Weldability of Tungsten and Its Alloys
Weldability of Tungsten and Its Alloys
Weldability of Tungsten and Its Alloys
Tungsten and its alloys can be successfully joined by gas tungsten-arc welding,
gas tungsten-arc braze welding, electron beam welding and by chemical vapor deposition
BY N . C. C O L E , R. G. G I L L I L A N D A N D G. M . SLAUGHTER
ABSTRACT. The weldability of tungsten eliminated all but a small amount of but it should be noted that the CVD
and a number of its alloys consolidated porosity and also eliminated the prob- material contained more than the nor-
by arc casting, powder metallurgy, or lems associated with the high tempera- mal amounts of fluorine.
chemical-vapor deposition (CVD) tech- tures necessary for welding (such as Various sizes and shapes of tung-
niques was evaluated. Most of the mate- large grains in the weld and heat-af-
rials used were nominally 0.060 in. thick fected zones). sten and tungsten alloys were joined
sheet. The joining processes employed for comparison. Most of them were
were (1) gas tungsten-arc welding, (2) Introduction powder metallurgy products although
gas tungsten-arc braze welding, (3) elec- some arc-cast materials were also
tron beam welding and (4) joining by Tungsten and tungsten-base alloys welded. Specific configurations were
CVD. are being considered for a number of used to determine the feasibility of
Tungsten was successfully welded by advanced nuclear and space applica- building structures and components.
all of these methods but the soundness tions including thermionic conversion All materials were received in a fully
of the welds was greatly influenced by devices, reentry vehicles, high temper- cold worked condition with the excep-
the types of base and filler metals ature fuel elements and other reactor tion of the CVD tungsten, which was
(i.e. powder or arc-cast products). For components. Advantages of these ma-
example, welds in arc-cast material were received as-deposited. Because of the
terials are their combinations of very increased brittleness of recrystallized
comparatively free of porosity whereas high melting temperatures, good
welds in powder metallurgy products and large-grained tungsten the materi-
strengths at elevated temperatures,
were usually porous, particularly along al was welded in the worked condition
high thermal and electrical conductivi-
the fusion line. For gas tungsten-arc to minimize grain growth in the heat-
ties and adequate resistance to corro-
(GTA) welds in V ] 0 in. unalloyed tung- affected zone. B e c a u s e o f t h e
sten sheet, a minimum preheat of 150° sion in certain environments. Since
brittleness limits their fabricability, high cost of the material and the
C (which was found to be the ductile- relatively small amounts available, we
to-brittle transition temperature of the the usefulness of these materials in
structural components under rigorous designed test specimens that used the
base metal) produced welds free of minimum amount of material consist-
cracks. As base metals, tungsten-rhenium service conditions depends greatly
alloys were weldable without preheat, upon the development of welding ent with obtaining the desired in-
but porosity was also a problem with procedures to provide joints that are formation.
tungsten alloy powder products. Pre- comparable in properties to the base
heating appeared not to affect weld po- metal. Therefore, the objectives of Procedure
rosity which was primarily a function these studies were to (1) determine Since the ductile-to-brittle transition
of the type of base metal. the mechanical properties of joints temperature (DBTT) of tungsten is
The ductile-to-brittle transition tem- produced by different joining methods above room temperature, special care
peratures (DBTT) for gas tungsten-arc
in several types of unalloyed and al- must be used in handling and machin-
welds in different types of powder metal-
lurgy tungsten were 325 to 475° C, as loyed tungsten; (2) evaluate the ing to avoid cracking 1 . Shearing
compared to 150° C for the base metal effects of various modifications in heat causes edge cracking and we have
and that of 425° C for electron beam- treatments and joining technique; and found that grinding and electrodis-
welded arc-cast tungsten. (3) demonstrate the feasibility of charge machining leave heat checks
Braze welding of tungsten with dis- fabricating test components suitable on the surface. Unless they are re-
similar filler metals apparently did not for specific applications. moved by lapping, these cracks may
produce better joint properties than did propagate during welding and subse-
other joining methods. We used Nb, Ta, quent use.
