Uploading Weather Data To Weather Underground
Uploading Weather Data To Weather Underground
Uploading Weather Data To Weather Underground
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Fig 1:- Raspberry pi Board It is integrated with various ports such as USB, HDMI,
GPIO, Micro –SD Slot, audio jack for various
connectivity purposes.
The proposed system will determine and store the
values of various weather parameters such as temperature,
pressure and humidity with the help of sensors connected
with Raspberry pi. The SD card is used to stores the
collected data like a memory card. The output is displayed
on the LCD and on off relays are used for server access.
LAN Cable
LAN Cable (Local Area Network): In our system
LAN Cable is useful for provided internet connectivity to
the Raspberry pi, by means of which the results are updated
at the website & can be accessible at various locations.
The devices connected via LAN has much more efficiency
and have faster speed than the wireless connection.
HDMI Display
HDMI Display: The display is required to view the
current status of the weather as well as sensor predicted
data such as (humidity, pressure, temperature) values. It
will also reflect the error and disfunctionality of the system.
Fig 5:- BMP-180 Barometric Pressure Sensor
Thus, we concluded that the Raspberry Pi is highly
Temperature and Humidity Sensor efficient in connectivity to various sensors and does the
The Temperature & Humidity sensor is used here for work of weather station, reflecting the results on the server
determining the temperature and humidity values in the connected website.
environment. DHT11 is a Humidity and Temperature
Sensor we used in our system generates calibrated digital The website is connected via server to the raspberry
output. It can be interfaced with many microcontroller like pi via raspbian Operating System giving a better
Raspberry Pi, etc. and get instantaneous results. A low cost performance and accuracy of the results. The website is
humidity and temperature sensor which provides high logged on and the sensors connectivity is in through relay.
reliability and long term stability DHT11 uses a resistance
controlled humidity sensor and a thermoresistor to measure Although after the completion of the model we have
the surrounding air temperature and humidity. It is good for achieved the desired results as the value of the temperature,
20-80% of humidity measurement and 0-50ᵒC of pressure and humidity visible on the dashboard of Weather
temperature measurement. Underground Application Website.