Chevron Ursa SuperPlus EC 15w40 271201 MSDS
Chevron Ursa SuperPlus EC 15w40 271201 MSDS
Chevron Ursa SuperPlus EC 15w40 271201 MSDS
Eye: No specific first aid measures are required. As a precaution, remove contact lenses, if worn, and
flush eyes with water.
Skin: No specific first aid measures are required. As a precaution, remove clothing and shoes if
contaminated. To remove the material from skin, use soap and water. Discard contaminated clothing and
shoes or thoroughly clean before reuse.
Ingestion: No specific first aid measures are required. Do not induce vomiting. As a precaution, get
medical advice.
Inhalation: No specific first aid measures are required. If exposed to excessive levels of material in the
air, move the exposed person to fresh air. Get medical attention if coughing or respiratory discomfort
OSHA Classification (29 CFR 1910.1200): Not classified by OSHA as flammable or combustible.
Flashpoint: (Cleveland Open Cup) 205 °C (401 °F) Minimum
Autoignition: No data available
Flammability (Explosive) Limits (% by volume in air): Lower: Not Applicable Upper: Not
EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use water fog, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish
Consider the potential hazards of this material (see Section 3), applicable exposure limits, job activities,
and other substances in the work place when designing engineering controls and selecting personal
protective equipment. If engineering controls or work practices are not adequate to prevent exposure to
harmful levels of this material, the personal protective equipment listed below is recommended. The user
should read and understand all instructions and limitations supplied with the equipment since protection is
usually provided for a limited time or under certain circumstances.
Use in a well-ventilated area.
Attention: the data below are typical values and do not constitute a specification.
Chemical Stability: This material is considered stable under normal ambient and anticipated storage
and handling conditions of temperature and pressure.
Incompatibility With Other Materials: May react with strong acids or strong oxidizing agents, such as
chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, etc.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: None known (None expected)
Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur.
Acute Oral Toxicity: The acute oral toxicity hazard is based on evaluation of data for similar materials or
product components.
Acute Inhalation Toxicity: The acute inhalation toxicity hazard is based on evaluation of data for similar
materials or product components.
This material is not expected to be harmful to aquatic organisms. The ecotoxicity hazard is based on an
evaluation of data for the components or a similar material.
Ready Biodegradability: This material is not expected to be readily biodegradable. The biodegradability
of this material is based on an evaluation of data for the components or a similar material.
Use material for its intended purpose or recycle if possible. Oil collection services are available for used
oil recycling or disposal. Place contaminated materials in containers and dispose of in a manner
consistent with applicable regulations. Contact your sales representative or local environmental or health
authorities for approved disposal or recycling methods.
The description shown may not apply to all shipping situations. Consult 49CFR, or appropriate Dangerous
Goods Regulations, for additional description requirements (e.g., technical name) and mode-specific or
quantity-specific shipping requirements.
The following components of this material are found on the regulatory lists indicated.
Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate 03, 06
All components comply with the following chemical inventory requirements: DSL (Canada), KECI (Korea),
PICCS (Philippines), TSCA (United States).
One or more components has been notified but may not be listed in the following chemical inventories:
IECSC (China). Secondary notification by the importer may be required.
One or more components does not comply with the following chemical inventory requirements: AICS
(Australia), EINECS (European Union), ENCS (Japan).
This product is not considered a controlled product according to the criteria of the Canadian Controlled
Products Regulations.
Label Category : ENGINE OIL 1 - ENG1
Prepared according to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and the ANSI
MSDS Standard (Z400.1) by the Chevron Energy Technology Company, 100 Chevron Way,
Richmond, California 94802.
The above information is based on the data of which we are aware and is believed to be correct
as of the date hereof. Since this information may be applied under conditions beyond our
control and with which we may be unfamiliar and since data made available subsequent to the
date hereof may suggest modifications of the information, we do not assume any responsibility
for the results of its use. This information is furnished upon condition that the person
receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his particular