W-26% Re, Mo and Re as filler metals Materials
in the braze welds. The Nb and Mo Tungsten, like all refractory metals,
caused severe cracking. Unalloyed tungsten in 1 / 3 6 in. must be welded in a very pure atmos-
Joining by CVD at 510 to 560° C thick sheets was the material of most phere of either inert gas (gas tung-
interest. The unalloyed tungsten in this sten-arc process) or vacuum (electron
study was produced by powder metal- beam process) 2 to avoid contamina-
N. C. COLE and G. M. SLAUGHTER are lurgy, arc casting and chemical-vapor
with Metals and Ceramics Div., Oak Ridge tion of the weld by interstitials. Since
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.: deposition techniques. Table 1 shows tungsten has the highest melting point
R. G. GILLILAND is with the University the impurity levels of the powder met-
of Wisconsin. Milwaukee. of all metals (3410° C ) , welding
allurgy, CVD and arc-cast tungsten equipment must be capable of with-
Paper presented at the American Welding products as received. Most fall within standing the high service tempera-
Society 49th Annual Meeting, Chicago,
April 1-5. 1968. the ranges nominally found in tungsten tures.
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420-S i S E P T E M B E R 1971
Fig. 1—Automatic welding apparatus. A (left)—apparatus incontrolled atmosphere chamber (arrow points to preheating
fixture; B (right)—schematic of preheating fixture
Results for Unalloyed Tungsten grains. The columnar grains have gas specimen. To ensure a weld free of
bubbles at grain boundaries caused by cracks, preheating at least to the
General Weldability
fluorine impurities 8 . Consequently, if DBTT of the base metal is recom-
Gas Tungsten-A rc Welding — In the fine grain substrate surface is re- mended. Electron beam welds in pow-
gas tungsten-arc welding of V 1 6 in. moved before welding, the weldment der metallurgy products also have the
thick unalloyed sheet, the work must does not contain a metallographically weld porosity mentioned previously.
be substantially preheated to prevent detectable heat-affected zone. Of Gas Tungsten-Arc Braze Welding—
brittle failure under stress induced by course, in worked CVD material (such In an effort to establish whether braze
thermal shock. Figure 2 shows a typi- as extruded or drawn tubing) the welding could be used to advantage,
cal fracture produced by welding with- heat-affected zone of the weld has we experimented with the gas tungsten-
out proper preheating. The large grain the normal recrystallized grain struc- arc process for making braze welds
size and shape of the weld and heat- ture. on powder metallurgy tungsten sheet.
affected zone are evident in the frac- Cracks were found in the columnar The braze welds were made by pre-
ture. Investigation of preheating tem- grain boundaries in the HAZ of sever- placing the filler metal along the butt
peratures from room temperature to al welds in CVD tungsten. This crack- joint before welding. Braze welds were
540° C showed that preheating to a ing, shown in Fig. 5, was caused by produced with unalloyed Nb, Ta, Mo,
minimum of 150° C was necessary for rapid formation and growth of bub- Re, and W—26% Re as filler metals.
consistent production of one-pass butt bles in the grain boundaries at high- As expected, there was porosity at the
welds that were free of cracks. This temperatures". At the high tempera- fusion line in metallographic sections
temperature corresponds to the DBTT tures involved in welding, the bubbles of all joints (Fig. 6) since the base
of the base metal. Preheating to high- were able to consume much of the metals were powder metallurgy prod-
er temperatures did not appear to be grain boundary area; this, combined ucts. Welds made with niobium and
necessary in these tests but material with the stress produced during cool- molybdenum filler metals cracked.
with a higher DBTT, or configurations ing, pulled the grain boundaries apart The hardnesses of welds and braze
that involve more severe stress con- to form a crack. A study of bubble welds were compared by means of a
centrations or more massive parts, formation in tungsten and other metal study of bead-on-plate welds made
may require preheating to higher tem- deposits during heat treatment shows with unalloyed tungsten and W—26%
peratures. that bubbles occur in metals deposited Re as filler metals. The gas tungsten-
The quality of a weldment depends below 0.3 T m (the homologous melt- arc welds and braze welds were made
greatly upon the procedures used in ing temperature). This observation manually on unalloyed tungsten pow-
fabricating the base metals. Autog- suggests that gas bubbles form by der metallurgy products (the low
enous welds in arc-cast tungsten are coalescence of entrapped vacancies porosity, proprietary (GE-15) grade
essentially free from porosity, Fig. and gases during annealing. In the and a typical commercial grade).
