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Kefeng Tan 1, John M. Nichols2

Department of the Materials Science School at the South West University of Science and Technology, Mianyang City,
Sichuan Province, PRC
Department of Construction Science, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 77840, USA
Email: [email protected]

Abstract. High Strength Concrete Filled Steel tubes (CFST) provide a common construction material in China.
The purpose of this research was to determine the axial load properties for CFST subjected to concentric and
eccentric loading in a series of experiments. The results show that the magnitude of experimentally measured
compressive strength increase for the core concrete, due to the confinement from the steel, is proportional
to the ratio of the area of steel to the area of concrete. If the slenderness ratio is kept constant the columns
bearing capacity and maximum strain decreases as the eccentricity to radius ratio increases. Formulas to
estimate the load bearing capacity for short and for slender eccentrically loaded column were established
from the data. The results have been compared statistically to other published results to show that a general
linear form of the capacity equation is warranted for High Strength Concrete Filled Steel tubes.

Keywords: Concrete Filled Steel Tubes, high strength concrete, bridge construction.

1 Introduction
The purpose of this research is to experimentally investigate the properties of concrete filled steel tube (CFST) using a high
strength concrete core. The experimental work investigates the ductility and strength properties of steel tubular columns
filled with a high strength concrete core, using short and slender columns subjected to either concentric or eccentric loads.
The results are compared to recent published data from the USA, Australia, and China [1-12]. The protocol for the column
compression tests used both concentric and eccentric load rigs. The columns used in the experiments have length to
diameter ratios ranging from 3.5 to 15. This paper outlines the literature relevant to this work, provides a methods section,
outlines and summarizes the results and the key findings, and provides a conclusion.

2 Literature Review
CFST column types have been used in recent high-rise structures in China [13-22]. CFST structures are emerging as an
important structural system for new buildings, particularly for providing earthquake resistance. Steel tubular columns filled
with normal strength concrete (NSC) have been studied using slender and eccentrically loaded units [23, 24], and based on
these studies; a design codes has been established for Chinese use [25].
A sketch of a typical CFST building connection showing a column and beam connection is drawn in Figure 1. This sketch
provides the definitions of the steel wall thickness, diameter of the steel tube and the area of the concrete core of the
composite tube. The schematic format of the connection detail shown in Figure 1 comes from a recent Chinese building.
The connection detail has been simplified by reducing the number of bolt holes and stiffener plates. The steel plate for the
beam connection transfers the load to the steel tube, which relies on the concrete to provide buckling restraint and
increased strength for the given cross-sectional area.
An early comment on the original work suggested that a direct comparison should be shown in the paper to other
published results on CFST. Additional data has been used from O’Shea and Bridges [26] and Sakino et. al., [21] to broaden
the statistical analysis results for CFST systems. . Other recent compression tests research for CFST column loading has
investigated the difference between applying the loading directly to the concrete core or directly onto a steel end plate.
Concrete filled steel tube is not a homogenous material; it is a composite with two distinct geometric material zones, the
inner concrete core, and the outer steel cylinder each with different elastic and plastic properties. There is also the
problem of determining the bond strength between the steel and the concrete core, and the properties of the interface
once the bond is broken. Comparison of these experimental results to previous research findings will consider the potential
differences due to these alternative finish conditions on the top surface of the specimens. The current test samples bases
are steel plates to facilitate manufacture. The various researchers did not consider or analyse the experimental impact
from using different end loading methods [23, 24, 26-32]. This is an interesting omission from the previous work, which has
been considered in this paper. A simple statistical analysis, presented in this paper, shows a difference in the experimental
results for the various end loading conditions. The analytical work in this paper allows for the statistical differences in the
previously reported experimental results for the varying end restraint types and compares the results to this current
experimental work.
A recent study on concentrically loaded CFST short columns, with slenderness ratio of 3.5, has confirmed that under the
confinement of steel tube, the strength of the core concrete was improved significantly. This results from the bi-axial
compression applied by the steel confinement because of the approximately ten to one differential ratio of the Young’s
modulus of the steel (200 GPa) and concrete (20 to 40 GPa). The use of the steel confinement changes the failure of the
general brittle plain concrete columns to a general ductile failure mode [33]. Other research has shown that when the
slenderness ratio is less than four, the CFST columns can be fully concentrically loaded without stability problems [32]. The
slenderness ratio for CFST columns has usually been greater than four for real buildings, so determining the properties of
these slender columns using high strength concrete presents a currently required research challenge. The confinement
index was defined using the ultimate compressive concrete compressive strength, f cu' , the concrete cylinder compressive
stress, f c , the concrete area, Ac , the steel strength, f st' , and the steel area, As , as:

