Arts 1 Final Exam Name: Section: Student Number

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Student Number:

Write your answers on a separate piece of paper which should be stapled to this paper containing exam

1. One key concept mentioned in Robert Stecker’s (2003) article, “Definition of Art.”is
“representation,” and/or “imitation.” The Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, offered the
concept of “mimesis” in dealing with poetry and performance. How do these concepts-
representation, imitation and mimesis- define art?

2. Explain this analogy with art: “But if one sets out to understand the flowering of plants, he is
committed to finding out something about the interactions of soil, air, water and sunlight that
condition the growth of plants.”~ John Dewey
3. How has the rise of capitalism affected the artists’ and the audience’s experience of art?
Cite contemporary illustrations.
4. Define Althusser’s concept of ideology and explain his concept of institutions considered to be
Ideological State Apparatuses. How does ideology transform individuals as subjects?
5. Following Althusser’s thesis, artists themselves are subjects hailed by ideology. We who are the
audience of art are also subjects. Works of art, whether overtly or not, convey ideological
messages. Cite one example and explain.
6. If you create a self-portrait using a digital application, can you consider the end-product art?
Why or why not?
7. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of this apparent democratization of art? While
it is obvious how digital technology is continuously changing the production and experience of
art, have you noted any changes in the definition of art itself?
8. Explain how art is circulated in various contexts. Give examples.
9. Explain the differences in your experience of watching a movie in a cinema, as opposed to when
you watch it a rerun of it on your TV, a downloaded version on your laptop, or a streaming version
on your mobile phone. Relate your explanation to ideas of how art is received.
10. Discuss how art affects you by explaining the concept of empathy and aesthetic chills. Give
concrete examples.

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