3A, but welds in powder metallurgy case of CVD tungsten, the gas is Welds and braze welds in each mate-
tungsten are characterized by gross probably fluorine or a fluoride com- rial were aged at 900, 1200, 1600
porosity, Fig. 3 ( b ) , particularly along pound 10 . and 2000° C for 1, 10, 100 and 1000
the fusion line. The amount of this Electron Beam Welding — Unal- hr. The specimens were examined
porosity, Fig. 3B, particularly along loyed tungsten was electron beam metallographically, and hardness trav-
3C, in welds made in a proprietary, welded with and without preheating. erses were taken across the weld, heat-
low porosity product (GE-15 pro- The need for preheat varied with the affected zone, and base metal both
duced by General Electric Co., Cleve- thickness, length and shape of the as-welded and after heat treatment.
Gas tungsten-arc welds in CVD
Table 2—Typical Analyses of Interstitials in Una lloyed Tungsten After Welding
tungsten have unusual heat-affected
zones due to the grain structure of the Interstitial content, ppm
base metal 7 . Figure 4 shows the face Weld metal Base m e t a l —
and corresponding cross section of Type of tungsten F N2 O, C F N2 0, C
such a gas tungsten-arc butt weld. Typical powder metallurgy 14.7 4 56 <20 2.9 5 41 <20
Note that the fine grains at the sub- Proprietary powder metal-
strate surface have grown due to the lurgy, low porosity 7.9 1 120 <20 <2 1 140 <20
heat of welding. Also evident is the Chemically vapor deposited 9.3 1 72 <20 10.5-23 1 52 <20
Arc cast 1 1 10 14 1 1 7 14
lack of growth of the large columnar
W E L D I N G RESEARCH S U P P L E M E N T | 421-s
..- 7\77 -
;:,.„,... . 1 , - . - ' , . ' ::*;.. .
• _ ,
Fig. 2—Gas tungsten-arc weld in unalloyed tungsten. A (top)—fracture which occurred while welding without a preheat;
B (bottom)—end view of the fracture. Note the contrasting intergranular failure of weld and heat-affected zone versus the
cleavage type failure of the base metal
Since the materials used in this study in hardness at the fusion line. With
were powder metallurgy products, increasing aging temperature, the
varying amounts of porosity were hardness of the braze weld decreased
present in the weld and braze weld until, after 100 hr at 1600° C, the
deposits. Again, the joints made with hardness was the same as that of the
typical powder metallurgy tungsten unalloyed tungsten base metal. This
base metal had more porosity than trend of decreasing hardness with in-
those made with the low porosity, creasing temperature held true for all
proprietary tungsten. The braze welds aging times. Increasing time at a con-
made with W—26% Re filler metal stant temperature also caused a simi-
had less porosity than the welds made lar decrease in hardness, as shown for
with the unalloyed tungsten filler metal. an aging temperature of 1200° C in
No effect of time or temperature Fig. 7B.
was discerned on the hardness of the
welds made with unalloyed tungsten Joining by Chemical Vapor Deposi-
as filler metal. As welded, the hard- tion—Joining of tungsten by CVD
ness measurements of the weld and techniques was investigated as a meth-
base metals were essentially constant od for producing welds in various
and did not change after aging. specimen designs. By use of appropri-
However, the braze welds made with ate fixtures and masks to limit deposi-
W—26% Re filler metal were consid- tion to the desired areas, CVD and
erably harder as produced than the powder metallurgy tungsten sheets
base metal (Fig. 7 ) . Probably the were joined and end closures on tub-
higher hardness of the W-Re braze ing were produced. Deposition into a
weld deposit was due to solid solution bevel with an included angle of about
hardening and/or the presence of o- 90 deg produced cracking, Fig. 8A,
phase finely distributed in the so- at the intersections of columnar grains
lidified s t r u c t u r e . The tungsten- growing from one face of the bevel
rhenium phase diagram 11 shows that and the substrate (which was etched
localized areas of high rhenium con- away). However, high integrity joints
tent could occur during rapid cooling without cracking or gross buildup of
and result in the formation of the impurities were obtained, Fig. 8B,
hard, brittle o- phase in the highly when the joint configuration was
segregated substructure. Possibly the o- changed by grinding the face of the
phase was finely dispersed in the base metal to a radius of V 2 in.
