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B. The Fox attacked the Pheasants one

by one
Name :
C. The Fox continued his dancing
Class : performance
D. The Pheasants dropped to the ground
CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER A, E. The fox climbed the tree
B, C, D, or E!

2. The Pheasants lost their hold on the

Text for no. 1 –8 limb because…
Once, Master Fox was taking his A. They were silly and weak animals
usual stroll beneath the moonlight in the
woods. He saw a number of Pheasants B. The branch was too small and
perched quite of his reach on a limb of a slippery
tall, old tree. The sly Fox soon found a
bright patch of moonlight, where the C. The pheasants were exhausted
Pheasants could see him clearly. There he D. The Fox moved very quickly
raise himself up on his hind legs, and towards them
began a wind dance. First he whirled
„round and „round like a top. Then he E. They were shocked to see the Fox‟s
hopped up and down. He cut all sort of performance
strange capers. The Pheasants stared
giddily. They hardly dared bilk of fear of
losing him out of their sight in a few 3. Why did the Pheasants finally dead?
moments. Because…
Now the Fox made as if he wanted A. The Fox killed them
to climb a tree. He fall over and slay still,
B. They were admired with the Fox‟s
playing dead. Then he was hopping on all
fours. His back was in the air and his
bushy tail was shaking. It seemed that he C. They couldn‟t fly
threw out silver sparks in the moonlight.
D. They tired of holding on the limb
By the time, the poor birds‟ head
were in the whirl. And when the Fox E. They were giddied of the Fox‟s
began his performance all over again, they performance
become so dazed. They lost their hold on
the limb. They fell down one by one and
they were immediately dead. 4. The last paragraph is called…
A. Orientation

1. What is the main idea of the last B. Complication

paragraph? C. Resolution
A. The Pheasants tried to hold on the D. Re-orientation
E. Event
5. Once, Master Fox was taking his usual Text for no 9 - 13
stroll beneath the moonlight in the woods. The Magic Candle
What does the underlined word mean? One day, a young wanderer got lost
in a wood. Suddenly, he saw a light from
A. Before
an old hunt and found an old woman who
B. Near was crying. She said that the devil had
stolen her magic candle. The candle could
C. After grant anything she asked.
D. In front of The wanderer went to the castle.
E. Under There he found the devil, but he was old
and weak. Therefore, the wanderer
grabbed the magic candle from the devil‟s
6. What is the purpose of the text above? table and ran away.

A. To amuse the readers But the wanderer was not a kind

man. He didn‟t return the candle to the old
B. To give information about something woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the
candle and made a wish, „I want to go far
C. To persuade people to do something
away from here.” Suddenly, the genies
D. To tell the reader about the writer‟s appeared and took him to a beautiful
experience palace. He met a beautiful princess there
and fell in love with her. They got married
E. To describe about something the next day. In his happiness, the
wanderer told the princess about his
adventure and the magic candle. Hearing
7. Then he hopped up and down. that, the princess got angry. At night she lit
What does the underlined word mean? the candle and wished that the wanderer
A. Rotated
In the morning, the wanderer woke
B. Fell up and found himself back in his ugly
house in the village.
C. Jump
D. Somersaulted
9. What is the main idea in the second
E. Squatted paragraph?
A. The devil kept the magic candle
8. The Pheasants stared giddily. carefully
What does the underlined word mean? B. The wanderer took the magic candle
from the devil
A. Dizzily
C. The wanderer gave the magic candle
B. Hungrily to the princess
C. Angrily D. The devil helped the wanderer to
D. Disappointedly find the magic candle

E. Tragically E. The wanderer borrowed the magic

candle from the devil
10. The princess was angry with the Text for no 14 - 17
wanderer because…
The Stingy and the Generous
A. The wanderer married her
Long, long time ago, there lived
B. The wanderer fell in love with her two brothers. They had completely
different characters. The big brother was
C. She finally knew the wanderer‟s bad very stingy and greedy. He never shared
attitude his wealth with poor people. He even had
D. The wanderer prohibited her to stay no money left because he had shared it
in the palace with poor people.

E. She wanted to visit the old woman at One day, the generous brother was
the old hut sitting in his garden when suddenly a little
bird fell into his lap. It was wounded. He
took care of it, fed it, and put it in a nice
11. Who stole the magic candle from the cage. After the bird was healthy, the
old woman? generous brother let it fly. After some time
the bird turned to him and gave him a
A. The wanderer watermelon seed.
B. The princess The generous brother, then, planted
the seed and watered it until it grew into a
C. The genies
good watermelon plant. Yet, the plant was
D. The devil very strange. It had only one fruit, a big
and heavy one. When the watermelon was
E. The prince ripped enough, the generous brother
picked it and cut it into two. How was
surprised he was. The watermelon was full
12. What is the purpose of the text above? of gold.
A. To give information about the magic The generous brother sold the gold
candle and become very rich. He built a big house
B. To entertain people and bought a very large field. Still, he
never forgot to share his wealth with the
C. To persuade people to do something poor
D. To tell the reader about the writer‟s people.
E. To describe about the magic candle
14. What is the main idea on the second
13. The third paragraph is called… How did the generous brother get the
watermelon seed?
A. Orientation
A. the generous brother finding the
B. Complication
watermelon seed in the field
C. Resolution
B. the generous brother get the
D. Re-orientation watermelon seed after stole it from the
E. Event
C. the generous brother get the Text for no 18 - 20
watermelon seed after curing a
wounded bird Once upon a time, there were a
king and his queen who …(18)… in the
D. the generous brother planting the Kingdom of Belinyu. They didn‟t have
watermelon any child. Until one night, the queen had a
dream of a turtle. It said that the queen
E. Asking for the seed to his brother would have a baby, and she had to give a
Komala necklace to her baby. The queen
woke up and she was holding a Komala
15. What is the purpose of the text above? necklace in her hand. She told her dream
A. To give information about to the king, and he was very happy.
something Shortly, the queen‟s dream became
B. To persuade people to do something reality; she delivered a beautiful baby girl.
The king named her, Komala. She grew as
C. To amuse the readers a pretty girl. However, she had a bad
attitude because her parents always
D. To tell the reader about the writer‟s
spoiled her too much.
One day, Komala …(19)... her
E. To describe about something
parents were talking about the turtle in her
mother‟s dreams. She thought that the
turtle was very interesting animal, so she
16. It was wounded. wanted it as her pet. She insisted to find it,
What does the underlined word mean? and the king allowed her to look for the
A. Fainted
Accompanied with the king‟s
B. Shocked guard, Komala …(20)… the turtle. And
C. Flew finally, she found it in a beach. She
shouted to it, “Penyu busuk wait for me.”
D. Sank in several times, but the turtle kept
swimming. Komala ran after it into the
E. Injured
sea, she tried to catch it. Until then she
finally drowned and disappeared, and all
of her guards could not save her. Now,
17. The second paragraph is called… people call the beach, Penyusuk.
A. Orientation
B. Complication 18. A. live
C. Resolution B. lives
D. Re-orientation C. living
E. Event D. lived
E. were living
19. A. hear
B. hears
C. heard
D. hearing
E. has been heard

20. A. search
B. searches
C. searching
D. searched
E. has been searching

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