Skin,scrotum,lung
Radon Lung
Silica Lung
Vinyl chloride Liver
Wood dust Nasal sinus

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