As f st'
 (1)
Ac f c

One area of research identified for these types of columns was in the use of higher strength core concrete to 100 MPa.
Xiong, et. al., [34] provides an excellent summary of the current knowledge into the performance of concrete filled steel
tubes, subjected to flexural loads. Chen et. al., [35] outline research into bond slip behaviour of concrete filled steel circular
hollow section tubes. Alostaz and Schneider [36] analyze with finite elements the behaviour of eight typical connection
details for CFST column to steel beam connections. Their results show the need for stiffness at the connection to avoid
large distortion in the steel plate and to allow for transfer of load into the concrete core
Mursi and Uy [37] outline the status of the design standards for CFST structures if the plate is stocky; noting the design
guidance in the typical codes is adequate. The use of steel tubes provides an effective and permanent formwork speeding
the overall construction process. Fire resistance of the composite material has been investigated and shown to be
adequate with coating materials [38].
The difficulty in comparing the results from the Australian, Japanese, and Chinese sources is due to the differences in a
defined characteristic strength for concrete, which requires the use of the scale factors to account for different testing
sizes and shapes of the plain concrete specimens used by the different experimenters.
The simplest linear mathematical representation of the load capacity of a CFST system is presented in the equation (2):

N c  Ac f c'  As f st' (2)

Here N c is the capacity of the combined column,  and  are factors in the equation. This is the most general linear
form of the capacity equation for the CFST tube. The investigation of a non-linear equation would require significantly
more experimental work.
There has been a significant increase and change in the manufacture of concrete in the last three decades. This study used
moderately high strength concrete, although recent developments in flowable concretes provide an alternative that should
improve the placement of concrete in CFST buildings. One of the uses for CSFT is arch bridges. A typical use is in a long span
CFST bridge such as the Beipanjiang Railroad Bridge [39]. This bridge was constructed in 2001 and is 236 metres in length.
Svensson [40] clearly outlines the state of development of cable stayed bridges, but opines that arch bridges are
uneconomic if over 300 metres in length. As the current limit is 550 metres, the question is then clearly asked:

Can we build an arch bridge to 1000 metre, the currently posited limit for cable stayed bridges?

The research interest in this work is the application of concentric and eccentric loading to high strength concrete filled steel
tubes, this has not been fully investigated previously. The clear application is in the use of CFST for the arch elements for a
1000 metre bridge, which is clearly controlled by compression and eccentric loading. In such a bridge, the use may include
a double skin of steel with a concrete infill.
3 Experimental Methods

