Cs707 Current Past Viva Solved Questions1

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H_A_Tariq [email protected]
Symmetric Cryptography
• In a cryptosystem that uses symmetric cryptography, the sender and receiver use two instances of the same
key for encryption and decryption, as shown in the Figure

Asymmetric Cryptography
• In symmetric key cryptography, a single secret key is used between entities, whereas in public key systems,
each entity has different keys, or asymmetric keys

Services of Cryptosystems
• Confidentiality
Renders the information unintelligible except by authorized entities
• Integrity
Data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner since it was created, transmitted, or stored
• Authentication
Verifies the identity of the user or system that created information
• Authorization
Upon proving identity, the individual is then provided with the key or password that will allow access to some
• Nonrepudiation
Ensures that the sender cannot deny sending the message.
1. What is intrusion “detection” & “Prevention”?
Intrusion“detection” is the process of monitoring the events occurring in a computer system or network
and analyzing them for signs of possible incidents, which are violations or imminent threats of violation of
computer security policies.ORAn intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that
monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations. 
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS):
The main functions of intrusion prevention systems are to identify malicious activity, log information
about said activity, attempt to block/stop activity, and report activity.
2. End to end encryption :
(E2EE) is a method of secure communication that prevents third-parties from accessing data while it's
transferred from one end system or device to another.
3. Link encryption:
Link encryption encrypts all the data along a specificCommunication path, as in a satellite link, T3 line, or
telephone circuit. Not only is the user information encrypted, but the header, trailers, addresses, and
routing data that are part of the packets are also encrypted. Link encryption provides protection against
packet sniffers and eavesdroppers.ORLink encryption is an approach to communications security that
encrypts and decrypts all traffic at each end of a communications line
2 link to link encryption
 Link encryption is an approach to communications security that encrypts and decrypts all traffic at each end of a
communications line

4. Block cipher and stream cipher?

Answer: Block Ciphers, which work on blocks of bits, and Stream Ciphers, which work on one bit at a time.
Block Cipher: A block cipher is a method of encrypting text (to produce cipher text) in which a
cryptographic key and algorithm are applied to a block of data
StreamCipher: A stream cipher is a method of encrypting text (to produce cipher text) in which a
cryptographic key and algorithm are applied to each binary digit in a data stream, one bit at a time.
5. Encryption? + .What is cipher and cipher text:
The translation of data into a secret code. Encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security.
To read an encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key or password that enables you to decrypt it.
Unencrypted data is called plain text; encrypted data is referred to as cipher text.

6. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer):

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a computer networking protocol for securing connections between network
application clients and servers over an insecure network, such as the internet.
A cryptosystem encompasses all of the necessary components for encryption and decryption to takeplace.
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is just oneexample of a cryptosystem.
A cryptosystem is made up of at least the following:
• Software
• Protocols
• Algorithms
• Keys
7. Passive and active attack?
Passive attack:
Eavesdropping and sniffing data as it passes over a network are considered passive attacks because the
attacker is not affecting the protocol, algorithm, key, message, or any parts of the encryption system.
Passive attacks are hard to detect, so in most cases methods are put in place to try to prevent them rather
than to detect and stop them.OR
Passive attacks: it is indirect attack. The attacked host is completely unaware about this; hence it is
called passive attack.
Active attacks:
Active attacks:Altering messages, modifying system files, and masquerading as another individual are
acts that are considered active attacks because the attacker is actually doing somethinginstead of
sittingback and gathering data.
8. Cipher block chaining (CBC):
Cipher block chaining (CBC) is a mode of operation for a block cipher (one in which a sequence of bits
are encrypted as a single unit or block with a cipher key applied to the entire block).
9. Encapsulation:
Encapsulation is the process of taking data from one protocol and translating it into another protocol, so
the data can continue across a network.
10. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP):
Point-to-Point Protocol is a data link (layer 2) protocol used to establish a direct connection betweentwo nodes. It
connects two routers directly without any host or any other networkingdevice inbetween. It can provide
connection authentication,transmission encryption (using ECP, RFC 1968), and compression.

11. Point-to-multipoint (PMP):

Point-to-multipoint Communication refers to communication that is accomplished through a distinct and
specific form of one-to-many connections, offering several paths from one single location to various
12. Reliable Protocol:
A reliable protocol provides reliability properties with respect to the delivery of data to the intended
recipient(s), as opposed to an unreliable protocol, which does not provide notifications to the sender as to
the delivery of transmitted data
13. Fast Packet Switching (FPS):
Fast Packet Switching Networks are designed to carry many kinds of traffic, including voice, video, and
data. Three measures of performance: user frame loss rates, average latency, and effective bandwidth.
14. Denial of service (Attack) DOS:
A denial-of-service attack is a security event that occurs when an attacker takes action that prevents
legitimate users from accessing targeted computer systems, devices or other network resources.
18. Cryptography:
 Is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties
called adversaries, More generally, cryptography is about constructing and analyzing protocols that
prevent third parties or the public from reading private messages;