grains or grain boundaries, although tangent to the root of the weld.
none was large enough to be identified Fig. 3—Centogenous gas tungsten-arc To demonstrate a typical applica-
by either metallographic examination welds in tungsten. A (top)—arc-cast tion of this process in fabrication of
or X-ray diffraction. tungsten, B (middle)—typical powder
metallurgy tungsten, C (bottom)—propri-
fuel elements, a few end closures were
Hardness is plotted as a function of etary, low porosity powder metallurgy made in tungsten tubes. These joints
distance from the braze-weld center tungsten. Etchant: 25% H20», 25% were leak-tight when tested with a
line for different aging temperatures NH..OH, 50% H.0 (reduced 50% in re- helium mass spectrometer leak detec-
in Fig. 7A. Note the abrupt change production. tor.
422-s I S E P T E M B E R 1971
: • ' • •
-:•:-;..7: ~,
... -A
Fig. 4—Gas tungsten-arc butt weld in chemically vapor deposited tungsten; top view and cross section. Etchant: H20a
Fig. 5—Cracking and bubble formation in heat-affected zone of weld in chemically
vapor-deposited tungsten. Same general area is shown at increasing magnifications.
Etchant: H202, NH,OH, H20
Mechanical Properties
Bend Tests of Fusion Welds—
Ductile-to-brittle transition curves
were determined for various joints in
unalloyed tungsten. The curves in Fig.
9 shows that the DBTT of two powder
metallurgy base metals was about
150° C. Typically, the DBTT (the
lowest temperature at which a 90 to
105 deg bend could be made) of both
materials increased greatly after weld-
ing. The transition temperatures in-
creased about 175° C to a value of
325° C for typical powder metallurgy
tungsten and increased about 235° C
to a value of 385° C for the low
porosity, proprietary material. The
difference in the DBTTs of welded
and unwelded material was attributed
to the large grain size and possible
redistribution of impurities of the
welds and heat-affected zones. The
test results show that the DBTT of
typical powder metallurgy tungsten
welds was lower than that of the pro-
prietary material, even though the lat-
ter had less porosity. The higher DBTT
of the weld in the low porosity tung-
sten may have been due to its slightly
larger grain size, Fig. 3A and 3C.
The results of investigations to de-
termine D B T T s for a number of
joints in unalloyed tungsten are sum-
marized in Table 3. The bend tests
were quite sensitive to changes in
testing procedure. Root bends ap-
peared to be more ductile than face
bends. A properly selected stress relief Fig. 6—Braze welds on powder metallurgy tungsten sheet. The various fille
after welding appeared to lower the metals used are columbium, tantalum, W—26% Re, molybdenum, and rhe
DBTT substantially. The CVD tung- nium. As-polished
r n'
E& / 1 WFI ns
20 i /
1 J JZ
200 300 400
. '. TEMPERATURE- 2 0 0 * C
F i g . 9—Ductile-to-brittle t r a n s i t i o n
^-AS W LMo curves for powder metallurgy tungsten
base metal and welds
Surface Approximate
Joining technique T y p e of t u n g s t e n Type bend in t e n s i o n Joint c o n d i t i o n DBTT" (°C)
Gas t u n g s t e n - a r c Powder m e t a l l u r g y Longitudinal Face b As w e l d e d 450
Longitudinal Root As w e l d e d 325
Transverse Face As w e l d e d 475
Longitudinal Face Stress r e l i e v e d , 1800°C <350
Stress r e l i e v e d , 2800°C >500
Powder m e t a l l u r g y Longitudinal Root As w e l d e d 385
(low porosity)
CVD Longitudinal Face As w e l d e d 560
CVD Longitudinal Face Stress r e l i e v e d , 1000°C 350
Electron-beam Arc cast Longitudinal Face As w e l d e d 425
CVD Powder m e t a l l u r g y Longitudinal Face Stress r e l i e v e d , 1000°C 235b
CVD Longitudinal Face Stress r e l i e v e d , 1000°C 200"
Ductile-to-brittle transition temperature, defined as lowest temperature at which specimen bent fully (90 to 105 deg without cracking.