3.1 Test Materials and Methods

This section of the paper outlines the experimental method. The tests were completed in a new test rig developed for this
research work. Thirty-nine columns were subjected to a compression loading. The test work first included nineteen short
and nine slender columns were tested using a concentric load test-rig. The second test set included eleven slender columns
tested using an eccentric load test-rig. The columns had a length to diameter ratio ranging from 3.5 to 15, which is within
the normal range expected in real construction of buildings or in bridges. The characteristic strength of concrete used for
the experimental work ranged from 54 MPa to 116 MPa. This range of concrete strengths is achievable in modern
construction. Figure 2 shows the experimental columns prior to the testing.
The CFST experiments were completed using four concrete mix designs and one grade of steel tube. Table 1 lists details of
the dry materials used in the four mixes, the properties of the concrete made from the four mixes, and the strength of the
concrete determined using 100 mm sample test cubes. Ordinary Chinese Portland cement corresponding to ACI type I [41]
cement was used as binder, natural sand with a fineness modulus of 2.7 was used as fine aggregate, and crushed limestone
with a maximum nominal size of 20 mm was used as coarse aggregate. A mix of finely ground blast furnace slag and fly ash
was used in two concrete mixes. A naphthalene super-plasticizer was used to obtain a workable concrete, in accordance with
general practice [42].
The concentrically loaded short CFST test samples were labelled A to H. The concentrically loaded slender CFST test samples
were labelled S1 to S4. The eccentrically loaded CFST test samples were labelled E0, E1, E2, E3 and ES. The slender and
eccentrically loaded column tubes were welded to a circular 120 mm steel base plate, with a thickness of 30 mm. The plate
had a 10-mm hole drilled in the center to a depth of 15 mm, which was used to fix the bearing plate. Table 2 lists the physical
dimensions and the yield strength of the steel tubes, determined from tension tests, for all experiments.
Figure 3 shows results of a compressive test series used to determine the stress to strain curves for the three steel cylinder
sizes. The tubes were empty for these tests. A number of standard tension tests were completed to determine the elastic
properties of the steel.
The confinement index is the theoretical steel tube force capacity divided by the concrete core force capacity, representing
the relative contributions of the two elements. Table 3 lists the confinement index for all of the specimens. The concentrically
loaded short columns had a confinement index of 0.09 to 0.88, the concentrically loaded slender column had a confinement
index of 0.88 and the eccentrically loaded columns had a confinement index of 0.66 to 0.88. The experimental confinement
index is within the normal range used in construction.
The ACI Manual [41] provides limits on the ratio of D for composite sections, where D is the diameter and t is the
wall thickness. Specimen A has a D ratio of 125, which is greater than the ACI [41] code requirement of 83 for the steel
yield stress.
The concrete was mixed by a forced mixer. The concrete after mixing was cast in the steel tubes, and vibrated to provide the
completed specimens. The concentrically loaded CFST specimens and a number of plain concrete test cylinders have the
same slenderness ratio of 3.5. The short test specimens were created with a steel base-plate and the top was screeded level
to form the final bearing surface for the experiments. The slender tubes were placed upright on a vibrating table and the
concrete was cast in layers. The tops of tubes for all column specimens were capped with the same type of steel plate used
for the base plate.
Table 4 lists the geometric and strength properties for each of the eccentrically loaded specimens. This data includes the
eccentricity of the loading point, e , and the ratio of the eccentricity to the radius of the concrete core, Rc . The
specimens, after casting, were cured in an air-conditioned room at a temperature of 20 ± 2 C for 60 days.
A number of plain concrete cylinder test specimens and 100 mm cube specimens were cast from mix No. 1, mix No. 3 and
mix No. 4 at the time of manufacture of the CFST specimens. The plain concrete cylinders were used to investigate the
relationship between brittleness, lateral expansion, and strength of the plain concrete. The diameter of the plain concrete
test cylinders was 123 mm and the length was 430 mm. The plain concrete cylinders were sealed and stored with the CFST
specimens to match curing conditions used for the concrete filled steel tubes. Plain concrete cylinder tests were not
completed on mix No. 2. The plain concrete test cylinders were tested in a 5 mega-Newton capacity test machine. The plain
cylinder samples (length to diameter of 3.5) achieved an average peak stress f c' that was 73 % of the mean peak stress for
the 100-mm cube specimen, f cu . This was the normally expected specimen size effect. This ratio has been used in the
analysis of the data.
3.2 Test Equipment Setup
Figure 4 shows an annotated test set-up for the short columns tested in concentric loading. A load cell measured the
compressive force exerted on the specimens. Four vertical Electrical Resistance Strain (ERS) gauges and four lateral ERS
gauges were attached at the mid-height point of steel tubes on the specimens to measure the vertical strain and
circumferential strains. Two displacement transducers measured the axial shorting of the concrete and steel tube specimens,
whilst the axial shortening of plain concrete cylinders was measured by ERS gages. Data was recorded on a 7V-13 data loggers
at a frequency of 4 Hz. Approximately 15 increments of load were applied to each specimen. A failure test lasted typically
about 40 to 45 minutes.
Figure 5 shows an annotated schematic arrangement for the slender and eccentric test setup. The experimental test set-up
is shown in photographic form in Figure 6 for the slender and eccentric samples. The slender columns were loaded either
concentrically or eccentrically to failure. The eccentricity of the applied compressive load was equal at both ends for the
eccentrically loaded columns and all were subjected to single curvature bending. Specimens were loaded through knife
bearing at the bottom end and hardened steel roller with a 50-mm radius at the top end. For the slender and the eccentrically
loaded specimens, the longitudinal strains at the mid-height of specimen were measured by ERS gages. The ERS gages were
attached to the exterior of the steel tube in a polar array of 4 gauges at an angular separation of 90 degrees between each
of the successive gages. Displacement transducers were used to measure the lateral deflection of the columns at mid-height.
Two displacement transducers measured the longitudinal total displacement between the ends of specimen. Approximately
15 increments of load were applied to each specimen. A failure test lasted typically about 40 to 45 minutes. Data recording
and loading was identical to the concentric specimens.

