New Storage & Shelf Life Feb 2014 PDF

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Thermal Ceramics Insulating firebricks are usually delivered on wooden pallets shrink film
they can be stored outside for six months if the packaging is not damaged. To extend life
after 6 months stock, verify shrink film conditions and apply a new one in case.
A continuous exposition in cold environment, at temperature lower than – 5°C, should not last
more than 1 week, in that case, if lower temperatures are expected, it is suggested to store the
material in a dry warehouse.

Provided the above mentioned conditions, the shelf life of the bricks is unlimited.


Thermal Ceramics refractory mortars are contained in airtight closed drums, and are usually
delivered on wooden pallets shrink film wrapped.
The storage can be in the open air in hot climates without any effect on the properties, however,
it is suggested that the material be not exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.
In cold conditions, it is suggested that the material be stored in a frost-free environment.
Should such storage not be possible we confirm that no damage will occur to the material, even in
very low temperature, but the drums of mortar must be moved in a warmer area, having a
temperature of not less than 15°C for a period of at least 72 hours before use.
The warming time depends on the temperature of the storage, and the mortars must not be
installed with temperature lower than 10°C.
As far as air setting mortar is concerned (supplied in wet form into steel drums) the shelf life
depends on the condition of sealing cap that shall be always airtight.
The guaranteed shelf life is 24 months provided the material stored in a dry, ventilated


Every Thermal Ceramics concrete is packed in a multiply paper bag which include 8 polyethylene
film. Bags are usually packed on pallets and covered with waterproof shrink film wrapping.
To maintain the material in peak condition it is essential that it be stored in a cool dry, ventilated
warehouse, kept off from the floor and away from the walls.
Moistening of the dry material can affect the strength of the concrete and cause it to start setting
prematurely in the bags. Material affected in this way must be discarded.
If the concrete is stored in the open air it should be placed on a ventilated platform, off the ground
and covered with strong tarpaulins to avoid water or ground moisture coming into contact with any
of the bags of material. It is advisable to retain the original shrink-film around the pallet as long as
possible as extra protection.
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In cold conditions it is recommended that the material be stored in a frost-free environment to
ensure that the mixing water does not freeze when added to the dry material. Should such storage
not be possible the bags of the dry material should be moved to a warmer area having a
temperature of not less than 15°C for a period of at least 48 hours prior to the addition of water.
In hot climates it is recommended that the bags of dry material be stored in areas kept dry and as
cool as possible by available means; certainly bags should not be exposed to direct sunlight for
any length of time.
Due to the ageing process of the binders used in their formulations the shelf life of hydraulic-setting
concretes is limited. As a general rule if such concretes are stored in a cool, dry, ventilated
condition a shelf life of at least 6 months can be expected.
If, when the concrete is required to be installed, it has been in store in excess of 6 months and
appears in good condition, that is dry, without any obvious lumps or signs of presetting, some
material should be mixed and its physical properties tested.
If it is known that material will be held in store for a prolonged period, it is recommended that
arrangements be made for the material to be tested every three months after the initial 6 months
Should there be any doubt whatever, the advice of a Thermal Ceramics Refractory Expert should
be sought.
Thermal Ceramics, if requested, will provide small bags of a special dehydrating agent placed
under the shrink film of the pallet in order to extend the shelf life from 6 months to at least 12
months provided the concrete is stored under the recommended conditions cool, dry and well
ventilated. (For the Trimor range family products the shelf live cannot be over 6 month).

THERMAL CERAMICS Italiana S. r. l. Casalpusterlengo, 05/02/2014

Quality Assurance

Via delle Rogge 6

26841 Casalpusterlengo (LO)
Tel. +39 0377 922245
Fax +39 0377 922248
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