Hardware or software implementation of cryptography that transforms a message to ciphertext and back to

15. Hash function:

Producing hash values for accessing data or for security. A hash value, also called a message digest, is a
number generated from a string of text. Hashing is also a common method of accessing data records.
16. (i)Public Key Infrastructure:
A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a set of roles, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage,
distribute, use, store, and revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption.
17. Public & Private Keys
Private and public key are the two keys that two different entities are using in public key cryptography to
decrypt (using the private) what have been encrypted with the public or reverse.
17. What is authentication?
In security systems, authentication is distinct from authorization, which is the process of giving individuals
access to system objects based on their identity.
20. Digital Signature:
Digital Signature: A digital signature is process which is use for authentication, validity and integrity of the
message. Digital signature used digital certificate signed by CA,
21. (CA)Certificate Authority:
Certificate Authority. Create& signed the signature, issued to requester and monitor signature till its
22. Crypt Analysis:
Cryptanalysis refers to the study of ciphers, cipher text, or cryptosystems (that is, to secret code systems)
with a view to finding weaknesses in them that will permit retrieval of the plaintext from the cipher text,
without necessarily knowing the key or the algorithm.
23. Data Origin authentication:
 Data origin authentication is a property that a message has not been modified while in transit
(data integrity) and that the receiving party can verify the source of the message.
3) Access control List refer to routing
cryptosystem is hard ware or software.
Difference b/w authorization and authentication
When you log on to a PC with a user name and password you are authenticating. Authorization is the process of
verifying that you have access to something. Gaining access to a resource (e.g. directory on a hard disk) because
the permissions configured on it allow you access isauthorization.
DRS Stands for
VMware DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler) This definition is part of our Essential Guide: Fine-tune your
virtualization performance management skills. VMware DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler) is a utility
that balances computing workloads with available resources in a virtualized environment.
Network Security Services
. In computing, Network Security Services (NSS) comprises a set of libraries designed to support cross-
platform development of security-enabled client and server applications with optional support for
hardware TLS/SSL acceleration on the server side and hardware smart cards on the client side.
What does non repudiation mean in security?
In digital security. Regarding digital security, the cryptological meaning and application of non-repudiation
shifts to mean: A service that provides proof of the integrity and origin of data. An authentication that can
be asserted to be genuine with high assurance.
is the assurance that someone cannot deny something. Typically, nonrepudiation refers to the ability to
ensure that a party to a contract or a communication cannot deny the authenticity of their signature on a
document or the sending of a message that they originated.
Why non-repudiation is not in Cryptography definition
Cryptography is the study of mathematical techniques related to aspects of information security such as
confidentiality, data integrity, entity authentication, and data origin authentication..
Synchronous and asynchronous transmissions are two different methods of transmission synchronization.
Synchronous transmissions are synchronized by an external clock, while asynchronous transmissions are
synchronized by special signals along the transmission medium.
An insider attack is a malicious attack perpetrated on a network or computer system by a person with authorized
system access. ... In addition, there may be lesssecurity against insider attacks because many organizations focus
on protection from external attacks. An insider attack is also known as an insider threat.
Which have large key size symmetric or asymmetric?
Data Encryption Standard
Insiders Attackers

Employees and Ex-Employees Are Dangerous

Contract workers who work for the firm for brief periods of time
◦ Workers in contracting companies
Substitution is used in today’s symmetric algorithms,
Examples of Asymmetric Key Algorithms
• RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)
• Elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC)
• Diffie-Hellman
• El Gamal
• Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
• Merkle-Hellman Knapsack
Three Objectives Of IT Security
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)
What is the use of multiplexing?
In electronics, telecommunications and computer networks, multiplexing (short muxing) is a term used to
refer to a process where multiple analog message signalsor digital data streams are combined into one
signal over a shared medium. The aim is to share an expensive resource.

Confidentiality means that people cannot read sensitive information, either while it is on a computer or while it
is traveling across a network.
◦ Integrity
Integrity means that attackers cannot change or destroy information, either while it is on a computer or
while it is traveling across a network.
Or, at least, if information is changed or destroyed, then the receiver can detect the change or restore
destroyed data.
◦ Availability
Asymmetric vs Symmetric Encryption Which one is better?
Availability means that people who are authorized to use information are not prevented from doing so
Generally asymmetric encryption schemes are more secure because they require both a public and a private

Symmetric encryption is less expensive than asymmetric encryption. Expensive as in it requires less
processing. To be exact, I am referring to the decryption process.
AES was to be a symmetric block cipher supporting key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits.

DES key size is (56-bits)

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