4 Results
This section of the paper outlines the results for the concentric and eccentric tests.
The results for the peak loads, N u , determined for each concentric test specimen are presented in Table 5. The applied
load to the strain in the CFST specimens is shown in Figure 7. The results for all specimens exhibited initial elastic
behaviour, with a brittle failure mode for A and B, and discontinuous yielding for C, D, G and H, and a ductile failure for E
and F. Similar load to strain results and failure patterns are observed in other recent experimental results. The
unacceptable failure pattern represents a thin walled steel tube exhibiting an elastic strength ridge that was followed by a
rapid unloading and significant lowering of the capacity of the CFST, with strain softening. This type of failure is often
observed in steel failure in experimental work, refer of course to the classic definitions of this phenomena provided by
Baker [43].
The concrete and steel composite unit still exhibits greater strength than an equivalent plain concrete specimen does for
equal strain levels. Nevertheless, this type of failure mode is not considered suitable for building construction.
This type of unacceptable brittle or discontinuous failure occurred where the confinement ratio,  , is defined by the
  0.5 (3)
Defining  as the ratio of the steel tensile yield stress f st' to the concrete cylindrical stress f c' redefines the
confinement ratio as:
  ( ) (4)
Susantha, Ge and Usami [44, 45] determined a theoretical uni-axial stress strain curve for confined concrete steel tubular
columns, and reported no previous results for the first failure pattern, having only one reported result with a confinement
ratio less than 0.5. The probable lower limit for the confinement index will be likely determined to be somewhere in the
range of 0.25 to 0.5, although a value of 0.5 is currently recommended to ensure acceptable failure modes during extreme
loading situations. The confinement ratio can be determined from the inequality established from simple algebraic
rearrangement of equations (3) and (4):
8t  Dc (5)
Here Dc is the core diameter. As an example, a typical value  of 5 and a tube with an internal diameter of 400 mm
yields a minimum wall thickness of 10 mm.
The mean value for the ratio of the increase in the measured capacity compared to the sum of the individual capacities is
1.35 ± 0.17. A statistical analysis was completed using the standard method, Students’ t test. This test provided a statistical
comparison of the ratio of the increase in measured capacities to an assumed mean of 1. The result shows an observed
difference in the measured capacity results is statistically significant at the traditionally accepted 5 percent confidence
level. The reasonable conclusion is the interaction of the steel tube with the confined concrete results in an increased
measured capacity of the composite units. This conclusion is consistent with the other results from earlier experimental
work presented in this paper. Equation (2) can be re-arranged to provide equation (6) that can be solved for the data
sets using linear regression with the simplified variables of equation (7) developed for graphing and presentation
Nc As f st'
  (6)
Ac f c' Ac f c'
     (7)
Here  defines a dummy variable. Equation (7) provides the basis for a linear regression analysis to determine the
constants for Equation (2). Figure 8 shows the results for  plotted against  from the current research data shown
in Table 5. The final fitted equation (8), derived from (2) is:

N c  1.16 Ac f c'  1.52 As f st' (8)

The residual data has an acceptable normal probability plot, which means that the assumption of a linear regression
analysis is reasonable. The standard error on the two coefficients is ± 0.04.
A linear regression analysis of the concentrically loaded column results was completed for four CFST experimental data sets
as shown in Table 6. The data sets are:
Test Set 1: is based on the peak results for each current experimental specimen and the second current research data set
Test Set 2: uses the plastic capacity of the G samples from the current experimental data set.
Test Set 3 is the complete result from the published research and the current research results.
Test Set 4 is Test Set 3 without the results for the samples with the butt welded top-plates from Sakino et. al., [21].
The G samples in the Test Set 1 are significant outlier points for the linear regression analysis, where the peak elastic load is
not established from a simple function as shown in equation (2). The results in Test Set 2 provide a better fit to the data
and do not overestimate the plastic capacity of the composite section at higher  indices, when compared to the results
for the first test set. Test Set 3 provides a regression equation for the full set of 89 results, but the results of the normal
probability plot for the residual data show a significant deviation from an acceptable result. This result is caused by the
inclusion of the samples with the butt welded top plate. These interesting residual data results point to the need for
further testing of beam – column connections. Test Set 4 results for the 53 samples have an acceptable normal probability
plot, with the results limited to the test limit of a confinement index of 1.5.
The Chinese [25] and ACI Concrete [41] codes use a coefficient  equal to one. The results from all experiments suggest a
value of 1.1 is reasonable. The Chinese Code and the ACI Concrete Codes use a value of 2 and 1 respectively for the steel
coefficient,  . The results from all experiments suggest a value of 1.5 is reasonable. The recommended design equation
for concentric loaded CFST tubes is:
N c  1.1Ac f c'  1.5 As f st' (9)
The buckling failure load, N BU , and other results for each of the slender specimens are listed in Table 7. In the table, 
is the ratio of the measured buckling load to the load bearing capacity. The buckling failure loads were determined from
the force displacement curves. The peak results for tests are shown on Figure 9. Figure 9 shows one or two typical curves
from each of the slenderness ratio groups. The displacement ratio (%) represents the ratio of longitudinal deflection of the
column in compression to initial length of specimens. It is evident that the peak load bearing capacities and peak
displacement ratio for each slender column decreases as the increases. Here L is the column length. The curves
have been offset a unit amount to demonstrate the change in the force to strain curve as the slenderness of the columns
increases from S1-1 to S4-2.
As an example, the results of O’Shea and Bridge [26, 30] have a ratio of approximately 3.4 to 3.5.
The current experimental data are plotted on Figure 10 for the ratio of the capacity of the slender column to the capacity
of a short column of equal dimensions. The proposed equation for the strength reduction factor, 1 , to account for
slenderness for the data shown in Figure 10 is
1 L
1  1  [ (  3.5)0.5 ] (10)
9 D
The constants in the equation were determined using linear regression. It is considered that equation (11) can be used to
calculate the load bearing capacities of slender columns, N CU , filled with HSC:
N CU  1 N U (11)
The measured data of ERS strain gages located at mid-height of each column show that at a slenderness ratio of seven and
at peak load, the longitudinal strains of steel at interior, right and left sides of curvature plane are 16956 µɛ, 9316 µɛ and
3272 µɛ respectively. All these values exceed the yield strain. At a slenderness ratio of eleven, the strains at interior and left
side are 12578 µɛ and 11021 µɛ respectively, whilst for slenderness ratio of fifteen, the strain at the interior is 3786 µɛ, just
exceeding the yield strain. It can be concluded that the slenderness ratio fifteen is a critical value, and after exceeding this
slenderness value, the failure mode of the columns changes from one of inelastic instability to an elastic instability.
Table 5 shows the experimentally measured results for the measured failure load of the eccentrically loaded columns.
Figure 11 shows a typical curve from each of the eccentricity ratio test groups. The specimens with the same slenderness
ratio show the deflection increasing as e / Rc increases. However, the relative load corresponding to a rapid increase in
the deflection decreases as e / Rc increases. A linear regression analysis showed that the residual data for the analysis of
the measured capacity with respect to the e / Rc was not randomly distributed. This result points to a data set following
a curve rather than a linear function. The capacity of the eccentrically loaded slender columns, N BU , is:
N BU  1 2 N U (12)
The Chinese [25] standard provided a general equation (13) to relate the capacity reduction factor  2 to the