Bend test strain rate changed to 0.1 ipm (all others tested at 0.5 i pm).
424-s | S E P T E M B E R 1971
Table 4—Results of Longitudinal Bend Tests at 525° C of Gas Tungsten-Arc
Braze Welds in Powder Metallurgy Tungsten
Bend angle at
which first crack
Filler metal occurred (deg) Visual observations of tested specimens
Niobium 14 Fractured across entire width
Tantalum 53 Cracks in weld, heat-affected zone, and base
W-26% Re 17 Cracks in weld and heat-affected zone
Molybdenum 44 Fractured across entire width
Rhenium 90 Very slight crack in weld
sion line with the arc cast cap. Figure assurance of making the joint without Fig. 10—Autogenous gas tungsten-arc
12(c) shows both an arc cast cap and melting through the thin tube. welds in W—26% Re. A (top)—weld in
capsule of W — 5 % Mo, which con- Metallographic e x a m i n a t i o n of powder metallurgy base metal. B (bot-
tains no porosity at either interface. these prototype welds revealed that tom)—weld in arc-cast base metal.
This type of evidence is found fre- they had complete penetration, no Etchant: H202, NH.OH (reduced 62% in
quently with both unalloyed tungsten cracks and only a small amount of reproduction)
and tungsten alloys. fine porosity. Figure 13B shows the
difference in grain growth exhibited Conclusions
Component Fabrication by the two tungsten tubes. In the Tungsten and many of its alloys can
Another part of our program con- bottom tube, the grains grew very be successfully joined by welding,
cerns determining the feasibility of little as compared to the rapid grain braze welding, and chemical vapor
fabricating test components from growth in the vertical tube. Since the deposition, provided certain techniques
tungsten and tungsten alloys. A porosity shown was along the inter- are used. Special machining proc-
demonstration assembly simulating a face between the braze weld deposit esses must be employed, the material
corrosion loop was successfully tung- and the fine grained tungsten tube, a must be handled with care, and equip-
sten arc, braze welded, Fig. 13A. higher concentration of impurities ment must be capable of producing
Nondestructive inspection revealed may be present in the grain bound- and handling the extreme heat needed
the welds to be helium leak-tight and aries of the fine grained tube, which for welding tungsten. For single-pass
crack-free. It was constructed from may have slowed the grain growth. welds in unalloyed tungsten, the
0.275-in. OD by 0.035-in. wall CVD Upon closer examination the o- workpiece must be heated to at least
tungsten tubing. It was welded manu- phase of the tungsten-rhenium system the DBTT of the base metal before
ally in a chamber with a controlled was discovered near the edge of the welding to avoid transverse cracking.
atmosphere of very pure argon. In an braze weld, Fig. 13C. It was posi- Neither W—26% Re nor W—25%
effort to reduce the required heat tively identified by microprobe analy- Re—30% Mo required this preheat
input, W—26% Re was chosen as the sis and by the use of special etching because the transition temperatures of
filler metal. techniques (0.5 N NaOH solution pref- the base metals are below room tem-
erentially attacks o- phase in tungsten- perature. However, a preheat may be
In general, problems increase in desirable for large or complex struc-
making manual welds as the tempera- rhenium). Sigma phase, since it is hard
and brittle, is an undesired microcon- tures, which may require multipass
ture increases (glove deterioration, welds.
welder inconvenience). Also, in build- stituent. Microsegregation during sol-
ing complex components, the lower idification of the weld metal probably Possibly because of solid solution
heat required for braze welding is a produced areas high enough in rheni- hardening and the presence of o-
definite advantage in decreasing weld um content to form the o- phase. phase, W—26% Re weld metal is
stresses and reducing the size of the
heat-affected zone. In the case of a
small thin tube welded to a large
component, a filler metal with a lower
melting point increases the ease and
harder than unalloyed tungsten (480 However, more development must be Suppl., 528-s to 542-s (1969).