eccentricity ratio e / Rc . The Chinese standard has a 0  1.8 for normal strength concrete:
2  (13)
 a0 e 
1   
 Rc 
The experimental data for the eccentric loading from this current research is plotted on Figure 12. The data is shown as the
ratio of the measured load to the calculated load of the column. Equation (10) is plotted on Figure 12 for values of
a0  1.8, 2.0, 2.2 . The residual data for the experimental points measured against a varying a 0 has been calculated for
the equations (13). The results show a reasonably normal distribution for the value of 2.0 for a 0 .

An attempt was made to estimate the Poisson’s ratio for the composite material. Figure 13 shows a plot of the
longitudinal to transverse strains for samples of 54 and 116 MPa concrete respectively. The results show that in the elastic
range a Poisson’s ratio of 0.2 would be suitable.

5 Analysis of the Results

This section of the paper outlines the analysis of the results for the concentric and eccentric tests. This work involved the
testing of thirty-nine specimens. As a direct result of early comments on the original paper, a significant amount of
additional research is reported from other experimental work. This analysis section presents the statistical analysis of these
results and provides a comparison to the Chinese and ACI codes of practice. All analysis is completed using the general
form of equation (2), as the results do not support the simpler assumption implicit in the existing Chinese code formula or
the ACI formula. The use of equation (2) instead of Sakino’s [21] equation (21) or the Chinese Manual [25] equation (15)
provides a direct method to determine the level of conservatism built into the current ACI manual [41] and other similar
codes [46].
As with all experimental work challenges exist, measurement of the area of steel and the area of concrete is a
f st'
straightforward task, however determining the ratio of the is dependent on the type of tests used to determine
f c'
the yield stress and the size of cylinders used in the concrete testing, which varies between countries [25, 41, 46]. The
equation from the Chinese standard [25] for the estimated capacity of a normal strength concrete core in a steel cylinder
can be written as follows:
N c  Ac f c' (14)
  (1  2 ) (15)
The assumption in the CECS [25] is that the variable  from Equation (2) has a value of one. The experimental data, up
to this research, tolerably supports the form of the Chinese equation, which is:
  (1   ) (16)
Sakino [21] uses the following equations, (17) and (18), to estimate f c' from the characteristic compression strength
f cc with a  1.67 and b  0.112 for a 100 mm cylinder standard test.
 u  aDc b (17)
f c'   u f cc (18)
This method of Sakino [21] provides a variant definition of the confinement index as:
As f st'
 (19)
 u f cc Ac
Here  u is a dummy variable. The experimental condition not examined in previously completed research work is the
effect of the upper cap conditions of the test specimens on the experimental results. The alternative treatment for the top
of specimens are (a) steel plate loaded, (b) concrete surface loaded, (c) concrete and steel tube loaded, and (d) steel tube
only loaded.
Sakino tests [21] of thirty CFST cylinders provide results for one alternative cap finish condition, butt welded steel plate.
Figure 5 shows the results of the experimental load N e plotted against the theoretical axial capacity of CFST components
N 0 for the Sakino tests. Sakino concludes that an increase in the capacity of the section is linearly proportional to the
steel tube yield load. A plot of the yield strength of the cylinders against the difference of the experimental load and the
load combination N t does give a high correlation co-efficient, 0.996, for these Sakino results shown in Figure 6. Sakino’s
conclusion from these results is a simple restatement of equation (14) as:
N e  N 0  d N SO (20)
N SO is the calculated load capacity of the CFST.  d is a normalization variable used by Sakino. Sakino normalizes the
results with the factor N 0 with the result that the accuracy of the equation estimating  d reduces to a correlation co-
efficient of 0.5. The  d factor is 0.27 ± 0.02 excluding Sakino’s 84 MPa samples, and 0.236 ± 0.015 for the full set of
Sakino results.
Sakino’s result for  , correlation co-efficient of 0.99, from an analysis of this work is:
  (1  1.24 ) (21)
O’Shea and Bridge [26, 30] completed a set of experiments on CFST samples with concrete strengths ranging from 41 to
108 MPa. These researchers used a method of loading the concrete and steel tube, which is alternative (c). O’Shea and
Bridge results had a correlation co-efficient of 0.89 [26, 30]. The results from these experiments are
  (1  1.41 ) (22)
Sufficient data now exists to test the hypothesis   1 using the Sakino [21] and the O’Shea and Bridge [26, 30]
experimental data sets. The CFST results for the data of Sakino [21]and O’Shea and Bridge [26, 30] has been analyzed with
linear regression using equation (6). The results are presented in Table 9, including the Z-statistic for the null hypothesis
that the various experimental results are taken from the same sample set. These Z statistic results are statistically
significant at the five percent confidence level indicating a systematic difference in the scalar variables in the equation that
fits the data in Table 9. The results from this analysis point to a systematic error with the code assumption of a constant
  1 . The reasonable conclusion is that the steel and concrete interact providing an increased composite strength, with
variable  being greater than unity.
The results for the CFST short column specimens tested in this research work provide data to extend the fundamental
understanding of the properties of short columns subjected to axial compression. This analysis of short column capacity
results includes additional experimental data with alternative end loading conditions. This data is available from other
published papers. Three of the four alternatives available for the specimen top end restraints have test results available.
These options are (a) steel plate loaded, (b) concrete surface loaded, (c) concrete and steel tube loaded, and (d) steel tube
only loaded. No results are available for steel tube only loading, and it is an unlikely loading condition. The alternative (a)
which has a steel top plate has results that do not match the regression model implicit in equation (2). The steel plate
results have a residual data set for the regression analysis that does not have an acceptable normal probability plot. This
result indicates a probable alternative failure mechanism affects the results for this type of end restraint. It is beyond the
scope of our experimental work to resolve this experimental issue; however, the results with the concrete and the steel
tube loaded represents the closest experimental method to real field conditions. The ductility of the concrete filled steel
tube that is filled with high strength concrete provides an acceptable engineering material provided that the ratio is
maintained within the acceptable band presented as an inequality in equation (5).
Equations (10) and (11) have been shown to provide a reasonable fit to the data for the concentrically loaded slender
columns. These equations provide direct calculation of the capacity reduction factor  1 given a slenderness ratio for a
Equations (12) and (13) have been shown to provide a reasonable fit to the data for the eccentrically loaded slender
columns. These equations provide direct calculation of the capacity reduction factor  2 given an eccentricity ratio for a

6 Conclusions
High Strength Concrete Filled Steel tubes (CFST) provide a common construction material for buildings and bridges in China
and elsewhere in the world. There are a number of obvious advantages in using an external steel skin for the concrete,
particularly in an area with seismic loads. The purpose of this experimental work was to investigate the improvement in the
ductility and compressive strength of the concrete core with the use of confining steel. The differential stiffness between
the steel tube and the concrete will result in a compression load on a column in the formation of a triaxial stress state in
the concrete that will increase the apparent strength of the unit. This is analogous to the improvement in strength of
masonry when compared to the separate bricks and mortar.
The principal conclusion reached in this experimental research is that the ductility and strength of a high strength concrete
column can be significantly improved with a confining steel tube.
A series of experiments were completed on concentric and eccentric circular specimens in two test rigs. The results were
compared to experimental work completed by others in the last three decades. The most general linear form of the
capacity equation for the combined unit has been used in the statistical analysis. A variation on the form has been
developed to determine the constants for the capacity equation using standard linear regression techniques.
The simple regression model developed for the Chinese standard to estimate the capacity of a concrete filled steel tube
has been generalized from this experimental analysis. A detailed regression analysis of these results and other recently
published concrete filled steel tube experimental data provide a steel coefficient within a range of 1.5 to 1.6, which is less
than the current Chinese code value of 2 for normal strength concrete, and a concrete coefficient within the range of 1.06
to 1.16. Values of 1.5 and 1.1 are recommended for the steel and concrete coefficient for design purposes. The conclusions
for the concentrically loaded slender columns were that the bearing capacity decreases as the slenderness ratio increases
and equations (10) and (11) can be used to calculate the bearing capacity of slender concentrically loaded HSCFST
columns. The principal conclusions for eccentrically loaded HSCFST columns were that the bearing capacity decreases as
the eccentricity ratio increases and slenderness ratio increases, and that the design can be based on equations (10), (12),
and (13). The results show that the load bearing capacities and peak displacement ratio decrease as the slenderness ratio
of the columns increases.
A design engineer in looking to a long span arch bridge, say to 1000 metres, should consider high strength concrete placed
inside steel tubes. The steel tubing can be protected against corrosion, provides a simple method of assembly and the
confining effect will significantly increase the apparent strength of the concrete. A preferred design may include an internal
walkway provided as a circular element.