3. "Vapors Create Tungsten Joints,"
vs 400 dph). Aging for increasing done before this process can be ap- Iron Age 19(21). p. 76-77 (May 1963).
times and temperatures up to 1600° C plied. 4. Heestand, R. L., Federer, J. I., and
and 1000 hr decreases the hardness of Leitten, C. F., Jr., Preparation and Evalu-
ation of Vapor Deposited Tungsten,
the W—26% Re weld metal to that of A cknowledgements ORNL-3662 (August 1964).
unalloyed tungsten. 5. Schaffhauser, A. C., "Low-Tempera-
The authors gratefully thank J. D. ture Ductility and Strength of Thermo-
Powder products, whether unal- Hudson for preparing, welding and chemically Deposited Tungsten and Effects
loyed tungsten or tungsten alloys, have of Heat Treatment," pp. 261-276, Summary
testing specimens, G. E. Moore of the of the 11th Refractory Composites Work-
porosity in the weld zone, particularly Welding and Brazing Facility, Plant ing Group Meeting, AFML-TR-66-179 (July
along the fusion line. The amount of 1966).
and Equipment Division, for manually 6. Evaluation Test Methods for Refrac-
porosity depends on the process his- welding the bead-on-plate specimens. tory Metal Sheet Materials, Materials Ad-
tory of the base metal as well as of its We thank R. L. Heestand (now at visory Board Refractory Metal Sheet Roll-
composition. ing Panel, MAB176-M (Sept. 6, 1961). Re-
BMI), R. G. Donnelly, A. C. vised.
As expected, the DBTT of all Schaffhauser, R. E. McDonald, W. C. 7. Lundin, C. D., and Farrell, K., "Dis-
grades of tungsten was greatly in- tribution and Effects of Gas Porosity in
Robinson (now with Union Carbide, Welds in CVD Tungsten," WELDING JOURNAL,
creased by welding. Stress relief be- Greenville, S.C.) and J. I. Federer for 49(10). Research Suppl., 461-s to 464-s
fore welding reduced the cracking sus- (1970).
their invaluable assistance in material 8. Schaffhauser, A. C., and Heestand,
ceptibility of the welds and heat treat- procurement and consultation. The R. L., "Effect of Fluorine Impurities on
ments after welding appeared to im- work of the following groups of the Grain Stability of Thermochemically De-
prove the ductility of the welds. The posited Tungsten." pp. 204-211, 1966 IEEE
Metals and Ceramics Division is also Conference Record of the Thermionic Con-
DBTT for unalloyed tungsten welds appreciated: the Mechanical Proper- version Specialist Conference, Nov. 3 and
ranged from 325 to 560° C, depend- If, 1966, Houston, Texas, Institute of Elec-
ties Group for testing the bend speci- trical and Electronics Engineers, New
ing on the type of base metal and York,
mens, the Metallography Group for
testing conditions. Use of a dissimilar 9. Farrell. K., Houston, J. T., and
preparing the photomicrographs and Chumley, J. W., "Hot Cracking in Fusion
filler metal (braze weld technique) Welds in Tungsten," WELDING JOURNAL,
metallographic samples, and the Re-
did not improve the properties of the 49(3), Research Suppl., 132-s to 137-s
ports Office for preparing the manu- (1970).
resulting joint but appeared to cause
further embrittlement. script. 10. Farrell, K., Federer, J. I., Schaff-
hauser, A. C, and Robinson, W. C., Jr.,
"Gas Bubble Formation in Metal Depos-
Chemical vapor deposition is a References its," pp. 263-267, Chemical Vapor Deposi-
feasible and promising process for tion 2nd Intern. Conf., ed. by J. M. Blo-
1. Barth, V. D.. Physical and Mechani- cher, Jr., and J. C. Withers, The Electro-
joining tungsten. Of all the joints cal Properties of Tungsten-Base Alloys, chemical Society, New York, 1970.
studied, those made by CVD methods DMIC-127, pp. 6-10 (March 1960). 11. English, J. J., Binary and Ternary
followed by a stress relief of 1000° C 2. Lessman, G. G, and Gold, R. E., Phase Diagrams of Columbium, Molybde-
"The Weldability of Tungsten Base Al- num, Tantalum and Tungsten, DMIC-152,
had the lowest DBTT (200° C ) . loys," WELDING JOURNAL, 48(12), Research p. 92 (April 28, 1961).
426-s I S E P T E M B E R 1971