Acknowledgments. The National Science Foundation Committee of China (NSFC) financed the work described in this paper.
The authors are grateful for the support from the NSFC.

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Table 1 Mix and Concrete Properties

Mix Concrete Mix Components (kg/m3) Concrete Properties

# Cement Silica Slag Fly Sand Gravel Super w Slump f cu'
Fume Ash plasticiser (mm)
(kg/m3) sc (MPa)
1 585 65 0 0 684 1024 12.4 21 220 116
2 520 0 65 65 676 1004 12.4 22 220 106
3 480 0 60 60 653 980 6.0 30 230 83
4 380 0 0 0 688 1030 1.1 49 180 54
Table 2 Test Specimen Dimensions
Samples Steel Tube Details
Units Number of D t (mm) L f s' D L
Tag Specimens (mm) (mm)
(MPa) t D
Concentrically Loaded Short Columns
A 2 125 1 438 232 125 3.5
B 2 127 2 445 258 64 3.5
C 2 133 3.5 465 352 38 3.5
D 2 133 4.7 465 352 28 3.5
E 2 133 4.7 465 352 28 3.5
F 3 133 4.7 465 352 28 3.5
G 3 127 7 445 429 18 3.5
H 3 108 4.5 378 358 24 3.5
Concentrically Loaded Slender Columns
S1 3 108 4.5 378 358 30 3.5
S2 2 108 4.5 756 358 30 7
S3 2 108 4.5 1188 358 30 11
S4 2 108 4.5 1620 358 30 15
Eccentrically Loaded Columns
E0 3 133 4.7 465 352 28 3.5
E1 2 133 4.7 465 352 28 3.5
E2 2 133 4.7 465 352 28 3.5
E3 2 133 4.7 465 352 28 3.5
ES-1 1 108 4.5 756 358 24 7
ES-2 1 108 4.5 1620 358 24 15
Table 3 Confinement Index Details
Units Tag Strength of Concrete 
' '
f cu (MPa) f c (MPa)
Concentrically Loaded Short Columns

A 116 84.7 0.09

B 116 84.7 0.20

C 116 84.7 0.48

D 116 84.7 0.66

E 54 39.4 1.41

F 83 61.3 0.92

G 116 84.7 1.33

H 106 77.4 0.88

Concentrically Loaded Slender Columns

S 106 77.4 0.88

Eccentrically Loaded Columns

E0, E1, E2, and E3 116 84.7 0.66

ES 106 77.4 0.88

Table 4 Geometric and Strength Details of Eccentrically Loaded Specimen
Number D t L L f st' f cu' Ac  e e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
D (MPa) (MPa) (mm2) Rc
E0-1 133 4.7 465 3.5 352 116 11998 0.66 0 0
E0-2 133 4.7 465 3.5 352 116 11998 0.66 0 0
E0-3 133 4.7 465 3.5 352 116 11998 0.66 0 0
E1-1 133 4.7 465 3.5 352 116 11998 0.66 13.3 0.22
E1-2 133 4.7 465 3.5 352 116 11998 0.66 13.3 0.22
E2-1 133 4.7 465 3.5 352 116 11998 0.66 26.6 0.43
E2-2 133 4.7 465 3.5 352 116 11998 0.66 26.6 0.43
E3-1 133 4.7 465 3.5 352 116 11998 0.66 39.9 0.65
E3-2 133 4.7 465 3.5 352 116 11998 0.66 39.9 0.65
ES-1 108 4.5 756 7 358 106 7,698 0.88 13.3 0.27
ES-2 108 4.5 1620 15 358 106 7,698 0.88 13.3 0.27
Table 5 Concentrically Loaded Column Experimental Results
Specimen Ratio of Failure Lower Plastic Comments
Nu No the Mechanism Yield Point Failure
(kN) (kN) Capacities ( Capacity Point (kN)
[ (kN)
Nu / No ]
A1 1275 1096 1.16 Elastic Brittle NA. NA. The residue
A2 1239 1.13 strength at a
strain of 1% is
600 kN
B1 1491 1290 1.23 Elastic Brittle N.A. The
B2 1339 1.11 residual plastic
strength is
about 800 kN
at 3% strain.
C1 1995 1557 1.28 Discontinuous 1400 1700 A large
C2 1991 1.28 yielding 1700 plastic
C3 1962 1.26 1500 deformation at
a constant
stress at 1%
D1 2273 1683 1.35 Discontinuous 1600 2300 A less
D2 2158 1.28 yielding 1750 1800 pronounced
D3 2253 1.34 2100 1700 plastic
deformation at
the upper yield
E1 1535 1140 1.35 Ductile Failure NA. 1535 Typical
E2 1462 1.28 1462 failure and
desirable curve
for material
F1 1912 1403 1.36 Ductile Failure 1920 Typical
F2 1981 1.41 1980 failure and
desirable curve
for material
G1 3404 1981 1.71 Discontinuous 2400 2700 Ductile
G2 3370 1.70 yielding 2400 2700 discontinuous
G3 3364 1.70 2400 2700 yielding with a
behaviour but
snapback at 2%
strain and
limited plastic
strength is
for earthquake
H1 1535 1120 1.37 Discontinuous 1400 1400 Better than
H2 1578 1400 yielding 1200 1300 Specimen G.
H3 1518 1200
Table 6 Four CFST Test Results– Regression Results after Sakino and O’Shea [21], [26]

Test Set No.  (Concrete)  (Steel) R2

1. Current Test Data 20 1.0±0.12 1.87 ± 0.14 0.91

2. Current Test Data and plastic 20 1.16 ± 0.04 1.52 ± 0.05 0.98
capacity for Sample G
3 Available data 89 1.17 ± 0.03 1.19 ± 0.01 0.98

4 Available data without butt 53 1.06 ± 0.02 1.61 ± 0.03 0.98

welded plate results
Table 7 Slender Column Buckling Failure Loads and Other Data

Number  Nu Measured Measured  L

(kN) N BU (kN)
S1-1 0.88 1539 1535 1.00 3.5

S1-2 0.88 1539 1578 1.03 3.5

S1-3 0.88 1539 1518 0.99 3.5

S2-1 0.88 1539 1286 0.84 7

S2-2 0.88 1539 1280 0.83 7

S3-1 0.88 1539 1194 0.78 11

S3-2 0.88 1539 1232 0.80 11

S4-1 0.88 1539 974 0.63 15

S4-2 0.88 1539 1018 0.66 15

Table 8 Eccentric Column Buckling Failure Loads and Other Data
Test L  Nu e  N CU Measured
D Rc Failure Load
(kN) (kN) (kN)

E0-1 3.5 0.66 2220 0 1 2220 2273

E0-2 3.5 0.66 2220 0 1 2220 2158
E0-3 3.5 0.66 2220 0 1 2220 2253
E1-1 3.5 0.66 2220 0.22 1 2220 1540
E1-2 3.5 0.66 2220 0.22 1 2220 1593
E2-1 3.5 0.66 2220 0.43 1 2220 1173
E2-2 3.5 0.66 2220 0.43 1 2220 1167
E3-1 3.5 0.66 2220 0.65 1 2220 1001
E3-2 3.5 0.66 2220 0.65 1 2220 990
ES-1 7 0.88 15781 0.27 0.84 1310 889
ES-2 15 0.88 1578 0.27 0.63 1009 682

1 The peak failure load was used for this analysis as it provides a better fit to the remaining data.
Table 9 Analysis of O’Shea and Sakino Results
Test Set  (Concrete)  (Steel)
1. O’Shea 1.01 ± 0.03 1.41 ± 0.21
Loading Steel and Concrete (15 specimens)
2. Sakino 1.17 ± 0.03 1.19 ± 0.013
Butt welded 12 mm plate (36 Results)
3. O’Shea Loading Concrete 1.11 ± 0.025 1.52 ± 0.09
(18 specimens)
Z Statistic Test Set 1 to 2 16 6

Z Statistic Test Set 1 to 3 12 3.2

Z Statistic Test Set 2 to 3 7 15

Figure 1. Sample Steel Connection
Figure 2. Experimental Samples, eccentric after testing
Figure 3. Steel Test Results in compression.
Figure 4. Experimental Test Set-up for the Concentric Load Tests.
Figure 5. Experimental Test Set-up for the Slender Concentric and Eccentric Load Tests
Figure 6. Photographs of the Test Set up for the Slender and Eccentrically Loaded Columns
Figure 7. Load to Strain Curves for the Concentrically Loaded Columns
Figure 8.  plotted against 
Figure 9. Load to Displacement Ratio for the Slender Concentrically Loaded Columns
Figure 10. Slender Concentrically Loaded Columns – Capacity Reduction Factor 1
Figure 11. Load to Displacement Ratio for the Eccentrically Loaded Columns
Figure 12. Eccentrically Loaded Columns – Capacity Reduction Factor 2
Figure 13. Longitudinal to Transverse Strains

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